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프로젝트 설명

gElemental is a periodic table viewer that
provides detailed information on the chemical
elements. It offers a broad, up-to-date data set,
thematic coloring, a sortable list view, and a
shared library and Python binding. It was
originally based on GPeriodic.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-12-11 01:14

이것은 GPeriodic 1.x에서 시리즈에서 추가로 번역 reintroduces 유지 보수 릴리스입니다. 이러한 번역 (드,, 이건, 태평양 표준시, nl 및 ru)이다 현재 골격 말이지. 창 크기가 지금은 목록보기를 사용하는 사이에 보존됩니다.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This is a maintenance release that reintroduces additional translations from the GPeriodic 1.x series. These translations (de, es, it, nl, pt, and ru) are currently skeletal. Window size is now preserved between uses of the list view.

2006-12-08 12:54

이 gElemental 불안 정한 일련의 유지 보수 릴리스입니다. 입심, GTK는 최근의 버전과 함께이 문제를 해결 + 및 autoconf를. 문제는 변환된 문자열의 인코딩과 관련된 또 수정.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
This is a maintenance release of the gElemental
unstable series. It fixes issues with recent
versions of GLib, GTK+, and autoconf. It also
fixes an issue involving encoding of translated

Project Resources