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프로젝트 설명

E-Cell System is an object-oriented software suite for modelling, simulation, and analysis of large scale complex systems such as biological cells. It allows many components, driven by multiple algorithms with different timescales, to coexist. The core library is written in C++ with a Python binding, and frontend software uses Python.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-10-26 22:15

이 릴리스에서 추가 모듬된 버그 수정.
Tags: Bufixes, Stable
This release adds assorted bugfixes.

2006-06-21 08:59

이 릴리스에는 향상된 ODE 포함 / 대성 해법, 업데이트된 empy 전처리 numpy에 대한 지원, 그리고 좀 더 작은 개선.
Tags: ecell3, Minor feature enhancements
This release includes improved ODE/DAE solvers,
support for numpy, an updated empy preprocessor,
and some more minor improvements.

2005-02-16 13:20

이 릴리스에는 세션 모니터의 GUI에 대한 주요 개선, 더욱 빠른 ExpressionProcess 수업, 그리고 더 나은 SBML 지원이 포함되어있습니다.
Tags: ecell3, Major feature enhancements
This release includes major improvements on the session monitor GUI, faster ExpressionProcess classes, and better SBML support.

2004-06-03 16:49

이 릴리스의 주요 개선 통로를 볼 수있는 모델을 편집기 SBML 수입, 향상된 대성 지원, 한글 MS - Windows 지원, 그리고 훨씬 더 포함됩니다.
Tags: ecell3, Major feature enhancements
Major improvements in this release include a model
editor with pathway view, a SBML importer,
enhanced DAE support, MS-Windows support, and a
lot more.

2004-01-01 09:46

이 버전 SBML 수입, GUI를 모델 편집기의 첫 번째 스냅샷, 그리고 많은 성능 tunings 및 버그수정이 포함되어있습니다.
Tags: ecell3, Major feature enhancements
This version includes an SBML importer, a first snapshot of a GUI model editor, and many performance tunings and bugfixes.

Project Resources