[Groonga-commit] droonga/droonga.org at 2fd9186 [gh-pages] Update translation of the tutorial to add replica

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Wed Apr 29 23:08:14 JST 2015

YUKI Hiroshi	2015-04-29 23:08:14 +0900 (Wed, 29 Apr 2015)

  New Revision: 2fd918620770f033ac3b14ecf5f6ee53096381c4

    Update translation of the tutorial to add replica

  Modified files:

  Modified: _po/ja/tutorial/1.1.0/add-replica/index.po (+225 -122)
--- _po/ja/tutorial/1.1.0/add-replica/index.po    2015-04-29 23:08:02 +0900 (3a784a5)
+++ _po/ja/tutorial/1.1.0/add-replica/index.po    2015-04-29 23:08:14 +0900 (4834b58)
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ msgid ""
 "layout: en\n"
 msgstr ""
+"title: \"Droongaチュートリアル: 既存クラスタへのreplicaの追加\"\n"
+"layout: ja\n"
 msgid ""
 "* TOC\n"
@@ -21,15 +25,17 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "## The goal of this tutorial"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "## チュートリアルのゴール"
 msgid ""
 "Learning steps to add a new replica node, remove an existing replica, and repl"
 "ace a replica with new one, for your existing [Droonga][] cluster."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "## Precondition"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "## 前提条件"
 msgid ""
 "* You must have an existing Droonga cluster with some data.\n"
@@ -38,6 +44,10 @@ msgid ""
 "  Please complete the [\"How to backup and restore the database?\" tutorial](../"
 "dump-restore/) before this."
 msgstr ""
+"* 何らかのデータが格納されている状態の[Droonga][]クラスタがあること。\n"
+"  このチュートリアルを始める前に、[「使ってみる」のチュートリアル](../groonga/)を完了しておいて下さい。\n"
+"* 複数のクラスタの間でのデータの複製方法を把握していること。\n"
+"  このチュートリアルを始める前に、[バックアップと復元のチュートリアル](../dump-restore/)を完了しておいて下さい。"
 msgid ""
 "This tutorial assumes that there are two existing Droonga nodes prepared by th"
@@ -47,12 +57,17 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have Droonga nodes with other names, read `node0`, `node1` and `node2` "
 "in following descriptions as yours."
 msgstr ""
+"このチュートリアルでは、[最初のチュートリアル](../groonga/)で準備した2つの既存のDroongaノード:`node0` (`192.168.1"
+"00.50`) 、 `node1` (``) と、新しいノードとして使うもう1台のコンピュータ `node2` (`192.16"
+"8.100.52`) があると仮定します。\n"
 msgid "## What's \"replica\"?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "## 「replica」とは?"
 msgid "There are two axes, \"replica\" and \"slice\", for Droonga nodes."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Droongaのノードの集合には、「replica」と「slice」という2つの軸があります。"
 msgid ""
 "All \"replica\" nodes have completely equal data, so they can process your reque"
@@ -60,6 +75,8 @@ msgid ""
 "You can increase the capacity of your cluster to process increasing requests, "
 "by adding new replicas."
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "On the other hand, \"slice\" nodes have different data, for example, one node co"
@@ -67,45 +84,85 @@ msgid ""
 "You can increase the capacity of your cluster to store increasing data, by add"
 "ing new slices."
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Currently, for a Droonga cluster which is configured as a Groonga compatible s"
 "ystem, only replicas can be added, but slices cannot be done.\n"
 "We'll improve extensibility for slices in the future."
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Anyway, this tutorial explains how to add a new replica node to an existing Dr"
 "oogna cluster.\n"
 "Here we go!"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "## Add a new replica node to an existing cluster"
+msgstr "## 既存のクラスタに新しいreplicaノードを追加する"
+msgid ""
+"*To do \"hot-add\" (dynamic changing of cluster members without downtime) a new "
+"replica to a cluster, you must have two or more existing replicas in the clust"
+"While the operation is in progress, one of existing replicas becomes the \"sour"
+"ce\" to copy data to the newly added replica, and other replicas provide the se"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"If you have only one replica in the cluster, *you must stop any modification o"
+"n the database until the operation completely finishes* - cronjob batches, cra"
+"wlers, and so on.\n"
+"Otherwise, databases in each replica can be irregularity.\n"
+"This is the list of typical built-in commands which can modify the database:"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
-"In this case you don't have to stop the cluster working, for any read-only req"
-"uests like \"search\".\n"
-"You can add a new replica, in the backstage, without downing your service."
+" * `add`\n"
+" * `column_create`\n"
+" * `column_remove`\n"
+" * `delete`\n"
+" * `load`\n"
+" * `table_create`\n"
+" * `table_remove`"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
-"On the other hand, you have to stop inpouring of new data to the cluster until"
-" the new node starts working.\n"
-"(In the future we'll provide mechanism to add new nodes completely silently wi"
-"thout any stopping of data-flow, but currently can't.)"
+"However, messages which never change existing data (like `search`, `system.sta"
+"tus`, and others) are still acceptable.\n"
+"In short, *you only have to stop your crawler while new replica is being added"
+"*, when there is no extra existing replica."
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Assume that there is a Droonga cluster constructed with two replica nodes `nod"
 "e0` and `node1`, and we are going to add a new replica node `node2`."
 msgstr ""
+"ここでは、`node0` と `node1` の2つのreplicaノードからなるDroongaクラスタがあり、新しいreplicaノードとして `node"
+"2` を追加すると仮定します。"
 msgid "### Setup a new node"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "### 新しいノードをセットアップする"
 msgid "First, prepare a new computer, install required softwares and configure them."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "まず、新しいコンピュータをセットアップし、必要なソフトウェアのインストールと設定を済ませます。"
 msgid ""
@@ -124,6 +181,8 @@ msgid ""
 "If the computer was used as a Droonga node in old days, then you must clear ol"
 "d data at first."
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
@@ -138,7 +197,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Let's start services."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "では、サービスを起動しましょう。"
 msgid ""
@@ -152,6 +211,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Currently, the new node doesn't work as a node of the existing cluster.\n"
 "You can confirm that, via the `system.status` command:"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
@@ -159,82 +220,71 @@ msgid ""
 "  \"nodes\": {\n"
 "    \"node0:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    },\n"
 "    \"node1:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    }\n"
-"  }\n"
-"$ curl \"http://node1:10041/droonga/system/status\" | jq \".\"\n"
-"  \"nodes\": {\n"
-"    \"node0:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
-"    },\n"
-"    \"node1:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
-"    }\n"
-"  }\n"
+"  },\n"
+"  \"reporter\": \"...\"\n"
 "$ curl \"http://node2:10041/droonga/system/status\" | jq \".\"\n"
 "  \"nodes\": {\n"
 "    \"node2:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    }\n"
-"  }\n"
+"  },\n"
+"  \"reporter\": \"...\"\n"
 msgstr ""
-msgid "### Suspend inpouring of \"write\" requests"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Before starting to change cluster composition, you must suspend inpouring of \""
-"write\" requests to the cluster, because we have to synchronize data to the new"
-" replica.\n"
-"Otherwise, the new added replica will contain incomplete data and results for "
-"requests to the cluster become unstable."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "### Setting up constant inpouring messages"
+msgstr "### 継続的に流入するメッセージの準備"
 msgid ""
-"What's \"write\" request?\n"
-"In particular, these commands modify data in the cluster:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-" * `add`\n"
-" * `column_create`\n"
-" * `column_remove`\n"
-" * `delete`\n"
-" * `load`\n"
-" * `table_create`\n"
-" * `table_remove`"
+"If you are reading this tutorial sequentially after the [previous topic](../du"
+"mp-restore/), you'll have no inpouring messages to the cluster yet.\n"
+"To try hot-adding, let's prepare a virtual data source which adds new records "
+"constantly, like:"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
-"If you load new data via the `load` command triggered by a batch script starte"
-"d as a cronjob, disable the job.\n"
-"If a crawler agent adds new data via the `add` command, stop it.\n"
-"If you put a fluentd as a buffer between crawler or loader and the cluster, st"
-"op outgoing messages from the buffer."
+"(on node0)\n"
+"$ count=0; maxcount=500; \\\n"
+"  while [ \"$count\" -lt \"$maxcount\" ]; \\\n"
+"  do \\\n"
+"    droonga-add --host node0 --table Store --key \"dummy-store$count\" --name \"D"
+"ummy Store $count\"; \\\n"
+"    count=$(($count + 1)); \\\n"
+"    sleep 1; \\\n"
+"  done\n"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
-"If you are reading this tutorial sequentially after the [previous topic](../du"
-"mp-restore/), there is no incoming requests, so you have nothing to do."
+"This is an example to add totally 500 records (1 record for every seconds.)\n"
+"`droonga-add` is one of Droonga's command line utilities, but currently you do"
+"n't have to know details."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "### Joining a new replica node to the cluster"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "### 新しいreplicaをクラスタに参加させる"
 msgid ""
-"To add a new replica node to an existing cluster, you just run a command `droo"
-"nga-engine-join` on one of existing replica nodes or the new replica node, in "
-"the directory the `catalog.json` is located, like:"
+"To add a new replica node to an existing cluster, you just run the command `dr"
+"oonga-engine-join` on one of existing replica nodes or the new replica node, l"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
@@ -244,20 +294,34 @@ msgid ""
 "                      --receiver-host=node2\n"
 "Start to join a new node node2\n"
 "       to the cluster of node0\n"
-"                     via node2 (this host)"
+"                     via node2 (this host)\n"
+"    port    = 10031\n"
+"    tag     = droonga\n"
+"    dataset = Default"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Source Cluster ID: 8951f1b01583c1ffeb12ed5f4093210d28955988"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
-"Joining new replica to the cluster...\n"
-"Update existing hosts in the cluster...\n"
+"Changing role of the joining node...\n"
+"Configuring the joining node as a new replica for the cluster...\n"
+"Registering new node to existing nodes...\n"
+"Changing role of the source node...\n"
+"Getting the timestamp of the last processed message in the source node...\n"
+"The timestamp of the last processed message at the source node: xxxx-xx-xxTxx:"
+"Setting new node to ignore messages older than the timestamp...\n"
+"Copying data from the source node...\n"
+"100% done (maybe 00:00:00 remaining)\n"
+"Restoring role of the source node...\n"
+"Restoring role of the joining node...\n"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "You can run the command on different node, like:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "このコマンドは、以下のようにして別のノード上で実行することもできます:"
 msgid ""
@@ -268,6 +332,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Start to join a new node node2\n"
 "       to the cluster of node0\n"
 "                     via node1 (this host)\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -279,20 +344,27 @@ msgid ""
 " * You must specify the host name (or the IP address) of the working machine v"
 "ia the `--receiver-host` option."
 msgstr ""
+" * `--host` オプションで、その新しいreplicaノードのホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を指定して下さい。\n"
+" * `--replica-source-host` オプションで、クラスタ中の既存のノードの1つのホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を指定して下さい。\n"
+" * `--receiver-host` オプションで、コマンドを実行しているマシン自身のホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を必ず指定して下さい。"
 msgid ""
 "Then the command automatically starts to synchronize all data of the cluster t"
 "o the new replica node.\n"
-"After data is successfully synchronized, the node restarts and joins to the cl"
-"uster automatically.\n"
-"All nodes' `catalog.json` are also updated, and now, yes, the new node starts "
-"working as a replica in the cluster."
+"After all data is successfully synchronized, the new node starts working as a "
+"replica in the cluster seamlessly."
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
+"With that, a new replica node has successfully joined to your Droonga cluster."
 "You can confirm that they are working as a cluster, via the `system.status` co"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
@@ -300,15 +372,16 @@ msgid ""
 "  \"nodes\": {\n"
 "    \"node0:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    },\n"
 "    \"node1:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    },\n"
 "    \"node2:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    }\n"
-"  }\n"
+"  },\n"
+"  \"reporter\": \"...\"\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -317,23 +390,44 @@ msgid ""
 "Because the new node `node2` has become a member of the cluster, `droonga-http"
 "-server` on each node distributes messages to `node2` also automatically."
 msgstr ""
-msgid "### Resume inpouring of \"write\" requests"
+msgid ""
+"Equivalence of all replicas can be confirmed with the command `system.statisti"
+"cs.object.count.per-volume`, like:"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
-"OK, it's the time.\n"
-"Because all replica nodes are completely synchronized, the cluster now can pro"
-"cess any request stably.\n"
-"Resume inpouring of requests which can modify the data in the cluster - cronjo"
-"bs, crawlers, buffers, and so on."
+"(on node0)\n"
+"$ curl \"http://node0:10041/droonga/system/statistics/object/count/per-volume?o"
+"utput\\[\\]=total\" | jq \".\"\n"
+"  \"node0:10031/droonga.000\": {\n"
+"    \"total\": 540\n"
+"  },\n"
+"  \"node1:10031/droonga.000\": {\n"
+"    \"total\": 540\n"
+"  },\n"
+"  \"node2:10031/droonga.000\": {\n"
+"    \"total\": 540\n"
+"  }\n"
 msgstr ""
-msgid "With that, a new replica node has joined to your Droonga cluster successfully."
+msgid ""
+"Those numbers indicates how many objects are stored in each node.\n"
+"Because all values are same, they replicas are equal to each other."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "## Remove an existing replica node from an existing cluster"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "## 既存のクラスタからreplicaノードを削除する"
 msgid ""
 "A Droonga node can die by various fatal reasons - for example, OOM killer, dis"
@@ -343,38 +437,45 @@ msgid ""
 " are some dead nodes.\n"
 "Then you have to remove dead nodes from the cluster."
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Of course, even if a node is still working, you may plan to remove it to reuse"
 " for another purpose."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "もちろん、他の目的に転用したいといった理由から、正常動作中のノードを取り除きたいと考える場合もあるでしょう。"
 msgid ""
 "Assume that there is a Droonga cluster constructed with trhee replica nodes `n"
 "ode0`, `node1` and `node2`, and planning to remove the last node `node2` from "
 "the cluster."
 msgstr ""
+"ここでは、`node0` 、 `node1` 、`node2` の3つのreplicaノードからなるDroongaクラスタがあり、最後のノード `node2"
+"` をクラスタから離脱させようとしていると仮定します。"
 msgid "### Unjoin an existing replica from the cluster"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "### 既存のreplicaをクラスタから分離する"
 msgid ""
 "To remove a replica from an existing cluster, you just run the `droonga-engine"
 "-unjoin` command on any existing node in the cluster, like:"
 msgstr ""
+"replicaノードを既存のクラスタから削除するには、クラスタ内のいずれかのノードの上で、以下のようにして `droonga-engine-unjoin` "
 msgid ""
 "(on node0)\n"
 "$ droonga-engine-unjoin --host=node2 \\\n"
 "                        --receiver-host=node0\n"
-"Start to unjoin a node node2\n"
+"Start to unjoin a node node2:10031/droonga\n"
 "                    by node0 (this host)"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Unjoining replica from the cluster...\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -385,17 +486,18 @@ msgid ""
 " * You must specify the host name (or the IP address) of the working machine v"
 "ia the `--receiver-host` option."
 msgstr ""
+" * `--host` オプションで、クラスタから削除するノードのホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を指定して下さい。\n"
+" * `--receiver-host` オプションで、コマンドを実行しているマシン自身のホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を必ず指定して下さい。"
-msgid ""
-"Then the specified node automatically unjoins from the cluster, and all nedes'"
-" `catalog.json` are also updated.\n"
-"Now, the node has been successfully unjoined from the cluster."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Then the specified node automatically unjoins from the cluster."
+msgstr "すると、指定されたノードがクラスタから自動的に離脱します。"
 msgid ""
-"You can confirm that the `node2` is successfully unjoined, via the `system.sta"
-"tus` command:"
+"Now, the node has been successfully unjoined from the cluster.\n"
+"You can confirm that the `node2` is unjoined, via the `system.status` command:"
 msgstr ""
+"`node2`が本当にクラスタから離脱しているかどうかは、`system.status コマンドを使って以下のように確かめられます:"
 msgid ""
 "Because the node `node2` is not a member of the cluster anymore, `droonga-http"
@@ -404,23 +506,29 @@ msgid ""
 "On the other hand, because `droonga-http-server` on `node2` is associated only"
 " to the `droonga-engine` on same node, it never sends messages to other nodes."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "## Replace an existing replica node in a cluster with a new one"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "## クラスタ内の既存のreplicaノードを新しいreplicaノードで置き換える"
 msgid "Replacing of nodes is a combination of those instructions above."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ノードの置き換えは、上記の手順の組み合わせで行います。"
 msgid ""
 "Assume that there is a Droonga cluster constructed with two replica nodes `nod"
 "e0` and `node1`, the node `node1` is unstable, and planning to replace it with"
 " a new node `node2`."
 msgstr ""
+"ここでは、`node0` と `node1` の2つのreplicaノードからなるDroongaクラスタがあり、`node1` が不安定で、それを新しいre"
+"plicaノード `node2` で置き換えようとしていると仮定します。"
 msgid ""
 "First, remove the unstable node.\n"
 "Remove the node from the cluster, like:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "まず、不安定になっているノードを取り除きます。以下のようにしてクラスタからノードを離脱させて下さい:"
 msgid ""
@@ -432,7 +540,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Now the node has been gone.\n"
 "You can confirm that via the `system.status` command:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "これで、ノードがクラスタから離脱しました。この事は `system.status` コマンドで確かめられます:"
 msgid ""
@@ -440,28 +548,31 @@ msgid ""
 "  \"nodes\": {\n"
 "    \"node0:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    }\n"
-"  }\n"
+"  },\n"
+"  \"reporter\": \"...\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "### Add a new replica"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "### 新しいreplicaを追加する"
 msgid ""
 "Next, setup the new replica `node2`.\n"
 "Install required packages, generate the `catalog.json`, and start services."
 msgstr ""
+"次に、新しいreplica `node2`を用意します。\n"
 msgid ""
 "If the computer was used as a Droonga node in old days, then you must clear ol"
 "d data instead of installation:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "そのコンピュータがかつてDroongaノードの一員だったことがある場合は、インストール作業の代わりに、古いデータを消去する必要があります:"
 msgid "Then, join the node to the cluster."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "そうしたら、そのノードをクラスタに参加させましょう。"
 msgid ""
@@ -474,10 +585,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Finally a Droonga cluster constructed with two nodes `node0` and `node2` is he"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "最終的に、`node0` と `node2` の2つのノードからなるDroongaクラスタができあがりました。"
 msgid "You can confirm that, via the `system.status` command:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "この事は、`system.status` コマンドの結果を見ると確認できます:"
 msgid ""
@@ -485,29 +596,19 @@ msgid ""
 "  \"nodes\": {\n"
 "    \"node0:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    },\n"
 "    \"node2:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
+"      \"status\": \"active\"\n"
 "    }\n"
-"  }\n"
-"$ curl \"http://node2:10041/droonga/system/status\" | jq \".\"\n"
-"  \"nodes\": {\n"
-"    \"node0:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
-"    },\n"
-"    \"node2:10031/droonga\": {\n"
-"      \"live\": true\n"
-"    }\n"
-"  }\n"
+"  },\n"
+"  \"reporter\": \"...\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "## Conclusion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "## まとめ"
 msgid ""
 "In this tutorial, you did add a new replica node to an existing [Droonga][] cl"
@@ -515,6 +616,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Moreover, you did remove an existing replica, and did replace a replica with a"
 " new one."
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "  [Ubuntu]: http://www.ubuntu.com/\n"

  Modified: ja/tutorial/1.1.0/add-replica/index.md (+102 -94)
--- ja/tutorial/1.1.0/add-replica/index.md    2015-04-29 23:08:02 +0900 (db3425e)
+++ ja/tutorial/1.1.0/add-replica/index.md    2015-04-29 23:08:14 +0900 (2715308)
@@ -47,11 +47,23 @@ Droongaのノードの集合には、「replica」と「slice」という2つの
 ## 既存のクラスタに新しいreplicaノードを追加する
+ * `add`
+ * `column_create`
+ * `column_remove`
+ * `delete`
+ * `load`
+ * `table_create`
+ * `table_remove`
 ここでは、`node0` と `node1` の2つのreplicaノードからなるDroongaクラスタがあり、新しいreplicaノードとして `node2` を追加すると仮定します。
@@ -96,58 +108,47 @@ $ curl "http://node0:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
   "nodes": {
     "node0:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
     "node1:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
-  }
-$ curl "http://node1:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
-  "nodes": {
-    "node0:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
-    },
-    "node1:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
-    }
-  }
+  },
+  "reporter": "..."
 $ curl "http://node2:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
   "nodes": {
     "node2:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
-  }
+  },
+  "reporter": "..."
-### 書き込みを伴うリクエストの流入を一時的に停止する
+### 継続的に流入するメッセージの準備
- * `add`
- * `column_create`
- * `column_remove`
- * `delete`
- * `load`
- * `table_create`
- * `table_remove`
-cronjobとして実行されるバッチスクリプトによって `load` コマンド経由で新しいデータを投入している場合は、cronjobを停止して下さい。
-クローラが `add` コマンド経由で新しいデータを投入している場合は、クローラを停止して下さい。
+(on node0)
+$ count=0; maxcount=500; \
+  while [ "$count" -lt "$maxcount" ]; \
+  do \
+    droonga-add --host node0 --table Store --key "dummy-store$count" --name "Dummy Store $count"; \
+    count=$(($count + 1)); \
+    sleep 1; \
+  done
 ### 新しいreplicaをクラスタに参加させる
-新しいreplicaノードを既存のクラスタに追加するには、いずれかの既存のノードもしくは新しいreplicaノードのいずれかにおいて、`catalog.json` が置かれているディレクトリで、`droonga-engine-join` コマンドを実行します:
 (on node2)
@@ -157,11 +158,23 @@ $ droonga-engine-join --host=node2 \
 Start to join a new node node2
        to the cluster of node0
                      via node2 (this host)
-Joining new replica to the cluster...
-Update existing hosts in the cluster...
+    port    = 10031
+    tag     = droonga
+    dataset = Default
+Source Cluster ID: 8951f1b01583c1ffeb12ed5f4093210d28955988
+Changing role of the joining node...
+Configuring the joining node as a new replica for the cluster...
+Registering new node to existing nodes...
+Changing role of the source node...
+Getting the timestamp of the last processed message in the source node...
+The timestamp of the last processed message at the source node: xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xx.xxxxxxZ
+Setting new node to ignore messages older than the timestamp...
+Copying data from the source node...
+100% done (maybe 00:00:00 remaining)
+Restoring role of the source node...
+Restoring role of the joining node...
@@ -175,45 +188,59 @@ $ droonga-engine-join --host=node2 \
 Start to join a new node node2
        to the cluster of node0
                      via node1 (this host)
  * `--host` オプションで、その新しいreplicaノードのホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を指定して下さい。
  * `--replica-source-host` オプションで、クラスタ中の既存のノードの1つのホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を指定して下さい。
  * `--receiver-host` オプションで、コマンドを実行しているマシン自身のホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を必ず指定して下さい。
-これで、ノードがクラスタに参加しました。この事は `system.status` コマンドで確かめられます:
 $ curl "http://node0:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
   "nodes": {
     "node0:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
     "node1:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
     "node2:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
-  }
+  },
+  "reporter": "..."
-### 書き込みを伴うリクエストの流入を再開する
+(on node0)
+$ curl "http://node0:10041/droonga/system/statistics/object/count/per-volume?output\[\]=total" | jq "."
+  "node0:10031/droonga.000": {
+    "total": 540
+  },
+  "node1:10031/droonga.000": {
+    "total": 540
+  },
+  "node2:10031/droonga.000": {
+    "total": 540
+  }
 ## 既存のクラスタからreplicaノードを削除する
@@ -234,52 +261,42 @@ replicaノードを既存のクラスタから削除するには、クラスタ
 (on node0)
 $ droonga-engine-unjoin --host=node2 \
-Start to unjoin a node node2
+Start to unjoin a node node2:10031/droonga
                     by node0 (this host)
 Unjoining replica from the cluster...
  * `--host` オプションで、クラスタから削除するノードのホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を指定して下さい。
  * `--receiver-host` オプションで、コマンドを実行しているマシン自身のホスト名(またはIPアドレス)を必ず指定して下さい。
-すると、ノードがクラスタから自動的に離脱し、すべてのノードの `catalog.json` も同時に更新されます。
-`node2` が本当にクラスタから離脱しているかどうかは `system.status` コマンドで確かめられます:
+`node2`が本当にクラスタから離脱しているかどうかは、`system.status コマンドを使って以下のように確かめられます:
 $ curl "http://node0:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
   "nodes": {
     "node0:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
-    },
-    "node1:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
-    }
-  }
-$ curl "http://node1:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
-  "nodes": {
-    "node0:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
     "node1:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
-  }
+  },
+  "reporter": "..."
 $ curl "http://node2:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
   "nodes": {
     "node2:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
-  }
+  },
+  "reporter": "..."
@@ -310,9 +327,10 @@ $ curl "http://node0:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
   "nodes": {
     "node0:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
-  }
+  },
+  "reporter": "..."
@@ -358,23 +376,13 @@ $ curl "http://node0:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
   "nodes": {
     "node0:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
-    },
-    "node2:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
-    }
-  }
-$ curl "http://node2:10041/droonga/system/status" | jq "."
-  "nodes": {
-    "node0:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
     "node2:10031/droonga": {
-      "live": true
+      "status": "active"
-  }
+  },
+  "reporter": "..."
-------------- next part --------------

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