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프로젝트 설명

Jkaptive is a simple captive portal without RADIUS (and thus without total security, but at the same time without too much hassle). The reason behind this is because a lot of site administrators don't need tight security; their site is just a café that offers free Internet access on an unsecured WLAN access point connected to the Internet, and they need a ticketing system to make it cumbersome for average people to use this offering without actually buying a single coffee. Jkaptive itself just presents the login page and checks the token. The blocking of unticketed traffic is done through Linux' netfilter. As no proxy server is involved, jkaptive has no performance penalty, nor does it create problems with non-HTTP traffic. Once the token is accepted, jkaptive is out of the way of any network packets completely. For presenting the login page, jkaptive has a built-in Web server, so no additional Web server application is needed.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2013-01-03 08:14

속도 제한 규칙 jkaptive HTTP 서버에 대 한 추가 되었습니다. HTTP 아버지 과정에서 소켓은 지금 어떤 경우에 파일 설명자 고갈 문제를 해결 하는 작업자 출구 후 닫힙니다.
Rate limiting rules have been added for jkaptive HTTP server. The socket in the HTTP father process is now closed in any case after worker exit, resolving a file descriptor exhaustion problem.

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