포럼: Open Discussion (Thread #21868)

SH-04A Bluetooth 接続完了 (2009-02-28 12:34 by kumazon #42215)


PowerBook G4


1 FOMA device detected.
0 th: name = FOMA  , idVendor = 1245, idProduct = 374

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RE: SH-04A Bluetooth 接続完了 (2009-03-01 13:06 by docomo_user #42230)


MacBookAir OS10.5.6

idVendor=1245 は同じ、
idProduct=37468 でした。


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RE: SH-04A Bluetooth 接続完了 (2009-03-22 00:31 by Anonymous #42685)

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RE: SH-04A Bluetooth 接続完了 (2009-03-22 02:58 by Anonymous #42687)

mopera U にどうやってもつながらず困ってます。。。
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RE: SH-04A Bluetooth 接続完了 (2009-04-05 07:11 by Anonymous #42980)

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RE: SH-04A Bluetooth 接続完了 (2009-04-20 00:04 by Anonymous #43269)


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