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프로젝트 설명

NDir is a terminal tool to display the contents of directories. It can both provide a brief overview on the present files and display all interesting information associated with the files. NDir is designed to display its output in a more legible and informative way than ls. This includes various degrees of verbosity, a statistics line for each directory, coloured output and intelligent handling of long file names.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-01-30 15:13

새로운 옵션 및 기타 사소한 변경
New options and other minor changes

2001-01-30 15:13

와 더 나은 호환성의 glibc와 EGCS.
Better compatibility with glibc and EGCS.

2001-01-30 15:13

마이너 버그수정 전용.
Minor bugfixes only.

Project Resources