Ultra Tic Tac Toe is a console board game package that includes tic tac toe
(naughts and crosses) and connect 4. Tic tac toe can be played on 3x3 through
7x7 boards. UTTT contains a highly optimized computer AI engine which supports
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
재작 성 pthreads 엔진 (다중 스레드와 더 나은 speedup 들면, 다중 프로세서 컴퓨터에서)과 개선된 채점 시스템 5X5 및 좁은 (와 박하 사탕 발가락이 게임은 실제 점수가 표시됩니다, 안)에 불과 점수 차이를 실행 .
Major feature enhancements
A rewritten pthreads engine (for better speedup with multiple threads, if run on a multi-processor machine) and an improved scoring system (with 5x5 and 6x6 tic tac toe games, the actual scores will be shown, not just the difference in scores).