Ticket #47307

Add Optional Ranged Air Combat

오픈 날짜: 2023-02-05 01:10 마지막 업데이트: 2023-02-15 03:25

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


Give ruleset authors the ability to have a ranged air combat system like in civ3/civ4. Information can be found in these threads: https://forum.freeciv.org/f/viewtopic.php?t=92724 https://forum.freeciv.org/f/viewtopic.php?t=89893&hilit=requirements+for+ruleset I am submitting this ticket because, based on this https://forum.freeciv.org/f/viewtopic.php?t=92855 poll, it would appear that this air combat system is prefered to the current one.

Ticket History (3/8 Histories)

2023-02-05 01:10 Updated by: elefant
  • New Ticket "Add Optional Ranged Air Combat" created
2023-02-10 00:44 Updated by: cazfi
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There might be some additional details, but overall this seems like we should just add a couple of action types. Those actions should have ruleset adjustable ranges.

Ticket for each new action should be created.

2023-02-12 00:50 Updated by: elefant
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It is mainly just adding actions, but there are some additional tasks. There are a number of variables to be added to units, and some hard coded flags. Should those get their own tickets, or should the y be included with the actions?

Ranged Air Combat

Flags AirUnit - Units with this flag do not fight as normal but fight by the ranged air combat rules Interceptor - Air units with this flag can intercept enemy air units CollateralDamage - Air units with this flag cause damage to units on target tile when Air Striking AA - Ground units with this flag have intercept_chance of intercepting air units attacking their tile

air_combat_rounds The number of rounds of combat between air units air_range A value for air units that defines the radius of a circle in which they can perform air actions intercept_chance The probability of interception evasion_chance The probability of evading interception

Air Strike Like Bombard, but targeting one unit, which loses hitpoints at a rate proportionate to the attackers attack strength. If a unit has a bomb rate, units on the same tile can lose hit points, up to bomb_rate total, if the unit has CollateralDamage Flag

Air Bomb Can be performed to tiles in air_range of the actor. On tiles outside of a city, destroys improvements. On a city, lowers that city's defense bonus by bomb_rate for 5 turns.

Intercept Can be performed by units with flag Interceptor. Actor tries to stop enemy air units from performing actions within air_range. Probability of success is the difference between the interceptor's intercept_chance and the enemy's evasion_chance. If the actor sucessfully intercepts the enemy, they engage in combat for a number of rounds, defined by air_combat_rounds

Fighter Engagement Can be performed by units with flag Interceptor. Actor tries to draw enemy interceptors to combat. Probability of success is the sum of the two unit's intercept_chance. Units engage in combat for 2 x air_combat_rounds.

Recon Actor views tiles around target. Cannot be intercepted while performing this mission

2023-02-12 04:04 Updated by: elefant
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Forgot about the air bases bit. Airplanes are based at cities, carriers, or air bases. They can move from one to another by the rebase action, which is basically airlift, but can target carriers and air bases. If the base is captured or destroyed by an enemy the aircraft is lost without a fight.

2023-02-13 23:05 Updated by: cazfi
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Reply To elefant

Airplanes are based at cities, carriers, or air bases. They can move from one to another by the rebase action, which is basically airlift, but can target carriers and air bases.

Maybe -> #47350

2023-02-13 23:09 Updated by: cazfi
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Reply To elefant

It is mainly just adding actions, but there are some additional tasks. There are a number of variables to be added to units, and some hard coded flags. Should those get their own tickets, or should the y be included with the actions?

I think the way to get forward is first to have tickets for new actions. Then, as we process them, we add further dependency tickets.

Also, I'd like to have some bits in freeciv-3.2 already, but other bits seem like they may depend on other freeciv-3.3 features.

2023-02-15 03:25 Updated by: None
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#47350 Should work as far as rebase goes

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