[Groonga-commit] droonga/droonga.org at a30caa3 [gh-pages] Fix link from reference to tutorial

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Masafumi Yokoyama null+****@clear*****
Sat Dec 5 17:22:54 JST 2015

Masafumi Yokoyama	2015-12-05 17:22:54 +0900 (Sat, 05 Dec 2015)

  New Revision: a30caa37a657e56ef60b5d732680f67a1f309eea

  Merged a6fbfc4: Merge pull request #25 from myokoym/fix-path

    Fix link from reference to tutorial

  Modified files:

  Modified: reference/1.1.1/plugin/index.md (+1 -1)
--- reference/1.1.1/plugin/index.md    2015-05-08 22:38:17 +0900 (89e7398)
+++ reference/1.1.1/plugin/index.md    2015-12-05 17:22:54 +0900 (cff0ebc)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: en
 Droonga Engine has different API sets for plugins, on each phase.
-See also the [plugin development tutorial](../../tutorial/plugin-development/).
+See also the [plugin development tutorial](../../../tutorial/plugin-development/).
  * [API set for the adaption phase](adapter/)
  * [API set for the handling phase](handler/)
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