GSUtil is a utility for saving, restoring, and
rebooting GrandStream BudgeTone 100 and GX2000
VOIP phones, amongst others. It's written in Perl
and was developed using standard Perl modules, so
no extra modules need to be installed.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
어떤 이유로 들어, 작동하지 않는 BT101/102 복원했다. 코드는 처음부터, 청소기의 내부 설계와 하위 호환성을 재작 성되었습니다.
Minor bugfixes
For some reason, BT101/102 restore wasn't working.
The code has been rewritten from scratch, with a
cleaner internal design and backwards
이 릴리스, 그리고 최신 버전의 펌웨어에 의해 추가된 구성 옵션을 추가 정의되지 않은 데이터 페이지는 또한 하드웨어의 특정 부분에 존재하지 않는 의한 참조에 대해 보호할 수있습니다.
Minor feature enhancements
This release adds configuration options that were added by the latest firmware, and also protects against referencing of undefined data caused by pages not being present on a particular piece of hardware.