[Groonga-commit] groonga/express-kotoumi [master] Group all tests around Connection by single suite()

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Wed Feb 13 18:28:00 JST 2013

YUKI Hiroshi	2013-02-13 18:28:00 +0900 (Wed, 13 Feb 2013)

  New Revision: 47777059dd7c38c94e56cf82e68c1ca76b35dc20

    Group all tests around Connection by single suite()

  Modified files:

  Modified: test/backend-connection.test.js (+408 -406)
--- test/backend-connection.test.js    2013-02-13 18:25:09 +0900 (dd4800d)
+++ test/backend-connection.test.js    2013-02-13 18:28:00 +0900 (48b6d33)
@@ -8,239 +8,403 @@ var InstanceOf = utils.InstanceOf;
 var Connection = require('../lib/backend/connection').Connection;
-suite('Connection, initialization', function() {
-  var connection;
+suite('Connection', function() {
+  suite('initialization', function() {
+    var connection;
+    teardown(function() {
+      if (connection) {
+        connection.close();
+        connection = undefined;
+      }
+    });
-  teardown(function() {
-    if (connection) {
-      connection.close();
-      connection = undefined;
+    function assertEventEmitter(object) {
+      assert.equal(typeof object,
+                   'object',
+                   'should be an instance of EventEmitter');
+      assert.equal(typeof object.emit,
+                   'function',
+                   'should be an instance of EventEmitter');
-  });
-  function assertEventEmitter(object) {
-    assert.equal(typeof object,
-                 'object',
-                 'should be an instance of EventEmitter');
-    assert.equal(typeof object.emit,
-                 'function',
-                 'should be an instance of EventEmitter');
-  }
-  test('sender', function() {
-    connection = new Connection({ tag: 'test' });
-    assertEventEmitter(connection._sender);
-  });
-  test('receiver', function(done) {
-    connection = new Connection({ tag: 'test' });
-    assertEventEmitter(connection._receiver);
-    assert.equal(connection.receivePort,
-                 undefined,
-                 'should be not-initialized');
-    Deferred
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        assert.notEqual(connection.receivePort,
-                        undefined,
-                        'should be initialized');
-        done();
-      })
-      .error(function(error) {
-        done(error);
-      });
-  });
-suite('Connection, simple communication', function() {
-  var connection;
-  var backend;
-  setup(function(done) {
-    utils.createBackend()
-      .next(function(newBackend) {
-        backend = newBackend;
-        connection = new Connection({
-          tag:      'test',
-          hostName: 'localhost',
-          port:     utils.testSendPort,
-          receivePort: utils.testReceivePort,
-          maxRetyrCount: 3,
-          retryDelay: 1
-        });
-        done();
-      });
-  });
-  teardown(function() {
-    if (backend) {
-      backend.close();
-      backend = undefined;
-    }
-    if (connection) {
-      connection.close();
-      connection = undefined;
-    }
-  });
+    test('sender', function() {
+      connection = new Connection({ tag: 'test' });
+      assertEventEmitter(connection._sender);
+    });
-  function createMockedMessageCallback() {
-    var mockedCallback = nodemock;
-    var callback = function() {
-      mockedCallback.receive.apply(mockedCallback, arguments);
-    };
-    callback.takes = function() {
-      callback.assert = function() {
-        mockedCallback.assertThrows();
-      };
-      mockedCallback = mockedCallback.mock('receive');
-      mockedCallback = mockedCallback.takes.apply(mockedCallback, arguments);
-      return this;
-    };
-    callback.mock = mockedCallback;
-    return callback;
-  }
-  suite('one way message', function() {
-    test('from front to back', function(done) {
-      var objectMessage = connection.emitMessage('object', { command: 'foobar' });
-      assert.envelopeEqual(objectMessage,
-                           utils.createExpectedEnvelope('object',
-                                                  { command: 'foobar' }));
-      var stringMessage = connection.emitMessage('string', 'string');
-      assert.envelopeEqual(stringMessage,
-                           utils.createExpectedEnvelope('string', 'string'));
-      var numericMessage = connection.emitMessage('numeric', 1234);
-      assert.envelopeEqual(numericMessage,
-                           utils.createExpectedEnvelope('numeric', 1234));
+    test('receiver', function(done) {
+      connection = new Connection({ tag: 'test' });
+      assertEventEmitter(connection._receiver);
+      assert.equal(connection.receivePort,
+                   undefined,
+                   'should be not-initialized');
         .next(function() {
-          assert.equal(backend.received.length, 3, 'messages should be sent');
-          assert.deepEqual([backend.received[0][2],
-                            backend.received[1][2],
-                            backend.received[2][2]],
-                           [objectMessage,
-                            stringMessage,
-                            numericMessage]);
+          assert.notEqual(connection.receivePort,
+                          undefined,
+                          'should be initialized');
         .error(function(error) {
+  });
-    test('from back to front', function(done) {
-      var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
-      connection.on('message', callback);
-      var stringMessage = utils.createEnvelope('string', 'string');
-      var numericMessage = utils.createEnvelope('numeric', 1234);
-      var objectMessage = utils.createEnvelope('object', { value: true });
-      callback
-        .takes(stringMessage)
-        .takes(numericMessage)
-        .takes(objectMessage);
-      utils
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(stringMessage), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(numericMessage), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(objectMessage), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket({}, 'unknown, ignored'), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .next(function() {
-          callback.assert();
+  suite('simple communication', function() {
+    var connection;
+    var backend;
+    setup(function(done) {
+      utils.createBackend()
+        .next(function(newBackend) {
+          backend = newBackend;
+          connection = new Connection({
+            tag:      'test',
+            hostName: 'localhost',
+            port:     utils.testSendPort,
+            receivePort: utils.testReceivePort,
+            maxRetyrCount: 3,
+            retryDelay: 1
+          });
-        })
-        .error(function(error) {
-          done(error);
+    teardown(function() {
+      if (backend) {
+        backend.close();
+        backend = undefined;
+      }
+      if (connection) {
+        connection.close();
+        connection = undefined;
+      }
+    });
+    function createMockedMessageCallback() {
+      var mockedCallback = nodemock;
+      var callback = function() {
+        mockedCallback.receive.apply(mockedCallback, arguments);
+      };
+      callback.takes = function() {
+        callback.assert = function() {
+          mockedCallback.assertThrows();
+        };
+        mockedCallback = mockedCallback.mock('receive');
+        mockedCallback = mockedCallback.takes.apply(mockedCallback, arguments);
+        return this;
+      };
+      callback.mock = mockedCallback;
+      return callback;
+    }
+    suite('one way message', function() {
+      test('from front to back', function(done) {
+        var objectMessage = connection.emitMessage('object', { command: 'foobar' });
+        assert.envelopeEqual(objectMessage,
+                             utils.createExpectedEnvelope('object',
+                                                    { command: 'foobar' }));
+        var stringMessage = connection.emitMessage('string', 'string');
+        assert.envelopeEqual(stringMessage,
+                             utils.createExpectedEnvelope('string', 'string'));
+        var numericMessage = connection.emitMessage('numeric', 1234);
+        assert.envelopeEqual(numericMessage,
+                             utils.createExpectedEnvelope('numeric', 1234));
+        Deferred
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            assert.equal(backend.received.length, 3, 'messages should be sent');
+            assert.deepEqual([backend.received[0][2],
+                              backend.received[1][2],
+                              backend.received[2][2]],
+                             [objectMessage,
+                              stringMessage,
+                              numericMessage]);
+            done();
+          })
+          .error(function(error) {
+            done(error);
+          });
+      });
+      test('from back to front', function(done) {
+        var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
+        connection.on('message', callback);
+        var stringMessage = utils.createEnvelope('string', 'string');
+        var numericMessage = utils.createEnvelope('numeric', 1234);
+        var objectMessage = utils.createEnvelope('object', { value: true });
+        callback
+          .takes(stringMessage)
+          .takes(numericMessage)
+          .takes(objectMessage);
+        utils
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(stringMessage), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(numericMessage), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(objectMessage), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket({}, 'unknown, ignored'), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .next(function() {
+            callback.assert();
+            done();
+          })
+          .error(function(error) {
+            done(error);
+          });
+      });
+    });
+    suite('request-response', function() {
+      test('success', function(done) {
+        var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
+        var messages = [
+          connection.emitMessage('first request', Math.random(), callback),
+          connection.emitMessage('second request', Math.random(), callback)
+        ];
+        var responses = [
+          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[0], 'first response', Math.random()),
+          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[1], 'second response', Math.random())
+        ];
+        callback
+          .takes(null, responses[0])
+          .takes(null, responses[1]);
+        Deferred
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            assert.equal(backend.received.length, 2, 'message should be sent');
+            assert.deepEqual(
+              [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
+               connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
+              [1,1],
+              'response listeners should be registered'
+            );
+          })
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[0]), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[1]), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            callback.assert();
+            assert.deepEqual(
+              [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
+               connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
+              [0,0],
+              'response listeners should be removed'
+            );
+            done();
+          })
+          .error(function(error) {
+            done(error);
+          });
+      });
+      test('error', function(done) {
+        var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
+        var messages = [
+          connection.emitMessage('first request', Math.random(), callback),
+          connection.emitMessage('second request', Math.random(), callback)
+        ];
+        var responses = [
+          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[0], 'first response', Math.random()),
+          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[1], 'second response', Math.random())
+        ];
+        // make them error responses
+        responses[0].statusCode = 502;
+        responses[1].statusCode = 503;
+        callback
+          .takes(responses[0].statusCode, responses[0])
+          .takes(responses[1].statusCode, responses[1]);
+        Deferred
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            assert.equal(backend.received.length, 2, 'message should be sent');
+            assert.deepEqual(
+              [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
+               connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
+              [1,1],
+              'response listeners should be registered'
+            );
+          })
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[0]), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[1]), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            callback.assert();
+            assert.deepEqual(
+              [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
+               connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
+              [0,0],
+              'response listeners should be removed'
+            );
+            done();
+          })
+          .error(function(error) {
+            done(error);
+          });
+      });
+      test('duplicated', function(done) {
+        var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
+        var messages = [
+          connection.emitMessage('first request', Math.random(), callback),
+          connection.emitMessage('second request', Math.random(), callback)
+        ];
+        var responses = [
+          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[0], 'first response', Math.random()),
+          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[1], 'second response', Math.random()),
+          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[0], 'duplicated, ignored', 0),
+          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[1], 'duplicated, ignored', 0)
+        ];
+        responses[1].statusCode = 503;
+        callback
+          .takes(null, responses[0])
+          .takes(responses[1].statusCode, responses[1]);
+        Deferred
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            assert.equal(backend.received.length, 2, 'message should be sent');
+            assert.deepEqual(
+              [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
+               connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
+              [1,1],
+              'response listeners should be registered'
+            );
+          })
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[0]), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[1]), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[2]), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[3]), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            callback.assert();
+            assert.deepEqual(
+              [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
+               connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
+              [0,0],
+              'response listeners should be removed'
+            );
+            done();
+          })
+          .error(function(error) {
+            done(error);
+          });
+      });
+      test('timeout', function(done) {
+        var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
+        var response;
+        var packet;
+        var messages = {
+          notTimedOut:
+            connection.emitMessage('not timed out',
+                                   Math.random(),
+                                   callback,
+                                   { timeout: 1000 }),
+          timedOut:
+            connection.emitMessage('timed out',
+                                   Math.random(),
+                                   callback,
+                                   { timeout: 20 }),
+          permanent:
+            connection.emitMessage('permanent',
+                                   Math.random(),
+                                   callback,
+                                   { timeout: -1 })
+        };
+        var responses = {
+          notTimedOut:
+            utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages.notTimedOut, 'ok', Math.random()),
+          timedOut:
+            utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages.timedOut, 'ignored', Math.random())
+        };
+        callback
+          .takes(Connection.ERROR_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, null)
+          .takes(null, responses.notTimedOut)
+        Deferred
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            assert.equal(backend.received.length, 3, 'message should be sent');
+            assert.deepEqual(
+              { notTimedOut:
+                  connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.notTimedOut.id).length,
+                timedOut:
+                  connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.timedOut.id).length,
+                permanent:
+                  connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.permanent.id).length },
+              { notTimedOut: 1, timedOut: 1, permanent: 1 },
+              'response listeners should be registered'
+            );
+          })
+          .wait(0.02)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses.notTimedOut), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses.timedOut), utils.testReceivePort)
+          .wait(0.01)
+          .next(function() {
+            callback.assert();
+            assert.deepEqual(
+              { notTimedOut:
+                  connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.notTimedOut.id).length,
+                timedOut:
+                  connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.timedOut.id).length,
+                permanent:
+                  connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.permanent.id).length },
+              { notTimedOut: 0, timedOut: 0, permanent: 1 },
+              'response listener should be removed even if it is timed out'
+            );
+            done();
+          })
+          .error(function(error) {
+            done(error);
+          });
+      });
+    });
-  suite('request-response', function() {
-    test('success', function(done) {
-      var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
-      var messages = [
-        connection.emitMessage('first request', Math.random(), callback),
-        connection.emitMessage('second request', Math.random(), callback)
-      ];
-      var responses = [
-        utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[0], 'first response', Math.random()),
-        utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[1], 'second response', Math.random())
-      ];
-      callback
-        .takes(null, responses[0])
-        .takes(null, responses[1]);
-      Deferred
-        .wait(0.01)
-        .next(function() {
-          assert.equal(backend.received.length, 2, 'message should be sent');
-          assert.deepEqual(
-            [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
-             connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
-            [1,1],
-            'response listeners should be registered'
-          );
-        })
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[0]), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[1]), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .wait(0.01)
-        .next(function() {
-          callback.assert();
-          assert.deepEqual(
-            [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
-             connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
-            [0,0],
-            'response listeners should be removed'
-          );
+  suite('to backend', function() {
+    var connection;
+    var backend;
+    setup(function(done) {
+      utils.createBackend()
+        .next(function(newBackend) {
+          backend = newBackend;
+          connection = new Connection({
+            tag:      'test',
+            hostName: 'localhost',
+            port:     utils.testSendPort,
+            maxRetyrCount: 3,
+            retryDelay: 1
+          });
-        })
-        .error(function(error) {
-          done(error);
-    test('error', function(done) {
-      var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
-      var messages = [
-        connection.emitMessage('first request', Math.random(), callback),
-        connection.emitMessage('second request', Math.random(), callback)
-      ];
-      var responses = [
-        utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[0], 'first response', Math.random()),
-        utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[1], 'second response', Math.random())
-      ];
-      // make them error responses
-      responses[0].statusCode = 502;
-      responses[1].statusCode = 503;
-      callback
-        .takes(responses[0].statusCode, responses[0])
-        .takes(responses[1].statusCode, responses[1]);
+    teardown(function() {
+      if (backend) {
+        backend.close();
+        backend = undefined;
+      }
+      if (connection) {
+        connection.close();
+        connection = undefined;
+      }
+    });
+    test('normal messaging', function(done) {
+      connection.emitMessage({ message: true });
         .next(function() {
-          assert.equal(backend.received.length, 2, 'message should be sent');
-          assert.deepEqual(
-            [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
-             connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
-            [1,1],
-            'response listeners should be registered'
-          );
-        })
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[0]), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[1]), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .wait(0.01)
-        .next(function() {
-          callback.assert();
-          assert.deepEqual(
-            [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
-             connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
-            [0,0],
-            'response listeners should be removed'
-          );
+          assert.equal(backend.received.length,
+                       1,
+                       'message should be sent: ' + JSON.stringify(backend.received));
+          assert.equal(backend.received[0][0], 'test.message');
         .error(function(error) {
@@ -248,114 +412,54 @@ suite('Connection, simple communication', function() {
-    test('duplicated', function(done) {
-      var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
-      var messages = [
-        connection.emitMessage('first request', Math.random(), callback),
-        connection.emitMessage('second request', Math.random(), callback)
-      ];
-      var responses = [
-        utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[0], 'first response', Math.random()),
-        utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[1], 'second response', Math.random()),
-        utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[0], 'duplicated, ignored', 0),
-        utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages[1], 'duplicated, ignored', 0)
-      ];
-      responses[1].statusCode = 503;
-      callback
-        .takes(null, responses[0])
-        .takes(responses[1].statusCode, responses[1]);
+    test('disconnected suddenly', function(done) {
+      var errorHandler;
+      var restartedBackend;
+      connection.emitMessage('test', { message: true });
         .next(function() {
-          assert.equal(backend.received.length, 2, 'message should be sent');
-          assert.deepEqual(
-            [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
-             connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
-            [1,1],
-            'response listeners should be registered'
-          );
+          assert.equal(backend.received.length,
+                       1,
+                       'message should be sent: ' + JSON.stringify(backend.received));
+          assert.equal(backend.received[0][0], 'test.message');
+          backend.close();
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[0]), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[1]), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[2]), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses[3]), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .next(function() {
-          callback.assert();
-          assert.deepEqual(
-            [connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[0].id).length,
-             connection.listeners('reply:' + messages[1].id).length],
-            [0,0],
-            'response listeners should be removed'
-          );
-          done();
+        .createBackend()
+        .next(function(newBackend) {
+          restartedBackend = newBackend;
+          errorHandler = nodemock
+            .mock('handle')
+              .takes({});
+          connection.on('error', function(error) {
+            errorHandler.handle(error);
+          });
+          connection.emitMessage('test', { message: true });
-        .error(function(error) {
-          done(error);
-        });
-    });
-    test('timeout', function(done) {
-      var callback = createMockedMessageCallback();
-      var response;
-      var packet;
-      var messages = {
-        notTimedOut:
-          connection.emitMessage('not timed out',
-                                 Math.random(),
-                                 callback,
-                                 { timeout: 1000 }),
-        timedOut:
-          connection.emitMessage('timed out',
-                                 Math.random(),
-                                 callback,
-                                 { timeout: 20 }),
-        permanent:
-          connection.emitMessage('permanent',
-                                 Math.random(),
-                                 callback,
-                                 { timeout: -1 })
-      };
-      var responses = {
-        notTimedOut:
-          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages.notTimedOut, 'ok', Math.random()),
-        timedOut:
-          utils.createReplyEnvelopeFor(messages.timedOut, 'ignored', Math.random())
-      };
-      callback
-        .takes(Connection.ERROR_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, null)
-        .takes(null, responses.notTimedOut)
-      Deferred
-        .wait(0.01)
+        .wait(0.1)
         .next(function() {
-          assert.equal(backend.received.length, 3, 'message should be sent');
-          assert.deepEqual(
-            { notTimedOut:
-                connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.notTimedOut.id).length,
-              timedOut:
-                connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.timedOut.id).length,
-              permanent:
-                connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.permanent.id).length },
-            { notTimedOut: 1, timedOut: 1, permanent: 1 },
-            'response listeners should be registered'
-          );
+          errorHandler.assertThrows();
+          assert.equal(backend.received.length,
+                       1,
+                       'no new message should be sent to the old backend' + JSON.stringify(backend.received));
+          assert.equal(restartedBackend.received.length,
+                       0,
+                       'message should be destroyed by socket error' + JSON.stringify(restartedBackend.received));
+          connection.emitMessage('test', { message: true });
-        .wait(0.02)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses.notTimedOut), utils.testReceivePort)
-        .sendPacketTo(utils.createPacket(responses.timedOut), utils.testReceivePort)
         .next(function() {
-          callback.assert();
-          assert.deepEqual(
-            { notTimedOut:
-                connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.notTimedOut.id).length,
-              timedOut:
-                connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.timedOut.id).length,
-              permanent:
-                connection.listeners('reply:' + messages.permanent.id).length },
-            { notTimedOut: 0, timedOut: 0, permanent: 1 },
-            'response listener should be removed even if it is timed out'
-          );
+          assert.equal(backend.received.length,
+                       1,
+                       'no new message should be sent to the old backend' + JSON.stringify(backend.received));
+          assert.equal(restartedBackend.received.length,
+                       1,
+                       'message should be sent to the new backend' + JSON.stringify(restartedBackend.received));
         .error(function(error) {
@@ -364,105 +468,3 @@ suite('Connection, simple communication', function() {
-suite('Connection, to backend', function() {
-  var connection;
-  var backend;
-  setup(function(done) {
-    utils.createBackend()
-      .next(function(newBackend) {
-        backend = newBackend;
-        connection = new Connection({
-          tag:      'test',
-          hostName: 'localhost',
-          port:     utils.testSendPort,
-          maxRetyrCount: 3,
-          retryDelay: 1
-        });
-        done();
-      });
-  });
-  teardown(function() {
-    if (backend) {
-      backend.close();
-      backend = undefined;
-    }
-    if (connection) {
-      connection.close();
-      connection = undefined;
-    }
-  });
-  test('normal messaging', function(done) {
-    connection.emitMessage({ message: true });
-    Deferred
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        assert.equal(backend.received.length,
-                     1,
-                     'message should be sent: ' + JSON.stringify(backend.received));
-        assert.equal(backend.received[0][0], 'test.message');
-        done();
-      })
-      .error(function(error) {
-        done(error);
-      });
-  });
-  test('disconnected suddenly', function(done) {
-    var errorHandler;
-    var restartedBackend;
-    connection.emitMessage('test', { message: true });
-    Deferred
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        assert.equal(backend.received.length,
-                     1,
-                     'message should be sent: ' + JSON.stringify(backend.received));
-        assert.equal(backend.received[0][0], 'test.message');
-        backend.close();
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .createBackend()
-      .next(function(newBackend) {
-        restartedBackend = newBackend;
-        errorHandler = nodemock
-          .mock('handle')
-            .takes({});
-        connection.on('error', function(error) {
-          errorHandler.handle(error);
-        });
-        connection.emitMessage('test', { message: true });
-      })
-      .wait(0.1)
-      .next(function() {
-        errorHandler.assertThrows();
-        assert.equal(backend.received.length,
-                     1,
-                     'no new message should be sent to the old backend' + JSON.stringify(backend.received));
-        assert.equal(restartedBackend.received.length,
-                     0,
-                     'message should be destroyed by socket error' + JSON.stringify(restartedBackend.received));
-        connection.emitMessage('test', { message: true });
-      })
-      .wait(0.01)
-      .next(function() {
-        assert.equal(backend.received.length,
-                     1,
-                     'no new message should be sent to the old backend' + JSON.stringify(backend.received));
-        assert.equal(restartedBackend.received.length,
-                     1,
-                     'message should be sent to the new backend' + JSON.stringify(restartedBackend.received));
-        done();
-      })
-      .error(function(error) {
-        done(error);
-      });
-  });
-------------- next part --------------

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