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프로젝트 설명

HashCatalog is a program that can find duplicate files in one or more folders or between two lists of one or more folders. HashCatalog supports a regular expression mask to select files to be evaluated for duplicates. HashCatalog will always recurse directories in search of files. HashCatalog can also create an XML file containing a listing of files, along with enough information to be able to determine duplicates. This XML file can be used to allow searches for duplicates against removable media. The catalog can be supplied to the list of search locations, along with individual files and folders. The hash methods supported are: MD5, SHA, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-06-23 06:30

이 릴리스의 자세한 진행 회전자 및 상태 업데이 트를 포함한 JCmdLineProgress을 통해 명령줄보고에 대한 지원을 제공합니다.
Tags: Stable
This release provides support for verbose progress reporting to the command line through JCmdLineProgress, including a spinner and status updates.

2009-05-19 02:21

에서 진행 JCmdLineProgress 회전자에 대한이 릴리스했습니다 예비 지원 - verbose 모드, 그리고 코드의 2 라인을 변경하여 놀랄만큼 비효율적인 프로세스를 조작 후 해시 해시에서 속도를 극적으로 증가했다.
Tags: Stable
This release has preliminary support for a JCmdLineProgress progress spinner in --verbose mode, and a dramatic increase in hashing speed after fixing an astonishingly inefficient hash process by changing 2 lines of code.

2009-04-29 18:55

윈도우 예제 샘플을 포함하도록 업데이 트되었습니다.
Tags: Beta
The examples were updated to include Windows samples.

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