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프로젝트 설명

TRE is a lightweight, robust, efficient, portable, and POSIX compliant regexp matching library. Key features include the agrep command line tool for approximate regexp matching in the style of grep, an approximate matching library API, portability, wide character and multibyte character support, binary pattern and data support, complete thread safety, consistently efficient matching, low memory consumption and small footprint, and strict standards conformance.

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2004-12-11 20:17

다시 언급하고 Agrep의 버그와 2 개의 버그가 수정되었습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Two bugs with back references and a bug in agrep
have been fixed.

2004-11-22 02:29

일부 버그 및 컴파일 문제, 누락된 파일이 포함되었습니다 Agrep man 페이지가 추가되었습니다 수정되었습니다 - 색상과 - 구분 기호 - 후 명령줄 옵션을 Agrep에 추가되었습니다.
Some bugs and compilation problems have been fixed, missing files have been included, an agrep man page has been added, and the --color and --delimiter-after command line options have been added to agrep.

2004-09-10 23:08

reguexec () 함수와 몇 가지 새로운 정규 표현식 구문에 대한 지원, 파이썬 언어 바인딩 REG_RIGHT_ASSOC 컴파일 플래그 REG_APPROX_MATCHER 및 REG_BACKTRACKING_MATCHER 실행 플래그, 몇 가지 버그가 추가되었습니다 컴파일이 문제가 해결되었습니다 포함되었습니다이 추가되었습니다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The reguexec() function and support for some new regexp syntax have been added, Python language bindings have been included, the REG_RIGHT_ASSOC compilation flag and REG_APPROX_MATCHER and REG_BACKTRACKING_MATCHER execution flags have been added, and several bugs and compilation problems have been fixed.

2004-05-29 06:18

그 원인이 문제 [[: 빈 : 인식해야] 문자 클래스 안에서 해결되었습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A problem that caused the [[:blank:]] character class not to be
recognized was fixed.

2004-05-09 22:17

libutf8에 대한 컴파일을위한 지원, - y와 명령줄 옵션을 tre_config ()와 tre_version Agrep에 추가되었습니다 () 함수가 추가되었습니다 여러 가지 버그가 수정되었습니다 추가되었습니다.
Support for compiling against libutf8 has been added, the -y command line option has been added to agrep, the tre_config() and tre_version() functions have been added, and various bugs have been fixed.

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