Ticket #44038

Replace alltemperate and singlepole with upper and lower latitude bound

오픈 날짜: 2022-03-06 08:15 마지막 업데이트: 2022-10-25 19:27

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


Follow-up to #44037. The new function that handles game settings affecting latitude can easily work with arbitrary upper and lower latitude bounds ~> we can allow more exotic world shapes by making those server settings.

Since this makes latitude no longer mapgen-internal, #44036 should likely be resolved first.

Ticket History (3/9 Histories)

2022-03-06 08:15 Updated by: alienvalkyrie
  • New Ticket "Replace alltemperate and singlepole with upper and lower latitude bound" created
2022-03-25 22:20 Updated by: None
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Blocking issue: Since alltemperate and singlepole are boolean server settings, they can appear in requirements. There is currently no way to make equivalent checks with latitude-related requirements. What's more, there is no way to differentiate between "alltemperate+singlepole" and "alltemperate without singlepole" by latitude bounds alone, so any requirement vector that checks singlepole (present or negated), without also checking that alltemperate is disabled, will be impossible to migrate either way.

2022-03-25 23:18 Updated by: alienvalkyrie
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Reply To (Anonymous)

There is currently no way to make equivalent checks with latitude-related requirements.

~> #44182

What's more, there is no way to differentiate between "alltemperate+singlepole" and "alltemperate without singlepole" by latitude bounds alone, so any requirement vector that checks singlepole (present or negated), without also checking that alltemperate is disabled, will be impossible to migrate either way.

~> #44181

2022-04-04 07:19 Updated by: alienvalkyrie
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Progress update: I've had an unfinished patch for this lying around for a couple of days now, somewhat stalled. It's currently still missing compatibility code for the settings – savecompat, which I'm waiting on #44105 for to avoid merge conflicts or duplicate code; and rscompat for the ruleset-controlled server settings in game.ruleset, which is looking like it'll be an absolute shitshow right now (might have to look into restructuring part of that).

I'm also considering splitting a (comparatively small) part from this to reduce the ultimate patch size – making alltemperate and singlepole server setting requirements illegal altogether (since they can already be expressed as World-ranged latitude requirements, since #44182).

2022-04-11 02:01 Updated by: alienvalkyrie
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Reply To alienvalkyrie

I'm also considering splitting a (comparatively small) part from this to reduce the ultimate patch size – making alltemperate and singlepole server setting requirements illegal altogether

did that ~> #44326

2022-10-23 22:54 Updated by: alienvalkyrie
  • 소유자 Update from (None) to alienvalkyrie
  • Resolution Update from None to Accepted
  • Milestone Update from 3.2.0 to S3_2 d3f (closed)
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With this change, scenario authors that want to support many different rulesets (including those with latitude requirements) should likely add appropriate latitude bounds to their scenarios ~> I don't think we have a "Changes in what a 3.2 scenario can do" thread to notify them? (Since this isn't exactly a ruleset feature.)

Action by the original authors notwithstanding, we might also want to do that for the supplied scenarios once they are updated to 3.2 format.

2022-10-23 23:31 Updated by: cazfi
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Reply To alienvalkyrie

the supplied scenarios once they are updated to 3.2 format.

-> #45956

2022-10-25 19:27 Updated by: alienvalkyrie
  • Status Update from Open to Closed
  • Resolution Update from Accepted to Fixed


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