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프로젝트 설명

ShoutChat allows developers to add an instant message (or IRC) like shout box to Web sites. The shoutchat is an iframe element (Mozilla compatible), and the script operates using Javascript and stores the messages in a MySQL database (a file gets complicated with synchronous posts, so a database was favored). The look of the box is controlled through styles. All the modern browsers are supported (including Konqueror). In order to act more like an instant chat, it handles some of the details that other shout boxes do not. It uses Javascript head requests to check for new messages, refreshing the iframe and scrolling down to the new message when one is detected. Several IRC features are included, such as channels. Finally, a text formatting engine called FastFormat code is used to decorate text and create special links.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-04-27 11:34

이 릴리스의 새로운 이름 "ShoutChat은"프로젝트를 마이 그 레이션합니다. 그것은 두 가지로 하나는 악 한 채널에 대한 데이터베이스 테이블을 나눕니다. 몇몇 뛰어난 데이터베이스의 필드에 매핑이 방해 게시되는 소리 질러 고정했다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release migrates the project to the new name "ShoutChat". It splits the database tables into two, one for shouts and one for channels. Several outstanding database field mappings that prevented shouts from being posted were fixed.

2003-01-07 02:21

버그수정 외에, 채널 (그냥은 IRC에서처럼)이 추가되었습니다. 채널은 기본적으로 그냥 대화 측면과 현실은 IRC 첨단되지 않습니다. 대부분의 명령, / 닉 / 도움말 / 역사, 및 / 목록과 같이 추가되었습니다. 기능뿐만 아니라, 많은 코드 정리 및 최적화되었습니다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
In addition to bugfixes, channels have been added (just like in
IRC). The channels are basically just side conversations and aren't as
advanced as real IRC. Many commands have been added, such as /nick,
/help, /history, and /list. In addition to the features, many code
cleanups and optimizations have been made.

2003-01-06 11:19

이 버전의 SQL 스크립트를 누락, 수정 가능성이 무한 루프, 추가 역사 데 도움이 팝업, 자동 감지 링크를 추가하고 해당 URL을 생성, 기록된 타임 스탬프와 시간대 문제를 해결하는 고객에 대한 시간대를 감지 추가 추상화에 대한 구성 파일을 만드는 설정 및 여러 / 같은 날 컨벤션 채팅에 대한 지원이 포함되어있습니다.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This version adds a missing SQL script, fixes a possible infinite loop, adds history and help popups, auto-detects links and generates appropriate URLs, corrects a timezone issue with recorded timestamps, adds timezone detection for clients, makes a configuration file for abstraction of settings, and includes support for several chat conventions such as /me.

2003-01-05 05:00

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

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