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프로젝트 설명

Sticker Book is a children's program which lets you place stickers on a background scene. You can resize, recolour and reorient the stickers that you use, and you never run out. You can even paint with them. The program is intended for the 3-7 year olds, but it's even fun for adults. It is flexible enough to make sophisticated pictures without being as complex as drawing/painting program.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-08-18 04:24

버그수정, 새로운 장면, 그리고 속도 향상.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Bugfixes, new scenes, and speed improvements.

2001-01-30 15:13

첫 번째 릴리스.
First release.

2001-01-30 15:13

이 릴리스, 새로운 장면이 새로운 시작 화면, 툴팁, 쉽게 설정 액세스, 인쇄 버튼을, 크기 조절, 독일어 번역을 추가합니다.
This release adds a new start screen, tooltips, easier config access, a print button, a resize control, German translations, and new scenes.

2001-01-30 15:13

물고기 스티커 xfishtank ()에서, autoconf를 스크립트 오류 수정 독방 감금, 가벼운 컨트롤을 수정, 국제화 지원 (엉, 나쁜 fr과)
fish stickers (from xfishtank), autoconf script, seg fault fixes, minor control fixes, internationalization support (en, bad fr)

Project Resources