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A dictionary management tool for Anthy.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2004-12-31 07:08
kasumi 0.7 (3 files Hide)

Release Notes

* インクリメンタルサーチ機能
* 頻度欄を分かりやすく
* ショートカットキーをユーザーが設定できるように
* 「追加」ボタンの削除と「新規作成」ボタンの追加
* 単語追加時のデフォルトの値の設定
* 起動時のウィンドウの位置とサイズを指定したい

* 間違ったコマンドラインオプションでsegfault
* configure後のautoconfの廃止


2004-12-30 Takashi Nakamoto <>

* preparation for release (ver 0.7)

2004-12-28 Takashi Nakamoto <>

* New feature
- incremental search

2004-12-27 Takashi Nakamoto <>

* New feature
- configuration option for default window position

2004-12-21 Takashi Nakamoto <>

* New feature
- flexible default values in various fields

2004-12-20 Takashi Nakamoto <>

* New feature
- shortcut key configuration

* New feature
- Users can change default/maximum/minimum frequency value
- Remove "Add" button and add "New Word" button

2004-12-08 Takashi Nakamoto <>

* New feature
- configuration framework

2004-12-07 Takashi Nakamoto <>

* KasumiMainWindow.cxx: Feature
- default status of prefix search is set checked

2004-12-02 Takashi Nakamoto <>

* main.cxx: Fix
- fix argument handling codes to resolve segumentation fault
which rises if wrong argument (such as "--ad") specified.
- remove the message about dictionary file reading from output
string which displayed when "--help" option specified