[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at eb0cedb [master] doc en: translate into English about loading data description

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HAYASHI Kentaro null+****@clear*****
Fri Sep 12 17:54:28 JST 2014

HAYASHI Kentaro	2014-09-12 17:54:28 +0900 (Fri, 12 Sep 2014)

  New Revision: eb0cedbcd1605866c9b27b7aad6b927e09a16b6c

    doc en: translate into English about loading data description

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/source/tutorial/micro_blog.rst (+9 -5)
--- doc/source/tutorial/micro_blog.rst    2014-09-12 17:17:44 +0900 (f8f341d)
+++ doc/source/tutorial/micro_blog.rst    2014-09-12 17:54:28 +0900 (fbba63b)
@@ -253,13 +253,17 @@ Then, load example data.
+``follower`` column and ``favorites`` column in ``Users`` table and ``replied_users`` column in ``Comments`` table are vector column, so specify the value as an array.
+``location`` column in ``Users`` table, ``location`` column in ``Comments`` table use GeoPoint type. This type accepts "[latitude]x[longitude]".
-2つ目の方法は、文字列で日時と時刻を指定する方法です。"年/月/日 時:分:秒"というフォーマットで記述することで、データロードの際に文字列からキャストされ、マイクロ秒数の値が格納されます。
+``last_modified`` column in ``Comments`` table use Time type.
+There are two way to specify the value.
+First, specify epoch (seconds since Jan, 1, 1970 AM 00:00:00) directly. In this case, you can specify micro seconds as fractional part.
+The value is converted from factional part to the time which is micro seconds based one when data is loaded.
+The second, specify the timestamp as string in following format: "(YEAR)/(MONTH)/(DAY) (HOUR):(MINUTE):(SECOND)". In this way, the string is casted to proper micro seconds
+when data is loaded.
 .. groonga-command
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