Savegame: "unused entry" warnings about cma settings
Loading a savegame with --warnings can lead to kinds of:
2: ./../../../saves/47992-Sz1-Ai002-Lm59-230507_192610-T0054-auto.sav.xz: unused entry: player0.c0.max_growth 2: ./../../../saves/47992-Sz1-Ai002-Lm59-230507_192610-T0054-auto.sav.xz: unused entry: player0.c0.require_happy 2: ./../../../saves/47992-Sz1-Ai002-Lm59-230507_192610-T0054-auto.sav.xz: unused entry: player0.c0.allow_disorder 2: ./../../../saves/47992-Sz1-Ai002-Lm59-230507_192610-T0054-auto.sav.xz: unused entry: player0.c0.allow_specialists 2: ./../../../saves/47992-Sz1-Ai002-Lm59-230507_192610-T0054-auto.sav.xz: unused entry: player0.c1.max_growth ...
There's a real bug hiding in here. Entries are looked by wrong name. This mostly affects just padding that's going to get discarded, but the cma_factor is not properly read even when it's needed.
Loading a savegame with --warnings can lead to kinds of: