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프로젝트 설명

DB_eSession is a feature-packed PHP class that stores
session data in a MySQL database rather than files. It is
powerful, designed with security in mind, and is easy to utilize.
The code contains lots of comments, and it comes with full
documentation and examples of how to use the class including
a basic authentication login/logout process. It includes member
functions useful (to webmasters) for monitoring or viewing,
deleting, and altering sessions validity for the case of locking
one or more sessions upon detection of unauthorized use.

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2004-06-04 22:25

sessDecode 회원 때로는 마지막 문자가 잘립니다 작동하지 않습니다. 이 버그는 때 다음 조건을 모두 충족됐다가 발생했습니다 : libmcrypt 설치되지 않았습니다; setSessVar 암호화 옵션과 함께 사용 (어느 sessEncode)를 호출; 텍스트 암호화된 문자해도 번호를했다. 문제는 getSessVar 끝에 한 적은 문자가 포함된 텍스트를 검색하는 데 사용되는 걸 발견했다. 만약 여분의 필드 옵션 setSessVar에서 다음 FALSE를 반환 getSessVar 사용되었다. 이 문제는이 릴리스에서 수정되었습니다.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The sessDecode member function sometimes truncated the last character. This bug occurred when all of the following conditions were met: libmcrypt was not installed; using setSessVar with the encrypt option (which invokes sessEncode); the text encrypted had an even number of characters. The problem was noticed when getSessVar was used to retrieve the text, which contained one less character at the end. If the extra field option was used in setSessVar, then getSessVar returned FALSE. This problem has been fixed in this release.

2004-05-19 10:07

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

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