[Howm-eng 99] Re: synchronizing howm notes over several computers

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Vidyuth Kini vukin****@gmail*****
Sat Sep 22 19:55:04 JST 2012


I found a solution that works pretty well for me. 

I changed the howm-directory variable in howm-vars.el to my shared network/cloud folder on Dropbox.

Then recompiled the file. 

Now I have howm synchronised on about 4 different machines and it works great.

if you don't have a network, simply sync the howm folder with all you data on it betwen machines I think would work. 



On Sep 22, 2012, at 12:50 PM, Albert Reiner <arein****@tph*****> wrote:

> Hello,
> only recently did I start to use howm, and it seems that this will
> turn out a very valuable tool for me to use with just the right mix of
> functionality and simplicity - thanks a lot!
> However, there are a few points that I am not so clear about, and my
> fluency in elisp is rather poor.  I am not quite sure whether this
> mailing list is still alive and the right place to ask questions about
> howm, so I will just try with the most pressing thing first:
> - I need to be using howm on several different computers, without any
>  network connection between them most of the time.  Am I correct in
>  assuming that it is sufficient for me to simply synchronize the
>  various `howm-directory`s, and to copy any changes between the
>  accounts without relying on emacs/howm itself?  For this I would
>  probably use a revision control system, probably darcs.
> - The thread on "Separating work and personal", and
>  <http://sourceforge.jp/projects/howm/lists/archive/eng/2008/000059.html>
>  in particular, make me suspect that I also have to take care of the
>  various `howm-keyword-file`s.  But the contents of
>  `howm-keyword-file` should actually be a function of the files
>  contained under howm-directory, so that it seems reasonable to me to
>  re-generate the keyword file afresh after pulling the changed notes.
>  As this should be little more than a `grep >>>`, this should not be
>  too slow (at least for now).
>  So what is the easiest way to re-generate `howm-keyword-file`?  My
>  impression is that it should be sufficient to delete the file
>  whenever there are changes to it.
> Thanks a lot in advance for any light you can shed on this question!
> Albert.
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