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프로젝트 설명

segatex is a tool to configure SELinux policy with the help of a GUI. At the push of a button, it can generate a .te file in the /usr/share/segatex directory. You can then edit your .te file, make a module, and install. You can make any module name and edit current modules. You can install, update, and remove modules. You can semanage list and semanage login, fcontext, and port or set some domain permissive. You can download SELinux-related RPMs, including xguest, sepostgresql, and mod_selinux. You can download Fedora DVD or CDs. You can relabel your system. You can audit2allow by GUI. You can check refpolicy by analyzer. segatex includes its own policy.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-04 03:48

이 릴리스에 수정 segatex 정책 및 페도라 다운.
This release fixes the segatex policy and Fedora downloader.

2013-02-02 16:37

이 릴리스는 일본어 번역 및 segatex 모듈을 고정 시켰다.
This release fixed the Japanese translation and the segatex module.

2013-01-28 06:24

이 릴리스에 수정 Refpolicy 분석기. sqlrefpolicy.db 크기의 3 배로 늘어났다.
This release fixes Refpolicy Analyzer. sqlrefpolicy.db has tripled in size.

2013-01-28 02:29

이 릴리스 fxes breakte.sh의 버그. 이제 모든.te 파일을 제대로 끊을 수 있습니다.
This release fxes a bug in Now you can break all the .te files properly.

2013-01-26 10:09

이 릴리스 Refpolicy 분석기에서 버그를 해결합니다. 지금 한 잔의 커피와 함께 refpolicy를 분석할 수 있습니다.
This release fixes a bug in Refpolicy Analyzer. Now you can analyze refpolicy with a cup of coffee.

Project Resources