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100%IATA互換、100% Free Software(GPL)、100% Pure Javaの航空券プロレーションシステム開発を目的とします。
Our goal is to develop 100% IATA compatible, 100% Free
Software(GPL), 100% Pure Java compatible Airline Passenger Coupon
Proration System.

System Requirements

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Released at 2014-02-06 05:11
gnp 1.0 (13 files Hide)

Release Notes

GNP Proration System Release 1.0.


17Aug2007 GNP Proration System 1.0 released.

19Aug2007 regulate javadoc comments of prorate.export classes.

19Aug2007 some useless attributes are deleted from prorate.export.ProrateAudit class.

10Nov2007 prorate.ejb.ProrateEjbBean.ProrateEjbBean throws Exception
prorate.ejb.ProrateEjbBean.prorate throws ProrateException.
add audit.ejb, audit.struts.*.

29Dec2007 AuditEjb EJB3 Entity/Session Beans are implemented.

03Jun2008 Corba interface ProrateJdl of prorate service and client
is added.

23Jun2008 Corba ProrateJdl C++ client using mico(Mico Is COrba) is added. ProrateJdl modified.

29Jun2008 The tax divide process is integrated.

03Jul2008 Some bugs in auditEjb are fixed.

31Aug2008 Brush up code in ProrateRdb.

29Dec2008 create ProrateJdlEjbClientImpl and ProrateServerEjbClient in jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.jdl package. Change some classes and methods in jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.database.ProrateRdb
to public and some changes related with it.
19Jan2009 some changes about ProrateTrace in ProrateEjbBean, ProrateJdlImpl, PortableRemoteProrateServer and RemoteProrateServer. Changed Jboss version from 4.2.2GA to 4.2.3GA for prorateEjb.ear and auditEjb.ear.

01Mar2009 modified in ProrateFareComponent.checkFixedFare.

02Apr2009 AJAX DWR check place 3letter code and airway 2letter code function on database is implemented.
delete illegal class jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.ProrateException.

07Apr2009 AJAX DWR check airway number and currency code(not used) on database is implemented.
AJAX DWR check error dialog and focus movement debugged.

17Apr2009 input character check is implemented, focus movement debugged.

13May2009 jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.ejb.client.ProrateEjbClient implemented to supply common Prorate EJB client class.
jp.sourceforge.gnp.audit.ejb.client.AuditEjbClient implemented to supply common Audit EJB client class.

31May2009 required fields marked red on audit.jsp screen.

11Jun2009 changed database manipulation scripts in mysql/bin and postgres/bin to run #!/bin/bash.

02Jul2009 modified client JSP files for auditEjb, prorateEjb, prorateWeb and prorateWebAll. modified prubae GUI interfaces.

03Jul2009 some bugs are fixed in auditEjb services and struts codes.
add toString() method to ProrateAudit, ProrateFareComponent and ProrateSector.

04Jul2009 a bug is fixed in prubae editor.

05Jul2009 some bugs are fixed in prubae editor.
XmlRulebaseUrl and PrubaeReaderUrl are created to initialize and list extf/part from PrubaeApplet.

06Jul2009 a bug is fixed in prubae editor.

07Jul2009 many modifications and bug fixes in prubae editor.
07Jul2009 some modifications and bug fixes in prubae editor to edit switch/case statement properly.

10Jul2009 many modifications, bug fixes and debug writes are added in prubae editor.
when initialized by prubae, apdp/spa rules changed not to be loaded in rulebase initialization.

11Jul2009 some modifications and bug fixes in prubae editor.

17Jul2009 some modifications and bug fixes in editing tables feature in prubae editor.

18Jul2009 some modifications and bug fixes in prubae editor.
clean up source codes and some modifications in prubae editor.

22Jul2009 a bug fix in prubae editor.

01Aug2009 some bug fixes and some modifications in prubae editor.

02Aug2009 a bug fix in prubae editor.

05Aug2009 a bug fix in rulebase.php in rulebase package.

07Aug2009 some modifications and some bug fixes in prubae editor.

20Aug2009 newrule.php and is created in the rulebase to create new rule file.

21Aug2009 prorate.css, audit.jsp, error.jsp in auditEjb, prorateEjb, prorateWeb, prorateWebAll are modified to change color of items. TODO comment in catch block in are removed.

24Aug2009 comments string written in japanese are removed in some source files.

31Aug2009 reset button is added in audit.jsp in prorateEjb and auditEjb.

07Sep2009 comments string written in japanese are removed in some source files. build.xml are all modified for all java packages to import build_properties.xml. GNP Proration System Installation CD-ROM image gnpInstaller.iso and Pre-installation CD-ROM image for Solaris gnpSolarisPreInstaller.iso are added to the file list.

09Sep2009 installer shell script is modified in NP Proration System Installation CD-ROM image gnpInstaller.iso.

08Oct2009 modify to re-open database when SQLException occurred in executing SQL statement in every SQL query, and other bugs are fixed.

19Oct2009 debug in jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.fcalc.ProrateFCalcImpl.getFareCalInfo().

27Oct2009 some bug fixes in prubae editor.

02Nov2009 some bugs are fixed in AuditEjb, struts actions etc.

30Nov2009 EXTF features are implemented in prubae editor and prorate service.

02Dec2009 some bugs are fixed in editing rules using EXTF functions in prubae editor. a modification is done in jp.sourceforge.gnp.rulebase.xml.XmlRulebaseWriter class.

03Dec2009 a bug in jp.sourceforge.gnp.prubae.PrubaeFrame is fixed.

09Dec2009 bugs in class XmlRulebaseUrl, PrubaeReaderXml, PrubaeReaderXmlUrl in package jp.sourceforge.gnp.rulebase.xml are fixed.
Bugs in GNP version 1.0 for RAM09 are all fixed, to release to the world.

18Dec2009 a bug in method jp.sourceforge.gnp.rulebase.xml.XmlRulebaseUrl.ruleInstall() is fixed.

14May2010 class ProrateEjbBean modified, ProrateCheckEjbBean and ProrateCheckGetDataEjbBean class added in package jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.ejb.

04Jul2010 package jp.sourceforge.gnp.dsearch and interface jp.sourceforge.gnp.dsearch.ejb.interfaces.GetDataEjb are created.
class ProrateEjbBean are separated into ProrateEjbBean, ProrateCheckEjbBean, and ProrateCheckGetDataEjbBean in package p.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.ejb.
Instance variable jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.export.ProrateAudit.ignoreFareCalcCarrier created.
Method jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.fcalc.ProrateFcalcImpl.sectorCheck() is modified.
class jp.sourceforge.gnp.audit.ejb.AuditEjbBean modified.

24Sep2010 Source and binary ejb package xmindemo is added to gnpInstaller.iso.
New instance variable discountedValue is added in class jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.ProrateAuditImpl and used as the sales fare (discounted fare) nuc value (convertec using 5day rate).
Modified jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.ProrateTrace.traceCommission() method to add discountedValue as input parameter.
Modified jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.ProrateTraceImpl.traceCommission() method to add discountedValue as input parameter.
Debug in ProrateTestFile.inputAudit() where reading tax input data.

25Jan2011 A minor bug fix in method jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.fcalc.ProrateFcalcImpl.doSkipFareBasis().
Set column length for String instance values of EJB3 Persistence Entity classes of Audit,Sector and TaxData in jp.sourceforge.gnp.audit.ejb package.

02Feb2011 Debug package jp/sourceforge/gnp/prorate/fcalc/fcalc.flex into jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.fcalc.
Debug jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.fcalc.ProrateFCalcImpl.MAX_FC_RESULT.
Added jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.fcalc.ProrateFCalcImpl.ResultRoeBeforeEnd.

06Aug2011 Debug in rulebase package.

12Sep2011 add property loading feature from property file in the home directory of the system property.

30Nov2011 Modified @EJB DI annotation for jp.sourceforge.gnp.audit.ejb.AuditEjbBean.prorate to add "ejb/ProrateEjb"(jndiName) to mappedName.
Remove @EJB DI annotation for jp.sourceforge.gnp.audit.struts.service.AuditServiceEjb.ejb.
Remove @EJB DI annotation for jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.struts.service.ProrateServiceEjb.ejb.
change to use ProrateEjbClient.makeInstance in jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.struts.service.ProrateServiceEjb constructor.

30Nov2011 Change to un-use ProrateEjbClient.makeInstance in jp.sourceforge.gnp.prorate.struts.service.ProrateServiceEjb constructor.

05Feb2014 The project is finalized.
makeApplyObject() methods are tested.
Test on Windows XP succeeded.