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프로젝트 설명

Wackamole is a tool that helps with making a
cluster highly available. It manages a bunch of
virtual IPs that should be available to the outside
world at all times, and ensures that exactly one
machine within the cluster is listening on each
virtual IP address that Wackamole manages. If it
discovers that particular machines within the
cluster are not alive, it will almost immediately
ensure that other machines acquire the virtual IP
addresses the down machines were managing. At
no time will more than one connected machine be
responsible for any virtual IP.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-12-28 23:15

Win32에서의 컴파일이 해결되었습니다. 그들의 장치 이름 e1000g () 같은 숫자와 이더넷 장치에 대한 Solaris에서 작동 해결되었습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Win32 compilation has been fixed. Operation on Solaris for ethernet devices with numbers in their device name (like e1000g) has been fixed.

2007-02-24 11:56

많은 변화되었다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Many changes were made.

2001-11-13 05:48

autoconf를 지원, 프리 BSD / Solaris와 8/Mac OS X에서 지원하지 않으면 기본적으로 daemonizing "- d는"플래그를 부여, 파일의 PID를 서면으로 IP를 릴리스 syslogging / 데이터 수집 및 업데이 트를 그렇게 vitual IP가의 번호를 덜 수있습니다 기계의 전화 번호를 어떤 기계의 VIP config를 가지고보다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
autoconf support, FreeBSD/Solaris 8/Mac OS X support, daemonizing by default unless the "-d" flag is given, writing a PID file, syslogging IP release/acquire data, and updates so that the number of vitual IPs can be less than the number of machines if some machines have config vip

2001-09-18 02:35

언제 죽게되면 모든 가상 인터페이스를 아래로 모셔오 및 연결이 끊긴 경우 확산에 다시 연결하려고 시도.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Bringing down all virtual interfaces when when it dies, and attempting to reconnect to spread if it loses connection.

2001-09-04 14:07

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

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