#41824: Goto paths through ships not executed Open Date: 2021-03-22 15:56 Last Update: 2021-06-27 18:45 URL for this Ticket: https://osdn.net//projects/freeciv/ticket/41824 RSS feed for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/ticket/ticket_rss.php?group_id=12505&tid=41824 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket: 2021-06-27 18:45 Updated by: kvilhaugsvik Comment: The attached patch from #42581 lets me move through ships from move orders. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket Status: Reporter: ihnatus Owner: (None) Type: Bugs Status: Open Priority: 5 - Medium MileStone: 3.1.0 Component: General Severity: 5 - Medium Resolution: None --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket details: Likely, something related to "(dis)embark" actions and the manner of goto to execut only the action at the end: if you trace a path in the client for a unit through a ship, it won't embark. -- Ticket information of Freeciv project Freeciv Project is hosted on OSDN Project URL: https://osdn.net/projects/freeciv/ OSDN: https://osdn.net URL for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/projects/freeciv/ticket/41824 RSS feed for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/ticket/ticket_rss.php?group_id=12505&tid=41824