[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga-normalizer-mysql [master] apt: support to build deb package

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HAYASHI Kentaro null+****@clear*****
Tue Jan 29 13:26:31 JST 2013

HAYASHI Kentaro	2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (Tue, 29 Jan 2013)

  New Revision: 37ee5b60ab523e0640c73b3a6e3ee99ce8a1b3b0

    apt: support to build deb package

  Added files:

  Added: packages/apt/Makefile.am (+60 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/apt/Makefile.am    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (54e05f9)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+REPOSITORIES_PATH = repositories
+DISTRIBUTIONS = debian ubuntu
+CHROOT_BASE = /var/lib/chroot
+ARCHITECTURES = i386 amd64
+CODES = squeeze wheezy unstable lucid oneiric precise quantal
+KEYRING_PACKAGE = groonga-keyring
+KEYRING_VERSION = 2012.05.29
+release: build sign-packages update-repository sign-repository upload
+	for distribution in $(DISTRIBUTIONS); do		\
+	  find $(REPOSITORIES_PATH)/$${distribution}/pool	\
+	    -type f -delete;					\
+	done
+	@if test -z "$(RSYNC_PATH)"; then				\
+	  echo "--with-rsync-path configure option must be specified.";	\
+	  false;							\
+	fi
+download: ensure-rsync-path
+	for distribution in $(DISTRIBUTIONS); do	\
+	  rsync -avz --progress --delete		\
+	    $(RSYNC_PATH)/$${distribution}		\
+	done
+	./sign-packages.sh '$(GPG_UID)' '$(REPOSITORIES_PATH)/' '$(CODES)'
+	./update-repository.sh '$(PACKAGE_NAME)' '$(REPOSITORIES_PATH)/' \
+	./sign-repository.sh '$(GPG_UID)' '$(REPOSITORIES_PATH)/' '$(CODES)'
+upload: ensure-rsync-path
+	for distribution in $(DISTRIBUTIONS); do		\
+	  (cd $(REPOSITORIES_PATH)/$${distribution};		\
+	   rsync -avz --progress --delete			\
+	     dists pool $(RSYNC_PATH)/$${distribution});	\
+	done
+build: build-package-deb
+build-package-deb: source
+	./build-in-chroot.sh						\
+	  $(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) $(srcdir)/.. $(REPOSITORIES_PATH)/	\
+source: ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+	ln -s $(abs_top_builddir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz ../

  Added: packages/apt/build-deb.sh (+86 -0) 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/apt/build-deb.sh    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (28ee628)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+PACKAGE=$(cat /tmp/build-package)
+USER_NAME=$(cat /tmp/build-user)
+VERSION=$(cat /tmp/build-version)
+DEPENDED_PACKAGES=$(cat /tmp/depended-packages)
+    "$@"
+    if test $? -ne 0; then
+	echo "Failed $@"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+if [ ! -x /usr/bin/lsb_release ]; then
+    run apt-get update
+    run apt-get install -y lsb-release
+distribution=$(lsb_release --id --short)
+code_name=$(lsb_release --codename --short)
+if [ ! -f "${security_list}" ]; then
+    case ${distribution} in
+	Debian)
+	    if [ "${code_name}" = "sid" ]; then
+		touch "${security_list}"
+	    else
+		cat <<EOF > "${security_list}"
+deb http://security.debian.org/ ${code_name}/updates main
+deb-src http://security.debian.org/ ${code_name}/updates main
+	    fi
+	    ;;
+	Ubuntu)
+	    cat <<EOF > "${security_list}"
+deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ${code_name}-security main restricted
+deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ${code_name}-security main restricted
+	    ;;
+    esac
+if [ "$distribution" = "Ubuntu" ] && \
+    ! (grep '^deb' $sources_list | grep -q universe); then
+    run sed -i'' -e 's/main$/main universe/g' $sources_list
+if [ ! -x /usr/bin/aptitude ]; then
+    run apt-get update
+    run apt-get install -y aptitude
+run aptitude update -V -D
+run aptitude safe-upgrade -V -D -y
+run aptitude install -V -D -y devscripts ${DEPENDED_PACKAGES}
+run aptitude clean
+if ! id $USER_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    run useradd -m $USER_NAME
+rm -rf build
+mkdir -p build
+cp /tmp/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz build/${PACKAGE}_${VERSION}.orig.tar.gz
+cd build
+tar xfz ${PACKAGE}_${VERSION}.orig.tar.gz
+cp -rp /tmp/${PACKAGE}-debian debian
+# export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt
+debuild -us -uc
+run chmod +x $BUILD_SCRIPT

  Added: packages/apt/build-in-chroot.sh (+134 -0) 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/apt/build-in-chroot.sh    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (095ef30)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+if [ $# != 7 ]; then
+    echo " e.g.: $0 groonga 0.1.9 SOURCE_DIR repositories/ /var/lib/chroot 'i386 amd64' 'lenny unstable hardy karmic'"
+    exit 1
+script_base_dir=`dirname $0`
+if test "$PARALLEL" = "yes"; then
+    parallel="yes"
+    parallel="no"
+    "$@"
+    if test $? -ne 0; then
+	echo "Failed $@"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    run sudo "$@"
+    architecture=$1
+    code_name=$2
+    run_sudo debootstrap --arch $architecture $code_name $base_dir
+    case $code_name in
+	lenny|squeeze|wheezy|unstable)
+	    run_sudo sed -i'' -e 's/us/jp/' $base_dir/etc/apt/sources.list
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    run_sudo sed -i'' \
+		-e 's,http://archive,http://jp.archive,' \
+		-e 's/main$/main universe/' \
+		$base_dir/etc/apt/sources.list
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    run_sudo sh -c "echo >> /etc/fstab"
+    run_sudo sh -c "echo /sys ${base_dir}/sys none bind 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"
+    run_sudo sh -c "echo /dev ${base_dir}/dev none bind 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"
+    run_sudo sh -c "echo devpts-chroot ${base_dir}/dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"
+    run_sudo sh -c "echo proc-chroot ${base_dir}/proc proc defaults 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"
+    run_sudo mount ${base_dir}/sys
+    run_sudo mount ${base_dir}/dev
+    run_sudo mount ${base_dir}/dev/pts
+    run_sudo mount ${base_dir}/proc
+    architecture=$1
+    code_name=$2
+    target=${code_name}-${architecture}
+    base_dir=${CHROOT_BASE}/${target}
+    if [ ! -d $base_dir ]; then
+	run build_chroot $architecture $code_name
+    fi
+    case ${code_name} in
+	lenny|squeeze|wheezy|unstable)
+	    distribution=debian
+	    component=main
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    distribution=ubuntu
+	    component=universe
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    source_dir=${SOURCE_DIR}
+    build_user=${PACKAGE}-build
+    build_user_dir=${base_dir}/home/$build_user
+    build_dir=${build_user_dir}/build
+    pool_base_dir=${DESTINATION}${distribution}/pool/${code_name}/${component}
+    package_initial=$(echo ${PACKAGE} | sed -e 's/\(.\).*/\1/')
+    pool_dir=${pool_base_dir}/${package_initial}/${PACKAGE}
+    run cp $source_dir/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz \
+	${CHROOT_BASE}/$target/tmp/
+    run rm -rf ${CHROOT_BASE}/$target/tmp/${PACKAGE}-debian
+    run cp -rp $source_dir/debian/ \
+	${CHROOT_BASE}/$target/tmp/${PACKAGE}-debian
+    run echo $PACKAGE > ${CHROOT_BASE}/$target/tmp/build-package
+    run echo $VERSION > ${CHROOT_BASE}/$target/tmp/build-version
+    run echo $build_user > ${CHROOT_BASE}/$target/tmp/build-user
+    run cp ${script_base_dir}/${PACKAGE}-depended-packages \
+	${CHROOT_BASE}/$target/tmp/depended-packages
+    run cp ${script_base_dir}/build-deb.sh \
+	${CHROOT_BASE}/$target/tmp/
+    run_sudo rm -rf $build_dir
+    run_sudo su -c "/usr/sbin/chroot ${CHROOT_BASE}/$target /tmp/build-deb.sh"
+    run mkdir -p $pool_dir
+    for path in $build_dir/*; do
+	[ -f $path ] && run cp -p $path $pool_dir/
+    done
+for architecture in $ARCHITECTURES; do
+    for code_name in $CODES; do
+	if test "$parallel" = "yes"; then
+	    build $architecture $code_name &
+	else
+	    mkdir -p tmp
+	    build_log=tmp/build-$code_name-$architecture.log
+	    build $architecture $code_name 2>&1 | tee $build_log
+	fi;
+    done;
+if test "$parallel" = "yes"; then
+    wait

  Added: packages/apt/groonga-normalizer-mysql-depended-packages (+4 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/apt/groonga-normalizer-mysql-depended-packages    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (5bc35c3)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

  Added: packages/apt/sign-packages.sh (+42 -0) 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/apt/sign-packages.sh    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (6e865d6)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+script_base_dir=`dirname $0`
+if [ $# != 3 ]; then
+    echo "Usage: $0 GPG_UID DESITINATION CODES"
+    echo " e.g.: $0 'F10399C0' repositories/ 'lenny unstable hardy karmic'"
+    exit 1
+    "$@"
+    if test $? -ne 0; then
+	echo "Failed $@"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+for code_name in ${CODES}; do
+    case ${code_name} in
+	lenny|squeeze|wheezy|unstable)
+	    distribution=debian
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    distribution=ubuntu
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    base_directory=${DESTINATION}${distribution}
+    debsign -pgpg2 --re-sign -k${GPG_UID} \
+	$(find ${base_directory} -name '*.dsc' -or -name '*.changes') &
+    if [ "${PARALLEL}" != "yes" ]; then
+	wait
+    fi

  Added: packages/apt/sign-repository.sh (+46 -0) 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/apt/sign-repository.sh    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (c36ff0b)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+script_base_dir=`dirname $0`
+if [ $# != 3 ]; then
+    echo "Usage: $0 GPG_UID DESTINATION CODES"
+    echo " e.g.: $0 'F10399C0' repositories/ 'lenny unstable hardy karmic'"
+    exit 1
+    "$@"
+    if test $? -ne 0; then
+	echo "Failed $@"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+for code_name in ${CODES}; do
+    case ${code_name} in
+	lenny|squeeze|wheezy|unstable)
+	    distribution=debian
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    distribution=ubuntu
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    release=${DESTINATION}${distribution}/dists/${code_name}/Release
+    rm -f ${release}.gpg
+    gpg2 --sign --detach-sign --armor \
+	--local-user ${GPG_UID} \
+	--output ${release}.gpg \
+	${release} &
+    if [ "${PARALLEL}" != "yes" ]; then
+	wait
+    fi

  Added: packages/apt/update-repository.sh (+130 -0) 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/apt/update-repository.sh    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (65ebb9c)
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+script_base_dir=`dirname $0`
+if [ $# != 4 ]; then
+    echo " e.g.: $0 mroonga repositories/ 'i386 amd64' 'lenny unstable hardy karmic'"
+    exit 1
+    "$@"
+    if test $? -ne 0; then
+	echo "Failed $@"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    distribution=$1
+    code_name=$2
+    component=$3
+    rm -rf dists/${code_name}
+    mkdir -p dists/${code_name}/${component}/binary-i386/
+    mkdir -p dists/${code_name}/${component}/binary-amd64/
+    mkdir -p dists/${code_name}/${component}/source/
+    cat <<EOF > dists/.htaccess
+Options +Indexes
+    cat <<EOF > dists/${code_name}/${component}/binary-i386/Release
+Archive: ${code_name}
+Component: ${component}
+Origin: The ${PROJECT_NAME} project
+Label: The ${PROJECT_NAME} project
+Architecture: i386
+    cat <<EOF > dists/${code_name}/${component}/binary-amd64/Release
+Archive: ${code_name}
+Component: ${component}
+Origin: The ${PROJECT_NAME} project
+Label: The ${PROJECT_NAME} project
+Architecture: amd64
+    cat <<EOF > dists/${code_name}/${component}/source/Release
+Archive: ${code_name}
+Component: ${component}
+Origin: The ${PROJECT_NAME} project
+Label: The ${PROJECT_NAME} project
+Architecture: source
+    cat <<EOF > generate-${code_name}.conf
+Dir::ArchiveDir ".";
+Dir::CacheDir ".";
+TreeDefault::Directory "pool/${code_name}/${component}";
+TreeDefault::SrcDirectory "pool/${code_name}/${component}";
+Default::Packages::Extensions ".deb";
+Default::Packages::Compress ". gzip bzip2";
+Default::Sources::Compress ". gzip bzip2";
+Default::Contents::Compress "gzip bzip2";
+BinDirectory "dists/${code_name}/${component}/binary-i386" {
+  Packages "dists/${code_name}/${component}/binary-i386/Packages";
+  Contents "dists/${code_name}/Contents-i386";
+  SrcPackages "dists/${code_name}/${component}/source/Sources";
+BinDirectory "dists/${code_name}/${component}/binary-amd64" {
+  Packages "dists/${code_name}/${component}/binary-amd64/Packages";
+  Contents "dists/${code_name}/Contents-amd64";
+  SrcPackages "dists/${code_name}/${component}/source/Sources";
+Tree "dists/${code_name}" {
+  Sections "${component}";
+  Architectures "i386 amd64 source";
+    apt-ftparchive generate generate-${code_name}.conf
+    chmod 644 dists/${code_name}/Contents-*
+    rm -f dists/${code_name}/Release*
+    rm -f *.db
+    cat <<EOF > release-${code_name}.conf
+APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin "The ${PROJECT_NAME} project";
+APT::FTPArchive::Release::Label "The ${PROJECT_NAME} project";
+APT::FTPArchive::Release::Architectures "i386 amd64";
+APT::FTPArchive::Release::Codename "${code_name}";
+APT::FTPArchive::Release::Suite "${code_name}";
+APT::FTPArchive::Release::Components "${component}";
+APT::FTPArchive::Release::Description "${PACKAGE_NAME} packages";
+    apt-ftparchive -c release-${code_name}.conf \
+	release dists/${code_name} > /tmp/Release
+    mv /tmp/Release dists/${code_name}
+for code_name in ${CODES}; do
+    case ${code_name} in
+	lenny|squeeze|wheezy|unstable)
+	    distribution=debian
+	    component=main
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    distribution=ubuntu
+	    component=universe
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    mkdir -p ${DESTINATION}${distribution}
+    (cd ${DESTINATION}${distribution}
+	update_repository $distribution $code_name $component) &
+    if [ "${PARALLEL}" != "yes" ]; then
+	wait
+    fi

  Added: packages/debian/changelog (+5 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/debian/changelog    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (f4f2b77)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+groonga-normalizer-mysql (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial release
+ -- Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>  Sat, 9 Feb 2013 00:00:00 +0900

  Added: packages/debian/compat (+1 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/debian/compat    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (7f8f011)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

  Added: packages/debian/control (+23 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/debian/control    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (ab77da6)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Source: groonga-normalizer-mysql
+Section: libs
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+  debhelper (>= 7.0.50),
+  autotools-dev
+Standards-Version: 3.9.1
+Homepage: http://groonga.org/
+Package: groonga-normalizer-mysql
+Section: libs
+Architecture: any
+  ${misc:Depends},
+  ${shlibs:Depends},
+  libgroonga-dev
+Description: MySQL derived normalizer for groonga.
+ Groonga is an open-source fulltext search engine and column store.
+ It lets you write high-performance applications that requires fulltext search.
+ .
+ This package provides a normalizer which normalizes text as same as MySQL does.

  Added: packages/debian/copyright (+29 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/debian/copyright    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (cd3295a)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+This package was debianized by Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com> on
+Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:52:04 +0000.
+It was downloaded from <http://groonga.org/>
+Upstream Author(s):
+    Kouhei Sutou <kou****@clear*****>
+    Copyright(C) 2013 Brazil
+    This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+The Debian packaging is (C) 2013, Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com> and
+is licensed under the LGPL-2, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2'.

  Added: packages/debian/groonga-normalizer-mysql.install (+1 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/debian/groonga-normalizer-mysql.install    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (1f58446)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

  Added: packages/debian/patches/series (+0 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/debian/patches/series    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (e69de29)

  Added: packages/debian/rules (+17 -0) 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/debian/rules    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (8dd221c)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile-gmake -*-
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+# This has to be exported to make some magic below work.
+export DH_OPTIONS
+	dh $@
+# disable 'make check'.

  Added: packages/debian/source/format (+1 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ packages/debian/source/format    2013-01-29 13:26:31 +0900 (163aaf8)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
-------------- next part --------------

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