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프로젝트 설명

LaTeX Word Counter is a word counter for LaTeX
files. It can also count simple text files. It has
a simple and easy graphical interface. Logs can be
shown for every file (such as included LaTeX
files). When opened, the file is determined to be
LaTeX or not. When done, all the words are
counted. Once done, the user can always recount
the same file or open another.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-12-30 22:16

버그 \ resizebox 구조에 관한 수정되었습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A bug regarding \resizebox structure was

2008-10-25 00:35

이 릴리스에는 로그 파일 행 2 "엔드와"결말을하지 백작 만들 수있습니다 \ fbox 구조, 파일 또는 경로를 지정 가능성을 추가하고 창 크기를 조정할 수있습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release makes logs count a file not ending
with two "end of lines",
allows \fbox structures, adds the possibility to
specify a file or path,
and allows windows to be resized.

2004-07-22 19:09

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources