Ticket #45800

Free "<ctrl>m" for "Connect with Maglev"

오픈 날짜: 2022-10-08 17:24 마지막 업데이트: 2022-10-22 11:11

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


It seems to me that we could arrange "<ctrl>m" binding for "Connect with Maglev" from #41990. All the other "Connect with..." use a key with <ctrl> modifier, so this would be natural choice.

Gtk-clients hare "<ctrl>m" currently in use for "Toggle Fog of War" (which doesn't have 'm' in it at all!), used in the editor mode only. I'd like to move that one to "<ctrl>w", which in turn is currently "Show City Output" (again, there's no 'w' in that at all). That I think could move to "<ctrl>u" (preserving the <ctrl> modifier pattern of most "Show..." options. However, on Qt-client "<ctrl>u" is currently used by "Upgrade Unit", which I think is just a bug -> #45798

Ticket History (3/8 Histories)

2022-10-08 17:24 Updated by: cazfi
  • New Ticket "Free "<ctrl>m" for "Connect with Maglev"" created
2022-10-08 18:06 Updated by: cazfi
댓글 올리기

On sdl2-client "<ctrl>u" means "Show Units", which we may want to keep - even to take to use in other clients.

2022-10-08 18:34 Updated by: cazfi
댓글 올리기

"<ctrl>v" seems to be free on all clients for "Show City Output". I'd use that, maybe rewording help a bit to speak of output v)alues.

2022-10-08 19:22 Updated by: cazfi
댓글 올리기

sdl2-client has also "Show Fog of War" currently using "<ctrl><shift>w". In other clients that functionality has no key at all (but maybe they should). As we are arranging these, maybe that functionality should take the "<ctrl>w", and the editor-mode "Toggle Fog of War" "<ctrl><shift>w" - that just requires resolving #45802 first, or editor-mode-only functionality would not work in editor mode!

So, current plan for this ticket:
- "Show City Output" : "<ctrl>w" -> "<ctrl>v"
- "Show Fog of War" : "<ctrl><shift>w" -> "<ctrl>w"
- "Toggle Fog of War" : "<ctrl>m" -> "<ctrl><shift>w"

(Edited, 2022-10-15 21:11 Updated by: cazfi)
2022-10-15 21:43 Updated by: cazfi
  • 소유자 Update from (None) to cazfi
  • Resolution Update from None to Accepted
2022-10-22 11:11 Updated by: cazfi
  • Status Update from Open to Closed
  • Resolution Update from Accepted to Fixed


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