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프로젝트 설명

Bluelog is a Bluetooth site survey tool, designed to tell you how many discoverable devices there are in an area as quickly as possible. Bluelog differs from most Bluetooth scanners in that it prioritizes speed of reporting over anything else (i.e. it doesn't spend time trying to pull detailed data from a device) and doesn't require any user intervention to function. As the name implies, its primary function is to log discovered devices to file rather than to be used interactively. Bluelog could run on a system unattended for long periods of time to collect data. In addition to basic scanning, Bluelog also has a unique feature called "Bluelog Live", which puts results in a constantly updating Web page which you can serve with your HTTP daemon of choice.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-12-28 22:45

이것은 일반적인 사용을 위한 안정 된 릴리스 이다. 그것은 많은 내부 개선, 정리, 버그 수정, 추가 하 고 모든 사용자에 대해 제안 된 업그레이드.
Tags: Stable
This is a stable release intended for general use. It adds many internal improvements, cleanups, and bugfixes, and is a suggested upgrade for all users.

2012-02-13 04:02

이 릴리스 Bluelog 공식 저장소에 포함 시키기 위해 제출 되었습니다 수동으로 건설이 필요 이상으로 OpenWRT 빌드 프로세스를 합리화.
Tags: Minor, Stable, WRT
This release streamlines the OpenWRT build process, as Bluelog has been submitted for inclusion into the official repositories and will no longer need to be built manually.

2012-02-01 07:51

이 작업에서 Bluetooth 검색을 방지 하는 리눅스 3.0.x 버그에 대 한 응답에서 사소한 릴리스입니다. Bluelog 지금 3.0.x 시스템에 실패 하는 경우 설명이 포함 된 오류 메시지를 줄 것 이다.
Tags: Minor, Stable
This is a minor release in response to the Linux 3.0.x bug that prevents Bluetooth scanning from working. Bluelog will now give a descriptive error message when failing on a 3.0.x system.

2010-12-01 16:57

이것은 사소한 릴리스입니다. BlueProPro 로깅에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다. 코드와 문서를 청소했다. 변경 사항은 기본 로그 형식으로 만들어 졌 었죠.
Tags: Minor, Stable
This is a minor release. Support for BlueProPro logging was added. The code and documentation were cleaned up. Changes were made to the default log format.

2010-10-30 11:18

주요 변경 사항은 시스템 로그에 로깅, 적절한 데몬 모드의 도입을 포함, 그리고 PID를 파일의 사용은 동시 실행중인 인스턴스를 제어할 수 있습니다. 사소한 변경은 많은 reworking 및 문서와 man 페이지를 밖으로 fleshing가 포함되어 있습니다.
Tags: major testing
Major changes include the introduction of a proper daemon mode, logging to syslog, and use of PID files to control simultaneous running instances. Minor changes include a large reworking and fleshing out of the documentation and man page.

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