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프로젝트 설명

ll-plugins is a small collection of LV2 plugins and a host that runs them. All plugins are installed in separate LV2 bundles (except the ones that are closely related, like the math-constant plugins or the mono and stereo versions of the peak meter). The GUIs, for the plugins that have GUIs, are installed in bundles of their own to make it easier for packagers to put them in separate binary packages to avoid Gtk dependencies for the plugins themselves. There are synths, event processors, simple audio and control manipulators and GUI-based plugins.

System Requirements

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2010-02-25 16:49

그 (LDFLAGS) 정적 링커 달러를 추가 수정되었습니다 시스템의 버그를 빌드합니다. sndfile 버전의 요구 사항을 1.0.18로 (FLAC)를 필요로 증가했다. 피크 미터의 플러그인에있는 URI에 버그가 수정되었습니다. 오류 메시지가 루돌프 556으로 할 때 샘플을로드 실패가 표시됩니다.
A build system bug that added $(LDFLAGS) to the static linker was fixed. The sndfile version requirement was increased to 1.0.18 (needed for FLAC). A URI bug in peak meter plugins was fixed. An error message is displayed by Rudolf 556 when a sample fails to load.

2008-05-21 22:49

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

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