[Groonga-commit] droonga/droonga.org at 55de6a5 [gh-pages] Add release announcement of Droonga 1.0.9

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Mon Dec 1 02:32:11 JST 2014

YUKI Hiroshi	2014-12-01 02:32:11 +0900 (Mon, 01 Dec 2014)

  New Revision: 55de6a5db82d4d2cc551321557a3f729c6ed1390

    Add release announcement of Droonga 1.0.9

  Added files:

  Added: ja/news/_posts/2014-12-01-release.ja.md (+53 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ ja/news/_posts/2014-12-01-release.ja.md    2014-12-01 02:32:11 +0900 (6875c30)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+title: Droonga 1.0.9をリリースしました!
+layout: news-item.ja
+Droonga 1.0.9は、定例でない臨時のリリースです。
+## Droonga 1.0.9の改善点
+まず、クラスタ管理コマンドの `droonga-engine-join`, `droonga-engine-unjoin`, `droonga-engine-absorb-data` がどのノード上でも動作するようになりました。
+## 改善点の詳細な一覧
+ * [Droonga-engine 1.0.9][droonga-engine]
+   * `droonga-engine-join`, `droonga-engine-unjoin`, `droonga-engine-absorb-data` の各コマンドがあらゆるホスト上で動作するようになりました。
+     その代わりとしてこれらのコマンドは、コマンドを実行している作業マシン自身のホスト名またはIPアドレスを`--receiver-host`オプションで必ず指定しなくてはなりません。
+   * クラスタはそれぞれに固有のIDで管理されます。
+     前のバージョンでは、Droongaクラスタから切り離されたノードは、依然としてSerfクラスタの一員であるにも関わらず、Droongaクラスタを識別するための情報がなかったために、Protocol AdapterのノードはどのEngineノードが実際のDroongaクラスタの一員かを識別することができませんでした。
+ * [Droonga-http-server 1.1.0][droonga-http-server] および [Express-droonga 1.0.8][express-droonga]
+   * クラスタ構成が変更された時に、そのノードに関連付けられたEngineノードが属しているクラスタにだけ正しく接続するようになりました。
+     1つ前のバージョンでは、クラスタから切り離されたEngineノードへの接続が意図せず維持されてしまっていました。
+## まとめ
+ * Droonga 1.0.9をリリースしました!
+ * クラスタ管理コマンドのいくつかの不便な制限が解消されました。
+ * `droonga-http-server`がクラスタ管理操作の後も期待通りの動作を示すようになりました。
+ * Droongaプロジェクトは今後も新バージョンを毎月リリースしていきます。乞う御期待!
+  [community]: /ja/community/
+  [overview]: /ja/overview/
+  [tutorial]: /ja/tutorial/groonga/
+  [groonga]: http://groonga.org/
+  [droonga-engine]: https://github.com/droonga/droonga-engine
+  [droonga-http-server]: https://github.com/droonga/droonga-http-server
+  [express-droonga]: https://github.com/droonga/express-droonga
+  [drnbench]: https://github.com/droonga/drnbench
+  [drntest]: https://github.com/droonga/drntest
+  [grn2drn]: https://github.com/droonga/grn2drn

  Added: news/_posts/2014-12-01-release.md (+51 -0) 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ news/_posts/2014-12-01-release.md    2014-12-01 02:32:11 +0900 (fc379bf)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+title: Droonga 1.0.9 has been released!
+layout: news-item
+Thank you for your entry to our conference "Groonga Night 5th" at 2014-11-29!
+Droonga 1.0.9 is an extra release.
+On the session at the conference, we have some troubles.
+Those issues have been fixed at this release!
+## Improvements of Droonga 1.0.9
+First, now `droonga-engine-join`, `droonga-engine-unjoin`, and `droonga-engine-absorb-data` are runnable on any node.
+In old versions, those commands had some elusive preconditions, so they were inconvenience a little.
+Second, unjoined nodes are correctly invisible from `droonga-http-server`s.
+At the previous version, `droonga-http-server` unexpectedly kept connections to `droonga-engine` nodes even if they were already unjoined from the cluster.
+Now `droonga-engine` nodes manage their relations by unique id for each Droonga cluster, and `droonga-http-server` can detect which engine node was unjoined by the cluster's id.
+These fixes will let you more easy to try Droonga!
+## Detailed list of improvements
+ * [Droonga-engine 1.0.9][droonga-engine]
+   * `droonga-engine-join`, `droonga-engine-unjoin`, and `droonga-engine-absorb-data` work on any host.
+     Instead, you have to specify the host name or the IP address of the working host via the `--receiver-host` option.
+   * Clusters are managed with their own unique id.
+     In previous version, a node unjoined from the Droonga cluster is still a member of the Serf cluster, and there is no
+     information that protocol adapter nodes detect which is actual member or not.
+ * [Droonga-http-server 1.1.0][droonga-http-server] and [Express-droonga 1.0.8][express-droonga]
+   * Connects to active engine nodes of the cluster of the associated engine node correctly.
+     Previous version unexpectedly kept connections to already unjoined engine nodes.
+## Conclusion
+ * Droonga 1.0.9 has been released!
+ * Some inconvenience limitations of cluster management commands are solved.
+ * `droonga-http-server` now works as you expected after cluster management operations.
+ * Droonga project will release a new version every month!
+Droonga project welcomes you to join us as a user and/or a developer! See [community][] to contact us!
+  [community]: /community/
+  [overview]: /overview/
+  [tutorial]: /tutorial/groonga/
+  [groonga]: http://groonga.org/
+  [droonga-engine]: https://github.com/droonga/droonga-engine
+  [droonga-http-server]: https://github.com/droonga/droonga-http-server
+  [express-droonga]: https://github.com/droonga/express-droonga
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