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프로젝트 설명

Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording, and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. It supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs, and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console-mode user interface is included in the package.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-05-22 23:02

버그의 무리는 이전 릴리스에서는 jack_multi 회귀를 포함, 고정했다.
A bunch of bugs were fixed, including a jack_multi regression in the previous release.

2011-05-14 06:52

중요한 bugfix는 샘플 전환 루틴하였습니다. 많은 다른 사소한 버그가 해결되었습니다.
An important bugfix has been made to sample conversion routines. Many other minor bugs have been fixed.

2010-08-20 07:12

수동 게이트 기능이 추가되었습니다. 버그, chainsetup 상태를 절약 resample 개체와 모색에 고정되고 Cygwin 지원.
A manual gate feature has been added. Bugs have been fixed in saving the chainsetup state, seeking with resample objects, and with Cygwin support.

2010-02-22 04:06

ALSA 버그가 이전 버전의 특정 하드웨어 드라이버와 청취 결함 발생하는 수정 프로그램을 포함한 각종 버그수정.
Various bugfixes, including a fix to a bug causing audible glitches with old versions of ALSA and certain hardware drivers.

2009-10-20 09:42

매개 변수를 컨트롤에 추가되었습니다 오픈 초기 사운드 컨트롤 (OSC) 인터페이스입니다. 새로운 '- chorder'과 '- eadb'옵션 '경찰'이 추가되었습니다 대화형 모드 명령을 얻을. 빌드 시간에 대한 지원 옵션은 내부 루프를 최적화 liboil을 사용하여 많은 일반적인 사용하는 작은 성능 향상을주는 추가되었습니다 시나리오. 다양한 버그 잭을 지원하고, 옵션을 파싱 MP3 출력이 해결되었습니다. 거기에 Mac OS X에서 문제가 수정됩니다 구축
An initial Open Sound Control (OSC) interface for parameter control has been added. New '-chorder' and '-eadb' options and a 'cop-get' interactive mode command have been added. Optional build time support has been added for using liboil to optimize inner loops, giving a small performance boost to many common use-scenarios. Various bugs have been fixed in JACK support, MP3 output, and option parsing. There are fixes to build problems in Mac OS X.

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