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프로젝트 설명

KGuitune is a guitar-and-other-instruments tuner. It takes a signal from the microphone, calculates its frequency, and displays it on a note scale graphic and an oscilloscope. It supports normal, Wien, and physical tuning.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2007-04-25 19:41

K3Guitune 지금은 자동이 훨씬 더 정확한 결과를 제공합니다 주파수 결정에 대한 상관 관계를 사용합니다.
Tags: KDE3, Major feature enhancements
K3Guitune now uses auto-correlation for frequency determination, which gives much more accurate results.

2006-02-10 01:45

프랑스어 번역, 그리고 추가되었습니다 k3guitune.desktop 해결되었습니다.
Tags: KDE3, Minor feature enhancements
A French translation was added, and the k3guitune.desktop was fixed.

2005-10-13 16:33

ALSA 사운드를 처리하는 버그가 수정되었습니다. 기본적으로 샘플 수를 지금보다 현명한입니다.
Tags: KDE3, Minor bugfixes
An ALSA sound handling bug was fixed. The default sample number is now more sensible.

2005-08-23 20:13

이 릴리스의 최근 bio2jack을 통해, 잭 지원을 제공 및 비 - ALSA와 OSS가 장치의 열 차단. 예술 하드 종속성도 제거되었습니다.
Tags: KDE3, Minor feature enhancements
This release brings JACK support via recent bio2jack, and non-blocking opening of ALSA and OSS devices. The hard dependency on aRts was also removed.

2004-08-18 17:45

독일어 번역이 추가되었습니다.
Tags: KDE3, Minor feature enhancements
A German translation was added.

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