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프로젝트 설명

somaplayer is music player for MP3, Ogg, wav,
audio CDs, MP3 streams, and Ogg streams. It is
able to use the appropriate sound drivers or
demons or to stream directly to an Icecast server
(Icecast2 or SHOUTcast) or to encode in MP3 and
Ogg Vorbis. It also acts as a sound daemon that is
able to accept connections from other somaplayers
or any other sound player (xmms, mpg123, and
others) thanks to a special wrapper.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-02-06 15:27

오디오 출력에 대한 옵션을 그래픽 인터페이스에 추가되었습니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Options for audio outputs were added in the
graphical interface.

2005-01-22 16:31

이 릴리스는, 새로운 옵션과 기능을 새로운 아이콘 및 그래픽 인터페이스, 드래그 앤 드롭 지원을 추가합니다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release adds a new icon and graphic interface, drag and drop
support, and new options and functions.

2004-11-01 19:37

이제 관리자 인터페이스를 활성화할 수있습니다 (의 TCP / 유닉스)에 대한 somaplayer 및 somaplayer_controller (또는 그래픽 모드에서) somaplayer_controller_g 그것을 제어할 수있습니다. 저기 마이크 입력 및 개방에 대한 새로운 구성입니다 / icecast/icecast2/shoutcast/lame/ogg 설정에 대한 버튼을 저장할 수있습니다. SDS는 유닉스 또는 TCP 모드에서 실행하는 이미 Ouput 동기화를위한 새로운 알고리즘입니다.
Now you can activate an admin interface (TCP / Unix) for somaplayer and control it with somaplayer_controller (or somaplayer_controller_g in graphic mode). There is a new configuration for microphone input and the open/save buttons for the icecast/icecast2/shoutcast/lame/ogg config. SdS runs in Unix or TCP mode, and there is a new algorithm for ouput synchronization.

2004-10-28 16:09

Mirnor 버그수정되었다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Mirnor bugfixes were made.

2004-10-16 21:46

Tags: Minor bugfixes

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