[exerb-eng:5] what about fox or tk programs? abnormal program germination.

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Armin Roehrl armin****@xss*****
Tue Oct 29 07:34:44 JST 2002


	did anybody successfully convert a fox or tk program
so far?

If s.b. can get a simple hello-world in fox to work
I would be interested in the .rbc file.
(basically as in sample3.rbc I would need to know
which scripts to write in there -- thx.)

require "fox"

include Fox  

application = FXApp.new("Hello", "FoxTest")

main = FXMainWindow.new(application,
  "Hello", nil, nil, DECOR_ALL)
FXButton.new(main, "&Hello, World!", nil,
  application, FXApp::ID_QUIT)


next I run
ruby -r exerb/mkrbc fxtest.rb
and get

# generated by mkrbc.rb
kcode	none
script	fxtest.rb	fxtest.rb
library	fox.so	c:/ruby17/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.7/i386-msvcrt/fox.so
script	fox/aliases.rb	c:/ruby17/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.7/fox/aliases.rb
script	fox/core.rb	c:/ruby17/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.7/fox/core.rb
script	fox/iterators.rb	c:/ruby17/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.7/fox/iterators.rb
script	fox/keys.rb	c:/ruby17/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.7/fox/keys.rb
script	fox/responder.rb	c:/ruby17/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.7/fox/responder.rb
script	fox/responder2.rb	c:/ruby17/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.7/fox/responder2.rb
exerb fxtest.rbc
now I have fxtest.exe
fxtest.exe says
fxtest.rb:1: [BUG] Segmentation fault
fuby 1.6.7 (2002-03-01) [i586-mswin32]
ruby 1.6.7 ...
abnormal program termination.
Any ideas .. anybody?

Thanks a lot,


Armin Roehrl, http://www.approximity.com

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