Mojolicious is "Duct Tape For The HTML5 Web". It is powerful with no dependencies out of the box with RESTful routes, plugins, Perl-ish templates, session management, signed cookies, asynchronous client, a testing framework, a static file server, first class Unicode support, and much more. It has a clean, portable, object oriented pure Perl API without any hidden magic and no requirements besides modern Perl, but can use many CPAN packages out of the box. It has a HTTP 1.1 and WebSocket client/server implementation with TLS, IDNA, Comet (long polling), chunking, and multipart support, and an async I/O Web server supporting EV pluggable event queue, Unix domain sockets, and hot deployment. Automatic CGI, FastCGI, and PSGI detection allows for any deployment situation. It has a JSON and XML/HTML5 parser/emitter with an advanced CSS3 selector support and DOM.