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프로젝트 설명

KakiWiki is a wiki clone written in Ruby.
This is a tool for creation, management, and public presentation of the
multilingualized documents.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2003-09-05 19:14
KakiWiki 0.9.1 (1 files Hide)

Release Notes

KakiWiki 0.9.1 is released.


* data[:page_id_uri] を追加
* page_id, page_name, page_lang, page_title をCGI.escapeHTML
* ページ削除機能(管理者用,コマンドメニュー未登録,c=delete )
* 最近10個の referer を page_property['refefers'] に保存
* access_log 出力機能(CGI Mode)
** config.rb でログファイルを指定
* KakiRequestHandler#exception2html を Exception#to_html に移動
* KakiRequestHandler#time2hash を Time#to_data_hash に移動
* c=index で凍結状態を表示
* c=recent で凍結状態を表示