[Groonga-commit] groonga/gcs.groonga.org [gh-pages] Add command line tools version tutorials

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Tue Aug 28 21:01:04 JST 2012

YUKI Hiroshi	2012-08-28 21:01:04 +0900 (Tue, 28 Aug 2012)

  New Revision: fb6b13a98ac9aea66e5aa328e79d86f96622949a

    Add command line tools version tutorials

  Modified files:

  Modified: docs/tutorial/index.md (+124 -36)
--- docs/tutorial/index.md    2012-08-28 20:16:19 +0900 (b067fe3)
+++ docs/tutorial/index.md    2012-08-28 21:01:04 +0900 (76d206a)
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ page](http://aws.amazon.com/cloudsearch/) about them.
    * [Restrictions](#restrictions)
  * [How to register documents](#how-to-register-documents)
+   * [Command line tools](#command-line-tools)
+   * [Creating search domain API](#creating_search_domain_api)
+   * [Defining index field API](#defining_index_field_api)
+   * [Registering documents API](#registering_documents_api)
+ * [How to register documents via HTTP](#how-to-register-documents-via-http)
    * [Configuration API](#configuration_api)
    * [Creating search domain API](#creating_search_domain_api)
    * [Defining index field API](#defining_index_field_api)
@@ -207,19 +212,120 @@ See also: [Search Requests - Amazon
 for all parameters.
 ## How to register documents {#how-to-register-documents}
 The above section describes how to search documents. The below
 sections describe how to register your documents.
-### Configuration API
+### Command line tools {#command-line-tools}
 You need to create search domain and text fields before registering
-documents. Configuration API is used for them. This section describes
-how to create a search domain.
+documents. Groonga CouldSearch includes some command line tools to do it.
+This section describes how to create a search domain by those commands.
+Groonga CloudSearch's command line tools are named as "gcs-...", and they
+are compatible to Amazon CloudSearch's "cs-..." commands.
+See also: [Amazon CloudSearch Command Line Tool Reference - Amazon CloudSearch](http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/cloudsearch/latest/developerguide/SvcCLT.html).
+Amazon's cs-commands require authentication but gcs-commands don't implement
+it yet. You can omit authentication related parameters.
+See also: [Running the Amazon CloudSearch Commands - Amazon CloudSearch](http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/cloudsearch/latest/developerguide/runningcmds.html)
+for details.
+Instead, gcs-commands work only on the computer itself. In other words,
+they cannot configure search domains of a Groonga CouldSearch instance
+deployed on another computer. You must log in to the computer by SSH or
+something to use gcs-commands.
+By the way, the `gcs-import-example` command is written as a shell script
+with these gcs-commands.
+### Creating search domain
+To create a new search domain, use `gcs-create-domain` command.
+It requires `--domain-name` parameter to specify a new search domain name
+to be created.
+Here is an command line to create `address` search domain:
+    $ gcs-create-domain --domain-name address
+See also: [cs-create-domain - Amazon
+for details.
+### Defining index field
+To define a new index field for the search domain, use `gcs-configure-fields`
+command. It requires three parameters: `--domain-name` the search domain name,
+`--name` a new index field name to be defined, and `--type` a type of the field.
+Here is an command line to define `name` index field to `address`
+search domain, as a text type field:
+    $ gcs-configure-fields --domain-name address --name name --type text
+See also: [cs-configure-fields - Amazon
+for details.
-Configuration API is for creating, configuring and managing search
-domains. Configuration API requires `Action` parameter and `Version`
+### Registering documents
+To register documents, post documents in SDF JSON representation by the
+`gcs-post-sdf` command. SDF is acronym of Search Data Format. Here is a
+sample SDF JSON representation:
+    [
+      {
+        "type": "add",
+        "id": "id1",
+        "version": 1,
+        "lang": "en",
+        "fields": {
+          "name": "Brazil"
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "add",
+        "id": "id2",
+        "version": 1,
+        "lang": "en",
+        "fields": {
+          "name": "Enishi Tech Inc."
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+See also: [documents/batch JSON API - Amazon
+for details of SDF JSON representation.
+Here is a command line to register documents that are stored in
+`addresses.sdf.json` to `address` search domain:
+    $ gcs-post-sdf --domain-name address --source ./addresses.sdf.json
+See also: [cs-post-sdf - Amazon
+for details.
+Now, you can search registered documents! Yay!
+## How to register documents via HTTP {#how-to-register-documents-via-http}
+You can configure search domains and register documents, by not only
+gcs-commands but also APIs via HTTP.
+### Configuration API
+Configuration API is the interface to configure search domains via HTTP.
+This section describes how to create a search domain by the API.
+Configuration API requires `Action` parameter and `Version`
 parameter. `Version` parameter must be `2011-02-01` for all
 configuration API.
@@ -234,6 +340,15 @@ See also: [Request Authentication - Amazon
 for details.
+Instead, Groonga CloudSearch's Configuration API can restrict the client
+IP range. By default it is "", and you can change it by the
+`--privilege` option of the `gcs` command, like:
+    $ gcs --privilege ","
+By the way, the `gcs-import-example-http` command is written as a shell script
+with these APIs.
 ### Creating search domain API
 To create a new search domain, `CreateDomain` is specified as `Action`
@@ -275,37 +390,9 @@ using [xip.io][] is:
-Post documents in SDF JSON representation to the endpoint. SDF is
-acronym of Search Data Format. Here is a sample SDF JSON
-    [
-      {
-        "type": "add",
-        "id": "id1",
-        "version": 1,
-        "lang": "en",
-        "fields": {
-          "name": "Brazil"
-        }
-      },
-      {
-        "type": "add",
-        "id": "id2",
-        "version": 1,
-        "lang": "en",
-        "fields": {
-          "name": "Enishi Tech Inc."
-        }
-      }
-    ]
-See also: [documents/batch JSON API - Amazon
-for details of SDF JSON representation.
-Here is an API request to register documents that are stored in
-`addresses.sdf.json` to `address` search domain:
+Post documents in SDF JSON representation to the endpoint. Here is an API
+request to register documents that are stored in `addresses.sdf.json` to
+`address` search domain:
     $ curl -X POST --upload-file addresses.sdf.json --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://doc-address-00000000000000000000000000.
@@ -315,6 +402,7 @@ for details of response.
 Now, you can search registered documents! Yay!
 ## Next step
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