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프로젝트 설명

JaxMe is a Java/XML binding framework based on SAX2. It consists of a set of code generators that read an XML schema and generate code for parsing conformant XML documents into corresponding Java objects, saving those objects into a database or, vice versa, reading such Java objects from a database and converting them into XML. JaxMe supports namespaces, relational databases, and Tamino. JaxMe comes with an integrated application framework and a generator for EJB entity beans with BMP (bean managed persistence).

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-10-28 09:00

이 bugfix 릴리스, 특히 큰 규모의 전용 및 구성 스키마입니다.
Tags: Apache, Major bugfixes
This is a bugfix release, dedicated in particular to large scale and composed schemas.

2006-01-09 01:38

이 bugfix 릴리스입니다. 외부 스키마 파일의 바인딩에 대한 예선 지원이 추가되었습니다.
Tags: Apache, Minor bugfixes
This is a bugfix release. Preliminary support for external schema binding files has been added.

2005-08-12 06:50

이 버전의 혼합된 콘텐츠 및 XS를 적절한 매핑에 대한 지원 : 자바 상속하는 확장 기능을 소개합니다. 비교 0.5beta, 몇 가지 중요한 버그가 해결되었습니다.
Tags: Apache, Major feature enhancements
This version introduces support for mixed content
and proper mapping of xs:extension to Java
inheritance. Compared to 0.5beta, several
important bugs have been fixed.

2005-07-15 23:15

혼합 콘텐츠가 현재 지원되고 XS를 : 확장 이제 제대로 자바 상속에 매핑됩니다.
Tags: Apache, Major feature enhancements
Mixed content is now supported, and xs:extension is now properly mapped to Java inheritance.

2005-04-13 13:51

이것은 첫 번째 버전은 다수와 중첩 그룹을 지원하는 "= 1입니다. 특히, XS를 : 확장 지금은 작동합니다. 또한 컬렉션 타입 ""지금 색인을 지원합니다.
Tags: Apache, Major feature enhancements
This is the first version supporting nested groups with
multiplicity <= 1. In particular, xs:extension now works.
Additionally, the collection type "indexed" is now supported.

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