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프로젝트 설명

n2 is a client/server system for transmitting forensic snapshots from a number of hosts to a receiver node. This receiver collects statistics and is able to present an overview of the current and historical situation on a server. n2 provides a robust solution for real-time monitoring, optimizing performance, and analyzing crashes.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-10-28 02:20

마이너는 / CSS는 HTML을 수정 프로그램은 n2view에 있었다. 성능 바뀌는가 n2rxd에 있었다. n2txd의 윈도우 버전이 추가되었습니다. 디스크 공간 플래그가 추가되었습니다. decodingerr 플래그가 n2rxd/n2view에 추가되었습니다. 경고 - 플래그 디스플레이 개요 페이지를 n2view에 추가되었습니다. 보안 수정 프로그램이 n2view로 만들어졌다. 사소한 수정이 n2에 있었다.
Minor CSS/HTML fixes were made in n2view. Performance tweaks were made to n2rxd. A Windows version of n2txd was added. Diskspace flags were added. The decodingerr flag was added to n2rxd/n2view. WARN-flags display was added to n2view overview pages. A security fix was made to n2view. Minor fixes were made to n2.

2009-08-03 23:58

어떤 이메일 알림 프레임 워크와 잘 결합 n2와 데몬이 추가되었습니다 n2notify. 모든 포장 끝났어요했다; 인기있는 배포판 대부분의 패키지 리포지 터리 지금은 제공됩니다. 작은 버그수정 많은 n2rxd 친구에게 제출했다. 개조하면 되겠어 많은 n2view 짓을했다.
n2notify was added, which is an email notification framework and daemon that combines well with n2. All packaging was redone; package repositories for most of the popular distributions are now offered. Lots of small bugfixes were made to n2rxd and friends. Lots of tweaks were done to n2view.

2009-04-29 23:31

몇 가지 사소한 버그가 수정되었습니다 루아 프레임 워크는 과거 데이터를 분석하기위한 추가되었습니다 및 상세 리포트 및 제안 인터페이스 제공.
Some minor bugs were fixed and a Lua framework was added for analyzing historical data and giving detailed reports and suggestions in the interface.

2009-04-04 09:37

이번이 처음 공개 전체 기능입니다.
This is the first public release, with full functionality.

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