Ticket #42290

wonders of the world report sorted by nation, then city

오픈 날짜: 2021-05-16 02:44 마지막 업데이트: 2023-01-15 12:32

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


A simple patch applies directly on S2_6 (offset 1line) , S3_0 , S3_1

The wonder of the world report is sorted, by

  • destroyed
  • nations and inside a nation by cities
  • being build

with old fashioned separators (blank lines or '----' or '====')

Ticket History (3/26 Histories)

2021-05-16 02:44 Updated by: alain_bkr
  • New Ticket "wonders of the world report sorted by nation, then city" created
2021-05-16 02:46 Updated by: alain_bkr
  • File wonders_report_sorted_by_nation_and_cities.png (File ID: 6815) is attached
2021-05-20 07:02 Updated by: cazfi
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Is this wanted?

I myself usually want to know where a specific wonder is, which use-case this makes worse.

What wonders specific player has, can be seen from the intelligence report once https://www.hostedredmine.com/issues/883354 is in.

2021-05-26 07:03 Updated by: alain_bkr
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Reply To cazfi

Is this wanted?

Yes :)

I myself usually want to know where a specific wonder is, which use-case this makes worse.

It is not worse than current, in average there are exactly the same numbers of line to read (find a random element in a list).

At least with my patch (concept) they are sorted by player and city.

What wonders specific player has, can be seen from the intelligence report once https://www.hostedredmine.com/issues/883354 is in.

Great, this proves there is a need for something.

You'll still need to go through all nations reports to find a wonder, this could be annoying (scenario Europe 1901 with 27 nations).

F7 report is one screen for all. I agree it would be nice to sort by translated names, which correspond to your need.

I'll try to improve may patch to sort like this.

2021-05-31 03:42 Updated by: alain_bkr
  • File 0001-Wonders-report-sorted-twice-by-nations-and-alphabeti.patch (File ID: 6962) is attached
2021-05-31 03:46 Updated by: alain_bkr
  • File wonders_report_sorted_by_nation_and_cities.png (File ID: 6815) is deleted
2021-05-31 03:48 Updated by: alain_bkr
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The patch 0001-Wonders-report-sorted-by-nations-and-alphabetically.patch

The alpha sorting is done after translations

(Edited, 2021-05-31 05:28 Updated by: alain_bkr)
2021-05-31 04:20 Updated by: alain_bkr
  • File 0001-Wonders-report-sorted-twice-by-nations-and-alphabeti.patch (File ID: 6962) is deleted
2021-05-31 06:47 Updated by: alain_bkr
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the second patch adds translations for nations adjective (which was missing in all branches) :

Eiffel Tower in Paris (French)

I tested in zh_TW i can only see that some kind of sorting is done, i guess it is correct. :-)

2022-02-19 15:48 Updated by: cazfi
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Reply To alain_bkr

the second patch adds translations for nations adjective (which was missing in all branches) :

nation_adjective_for_player() already returns translated string, no?

2022-02-19 15:55 Updated by: cazfi
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Your screenshot shows this with "widgets arranged for small display" layout, I think. That means you have plenty of vertical space for the report. I'm worried about usability of this (with increased vertical space used) in normal layout where the message area is just a couple of lines.

2022-04-02 21:46 Updated by: cazfi
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Reply To cazfi

usability of this (with increased vertical space used) in normal layout where the message area is just a couple of lines.

I've come up with possible ways to go forward

1) Produce two different reports, and let the client side decide which one it uses, e.g., depending on the layout in use
2) Rework this patch not to use any more lines than current code: No separators, and definitely not listing all wonders twice; just sort them alphabetically *within each category*

Second option is much more straightforward, and does not require complex interactions between client and server, so I think it would be the way to go. Other opinions?

2022-04-02 21:47 Updated by: cazfi
2022-06-06 08:10 Updated by: cazfi
2022-08-05 08:55 Updated by: cazfi
2022-10-07 09:15 Updated by: cazfi
2022-12-07 02:55 Updated by: cazfi
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Reply To cazfi

Reply To cazfi I've come up with possible ways to go forward 1) Produce two different reports, and let the client side decide which one it uses, e.g., depending on the layout in use
2) Rework this patch not to use any more lines than current code: No separators, and definitely not listing all wonders twice; just sort them alphabetically *within each category* Second option is much more straightforward, and does not require complex interactions between client and server, so I think it would be the way to go. Other opinions?

As I hope to move more on client feature development after long time working on stability and bugfixes, the first option might be better after all - to provide best report layout for each client and case.

2023-01-08 20:22 Updated by: cazfi
  • 소유자 Update from (None) to cazfi
  • Resolution Update from None to Accepted
  • Milestone Update from 3.0.6 (closed) to 3.2.0
  • Component Update from (None) to Server
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This ticket (patches here) is now then turning to server-side part only. Will need to open new tickets about clients.

1) I made a copy of existing report_wonders_of_the_world() function in report.c, so it had two of them
2) Applied you patches, which modified one of those copies, and left the other intact
3) Renamed the modified function as report_wonders_of_the_world_long(), did some minor style corrections (mainly removal of trailing spaces)
4) Added new report type, and call to the report_wonders_of_the_world_long() when that report is requested

Resulting patch attached.

2023-01-15 00:44 Updated by: cazfi
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Reply To cazfi

Will need to open new tickets about clients.

Qt-client: #46520
Have also open PR for freeciv-web: https://github.com/freeciv/freeciv-web/pull/597

2023-01-15 12:32 Updated by: cazfi
  • Status Update from Open to Closed
  • Resolution Update from Accepted to Fixed


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