[Freeciv-tickets] [freeciv] #44847: "Wanted to cancel treaty but was unable to."

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Sun Jun 19 03:46:39 JST 2022

#44847: "Wanted to cancel treaty but was unable to."

  Open Date: 2022-06-17 10:35
Last Update: 2022-06-18 21:46

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Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket:
2022-06-18 21:46 Updated by: ihnatus


Reply To cazfi
Seem like the root cause is that in sandbox ruleset, United Nations + Manhattan Project gives senate even to Anarchy. AI succesfully entered Anarchy, but still the senate blocks going to war.
Likely, it's so not only in sandbox? And we are to fix it within AI code, since it probably should be possible to disable war for revolting nations?

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: cazfi
         Owner: (None)
          Type: Bugs
        Status: Open
      Priority: 5 - Medium
     MileStone: (None)
     Component: (None)
      Severity: 5 - Medium
    Resolution: None

Ticket details:

There's a couple of "Wanted to cancel treaty but was unable to." messages I've not seen before in S3_1 autogame set run (still in progress) log. Those are from running with the sandbox ruleset.
The codebase on this run was not from any exact git repo revision, but it has a couple of "future" patches in testing.
I'll try to reproduce that.

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