Ticket #46314

blank ruleset widget when starting new game - meson built

오픈 날짜: 2022-12-19 07:53 마지막 업데이트: 2022-12-24 16:44

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


Seen in S3_1 branch built with meson, OK with autotools build.

Choose "Start new game", the next dlog has widget "Ruleset: " with blank value. ("Rules: " widget with qt client.)

Seen on my Mac, possibly Mac only bug?

Ticket History (3/14 Histories)

2022-12-19 07:53 Updated by: ddeanbrown
  • New Ticket "blank ruleset widget when starting new game - meson built" created
2022-12-19 09:18 Updated by: cazfi
댓글 올리기

Which client? What exact point of S3_1 (preferably the commit hash)? e.g. the recent FREECIV_DATA_PATH changes could affect if rulesets are found to populate the widget.

Note that on master that's broken because of master-specific changes to how the list of rulesets end to the client.

2022-12-19 10:25 Updated by: ddeanbrown
댓글 올리기

Both qt and gtk3.22 clients.

Just did a fresh build with a refreshed pull of S3_1 and the gtk3.22 client works OK, so the recent FREECIV_DATA_PATH changes must have fixed it. Which commits were they? I can't find them.

qt client fails to start server - incompatible capability strings. That's a separate unrelated issue.

2022-12-19 10:38 Updated by: cazfi
댓글 올리기

Reply To ddeanbrown

Both qt and gtk3.22 clients. Just did a fresh build with a refreshed pull of S3_1 and the gtk3.22 client works OK, so the recent FREECIV_DATA_PATH changes must have fixed it. Which commits were they?


qt client fails to start server - incompatible capability strings. That's a separate unrelated issue.

Sounds like you are either having issues with incremental builds not rebuilding everything they should, or the client finding wrong server.

2022-12-19 12:30 Updated by: ddeanbrown
댓글 올리기

Something must have been dodgy in my previous build, so did a fresh build from scratch of S3_1 pull as of today. This fixed the red herring with the incompatible capability strings. And made the original reported bug come back. Guess that commit was also a red herring. Digging some more, what I now see is that setting that widget to "default" fails because "default" is not in the list of rulesets, because "default.serv" is not in the installed ".../share/freeciv" folder, because meson.build doesn't include it in the install_data section that installs the other 'data/*.serv' files. Patch attached.

2022-12-19 12:30 Updated by: ddeanbrown
  • File meson.build.patch (File ID: 11165) is attached
2022-12-19 12:37 Updated by: cazfi
  • Milestone Update from (None) to 3.1.0-beta1 (closed)
  • Component Update from Client common to Bootstrap
2022-12-19 12:40 Updated by: cazfi
댓글 올리기

Reply To ddeanbrown

Digging some more

Great work! While the master regression affecting also autotools is a bit different, your finding about missing "default" info causing the client side behavior likely explain it too.

2022-12-19 16:22 Updated by: cazfi
댓글 올리기

Prefered patch format is what you get by writing local commits to a file with 'git format-patch'. That way you get the metadata (like author) included.

I think this should go to S3_1 only - doesn't really make sense to install deprecated .serv on master.

2022-12-21 06:12 Updated by: ddeanbrown
  • File meson.build.patch (File ID: 11165) is deleted
2022-12-21 06:13 Updated by: ddeanbrown
댓글 올리기

Better patch file.

2022-12-22 07:50 Updated by: cazfi
  • 소유자 Update from (None) to cazfi
  • Resolution Update from None to Accepted
2022-12-24 16:44 Updated by: cazfi
  • Status Update from Open to Closed
  • Resolution Update from Accepted to Fixed

Attachment File List


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