[Howm-eng 22] Re: Set buffer name of Howm file

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khi****@users***** khi****@users*****
Sat Feb 25 01:30:13 JST 2006

At Thu, 23 Feb 2006 09:29:06 -0500 (EST),
peter****@exege***** wrote:
> I've just started using howm and enjoy it. Here is a snippet that i
> wrote to set the buffer name to the title at the start of the
> file. This to me is much more useful than knowing the filename.

Interesting idea :-)

Here is a modified my-howm-mode-set-buffer-name.  It supports two or
more sections in one file.

# I personally like one file for one day.
# (setq howm-file-name-format "%Y/%m/%Y-%m-%d.howm")


(defvar my-howm-buffer-name-limit 20)
(defvar my-howm-buffer-name-total-limit my-howm-buffer-name-limit)

(defun my-howm-truncate-string (string limit &optional dots-str)
  "Truncate STRING if it is longer than LIMIT.
For example, \"1234567...\" is returned if string is \"123456789012\"
and limit is 10.
When DOTS is non-nil, it is used instead of \"...\"."
  (let ((dots (or dots-str "...")))
    (when (> (length dots) limit)
      (setq dots (substring dots 0 limit)))
    (if (> (length string) limit)
        (concat (substring string 0 (- limit (length dots)))

(defun my-howm-mode-set-buffer-name ()
  "Set the buffer name to the title at the top of the file."
  (when (and howm-mode (buffer-file-name))
      (goto-char 0)
      (let ((titles nil))
        (while (re-search-forward howm-view-title-regexp nil t)
          (setq titles
                (cons (match-string-no-properties howm-view-title-regexp-pos)
        (let ((name (mapconcat
                     (lambda (s)
                       (my-howm-truncate-string s
                     (reverse (howm-cl-remove-if (lambda (s) (string= s ""))
          (rename-buffer (my-howm-truncate-string name

(add-hook 'howm-mode-hook 'my-howm-mode-set-buffer-name)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'my-howm-mode-set-buffer-name)



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