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2022-01-22 15:37
Review by Grzegorz B

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
One of the best if not the greatest Arch linux respin. It's currently my no.1 on the list and Xfce is my go to DE. After the years of using Windows, as my family wanted that + requirement of using MS Office and other stuff, i decided to buy a separate PC for myself and finally could go back to my beloved linux. I have been always a Debian kind of guy and have been always returning to it (I've been a distro hopper), but once i tried Eznix's Arch respin, Arch is my favourite now :-) Well done
Minimalistic, 'no nonsense' philosophy, not bloated, but on the other side really well thought selection of packages, libs, codecs, etc. Probably 1st distro, which I can use without any modifications out of the box. Great installation script (which I'm currently trying to modify to suit my needs - I'm not a programmer and learning while doing, so we will see what will come out from this. Love the fact that Eznix is providing manuals on his YT channel, all scripts are also available, so anyone can modify it to his/her needs. I probably should to mention that as a first pros but love the fact that Calamares installer is included - now you can say 'I'm using Arch, BTW...' without the hassle of trying to install it the Arch way ;)
It's not really a con, but i believe that things like for example Libreoffice could be included out of the box, but it's just my thought. I know Eznix's point of view about AUR, but I started playing with window managers and many of required programs like for example polybar, lemonbar, drivers for my kids graphical tablets, etc. are only available through through the AUR, so it also would be nice touch to have paru or yay installed out of the box, but again it's what I need and Eznix is saying : modify it to your needs :)

2022-01-05 22:36
Review by Peppe

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
Number one: all spins stay very close to the core Arch install. No fluff, just works out of the box, with Calamares. The templates are a real gem: with some basic editing you can add your own packages, delete some of eznix's and create your own custom iso. Excellent!
Close to the core, no fluff. Sensible selection of some extra software. And addition of useful maintenance software. Completely ready scripts that anyone can easily edit for custom tweaking and build your own iso. No AUR helper, but a simple git clone gets you that.

2022-01-04 14:27
Review by Adrian

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
I use the mate desktop and have found this to be the best Arch live iso I have tried
good set of software with no unnecessary apps bloating the system perfect font rendering and qt5 integration on the mate desktop
could do with yay or another aur helper being installed out-of-the-box

2021-11-01 22:49
Review by bw

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
The best . works perfect and have the freedom to make it like you wound and have the comfort off a easy arch install , And lots of respect for all that work , great work .

2021-07-27 07:41
Review by randall_hoover

(1 of 1 people found this review helpful)
Always a great job! So helpful to us who dont have the skills to take on an installation from scratch!
Everything you need and nothing you dont!

2021-07-26 17:07
Review by HerrRossi

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
I like this project - I often test the ISO-files, and they all work well ! 👍 PS: Greetings from Germany ! 🙂

2021-07-17 20:18
Review by Scuzzlebutt

(0 of 3 people found this review helpful)
Naja...Kann man mal so machen, aber ist einfach nur sehr schlecht so. Kein Automatismus, reines Copy&Paste. Dumm so.
Siehe Kommentar.

2021-06-04 07:45
Review by gifri

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
Love it, live it, love it! Thanks for working on it. Definitely worth trying. Give it a spin!
Arch vanilla, ease of installation
Just use 'live' as a password :)

2021-06-01 14:02
Review by donaldw4

(1 of 1 people found this review helpful)
This installs the Arch Linux system.