[Deeangband-svn] deeangband [4] lib/ help の文字コード指定ミスを修正。 (EUC->SJIS)

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2011年 4月 10日 (日) 00:50:23 JST

Revision: 4
Author:   deskull
Date:     2011-04-10 00:50:23 +0900 (Sun, 10 Apr 2011)

Log Message:
lib/help の文字コード指定ミスを修正。(EUC->SJIS)

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Modified: trunk/lib/help/Makefile.am
--- trunk/lib/help/Makefile.am	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/Makefile.am	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-## Makefile.am -- Process this file with automake to process Makefile.in
-angband_files = \
-	attack.hlp attack.txt birth.hlp birth.txt \
-	bldg.txt raceclas.hlp raceclas.txt command.hlp \
-	command.txt commdesc.hlp commdesc.txt editor.txt \
-	defend.hlp defend.txt dungeon.hlp dungeon.txt \
-	gambling.txt general.hlp general.txt help.hlp helpinfo.txt \
-	j_general.txt j_item1.txt j_item2.txt j_trans.txt \
-	jattack.hlp jattack.txt jbirth.hlp jbirth.txt \
-	jbldg.txt jraceclas.hlp jraceclas.txt jcommand.hlp \
-	jcommand.txt jcommdesc.hlp jcommdesc.txt jeditor.txt \
-	jdefend.hlp jdefend.txt jdungeon.hlp jdungeon.txt \
-	jgambling.txt jgeneral.hlp jgeneral.txt \
-	jhelp.hlp jhelpinfo.txt jlicense.txt \
-	jmagic.hlp jmagic.txt jmonster.hlp jmonster.txt \
-	jobjects.hlp jobjects.txt joption.hlp joption.txt \
-	jpref.hlp jpref.txt jspecial.hlp jtang.txt \
-	jtown.hlp jtown.txt jversion.txt magic.hlp \
-	magic.txt monster.hlp monster.txt objects.hlp \
-	objects.txt option.hlp option.txt pref.hlp \
-	pref.txt tang.txt town.hlp town.txt \
-	version.txt
-  $(angband_files)
-angbanddir = @DEFAULT_PATH @ help
-angband_DATA = \
-  $(angband_files)
+## Makefile.am -- Process this file with automake to process Makefile.in
+angband_files = \
+	attack.hlp attack.txt birth.hlp birth.txt \
+	bldg.txt raceclas.hlp raceclas.txt command.hlp \
+	command.txt commdesc.hlp commdesc.txt editor.txt \
+	defend.hlp defend.txt dungeon.hlp dungeon.txt \
+	gambling.txt general.hlp general.txt help.hlp helpinfo.txt \
+	j_general.txt j_item1.txt j_item2.txt j_trans.txt \
+	jattack.hlp jattack.txt jbirth.hlp jbirth.txt \
+	jbldg.txt jraceclas.hlp jraceclas.txt jcommand.hlp \
+	jcommand.txt jcommdesc.hlp jcommdesc.txt jeditor.txt \
+	jdefend.hlp jdefend.txt jdungeon.hlp jdungeon.txt \
+	jgambling.txt jgeneral.hlp jgeneral.txt \
+	jhelp.hlp jhelpinfo.txt jlicense.txt \
+	jmagic.hlp jmagic.txt jmonster.hlp jmonster.txt \
+	jobjects.hlp jobjects.txt joption.hlp joption.txt \
+	jpref.hlp jpref.txt jspecial.hlp jtang.txt \
+	jtown.hlp jtown.txt jversion.txt magic.hlp \
+	magic.txt monster.hlp monster.txt objects.hlp \
+	objects.txt option.hlp option.txt pref.hlp \
+	pref.txt tang.txt town.hlp town.txt \
+	version.txt
+  $(angband_files)
+angbanddir = @DEFAULT_PATH @ help
+angband_DATA = \
+  $(angband_files)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/attack.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/attack.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/attack.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Attacking and Weapons
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Attacking and Weapons            (attack.txt)
-    (b) Attacking from a Distance        (attack.txt#DistanceAttack)
-    (c) Attacking Monsters in Walls      (attack.txt#AttackWalls)
-    (d) Melee Weapons                    (attack.txt#MeleeWeapons)
-    (e) Missile Launchers                (attack.txt#MissileLaunch)
-    (f) Ego Weapons and Artifacts        (attack.txt#EgoArtifact)
-    (g) Magical Aids to Physical Combat  (attack.txt#MagicalAids)
-    (h) Monk Attacks                     (attack.txt#MonkAttacks)
-    (i) Basic Tactics                    (attack.txt#MeleeTactics)
-    (?) Help System Commands             (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] attack.txt
-***** [b] attack.txt#DistanceAttack
-***** [c] attack.txt#AttackWalls
-***** [d] attack.txt#MeleeWeapons
-***** [e] attack.txt#MissileLaunch
-***** [f] attack.txt#EgoArtifact
-***** [g] attack.txt#MagicalAids
-***** [h] attack.txt#MonkAttacks
-***** [i] attack.txt#MeleeTactics
+Attacking and Weapons
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Attacking and Weapons            (attack.txt)
+    (b) Attacking from a Distance        (attack.txt#DistanceAttack)
+    (c) Attacking Monsters in Walls      (attack.txt#AttackWalls)
+    (d) Melee Weapons                    (attack.txt#MeleeWeapons)
+    (e) Missile Launchers                (attack.txt#MissileLaunch)
+    (f) Ego Weapons and Artifacts        (attack.txt#EgoArtifact)
+    (g) Magical Aids to Physical Combat  (attack.txt#MagicalAids)
+    (h) Monk Attacks                     (attack.txt#MonkAttacks)
+    (i) Basic Tactics                    (attack.txt#MeleeTactics)
+    (?) Help System Commands             (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] attack.txt
+***** [b] attack.txt#DistanceAttack
+***** [c] attack.txt#AttackWalls
+***** [d] attack.txt#MeleeWeapons
+***** [e] attack.txt#MissileLaunch
+***** [f] attack.txt#EgoArtifact
+***** [g] attack.txt#MagicalAids
+***** [h] attack.txt#MonkAttacks
+***** [i] attack.txt#MeleeTactics

Modified: trunk/lib/help/attack.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/attack.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/attack.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,534 +1,534 @@
-=== Attacking and Weapons===
-Attacking is simple in Hengband. If you move into a creature, you
-attack it. If you are wielding a weapon (including digging implements
-which are considered to be weapons) when you do so, the damage for the
-weapon is used when you hit a creature. Otherwise, you will attack with
-your bare hands which does minimal damage (unless you are playing a
-Melee can do more damage per turn than any other form of attack, and
-the basic equipment (a weapon) is easy to find. On the other hand,
-melee only works against adjacent monsters and takes a great deal of
-training and equipment to come into its own deeper in the dungeon.
-Upgrading to weapons with higher base damages is vital but heavy
-weapons are harder to master. You will have to find a compromise,
-depending on class, experience level, and available equipment (use the
-'C'haracter screen to see how various weapons affect your melee skill).
-You may wield both a primary weapon for melee combat, and a bow or
-other missile launcher for launching missiles at the same time. Most
-classes will benefit from carrying an assortment of attacking magical
-***** <DistanceAttack>
---- Attacking from a Distance ---
-You can attack creatures from a distance by firing a missile from a bow
-or other missile launcher, by throwing an object or by using magical
-items such as wands, rods and staves. If you have chosen to play a
-spell casting class, you may be able to learn some spells which allow
-you to attack a creature from a distance. You can use distance attacks
-even when your target is next to you.
-Whenever you give a command to fire a weapon, cast a spell, or use an
-attacking magical device (unless the spell or device has an area
-effect), you will be prompted for a direction. You may choose any of
-the eight movement directions or press '*' to enter targeting mode. A
-detailed explanation of targeting mode can be found in the section on
-Command Descriptions (see commdesc.txt#ThrowFire [b]).
-You may also wish to make use of the use_old_target option which
-automatically selects the last target. This prevents you from having to
-target the same monster every time you attack it. An explanation of
-this option is found the section on User Interface Options (see
-option.txt#UserInterface [c]).
-***** <AttackWalls>
---- Attacking Monsters in Walls ---
-You should note that some creatures, for example ghosts, can pass
-through the dungeon walls. You can attack a creature in a wall with
-your weapon by trying to move into the wall space which contains the
-creature. If the creature is invisible and you do not have the ability
-to see invisible creatures, you must tunnel into the wall space
-containing the creature.
-Bolt spells does full damage to such creature in a wall, but ball
-spells will be stopped and blow up just in front of a wall and does
-only half damages. Inversely, when you have ghost like form, and are
-in a wall, you will take only half damage from ball spells and
-breathes of monsters, which is very important privilege.
-***** <MeleeWeapons>
-=== Melee Weapons ===
-Carrying a weapon in your backpack does you no good. You must wield a
-weapon before it can be used in a fight. A secondary weapon can be kept
-by keeping it in the backpack, and switching it with the primary weapon
-when needed.
-Weapons have two main magical characteristics, their enchanted ability
-to hit and their enchanted ability to do damage, expressed as
-`(+#,+#)'. A normal weapon would be `(+0,+0)'. Many weapons in Hengband
-have bonuses to hit and/or do damage. Some weapons are cursed, and have
-penalties that hurt the player. Cursed weapons cannot be unwielded
-until the curse is lifted. Identifying a weapon will inform you of the
-magical bonuses and penalties and whether or not it is cursed.
-Hengband assumes that your youth in the rough environment near the
-dungeons has taught you the relative merits of different weapons, and
-displays as part of their description the damage dice which define
-their capabilities. Any damage enchantment is added to the dice roll
-for that weapon. The dice used for a given weapon is displayed as
-"#d#". The first number indicates how many dice to roll, and the second
-indicates how many sides they have. A "2d6" weapon will give damage
-from 2 to 12, plus any damage bonus. The weight of a weapon is also a
-consideration. Heavy weapons may hit harder, but they are also harder
-to use. Depending on your strength, dexterity, character class, and
-weapon weight, you may get several attacks per turn.
-***** <MissileLaunch>
-=== Missile Launchers ===
-Firing a missile while wielding the appropriate launcher is the only
-way to get the "full" power out of the missile. You may of course throw
-an arrow at a monster without firing it from a bow, but you will find
-the effects may not be what you had hoped. Slings will fire pebbles or
-shots, bows will fire arrows and crossbows will fire bolts. Missiles of
-varying type and quality can be bought in the town and may be found
-throughout the dungeon.
-Missile launchers, have their characteristics added to those of the
-missile used, if the proper weapon/missile combination is used, and the
-launcher multiplier is applied to the total damage, making missile
-weapons very powerful given the proper missiles. This is especially
-true if both the launcher and the missile are enchanted.
-Hits and misses are determined by your ability to hit versus your
-target's armor class. A hit is a strike that does some damage; a miss
-may in fact reach a target, but fails to do any damage. Higher armor
-class makes it harder to do damage, and so leads to more misses; it
-will also reduce the damage from a strike that actually occurs.
-The varying types of missile launchers each have their own strengths
-and weaknesses. Which can be summarized as follows:
-                 Shots per turn    Multiplier
-Sling:                1.25             2
-Short Bow:            1.00             2
-Long Bow:             1.00             3
-Light Crossbow:       0.83             3
-Heavy Crossbow:       0.75             4
-Bows tend to be good at dealing constant streams of damage.  A sling is
-good for killing many small monsters - it even does more damage per
-round than a short bow if you can carry enough ammunition.  Crossbows
-deal enormous amounts of damage in one shot.  However, the reload time
-is such that a longbow will deal more damage over time.
-Certain classes automatically receive additional shots as they become
-more experienced. Rangers and Cavalry receive some additional shots
-with a bow. Rogues receive some extra shots with a sling. Archers and
-Warriors receive some additional shots with any missile launcher.
-***** <EgoArtifact>
-== Ego Weapons and Artifacts ===
-In addition to the ordinary weapons your character may find in the
-dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers. These
-weapons fall into two types: (1) artifacts; and (2) ego weapons. Unlike
-artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each game, it
-is not unusual to find several ego weapons of the same type during the
-course of a character's adventures.
-In general, artifacts and ego weapons may boost one or more of your
-primary statistics, may confer certain abilities upon your character,
-may grant resistance to certain forms of attack and may be especially
-deadly against certain types of creature. Take note that if your weapon
-has two attributes that make it deadly to your opponent (for example
-you are fighting a demon and your weapon slays both evil and demons
-(demons are evil)), only the most effective slay will apply.
-    A magical weapon that actually helps the wielder defend himself,
-    by increasing his/her armor class, and providing resistance
-    against damage from fire, cold, acid and lightning attacks. It also
-    grants levitation, increases your stealth, let you see invisible
-    creatures and protects from paralyzation and some slowing attacks.
-    It also helps you regenerate hit-points and mana faster.
-(Holy Avenger)
-    A Holy Avenger is one of the more powerful of weapons. It will
-    increase your wisdom and your armor class and prevent you from
-    becoming afraid. This weapon will do extra damage when used against
-    evil, demonic and undead creatures, and will also give you the
-    ability to see invisible creatures. These weapons are also blessed
-    and so can be wielded by priests with no penalty.
-Weapon of Westernesse
-    A Weapon of Westernesse is one of the more powerful weapons. It
-    slays orcs, trolls and giants while increasing your strength,
-    dexterity, and constitution. It also allows you to see invisible
-    creatures and protects from paralyzation and some slowing attacks.
-(Trump Weapon)
-    A Trump Weapon is especially deadly against evil creatures and will
-    increase your ability to discover hidden dungeon features. It will
-    help you regenerate hit-points and mana faster and at the same time
-    will reduce your rate of food consumption. It provides resistance
-    to nexus and protects from paralyzation and some slowing attacks.
-    In addition it may cause you to teleport randomly and can be
-    activated for teleport once every 50+1d50 turns.
-(Pattern Weapon)
-    A Pattern Weapon has been embedded with a fragment of the Pattern.
-    It will increase your strength and constitution and also has a
-    chance of increasing your dexterity. It is especially effective
-    when used against evil, undead and demonic creatures. It will allow
-    you to see invisible creatures and protects from paralyzation and
-    some slowing attacks.
-(Blessed Blade)
-    A blessed blade will increase your wisdom and can be wielded by
-    priests with no penalty.
-Weapon of Extra Attacks
-    These weapons will grant the user additional attacks per round.
-Weapon of Sharpness (edged weapon only)
-    These are known to occasionally score vorpal hits (see below) and
-    will also increase your ability to tunnel through the dungeon
-    walls.
-Weapon of Earthquakes (hafted weapon only)
-    These weapons may cause an earthquake when they strike an opponent
-    which potentially may cause other monsters in the area to take
-    damage from falling rocks and will destroy a small portion of the
-    surrounding dungeon. They also increase your ability to tunnel
-    through the dungeon walls.
-Weapon of Slaying
-    These weapons have a chance of being granted unusually high damage
-    dice.
-Implement of Digging
-    These digging implements increase your ability to tunnel through
-    the dungeon walls, and have the acid brand (see below).
---- The Elemental and Other Brands ---
-    These bizarre, feared weapons have been manufactured in the Courts
-    of Chaos, and are very unpredictable in combat often producing
-    chaotic effects when they strike your opponent. Effects include
-    *destruction*, teleport away and vampiric drain among others. A
-    Chaotic weapon grants resistance to chaos attacks and cannot be
-    damaged by acid, fire and electricity.
-    These foul weapons have been created by Death magic. They lust for
-    blood, and if such a weapon scores a hit, it greedily sucks life
-    from the hapless victim, transferring the life energy to its
-    master and healing them in the process.
-Weapon of Melting
-    A magical weapon of acid that will inflict damage with 2.5 times
-    the normal dice when used against a creature that is not resistant
-    to acid.  It also provides resistance against acid attacks.
-Weapon of Shocking
-    A magical weapon of lightning that will inflict damage with 2.5
-    times the normal dice when used against a creature that is not
-    resistant to electricity. It also provides resistance against
-    lightning attacks.
-Weapon of Freezing
-    A magical weapon of ice that will inflict damage with 2.5 the
-    normal dice when used against a creature that is not resistant to
-    cold.  It also provides resistance against cold attacks.
-Weapon of Burning
-    A magical weapon of fire that will inflict damage with 2.5 the
-    normal dice when used against a creature that is not resistant to
-    fire.  It also provides resistance against fire attacks.
-Weapon of Poisoning
-    A magical weapon, coated with poison, that will inflict damage
-    with 2.5 times the normal dice to creatures not resistant to
-    poison. It also provides resistance against toxic and poisonous
-    attacks.
-Weapon of Force
-    This weapon will attack monsters with your mana power and will
-    inflict damage with 3.5 times the normal dice.
---- Weapons of Slay {Monster-Type} ---
-Weapon of Slay Animal
-    This weapon is especially effective against natural creatures and
-    will inflict damage with 2.5 times the normal dice against such
-    creatures.
-Weapon of Slay Evil
-    This weapon is especially effective against evil creatures and
-    will inflict damage with two times the normal dice against such
-    creatures.
-Weapon of Slay Human
-    This weapon is especially effective against human type beings and
-    will inflict damage with 2.5 times the normal dice against such
-    beings.
-Weapon of Slay Undead
-    This weapon is especially effective against undead creatures and
-    will inflict three times the normal dice against such
-    creatures. It will also provide resistance to life draining
-    attacks.
-Weapon of Slay Demon
-    This weapon is especially effective against demonic creatures and
-    will inflict damage with three times the normal dice against such
-    creatures.
-Weapon of Slay Orc
-    This weapon is especially effective against orcs and will inflict
-    damage with three times the normal dice against such creatures.
-Weapon of Slay Troll
-    This weapon is especially effective against trolls and will
-    inflict damage with three times the normal dice against such
-    creatures.
-Weapon of Slay Giant
-    This weapon is especially effective against giant humanoids and
-    will inflict damage with three times the normal dice against such
-    creatures.
-Weapon of Slay Dragon
-    This weapon is especially effective against dragons and will
-    inflict damage with three times the normal dice against such
-    creatures.
---- Weapons of *Slay* {Monster-Type} ---
-Weapon of *Slay* Animal
-    This weapon is especially effective against natural creatures and
-    will inflict damage with four times the normal dice against such
-    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of natural
-    creatures.  It will also increase your intelligence and allow you
-    to regenerate hit-points and mana faster.
-Weapon of *Slay* Evil
-    This weapon is especially effective against evil creatures and
-    will inflict damage with two times the normal dice against such
-    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of evil
-    creatures.  It will increase your wisdom and will also be a
-    blessed blade.
-Weapon of *Slay* Human
-    This weapon is especially effective against human type beings and
-    will inflict damage with four times the normal dice against such
-    beings, and allows wielder to sense the presence of Humans.  It
-    will increase your dexterity.
-Weapon of *Slay* Undead
-    This weapon is especially effective against undead creatures and
-    will inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
-    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of undead
-    creatures.  It will increase your wisdom and will also provide
-    resistance to both nether and life-draining attacks. Finally, it
-    will allow you to see invisible creatures.
-Weapon of *Slay* Demon
-    This weapon is especially effective against demonic creatures and
-    will inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
-    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of demonic
-    creatures.  It will also increase your intelligence.
-Weapon of *Slay* Orc
-    This weapon is especially effective against orcs and will inflict
-    damage with five times the normal dice against such creatures, and
-    allows wielder to sense the presence of orcs.  It will also
-    increase your dexterity.
-Weapon of *Slay* Troll
-    This weapon is especially effective against trolls and will
-    inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
-    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of trolls.  It
-    will also increase your strength.
-Weapon of *Slay* Giant
-    This weapon is especially effective against giant humanoids and
-    will inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
-    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of giant
-    humanoids.  It will also increase your strength.
-Weapon of *Slay* Dragon
-    This weapon is especially effective against dragons and will
-    inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
-    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of dragons.
-    It will also increase your constitution.
---- Missile Launchers ---
-Launcher of Accuracy
-    These missile launchers have an unusually high bonus to hit.
-Launcher of Velocity
-    These missile launchers have an unusually high bonus to dam.
-Launcher of Extra Might
-    These missile launchers have an unusually high damage multiplier.
-Launcher of Extra Shots
-    These missile launchers grant additional shots per round.
---- Ammunition ---
-Ammunition of Hurt Animal
-    This ammunition is especially effective against natural creatures
-    and will do 1.7 times the normal damage against such creatures.
-Ammunition of Hurt Evil
-    This ammunition is especially effective against evil creatures and
-    will do 1.5 times the normal damage against such creatures.
-Ammunition of Hurt Dragon
-    This ammunition is especially effective against dragons and will do
-    three two the normal damage against such creatures.
-Ammunition of Shocking
-    This ammunition will inflict 1.7 times the normal damage when
-    used against a creature that is not resistant to electricity.
-Ammunition of Flame
-    This ammunition will inflict 1.7 times the normal damage when
-    used against a creature that is not resistant to fire.
-Ammunition of Frost
-    This ammunition will inflict 1.7 times the normal damage when
-    used against a creature that is not resistant to cold.
-Ammunition of Slaying
-    This ammunition will have unusually large damage dice.
-Ammunition of Wounding
-    This ammunition will have unusually bonuses +to-hit and +to-dam.
---- Other Items ---
-Apart from these there are some very rare and well made blades in the
-dungeon. These include Blades of Chaos (which grant resistance to
-chaos), Maces of Disruption (which are especially effective against
-undead creatures) and Scythes of Slicing (which may score vorpal hits).
-Note on Vorpal Weapons: A weapon with the vorpal flag will have a
-1-in-6 chance of doing additional damage each time it strikes. If it
-passes the roll it has a chance of doing it again. This continues until
-a roll is failed. The calculations are nasty but the net effect is an
-average 22% increase in damage output.
-***** <MagicalAids>
-=== Magical Aids to Physical Combat ===
-There are several magical means of increasing your physical combat
-ability. The most common of these are potions of heroism and berserk
-strength and various scrolls (blessing, holy prayer, etc.). Typically,
-these grant small cumulative bonuses to your combat skill. Some magic
-realms contain equivalent spells.
-***** <MonkAttacks>
-=== Monk Attacks ===
-The Monk and ForceTrainer is designed to be a barehanded fighter
-rather than using a weapon like the other Hengband classes. As a
-Monk's level increases the number of attacks they get per round
-increases and new, increasingly powerful attacks become
-available. Higher level attacks have a chance to stun the Monk's
-While the type of attack that a Monk uses for each blow is chosen at
-random from the list of available attacks, at higher levels there is a
-bias towards the attacks which do greater damage. This is because at
-these levels, the game will roll several times for each blow with the
-highest attack type chosen.
-***** <MonkAttackTypes>
---- Monks Attack Types ---
-Attack Name   Min.lvl   Damage   Stun    Notes
-Punch            1       1d5       -
-Kick             2       1d7       -
-Strike           3       1d9       -
-Knee             5       2d4       *     Likely to stun male opponents
-Elbow            7       1d12      -
-Butt             9       2d6       -
-Ankle Kick      11       3d6       -     May slow down the opponent
-Uppercut        13       5d5       6
-Double-kick     16       5d6       8
-Cat's Claw      20       5d8       -
-Jump Kick       24       6d8      10
-Eagle's Claw    28       7d9       -
-Circle Kick     32       8d10     10
-Iron Fist       35       8d11     10
-Flying Kick     39       8d12     12
-Dragon Fist     43       9d12     16
-Crushing Blow   48      10d13     18
-***** <MeleeTactics>
-=== Basic Tactics ===
-Not recommended in Hengband:  monsters move at irregular speeds.
-Shoot'n Scoot
-Requires a large room, Phase Door, and some type of missile weapon.
-Stand at one end of the room, your enemy at the other. Fire your
-missile weapon at him until he gets close, and then Phase Door. Fire
-again, until he gets close, and repeat. By the time you run out of
-ammunition, he should be dead or weak enough for you to finish him HTH
-(Hand to Hand).
-Wail'n Bail
-Requires Teleport items. Fight the monster until you're almost dead,
-teleport out, find him, and resume fighting. This is dangerous, because
-you could teleport right next to some nasty that will kill you. Also,
-it is not generally useful for killing unique monsters, as they
-regenerate damage very quickly, and by the time you find them again,
-they will have healed what you did to them.
-The Anti-Summoning Corridor
-Requires a little time to set up. This can be done just about anywhere.
-Dig a twisting corridor into the rock, and station yourself at one end
-of it. When your opponent arrives, he won't be able to summon any
-monsters next to you. This is a very important technique for fighting
-many higher-end monsters which very quickly bring in a horde of other
-Original   : (??) Chris Weisiger and Leon Marrick
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.5.2
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] commdesc.txt#ThrowFire
-***** [c] option.txt#UserInterface
+=== Attacking and Weapons===
+Attacking is simple in Hengband. If you move into a creature, you
+attack it. If you are wielding a weapon (including digging implements
+which are considered to be weapons) when you do so, the damage for the
+weapon is used when you hit a creature. Otherwise, you will attack with
+your bare hands which does minimal damage (unless you are playing a
+Melee can do more damage per turn than any other form of attack, and
+the basic equipment (a weapon) is easy to find. On the other hand,
+melee only works against adjacent monsters and takes a great deal of
+training and equipment to come into its own deeper in the dungeon.
+Upgrading to weapons with higher base damages is vital but heavy
+weapons are harder to master. You will have to find a compromise,
+depending on class, experience level, and available equipment (use the
+'C'haracter screen to see how various weapons affect your melee skill).
+You may wield both a primary weapon for melee combat, and a bow or
+other missile launcher for launching missiles at the same time. Most
+classes will benefit from carrying an assortment of attacking magical
+***** <DistanceAttack>
+--- Attacking from a Distance ---
+You can attack creatures from a distance by firing a missile from a bow
+or other missile launcher, by throwing an object or by using magical
+items such as wands, rods and staves. If you have chosen to play a
+spell casting class, you may be able to learn some spells which allow
+you to attack a creature from a distance. You can use distance attacks
+even when your target is next to you.
+Whenever you give a command to fire a weapon, cast a spell, or use an
+attacking magical device (unless the spell or device has an area
+effect), you will be prompted for a direction. You may choose any of
+the eight movement directions or press '*' to enter targeting mode. A
+detailed explanation of targeting mode can be found in the section on
+Command Descriptions (see commdesc.txt#ThrowFire [b]).
+You may also wish to make use of the use_old_target option which
+automatically selects the last target. This prevents you from having to
+target the same monster every time you attack it. An explanation of
+this option is found the section on User Interface Options (see
+option.txt#UserInterface [c]).
+***** <AttackWalls>
+--- Attacking Monsters in Walls ---
+You should note that some creatures, for example ghosts, can pass
+through the dungeon walls. You can attack a creature in a wall with
+your weapon by trying to move into the wall space which contains the
+creature. If the creature is invisible and you do not have the ability
+to see invisible creatures, you must tunnel into the wall space
+containing the creature.
+Bolt spells does full damage to such creature in a wall, but ball
+spells will be stopped and blow up just in front of a wall and does
+only half damages. Inversely, when you have ghost like form, and are
+in a wall, you will take only half damage from ball spells and
+breathes of monsters, which is very important privilege.
+***** <MeleeWeapons>
+=== Melee Weapons ===
+Carrying a weapon in your backpack does you no good. You must wield a
+weapon before it can be used in a fight. A secondary weapon can be kept
+by keeping it in the backpack, and switching it with the primary weapon
+when needed.
+Weapons have two main magical characteristics, their enchanted ability
+to hit and their enchanted ability to do damage, expressed as
+`(+#,+#)'. A normal weapon would be `(+0,+0)'. Many weapons in Hengband
+have bonuses to hit and/or do damage. Some weapons are cursed, and have
+penalties that hurt the player. Cursed weapons cannot be unwielded
+until the curse is lifted. Identifying a weapon will inform you of the
+magical bonuses and penalties and whether or not it is cursed.
+Hengband assumes that your youth in the rough environment near the
+dungeons has taught you the relative merits of different weapons, and
+displays as part of their description the damage dice which define
+their capabilities. Any damage enchantment is added to the dice roll
+for that weapon. The dice used for a given weapon is displayed as
+"#d#". The first number indicates how many dice to roll, and the second
+indicates how many sides they have. A "2d6" weapon will give damage
+from 2 to 12, plus any damage bonus. The weight of a weapon is also a
+consideration. Heavy weapons may hit harder, but they are also harder
+to use. Depending on your strength, dexterity, character class, and
+weapon weight, you may get several attacks per turn.
+***** <MissileLaunch>
+=== Missile Launchers ===
+Firing a missile while wielding the appropriate launcher is the only
+way to get the "full" power out of the missile. You may of course throw
+an arrow at a monster without firing it from a bow, but you will find
+the effects may not be what you had hoped. Slings will fire pebbles or
+shots, bows will fire arrows and crossbows will fire bolts. Missiles of
+varying type and quality can be bought in the town and may be found
+throughout the dungeon.
+Missile launchers, have their characteristics added to those of the
+missile used, if the proper weapon/missile combination is used, and the
+launcher multiplier is applied to the total damage, making missile
+weapons very powerful given the proper missiles. This is especially
+true if both the launcher and the missile are enchanted.
+Hits and misses are determined by your ability to hit versus your
+target's armor class. A hit is a strike that does some damage; a miss
+may in fact reach a target, but fails to do any damage. Higher armor
+class makes it harder to do damage, and so leads to more misses; it
+will also reduce the damage from a strike that actually occurs.
+The varying types of missile launchers each have their own strengths
+and weaknesses. Which can be summarized as follows:
+                 Shots per turn    Multiplier
+Sling:                1.25             2
+Short Bow:            1.00             2
+Long Bow:             1.00             3
+Light Crossbow:       0.83             3
+Heavy Crossbow:       0.75             4
+Bows tend to be good at dealing constant streams of damage.  A sling is
+good for killing many small monsters - it even does more damage per
+round than a short bow if you can carry enough ammunition.  Crossbows
+deal enormous amounts of damage in one shot.  However, the reload time
+is such that a longbow will deal more damage over time.
+Certain classes automatically receive additional shots as they become
+more experienced. Rangers and Cavalry receive some additional shots
+with a bow. Rogues receive some extra shots with a sling. Archers and
+Warriors receive some additional shots with any missile launcher.
+***** <EgoArtifact>
+== Ego Weapons and Artifacts ===
+In addition to the ordinary weapons your character may find in the
+dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers. These
+weapons fall into two types: (1) artifacts; and (2) ego weapons. Unlike
+artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each game, it
+is not unusual to find several ego weapons of the same type during the
+course of a character's adventures.
+In general, artifacts and ego weapons may boost one or more of your
+primary statistics, may confer certain abilities upon your character,
+may grant resistance to certain forms of attack and may be especially
+deadly against certain types of creature. Take note that if your weapon
+has two attributes that make it deadly to your opponent (for example
+you are fighting a demon and your weapon slays both evil and demons
+(demons are evil)), only the most effective slay will apply.
+    A magical weapon that actually helps the wielder defend himself,
+    by increasing his/her armor class, and providing resistance
+    against damage from fire, cold, acid and lightning attacks. It also
+    grants levitation, increases your stealth, let you see invisible
+    creatures and protects from paralyzation and some slowing attacks.
+    It also helps you regenerate hit-points and mana faster.
+(Holy Avenger)
+    A Holy Avenger is one of the more powerful of weapons. It will
+    increase your wisdom and your armor class and prevent you from
+    becoming afraid. This weapon will do extra damage when used against
+    evil, demonic and undead creatures, and will also give you the
+    ability to see invisible creatures. These weapons are also blessed
+    and so can be wielded by priests with no penalty.
+Weapon of Westernesse
+    A Weapon of Westernesse is one of the more powerful weapons. It
+    slays orcs, trolls and giants while increasing your strength,
+    dexterity, and constitution. It also allows you to see invisible
+    creatures and protects from paralyzation and some slowing attacks.
+(Trump Weapon)
+    A Trump Weapon is especially deadly against evil creatures and will
+    increase your ability to discover hidden dungeon features. It will
+    help you regenerate hit-points and mana faster and at the same time
+    will reduce your rate of food consumption. It provides resistance
+    to nexus and protects from paralyzation and some slowing attacks.
+    In addition it may cause you to teleport randomly and can be
+    activated for teleport once every 50+1d50 turns.
+(Pattern Weapon)
+    A Pattern Weapon has been embedded with a fragment of the Pattern.
+    It will increase your strength and constitution and also has a
+    chance of increasing your dexterity. It is especially effective
+    when used against evil, undead and demonic creatures. It will allow
+    you to see invisible creatures and protects from paralyzation and
+    some slowing attacks.
+(Blessed Blade)
+    A blessed blade will increase your wisdom and can be wielded by
+    priests with no penalty.
+Weapon of Extra Attacks
+    These weapons will grant the user additional attacks per round.
+Weapon of Sharpness (edged weapon only)
+    These are known to occasionally score vorpal hits (see below) and
+    will also increase your ability to tunnel through the dungeon
+    walls.
+Weapon of Earthquakes (hafted weapon only)
+    These weapons may cause an earthquake when they strike an opponent
+    which potentially may cause other monsters in the area to take
+    damage from falling rocks and will destroy a small portion of the
+    surrounding dungeon. They also increase your ability to tunnel
+    through the dungeon walls.
+Weapon of Slaying
+    These weapons have a chance of being granted unusually high damage
+    dice.
+Implement of Digging
+    These digging implements increase your ability to tunnel through
+    the dungeon walls, and have the acid brand (see below).
+--- The Elemental and Other Brands ---
+    These bizarre, feared weapons have been manufactured in the Courts
+    of Chaos, and are very unpredictable in combat often producing
+    chaotic effects when they strike your opponent. Effects include
+    *destruction*, teleport away and vampiric drain among others. A
+    Chaotic weapon grants resistance to chaos attacks and cannot be
+    damaged by acid, fire and electricity.
+    These foul weapons have been created by Death magic. They lust for
+    blood, and if such a weapon scores a hit, it greedily sucks life
+    from the hapless victim, transferring the life energy to its
+    master and healing them in the process.
+Weapon of Melting
+    A magical weapon of acid that will inflict damage with 2.5 times
+    the normal dice when used against a creature that is not resistant
+    to acid.  It also provides resistance against acid attacks.
+Weapon of Shocking
+    A magical weapon of lightning that will inflict damage with 2.5
+    times the normal dice when used against a creature that is not
+    resistant to electricity. It also provides resistance against
+    lightning attacks.
+Weapon of Freezing
+    A magical weapon of ice that will inflict damage with 2.5 the
+    normal dice when used against a creature that is not resistant to
+    cold.  It also provides resistance against cold attacks.
+Weapon of Burning
+    A magical weapon of fire that will inflict damage with 2.5 the
+    normal dice when used against a creature that is not resistant to
+    fire.  It also provides resistance against fire attacks.
+Weapon of Poisoning
+    A magical weapon, coated with poison, that will inflict damage
+    with 2.5 times the normal dice to creatures not resistant to
+    poison. It also provides resistance against toxic and poisonous
+    attacks.
+Weapon of Force
+    This weapon will attack monsters with your mana power and will
+    inflict damage with 3.5 times the normal dice.
+--- Weapons of Slay {Monster-Type} ---
+Weapon of Slay Animal
+    This weapon is especially effective against natural creatures and
+    will inflict damage with 2.5 times the normal dice against such
+    creatures.
+Weapon of Slay Evil
+    This weapon is especially effective against evil creatures and
+    will inflict damage with two times the normal dice against such
+    creatures.
+Weapon of Slay Human
+    This weapon is especially effective against human type beings and
+    will inflict damage with 2.5 times the normal dice against such
+    beings.
+Weapon of Slay Undead
+    This weapon is especially effective against undead creatures and
+    will inflict three times the normal dice against such
+    creatures. It will also provide resistance to life draining
+    attacks.
+Weapon of Slay Demon
+    This weapon is especially effective against demonic creatures and
+    will inflict damage with three times the normal dice against such
+    creatures.
+Weapon of Slay Orc
+    This weapon is especially effective against orcs and will inflict
+    damage with three times the normal dice against such creatures.
+Weapon of Slay Troll
+    This weapon is especially effective against trolls and will
+    inflict damage with three times the normal dice against such
+    creatures.
+Weapon of Slay Giant
+    This weapon is especially effective against giant humanoids and
+    will inflict damage with three times the normal dice against such
+    creatures.
+Weapon of Slay Dragon
+    This weapon is especially effective against dragons and will
+    inflict damage with three times the normal dice against such
+    creatures.
+--- Weapons of *Slay* {Monster-Type} ---
+Weapon of *Slay* Animal
+    This weapon is especially effective against natural creatures and
+    will inflict damage with four times the normal dice against such
+    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of natural
+    creatures.  It will also increase your intelligence and allow you
+    to regenerate hit-points and mana faster.
+Weapon of *Slay* Evil
+    This weapon is especially effective against evil creatures and
+    will inflict damage with two times the normal dice against such
+    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of evil
+    creatures.  It will increase your wisdom and will also be a
+    blessed blade.
+Weapon of *Slay* Human
+    This weapon is especially effective against human type beings and
+    will inflict damage with four times the normal dice against such
+    beings, and allows wielder to sense the presence of Humans.  It
+    will increase your dexterity.
+Weapon of *Slay* Undead
+    This weapon is especially effective against undead creatures and
+    will inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
+    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of undead
+    creatures.  It will increase your wisdom and will also provide
+    resistance to both nether and life-draining attacks. Finally, it
+    will allow you to see invisible creatures.
+Weapon of *Slay* Demon
+    This weapon is especially effective against demonic creatures and
+    will inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
+    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of demonic
+    creatures.  It will also increase your intelligence.
+Weapon of *Slay* Orc
+    This weapon is especially effective against orcs and will inflict
+    damage with five times the normal dice against such creatures, and
+    allows wielder to sense the presence of orcs.  It will also
+    increase your dexterity.
+Weapon of *Slay* Troll
+    This weapon is especially effective against trolls and will
+    inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
+    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of trolls.  It
+    will also increase your strength.
+Weapon of *Slay* Giant
+    This weapon is especially effective against giant humanoids and
+    will inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
+    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of giant
+    humanoids.  It will also increase your strength.
+Weapon of *Slay* Dragon
+    This weapon is especially effective against dragons and will
+    inflict damage with five times the normal dice against such
+    creatures, and allows wielder to sense the presence of dragons.
+    It will also increase your constitution.
+--- Missile Launchers ---
+Launcher of Accuracy
+    These missile launchers have an unusually high bonus to hit.
+Launcher of Velocity
+    These missile launchers have an unusually high bonus to dam.
+Launcher of Extra Might
+    These missile launchers have an unusually high damage multiplier.
+Launcher of Extra Shots
+    These missile launchers grant additional shots per round.
+--- Ammunition ---
+Ammunition of Hurt Animal
+    This ammunition is especially effective against natural creatures
+    and will do 1.7 times the normal damage against such creatures.
+Ammunition of Hurt Evil
+    This ammunition is especially effective against evil creatures and
+    will do 1.5 times the normal damage against such creatures.
+Ammunition of Hurt Dragon
+    This ammunition is especially effective against dragons and will do
+    three two the normal damage against such creatures.
+Ammunition of Shocking
+    This ammunition will inflict 1.7 times the normal damage when
+    used against a creature that is not resistant to electricity.
+Ammunition of Flame
+    This ammunition will inflict 1.7 times the normal damage when
+    used against a creature that is not resistant to fire.
+Ammunition of Frost
+    This ammunition will inflict 1.7 times the normal damage when
+    used against a creature that is not resistant to cold.
+Ammunition of Slaying
+    This ammunition will have unusually large damage dice.
+Ammunition of Wounding
+    This ammunition will have unusually bonuses +to-hit and +to-dam.
+--- Other Items ---
+Apart from these there are some very rare and well made blades in the
+dungeon. These include Blades of Chaos (which grant resistance to
+chaos), Maces of Disruption (which are especially effective against
+undead creatures) and Scythes of Slicing (which may score vorpal hits).
+Note on Vorpal Weapons: A weapon with the vorpal flag will have a
+1-in-6 chance of doing additional damage each time it strikes. If it
+passes the roll it has a chance of doing it again. This continues until
+a roll is failed. The calculations are nasty but the net effect is an
+average 22% increase in damage output.
+***** <MagicalAids>
+=== Magical Aids to Physical Combat ===
+There are several magical means of increasing your physical combat
+ability. The most common of these are potions of heroism and berserk
+strength and various scrolls (blessing, holy prayer, etc.). Typically,
+these grant small cumulative bonuses to your combat skill. Some magic
+realms contain equivalent spells.
+***** <MonkAttacks>
+=== Monk Attacks ===
+The Monk and ForceTrainer is designed to be a barehanded fighter
+rather than using a weapon like the other Hengband classes. As a
+Monk's level increases the number of attacks they get per round
+increases and new, increasingly powerful attacks become
+available. Higher level attacks have a chance to stun the Monk's
+While the type of attack that a Monk uses for each blow is chosen at
+random from the list of available attacks, at higher levels there is a
+bias towards the attacks which do greater damage. This is because at
+these levels, the game will roll several times for each blow with the
+highest attack type chosen.
+***** <MonkAttackTypes>
+--- Monks Attack Types ---
+Attack Name   Min.lvl   Damage   Stun    Notes
+Punch            1       1d5       -
+Kick             2       1d7       -
+Strike           3       1d9       -
+Knee             5       2d4       *     Likely to stun male opponents
+Elbow            7       1d12      -
+Butt             9       2d6       -
+Ankle Kick      11       3d6       -     May slow down the opponent
+Uppercut        13       5d5       6
+Double-kick     16       5d6       8
+Cat's Claw      20       5d8       -
+Jump Kick       24       6d8      10
+Eagle's Claw    28       7d9       -
+Circle Kick     32       8d10     10
+Iron Fist       35       8d11     10
+Flying Kick     39       8d12     12
+Dragon Fist     43       9d12     16
+Crushing Blow   48      10d13     18
+***** <MeleeTactics>
+=== Basic Tactics ===
+Not recommended in Hengband:  monsters move at irregular speeds.
+Shoot'n Scoot
+Requires a large room, Phase Door, and some type of missile weapon.
+Stand at one end of the room, your enemy at the other. Fire your
+missile weapon at him until he gets close, and then Phase Door. Fire
+again, until he gets close, and repeat. By the time you run out of
+ammunition, he should be dead or weak enough for you to finish him HTH
+(Hand to Hand).
+Wail'n Bail
+Requires Teleport items. Fight the monster until you're almost dead,
+teleport out, find him, and resume fighting. This is dangerous, because
+you could teleport right next to some nasty that will kill you. Also,
+it is not generally useful for killing unique monsters, as they
+regenerate damage very quickly, and by the time you find them again,
+they will have healed what you did to them.
+The Anti-Summoning Corridor
+Requires a little time to set up. This can be done just about anywhere.
+Dig a twisting corridor into the rock, and station yourself at one end
+of it. When your opponent arrives, he won't be able to summon any
+monsters next to you. This is a very important technique for fighting
+many higher-end monsters which very quickly bring in a horde of other
+Original   : (??) Chris Weisiger and Leon Marrick
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.5.2
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] commdesc.txt#ThrowFire
+***** [c] option.txt#UserInterface

Modified: trunk/lib/help/birth.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/birth.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/birth.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Creating a Character.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Creating a Character              (birth.txt)
-    (b) Character Attributes              (birth.txt#CharAttributes)
-    (c) Start-Up Options                  (birth.txt#BirthOptions)
-    (d) The Auto-Roller                   (birth.txt#AutoRoller)
-    (e) Background Edit-Mode              (birth.txt#BackgroundEditor)
-    (f) Quick Start                       (birth.txt#QuickStart)
-    (g) Primary Statistics                (birth.txt#PrimaryStats)
-    (h) Primary Skills                    (birth.txt#PrimarySkills)
-    (i) Proficiency Levels                (birth.txt#Proficiency)
-    (?) Help System Commands              (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] birth.txt
-***** [b] birth.txt#CharAttributes
-***** [c] birth.txt#BirthOptions
-***** [d] birth.txt#AutoRoller
-***** [e] birth.txt#BackgroundEditor
-***** [f] birth.txt#QuickStart
-***** [g] birth.txt#PrimaryStats
-***** [h] birth.txt#PrimarySkills
-***** [i] birth.txt#Proficiency
+Creating a Character.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Creating a Character              (birth.txt)
+    (b) Character Attributes              (birth.txt#CharAttributes)
+    (c) Start-Up Options                  (birth.txt#BirthOptions)
+    (d) The Auto-Roller                   (birth.txt#AutoRoller)
+    (e) Background Edit-Mode              (birth.txt#BackgroundEditor)
+    (f) Quick Start                       (birth.txt#QuickStart)
+    (g) Primary Statistics                (birth.txt#PrimaryStats)
+    (h) Primary Skills                    (birth.txt#PrimarySkills)
+    (i) Proficiency Levels                (birth.txt#Proficiency)
+    (?) Help System Commands              (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] birth.txt
+***** [b] birth.txt#CharAttributes
+***** [c] birth.txt#BirthOptions
+***** [d] birth.txt#AutoRoller
+***** [e] birth.txt#BackgroundEditor
+***** [f] birth.txt#QuickStart
+***** [g] birth.txt#PrimaryStats
+***** [h] birth.txt#PrimarySkills
+***** [i] birth.txt#Proficiency

Modified: trunk/lib/help/birth.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/birth.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/birth.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,417 +1,417 @@
-=== Creating a Character ===
-Hengband is a role playing game, in which you, the player, control a
-character in the world of Hengband.  Perhaps the most important thing
-you control is the birth of your character, in which you choose or
-allow to be chosen various attributes that will affect the future life
-of your character.
-Character creation, or birth, is controlled through a variety of
-choices as to constraints on the type of character you wish to play,
-followed by a series of random calculations to generate ("roll up") a
-random character matching the appropriate constraints.
-Once your character has been generated, you will be given the choice
-to generate a new character obeying the same constraints, and once you
-have generated more than one character, you can switch back and forth
-between the two most recent characters, until you are presented with a
-character that you feel comfortable with.
-You may start the entire process over at any time by pressing 'S' at
-any prompt.
-***** <CharAttributes>
-=== Character Attributes ===
-Once you begin character generation you will be asked to choose your
-character's four primary attributes - its sex, race, class and
-personality.  If you have selected a spellcasting class, you will also
-be prompted for your choice of magic realm(s).  Your character's sex
-has a minimal effect on game play, but some personalities are
-restricted to male only or female only.  More details of attributes
-are found in the Races, Classes and Personalities section (see
-raceclas.hlp [a]) and the Magic System section (see magic.hlp [b]).
-Each character has a few secondary attributes, height, weight, social
-class, and background history, which are randomly determined, but
-which are affected by the sex and race of the character.  In general,
-these attributes are only used to provide "flavor" to the character,
-to assist in the roll playing, but they do have a few minor effects on
-the game.  For example, background history affects social class, which
-affects the amount of money the character will start with.  And weight
-affects riding ability.
-In addition to these attributes, there are several statistics which
-are used to determine your character's relative skills and abilities
-as follows:
---- Primary Statistics ---
-Each character has six primary statistics or 'stats'.  These are
-strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution and charisma,
-which modify the abilities of the character in a variety of ways.  For
-example, strength affects your carrying capacity, the amount of damage
-you to a monster when you hit it and the number of blows per round you
-get with a weapon.  A more complete discussion of the primary
-statistics is contained later in this document (see below [c]).
---- Experience ---
-Experience affects almost everything else about your character.
-Experience can be gained as your character kills monsters, casts
-spells or prays for the first time, learns about an object kind by
-using it, disarms traps and unlocks doors.  Certain classes may also
-gain experience by destroying specific dungeon spell books and there
-are potions in the dungeon that will boost your experience if you
-quaff them.
-When your character's experience crosses certain fixed boundaries, you
-will attain a new experience level (up to a maximum of 50).  When this
-happens, your hitpoints, mana (if any), certain skills such as melee
-fighting and bows and throws will all increase.  Some races and
-classes will also gain new powers and abilities when crossing certain
-experience thresholds.
-Deep down inside, the real objective of the game is to increase your
-experience, and certain other characteristics, and also to collect
-useful items, to give you a decent chance against the great Serpent of
-Chaos.  Certain monsters can "drain" your experience, and thus your
-level, which will cause you to lose all of the effects of the higher
-level.  Luckily, you can restore drained experience through magical
-means, or by simply regaining the experience all over again.
---- Gold (AU) ---
-Each character has some gold, which can be used to buy items and
-services from the shops and other buildings on the town level.  Gold
-can be obtained by selling items to the shops, taking it from the
-corpses of dead monsters, mining it and by finding it lying on the
-dungeon floor.
-Each character starts out with some gold, the amount of which is based
-on the character's social class, charisma, and other stats (less
-powerful characters start with more gold).  Each character also starts
-out with a few useful items, which may be kept, or sold to a
-shop-keeper for more gold.
---- Hit Points ---
-Each character has hit points, representing how much damage the
-character can sustain before he dies.  Your hit points are derived
-from your race, class, level, and constitution, and can be boosted by
-magical means.  Hit points may be regained by resting, or by a variety
-of magical means.
---- Spell Points (Mana) ---
-Each character has spell points, or mana, which represents how many
-spells a character can cast.  Your spell points (sometimes called
-mana) are derived from your class, level, a primary stat of your
-class, and race modifier of that stat.  Spell points may be regained
-by resting, or by a few magical means.
---- Character Skills ---
-Each character also has several primary skills: disarming, magic
-devices, saving throws, stealth, searching, perception, melee and bows
-and throws, which are derived from the character's race, class,
-experience level, stats and their current equipment.  These skills
-have fairly obvious effects, but will be described more completely
-below.  The starting abilities of a character are based upon race and
-class.  Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats, and may
-increase with the level of the character (see below for details [d]).
-***** <BirthOptions>
-=== Birth Options ===
-During character generation you may press '=' at any time to access
-the birth options.  A more detailed description of the various birth
-options can be found in the section on the Options Page (see
-option.txt#Birth [e]).  Some options have "(*)" mark that means
-these options effect to the difficulty of the game and effect to
-estimation of your score.
-Perhaps one of the most important features of the birth options is the
-ability to decide what type of town level you want.  The various town
-options are discussed on the Town page (see dungeon.txt#TownLevel
-***** <AutoRoller>
-=== The Auto-Roller ===
-The auto-roller is a quick means of generating start-up characters
-based on a set of user-selected criteria.  If you choose to use the
-auto-roller, you will be presented with a column giving the maximum
-possible statistics (see below [c]) for your choice of race, class and
-personality (see raceclas.hlp [a]).  Then you can specify your desired
-statistics using keypad or cursor keys.
-Once you have specified your desired statistics, the computer will
-then randomly roll successive start-up characters and compare them to
-your specified criteria.  Each stat is rolled as a number from 8 to
-17, with a normal distribution, and is then immediately modified based
-upon the race, class and personality which you have chosen.  The exact
-quantum of this modification can be found in the stat bonus table (see
-raceclas.txt#StatBonusTable [h]).
-Once a character that matches or exceeds your expectations has been
-rolled, Hengband stops to ask you whether you accept or not.  If you
-accept the rolled character (by pressing Enter), you will be asked for
-its name.  If not, you may press 'r' to resume rolling and searching
-for the next match or, if this is not your first match, 'p' to return
-to the previous character which met your criteria.
-Note: The statistics are not independent of each other and trying to
-maximize each one using the auto-roller will not work.  A good idea is
-to specify statistics close to maximum that are critical for your
-class (for example, high wisdom for priests, intelligence for mages
-and strength and dexterity for warriors).  You should set minimum
-acceptable levels for the remaining statistics rather than looking for
-high rolls.
-If you select not to use the auto-roller, the computer will roll one
-random character at a time and then display it for you to either
-accept or reject.  The 'r', 'p' and Enter keys will work as outlined
-***** <BackgroundEditor>
-=== Background Edit-Mode ===
-The computer will randomly generate background information text of the
-character for you.  But you can modify or rewrite it after rolling up
-the character in Background edit-mode.  Use key-pad or cursor keys to
-move cursor, the Enter key to finish edit-mode, and the Escape key to
-finish edit-mode with discarding changes. Use Ctrl-A key to load the
-background information text from "histpref-<<playername>>.prf" or
-"histpref.prf" on lib/user.
-You can use conditional expressions like other pref files. Background
-information text can be modified in background information pref files
-as lines of the form "H:<str>". Text area is not much large, so too
-long text will cut down.
-***** <QuickStart>
-=== Quick Start ===
-Once you have generated a character and dead or quit game, you will be
-asked whether you want to use quick start or not at start up.  If you
-choose to use quick start, you get new character with exactly same
-race, class, stat, background and etc. as your last character.
-***** <PrimaryStats>
-=== Primary Statistics ===
-Each character has six primary "stats", strength, intelligence,
-wisdom, dexterity, constitution, and charisma, which modify the
-abilities of the character in a variety of ways.  Every stat has a
-numerical value, ranging from a minimum of 3, up to a normal maximum
-of 18, and even higher, into the "percentile" range, represented as
-"18/01" through "18/130".  True maximum of each base stat is randomly
-ranging from 18/70 to 18/130, and average of all your stat maximums
-are always 18/100.  These maximums are chosen randomly when your
-character is created or your character quaffs a Potion of New Life.
-Actually, every stat can be raised even above these maximum of base
-stat by modification from race, class, personality and magical
-equipment, up to a pure maximum of 18/220, which is represented as
-Traditionally, a percentile stat such as "18/50" has been thought of as
-representing a value part way between 18 and 19, and this is one way to
-think of them.  However, often, the best way to view the "bonus" values
-after the "18/" is as "tenth" points, since it often takes the same
-magic to raise a stat from, say, 4 to 5, or 16 to 17, as it does from,
-say, 18/40 to 18/50.  The important thing to remember is that almost all
-internal calculations "ignore" the final digit of any "bonus", so that,
-for example, "18/40" and "18/49" are always have the same effects.
---- The Primary Statistics ---
-     Strength is critical to fighting effectively in melee combat and
-     with missile weapons.  A high strength will improve your chances
-     of getting multiple blows with your melee weapon and, in
-     addition, will dramatically increase the amount of damage done
-     with each hit.  Strength also has a marginal effect on your
-     chance to hit your opponent.  Characters with low strength may
-     receive penalties.  Strength is also useful in tunneling, bashing
-     and in carrying heavy items without being slowed down.
-     Intelligence affects the spellcasting abilities of mage-like
-     spellcasters (high mages, mages, warrior-mages, rangers, chaos
-     warriors and rogues).  Intelligence will affect the number of
-     spells these classes may learn each level, the number of spell
-     points they receive and their spell fail rates.  These classes
-     cannot learn spells if their intelligence is 7 or lower.  Also,
-     intelligent characters are better at using magic devices, picking
-     locks and disarming traps.
-     Wisdom affects the ability of priest-like spellcasters (priests,
-     paladins and monks) to use prayers.  WIS will affect the number
-     of spells these classes may learn each level, the number of spell
-     points they receive and their spell fail rates.  In addition, WIS
-     is also used to determine a Mindcrafter's ability to use his or
-     her mental powers.  These classes cannot learn spells if their
-     wisdom is 7 or lower.  Wise character's will have better chances
-     of resisting magical spells cast upon them by monsters.
-     Dexterity is a combination of agility and quickness.  A high
-     dexterity may allow a character to get multiple blows with
-     lighter weapons, thus greatly increasing his kill power, and will
-     increase his chances of hitting with any weapon and dodging blows
-     from enemies.  Dexterity is also useful in picking locks,
-     disarming traps, and protecting yourself from some of the thieves
-     that inhabit the dungeons.
-     Constitution is a character's ability to resist damage to his
-     body, and to recover from damage received.  Therefore a character
-     with a high constitution will receive more hit points and also
-     recover them faster while resting.
-     Charisma represents a character's personality and physical
-     appearance.  A character with a high charisma will receive better
-     prices from store owners, whereas a character with a very low
-     charisma may be robbed blind.  A high charisma will also mean
-     more starting money for the character.  Charisma is also used
-     when calculating the success of a Mindcrafter at dominating a
-     monster.
-***** <PrimarySkills>
-=== Primary Skills ===
-Characters possess some different abilities which can help them to
-survive.  The starting abilities of a character are based upon race
-and class.  Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats, and may
-increase with the level of the character with the rate of increase
-dependent upon the level of the character.
-     Melee is the ability to hit and do damage with weapons or fists.
-     Normally a character gets a single blow from any weapon, but if
-     his dexterity and strength are high enough, he may receive more
-     blows per round with lighter weapons.  Strength and dexterity
-     both modify the ability to hit an opponent.  This skill increases
-     with the level of the character.
-Bows and Throws
-     Using ranged missile weapons (and throwing objects) is included in
-     this skill.  Different stats apply to different weapons, but this
-     ability may modify the distance an object is thrown/fired, the
-     amount of damage done, and the ability to hit a creature.  This
-     skill increases with the level of the character.
-Saving Throws
-     A Saving Throw is the ability of a character to resist the
-     effects of a spell cast on him by another person/creature.  This
-     does not include spells cast on the player by his own stupidity,
-     such as quaffing a nasty potion.  This ability increases with the
-     level of the character, but then most high level creatures are
-     better at casting spells, so it tends to even out.  A high wisdom
-     also increases this ability.
-     The ability to move silently about is very useful.  Characters
-     with good stealth can usually surprise their opponents, gaining
-     the first blow.  Also, creatures may fail to notice a stealthy
-     character entirely, allowing a player to avoid certain fights.
-     This skill is based entirely upon race and class, and will never
-     improve unless magically enhanced.
-     Disarming is the ability to remove traps (safely), and includes
-     picking locks on traps and doors.  A successful disarming will
-     gain the character some experience.  A trap must be found before
-     it can be disarmed.  Dexterity and intelligence both modify the
-     ability to disarm, and this ability increases with the level of
-     the character.
-Magical Devices
-     Using a magical device such as a wand or staff requires
-     experience and knowledge.  Spell users such as magi and priests
-     are therefore much better at using a magical device than say a
-     warrior.  This skill is modified by intelligence, and increases
-     with the level of the character.
-Perception (Searching Frequency)
-     Perception is the ability to notice something without actively
-     seeking it out.  This skill is based entirely upon race and
-     class, and will never improve unless magically enhanced.
-Searching (Searching Ability)
-     To search is to actively look for secret doors, floor traps, and
-     traps on chests.  Rogues are the best at searching, but magi,
-     rangers, and priests are also good at it.  This skill is based
-     entirely upon race and class, and will never improve unless
-     magically enhanced.
-     Infra-vision is the ability to see heat sources.  Since most of
-     the dungeon is cool or cold, infra-vision will not allow the
-     player to see walls and objects.  Infra-vision will allow a
-     character to see any warm-blooded creatures up to a certain
-     distance.  This ability works equally well with or with out a
-     light source.  The majority of Hengband's creatures are
-     cold-blooded, and will not be detected unless lit up by a light
-     source.  Most non-human races have innate infra-vision ability.
-     Humans can gain infra-vision only if it is magically enhanced.
-***** <Proficiency>
-=== Proficiency Levels ===
-In Hengband, characters possess different proficiency levels or
-experiences for each weapon type, spells, and a few other skills.  The
-starting proficiency levels and the maximum proficiency levels of a
-character are based upon class.  Each proficiency level may increase
-when you practice with it, and can be checked by the 'Check various
-information' command (~).
-For weapon proficiency, you need to hit monsters many times with a
-weapon of that type to practice.  And your to-hit bonus of the weapon
-will increases with the proficiency level of it. The rate of increase
-is dependent upon the level of the character and the level of the
-For spell proficiency, you need to cast the spell many times in a deep
-level of the dungeon to practice.  And the fail-rate and mana
-consumption rate of the spell decreases when the proficiency level
-increases.  The level of the dungeon you need is dependent upon the
-level of the character and the level of the spell.
-The effect of the proficiency level of the Dual Wielding and the
-Martial Arts is almost same as the weapon proficiency; These will
-effect upon your to-hit bonus of dual wielding combat or bare handed
-For the proficiency level of the Riding, you need to attack in melee
-or shoot with missile weapon when riding.  And your speed increases up
-to the mount's speed when the proficiency level increases.  (see
-monster.txt#Pets [i])
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.5.2
-***** [a] raceclas.hlp
-***** [b] magic.hlp
-***** [c] birth.txt#PrimaryStats
-***** [d] birth.txt#PrimarySkills
-***** [e] option.txt#Birth
-***** [f] town.txt#TownLevel
-***** [h] raceclas.txt#StatBonusTable
-***** [i] monster.txt#Pets
+=== Creating a Character ===
+Hengband is a role playing game, in which you, the player, control a
+character in the world of Hengband.  Perhaps the most important thing
+you control is the birth of your character, in which you choose or
+allow to be chosen various attributes that will affect the future life
+of your character.
+Character creation, or birth, is controlled through a variety of
+choices as to constraints on the type of character you wish to play,
+followed by a series of random calculations to generate ("roll up") a
+random character matching the appropriate constraints.
+Once your character has been generated, you will be given the choice
+to generate a new character obeying the same constraints, and once you
+have generated more than one character, you can switch back and forth
+between the two most recent characters, until you are presented with a
+character that you feel comfortable with.
+You may start the entire process over at any time by pressing 'S' at
+any prompt.
+***** <CharAttributes>
+=== Character Attributes ===
+Once you begin character generation you will be asked to choose your
+character's four primary attributes - its sex, race, class and
+personality.  If you have selected a spellcasting class, you will also
+be prompted for your choice of magic realm(s).  Your character's sex
+has a minimal effect on game play, but some personalities are
+restricted to male only or female only.  More details of attributes
+are found in the Races, Classes and Personalities section (see
+raceclas.hlp [a]) and the Magic System section (see magic.hlp [b]).
+Each character has a few secondary attributes, height, weight, social
+class, and background history, which are randomly determined, but
+which are affected by the sex and race of the character.  In general,
+these attributes are only used to provide "flavor" to the character,
+to assist in the roll playing, but they do have a few minor effects on
+the game.  For example, background history affects social class, which
+affects the amount of money the character will start with.  And weight
+affects riding ability.
+In addition to these attributes, there are several statistics which
+are used to determine your character's relative skills and abilities
+as follows:
+--- Primary Statistics ---
+Each character has six primary statistics or 'stats'.  These are
+strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution and charisma,
+which modify the abilities of the character in a variety of ways.  For
+example, strength affects your carrying capacity, the amount of damage
+you to a monster when you hit it and the number of blows per round you
+get with a weapon.  A more complete discussion of the primary
+statistics is contained later in this document (see below [c]).
+--- Experience ---
+Experience affects almost everything else about your character.
+Experience can be gained as your character kills monsters, casts
+spells or prays for the first time, learns about an object kind by
+using it, disarms traps and unlocks doors.  Certain classes may also
+gain experience by destroying specific dungeon spell books and there
+are potions in the dungeon that will boost your experience if you
+quaff them.
+When your character's experience crosses certain fixed boundaries, you
+will attain a new experience level (up to a maximum of 50).  When this
+happens, your hitpoints, mana (if any), certain skills such as melee
+fighting and bows and throws will all increase.  Some races and
+classes will also gain new powers and abilities when crossing certain
+experience thresholds.
+Deep down inside, the real objective of the game is to increase your
+experience, and certain other characteristics, and also to collect
+useful items, to give you a decent chance against the great Serpent of
+Chaos.  Certain monsters can "drain" your experience, and thus your
+level, which will cause you to lose all of the effects of the higher
+level.  Luckily, you can restore drained experience through magical
+means, or by simply regaining the experience all over again.
+--- Gold (AU) ---
+Each character has some gold, which can be used to buy items and
+services from the shops and other buildings on the town level.  Gold
+can be obtained by selling items to the shops, taking it from the
+corpses of dead monsters, mining it and by finding it lying on the
+dungeon floor.
+Each character starts out with some gold, the amount of which is based
+on the character's social class, charisma, and other stats (less
+powerful characters start with more gold).  Each character also starts
+out with a few useful items, which may be kept, or sold to a
+shop-keeper for more gold.
+--- Hit Points ---
+Each character has hit points, representing how much damage the
+character can sustain before he dies.  Your hit points are derived
+from your race, class, level, and constitution, and can be boosted by
+magical means.  Hit points may be regained by resting, or by a variety
+of magical means.
+--- Spell Points (Mana) ---
+Each character has spell points, or mana, which represents how many
+spells a character can cast.  Your spell points (sometimes called
+mana) are derived from your class, level, a primary stat of your
+class, and race modifier of that stat.  Spell points may be regained
+by resting, or by a few magical means.
+--- Character Skills ---
+Each character also has several primary skills: disarming, magic
+devices, saving throws, stealth, searching, perception, melee and bows
+and throws, which are derived from the character's race, class,
+experience level, stats and their current equipment.  These skills
+have fairly obvious effects, but will be described more completely
+below.  The starting abilities of a character are based upon race and
+class.  Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats, and may
+increase with the level of the character (see below for details [d]).
+***** <BirthOptions>
+=== Birth Options ===
+During character generation you may press '=' at any time to access
+the birth options.  A more detailed description of the various birth
+options can be found in the section on the Options Page (see
+option.txt#Birth [e]).  Some options have "(*)" mark that means
+these options effect to the difficulty of the game and effect to
+estimation of your score.
+Perhaps one of the most important features of the birth options is the
+ability to decide what type of town level you want.  The various town
+options are discussed on the Town page (see dungeon.txt#TownLevel
+***** <AutoRoller>
+=== The Auto-Roller ===
+The auto-roller is a quick means of generating start-up characters
+based on a set of user-selected criteria.  If you choose to use the
+auto-roller, you will be presented with a column giving the maximum
+possible statistics (see below [c]) for your choice of race, class and
+personality (see raceclas.hlp [a]).  Then you can specify your desired
+statistics using keypad or cursor keys.
+Once you have specified your desired statistics, the computer will
+then randomly roll successive start-up characters and compare them to
+your specified criteria.  Each stat is rolled as a number from 8 to
+17, with a normal distribution, and is then immediately modified based
+upon the race, class and personality which you have chosen.  The exact
+quantum of this modification can be found in the stat bonus table (see
+raceclas.txt#StatBonusTable [h]).
+Once a character that matches or exceeds your expectations has been
+rolled, Hengband stops to ask you whether you accept or not.  If you
+accept the rolled character (by pressing Enter), you will be asked for
+its name.  If not, you may press 'r' to resume rolling and searching
+for the next match or, if this is not your first match, 'p' to return
+to the previous character which met your criteria.
+Note: The statistics are not independent of each other and trying to
+maximize each one using the auto-roller will not work.  A good idea is
+to specify statistics close to maximum that are critical for your
+class (for example, high wisdom for priests, intelligence for mages
+and strength and dexterity for warriors).  You should set minimum
+acceptable levels for the remaining statistics rather than looking for
+high rolls.
+If you select not to use the auto-roller, the computer will roll one
+random character at a time and then display it for you to either
+accept or reject.  The 'r', 'p' and Enter keys will work as outlined
+***** <BackgroundEditor>
+=== Background Edit-Mode ===
+The computer will randomly generate background information text of the
+character for you.  But you can modify or rewrite it after rolling up
+the character in Background edit-mode.  Use key-pad or cursor keys to
+move cursor, the Enter key to finish edit-mode, and the Escape key to
+finish edit-mode with discarding changes. Use Ctrl-A key to load the
+background information text from "histpref-<<playername>>.prf" or
+"histpref.prf" on lib/user.
+You can use conditional expressions like other pref files. Background
+information text can be modified in background information pref files
+as lines of the form "H:<str>". Text area is not much large, so too
+long text will cut down.
+***** <QuickStart>
+=== Quick Start ===
+Once you have generated a character and dead or quit game, you will be
+asked whether you want to use quick start or not at start up.  If you
+choose to use quick start, you get new character with exactly same
+race, class, stat, background and etc. as your last character.
+***** <PrimaryStats>
+=== Primary Statistics ===
+Each character has six primary "stats", strength, intelligence,
+wisdom, dexterity, constitution, and charisma, which modify the
+abilities of the character in a variety of ways.  Every stat has a
+numerical value, ranging from a minimum of 3, up to a normal maximum
+of 18, and even higher, into the "percentile" range, represented as
+"18/01" through "18/130".  True maximum of each base stat is randomly
+ranging from 18/70 to 18/130, and average of all your stat maximums
+are always 18/100.  These maximums are chosen randomly when your
+character is created or your character quaffs a Potion of New Life.
+Actually, every stat can be raised even above these maximum of base
+stat by modification from race, class, personality and magical
+equipment, up to a pure maximum of 18/220, which is represented as
+Traditionally, a percentile stat such as "18/50" has been thought of as
+representing a value part way between 18 and 19, and this is one way to
+think of them.  However, often, the best way to view the "bonus" values
+after the "18/" is as "tenth" points, since it often takes the same
+magic to raise a stat from, say, 4 to 5, or 16 to 17, as it does from,
+say, 18/40 to 18/50.  The important thing to remember is that almost all
+internal calculations "ignore" the final digit of any "bonus", so that,
+for example, "18/40" and "18/49" are always have the same effects.
+--- The Primary Statistics ---
+     Strength is critical to fighting effectively in melee combat and
+     with missile weapons.  A high strength will improve your chances
+     of getting multiple blows with your melee weapon and, in
+     addition, will dramatically increase the amount of damage done
+     with each hit.  Strength also has a marginal effect on your
+     chance to hit your opponent.  Characters with low strength may
+     receive penalties.  Strength is also useful in tunneling, bashing
+     and in carrying heavy items without being slowed down.
+     Intelligence affects the spellcasting abilities of mage-like
+     spellcasters (high mages, mages, warrior-mages, rangers, chaos
+     warriors and rogues).  Intelligence will affect the number of
+     spells these classes may learn each level, the number of spell
+     points they receive and their spell fail rates.  These classes
+     cannot learn spells if their intelligence is 7 or lower.  Also,
+     intelligent characters are better at using magic devices, picking
+     locks and disarming traps.
+     Wisdom affects the ability of priest-like spellcasters (priests,
+     paladins and monks) to use prayers.  WIS will affect the number
+     of spells these classes may learn each level, the number of spell
+     points they receive and their spell fail rates.  In addition, WIS
+     is also used to determine a Mindcrafter's ability to use his or
+     her mental powers.  These classes cannot learn spells if their
+     wisdom is 7 or lower.  Wise character's will have better chances
+     of resisting magical spells cast upon them by monsters.
+     Dexterity is a combination of agility and quickness.  A high
+     dexterity may allow a character to get multiple blows with
+     lighter weapons, thus greatly increasing his kill power, and will
+     increase his chances of hitting with any weapon and dodging blows
+     from enemies.  Dexterity is also useful in picking locks,
+     disarming traps, and protecting yourself from some of the thieves
+     that inhabit the dungeons.
+     Constitution is a character's ability to resist damage to his
+     body, and to recover from damage received.  Therefore a character
+     with a high constitution will receive more hit points and also
+     recover them faster while resting.
+     Charisma represents a character's personality and physical
+     appearance.  A character with a high charisma will receive better
+     prices from store owners, whereas a character with a very low
+     charisma may be robbed blind.  A high charisma will also mean
+     more starting money for the character.  Charisma is also used
+     when calculating the success of a Mindcrafter at dominating a
+     monster.
+***** <PrimarySkills>
+=== Primary Skills ===
+Characters possess some different abilities which can help them to
+survive.  The starting abilities of a character are based upon race
+and class.  Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats, and may
+increase with the level of the character with the rate of increase
+dependent upon the level of the character.
+     Melee is the ability to hit and do damage with weapons or fists.
+     Normally a character gets a single blow from any weapon, but if
+     his dexterity and strength are high enough, he may receive more
+     blows per round with lighter weapons.  Strength and dexterity
+     both modify the ability to hit an opponent.  This skill increases
+     with the level of the character.
+Bows and Throws
+     Using ranged missile weapons (and throwing objects) is included in
+     this skill.  Different stats apply to different weapons, but this
+     ability may modify the distance an object is thrown/fired, the
+     amount of damage done, and the ability to hit a creature.  This
+     skill increases with the level of the character.
+Saving Throws
+     A Saving Throw is the ability of a character to resist the
+     effects of a spell cast on him by another person/creature.  This
+     does not include spells cast on the player by his own stupidity,
+     such as quaffing a nasty potion.  This ability increases with the
+     level of the character, but then most high level creatures are
+     better at casting spells, so it tends to even out.  A high wisdom
+     also increases this ability.
+     The ability to move silently about is very useful.  Characters
+     with good stealth can usually surprise their opponents, gaining
+     the first blow.  Also, creatures may fail to notice a stealthy
+     character entirely, allowing a player to avoid certain fights.
+     This skill is based entirely upon race and class, and will never
+     improve unless magically enhanced.
+     Disarming is the ability to remove traps (safely), and includes
+     picking locks on traps and doors.  A successful disarming will
+     gain the character some experience.  A trap must be found before
+     it can be disarmed.  Dexterity and intelligence both modify the
+     ability to disarm, and this ability increases with the level of
+     the character.
+Magical Devices
+     Using a magical device such as a wand or staff requires
+     experience and knowledge.  Spell users such as magi and priests
+     are therefore much better at using a magical device than say a
+     warrior.  This skill is modified by intelligence, and increases
+     with the level of the character.
+Perception (Searching Frequency)
+     Perception is the ability to notice something without actively
+     seeking it out.  This skill is based entirely upon race and
+     class, and will never improve unless magically enhanced.
+Searching (Searching Ability)
+     To search is to actively look for secret doors, floor traps, and
+     traps on chests.  Rogues are the best at searching, but magi,
+     rangers, and priests are also good at it.  This skill is based
+     entirely upon race and class, and will never improve unless
+     magically enhanced.
+     Infra-vision is the ability to see heat sources.  Since most of
+     the dungeon is cool or cold, infra-vision will not allow the
+     player to see walls and objects.  Infra-vision will allow a
+     character to see any warm-blooded creatures up to a certain
+     distance.  This ability works equally well with or with out a
+     light source.  The majority of Hengband's creatures are
+     cold-blooded, and will not be detected unless lit up by a light
+     source.  Most non-human races have innate infra-vision ability.
+     Humans can gain infra-vision only if it is magically enhanced.
+***** <Proficiency>
+=== Proficiency Levels ===
+In Hengband, characters possess different proficiency levels or
+experiences for each weapon type, spells, and a few other skills.  The
+starting proficiency levels and the maximum proficiency levels of a
+character are based upon class.  Each proficiency level may increase
+when you practice with it, and can be checked by the 'Check various
+information' command (~).
+For weapon proficiency, you need to hit monsters many times with a
+weapon of that type to practice.  And your to-hit bonus of the weapon
+will increases with the proficiency level of it. The rate of increase
+is dependent upon the level of the character and the level of the
+For spell proficiency, you need to cast the spell many times in a deep
+level of the dungeon to practice.  And the fail-rate and mana
+consumption rate of the spell decreases when the proficiency level
+increases.  The level of the dungeon you need is dependent upon the
+level of the character and the level of the spell.
+The effect of the proficiency level of the Dual Wielding and the
+Martial Arts is almost same as the weapon proficiency; These will
+effect upon your to-hit bonus of dual wielding combat or bare handed
+For the proficiency level of the Riding, you need to attack in melee
+or shoot with missile weapon when riding.  And your speed increases up
+to the mount's speed when the proficiency level increases.  (see
+monster.txt#Pets [i])
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.5.2
+***** [a] raceclas.hlp
+***** [b] magic.hlp
+***** [c] birth.txt#PrimaryStats
+***** [d] birth.txt#PrimarySkills
+***** [e] option.txt#Birth
+***** [f] town.txt#TownLevel
+***** [h] raceclas.txt#StatBonusTable
+***** [i] monster.txt#Pets

Modified: trunk/lib/help/bldg.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/bldg.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/bldg.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-=== Functional Town Overview ===
-The town is composed of both stores and buildings. 
-Classical stores:
-Magic Shop: buy your wands, staffs, rings and amulets here.
-Alchemist: for all sorts of bubbling potions and scrolls.
-Weaponsmith: they deal in anything sharp and to the point.
-Armorer: to offer protection from the ravages of the dungeon.
-General Store: food, torches, ammo, some necessities.
-Temple Trade: those items permitted to the pious in life.
-Black Market: the prices are usurious, but some depths items!
-Home: to store some of your precious treasures.
-Zangband additional (if you do not prefer Ironman/Vanilla):
-The Fighter's Halls, Order of Paladins, Ranger's Taverns, 
-Gilds of Thieves, and the diverse Towers of magic realms 
-are no longer restricted to the professionals involved. 
-Nevertheless some of the services are exclusive for members. 
-Look out for ambitious quests! 
-Buildings that anyone can visit if in need of some diversion:
-Gambling Houses: Read the rules before paying. And, the games 
-are not rigged, just naturally difficult.
-Authorities: Ask for quests to gain reputation and rewards.
-Libraries: For information indexes of all kinds.
-Inns: Resting will refresh, and those ghosts prowl at night...
-      Rumors will be helpful or just a bit ironic.
-All buildings are made of stone and unlikely to move around.
-This file is accurate for Zangband 2.2.4
+=== Functional Town Overview ===
+The town is composed of both stores and buildings. 
+Classical stores:
+Magic Shop: buy your wands, staffs, rings and amulets here.
+Alchemist: for all sorts of bubbling potions and scrolls.
+Weaponsmith: they deal in anything sharp and to the point.
+Armorer: to offer protection from the ravages of the dungeon.
+General Store: food, torches, ammo, some necessities.
+Temple Trade: those items permitted to the pious in life.
+Black Market: the prices are usurious, but some depths items!
+Home: to store some of your precious treasures.
+Zangband additional (if you do not prefer Ironman/Vanilla):
+The Fighter's Halls, Order of Paladins, Ranger's Taverns, 
+Gilds of Thieves, and the diverse Towers of magic realms 
+are no longer restricted to the professionals involved. 
+Nevertheless some of the services are exclusive for members. 
+Look out for ambitious quests! 
+Buildings that anyone can visit if in need of some diversion:
+Gambling Houses: Read the rules before paying. And, the games 
+are not rigged, just naturally difficult.
+Authorities: Ask for quests to gain reputation and rewards.
+Libraries: For information indexes of all kinds.
+Inns: Resting will refresh, and those ghosts prowl at night...
+      Rumors will be helpful or just a bit ironic.
+All buildings are made of stone and unlikely to move around.
+This file is accurate for Zangband 2.2.4

Modified: trunk/lib/help/command.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/command.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/command.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-Hengband Commands.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Hengband Commands           (command.txt)
-    (b) Original Keyset             (command.txt#OriginalKeyset)
-    (c) Roguelike Keyset            (command.txt#RogueKeyset)
-    (d) Special Keys                (command.txt#SpecialKeys)
-    (e) Command Counts              (command.txt#CommandCounts)
-    (f) Selection of Objects        (command.txt#ObjectSelection)
-    (g) Command Descriptions        (commdesc.hlp)
-    (?) Help System Commands        (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] command.txt
-***** [b] command.txt#OriginalKeyset
-***** [c] command.txt#RogueKeyset
-***** [d] command.txt#SpecialKeys
-***** [e] command.txt#CommandCounts
-***** [f] command.txt#ObjectSelection
-***** [g] commdesc.hlp
+Hengband Commands.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Hengband Commands           (command.txt)
+    (b) Original Keyset             (command.txt#OriginalKeyset)
+    (c) Roguelike Keyset            (command.txt#RogueKeyset)
+    (d) Special Keys                (command.txt#SpecialKeys)
+    (e) Command Counts              (command.txt#CommandCounts)
+    (f) Selection of Objects        (command.txt#ObjectSelection)
+    (g) Command Descriptions        (commdesc.hlp)
+    (?) Help System Commands        (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] command.txt
+***** [b] command.txt#OriginalKeyset
+***** [c] command.txt#RogueKeyset
+***** [d] command.txt#SpecialKeys
+***** [e] command.txt#CommandCounts
+***** [f] command.txt#ObjectSelection
+***** [g] commdesc.hlp

Modified: trunk/lib/help/command.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/command.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/command.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,358 +1,358 @@
-=== Hengband Commands ===
-Hengband commands are entered as an "underlying command" (a single key)
-plus a variety of optional or required arguments. You may choose how
-the "keyboard keys" are mapped to the "underlying commands" by choosing
-one of two standard "keynotes", the "original" keyset or the "roguelike"
-For beginners, Hengband provides the unified command menu that is very
-easy to use, and can do every thing only with cursor keys, enter key
-and escape key. Simply press Enter to show up the command menu.  The
-command menu can be disable/enabled by the option 'command_menu'.
-The original keyset is very similar to the "underlying" command set,
-with a few additions (such as the ability to use the numeric
-"directions" to "walk" or the "5" key to "stay still"). The roguelike
-keyset provides similar additions, and also allows the use of the
-h/j/k/l/y/u/b/n keys to "walk" (or, in combination with the shift or
-control keys, to run or tunnel), which thus requires a variety of key
-mappings to allow access to the underlying commands used for walking, 
-running and tunneling. In particular, the "roguelike" keyset includes
-many more "capital" and "control" keys, as shown below.
-Note that any keys that are not required for access to the underlying
-command set may be used by the user as "command macro" triggers (see
-below). You may always specify any "underlying command" directly by
-pressing backslash ("\") plus the "underlying command" key. This is
-normally only used in "macro" definitions. You may often enter
-"control-keys" as a caret ("^") plus the key (so "^" + "p" often
-yields "^P").
-Some commands allow an optional "repeat count", which allows you to
-tell the game that you wish to do the command multiple times, unless
-you press a key or are otherwise disturbed. To enter a "repeat count",
-type '0', followed by the numerical count, followed by the command. You
-must type "space" before entering certain commands. Skipping the
-numerical count yields a count of 99. An option allows certain commands
-(open, disarm, tunnel, etc) to auto-repeat.
-Some commands will prompt for extra information, such as a direction,
-an inventory or equipment item, a spell, a textual inscription, the
-symbol of a monster race, a sub-command, a verification, an amount of
-time, a quantity, a file name, or various other things. Normally you
-can hit return to choose the "default" response, or escape to cancel
-the command entirely.
-Some commands will prompt for a spell or an inventory item. Pressing
-space (or '*') will give you a list of choices. Pressing "-" (minus)
-selects the item on the floor. Pressing a lowercase letter selects the
-given item. Pressing a capital letter selects the given item after
-verification. Pressing a numeric digit '#' selects the first item (if
-any) whose inscription contains "@#" or "@x#", where "x" is the current
-"underlying command". You may only specify items which are "legal" for
-the command. Whenever an item inscription contains "!*" or "!x" (with
-"x" as above) you must verify its selection.
-In Hengband, there are items which occasionally teleport you away,
-asking for permission first. The recurring "Teleport (y/n)?" can be
-annoying, and this behavior can be eliminated by inscribing the object
-which causes the teleportation with "." (or any inscription containing
-the character "."). With this inscription, the object will no longer
-teleport you around nor keep asking you. If you want to restore the
-teleport ability to the object, just remove the "." from its
-inscription. Note that cursed items which teleport you are unaffected
-by the inscription.
-Some commands will prompt for a direction. You may enter a "compass"
-direction using any of the "direction keys" shown below. Sometimes,
-you may specify that you wish to use the current "target", by pressing
-"t" or "5", or that you wish to select a new target, by pressing "*"
-(see "Target" below).
-Each of the standard keysets provides some short-cuts over the
-"underlying commands". For example, both keysets allow you to "walk" by
-simply pressing an "original" direction key (or a "roguelike" direction
-key if you are using the roguelike keyset), instead of using the "walk"
-command plus a direction. The roguelike keyset allows you to "run" or
-"tunnel" by simply holding the shift or control modifier key down while
-pressing a "roguelike" direction key, instead of using the "run" or
-"tunnel" command plus a direction. Both keysets allow the use of the
-"5" key to "stand still", which is most convenient when using the
-original keyset.
-Note that on many systems, it is possible to define "macros" (or 
-"command macros") to various keys, or key combinations, so that it is
-often possible to make macros which, for example, allow the use of the
-shift or control modifier keys, plus a numeric keypad key, to specify
-the "run" or "tunnel" command, with the given direction, regardless of
-any keymap definitions, by using the fact that you can always, for
-example, use "\" + "." + "6", to specify "run east". 
-***** <OriginalKeyset>
-=== Original Keyset ===
-     Original Keyset Directions
-              7  8  9
-              4     6
-              1  2  3
- a  Aim a wand                           A  Activate an equipment
- b  Browse magic list                    B  Bash a door
- c  Close a door                         C  Character description
- d  Drop an item                         D  Disarm a trap
- e  Equipment list                       E  Eat some food
- f  Fire an item                         F  Fuel your lantern/torch
- g  Stay still (flip pickup)             G  Gain new spells/prayers
- h  (unused)                             H  (unused)
- i  Inventory list                       I  Observe an item
- j  Jam a door                           J  (unused)
- k  Destroy an item                      K  (unused)
- l  Look around                          L  Locate player on map
- m  Cast a spell / use mental power      M  Full dungeon map
- n  Repeat last command                  N  (unused)
- o  Open a door or chest                 O  (unused)
- p  Command your pets                    P  (unused)
- q  Quaff a potion                       Q  Quit (commit suicide)
- r  Read a scroll                        R  Rest for a period
- s  Search for traps/doors               S  Toggle search mode
- t  Take off equipment                   T  Dig a tunnel
- u  Use a staff                          U  Use bonus power (if any)
- v  Throw an item                        V  Version info
- w  Wear/wield equipment                 W  (unused)
- x  (unused)                             X  (unused)
- y  (unused)                             Y  (unused)
- z  Zap a rod                            Z  (unused)
- !  (unused)                            ^A  (special - wizard command)
- @  Interact with macros                ^B  (unused)
- #  (unused)                            ^C  (special - break)
- $  Reload Auto-picker pref             ^D  (unused)
- %  Interact with visuals               ^E  Toggle choice window
- ^  (special - control key)             ^F  Repeat level feeling
- &  Interact with colors                ^G  (unused)
- *  Target monster or location          ^H  (unused)
- (  Load screen dump                    ^I  (special - tab)
- )  Dump screen dump                    ^J  (special - linefeed)
- {  Inscribe an object                  ^K  (unused)
- }  Uninscribe an object                ^L  (unused)
- [  (unused)                            ^M  (special - return)
- ]  (unused)                            ^N  (unused)
- -  Walk (flip pickup)                  ^O  (unused)
- _  Edit auto-picker/destroyer pref     ^P  Show previous messages
- +  Alter grid                          ^Q  Display quest info
- =  Set options                         ^R  Redraw the screen
- ;  Walk (with pickup)                  ^S  Save and don't quit
- :  Take notes                          ^T  Display game time
- '  (unused)                            ^U  (unused)
- "  Enter a user pref command           ^V  Output rand artifacts list
- ,  Stay still (with pickup)            ^W  (special - wizard mode)
- <  Go up staircase (Enter global map)  ^X  Save and quit
- .  Run                                 ^Y  (unused)
- >  Go down staircase(Enter normal map) ^Z  (special - borg command)
- \  (special - bypass keymap)            |  Check play record
- `  (special - escape)                   ~  Check various information
- /  Identify symbol                      ?  Help
-***** <RogueKeyset>
-===  Roguelike Keyset ===
-     Roguelike Keyset Directions
-              y  k  u
-              h     l
-              b  j  n
- a  Zap a rod (Activate)                 A  Activate an artifact
- b  (walk - south west)                  B  (run - south west)
- c  Close a door                         C  Character description
- d  Drop an item                         D  Disarm a trap or chest
- e  Equipment list                       E  Eat some food
- f  Bash a door (force)                  F  Fuel your lantern/torch
- g  Stay still (flip pickup)             G  Gain new spells/prayers
- h  (walk - west)                        H  (run - west)
- i  Inventory list                       I  Observe an item
- j  (walk - south)                       J  (run - south)
- k  (walk - north)                       K  (run - north)
- l  (walk - east)                        L  (run - east)
- m  Spell casting / mental power         M  Full dungeon map
- n  (walk - south east)                  N  (run - south east)
- o  Open a door or chest                 O  Use bonus power (if any)
- p  Command your pets                    P  Browse magic list
- q  Quaff a potion                       Q  Quit (commit suicide)
- r  Read a scroll                        R  Rest for a period
- s  Search for traps/doors               S  Jam a door (Spike)
- t  Fire an item                         T  Take off equipment
- u  (walk - north east)                  U  (run - north east)
- v  Throw an item                        V  Version info
- w  Wear/wield equipment                 W  Locate player on map
- x  Look around                          X  (unused)
- y  (walk - north west)                  Y  (run - north west)
- z  Aim a wand (Zap)                     Z  Use a staff (Zap)
- !  (unused)                            ^A  (special - wizard command)
- @  Interact with macros                ^B  (tunnel - south west)
- #  Toggle search mode                  ^C  (special - break)
- $  Reload Auto-picker pref             ^D  Destroy item
- %  Interact with visuals               ^E  Toggle choice window
- ^  (special - control key)             ^F  Repeat level feeling
- &  Interact with colors                ^G  (unused)
- *  Target monster or location          ^H  (tunnel - west)
- (  Load screen dump                    ^I  (special - tab)
- )  Dump screen dump                    ^J  (tunnel - south)
- {  Inscribe an object                  ^K  (tunnel - north)
- }  Uninscribe an object                ^L  (tunnel - east)
- [  Repeat last command                 ^M  (tunnel - south)
- ]  (unused)                            ^N  (tunnel - south east)
- -  Walk (flip pickup)                  ^O  (unused)
- _  Edit auto-picker/destroyer pref     ^P  Show previous messages
- +  Alter grid                          ^Q  Display quest info
- =  Set options                         ^R  Redraw the screen
- ;  Walk (with pickup)                  ^S  Save and don't quit
- :  Take notes                          ^T  Dig a Tunnel
- '  Display game time                   ^U  (tunnel - north east)
- "  Enter a user pref command           ^V  Output rand artifacts list
- ,  Run                                 ^W  (special - wizard mode)
- <  Go up staircase (Enter global map)  ^X  Save and quit
- .  Stay still (with pickup)            ^Y  (tunnel - north west)
- >  Go down staircase(Enter normal map) ^Z  (unused)
- \  (special - bypass keymap)            |  Check play record
- `  (special - escape)                   ~  Check various information
- /  Identify symbol                      ?  Help
-***** <SpecialKeys>
-=== Special Keys ===
-Certain special keys may be intercepted by the operating system or
-the host machine, causing unexpected results. In general, these special
-keys are control keys, and often, you can disable their special
-If you are playing on a UNIX or similar system, then Ctrl-C will
-interrupt Hengband. The second and third interrupt will induce a
-warning bell, and the fourth will induce both a warning bell and a
-special message, since the fifth will quit the game, after killing your
-character. Also, Ctrl-Z will suspend the game, and return you to the
-original command shell, until you resume the game with the "fg"
-command. There is now a compilation option to force the game to prevent
-the "double ctrl-z escape death trick". The Ctrl-\ and Ctrl-D and
-Ctrl-S keys should not be intercepted.
-It is often possible to specify "control-keys" without actually 
-pressing the control key, by typing a caret ("^") followed by the key.
-This is useful for specifying control-key commands which might be
-caught by the operating system as explained above.
-Pressing backslash ("\") before a command will bypass all keymaps,
-and the next keypress will be interpreted as an "underlying command"
-key, unless it is a caret ("^"), in which case the keypress after that
-will be turned into a control-key and interpreted as a command in the
-underlying Hengband keyset. The backslash key is useful for creating
-macro actions which are not affected by any keymap definitions that may
-be in force, for example, the sequence "\" + "." + "6" will always mean
-"run east", even if the "." key has been mapped to a different
-underlying command.
-The "0" and "^" and "\" keys all have special meaning when entered
-at the command prompt, and there is no "useful" way to specify any of
-them as an "underlying command", which is okay, since they would have
-no effect.
-For many input requests or queries, the special character ESCAPE will
-abort the command. The "[y/n]" prompts may be answered with "y" or
-"n", or escape. The "-more-" message prompts may be cleared (after
-reading the displayed message) by pressing ESCAPE, SPACE, RETURN,
-LINEFEED, or by any keypress, if the "quick_messages" option is turned
-***** <CommandCounts>
-===  Command Counts ===
-Some commands can be executed a fixed number of times by preceding
-them with a count. Counted commands will execute until the count
-expires, until you type any character, or until something significant
-happens, such as being attacked. Thus, a counted command doesn't work
-to attack another creature. While the command is being repeated, the
-number of times left to be repeated will flash by on the line at the
-bottom of the screen.
-To give a count to a command, type 0, the repeat count, and then the
-command. If you want to give a movement command and you are using the
-original command set (where the movement commands are digits), press
-space after the count and you will be prompted for the command.
-Counted commands are very useful for searching or tunneling, as they
-automatically terminate on success, or if you are attacked. You may
-also terminate any counted command (or resting or running), by typing
-any character. This character is ignored, but it is safest to use a
-SPACE or ESCAPE which are always ignored as commands in case you type
-the command just after the count expires.
-You can tell Hengband to automatically use a repeat count of 99 with
-commands you normally want to repeat (open, disarm, tunnel, bash, 
-alter, etc) by setting the "always_repeat" option.
-***** <ObjectSelection>
-===  Selection of Objects ===
-Many commands will also prompt for a particular object to be used. For
-example, the command to read a scroll will ask you which of the scrolls
-that you are carrying that you wish to read. In such cases, the
-selection is made by typing a letter of the alphabet. The prompt will
-indicate the possible letters, and will also allow you to type the key
-"*", which causes all of the available options to be described. The
-list of choices will also be shown in the Choice window, if you are
-using a windows environment and windows are turned on. Often you will
-be able to press "/" to select an object from your equipment instead of
-your inventory. Pressing space once will have the same effect as "*",
-and the second time will cancel the command and run the "i" or "e"
-The particular object may be selected by an upper case or a lower case
-letter. If lower case is used, the selection takes place immediately.
-If upper case is used, then the particular option is described, and you
-are given the option of confirming or retracting that choice. Upper
-case selection is thus safer, but requires an extra key stroke.
-Also see the "!*" and "!x" inscriptions, below.
-For many commands, you can also use "-" to select an object on the
-floor where you are standing. This lets you read scrolls or quaff
-potions, for example, off the dungeon floor without picking them up.
-If you enter a number between 0 and 9, the first item engraved with
-"@#" where "#" is the number you entered will be selected. For example,
-if you have a shovel engraved with "@0" and you type "w" (for wield)
-and then 0, you will wield the shovel. This is very useful for macros
-(see below), since you can use this to select an object regardless of
-its location in your pack. For example, Hengband automatically defines
-a macro for the key "X" to do "w0". If you then engrave both your
-digging instrument and your primary weapon with @0, pressing X will
-wield whichever one is not being currently wielded (letting you quickly
-switch between them). Multiple numbers can be engraved on the same
-object; for example, if a sword is engraved with @1 @ 0, then either "w1"
-or "w0" will wield it. Normally, you inscribe "@1 @ 0" on your primary
-weapon, and "@2 @ 0" on your digger or secondary weapon. Note that an
-inscription containing "@x#" will act like "@#" but only when the
-current "Hengband command" is "x". Thus you can put "@z4" on a rod and
-"@u4" on a staff, and then use both "z4" and "u4" as desired.
-Note that any object containing "!x" in its inscription, where "x" is
-the current "Hengband command" (or containing "!*" ever) will induce
-"verification" whenever that object is "selected". Thus, inscribing,
-say, "!f!k!d" on an object will greatly reduce the odds of you "losing"
-it by accident, and inscribing "!*" on an object will allow you to be
-very paranoid about the object. Note that "selling" and "dropping" both
-use the "d" command.
-Original   : Alexander Cutler and Andy Astrand
-Updated    : (2.7.6) by Russ Allbery (rra****@cs*****)
-Updated    : (2.7.9) by Ben Harrison (benh****@phial*****)
-Updated    : Zangband 2.2.0 through 2.2.6c by Robert Ruehlmann
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
+=== Hengband Commands ===
+Hengband commands are entered as an "underlying command" (a single key)
+plus a variety of optional or required arguments. You may choose how
+the "keyboard keys" are mapped to the "underlying commands" by choosing
+one of two standard "keynotes", the "original" keyset or the "roguelike"
+For beginners, Hengband provides the unified command menu that is very
+easy to use, and can do every thing only with cursor keys, enter key
+and escape key. Simply press Enter to show up the command menu.  The
+command menu can be disable/enabled by the option 'command_menu'.
+The original keyset is very similar to the "underlying" command set,
+with a few additions (such as the ability to use the numeric
+"directions" to "walk" or the "5" key to "stay still"). The roguelike
+keyset provides similar additions, and also allows the use of the
+h/j/k/l/y/u/b/n keys to "walk" (or, in combination with the shift or
+control keys, to run or tunnel), which thus requires a variety of key
+mappings to allow access to the underlying commands used for walking, 
+running and tunneling. In particular, the "roguelike" keyset includes
+many more "capital" and "control" keys, as shown below.
+Note that any keys that are not required for access to the underlying
+command set may be used by the user as "command macro" triggers (see
+below). You may always specify any "underlying command" directly by
+pressing backslash ("\") plus the "underlying command" key. This is
+normally only used in "macro" definitions. You may often enter
+"control-keys" as a caret ("^") plus the key (so "^" + "p" often
+yields "^P").
+Some commands allow an optional "repeat count", which allows you to
+tell the game that you wish to do the command multiple times, unless
+you press a key or are otherwise disturbed. To enter a "repeat count",
+type '0', followed by the numerical count, followed by the command. You
+must type "space" before entering certain commands. Skipping the
+numerical count yields a count of 99. An option allows certain commands
+(open, disarm, tunnel, etc) to auto-repeat.
+Some commands will prompt for extra information, such as a direction,
+an inventory or equipment item, a spell, a textual inscription, the
+symbol of a monster race, a sub-command, a verification, an amount of
+time, a quantity, a file name, or various other things. Normally you
+can hit return to choose the "default" response, or escape to cancel
+the command entirely.
+Some commands will prompt for a spell or an inventory item. Pressing
+space (or '*') will give you a list of choices. Pressing "-" (minus)
+selects the item on the floor. Pressing a lowercase letter selects the
+given item. Pressing a capital letter selects the given item after
+verification. Pressing a numeric digit '#' selects the first item (if
+any) whose inscription contains "@#" or "@x#", where "x" is the current
+"underlying command". You may only specify items which are "legal" for
+the command. Whenever an item inscription contains "!*" or "!x" (with
+"x" as above) you must verify its selection.
+In Hengband, there are items which occasionally teleport you away,
+asking for permission first. The recurring "Teleport (y/n)?" can be
+annoying, and this behavior can be eliminated by inscribing the object
+which causes the teleportation with "." (or any inscription containing
+the character "."). With this inscription, the object will no longer
+teleport you around nor keep asking you. If you want to restore the
+teleport ability to the object, just remove the "." from its
+inscription. Note that cursed items which teleport you are unaffected
+by the inscription.
+Some commands will prompt for a direction. You may enter a "compass"
+direction using any of the "direction keys" shown below. Sometimes,
+you may specify that you wish to use the current "target", by pressing
+"t" or "5", or that you wish to select a new target, by pressing "*"
+(see "Target" below).
+Each of the standard keysets provides some short-cuts over the
+"underlying commands". For example, both keysets allow you to "walk" by
+simply pressing an "original" direction key (or a "roguelike" direction
+key if you are using the roguelike keyset), instead of using the "walk"
+command plus a direction. The roguelike keyset allows you to "run" or
+"tunnel" by simply holding the shift or control modifier key down while
+pressing a "roguelike" direction key, instead of using the "run" or
+"tunnel" command plus a direction. Both keysets allow the use of the
+"5" key to "stand still", which is most convenient when using the
+original keyset.
+Note that on many systems, it is possible to define "macros" (or 
+"command macros") to various keys, or key combinations, so that it is
+often possible to make macros which, for example, allow the use of the
+shift or control modifier keys, plus a numeric keypad key, to specify
+the "run" or "tunnel" command, with the given direction, regardless of
+any keymap definitions, by using the fact that you can always, for
+example, use "\" + "." + "6", to specify "run east". 
+***** <OriginalKeyset>
+=== Original Keyset ===
+     Original Keyset Directions
+              7  8  9
+              4     6
+              1  2  3
+ a  Aim a wand                           A  Activate an equipment
+ b  Browse magic list                    B  Bash a door
+ c  Close a door                         C  Character description
+ d  Drop an item                         D  Disarm a trap
+ e  Equipment list                       E  Eat some food
+ f  Fire an item                         F  Fuel your lantern/torch
+ g  Stay still (flip pickup)             G  Gain new spells/prayers
+ h  (unused)                             H  (unused)
+ i  Inventory list                       I  Observe an item
+ j  Jam a door                           J  (unused)
+ k  Destroy an item                      K  (unused)
+ l  Look around                          L  Locate player on map
+ m  Cast a spell / use mental power      M  Full dungeon map
+ n  Repeat last command                  N  (unused)
+ o  Open a door or chest                 O  (unused)
+ p  Command your pets                    P  (unused)
+ q  Quaff a potion                       Q  Quit (commit suicide)
+ r  Read a scroll                        R  Rest for a period
+ s  Search for traps/doors               S  Toggle search mode
+ t  Take off equipment                   T  Dig a tunnel
+ u  Use a staff                          U  Use bonus power (if any)
+ v  Throw an item                        V  Version info
+ w  Wear/wield equipment                 W  (unused)
+ x  (unused)                             X  (unused)
+ y  (unused)                             Y  (unused)
+ z  Zap a rod                            Z  (unused)
+ !  (unused)                            ^A  (special - wizard command)
+ @  Interact with macros                ^B  (unused)
+ #  (unused)                            ^C  (special - break)
+ $  Reload Auto-picker pref             ^D  (unused)
+ %  Interact with visuals               ^E  Toggle choice window
+ ^  (special - control key)             ^F  Repeat level feeling
+ &  Interact with colors                ^G  (unused)
+ *  Target monster or location          ^H  (unused)
+ (  Load screen dump                    ^I  (special - tab)
+ )  Dump screen dump                    ^J  (special - linefeed)
+ {  Inscribe an object                  ^K  (unused)
+ }  Uninscribe an object                ^L  (unused)
+ [  (unused)                            ^M  (special - return)
+ ]  (unused)                            ^N  (unused)
+ -  Walk (flip pickup)                  ^O  (unused)
+ _  Edit auto-picker/destroyer pref     ^P  Show previous messages
+ +  Alter grid                          ^Q  Display quest info
+ =  Set options                         ^R  Redraw the screen
+ ;  Walk (with pickup)                  ^S  Save and don't quit
+ :  Take notes                          ^T  Display game time
+ '  (unused)                            ^U  (unused)
+ "  Enter a user pref command           ^V  Output rand artifacts list
+ ,  Stay still (with pickup)            ^W  (special - wizard mode)
+ <  Go up staircase (Enter global map)  ^X  Save and quit
+ .  Run                                 ^Y  (unused)
+ >  Go down staircase(Enter normal map) ^Z  (special - borg command)
+ \  (special - bypass keymap)            |  Check play record
+ `  (special - escape)                   ~  Check various information
+ /  Identify symbol                      ?  Help
+***** <RogueKeyset>
+===  Roguelike Keyset ===
+     Roguelike Keyset Directions
+              y  k  u
+              h     l
+              b  j  n
+ a  Zap a rod (Activate)                 A  Activate an artifact
+ b  (walk - south west)                  B  (run - south west)
+ c  Close a door                         C  Character description
+ d  Drop an item                         D  Disarm a trap or chest
+ e  Equipment list                       E  Eat some food
+ f  Bash a door (force)                  F  Fuel your lantern/torch
+ g  Stay still (flip pickup)             G  Gain new spells/prayers
+ h  (walk - west)                        H  (run - west)
+ i  Inventory list                       I  Observe an item
+ j  (walk - south)                       J  (run - south)
+ k  (walk - north)                       K  (run - north)
+ l  (walk - east)                        L  (run - east)
+ m  Spell casting / mental power         M  Full dungeon map
+ n  (walk - south east)                  N  (run - south east)
+ o  Open a door or chest                 O  Use bonus power (if any)
+ p  Command your pets                    P  Browse magic list
+ q  Quaff a potion                       Q  Quit (commit suicide)
+ r  Read a scroll                        R  Rest for a period
+ s  Search for traps/doors               S  Jam a door (Spike)
+ t  Fire an item                         T  Take off equipment
+ u  (walk - north east)                  U  (run - north east)
+ v  Throw an item                        V  Version info
+ w  Wear/wield equipment                 W  Locate player on map
+ x  Look around                          X  (unused)
+ y  (walk - north west)                  Y  (run - north west)
+ z  Aim a wand (Zap)                     Z  Use a staff (Zap)
+ !  (unused)                            ^A  (special - wizard command)
+ @  Interact with macros                ^B  (tunnel - south west)
+ #  Toggle search mode                  ^C  (special - break)
+ $  Reload Auto-picker pref             ^D  Destroy item
+ %  Interact with visuals               ^E  Toggle choice window
+ ^  (special - control key)             ^F  Repeat level feeling
+ &  Interact with colors                ^G  (unused)
+ *  Target monster or location          ^H  (tunnel - west)
+ (  Load screen dump                    ^I  (special - tab)
+ )  Dump screen dump                    ^J  (tunnel - south)
+ {  Inscribe an object                  ^K  (tunnel - north)
+ }  Uninscribe an object                ^L  (tunnel - east)
+ [  Repeat last command                 ^M  (tunnel - south)
+ ]  (unused)                            ^N  (tunnel - south east)
+ -  Walk (flip pickup)                  ^O  (unused)
+ _  Edit auto-picker/destroyer pref     ^P  Show previous messages
+ +  Alter grid                          ^Q  Display quest info
+ =  Set options                         ^R  Redraw the screen
+ ;  Walk (with pickup)                  ^S  Save and don't quit
+ :  Take notes                          ^T  Dig a Tunnel
+ '  Display game time                   ^U  (tunnel - north east)
+ "  Enter a user pref command           ^V  Output rand artifacts list
+ ,  Run                                 ^W  (special - wizard mode)
+ <  Go up staircase (Enter global map)  ^X  Save and quit
+ .  Stay still (with pickup)            ^Y  (tunnel - north west)
+ >  Go down staircase(Enter normal map) ^Z  (unused)
+ \  (special - bypass keymap)            |  Check play record
+ `  (special - escape)                   ~  Check various information
+ /  Identify symbol                      ?  Help
+***** <SpecialKeys>
+=== Special Keys ===
+Certain special keys may be intercepted by the operating system or
+the host machine, causing unexpected results. In general, these special
+keys are control keys, and often, you can disable their special
+If you are playing on a UNIX or similar system, then Ctrl-C will
+interrupt Hengband. The second and third interrupt will induce a
+warning bell, and the fourth will induce both a warning bell and a
+special message, since the fifth will quit the game, after killing your
+character. Also, Ctrl-Z will suspend the game, and return you to the
+original command shell, until you resume the game with the "fg"
+command. There is now a compilation option to force the game to prevent
+the "double ctrl-z escape death trick". The Ctrl-\ and Ctrl-D and
+Ctrl-S keys should not be intercepted.
+It is often possible to specify "control-keys" without actually 
+pressing the control key, by typing a caret ("^") followed by the key.
+This is useful for specifying control-key commands which might be
+caught by the operating system as explained above.
+Pressing backslash ("\") before a command will bypass all keymaps,
+and the next keypress will be interpreted as an "underlying command"
+key, unless it is a caret ("^"), in which case the keypress after that
+will be turned into a control-key and interpreted as a command in the
+underlying Hengband keyset. The backslash key is useful for creating
+macro actions which are not affected by any keymap definitions that may
+be in force, for example, the sequence "\" + "." + "6" will always mean
+"run east", even if the "." key has been mapped to a different
+underlying command.
+The "0" and "^" and "\" keys all have special meaning when entered
+at the command prompt, and there is no "useful" way to specify any of
+them as an "underlying command", which is okay, since they would have
+no effect.
+For many input requests or queries, the special character ESCAPE will
+abort the command. The "[y/n]" prompts may be answered with "y" or
+"n", or escape. The "-more-" message prompts may be cleared (after
+reading the displayed message) by pressing ESCAPE, SPACE, RETURN,
+LINEFEED, or by any keypress, if the "quick_messages" option is turned
+***** <CommandCounts>
+===  Command Counts ===
+Some commands can be executed a fixed number of times by preceding
+them with a count. Counted commands will execute until the count
+expires, until you type any character, or until something significant
+happens, such as being attacked. Thus, a counted command doesn't work
+to attack another creature. While the command is being repeated, the
+number of times left to be repeated will flash by on the line at the
+bottom of the screen.
+To give a count to a command, type 0, the repeat count, and then the
+command. If you want to give a movement command and you are using the
+original command set (where the movement commands are digits), press
+space after the count and you will be prompted for the command.
+Counted commands are very useful for searching or tunneling, as they
+automatically terminate on success, or if you are attacked. You may
+also terminate any counted command (or resting or running), by typing
+any character. This character is ignored, but it is safest to use a
+SPACE or ESCAPE which are always ignored as commands in case you type
+the command just after the count expires.
+You can tell Hengband to automatically use a repeat count of 99 with
+commands you normally want to repeat (open, disarm, tunnel, bash, 
+alter, etc) by setting the "always_repeat" option.
+***** <ObjectSelection>
+===  Selection of Objects ===
+Many commands will also prompt for a particular object to be used. For
+example, the command to read a scroll will ask you which of the scrolls
+that you are carrying that you wish to read. In such cases, the
+selection is made by typing a letter of the alphabet. The prompt will
+indicate the possible letters, and will also allow you to type the key
+"*", which causes all of the available options to be described. The
+list of choices will also be shown in the Choice window, if you are
+using a windows environment and windows are turned on. Often you will
+be able to press "/" to select an object from your equipment instead of
+your inventory. Pressing space once will have the same effect as "*",
+and the second time will cancel the command and run the "i" or "e"
+The particular object may be selected by an upper case or a lower case
+letter. If lower case is used, the selection takes place immediately.
+If upper case is used, then the particular option is described, and you
+are given the option of confirming or retracting that choice. Upper
+case selection is thus safer, but requires an extra key stroke.
+Also see the "!*" and "!x" inscriptions, below.
+For many commands, you can also use "-" to select an object on the
+floor where you are standing. This lets you read scrolls or quaff
+potions, for example, off the dungeon floor without picking them up.
+If you enter a number between 0 and 9, the first item engraved with
+"@#" where "#" is the number you entered will be selected. For example,
+if you have a shovel engraved with "@0" and you type "w" (for wield)
+and then 0, you will wield the shovel. This is very useful for macros
+(see below), since you can use this to select an object regardless of
+its location in your pack. For example, Hengband automatically defines
+a macro for the key "X" to do "w0". If you then engrave both your
+digging instrument and your primary weapon with @0, pressing X will
+wield whichever one is not being currently wielded (letting you quickly
+switch between them). Multiple numbers can be engraved on the same
+object; for example, if a sword is engraved with @1 @ 0, then either "w1"
+or "w0" will wield it. Normally, you inscribe "@1 @ 0" on your primary
+weapon, and "@2 @ 0" on your digger or secondary weapon. Note that an
+inscription containing "@x#" will act like "@#" but only when the
+current "Hengband command" is "x". Thus you can put "@z4" on a rod and
+"@u4" on a staff, and then use both "z4" and "u4" as desired.
+Note that any object containing "!x" in its inscription, where "x" is
+the current "Hengband command" (or containing "!*" ever) will induce
+"verification" whenever that object is "selected". Thus, inscribing,
+say, "!f!k!d" on an object will greatly reduce the odds of you "losing"
+it by accident, and inscribing "!*" on an object will allow you to be
+very paranoid about the object. Note that "selling" and "dropping" both
+use the "d" command.
+Original   : Alexander Cutler and Andy Astrand
+Updated    : (2.7.6) by Russ Allbery (rra****@cs*****)
+Updated    : (2.7.9) by Ben Harrison (benh****@phial*****)
+Updated    : Zangband 2.2.0 through 2.2.6c by Robert Ruehlmann
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11

Modified: trunk/lib/help/commdesc.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/commdesc.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/commdesc.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-Hengband Command Descriptions.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Command Descriptions            (commdesc.txt)
-    (b) Inventory Commands              (commdesc.txt#Inventory)
-    (c) Movement Commands               (commdesc.txt#Movement)
-    (d) Resting Commands                (commdesc.txt#Resting)
-    (e) Searching Commands              (commdesc.txt#Searching)
-    (f) Alter Commands                  (commdesc.txt#Alter)
-    (g) Spell and Prayer Commands       (commdesc.txt#SpellPrayer)
-    (h) Object Manipulation Commands    (commdesc.txt#ObjectManip)
-    (i) Magical Item Commands           (commdesc.txt#MagicalObject)
-    (j) Throwing and Missile Weapons    (commdesc.txt#ThrowFire)
-    (k) Looking Commands                (commdesc.txt#Looking)
-    (l) Message Commands                (commdesc.txt#Message)
-    (m) Game Status Commands            (commdesc.txt#GameStatus)
-    (n) Saving and Exiting Commands     (commdesc.txt#SaveExit)
-    (o) User Preference Commands        (commdesc.txt#UserPref)
-    (p) Help Commands                   (commdesc.txt#Help)
-    (r) Extra Commands                  (commdesc.txt#Extra)
-    (?) Help System Commands            (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] commdesc.txt
-***** [b] commdesc.txt#Inventory
-***** [c] commdesc.txt#Movement
-***** [d] commdesc.txt#Resting
-***** [e] commdesc.txt#Searching
-***** [f] commdesc.txt#Alter
-***** [g] commdesc.txt#SpellPrayer
-***** [h] commdesc.txt#ObjectManip
-***** [i] commdesc.txt#MagicalObject
-***** [j] commdesc.txt#ThrowFire
-***** [k] commdesc.txt#Looking
-***** [l] commdesc.txt#Message
-***** [m] commdesc.txt#GameStatus
-***** [n] commdesc.txt#SaveExit
-***** [o] commdesc.txt#UserPref
-***** [p] commdesc.txt#Help
-***** [r] commdesc.txt#Extra
+Hengband Command Descriptions.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Command Descriptions            (commdesc.txt)
+    (b) Inventory Commands              (commdesc.txt#Inventory)
+    (c) Movement Commands               (commdesc.txt#Movement)
+    (d) Resting Commands                (commdesc.txt#Resting)
+    (e) Searching Commands              (commdesc.txt#Searching)
+    (f) Alter Commands                  (commdesc.txt#Alter)
+    (g) Spell and Prayer Commands       (commdesc.txt#SpellPrayer)
+    (h) Object Manipulation Commands    (commdesc.txt#ObjectManip)
+    (i) Magical Item Commands           (commdesc.txt#MagicalObject)
+    (j) Throwing and Missile Weapons    (commdesc.txt#ThrowFire)
+    (k) Looking Commands                (commdesc.txt#Looking)
+    (l) Message Commands                (commdesc.txt#Message)
+    (m) Game Status Commands            (commdesc.txt#GameStatus)
+    (n) Saving and Exiting Commands     (commdesc.txt#SaveExit)
+    (o) User Preference Commands        (commdesc.txt#UserPref)
+    (p) Help Commands                   (commdesc.txt#Help)
+    (r) Extra Commands                  (commdesc.txt#Extra)
+    (?) Help System Commands            (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] commdesc.txt
+***** [b] commdesc.txt#Inventory
+***** [c] commdesc.txt#Movement
+***** [d] commdesc.txt#Resting
+***** [e] commdesc.txt#Searching
+***** [f] commdesc.txt#Alter
+***** [g] commdesc.txt#SpellPrayer
+***** [h] commdesc.txt#ObjectManip
+***** [i] commdesc.txt#MagicalObject
+***** [j] commdesc.txt#ThrowFire
+***** [k] commdesc.txt#Looking
+***** [l] commdesc.txt#Message
+***** [m] commdesc.txt#GameStatus
+***** [n] commdesc.txt#SaveExit
+***** [o] commdesc.txt#UserPref
+***** [p] commdesc.txt#Help
+***** [r] commdesc.txt#Extra

Modified: trunk/lib/help/commdesc.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/commdesc.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/commdesc.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,739 +1,739 @@
-===  Command Descriptions ===
-The following command descriptions are listed as the command name plus
-the "underlying command" key. This is followed by the command name and
-"roguelike" keyset key, if different from the underlying command key.
-Then comes a brief description of the command, including information
-about alternative methods of specifying the command in each keyset,
-when needed. Several commands (tunnel, disarm, bash, open) are repeated
-99 times if the "always_repeat" option is set and no repeat count is
-given. Some commands use the "repeat count" to automatically repeat the
-command several times, while others use the "repeat count" as an
-"argument", for example, commands which need a "quantity" will use the
-"repeat count" instead of asking for a quantity, allowing the use of
-"0d" for "drop all". Commands which ask for a quantity will convert any
-"letters" into the maximal legal value.
-***** <Inventory>
----  Inventory Commands ---
-Inventory list (i)
-     Displays a list of objects being carried but not equipped. You can
-     carry up to 23 different items, not counting those in your
-     equipment. Often, many identical objects can be "stacked" into a
-     "pile" which will count as a single item. This is always true of
-     things like potions, scrolls, and food, but you may have to set
-     options to allow wands, staves, and other such objects to stack.
-     Each object has a weight, and if you carry more objects than your
-     strength permits, you will begin to slow down.
-Equipment list (e)
-     Use this command to display a list of the objects currently being
-     used by your character. Your character has 12 slots for equipment,
-     each corresponding to a different location on the body, and each
-     of which may contain only a single object at a time, and each of
-     which may only contain objects of the proper "type", and which
-     include WIELD (weapon), BOW (missile launcher), LEFT (ring), RIGHT
-     (ring), NECK (amulet), LITE (light source), BODY (armor), OUTER
-     (cloak), ARM (shield), HEAD (helmet), HANDS (gloves), FEET
-     (boots). You must be using an object to receive any of its special
-     powers.
-Drop an item (d)
-     This drops an item from your inventory or equipment onto the
-     dungeon floor. If the floor spot you are standing on already has
-     an object in it, Hengband will attempt to drop the item onto an
-     adjacent space. Be warned that if the floor is full and you
-     attempt to drop something, it may disappear and be destroyed.
-     Doors and traps are considered objects for the purpose of
-     determining if the space is occupied. If the selected pile
-     contains multiple items, you may specify a quantity.
-Destroy an item (k) or Destroy an item (^D)
-     This destroys an item in your inventory or on the dungeon floor.
-     If the selected pile contains multiple objects, you may specify
-     a quantity. You must always (currently) verify this command.
-Wear/Wield equipment (w)
-     To wear or wield an object in your inventory, use this command.
-     Since only one object can be in each slot at a time, if you wear
-     or wield an item into a slot which is already occupied, the old
-     item will be first be taken off, and may in fact be dropped if
-     there is no room for it in your inventory.
-Take off equipment (t) or Take off equipment (T)
-     Use this command to take off a piece of equipment and return it
-     to your inventory. Occasionally, you will run into a cursed item
-     which cannot be removed. These items normally penalize you in some
-     way and cannot be taken off until the curse is removed. If there
-     is no room in your inventory for the item, your pack will overflow
-     and you will drop the item after taking it off.
-***** <Movement>
----  Movement Commands ---
-Walk (with pickup) (;)
-     Moves one step in the given direction. The square you are moving
-     into must not be blocked by walls or doors. You will pick up any
-     items in the destination grid if the "always_pickup" option is
-     set, or if the "query_pickup" option is set and you respond
-     correctly. This command can take a count and requires a
-     direction.  You may also use the "original" direction keys (both
-     keysets) or the "roguelike" direction keys (roguelike keyset) to
-     walk in a direction. If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up,
-     specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
-Walk (flip pickup) (-)
-     This is just like normal move, except that the "Pick things up"
-     option is inverted. In other words, if you normally pick up
-     anything you encounter (the default), you will not pick things up
-     when using this command. If you normally do not pick things up,
-     you will when using this command. This command can take a count
-     and requires a direction.  If object auto-picker/destroyer is set
-     up, specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
-Run (.) or Run (,)
-     This command will move in the given direction, following any
-     bends in the corridor, until you either have to make a "choice"
-     between two directions or you are disturbed. You can configure
-     what will disturb you by setting the disturbance options. Run
-     requires a direction. You may also use shift plus the "roguelike"
-     direction keys (roguelike keyset), or shift plus the "original"
-     direction keys on the keypad (both keysets, some machines) to run
-     in a direction. If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up,
-     specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
-Go up staircase (<)
-     Climbs up when you are standing on an up staircase. In the
-     wilderness, enter global map mode which grants you a view of all
-     the world unless there are some monsters in the nearby area.
-     There is always at least one staircase going up on every level
-     except for the town level (this doesn't mean it's easy to
-     find). Going up a staircase will take you to a new dungeon level
-     unless you are at 50 feet (dungeon level 1), in which case you
-     will return to the town level. Note that whenever you leave a
-     level (not the town), you will never find it again. This means
-     that for all intents and purposes, any objects on that level are
-     destroyed. This includes artifacts unless the "Create characters
-     in preserve mode" option was set when your character was created,
-     in which case the artifacts may show up again later.
-Go down staircase (>)
-     Descends when you are standing on a down staircase. In the
-     wilderness, return from global map mode to normal mode.
-     There are always at least two staircases going down on each
-     level, except for the town which has only one, and "quest"
-     levels, which have none until the quest monster is killed. Going
-     down a staircase will take you to a new dungeon level. See "Go Up
-     Staircase" for more info.
-***** <Resting>
---- Resting Commands ---
-Stay still (with pickup) (,) or Stay still (with pickup) (.)
-     Stays in the same square for one move. If you normally pick up
-     objects you encounter, you will pick up whatever you are standing
-     on. This command can take a count. You may also use the "5" key
-     (both keysets).  If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up,
-     specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
-Stay still (flip pickup) (g)
-     Stays in the same square for one move. If you normally pick up
-     objects you encounter, you will not pick up whatever you are
-     standing on. If you normally do not pick up objects, you will
-     pick up what you are standing on. This command is normally only
-     used when the "always_pickup" option is false. This command can
-     take a count.  If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up,
-     specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
-Rest (R)
-     Resting is better for you than repeatedly staying still, and can
-     be told to automatically stop after a certain amount of time, or
-     when various conditions are met. In any case, you always wake up
-     when anything disturbing happens, or when you press any key. To
-     rest, enter the Rest command, followed by the number of turns you
-     want to rest, or "*" to rest until your hitpoints and mana are
-     restored, or "&" to rest until you are fully "healed". This
-     command can take a count, which is used for the number of turns to
-     rest.
-***** <Searching>
---- Searching Commands ---
-Search (s)
-     This command can be used to locate hidden traps and secret doors
-     in the spaces adjacent to the player. More than a single turn of
-     searching will be required in most cases. You should always search
-     a chest before trying to open it, since they are generally 
-     trapped. This command can take a count, which is useful if you
-     are fairly sure of finding something eventually, since the command
-     stops as soon as anything is found. This command can take a count.
-Toggle search mode (S) or Toggle search mode (#)
-     This command will take you into and out of search mode. When first
-     pressed, the message "Searching" will appear at the bottom of the
-     screen. You are now taking two turns for each command, one for the
-     command and one turn to search. This means that you are taking
-     twice the time to move around the dungeon, and therefore twice the
-     food. Search mode will automatically turn off if you are
-     disturbed. You may also turn off search mode by entering the
-     Search Mode command again.
-***** <Alter>
----  Alter Commands ---
-Tunnel (T) or Tunnel (^T)
-     Tunneling or mining is a very useful art. There are many kinds of
-     rock, with varying hardness, including permanent rock (permanent),
-     granite (very hard), quartz veins (hard), magma veins (soft), and
-     rubble (very soft). Quartz and Magma veins may be displayed in a
-     special way, and may sometimes contain treasure, in which case
-     they will be displayed in a different way. Rubble sometimes covers
-     an object. It is hard to tunnel unless you are wielding a heavy
-     weapon or a shovel or a pick. Tunneling ability increases with
-     strength and weapon weight. This command can take a count,
-     requires a direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat"
-     option.
-Open a door or chest (o)
-     To open an object such as a door or chest, you must use this
-     command. If the object is locked, you will attempt to pick the
-     lock based on your disarming ability. If you open a trapped chest
-     without disarming the traps first, the trap will be set off. Some
-     doors will be jammed shut and may have to be forced open. You may
-     need several tries to open a door or chest. Open can take a count,
-     requires a direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat"
-     option.
-Close a door (c)
-     Non-intelligent and some other creatures cannot open doors, so
-     shutting doors can be quite valuable. Broken doors cannot be
-     closed. Bashing a door open may break it. Close can take a count,
-     requires a direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat"
-     option.
-Jam a door (j) or Spike a door (S)
-     Many monsters can simply open closed doors, and can eventually
-     get through a locked door. You may therefore occasionally want
-     to jam a door shut with iron spikes. Each spike used on the door
-     will make it harder to bash down the door, up to a certain limit.
-     Smaller monsters are less able to bash down doors. In order to
-     use this command, you must be carrying iron spikes. Jam or Spike
-     requires a direction.
-Bash a door (B) or Force a door (f)
-     This command allows you to bash down jammed doors. Your bashing
-     ability increases with strength. Bashing open a door can (briefly)
-     throw you off balance. Doors that are stuck, or which have been
-     jammed closed with spikes can only be opened by bashing, and all
-     closed doors can be bashed open if desired. Bashing a door open
-     may permanently break it so that it can never be closed. Bash or
-     Force can take a count, requires a direction, and is affected by
-     the "always_repeat" option.
-Disarm a trap or chest (D)
-     You can attempt to disarm traps on the floor or on chests. If you
-     fail, there is a chance that you will blunder and set it off. You
-     can only disarm a trap after you have found it (usually with the
-     Search command). Disarm can take a count, requires a direction,
-     and is affected by the "always_repeat" option.
-Alter (+)
-     This special command allows the use of a single keypress to select
-     any of the "obvious" commands above (attack, tunnel, bash, open,
-     disarm, close), and, by using macros or keymaps, to combine this
-     keypress with directions. In general, this allows the use of the
-     "control" key plus the appropriate "direction" key (including the
-     roguelike direction keys in roguelike mode) as a kind of generic
-     "alter the terrain feature of an adjacent grid" command. Alter can
-     take a count, requires a direction, and is affected by the
-     "always_repeat" option.
-***** <SpellPrayer>
----  Spell and Prayer Commands ---
-Browse magic list (b) or Peruse magic list (P)
-     All characters which can cast spells can use this command. When
-     this command is used, all of the spells contained in the selected
-     magic are displayed, along with such information as their level,
-     the amount of mana required to cast them, and whether or not you
-     know the spell.  And when you select a spell from the list,
-     description text of selected spell will be displayed.
-Gain new spells or prayers (G)
-     Use this command to actually learn new spells or prayers. When you
-     are able to learn new spells or prayers, the word "Study" will
-     appear on the status line at the bottom of the screen. If you have
-     a book in your possession, containing spells or prayers which you
-     may learn, then you may choose to study that book. If you are a
-     mage, rogue, or ranger, you may actually choose which spell to
-     study. If you are a priest or paladin, your gods will choose a
-     prayer for you. There are nine books of each type, some normally
-     found only in the dungeon.
-Cast a spell (m)
-     To cast a spell, you must have previously learned the spell and
-     must have in your inventory a book from which the spell can be
-     read. Each spell has a chance of failure which starts out fairly
-     large but decreases as you gain levels. If you don't have enough
-     mana to cast a spell, you will be prompted for confirmation. If
-     you decide to go ahead, the chance of failure is greatly increased,
-     and you may lose a point of constitution. Since you must read the
-     spell from a book, you cannot be blind or confused while casting,
-     and there must be some light present.
-     To pray effectively, you must have previously learned the prayer
-     and must have in your inventory a book from which the prayer can
-     be read. Each prayer has a chance of being ignored which starts
-     out fairly large but decreases as you gain levels. If you don't
-     have enough mana to cast a spell, you will be prompted for
-     confirmation. If you decide to go ahead, the chance of failure
-     is greatly increased, and you may lose a point of constitution.
-     Since you must read the prayer from a book, you cannot be blind
-     or confused while praying, and there must be some light present.
-Use bonus power (if any) (U) or (O)
-     Some races and classes have special natural abilities. All of
-     these possible abilities are listed in an index under the U (or
-     O) command.
-***** <ObjectManip>
----  Object Manipulation Commands ---
-Eat some food (E)
-     You must eat regularly to prevent starvation. As you grow hungry,
-     a message will appear at the bottom of the screen saying "Hungry".
-     If you go hungry long enough, you will become weak, then start
-     fainting, and eventually, you may will die of starvation. You may
-     use this command to eat food in your inventory. Note that you can
-     sometimes find food in the dungeon, but it is not always wise to
-     eat strange food.
-Fuel your lantern/torch (F)
-     If you are using a torch and have more torches in your pack,
-     or you are using a lantern and have flasks of oil in your pack,
-     then your can "refuel" them with this command. Torches and
-     Lanterns are limited in their maximal fuel. In general, two flasks
-     will fully fuel a lantern and two torches will fully fuel a torch.
-Quaff a potion (q)
-     Use this command to drink a potion. Potions affect the player in
-     various ways, but the effects are not always immediately obvious. 
-Read a scroll (r)
-     Use this command to read a scroll. Scroll spells usually have an
-     area effect, except for a few cases where they act on other
-     objects. Reading a scroll causes the parchment to disintegrate as
-     the scroll takes effect. Most scrolls which prompt for more
-     information can be aborted (by pressing escape), which will stop
-     reading the scroll before it disintegrates.
-Inscribe an object ({) 
-     This command inscribes a string on an object. The inscription is
-     displayed inside curly braces after the object description. The
-     inscription is limited to the particular object (or pile) and is
-     not automatically transferred to all similar objects. Under
-     certain circumstances, Hengband will display "fake" inscriptions
-     on certain objects ("cursed", "broken", "tried", "empty", "NN%
-     off") when appropriate. These "fake" inscriptions are "covered up"
-     by real inscriptions, but will re-appear if the real inscription
-     is removed. In addition, Hengband will occasionally place a "real"
-     inscription on an object for you, normally as the result of your
-     character getting a "feeling" about the item. All characters will
-     get "feelings" about weapons and armor after carrying them for a
-     while. Warriors get the most detailed feelings, and get them
-     quicker than any other class. An item labeled as "{empty}" was
-     found to be out of charges, and an item labeled as "{tried}" is a
-     "flavored" item which the character has used, but whose effects
-     are unknown. Certain inscriptions have a meaning to the game, see
-     "@#", "@x#", "!*", and "!x", in the section on inventory object
-     selection.
-Uninscribe an object (})
-     This command removes the inscription on an object. This command
-     will have no effect on "fake" inscriptions added by the game
-     itself.
-***** <MagicalObject>
----  Magical Object Commands ---
-Activate an artifact (A)
-     You have heard rumors of special weapons and armor deep in the
-     Pits, items that can let you breath fire like a dragon or light
-     rooms with just a thought. Should you ever be lucky enough to
-     find such an item, this command will let you activate its special
-     ability. Special abilities can only be used if you are wearing or
-     wielding the item.
-Aim a wand (a) or Zap a wand (z)
-     Wands must be aimed in a direction to be used. Wands are magical
-     devices, and therefore there is a chance you will not be able to
-     figure out how to use them if you aren't good with magical
-     devices. They will fire a shot that affects the first object or
-     creature encountered or fire a beam that affects anything in a
-     given direction, depending on the wand. An obstruction such as a
-     door or wall will generally stop the effects from traveling any
-     farther. This command requires a direction and can use a target.
-Use a staff (u) or Zap a staff (Z)
-     This command will use a staff. A staff is normally very similar
-     to a scroll, in that they normally either have an area effect or
-     affect a specific object. Staves are magical devices, and there
-     is a chance you will not be able to figure out how to use them.
-Zap a rod (z) or Activate a rod (a)
-     Rods are extremely powerful magical items, which cannot be burnt
-     or shattered, and which can have either staff-like or wand-like
-     effects, but unlike staves and wands, they don't have charges.
-     Instead, they draw on the ambient magical energy to recharge
-     themselves, and therefore can only be activated once every few
-     turns. The recharging time varies depending on the type of rod.
-     This command may require a direction (depending on the type of
-     rod, and whether you are aware of its type) and can use a target.
-***** <ThrowFire>
----  Throwing and Missile Weapons ---
-Fire an item (f) or Fire an item (t)
-     You may throw any object carried by your character. Depending on
-     the weight, it may travel across the room or drop down beside you.
-     Only one object from a pile will be thrown at a time. Note that
-     throwing an object will often cause it to break, so be careful!
-     If you throw something at a creature, your chances of hitting it
-     are determined by your pluses to hit, your ability at throwing,
-     and the object's pluses to hit. Once the creature is it, the
-     object may or may not do any damage to it. You've heard rumors
-     that some objects found in the dungeon can do huge amounts of
-     damage when thrown, but you're not sure which objects those
-     are.... Note that flasks of oil will do a fairly large chunk
-     of damage to a monster on impact, supposedly representing fire
-     damage, but it works against fire elementals too... If you are
-     wielding a missile launcher compatible with the object you are
-     throwing, then you automatically use the launcher to fire the
-     missile with much higher range, accuracy, and damage, then you
-     would get by just throwing the missile. Fire or Throw requires
-     a direction. Targeting mode (see the next command) can be invoked
-     with "*" at the "Direction?" prompt.
-Throw an item (v)
-     You may throw any object carried by your character. The lighter
-     the object, the farther you can throw it. Only one object from a
-     stack may be thrown at a time. Throwing an object may break it.
-     If you throw something at a monster, your chances of hitting it
-     are determined by your pluses to hit, your ability at throwing,
-     and the object's pluses to hit. If the object hits the monster,
-     it may or may not do damage. Some objects, such as weapons, or
-     flasks of oil, can do a substantial amount of damage. This
-     command requires a direction, and can take a target.
-Targeting Mode (*)
-     This will allow you to aim your spells and such at a specific
-     monster or grid, so that you can point directly towards that
-     monster or grid (even if this is not a "compass" direction) when
-     you are asked for a direction. You can set a target using this
-     command, or you can set a new target at the "Direction?" prompt
-     when appropriate. At the targeting prompt, you have many options.
-     First of all, targeting mode starts targeting nearby monsters
-     which can be reached by "projectable" spells and thrown objects.
-     In this mode, you can press "t" (or "5" or ".") to select the
-     current monster, space to advance to the next monster, "-" to back
-     up to the previous monster, direction keys to advance to a monster
-     more or less in that direction, "r" to "recall" the current
-     monster, "q" to exit targeting mode, and "p" (or "o") to stop
-     targeting monsters and enter the mode for targeting a location on
-     the floor or in a wall. Note that if there are no nearby monsters,
-     you will automatically enter this mode. Note that hitting "o" is
-     just like "p", except that the location cursor starts on the last
-     examined monster instead of on the player. In this mode, you use
-     the "direction" keys to move around, and the "q" key to quit, and
-     the "t" (or "5" or ".") key to target the cursor location. Note
-     that targeting a location is slightly "dangerous", as the target
-     is maintained even if you are far away. To cancel an old target,
-     simply hit "*" and then ESCAPE (or "q"). Note that when you cast
-     a spell or throw an object at the target location, the path chosen
-     is the "optimal" path towards that location, which may or may not
-     be the path you want. Sometimes, by clever choice of a location on
-     the floor for your target, you may be able to convince a thrown
-     object or cast spell to squeeze through a hole or corridor that is
-     blocking direct access to a different grid. Launching a ball spell
-     or breath weapon at a location in the middle of a group of
-     monsters can often improve the effects of that attack, since ball
-     attacks are not stopped by interposed monsters if the ball is
-     launched at a target. This command takes no time.
-***** <Looking>        
----  Looking Commands ---
-Full screen map (M)
-     This command will show a map of the entire dungeon, reduced by a
-     factor of nine, on the screen. Only the major dungeon features
-     will be visible because of the scale, so even some important
-     objects may not show up on the map. This is particularly useful
-     in locating where the stairs are relative to your current
-     position, or for identifying unexplored areas of the dungeon.
-     This command takes no time.
-     If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up, specified objects can
-     be displayed in this command, when you press the M, N, K or D.
-     The M displays 'auto-pickup' items, while the N displays 'leave',
-     the K displays 'auto-destroy'. And the D is same as the M plus
-     the N. You can press any other key to quit this map command.
-Locate player on map (L) or Where is the player (W)
-     This command lets you scroll your map around, looking at all
-     sectors of the current dungeon level, until you press escape, at
-     which point the map will be re-centered on the player if
-     necessary. To scroll the map around, simply press any of the
-     "direction" keys. The top line will display the sector location,
-     and the offset from your current sector. This command takes no
-     time.
-Look around (l) or Examine things (x)
-     This command is used to look around at nearby monsters (to
-     determine their type and health) and objects (to determine their
-     type). It is also used to find out what objects (if any) are under
-     monsters, and if a monster is currently inside a wall. This
-     command takes no time.
-     When you are looking at something, you may hit space for more
-     details, or to advance to the next interesting monster or object,
-     or minus ("-") to go back to the previous monster or object, or a
-     direction key to advance to the nearest interesting monster or
-     object (if any) in that general direction, or "r" to recall
-     information about the current monster race, or "q" or escape to
-     stop looking around. You always start out looking at the "nearest"
-     interesting monster or object.
-Observe an item (I)
-     This command lets you observe a previously *identified* item.
-     This will tell you things about the special powers of the object.
-     Currently, it only makes sense for artifacts and ego-items.
-***** <Message>
---- Message Commands ---
-Repeat level feeling (^F)
-     Repeats the feeling about the dungeon level that you got when you
-     first entered the level.
-View previous messages (^P)
-     This command shows you all the recent messages. You can scroll
-     through them, or exit with ESCAPE. This command takes no time.
-Take notes (:)
-     This command allows you to take notes, which will then appear in
-     your message list (prefixed with "Note:"). This command takes
-     no time.
-***** <GameStatus>
---- Game Status Commands ---
-Character Description (C)
-     Brings up a full description of your character, including your
-     skill levels, your current and potential stats, and various other
-     information. From this screen, you can change your name or use
-     the file character description command to save your character
-     status to a file. That command saves additional information,
-     including your background, your inventory, and the contents of
-     your house.
-Check various information (~)
-     The command opens a menu from which you can select information
-     about seen Artifacts, Unique monsters, identified objects, and
-     etc.
-     Display known artifacts
-        This selection lists all of the artifacts that you've
-        encountered.  Any artifact that appears in this list, which
-        you cannot seem to find, has been lost forever. The "preserve"
-        mode will prevent you from accidentally losing any artifacts,
-        but will also prevent you from ever getting a "special" level
-        feeling. This command can only be used on the town level, not
-        inside the dungeon.
-     Display known uniques
-         Brings up a list of known unique monsters, plus their current
-         status. Once killed, unique monsters never show up again.
-     Display known objects
-         This list all 'flavored' objects (such as rings, scrolls,
-         wands, potions, etc.) which you have identified.
-Check play record (|)
-     This command opens a menu from which you can check/delete play
-     record of your current character.  This command shows you all the
-     recent messages. You can scroll through them, or exit with
-     ESCAPE. This command takes no time.
-Display game time (^T) or (')
-     This command shows you current date and time in the game.
-***** <SaveExit>
---- Saving and Exiting Commands ---
-Save and Quit (Ctrl-X)
-     To save your game so that you can return to it later, use this
-     command. Save files will also be generated (hopefully) if the
-     game crashes due to a system error. After you die, you can use
-     your savefile to play again with the same options and such.
-Save (Ctrl-S)
-     This command saves the game but doesn't exit Hengband. Use this
-     frequently if you are paranoid about having the computer crash
-     while you are playing.
-Quit (commit suicide) (Q)
-     Kills your character and exits Hengband. You will be prompted to
-     make sure you really want to do this, and then asked to verify
-     that choice. Note that dead characters are dead forever.
-***** <UserPref>
---- User pref file commands ---
-See the file pref.hlp for a description of the user preference commands
-together with a detailed description of this function.
-Interact with options (=)
-     Allow you to interact with options. Note that using the "cheat"
-     options may mark your savefile as unsuitable for the high score
-     list. You may change normal options using the "X" and "Y" user
-     pref commands. You must use the "redraw" command (^R) after
-     changing certain options.
-Interact with macros (@)
-     Allow you to interact with macros. You may load or save macros
-     from user pref files, create macros of various types, or define
-     keymaps. You must define a "current action", shown at the bottom
-     of the screen, before you attempt to use any of the "create macro"
-     commands, which use that "current action" as their action. This
-     is a horrible interface, and will be fixed eventually.
-Interact with visuals (%)
-     Allow you to interact with visuals. You may load or save visuals
-     from user pref files, or modify the attr/char mappings for the
-     monsters, objects, and terrain features.
-Interact with colors (&)
-     Allow the user to interact with colors. This command only
-     works on some systems.
-Reload auto-picker/destroyer preference ($)
-     This command will reload "pickpref.prf" and
-     "pickpref-<<playername>>.prf" for object auto-picker/destroyer
-     after you edit these files with your text editor.
-Edit auto-picker/destroyer pref (_)
-     Allow the user to edit the pickpref.prf in the user directry.
-     The ESC key will open the menu in this editor.  You can see and
-     use all edit commands from the command menu.  Press ^Q or ^W to
-     quit the editor.
-***** <Help> 
---- Help ---
-Help (?)
-     Brings up the Hengband on-line help system. Note that the help
-     files are just text files in a particular format, and that other
-     help files may be available on the Net. In particular, there are
-     a variety of spoiler files which do not come with the standard
-     distribution. Check the place you got Hengband from or ask on the
-     newsgroup rec.games.roguelike.angband about them. 
-Identify Symbol (/)
-     Use this command to find out what a character stands for. For
-     instance, by pressing "/.", you can find out that the "." symbol
-     stands for a floor spot. When used with a symbol that represents
-     creatures, the this command will tell you only what class of
-     creature the symbol stands for, not give you specific information
-     about a creature you can see. To get that, use the Look command.
-     There are four special symbols you can use with the Identify
-     Symbol command to access specific parts of your monster memory.
-     Typing Ctrl-A when asked for a symbol will recall details about
-     all monsters, typing Ctrl-U will recall details about all unique
-     monsters, typing Ctrl-N will recall details about all non-unique
-     monsters, and typing Ctrl-M will let you enter a name and recall
-     details about monsters which have the specified name as part of
-     its name.
-     If the character stands for a creature, you are asked if you want
-     to recall details. If you answer yes, information about the
-     creatures you have encountered with that symbol is shown in the
-     Recall window if available, or on the screen if not. You can also
-     answer "k" to see the list sorted by number of kills, or "p" to
-     see the list sorted by dungeon level the monster is normally found
-     on. Pressing ESCAPE at any point will exit this command.
-Game Version (V)
-     This command will tell you what version of Hengband you are using.
-     For more information, see the "version.txt" help file.
-***** <Extra>
---- Extra Commands ---
-Repeat last command  (n) or ([)
-     This command repeat previously executed command with all its
-     arguments. Very useful to repeat casting, for example, magic
-     missile to same opponent.
-Toggle Choice Window (^E) 
-     Toggles the display in the choice window (if available) between
-     your inventory and your equipment. This command only applies if
-     you are running Hengband under a windowing environment and the
-     choice window is available. This also redraws the choice window.
-Redraw Screen (^R)
-     This command adapts to various changes in global options, and
-     redraws all of the windows. This command should be used after
-     changing various global properties (options, attr/char mappings,
-     color definitions, etc). When in doubt, use it.
-Load screen dump (left-paren)
-     This command loads a "snap-shot" of the current screen from the
-     file "dump.txt", and displays it on the screen.
-Save screen dump (right-paren)
-     This command dumps a "snap-shot" of the current screen to the file
-     "dump.txt", including encoded color information.
-Command your pets (p)
-     If you have pets then this command allows you to give orders
-     to your pets. You can call them to you, send them out to kill
-     other monsters, dismiss them, and allow/disallow opening of door
-     and picking up items. Your pets will drop all picked up items when
-     you disallow them to pick up anything.
-Output list of random artifacts (^V)
-     This command writes file named "randifact.txt" to your user
-     directory with list of all random artifact you have.
-Original   : Alexander Cutler and Andy Astrand
-Updated    : (2.7.6) by Russ Allbery (rra****@cs*****)
-Updated    : (2.7.9) by Ben Harrison (benh****@phial*****)
-Updated    : Zangband 2.2.0 through 2.2.6c by Robert Ruehlmann
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
+===  Command Descriptions ===
+The following command descriptions are listed as the command name plus
+the "underlying command" key. This is followed by the command name and
+"roguelike" keyset key, if different from the underlying command key.
+Then comes a brief description of the command, including information
+about alternative methods of specifying the command in each keyset,
+when needed. Several commands (tunnel, disarm, bash, open) are repeated
+99 times if the "always_repeat" option is set and no repeat count is
+given. Some commands use the "repeat count" to automatically repeat the
+command several times, while others use the "repeat count" as an
+"argument", for example, commands which need a "quantity" will use the
+"repeat count" instead of asking for a quantity, allowing the use of
+"0d" for "drop all". Commands which ask for a quantity will convert any
+"letters" into the maximal legal value.
+***** <Inventory>
+---  Inventory Commands ---
+Inventory list (i)
+     Displays a list of objects being carried but not equipped. You can
+     carry up to 23 different items, not counting those in your
+     equipment. Often, many identical objects can be "stacked" into a
+     "pile" which will count as a single item. This is always true of
+     things like potions, scrolls, and food, but you may have to set
+     options to allow wands, staves, and other such objects to stack.
+     Each object has a weight, and if you carry more objects than your
+     strength permits, you will begin to slow down.
+Equipment list (e)
+     Use this command to display a list of the objects currently being
+     used by your character. Your character has 12 slots for equipment,
+     each corresponding to a different location on the body, and each
+     of which may contain only a single object at a time, and each of
+     which may only contain objects of the proper "type", and which
+     include WIELD (weapon), BOW (missile launcher), LEFT (ring), RIGHT
+     (ring), NECK (amulet), LITE (light source), BODY (armor), OUTER
+     (cloak), ARM (shield), HEAD (helmet), HANDS (gloves), FEET
+     (boots). You must be using an object to receive any of its special
+     powers.
+Drop an item (d)
+     This drops an item from your inventory or equipment onto the
+     dungeon floor. If the floor spot you are standing on already has
+     an object in it, Hengband will attempt to drop the item onto an
+     adjacent space. Be warned that if the floor is full and you
+     attempt to drop something, it may disappear and be destroyed.
+     Doors and traps are considered objects for the purpose of
+     determining if the space is occupied. If the selected pile
+     contains multiple items, you may specify a quantity.
+Destroy an item (k) or Destroy an item (^D)
+     This destroys an item in your inventory or on the dungeon floor.
+     If the selected pile contains multiple objects, you may specify
+     a quantity. You must always (currently) verify this command.
+Wear/Wield equipment (w)
+     To wear or wield an object in your inventory, use this command.
+     Since only one object can be in each slot at a time, if you wear
+     or wield an item into a slot which is already occupied, the old
+     item will be first be taken off, and may in fact be dropped if
+     there is no room for it in your inventory.
+Take off equipment (t) or Take off equipment (T)
+     Use this command to take off a piece of equipment and return it
+     to your inventory. Occasionally, you will run into a cursed item
+     which cannot be removed. These items normally penalize you in some
+     way and cannot be taken off until the curse is removed. If there
+     is no room in your inventory for the item, your pack will overflow
+     and you will drop the item after taking it off.
+***** <Movement>
+---  Movement Commands ---
+Walk (with pickup) (;)
+     Moves one step in the given direction. The square you are moving
+     into must not be blocked by walls or doors. You will pick up any
+     items in the destination grid if the "always_pickup" option is
+     set, or if the "query_pickup" option is set and you respond
+     correctly. This command can take a count and requires a
+     direction.  You may also use the "original" direction keys (both
+     keysets) or the "roguelike" direction keys (roguelike keyset) to
+     walk in a direction. If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up,
+     specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
+Walk (flip pickup) (-)
+     This is just like normal move, except that the "Pick things up"
+     option is inverted. In other words, if you normally pick up
+     anything you encounter (the default), you will not pick things up
+     when using this command. If you normally do not pick things up,
+     you will when using this command. This command can take a count
+     and requires a direction.  If object auto-picker/destroyer is set
+     up, specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
+Run (.) or Run (,)
+     This command will move in the given direction, following any
+     bends in the corridor, until you either have to make a "choice"
+     between two directions or you are disturbed. You can configure
+     what will disturb you by setting the disturbance options. Run
+     requires a direction. You may also use shift plus the "roguelike"
+     direction keys (roguelike keyset), or shift plus the "original"
+     direction keys on the keypad (both keysets, some machines) to run
+     in a direction. If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up,
+     specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
+Go up staircase (<)
+     Climbs up when you are standing on an up staircase. In the
+     wilderness, enter global map mode which grants you a view of all
+     the world unless there are some monsters in the nearby area.
+     There is always at least one staircase going up on every level
+     except for the town level (this doesn't mean it's easy to
+     find). Going up a staircase will take you to a new dungeon level
+     unless you are at 50 feet (dungeon level 1), in which case you
+     will return to the town level. Note that whenever you leave a
+     level (not the town), you will never find it again. This means
+     that for all intents and purposes, any objects on that level are
+     destroyed. This includes artifacts unless the "Create characters
+     in preserve mode" option was set when your character was created,
+     in which case the artifacts may show up again later.
+Go down staircase (>)
+     Descends when you are standing on a down staircase. In the
+     wilderness, return from global map mode to normal mode.
+     There are always at least two staircases going down on each
+     level, except for the town which has only one, and "quest"
+     levels, which have none until the quest monster is killed. Going
+     down a staircase will take you to a new dungeon level. See "Go Up
+     Staircase" for more info.
+***** <Resting>
+--- Resting Commands ---
+Stay still (with pickup) (,) or Stay still (with pickup) (.)
+     Stays in the same square for one move. If you normally pick up
+     objects you encounter, you will pick up whatever you are standing
+     on. This command can take a count. You may also use the "5" key
+     (both keysets).  If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up,
+     specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
+Stay still (flip pickup) (g)
+     Stays in the same square for one move. If you normally pick up
+     objects you encounter, you will not pick up whatever you are
+     standing on. If you normally do not pick up objects, you will
+     pick up what you are standing on. This command is normally only
+     used when the "always_pickup" option is false. This command can
+     take a count.  If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up,
+     specified objects will be picked up or destroyed.
+Rest (R)
+     Resting is better for you than repeatedly staying still, and can
+     be told to automatically stop after a certain amount of time, or
+     when various conditions are met. In any case, you always wake up
+     when anything disturbing happens, or when you press any key. To
+     rest, enter the Rest command, followed by the number of turns you
+     want to rest, or "*" to rest until your hitpoints and mana are
+     restored, or "&" to rest until you are fully "healed". This
+     command can take a count, which is used for the number of turns to
+     rest.
+***** <Searching>
+--- Searching Commands ---
+Search (s)
+     This command can be used to locate hidden traps and secret doors
+     in the spaces adjacent to the player. More than a single turn of
+     searching will be required in most cases. You should always search
+     a chest before trying to open it, since they are generally 
+     trapped. This command can take a count, which is useful if you
+     are fairly sure of finding something eventually, since the command
+     stops as soon as anything is found. This command can take a count.
+Toggle search mode (S) or Toggle search mode (#)
+     This command will take you into and out of search mode. When first
+     pressed, the message "Searching" will appear at the bottom of the
+     screen. You are now taking two turns for each command, one for the
+     command and one turn to search. This means that you are taking
+     twice the time to move around the dungeon, and therefore twice the
+     food. Search mode will automatically turn off if you are
+     disturbed. You may also turn off search mode by entering the
+     Search Mode command again.
+***** <Alter>
+---  Alter Commands ---
+Tunnel (T) or Tunnel (^T)
+     Tunneling or mining is a very useful art. There are many kinds of
+     rock, with varying hardness, including permanent rock (permanent),
+     granite (very hard), quartz veins (hard), magma veins (soft), and
+     rubble (very soft). Quartz and Magma veins may be displayed in a
+     special way, and may sometimes contain treasure, in which case
+     they will be displayed in a different way. Rubble sometimes covers
+     an object. It is hard to tunnel unless you are wielding a heavy
+     weapon or a shovel or a pick. Tunneling ability increases with
+     strength and weapon weight. This command can take a count,
+     requires a direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat"
+     option.
+Open a door or chest (o)
+     To open an object such as a door or chest, you must use this
+     command. If the object is locked, you will attempt to pick the
+     lock based on your disarming ability. If you open a trapped chest
+     without disarming the traps first, the trap will be set off. Some
+     doors will be jammed shut and may have to be forced open. You may
+     need several tries to open a door or chest. Open can take a count,
+     requires a direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat"
+     option.
+Close a door (c)
+     Non-intelligent and some other creatures cannot open doors, so
+     shutting doors can be quite valuable. Broken doors cannot be
+     closed. Bashing a door open may break it. Close can take a count,
+     requires a direction, and is affected by the "always_repeat"
+     option.
+Jam a door (j) or Spike a door (S)
+     Many monsters can simply open closed doors, and can eventually
+     get through a locked door. You may therefore occasionally want
+     to jam a door shut with iron spikes. Each spike used on the door
+     will make it harder to bash down the door, up to a certain limit.
+     Smaller monsters are less able to bash down doors. In order to
+     use this command, you must be carrying iron spikes. Jam or Spike
+     requires a direction.
+Bash a door (B) or Force a door (f)
+     This command allows you to bash down jammed doors. Your bashing
+     ability increases with strength. Bashing open a door can (briefly)
+     throw you off balance. Doors that are stuck, or which have been
+     jammed closed with spikes can only be opened by bashing, and all
+     closed doors can be bashed open if desired. Bashing a door open
+     may permanently break it so that it can never be closed. Bash or
+     Force can take a count, requires a direction, and is affected by
+     the "always_repeat" option.
+Disarm a trap or chest (D)
+     You can attempt to disarm traps on the floor or on chests. If you
+     fail, there is a chance that you will blunder and set it off. You
+     can only disarm a trap after you have found it (usually with the
+     Search command). Disarm can take a count, requires a direction,
+     and is affected by the "always_repeat" option.
+Alter (+)
+     This special command allows the use of a single keypress to select
+     any of the "obvious" commands above (attack, tunnel, bash, open,
+     disarm, close), and, by using macros or keymaps, to combine this
+     keypress with directions. In general, this allows the use of the
+     "control" key plus the appropriate "direction" key (including the
+     roguelike direction keys in roguelike mode) as a kind of generic
+     "alter the terrain feature of an adjacent grid" command. Alter can
+     take a count, requires a direction, and is affected by the
+     "always_repeat" option.
+***** <SpellPrayer>
+---  Spell and Prayer Commands ---
+Browse magic list (b) or Peruse magic list (P)
+     All characters which can cast spells can use this command. When
+     this command is used, all of the spells contained in the selected
+     magic are displayed, along with such information as their level,
+     the amount of mana required to cast them, and whether or not you
+     know the spell.  And when you select a spell from the list,
+     description text of selected spell will be displayed.
+Gain new spells or prayers (G)
+     Use this command to actually learn new spells or prayers. When you
+     are able to learn new spells or prayers, the word "Study" will
+     appear on the status line at the bottom of the screen. If you have
+     a book in your possession, containing spells or prayers which you
+     may learn, then you may choose to study that book. If you are a
+     mage, rogue, or ranger, you may actually choose which spell to
+     study. If you are a priest or paladin, your gods will choose a
+     prayer for you. There are nine books of each type, some normally
+     found only in the dungeon.
+Cast a spell (m)
+     To cast a spell, you must have previously learned the spell and
+     must have in your inventory a book from which the spell can be
+     read. Each spell has a chance of failure which starts out fairly
+     large but decreases as you gain levels. If you don't have enough
+     mana to cast a spell, you will be prompted for confirmation. If
+     you decide to go ahead, the chance of failure is greatly increased,
+     and you may lose a point of constitution. Since you must read the
+     spell from a book, you cannot be blind or confused while casting,
+     and there must be some light present.
+     To pray effectively, you must have previously learned the prayer
+     and must have in your inventory a book from which the prayer can
+     be read. Each prayer has a chance of being ignored which starts
+     out fairly large but decreases as you gain levels. If you don't
+     have enough mana to cast a spell, you will be prompted for
+     confirmation. If you decide to go ahead, the chance of failure
+     is greatly increased, and you may lose a point of constitution.
+     Since you must read the prayer from a book, you cannot be blind
+     or confused while praying, and there must be some light present.
+Use bonus power (if any) (U) or (O)
+     Some races and classes have special natural abilities. All of
+     these possible abilities are listed in an index under the U (or
+     O) command.
+***** <ObjectManip>
+---  Object Manipulation Commands ---
+Eat some food (E)
+     You must eat regularly to prevent starvation. As you grow hungry,
+     a message will appear at the bottom of the screen saying "Hungry".
+     If you go hungry long enough, you will become weak, then start
+     fainting, and eventually, you may will die of starvation. You may
+     use this command to eat food in your inventory. Note that you can
+     sometimes find food in the dungeon, but it is not always wise to
+     eat strange food.
+Fuel your lantern/torch (F)
+     If you are using a torch and have more torches in your pack,
+     or you are using a lantern and have flasks of oil in your pack,
+     then your can "refuel" them with this command. Torches and
+     Lanterns are limited in their maximal fuel. In general, two flasks
+     will fully fuel a lantern and two torches will fully fuel a torch.
+Quaff a potion (q)
+     Use this command to drink a potion. Potions affect the player in
+     various ways, but the effects are not always immediately obvious. 
+Read a scroll (r)
+     Use this command to read a scroll. Scroll spells usually have an
+     area effect, except for a few cases where they act on other
+     objects. Reading a scroll causes the parchment to disintegrate as
+     the scroll takes effect. Most scrolls which prompt for more
+     information can be aborted (by pressing escape), which will stop
+     reading the scroll before it disintegrates.
+Inscribe an object ({) 
+     This command inscribes a string on an object. The inscription is
+     displayed inside curly braces after the object description. The
+     inscription is limited to the particular object (or pile) and is
+     not automatically transferred to all similar objects. Under
+     certain circumstances, Hengband will display "fake" inscriptions
+     on certain objects ("cursed", "broken", "tried", "empty", "NN%
+     off") when appropriate. These "fake" inscriptions are "covered up"
+     by real inscriptions, but will re-appear if the real inscription
+     is removed. In addition, Hengband will occasionally place a "real"
+     inscription on an object for you, normally as the result of your
+     character getting a "feeling" about the item. All characters will
+     get "feelings" about weapons and armor after carrying them for a
+     while. Warriors get the most detailed feelings, and get them
+     quicker than any other class. An item labeled as "{empty}" was
+     found to be out of charges, and an item labeled as "{tried}" is a
+     "flavored" item which the character has used, but whose effects
+     are unknown. Certain inscriptions have a meaning to the game, see
+     "@#", "@x#", "!*", and "!x", in the section on inventory object
+     selection.
+Uninscribe an object (})
+     This command removes the inscription on an object. This command
+     will have no effect on "fake" inscriptions added by the game
+     itself.
+***** <MagicalObject>
+---  Magical Object Commands ---
+Activate an artifact (A)
+     You have heard rumors of special weapons and armor deep in the
+     Pits, items that can let you breath fire like a dragon or light
+     rooms with just a thought. Should you ever be lucky enough to
+     find such an item, this command will let you activate its special
+     ability. Special abilities can only be used if you are wearing or
+     wielding the item.
+Aim a wand (a) or Zap a wand (z)
+     Wands must be aimed in a direction to be used. Wands are magical
+     devices, and therefore there is a chance you will not be able to
+     figure out how to use them if you aren't good with magical
+     devices. They will fire a shot that affects the first object or
+     creature encountered or fire a beam that affects anything in a
+     given direction, depending on the wand. An obstruction such as a
+     door or wall will generally stop the effects from traveling any
+     farther. This command requires a direction and can use a target.
+Use a staff (u) or Zap a staff (Z)
+     This command will use a staff. A staff is normally very similar
+     to a scroll, in that they normally either have an area effect or
+     affect a specific object. Staves are magical devices, and there
+     is a chance you will not be able to figure out how to use them.
+Zap a rod (z) or Activate a rod (a)
+     Rods are extremely powerful magical items, which cannot be burnt
+     or shattered, and which can have either staff-like or wand-like
+     effects, but unlike staves and wands, they don't have charges.
+     Instead, they draw on the ambient magical energy to recharge
+     themselves, and therefore can only be activated once every few
+     turns. The recharging time varies depending on the type of rod.
+     This command may require a direction (depending on the type of
+     rod, and whether you are aware of its type) and can use a target.
+***** <ThrowFire>
+---  Throwing and Missile Weapons ---
+Fire an item (f) or Fire an item (t)
+     You may throw any object carried by your character. Depending on
+     the weight, it may travel across the room or drop down beside you.
+     Only one object from a pile will be thrown at a time. Note that
+     throwing an object will often cause it to break, so be careful!
+     If you throw something at a creature, your chances of hitting it
+     are determined by your pluses to hit, your ability at throwing,
+     and the object's pluses to hit. Once the creature is it, the
+     object may or may not do any damage to it. You've heard rumors
+     that some objects found in the dungeon can do huge amounts of
+     damage when thrown, but you're not sure which objects those
+     are.... Note that flasks of oil will do a fairly large chunk
+     of damage to a monster on impact, supposedly representing fire
+     damage, but it works against fire elementals too... If you are
+     wielding a missile launcher compatible with the object you are
+     throwing, then you automatically use the launcher to fire the
+     missile with much higher range, accuracy, and damage, then you
+     would get by just throwing the missile. Fire or Throw requires
+     a direction. Targeting mode (see the next command) can be invoked
+     with "*" at the "Direction?" prompt.
+Throw an item (v)
+     You may throw any object carried by your character. The lighter
+     the object, the farther you can throw it. Only one object from a
+     stack may be thrown at a time. Throwing an object may break it.
+     If you throw something at a monster, your chances of hitting it
+     are determined by your pluses to hit, your ability at throwing,
+     and the object's pluses to hit. If the object hits the monster,
+     it may or may not do damage. Some objects, such as weapons, or
+     flasks of oil, can do a substantial amount of damage. This
+     command requires a direction, and can take a target.
+Targeting Mode (*)
+     This will allow you to aim your spells and such at a specific
+     monster or grid, so that you can point directly towards that
+     monster or grid (even if this is not a "compass" direction) when
+     you are asked for a direction. You can set a target using this
+     command, or you can set a new target at the "Direction?" prompt
+     when appropriate. At the targeting prompt, you have many options.
+     First of all, targeting mode starts targeting nearby monsters
+     which can be reached by "projectable" spells and thrown objects.
+     In this mode, you can press "t" (or "5" or ".") to select the
+     current monster, space to advance to the next monster, "-" to back
+     up to the previous monster, direction keys to advance to a monster
+     more or less in that direction, "r" to "recall" the current
+     monster, "q" to exit targeting mode, and "p" (or "o") to stop
+     targeting monsters and enter the mode for targeting a location on
+     the floor or in a wall. Note that if there are no nearby monsters,
+     you will automatically enter this mode. Note that hitting "o" is
+     just like "p", except that the location cursor starts on the last
+     examined monster instead of on the player. In this mode, you use
+     the "direction" keys to move around, and the "q" key to quit, and
+     the "t" (or "5" or ".") key to target the cursor location. Note
+     that targeting a location is slightly "dangerous", as the target
+     is maintained even if you are far away. To cancel an old target,
+     simply hit "*" and then ESCAPE (or "q"). Note that when you cast
+     a spell or throw an object at the target location, the path chosen
+     is the "optimal" path towards that location, which may or may not
+     be the path you want. Sometimes, by clever choice of a location on
+     the floor for your target, you may be able to convince a thrown
+     object or cast spell to squeeze through a hole or corridor that is
+     blocking direct access to a different grid. Launching a ball spell
+     or breath weapon at a location in the middle of a group of
+     monsters can often improve the effects of that attack, since ball
+     attacks are not stopped by interposed monsters if the ball is
+     launched at a target. This command takes no time.
+***** <Looking>        
+---  Looking Commands ---
+Full screen map (M)
+     This command will show a map of the entire dungeon, reduced by a
+     factor of nine, on the screen. Only the major dungeon features
+     will be visible because of the scale, so even some important
+     objects may not show up on the map. This is particularly useful
+     in locating where the stairs are relative to your current
+     position, or for identifying unexplored areas of the dungeon.
+     This command takes no time.
+     If object auto-picker/destroyer is set up, specified objects can
+     be displayed in this command, when you press the M, N, K or D.
+     The M displays 'auto-pickup' items, while the N displays 'leave',
+     the K displays 'auto-destroy'. And the D is same as the M plus
+     the N. You can press any other key to quit this map command.
+Locate player on map (L) or Where is the player (W)
+     This command lets you scroll your map around, looking at all
+     sectors of the current dungeon level, until you press escape, at
+     which point the map will be re-centered on the player if
+     necessary. To scroll the map around, simply press any of the
+     "direction" keys. The top line will display the sector location,
+     and the offset from your current sector. This command takes no
+     time.
+Look around (l) or Examine things (x)
+     This command is used to look around at nearby monsters (to
+     determine their type and health) and objects (to determine their
+     type). It is also used to find out what objects (if any) are under
+     monsters, and if a monster is currently inside a wall. This
+     command takes no time.
+     When you are looking at something, you may hit space for more
+     details, or to advance to the next interesting monster or object,
+     or minus ("-") to go back to the previous monster or object, or a
+     direction key to advance to the nearest interesting monster or
+     object (if any) in that general direction, or "r" to recall
+     information about the current monster race, or "q" or escape to
+     stop looking around. You always start out looking at the "nearest"
+     interesting monster or object.
+Observe an item (I)
+     This command lets you observe a previously *identified* item.
+     This will tell you things about the special powers of the object.
+     Currently, it only makes sense for artifacts and ego-items.
+***** <Message>
+--- Message Commands ---
+Repeat level feeling (^F)
+     Repeats the feeling about the dungeon level that you got when you
+     first entered the level.
+View previous messages (^P)
+     This command shows you all the recent messages. You can scroll
+     through them, or exit with ESCAPE. This command takes no time.
+Take notes (:)
+     This command allows you to take notes, which will then appear in
+     your message list (prefixed with "Note:"). This command takes
+     no time.
+***** <GameStatus>
+--- Game Status Commands ---
+Character Description (C)
+     Brings up a full description of your character, including your
+     skill levels, your current and potential stats, and various other
+     information. From this screen, you can change your name or use
+     the file character description command to save your character
+     status to a file. That command saves additional information,
+     including your background, your inventory, and the contents of
+     your house.
+Check various information (~)
+     The command opens a menu from which you can select information
+     about seen Artifacts, Unique monsters, identified objects, and
+     etc.
+     Display known artifacts
+        This selection lists all of the artifacts that you've
+        encountered.  Any artifact that appears in this list, which
+        you cannot seem to find, has been lost forever. The "preserve"
+        mode will prevent you from accidentally losing any artifacts,
+        but will also prevent you from ever getting a "special" level
+        feeling. This command can only be used on the town level, not
+        inside the dungeon.
+     Display known uniques
+         Brings up a list of known unique monsters, plus their current
+         status. Once killed, unique monsters never show up again.
+     Display known objects
+         This list all 'flavored' objects (such as rings, scrolls,
+         wands, potions, etc.) which you have identified.
+Check play record (|)
+     This command opens a menu from which you can check/delete play
+     record of your current character.  This command shows you all the
+     recent messages. You can scroll through them, or exit with
+     ESCAPE. This command takes no time.
+Display game time (^T) or (')
+     This command shows you current date and time in the game.
+***** <SaveExit>
+--- Saving and Exiting Commands ---
+Save and Quit (Ctrl-X)
+     To save your game so that you can return to it later, use this
+     command. Save files will also be generated (hopefully) if the
+     game crashes due to a system error. After you die, you can use
+     your savefile to play again with the same options and such.
+Save (Ctrl-S)
+     This command saves the game but doesn't exit Hengband. Use this
+     frequently if you are paranoid about having the computer crash
+     while you are playing.
+Quit (commit suicide) (Q)
+     Kills your character and exits Hengband. You will be prompted to
+     make sure you really want to do this, and then asked to verify
+     that choice. Note that dead characters are dead forever.
+***** <UserPref>
+--- User pref file commands ---
+See the file pref.hlp for a description of the user preference commands
+together with a detailed description of this function.
+Interact with options (=)
+     Allow you to interact with options. Note that using the "cheat"
+     options may mark your savefile as unsuitable for the high score
+     list. You may change normal options using the "X" and "Y" user
+     pref commands. You must use the "redraw" command (^R) after
+     changing certain options.
+Interact with macros (@)
+     Allow you to interact with macros. You may load or save macros
+     from user pref files, create macros of various types, or define
+     keymaps. You must define a "current action", shown at the bottom
+     of the screen, before you attempt to use any of the "create macro"
+     commands, which use that "current action" as their action. This
+     is a horrible interface, and will be fixed eventually.
+Interact with visuals (%)
+     Allow you to interact with visuals. You may load or save visuals
+     from user pref files, or modify the attr/char mappings for the
+     monsters, objects, and terrain features.
+Interact with colors (&)
+     Allow the user to interact with colors. This command only
+     works on some systems.
+Reload auto-picker/destroyer preference ($)
+     This command will reload "pickpref.prf" and
+     "pickpref-<<playername>>.prf" for object auto-picker/destroyer
+     after you edit these files with your text editor.
+Edit auto-picker/destroyer pref (_)
+     Allow the user to edit the pickpref.prf in the user directry.
+     The ESC key will open the menu in this editor.  You can see and
+     use all edit commands from the command menu.  Press ^Q or ^W to
+     quit the editor.
+***** <Help> 
+--- Help ---
+Help (?)
+     Brings up the Hengband on-line help system. Note that the help
+     files are just text files in a particular format, and that other
+     help files may be available on the Net. In particular, there are
+     a variety of spoiler files which do not come with the standard
+     distribution. Check the place you got Hengband from or ask on the
+     newsgroup rec.games.roguelike.angband about them. 
+Identify Symbol (/)
+     Use this command to find out what a character stands for. For
+     instance, by pressing "/.", you can find out that the "." symbol
+     stands for a floor spot. When used with a symbol that represents
+     creatures, the this command will tell you only what class of
+     creature the symbol stands for, not give you specific information
+     about a creature you can see. To get that, use the Look command.
+     There are four special symbols you can use with the Identify
+     Symbol command to access specific parts of your monster memory.
+     Typing Ctrl-A when asked for a symbol will recall details about
+     all monsters, typing Ctrl-U will recall details about all unique
+     monsters, typing Ctrl-N will recall details about all non-unique
+     monsters, and typing Ctrl-M will let you enter a name and recall
+     details about monsters which have the specified name as part of
+     its name.
+     If the character stands for a creature, you are asked if you want
+     to recall details. If you answer yes, information about the
+     creatures you have encountered with that symbol is shown in the
+     Recall window if available, or on the screen if not. You can also
+     answer "k" to see the list sorted by number of kills, or "p" to
+     see the list sorted by dungeon level the monster is normally found
+     on. Pressing ESCAPE at any point will exit this command.
+Game Version (V)
+     This command will tell you what version of Hengband you are using.
+     For more information, see the "version.txt" help file.
+***** <Extra>
+--- Extra Commands ---
+Repeat last command  (n) or ([)
+     This command repeat previously executed command with all its
+     arguments. Very useful to repeat casting, for example, magic
+     missile to same opponent.
+Toggle Choice Window (^E) 
+     Toggles the display in the choice window (if available) between
+     your inventory and your equipment. This command only applies if
+     you are running Hengband under a windowing environment and the
+     choice window is available. This also redraws the choice window.
+Redraw Screen (^R)
+     This command adapts to various changes in global options, and
+     redraws all of the windows. This command should be used after
+     changing various global properties (options, attr/char mappings,
+     color definitions, etc). When in doubt, use it.
+Load screen dump (left-paren)
+     This command loads a "snap-shot" of the current screen from the
+     file "dump.txt", and displays it on the screen.
+Save screen dump (right-paren)
+     This command dumps a "snap-shot" of the current screen to the file
+     "dump.txt", including encoded color information.
+Command your pets (p)
+     If you have pets then this command allows you to give orders
+     to your pets. You can call them to you, send them out to kill
+     other monsters, dismiss them, and allow/disallow opening of door
+     and picking up items. Your pets will drop all picked up items when
+     you disallow them to pick up anything.
+Output list of random artifacts (^V)
+     This command writes file named "randifact.txt" to your user
+     directory with list of all random artifact you have.
+Original   : Alexander Cutler and Andy Astrand
+Updated    : (2.7.6) by Russ Allbery (rra****@cs*****)
+Updated    : (2.7.9) by Ben Harrison (benh****@phial*****)
+Updated    : Zangband 2.2.0 through 2.2.6c by Robert Ruehlmann
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0

Modified: trunk/lib/help/defend.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/defend.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/defend.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Defending and Armor.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Defending and Armor               (defend.txt)
-    (b) Armor Class                       (defend.txt#Armor)
-    (c) Resisting Magical Attacks         (defend.txt#ResistingMagic)
-    (d) Ego Armor and Artifacts           (defend.txt#EgoArtifact)
-    (e) The Resistances                   (defend.txt#Resistances)
-    (f) Unresistable Attacks              (defend.txt#Unresistable)
-    (g) Immunities                        (defend.txt#Immunities)
-    (h) Miscellaneous Resists             (defend.txt#Miscellaneous)
-    (i) Recovering from Attacks           (defend.txt#Recovering)
-    (?) Help System Commands              (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] defend.txt
-***** [b] defend.txt#Armor
-***** [c] defend.txt#ResistingMagic
-***** [d] defend.txt#EgoArtifact
-***** [e] defend.txt#Resistances
-***** [f] defend.txt#Unresistable
-***** [g] defend.txt#Immunities
-***** [h] defend.txt#Miscellaneous
-***** [i] defend.txt#Recovering
+Defending and Armor.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Defending and Armor               (defend.txt)
+    (b) Armor Class                       (defend.txt#Armor)
+    (c) Resisting Magical Attacks         (defend.txt#ResistingMagic)
+    (d) Ego Armor and Artifacts           (defend.txt#EgoArtifact)
+    (e) The Resistances                   (defend.txt#Resistances)
+    (f) Unresistable Attacks              (defend.txt#Unresistable)
+    (g) Immunities                        (defend.txt#Immunities)
+    (h) Miscellaneous Resists             (defend.txt#Miscellaneous)
+    (i) Recovering from Attacks           (defend.txt#Recovering)
+    (?) Help System Commands              (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] defend.txt
+***** [b] defend.txt#Armor
+***** [c] defend.txt#ResistingMagic
+***** [d] defend.txt#EgoArtifact
+***** [e] defend.txt#Resistances
+***** [f] defend.txt#Unresistable
+***** [g] defend.txt#Immunities
+***** [h] defend.txt#Miscellaneous
+***** [i] defend.txt#Recovering

Modified: trunk/lib/help/defend.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/defend.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/defend.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,593 +1,593 @@
-=== Defending and Armor ===
-In Hengband, monsters may damage and otherwise harm you in a number of
-ways: in direct melee combat, by exploding next to you, by breathing
-on you and by casting spells. Some monsters referred to as "summoners"
-may not directly harm you but may summon other monsters to do their
-dirty work for them.
-Creatures will attack you in the same manner in which you attack them.
-If they move into you, they attack you. Virtually all monsters can
-lower your hit points by means of a melee attack, and if you lose too
-many, you die. Fortunately, this is also the attack most easily guarded
-against (by wielding armor). Each monster has a maximum of four melee
-attacks which may be of varying type, power and effect.
-In addition to pure damage, there can be a number of side-effects from
-a monster hitting you. For example, an especially powerful attack may
-stun you wound you. Stunning is cumulative and, if not addressed, may
-eventually result in you becoming knocked out which allows your
-opponent to continue attacking while you lie helpless. Wounds will
-cause you to lose hit points each round until you either die or your
-wound heals. You will slowly recover from any wound except a Mortal
-Wound with time and all wounds can be healed magically.
-In addition to cuts and stunning, some monsters melee attacks may have
-other consequences. These include causing you to become blind, scared,
-confused, poisoned or paralyzed. There are many others less common
-effects. Full details of monsters melee ability may be found in the
-section on Monsters (see monster.txt).
-Many monsters also have an array of magical spells which they may use
-against you and others can use various breath attacks on you from a
-distance. For example, a red dragon might breathe fire at you. You can
-defend yourself from the side-effects of melee attacks, monster spells
-and breath attacks by searching for armor that is resistant to that
-form of attack.
-As you move down deeper into the dungeon in search of better items,
-you will need to steadily improve your defenses against pure damage,
-wounds, stunning, bolts, balls, and breaths of various kinds,
-reductions of exp and stats, theft, and a variety of miscellaneous
-magical attacks.
-***** <Armor>
-=== Armor Class ===
-Your armor class (or AC) is a number that describes the amount and the
-quality of armor being worn. Armor class will generally run from about
-0 to 150, but could become negative or greater than 150 with rarer
-armor or by magical means. Note the spell casters receive a penalty
-to their maximum mana for wielding armor that is too heavy. In addition,
-monks lose much of their bare handed fighting skill if their armor
-becomes too heavy.
-The larger your armor class, the more protective it is. A negative
-armor class would actually help get you hit. Armor protects you in
-three manners. One, it makes you harder to be hit for damage. A hit for
-no damage is the same as a miss. Two, good armor will absorb some of
-the damage that your character would have taken from normal attacks.
-Three, acid damage is reduced by wearing body armor (but the armor will
-be damaged instead). It is obvious that a high armor class is a must
-for surviving the deeper levels of Hengband. Note, however, that armor
-class by itself will not protect you from the side effects of monster
-melee attacks mentioned above.
-Each piece of armor has a base armor value, which, like the damage from
-weapons, is assumed known by the player, and a magic bonus, which will
-not be displayed unless the armor has been identified or was bought in
-a store.
-Armor class values are always displayed between a set of brackets as
-'[#]' or '[#,+#]'. The first value is the armor class of the item. The
-second number is the magical bonus of the item which is only displayed
-if known, and will always have a sign preceding the value.
-Note: A few rings, amulets, and weapons also have the '[+#]' notation,
-indicating that they provide an armor bonus. Many pieces of heavy body
-armor will also have a '(-#)' before the '[#,+#]', which indicates that
-the weight of the armor decreases your chances of hitting monsters.
-This can range from nonexistent for very light armor to (-8) for the
-very heaviest armor!
-***** <ResistingMagic>
-=== Resisting Magical Attacks ===
-Against some magical attacks (such as cause wounds, cause blindness or
-cause fear) the player will first get a saving throw (see the Skills
-page). However, against attacks such as bolts and ball spells this does
-not apply. Also, there is no saving throw against monster breaths. For
-these types of attacks, your only recourse it to find items or other
-means which grant you 'resistance' to that type of attack.
-In Hengband there are many forms of resistance which may be obtained
-either as bonuses from your equipment, as the result of casting a
-magical spell, activating certain artifacts or as the result of a
-mutation. Unfortunately, not all attacks available to monsters can be
-resisted and most can only be partially resisted.
-Each resistance has one or more corresponding monster attack which it
-'resists'. By this we mean that it reduces the amount of damage that
-your character will take as a result of an attack of that kind. For
-example, fire resistance will reduce the damage to your character
-resulting from fire attacks such as a fire bolt or being breathed upon
-by a red dragon. Note that appropriate resistances will also negate or
-reduce some side-effects of monster melee attacks.
-There are two categories of resistances: (1) the low (or elemental)
-resistances - acid, fire, cold and electricity; and (2) the high
-resistances - poison, confusion, light, dark, blindness, sound, fear,
-shards, nexus, chaos, nether, gravity, disenchantment and time. In
-general, the low resistances are more commonly available, they can be
-double-resisted and the corresponding attacks have a higher maximum
-damage potential. 
-A common misconception amongst new players is that having multiple
-sources of a particular resistance will increase your character's
-resistance to attacks of that form. This is not true. You will get the
-same benefit from wielding a single Amulet of Resist Acid as wielding a
-Shield of Resist Acid, an {Armor-type} of Resist Acid and an artifact
-weapon which grants acid resistance all at the same time.
-As stated above, however, it is possible to get double resistance for
-the low resists (and also poison). This is because these resistances
-are also available on a temporary basis by casting certain spells or by
-quaffing a Potion of Resistance. Some items may also activate for
-temporary resistance and it may also be gained from one of the many
-possible mutations. This temporary effect is cumulative with the
-permanent effect and will increase your protection against these kinds
-of attacks.
-***** <EgoArtifact>
-=== Ego Armor and Artifacts ===
-In addition to the ordinary armor items your character may find in
-the dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers.
-These armors are fall into two types(1) artifacts; and (2) ego armors.
-Unlike artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each
-game, it is not unusual to find several ego armors of the same type
-during the course of a character's adventures.
-In general, artifacts and ego armors may boost one or more of your
-primary statistics, may confer certain abilities upon your character
-and may grant resistance to certain forms of attack. Each Ego type may
-only be found on certain types of armor - for example, you can find a
-Shield of Elvenkind but not Boots of Elvenkind.
---- Armor/Shields ---
-of Resist Acid.
-     A character using such an object will take only one third normal
-     damage from any acid thrown upon him.  In addition, armor so
-     enchanted will resist the acid's effects and not be damaged by it.
-of Resist Lightning.
-     A character using a resist lightning object will take only one
-     third damage from electrical attacks.
-of Resist Fire.
-     A character using a resist fire object will take only one third
-     damage from heat and fire.
-of Resist Cold.
-     A character using a resist cold object will take only one third
-     damage from frost and cold.
-of Resistance.
-     A character wearing armor with this ability will have resistance
-     to Acid, Cold, Fire, and Lightning as explained in each part
-     above.
-of Elvenkind.
-     This is the same as Resistance armor, only generally better
-     enchanted. It will also make you stealthier.
-of Permanence (Robes Only)
-     These robes provide resistance to fire, cold, acid, and
-     electricity and cannot be damaged by acid. They also resist life
-     draining attacks and sustain all your primary statistics. 
-of Reflection (Shields Only)
-     These shields reflect missiles and bolt spells preventing damage
-     to the player character and often damaging the originating
-     monster. The reflection is not 100% effective but nearly so. 
-of Night and Day (Shields Only)
-     These shields provide resistance to light and darkness.
---- Caps/Helms/Crowns ---
-of Intelligence
-     This item will both increase and sustain your intelligence.
-of Wisdom
-     This item will both increase and sustain your wisdom.
-of Beauty
-     This item will both increase and sustain your charisma.
-of the Magi
-     This item will both increase and sustain your intelligence, and
-     grants resistance against fire, frost, acid, and lightning.
-of Might
-     This item will both increase and sustain your strength, dexterity,
-     and constitution and will also make you immune to any foe's attempt
-     to slow or paralyze you.
-of Lordliness
-     This item will both increase and sustain your wisdom and charisma.
-of Seeing
-     This item will grant the ability to see invisible creatures, and
-     will also increase your ability to locate traps and secret doors.
-     In addition it will also prevent you from being blinded.
-of Infravision
-     This item will increase the range of you infravision and grants
-     infravision if you are a race which does not get it intrinsically.
-of Light
-     This item provides a permanent light source.
-of Telepathy
-     This item grants its wielder telepathy.
-of Regeneration
-     This item will help you regenerate hit points and mana more
-     quickly than normal, allowing you to fight longer before needing
-     to rest. You will use food faster than normal while wearing this
-     crown because of the regenerative effects.
---- Cloaks ---
-of Protection
-     These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid, fire, cold or lightning
-     attacks but do not grant resistance to these elements.
-of Stealth
-     These cloaks will make your character more stealthy.
-of Aman
-     These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid, fire, cold or lightning
-     attacks but do not grant resistance to these elements. They also
-     make your character more stealthy.
-of Immolation
-     These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid or fire attacks. They also
-     grant resistance to fire and give out a fiery aura.
-of Electricity
-     These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid or electricity attacks. They
-     also grant resistance to electricity and give out an electric
-     aura.
-of the Bat
-     These very powerful cloaks grant speed, stealth, infravision,
-     levitation, ability to see invisible and resistance to
-     darkness. But in return for these ability, you will have large
-     penalty to to-hit and to-damage bonus.
---- Gloves/Gauntlets/Sets of Cesti ---
-of Free Action
-     This item will make you immune to any foe's attempt to slow or
-     paralyze you. A mage-type spellcaster who wields them will not
-     have their mana penalized.
-of Slaying
-     In addition to its armor bonus, this item will grant a bonus to
-     your +to-hit and +to-dam.
-of Agility
-     This item will increase your dexterity. A mage-type spellcaster
-     who wields them will not have their mana penalized.
-of Power
-     This item will increase your strength and will also grant a bonus
-     to your +to-hit and +to-dam.
---- Boots ---
-of Levitation
-     These boots will grant you levitation.
-of Stealth
-     These boots will make your character more stealthy.
-of Free Action
-     This item will make you immune to any foe's attempt to slow or
-     paralyze you.
-of Speed
-     These boots will make your character more speedy.
---- Special Items ---
-Dragon Scale Mails.
-     These extremely rare pieces of armor come in many different
-     colors, each protecting you against the relevant dragons.
-     Naturally they are all resistant to acid damage. They also
-     occasionally allow you to breathe as a dragon would!
-Dragon Shields and Helms
-     These shields and helms have a chance of granting one or more 
-     random resistances.
-Other items
-     Apart from these there are some very rare, and well made armors
-     in the dungeon with not necessarily any special abilities. These
-     include Adamantite Plate Mail, Mithril Plate Mail, Mithril Chain
-     Mail, Shields of Deflection, and Shadow Cloaks. The first four
-     cannot be damaged by acid because of the quality metals they
-     contain. Shadow Cloaks grant resistance to both light and darkness
-     attacks.
-***** <Resistances>
-=== The Resistances ===
-This section describes the various attack-types available to monsters
-and how they may be resisted.
-    Acid resistance will cut damage from acid attacks by two-thirds.
-    Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
-    This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
-    resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Acid
-    resistance will also protect your wielded equipment from being
-    corroded by acid but will not protect items in your inventory from
-    being destroyed by acid if they are susceptible to such attacks.
-    Fire resistance will cut damage from fire attacks by two-thirds.
-    Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
-    This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
-    resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Fire
-    resistance will not protect items in your inventory from being
-    destroyed by fire if they are susceptible to such attacks.
-    Cold resistance will cut damage from cold attacks by two-thirds.
-    Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
-    This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
-    resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Cold
-    resistance will not protect items in your inventory from being
-    destroyed by fire if they are susceptible to such attacks.
-    Electricity resistance will cut damage from fire attacks by
-    two-thirds. Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another
-    two-thirds. This means that a character with both permanent and
-    temporary resistance will only take one-ninth of the original
-    damage. Electricity resistance will not protect items in your
-    inventory from being destroyed by fire if they are susceptible to
-    such attacks.
-    Poison resistance will cut damage from poison attacks by
-    two-thirds. Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another
-    two-thirds. This means that a character with both permanent and
-    temporary resistance will only take one-ninth of the original
-    damage. Poison resistance will also protect you from becoming
-    'poisoned' but characters will not be healed of their 'poisoned'
-    status if they become resistant to poison after already being
-    poisoned. This must be cured by other means.
-    Confusion resistance will reduce the damage taken from confusion
-    attacks and breaths. It will also prevent your character from
-    becoming 'Confused' (if you are confused you will be unable to read
-    scrolls, cast spells or prayers and will have a dramatically
-    reduced ability to use magical devices). In particular, water
-    attacks may confuse as a side-effect - this is prevented if you
-    have confusion resistance
-    Light breaths damage the player and cause blindness as a
-    side-effect. Light resistance reduces the damage and also
-    prevents blindness caused from light attacks (but not from other
-    attacks.
-    Dark breaths damage the player and cause blindness as a
-    side-effect.  Dark resistance reduces the damage and also
-    prevents blindness caused from dark attacks (but not from other
-    attacks. In addition, some high-level monsters can cast Darkness
-    Storms, these are a particularly dangerous form of attack but are
-    resisted if you gave Dark resistance.
-    Resist blindness will protect you from spells which blind and from
-    being "hit to blind" (a few monsters can do this) as well as from
-    the blindness (but not the damage) caused by light and darkness
-    breaths.
-    Sound resistance reduces damage from sound attacks and also the
-    stunning side effects of sound and some other attacks. (Sound,
-    plasma, water, force, gravity and shards attacks may all stun the
-    player as may ice-bolt attacks). Sound resistance does not protect
-    against stunning from melee attacks.
-    Fear resistance gives immunity to attacks which make your character
-    'Afraid' (being afraid prevents your character from participating
-    in melee combat but does not otherwise affect you).
-    Shards resistance will reduce the damage taken from shards attacks
-    (this includes a Cyberdemon's Rocket Launchers). It also prevents
-    the cuts that come from these attacks (and also ice-bolts). Some
-    shards attacks may also stun the player, this is prevented if you
-    have sound resistance and not by shard resistance.
-    Nexus attacks are one of the most annoying attacks in Hengband but
-    will rarely kill you directly. A Nexus attack will damage the player
-    and may teleport the player, teleport-level the player or swap two
-    of your primary statistics around. Nexus resistance will reduce the
-    damage taken from such attacks and prevent the side-effects but
-    will not prevent you from being teleported by non-nexus attacks (for
-    this you will need an item granting anti-teleportation).
-    Chaos attacks are one of the most dangerous attack types in
-    Hengband. They have a relatively high maximum damage, and may also
-    confuse the player, cause hallucination, reduce your character's
-    experience and cause you to mutate. Chaos resistance will the
-    damage taken from such attacks and negate all side-effects.
-    Another dangerous attack type. Nether attacks are common deeper in
-    the dungeon, have a high maximum damage and will also cause your
-    character's experience to be drained. Nether resistance will reduce
-    the damage taken and the experience loss. It will not reduce the
-    experience loss from non-nether attacks (for this you need
-    hold-life).
-    Gravity attacks damage the player and also cause you (and monsters
-    they hit) to be teleported a short distance. A side-effect of this
-    is that since the effect is calculated on each spot in turn, it is
-    possible to be blinked into a spot which hasn't been calculated yet
-    but is in line to be affected by the breath - the net result is to
-    be hit twice, blinked twice and damaged twice by the same breath.
-    Gravity attacks may also stun your character. Levitation provides
-    resistance to the damaging effect of gravity, resist teleportation
-    prevents the blinking around and resistance to sound prevents you
-    from becoming stunned.
-    Disenchantment attacks damage the player and may result in the
-    to-hit, to-dam, to-AC, pval bonuses on your wielded equipment
-    being reduced. Disenchantment resistance will reduce the damage
-    you take and will prevent the disenchantment of your equipment.
-Toxic Waste
-    Resist poison will resist the damage and side effects from Toxic
-    Waste attacks. Otherwise, you will suffer fearful side effects
-    include reducing stats and changing your race.
-***** <Unresistable>
---- Unresistable Attacks ---
-There is no resistance to the following types of attacks although some
-of their side-effects may be resisted.
-    Time attacks damage the player, drain experience and may reduce one
-    or more of your primary statistics.
-    Plasma can damage you, stun you and burn your equipment. Fire
-    immunity (not resistance) prevents burning of equipment, sound
-    resistance prevents the stunning but there is no resistance to the
-    damage.
-    Inertia will damage you and slow you down by -10 speed. There is no
-    resistance to damage or effects.
-Mana and Disintegration
-    There is no resistance to the mana and disintegration attacks.
-***** <Immunities>
---- Immunities ---
-It is also possible that you may find items which grant immunity
-to one or (very occasionally) more of the low resistances ie. Acid,
-Fire, Cold and Electricity.  In this case, when wielded, you will
-take no damage from attacks of the relevant kind and, in addition,
-your equipment and inventory are safe from being damaged or
-destroyed by the attack.
-In addition free action, fear and blindness resistance may be
-thought of as immunities since having they protect totally from the
-respective form of attack.
-***** <Miscellaneous>
---- Miscellaneous ---
-The following are not properly resistances but may be sensibly included
-on this page.
-Free Action
-    Free action is immunity to paralysis: this is foolproof except in
-    the special case of the Ancient and Foul Curse which requires a
-    successful saving throw as well as free action to avoid should it
-    attempt to paralyze you. Spells, potions of paralysis and being
-    hit-to-paralyze are completely protected against.
-    Hold Life is protection from experience draining. It is 90%
-    foolproof: 10% of draining attacks will still drain you, but by
-    less than would otherwise have been the case.
-***** <Recovering>
-=== Recovering from Attacks ===
-You cannot combat with the creatures in Hengband and expect to come out
-unscathed every time. When a monster inflicts damage on you, you will
-need to take steps to recover from the damage as soon as possible.
---- Healing Items ---
-Healing is available in multiple forms including: Potions and Staves
-of Cure Light Wounds, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds, Potions of Cure
-Critical Wounds, Potions, Staves and Rods of Healing, Potions of
-*Healing* and Potions of Life, from weakest to strongest. Both the Life
-and Nature realms contain spells to heal the player.
-Cure Light Wounds
-     restores 2d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness and berserk.
-Cure Serious Wounds
-     restores 4d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion and
-     berserk.
-Cure Critical Wounds
-     restores 6d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
-     stun, poison and berserk.
-     restores 50 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
-     stun, poison and hallucination.
-     restores 300 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
-     stun, poison and berserk.
-     restores 1200 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
-     stun, poison and berserk.
-Potions of Life
-     restores 5000 hitpoints (about 5 times more than you'll ever
-     have), restores all drained stats and experience, and removes all
-     bad effects except hunger. These are very rare; save them in your
-     home for a dangerous fight.
---- Restoring Items ---
-From time to time your primary statistics and/or experience may be
-drained. Statistics can be restored by quaffing a Potion of Restore
-{name of stat} or a Potion of {Name of stat} or by eating a Mushroom of
-Restoring. Some towns may provide this service for a fee. Experience
-may be restored by quaffing a Potion of Restore Life Levels or using a
-Rod of Restoration. You may also regain it in the normal course of your
-adventuring or by quaffing a Potion of Experience. The Life realm has
-a spell called Restoration which restores any drained experience.
---- Other ---
-There are also other items in the dungeon which may help you to recover
-from various things that monsters may do to you. For example, some
-mushrooms may help you recover from confusion, a Potion of Heroism
-will prevent you from becoming afraid, a Potion of Slow Poison will
-reduce the effects of becoming poisoned, etc. Most objects' names give
-a clear idea of the benefits and dangers of using them and so an
-exhaustive list is not provided in this document.
-Original   : (??), Leon Marrick and Chris Weisiger
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
+=== Defending and Armor ===
+In Hengband, monsters may damage and otherwise harm you in a number of
+ways: in direct melee combat, by exploding next to you, by breathing
+on you and by casting spells. Some monsters referred to as "summoners"
+may not directly harm you but may summon other monsters to do their
+dirty work for them.
+Creatures will attack you in the same manner in which you attack them.
+If they move into you, they attack you. Virtually all monsters can
+lower your hit points by means of a melee attack, and if you lose too
+many, you die. Fortunately, this is also the attack most easily guarded
+against (by wielding armor). Each monster has a maximum of four melee
+attacks which may be of varying type, power and effect.
+In addition to pure damage, there can be a number of side-effects from
+a monster hitting you. For example, an especially powerful attack may
+stun you wound you. Stunning is cumulative and, if not addressed, may
+eventually result in you becoming knocked out which allows your
+opponent to continue attacking while you lie helpless. Wounds will
+cause you to lose hit points each round until you either die or your
+wound heals. You will slowly recover from any wound except a Mortal
+Wound with time and all wounds can be healed magically.
+In addition to cuts and stunning, some monsters melee attacks may have
+other consequences. These include causing you to become blind, scared,
+confused, poisoned or paralyzed. There are many others less common
+effects. Full details of monsters melee ability may be found in the
+section on Monsters (see monster.txt).
+Many monsters also have an array of magical spells which they may use
+against you and others can use various breath attacks on you from a
+distance. For example, a red dragon might breathe fire at you. You can
+defend yourself from the side-effects of melee attacks, monster spells
+and breath attacks by searching for armor that is resistant to that
+form of attack.
+As you move down deeper into the dungeon in search of better items,
+you will need to steadily improve your defenses against pure damage,
+wounds, stunning, bolts, balls, and breaths of various kinds,
+reductions of exp and stats, theft, and a variety of miscellaneous
+magical attacks.
+***** <Armor>
+=== Armor Class ===
+Your armor class (or AC) is a number that describes the amount and the
+quality of armor being worn. Armor class will generally run from about
+0 to 150, but could become negative or greater than 150 with rarer
+armor or by magical means. Note the spell casters receive a penalty
+to their maximum mana for wielding armor that is too heavy. In addition,
+monks lose much of their bare handed fighting skill if their armor
+becomes too heavy.
+The larger your armor class, the more protective it is. A negative
+armor class would actually help get you hit. Armor protects you in
+three manners. One, it makes you harder to be hit for damage. A hit for
+no damage is the same as a miss. Two, good armor will absorb some of
+the damage that your character would have taken from normal attacks.
+Three, acid damage is reduced by wearing body armor (but the armor will
+be damaged instead). It is obvious that a high armor class is a must
+for surviving the deeper levels of Hengband. Note, however, that armor
+class by itself will not protect you from the side effects of monster
+melee attacks mentioned above.
+Each piece of armor has a base armor value, which, like the damage from
+weapons, is assumed known by the player, and a magic bonus, which will
+not be displayed unless the armor has been identified or was bought in
+a store.
+Armor class values are always displayed between a set of brackets as
+'[#]' or '[#,+#]'. The first value is the armor class of the item. The
+second number is the magical bonus of the item which is only displayed
+if known, and will always have a sign preceding the value.
+Note: A few rings, amulets, and weapons also have the '[+#]' notation,
+indicating that they provide an armor bonus. Many pieces of heavy body
+armor will also have a '(-#)' before the '[#,+#]', which indicates that
+the weight of the armor decreases your chances of hitting monsters.
+This can range from nonexistent for very light armor to (-8) for the
+very heaviest armor!
+***** <ResistingMagic>
+=== Resisting Magical Attacks ===
+Against some magical attacks (such as cause wounds, cause blindness or
+cause fear) the player will first get a saving throw (see the Skills
+page). However, against attacks such as bolts and ball spells this does
+not apply. Also, there is no saving throw against monster breaths. For
+these types of attacks, your only recourse it to find items or other
+means which grant you 'resistance' to that type of attack.
+In Hengband there are many forms of resistance which may be obtained
+either as bonuses from your equipment, as the result of casting a
+magical spell, activating certain artifacts or as the result of a
+mutation. Unfortunately, not all attacks available to monsters can be
+resisted and most can only be partially resisted.
+Each resistance has one or more corresponding monster attack which it
+'resists'. By this we mean that it reduces the amount of damage that
+your character will take as a result of an attack of that kind. For
+example, fire resistance will reduce the damage to your character
+resulting from fire attacks such as a fire bolt or being breathed upon
+by a red dragon. Note that appropriate resistances will also negate or
+reduce some side-effects of monster melee attacks.
+There are two categories of resistances: (1) the low (or elemental)
+resistances - acid, fire, cold and electricity; and (2) the high
+resistances - poison, confusion, light, dark, blindness, sound, fear,
+shards, nexus, chaos, nether, gravity, disenchantment and time. In
+general, the low resistances are more commonly available, they can be
+double-resisted and the corresponding attacks have a higher maximum
+damage potential. 
+A common misconception amongst new players is that having multiple
+sources of a particular resistance will increase your character's
+resistance to attacks of that form. This is not true. You will get the
+same benefit from wielding a single Amulet of Resist Acid as wielding a
+Shield of Resist Acid, an {Armor-type} of Resist Acid and an artifact
+weapon which grants acid resistance all at the same time.
+As stated above, however, it is possible to get double resistance for
+the low resists (and also poison). This is because these resistances
+are also available on a temporary basis by casting certain spells or by
+quaffing a Potion of Resistance. Some items may also activate for
+temporary resistance and it may also be gained from one of the many
+possible mutations. This temporary effect is cumulative with the
+permanent effect and will increase your protection against these kinds
+of attacks.
+***** <EgoArtifact>
+=== Ego Armor and Artifacts ===
+In addition to the ordinary armor items your character may find in
+the dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers.
+These armors are fall into two types(1) artifacts; and (2) ego armors.
+Unlike artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each
+game, it is not unusual to find several ego armors of the same type
+during the course of a character's adventures.
+In general, artifacts and ego armors may boost one or more of your
+primary statistics, may confer certain abilities upon your character
+and may grant resistance to certain forms of attack. Each Ego type may
+only be found on certain types of armor - for example, you can find a
+Shield of Elvenkind but not Boots of Elvenkind.
+--- Armor/Shields ---
+of Resist Acid.
+     A character using such an object will take only one third normal
+     damage from any acid thrown upon him.  In addition, armor so
+     enchanted will resist the acid's effects and not be damaged by it.
+of Resist Lightning.
+     A character using a resist lightning object will take only one
+     third damage from electrical attacks.
+of Resist Fire.
+     A character using a resist fire object will take only one third
+     damage from heat and fire.
+of Resist Cold.
+     A character using a resist cold object will take only one third
+     damage from frost and cold.
+of Resistance.
+     A character wearing armor with this ability will have resistance
+     to Acid, Cold, Fire, and Lightning as explained in each part
+     above.
+of Elvenkind.
+     This is the same as Resistance armor, only generally better
+     enchanted. It will also make you stealthier.
+of Permanence (Robes Only)
+     These robes provide resistance to fire, cold, acid, and
+     electricity and cannot be damaged by acid. They also resist life
+     draining attacks and sustain all your primary statistics. 
+of Reflection (Shields Only)
+     These shields reflect missiles and bolt spells preventing damage
+     to the player character and often damaging the originating
+     monster. The reflection is not 100% effective but nearly so. 
+of Night and Day (Shields Only)
+     These shields provide resistance to light and darkness.
+--- Caps/Helms/Crowns ---
+of Intelligence
+     This item will both increase and sustain your intelligence.
+of Wisdom
+     This item will both increase and sustain your wisdom.
+of Beauty
+     This item will both increase and sustain your charisma.
+of the Magi
+     This item will both increase and sustain your intelligence, and
+     grants resistance against fire, frost, acid, and lightning.
+of Might
+     This item will both increase and sustain your strength, dexterity,
+     and constitution and will also make you immune to any foe's attempt
+     to slow or paralyze you.
+of Lordliness
+     This item will both increase and sustain your wisdom and charisma.
+of Seeing
+     This item will grant the ability to see invisible creatures, and
+     will also increase your ability to locate traps and secret doors.
+     In addition it will also prevent you from being blinded.
+of Infravision
+     This item will increase the range of you infravision and grants
+     infravision if you are a race which does not get it intrinsically.
+of Light
+     This item provides a permanent light source.
+of Telepathy
+     This item grants its wielder telepathy.
+of Regeneration
+     This item will help you regenerate hit points and mana more
+     quickly than normal, allowing you to fight longer before needing
+     to rest. You will use food faster than normal while wearing this
+     crown because of the regenerative effects.
+--- Cloaks ---
+of Protection
+     These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid, fire, cold or lightning
+     attacks but do not grant resistance to these elements.
+of Stealth
+     These cloaks will make your character more stealthy.
+of Aman
+     These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid, fire, cold or lightning
+     attacks but do not grant resistance to these elements. They also
+     make your character more stealthy.
+of Immolation
+     These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid or fire attacks. They also
+     grant resistance to fire and give out a fiery aura.
+of Electricity
+     These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid or electricity attacks. They
+     also grant resistance to electricity and give out an electric
+     aura.
+of the Bat
+     These very powerful cloaks grant speed, stealth, infravision,
+     levitation, ability to see invisible and resistance to
+     darkness. But in return for these ability, you will have large
+     penalty to to-hit and to-damage bonus.
+--- Gloves/Gauntlets/Sets of Cesti ---
+of Free Action
+     This item will make you immune to any foe's attempt to slow or
+     paralyze you. A mage-type spellcaster who wields them will not
+     have their mana penalized.
+of Slaying
+     In addition to its armor bonus, this item will grant a bonus to
+     your +to-hit and +to-dam.
+of Agility
+     This item will increase your dexterity. A mage-type spellcaster
+     who wields them will not have their mana penalized.
+of Power
+     This item will increase your strength and will also grant a bonus
+     to your +to-hit and +to-dam.
+--- Boots ---
+of Levitation
+     These boots will grant you levitation.
+of Stealth
+     These boots will make your character more stealthy.
+of Free Action
+     This item will make you immune to any foe's attempt to slow or
+     paralyze you.
+of Speed
+     These boots will make your character more speedy.
+--- Special Items ---
+Dragon Scale Mails.
+     These extremely rare pieces of armor come in many different
+     colors, each protecting you against the relevant dragons.
+     Naturally they are all resistant to acid damage. They also
+     occasionally allow you to breathe as a dragon would!
+Dragon Shields and Helms
+     These shields and helms have a chance of granting one or more 
+     random resistances.
+Other items
+     Apart from these there are some very rare, and well made armors
+     in the dungeon with not necessarily any special abilities. These
+     include Adamantite Plate Mail, Mithril Plate Mail, Mithril Chain
+     Mail, Shields of Deflection, and Shadow Cloaks. The first four
+     cannot be damaged by acid because of the quality metals they
+     contain. Shadow Cloaks grant resistance to both light and darkness
+     attacks.
+***** <Resistances>
+=== The Resistances ===
+This section describes the various attack-types available to monsters
+and how they may be resisted.
+    Acid resistance will cut damage from acid attacks by two-thirds.
+    Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
+    This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
+    resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Acid
+    resistance will also protect your wielded equipment from being
+    corroded by acid but will not protect items in your inventory from
+    being destroyed by acid if they are susceptible to such attacks.
+    Fire resistance will cut damage from fire attacks by two-thirds.
+    Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
+    This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
+    resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Fire
+    resistance will not protect items in your inventory from being
+    destroyed by fire if they are susceptible to such attacks.
+    Cold resistance will cut damage from cold attacks by two-thirds.
+    Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
+    This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
+    resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Cold
+    resistance will not protect items in your inventory from being
+    destroyed by fire if they are susceptible to such attacks.
+    Electricity resistance will cut damage from fire attacks by
+    two-thirds. Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another
+    two-thirds. This means that a character with both permanent and
+    temporary resistance will only take one-ninth of the original
+    damage. Electricity resistance will not protect items in your
+    inventory from being destroyed by fire if they are susceptible to
+    such attacks.
+    Poison resistance will cut damage from poison attacks by
+    two-thirds. Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another
+    two-thirds. This means that a character with both permanent and
+    temporary resistance will only take one-ninth of the original
+    damage. Poison resistance will also protect you from becoming
+    'poisoned' but characters will not be healed of their 'poisoned'
+    status if they become resistant to poison after already being
+    poisoned. This must be cured by other means.
+    Confusion resistance will reduce the damage taken from confusion
+    attacks and breaths. It will also prevent your character from
+    becoming 'Confused' (if you are confused you will be unable to read
+    scrolls, cast spells or prayers and will have a dramatically
+    reduced ability to use magical devices). In particular, water
+    attacks may confuse as a side-effect - this is prevented if you
+    have confusion resistance
+    Light breaths damage the player and cause blindness as a
+    side-effect. Light resistance reduces the damage and also
+    prevents blindness caused from light attacks (but not from other
+    attacks.
+    Dark breaths damage the player and cause blindness as a
+    side-effect.  Dark resistance reduces the damage and also
+    prevents blindness caused from dark attacks (but not from other
+    attacks. In addition, some high-level monsters can cast Darkness
+    Storms, these are a particularly dangerous form of attack but are
+    resisted if you gave Dark resistance.
+    Resist blindness will protect you from spells which blind and from
+    being "hit to blind" (a few monsters can do this) as well as from
+    the blindness (but not the damage) caused by light and darkness
+    breaths.
+    Sound resistance reduces damage from sound attacks and also the
+    stunning side effects of sound and some other attacks. (Sound,
+    plasma, water, force, gravity and shards attacks may all stun the
+    player as may ice-bolt attacks). Sound resistance does not protect
+    against stunning from melee attacks.
+    Fear resistance gives immunity to attacks which make your character
+    'Afraid' (being afraid prevents your character from participating
+    in melee combat but does not otherwise affect you).
+    Shards resistance will reduce the damage taken from shards attacks
+    (this includes a Cyberdemon's Rocket Launchers). It also prevents
+    the cuts that come from these attacks (and also ice-bolts). Some
+    shards attacks may also stun the player, this is prevented if you
+    have sound resistance and not by shard resistance.
+    Nexus attacks are one of the most annoying attacks in Hengband but
+    will rarely kill you directly. A Nexus attack will damage the player
+    and may teleport the player, teleport-level the player or swap two
+    of your primary statistics around. Nexus resistance will reduce the
+    damage taken from such attacks and prevent the side-effects but
+    will not prevent you from being teleported by non-nexus attacks (for
+    this you will need an item granting anti-teleportation).
+    Chaos attacks are one of the most dangerous attack types in
+    Hengband. They have a relatively high maximum damage, and may also
+    confuse the player, cause hallucination, reduce your character's
+    experience and cause you to mutate. Chaos resistance will the
+    damage taken from such attacks and negate all side-effects.
+    Another dangerous attack type. Nether attacks are common deeper in
+    the dungeon, have a high maximum damage and will also cause your
+    character's experience to be drained. Nether resistance will reduce
+    the damage taken and the experience loss. It will not reduce the
+    experience loss from non-nether attacks (for this you need
+    hold-life).
+    Gravity attacks damage the player and also cause you (and monsters
+    they hit) to be teleported a short distance. A side-effect of this
+    is that since the effect is calculated on each spot in turn, it is
+    possible to be blinked into a spot which hasn't been calculated yet
+    but is in line to be affected by the breath - the net result is to
+    be hit twice, blinked twice and damaged twice by the same breath.
+    Gravity attacks may also stun your character. Levitation provides
+    resistance to the damaging effect of gravity, resist teleportation
+    prevents the blinking around and resistance to sound prevents you
+    from becoming stunned.
+    Disenchantment attacks damage the player and may result in the
+    to-hit, to-dam, to-AC, pval bonuses on your wielded equipment
+    being reduced. Disenchantment resistance will reduce the damage
+    you take and will prevent the disenchantment of your equipment.
+Toxic Waste
+    Resist poison will resist the damage and side effects from Toxic
+    Waste attacks. Otherwise, you will suffer fearful side effects
+    include reducing stats and changing your race.
+***** <Unresistable>
+--- Unresistable Attacks ---
+There is no resistance to the following types of attacks although some
+of their side-effects may be resisted.
+    Time attacks damage the player, drain experience and may reduce one
+    or more of your primary statistics.
+    Plasma can damage you, stun you and burn your equipment. Fire
+    immunity (not resistance) prevents burning of equipment, sound
+    resistance prevents the stunning but there is no resistance to the
+    damage.
+    Inertia will damage you and slow you down by -10 speed. There is no
+    resistance to damage or effects.
+Mana and Disintegration
+    There is no resistance to the mana and disintegration attacks.
+***** <Immunities>
+--- Immunities ---
+It is also possible that you may find items which grant immunity
+to one or (very occasionally) more of the low resistances ie. Acid,
+Fire, Cold and Electricity.  In this case, when wielded, you will
+take no damage from attacks of the relevant kind and, in addition,
+your equipment and inventory are safe from being damaged or
+destroyed by the attack.
+In addition free action, fear and blindness resistance may be
+thought of as immunities since having they protect totally from the
+respective form of attack.
+***** <Miscellaneous>
+--- Miscellaneous ---
+The following are not properly resistances but may be sensibly included
+on this page.
+Free Action
+    Free action is immunity to paralysis: this is foolproof except in
+    the special case of the Ancient and Foul Curse which requires a
+    successful saving throw as well as free action to avoid should it
+    attempt to paralyze you. Spells, potions of paralysis and being
+    hit-to-paralyze are completely protected against.
+    Hold Life is protection from experience draining. It is 90%
+    foolproof: 10% of draining attacks will still drain you, but by
+    less than would otherwise have been the case.
+***** <Recovering>
+=== Recovering from Attacks ===
+You cannot combat with the creatures in Hengband and expect to come out
+unscathed every time. When a monster inflicts damage on you, you will
+need to take steps to recover from the damage as soon as possible.
+--- Healing Items ---
+Healing is available in multiple forms including: Potions and Staves
+of Cure Light Wounds, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds, Potions of Cure
+Critical Wounds, Potions, Staves and Rods of Healing, Potions of
+*Healing* and Potions of Life, from weakest to strongest. Both the Life
+and Nature realms contain spells to heal the player.
+Cure Light Wounds
+     restores 2d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness and berserk.
+Cure Serious Wounds
+     restores 4d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion and
+     berserk.
+Cure Critical Wounds
+     restores 6d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
+     stun, poison and berserk.
+     restores 50 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
+     stun, poison and hallucination.
+     restores 300 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
+     stun, poison and berserk.
+     restores 1200 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
+     stun, poison and berserk.
+Potions of Life
+     restores 5000 hitpoints (about 5 times more than you'll ever
+     have), restores all drained stats and experience, and removes all
+     bad effects except hunger. These are very rare; save them in your
+     home for a dangerous fight.
+--- Restoring Items ---
+From time to time your primary statistics and/or experience may be
+drained. Statistics can be restored by quaffing a Potion of Restore
+{name of stat} or a Potion of {Name of stat} or by eating a Mushroom of
+Restoring. Some towns may provide this service for a fee. Experience
+may be restored by quaffing a Potion of Restore Life Levels or using a
+Rod of Restoration. You may also regain it in the normal course of your
+adventuring or by quaffing a Potion of Experience. The Life realm has
+a spell called Restoration which restores any drained experience.
+--- Other ---
+There are also other items in the dungeon which may help you to recover
+from various things that monsters may do to you. For example, some
+mushrooms may help you recover from confusion, a Potion of Heroism
+will prevent you from becoming afraid, a Potion of Slow Poison will
+reduce the effects of becoming poisoned, etc. Most objects' names give
+a clear idea of the benefits and dangers of using them and so an
+exhaustive list is not provided in this document.
+Original   : (??), Leon Marrick and Chris Weisiger
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11

Modified: trunk/lib/help/dungeon.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/dungeon.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/dungeon.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-The Town and Dungeon.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Town and Dungeon                      (dungeon.txt)
-    (b) Symbols on Your Map                   (dungeon.txt#MapSymbols)
-    (c) Within the Dungeon                    (dungeon.txt#WithinDungeon)
-    (d) Objects in the Dungeon                (dungeon.txt#Objects)
-    (e) Mining                                (dungeon.txt#Mining)
-    (f) Staircases, Doors, Passages & Rooms   (dungeon.txt#StairsDoorsEtc)
-    (g) Level Feelings                        (dungeon.txt#Feelings)
-    (h) Random Quests                         (dungeon.txt#RandomQuests)
-    (?) Help System Commands                  (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] dungeon.txt
-***** [b] dungeon.txt#MapSymbols
-***** [c] dungeon.txt#WithinDungeon
-***** [d] dungeon.txt#Objects
-***** [e] dungeon.txt#Mining
-***** [f] dungeon.txt#StairsDoorsEtc
-***** [g] dungeon.txt#Feelings
-***** [h] dungeon.txt#RandomQuests
+The Town and Dungeon.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Town and Dungeon                      (dungeon.txt)
+    (b) Symbols on Your Map                   (dungeon.txt#MapSymbols)
+    (c) Within the Dungeon                    (dungeon.txt#WithinDungeon)
+    (d) Objects in the Dungeon                (dungeon.txt#Objects)
+    (e) Mining                                (dungeon.txt#Mining)
+    (f) Staircases, Doors, Passages & Rooms   (dungeon.txt#StairsDoorsEtc)
+    (g) Level Feelings                        (dungeon.txt#Feelings)
+    (h) Random Quests                         (dungeon.txt#RandomQuests)
+    (?) Help System Commands                  (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] dungeon.txt
+***** [b] dungeon.txt#MapSymbols
+***** [c] dungeon.txt#WithinDungeon
+***** [d] dungeon.txt#Objects
+***** [e] dungeon.txt#Mining
+***** [f] dungeon.txt#StairsDoorsEtc
+***** [g] dungeon.txt#Feelings
+***** [h] dungeon.txt#RandomQuests

Modified: trunk/lib/help/dungeon.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/dungeon.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/dungeon.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,314 +1,314 @@
-=== The Dungeon ===
-Although Hengband contains an extensive town level featuring multiple
-towns and a large wilderness area, the bulk of your adventuring will
-take place in the dungeon. Symbols appearing on your screen will
-represent the dungeon's walls, floor, objects, features, and creatures
-lurking about. In order to direct your character through his adventure,
-you will enter single character commands (see command.txt [b]).
-***** <MapSymbols>
-=== Symbols On Your Map ===
-Symbols on your map can be broken down into three categories: Features
-of the dungeon such as walls, floor, doors, and traps; Objects which
-can be picked up such as treasure, weapons, magical devices, etc; and
-creatures which may or may not move about the dungeon, but are mostly
-harmful to your character's well being.
-Some symbols are used to represent more than one type of entity, and
-some symbols are used to represent entities in more than one category.
-The "@" symbol (by default) is used to represent the character.
-It will not be necessary to remember all of the symbols and their
-meanings. The "slash" command ("/") will identify any character
-appearing on your map
-Note that you can use a "user pref file" to change any of these symbols
-to something you are more comfortable with.
---- Features that do not block line of sight ---
-  [[[[w|.|   Floor                       [[[[v|*|   A Mirror                     
-  [[[[w|.|   A trap (hidden)             [[[[y|;|   A glyph of warding             
-  [[[[w|^|   A trap (known)              [[[[R|;|   A explosive rune             
-  [[[[u|.|   Dirt                        [[[[B|*|   Section of the Pattern  
-  [[[[g|.|   Patch of grass              [[[[b|*|   Section of the Pattern  
-  [[[[G|:|   Flower                      [[[[U|1|   General Store             
-  [[[[g|:|   Brake                       [[[[s|2|   Armoury                     
-  [[[[B|.|   Swamp                       [[[[w|3|   Weapon Smiths             
-  [[[[B|~|   Shallow Water               [[[[g|4|   Temple                     
-  [[[[b|~|   Deep Water                  [[[[b|5|   Alchemy Shop             
-  [[[[U|~|   Shallow Lava                [[[[r|6|   Magic Shop                     
-  [[[[r|~|   Deep Lava                   [[[[D|7|   Black Market             
-  [[[[D|#|   Dark pit                    [[[[y|8|   Home                     
-  [[[[U|'|   An open door                [[[[o|9|   Bookstore                     
-  [[[[u|'|   A broken door               [[[[v|0|   Museum                     
-  [[[[w|<|   A staircase up              [[[[B|+|   Other building             
-  [[[[w|>|   A staircase down            [[[[v|+|   Other building          
-  [[[[U|<|   A shaft up                       
-  [[[[U|>|   A shaft down                   
-  [[[[v|>|   An entrance to dungeon
-  [[[[y|>|   quest entrance
---- Features that block line of sight ---
-  [[[[w|#|   A granite wall              [[[[G|#|   A Tree          
-  [[[[s|%|   A magma vein                [[[[o|^|   Mountain chain  
-  [[[[w|%|   A quartz vein               [[[[U|+|   A door          
-  [[[[w|#|   A secret door               [[[[w|:|   A pile of rubble
-  [[[[o|*|   Treasure in wall
-***** <WithinDungeon>
-=== Within The Dungeon ===
-Once your character is adequately supplied with food, light, armor, and
-weapons, he is ready to enter the dungeon. Move on top of the '>'
-symbol and use the "Down" command (">").
-Your character will enter a maze of interconnecting staircases and
-finally arrive somewhere on the first level of the dungeon. Each level
-of the dungeon is fifty feet high (thus dungeon level "Lev 1" is often
-called "50 ft"), and is divided into (large) rectangular regions
-(several times larger than the screen) by titanium walls. Once you
-leave a level by a staircase, you will never again find your way back
-to that region of that level, but there are an infinite number of other
-regions at that same "depth" that you can explore later. So be careful
-that you have found all the treasure before you leave a level, or you
-may never find it again! The monsters, of course, can use the stairs,
-and you may eventually encounter them again.
-In the dungeon, there are many things to find, but your character must
-survive many horrible and challenging encounters to find the treasure
-lying about and take it safely back to the town to sell.
-There are two sources for light once inside the dungeon. Permanent
-light which has been magically placed within rooms, and a light source
-carried by the player. If neither is present, the character will be
-unable to see. This will affect searching, picking locks, disarming
-traps, reading scrolls, casting spells, browsing books, etc. So be very
-careful not to run out of light!
-A character must wield a torch or lamp in order to supply his own
-light. A torch or lamp burns fuel as it is used, and once it is out of
-fuel, it stops supplying light. You will be warned as the light
-approaches this point. You may use the "Fuel" command ("F") to refuel
-your lantern (with flasks of oil) or your torch (with other torches),
-so it is a good idea to carry extra torches or flasks of oil, as
-appropriate. There are rumors of objects of exceptional power which
-glow with their own never-ending light.
-***** <Objects>
-=== Objects In The Dungeon ===
-The dungeons are full of objects just waiting to be picked up and used.
-How did they get there? Well, the main sources for useful items are all
-the foolish adventurers that proceeded into the dungeon before you.
-They get killed, and the helpful creatures scatter the various treasure
-throughout the dungeon. Most cursed items are placed there by the
-joyful evil sorcerers, who enjoy a good joke when it gets you killed.
-One item in particular will be discussed here. The scroll of "Word of
-Recall" can be found within the dungeon, or bought at the temple in
-town. It acts in two manners, depending upon your current location.
-If read within the dungeon, it will teleport you back to town. If read
-in town, it will teleport you back down to the deepest level of the
-dungeon which your character has previously been on. This makes the
-scroll very useful for getting back to the deeper levels of Hengband.
-Once the scroll has been read it takes a while for the spell to act, so
-don't expect it to save you in a crisis. Reading a second scroll before
-the first has had a chance to take effect will cancel both scrolls.
-Since an accidental dive to a new depth (via a trapdoor, for example),
-may result in the Word of Recall dungeon depth being 'broken', so to
-speak (meaning that the next Word of Recall in town will take you back
-deeper than you would like to), there is a new feature in Hengband
-which allows you to read a scroll of Word of Recall on a different
-level and 'reset' the recall depth to that level (instead of the
-deepest level).
-A more complete description of Hengband objects is found elsewhere in
-the documentation (see object.txt [c]).
-***** <Mining>
-=== Mining ===
-Much of the treasure within the dungeon can be found only by mining it
-out of the walls. Many rich strikes exist within each level, but must
-be found and mined. Quartz veins are the richest, yielding the most
-metals and gems, but magma veins will have some hordes hidden within.
-Mining is rather difficult without a pick or shovel. Picks and shovels
-have an additional magical ability expressed as '(+#)'. The higher the
-number, the better the magical digging ability of the tool. A pick or
-shovel also has plusses to hit and damage, and can be used as a weapon,
-because, in fact, it is one.
-When a vein of quartz or magma is located, the character may wield his
-pick or shovel and begin digging out a section. When that section is
-removed, he can locate another section of the vein and begin the
-process again. Since granite rock is much harder to dig through, it is
-much faster to follow the vein exactly and dig around the granite.
-There is an option for highlighting magma and quartz. At a certain
-point, it becomes more cumbersome to dig out treasure than to simply
-kill monsters and discover items in the dungeon to sell. However, early
-on mineral veins can be a wonderful source of easy treasure.
-If the character has a scroll, staff, or spell of treasure location, he
-can immediately locate all strikes of treasure within a vein shown on
-the screen. This makes mining much easier and more profitable.
-Note that a character with high strength and/or a heavy weapon does not
-need a shovel/pick to dig, but even the strongest character will
-benefit from a pick if trying to dig through a granite wall.
-It is sometimes possible to get a character trapped within the dungeon
-by using various magical spells and items. So it can be a good idea to
-always carry some kind of digging tool, even when you are not planning
-on tunneling for treasure.
-There are rumors of certain incredibly profitable rooms buried deep in
-the dungeon and completely surrounded by titanium and granite walls,
-requiring a digging implement or magical means to enter. The same
-rumors imply that these rooms are guarded by incredibly powerful
-monsters, so beware!
-***** <StairsDoorsEtc>
-=== Staircases, Secret Doors, Passages, and Rooms ===
-Staircases are the manner in which you get deeper or climb out of the
-dungeon. The symbols for the up and down staircases are the same as the
-commands to use them. A "<" represents an up staircase and a ">"
-represents a down staircase. You must move your character over the
-staircase before you can use it.
-Each level has at least one up staircase and at least two down
-staircases. There are no exceptions to this rule. You may have trouble
-finding some well hidden secret doors, or you may have to dig through
-obstructions to get to them, but you can always find the stairs if you
-look hard enough. Stairs, like titanium walls, and the doors into
-shops, cannot be destroyed by any means.
-Many secret doors are used within the dungeon to confuse and demoralize
-adventurers foolish enough to enter. But with some luck, and lots of
-concentration, you can find these secret doors. Secret doors will
-sometimes hide rooms or corridors, or even entire sections of that
-level of the dungeon. Sometimes they simply hide small empty closets or
-even dead ends. Secret doors always look like granite walls, just like
-traps always look like normal floors.
-Creatures in the dungeon will generally know and use these secret
-doors, and can often be counted on to leave them open behind them when
-they pass through.
-Doors can be broken down by bashing them. Once a door is bashed open,
-it is forever useless and cannot be closed.
-***** <Feelings>
-=== Level Feelings ===
-Once you have been on a particular dungeon level for a while, you will
-receive a 'feeling' prompt representing what your intuition tells you
-about the quality of objects and the difficulty of the monsters found
-on that level. You may check this prompt again at any time after
-receiving it by pressing 'Ctrl-F'.
-The actual 'feeling' prompt is generated based on a number of factors.
-Things which increase the feeling level include the presence of vaults
-and certain other special rooms, out of depth objects and monsters and
-objects of a certain quality (for example, ego items, artifacts and
-other objects that are considered 'great' (see objects.txt)). A feeling
-is only indicative of the level at the time you entered it and has no
-impact on subsequent monsters generated or items dropped.
-In Hengband, the nastier the feeling prompt, the better the level. From
-worst to best, the prompts are as follows:
-     'What a boring place...'
-     'This level looks reasonably safe.'
-     'You don't like the look of this place.'
-     'You feel your luck is turning...'
-     'You feel nervous.'
-     'You have a bad feeling...'
-     'You have a very bad feeling...'
-     'This level looks very dangerous.'
-     'You nearly faint as horrible visions of death fill your mind!'
-If your personality is 'Lucky' or you have the mutation of 'white
-aura', the prompts will be changed as follows:
-     'What a boring place...'
-     'This level can't be all bad...'
-     'You like the look of this place...'
-     'You feel your luck is turning...'
-     'You feel strangely lucky...'
-     'You have a good feeling...'
-     'You have a very good feeling...'
-     'You have an excellent feeling...'
-     'You have a superb feeling about this level.'
-Hengband also uses two other feeling prompts to denote special things.
-If you have not yet been on a level long enough to qualify for a prompt
-and press 'Ctrl-F', you will be given the prompt:
-     'Looks like any other level.'
-If you are playing in non-preserve mode, you may also occasionally
-receive the following prompt:
-     'You feel there is something special about this level.'
-A special feeling means one of two things, there is either a special
-room or vault on the level or there is an artifact on the level. As you
-get deeper on the dungeon, special feelings become increasingly less
-common for special room and vaults and are only commonly given when an
-artifact has been generated. Note it is possible that there could be
-both a vault and an artifact or more than one artifact on a special
-level so you should never leave a special level without fully exploring
-it unless your character's continued survival is in question.
-***** <RandomQuests>
-=== Random Quests ===
-During character generation, you will be asked to input the number of
-random quests you wish to participate in. You may choose any number
-from 0 to 10. Random quests are always of the type 'Kill an out-of
-depth unique monster'. There is a limit to the number of levels a
-random quest monster may be out-of-depth but these quests can still be
-very dangerous.
-Random quests appear on level 6, 12, 24, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 76 and
-88.  On entering a random quest level you will be told what the quest
-monster is (for example, 'Beware, this level is protected by The
-On random quest levels, no down staircases are generated until the
-last monster is killed which means that you cannot continue further
-into the dungeon until you have completed your quests. When you kill
-the quest monster, the down staircase will be created and the monster
-will drop an item of 'excellent' quality or above. This is true even
-of monsters that do not normally drop items.
-If the quest monster is too strong for you, simply run away using up
-staircase or recall. In such case, the quest will be treated as
-'failed' and you cannot challenge that quest never again.
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] command.txt
-***** [c] object.txt
+=== The Dungeon ===
+Although Hengband contains an extensive town level featuring multiple
+towns and a large wilderness area, the bulk of your adventuring will
+take place in the dungeon. Symbols appearing on your screen will
+represent the dungeon's walls, floor, objects, features, and creatures
+lurking about. In order to direct your character through his adventure,
+you will enter single character commands (see command.txt [b]).
+***** <MapSymbols>
+=== Symbols On Your Map ===
+Symbols on your map can be broken down into three categories: Features
+of the dungeon such as walls, floor, doors, and traps; Objects which
+can be picked up such as treasure, weapons, magical devices, etc; and
+creatures which may or may not move about the dungeon, but are mostly
+harmful to your character's well being.
+Some symbols are used to represent more than one type of entity, and
+some symbols are used to represent entities in more than one category.
+The "@" symbol (by default) is used to represent the character.
+It will not be necessary to remember all of the symbols and their
+meanings. The "slash" command ("/") will identify any character
+appearing on your map
+Note that you can use a "user pref file" to change any of these symbols
+to something you are more comfortable with.
+--- Features that do not block line of sight ---
+  [[[[w|.|   Floor                       [[[[v|*|   A Mirror                     
+  [[[[w|.|   A trap (hidden)             [[[[y|;|   A glyph of warding             
+  [[[[w|^|   A trap (known)              [[[[R|;|   A explosive rune             
+  [[[[u|.|   Dirt                        [[[[B|*|   Section of the Pattern  
+  [[[[g|.|   Patch of grass              [[[[b|*|   Section of the Pattern  
+  [[[[G|:|   Flower                      [[[[U|1|   General Store             
+  [[[[g|:|   Brake                       [[[[s|2|   Armoury                     
+  [[[[B|.|   Swamp                       [[[[w|3|   Weapon Smiths             
+  [[[[B|~|   Shallow Water               [[[[g|4|   Temple                     
+  [[[[b|~|   Deep Water                  [[[[b|5|   Alchemy Shop             
+  [[[[U|~|   Shallow Lava                [[[[r|6|   Magic Shop                     
+  [[[[r|~|   Deep Lava                   [[[[D|7|   Black Market             
+  [[[[D|#|   Dark pit                    [[[[y|8|   Home                     
+  [[[[U|'|   An open door                [[[[o|9|   Bookstore                     
+  [[[[u|'|   A broken door               [[[[v|0|   Museum                     
+  [[[[w|<|   A staircase up              [[[[B|+|   Other building             
+  [[[[w|>|   A staircase down            [[[[v|+|   Other building          
+  [[[[U|<|   A shaft up                       
+  [[[[U|>|   A shaft down                   
+  [[[[v|>|   An entrance to dungeon
+  [[[[y|>|   quest entrance
+--- Features that block line of sight ---
+  [[[[w|#|   A granite wall              [[[[G|#|   A Tree          
+  [[[[s|%|   A magma vein                [[[[o|^|   Mountain chain  
+  [[[[w|%|   A quartz vein               [[[[U|+|   A door          
+  [[[[w|#|   A secret door               [[[[w|:|   A pile of rubble
+  [[[[o|*|   Treasure in wall
+***** <WithinDungeon>
+=== Within The Dungeon ===
+Once your character is adequately supplied with food, light, armor, and
+weapons, he is ready to enter the dungeon. Move on top of the '>'
+symbol and use the "Down" command (">").
+Your character will enter a maze of interconnecting staircases and
+finally arrive somewhere on the first level of the dungeon. Each level
+of the dungeon is fifty feet high (thus dungeon level "Lev 1" is often
+called "50 ft"), and is divided into (large) rectangular regions
+(several times larger than the screen) by titanium walls. Once you
+leave a level by a staircase, you will never again find your way back
+to that region of that level, but there are an infinite number of other
+regions at that same "depth" that you can explore later. So be careful
+that you have found all the treasure before you leave a level, or you
+may never find it again! The monsters, of course, can use the stairs,
+and you may eventually encounter them again.
+In the dungeon, there are many things to find, but your character must
+survive many horrible and challenging encounters to find the treasure
+lying about and take it safely back to the town to sell.
+There are two sources for light once inside the dungeon. Permanent
+light which has been magically placed within rooms, and a light source
+carried by the player. If neither is present, the character will be
+unable to see. This will affect searching, picking locks, disarming
+traps, reading scrolls, casting spells, browsing books, etc. So be very
+careful not to run out of light!
+A character must wield a torch or lamp in order to supply his own
+light. A torch or lamp burns fuel as it is used, and once it is out of
+fuel, it stops supplying light. You will be warned as the light
+approaches this point. You may use the "Fuel" command ("F") to refuel
+your lantern (with flasks of oil) or your torch (with other torches),
+so it is a good idea to carry extra torches or flasks of oil, as
+appropriate. There are rumors of objects of exceptional power which
+glow with their own never-ending light.
+***** <Objects>
+=== Objects In The Dungeon ===
+The dungeons are full of objects just waiting to be picked up and used.
+How did they get there? Well, the main sources for useful items are all
+the foolish adventurers that proceeded into the dungeon before you.
+They get killed, and the helpful creatures scatter the various treasure
+throughout the dungeon. Most cursed items are placed there by the
+joyful evil sorcerers, who enjoy a good joke when it gets you killed.
+One item in particular will be discussed here. The scroll of "Word of
+Recall" can be found within the dungeon, or bought at the temple in
+town. It acts in two manners, depending upon your current location.
+If read within the dungeon, it will teleport you back to town. If read
+in town, it will teleport you back down to the deepest level of the
+dungeon which your character has previously been on. This makes the
+scroll very useful for getting back to the deeper levels of Hengband.
+Once the scroll has been read it takes a while for the spell to act, so
+don't expect it to save you in a crisis. Reading a second scroll before
+the first has had a chance to take effect will cancel both scrolls.
+Since an accidental dive to a new depth (via a trapdoor, for example),
+may result in the Word of Recall dungeon depth being 'broken', so to
+speak (meaning that the next Word of Recall in town will take you back
+deeper than you would like to), there is a new feature in Hengband
+which allows you to read a scroll of Word of Recall on a different
+level and 'reset' the recall depth to that level (instead of the
+deepest level).
+A more complete description of Hengband objects is found elsewhere in
+the documentation (see object.txt [c]).
+***** <Mining>
+=== Mining ===
+Much of the treasure within the dungeon can be found only by mining it
+out of the walls. Many rich strikes exist within each level, but must
+be found and mined. Quartz veins are the richest, yielding the most
+metals and gems, but magma veins will have some hordes hidden within.
+Mining is rather difficult without a pick or shovel. Picks and shovels
+have an additional magical ability expressed as '(+#)'. The higher the
+number, the better the magical digging ability of the tool. A pick or
+shovel also has plusses to hit and damage, and can be used as a weapon,
+because, in fact, it is one.
+When a vein of quartz or magma is located, the character may wield his
+pick or shovel and begin digging out a section. When that section is
+removed, he can locate another section of the vein and begin the
+process again. Since granite rock is much harder to dig through, it is
+much faster to follow the vein exactly and dig around the granite.
+There is an option for highlighting magma and quartz. At a certain
+point, it becomes more cumbersome to dig out treasure than to simply
+kill monsters and discover items in the dungeon to sell. However, early
+on mineral veins can be a wonderful source of easy treasure.
+If the character has a scroll, staff, or spell of treasure location, he
+can immediately locate all strikes of treasure within a vein shown on
+the screen. This makes mining much easier and more profitable.
+Note that a character with high strength and/or a heavy weapon does not
+need a shovel/pick to dig, but even the strongest character will
+benefit from a pick if trying to dig through a granite wall.
+It is sometimes possible to get a character trapped within the dungeon
+by using various magical spells and items. So it can be a good idea to
+always carry some kind of digging tool, even when you are not planning
+on tunneling for treasure.
+There are rumors of certain incredibly profitable rooms buried deep in
+the dungeon and completely surrounded by titanium and granite walls,
+requiring a digging implement or magical means to enter. The same
+rumors imply that these rooms are guarded by incredibly powerful
+monsters, so beware!
+***** <StairsDoorsEtc>
+=== Staircases, Secret Doors, Passages, and Rooms ===
+Staircases are the manner in which you get deeper or climb out of the
+dungeon. The symbols for the up and down staircases are the same as the
+commands to use them. A "<" represents an up staircase and a ">"
+represents a down staircase. You must move your character over the
+staircase before you can use it.
+Each level has at least one up staircase and at least two down
+staircases. There are no exceptions to this rule. You may have trouble
+finding some well hidden secret doors, or you may have to dig through
+obstructions to get to them, but you can always find the stairs if you
+look hard enough. Stairs, like titanium walls, and the doors into
+shops, cannot be destroyed by any means.
+Many secret doors are used within the dungeon to confuse and demoralize
+adventurers foolish enough to enter. But with some luck, and lots of
+concentration, you can find these secret doors. Secret doors will
+sometimes hide rooms or corridors, or even entire sections of that
+level of the dungeon. Sometimes they simply hide small empty closets or
+even dead ends. Secret doors always look like granite walls, just like
+traps always look like normal floors.
+Creatures in the dungeon will generally know and use these secret
+doors, and can often be counted on to leave them open behind them when
+they pass through.
+Doors can be broken down by bashing them. Once a door is bashed open,
+it is forever useless and cannot be closed.
+***** <Feelings>
+=== Level Feelings ===
+Once you have been on a particular dungeon level for a while, you will
+receive a 'feeling' prompt representing what your intuition tells you
+about the quality of objects and the difficulty of the monsters found
+on that level. You may check this prompt again at any time after
+receiving it by pressing 'Ctrl-F'.
+The actual 'feeling' prompt is generated based on a number of factors.
+Things which increase the feeling level include the presence of vaults
+and certain other special rooms, out of depth objects and monsters and
+objects of a certain quality (for example, ego items, artifacts and
+other objects that are considered 'great' (see objects.txt)). A feeling
+is only indicative of the level at the time you entered it and has no
+impact on subsequent monsters generated or items dropped.
+In Hengband, the nastier the feeling prompt, the better the level. From
+worst to best, the prompts are as follows:
+     'What a boring place...'
+     'This level looks reasonably safe.'
+     'You don't like the look of this place.'
+     'You feel your luck is turning...'
+     'You feel nervous.'
+     'You have a bad feeling...'
+     'You have a very bad feeling...'
+     'This level looks very dangerous.'
+     'You nearly faint as horrible visions of death fill your mind!'
+If your personality is 'Lucky' or you have the mutation of 'white
+aura', the prompts will be changed as follows:
+     'What a boring place...'
+     'This level can't be all bad...'
+     'You like the look of this place...'
+     'You feel your luck is turning...'
+     'You feel strangely lucky...'
+     'You have a good feeling...'
+     'You have a very good feeling...'
+     'You have an excellent feeling...'
+     'You have a superb feeling about this level.'
+Hengband also uses two other feeling prompts to denote special things.
+If you have not yet been on a level long enough to qualify for a prompt
+and press 'Ctrl-F', you will be given the prompt:
+     'Looks like any other level.'
+If you are playing in non-preserve mode, you may also occasionally
+receive the following prompt:
+     'You feel there is something special about this level.'
+A special feeling means one of two things, there is either a special
+room or vault on the level or there is an artifact on the level. As you
+get deeper on the dungeon, special feelings become increasingly less
+common for special room and vaults and are only commonly given when an
+artifact has been generated. Note it is possible that there could be
+both a vault and an artifact or more than one artifact on a special
+level so you should never leave a special level without fully exploring
+it unless your character's continued survival is in question.
+***** <RandomQuests>
+=== Random Quests ===
+During character generation, you will be asked to input the number of
+random quests you wish to participate in. You may choose any number
+from 0 to 10. Random quests are always of the type 'Kill an out-of
+depth unique monster'. There is a limit to the number of levels a
+random quest monster may be out-of-depth but these quests can still be
+very dangerous.
+Random quests appear on level 6, 12, 24, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 76 and
+88.  On entering a random quest level you will be told what the quest
+monster is (for example, 'Beware, this level is protected by The
+On random quest levels, no down staircases are generated until the
+last monster is killed which means that you cannot continue further
+into the dungeon until you have completed your quests. When you kill
+the quest monster, the down staircase will be created and the monster
+will drop an item of 'excellent' quality or above. This is true even
+of monsters that do not normally drop items.
+If the quest monster is too strong for you, simply run away using up
+staircase or recall. In such case, the quest will be treated as
+'failed' and you cannot challenge that quest never again.
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] command.txt
+***** [c] object.txt

Modified: trunk/lib/help/editor.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/editor.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/editor.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,341 +1,341 @@
-[[[[G|=== Auto-Picker/Destroyer Editor ===
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) The Basics of Auto-picker Editor      (#Editor)            
-    (b) Cur and Paste                         (#CutAndPaste)       
-    (c) Register to Auto-picker               (#RegisterName)      
-    (d) Insert Name from your Inventory       (#InsertObjectName)  
-    (e) Insert Fixed Keyword                  (#InsertKeyword)     
-    (f) Change Multiple Lines at Once         (#MultiLines)        
-    (g) Conditionals                          (#Conditionals)      
-    (h) Auto Register an Item without Editor  (#AutoRegister)      
-    (i) Format of Auto-picker/destroyer       (#AutopickFormat)      
-    (j) Format of Conditionals                (#ConditionFormat)     
-    (k) Sample Preference File                (lib/pref/pickpref.prf)
-***** [a] editor.txt#Editor
-***** [b] editor.txt#CutAndPaste
-***** [c] editor.txt#RegisterName
-***** [d] editor.txt#InsertObjectName
-***** [e] editor.txt#InsertKeyword
-***** [f] editor.txt#MultiLines
-***** [g] editor.txt#Conditionals
-***** [h] editor.txt#AutoRegister
-***** [i] editor.txt#AutopickFormat
-***** [j] editor.txt#ConditionFormat
-***** [k] ../pref/pickpref.prf
-***** <Editor>
-[[[[G|--- The Basics of Auto-picker Editor ---
-The "auto-picker editor" is a special text editor to write preferences
-for auto-picker/destroyer.
-To open the editor, you can press the _ key in the game or choose
-"(P) Auto-picker/destroyer editor" in the options panel (=).
-Like normal text editor, you can move the cursor by Left, Right, Up,
-Down arrow keys, and Home, End, PageUp, and PageDown keys.  And any
-letter keys pressed are written as a text.
-Press ^W to finish the edito.  All changes will be saved automatically.
-Or press ^Q to quit and discard all changes.
-Press ESC to open a command menu.
-| a) Help                   |
-| b) Quit without save   ^Q |
-| c) Save & Quit         ^W |
-| d) Revert all changes  ^Z |
-| e) Edit                 > |
-| f) Search               > |
-| g) Move cursor          > |
-| h) Insert...            > |
-| i) Adjective (general)  > |
-| j) Adjective (special)  > |
-| k) Keywords (noun)      > |
-| l) Command letter       > |
-Press a-l to choose a command or open a sub-menu.  Also you can press
-^Q, ^Z, etc. to use commands without opening this menu.
-***** <CutAndPaste>
-[[[[G|--- Cur and Paste
-Cut and Paste are useful when you want to write many similer lines, or
-want to swap lines.
-Open submenu "e) Edit >",
-| a) Cut               ^X |
-| b) Copy              ^C |
-| c) Paste             ^V |
-| d) Select block      ^G |
-| e) Kill rest of line ^K |
-| f) Delete character  ^D |
-| g) Backspace         ^H |
-| h) Return            ^J |
-| i) Return            ^M |
-You can select a segment of the text using shift key + arrow keys.
-Selected text will be displayed in yellow.  You can press ^X to cut
-the selected text, or press ^C to copy the selected text to the
-clipboard.  Contents of the clipboard will be pasted on pressing ^V.
-Note that it's possible that Hengband cannot recognize shift+arrow
-keys on a minor environment.  In that case, you can press ^G and then
-move cursor to select text.
-***** <RegisterName>
-[[[[G|--- Register to Auto-picker ---
-***** <InsertObjectName>
-[[[[G|--- Insert Name from your Inventory ---
-***** <InsertKeyword>
-[[[[G|--- Insert Fixed Keyword ---
-***** <MultiLines>
-[[[[G|--- Change Multiple Lines at Once ---
-***** <Conditionals>
-[[[[G|--- Conditionals ---
-***** <AutoRegister>
-[[[[G|--- Auto Register an Item without Editor ---
-***** <AutopickFormat>
-[[[[G|--- Format of Auto-picker/destroyer ---
-Hengband can automatically pick up or destroy specified objects when
-you write objects name in the file "pickpref.prf" or
-"pickpref-<<playername>>.prf" in the user directory, this will be
-~/.angband/Hengband/ for UNIX, or Hengband\lib\user\ for other
-operating systems.
-The game will read the file "pickpref-<<playername>>.prf" first and
-then read the file "pickpref.prf".  The first-read file takes
-You may use the '$' command within the game to reread auto-picker
-Maximum number of active lines is 1009.
-A line with a header '#' is a comment.
---- Editing the file ---
-Command letter:
-      Each line determines the actions taken when you step over a kind
-  of object.  Starting a line with '!' indicates that you wish to
-  destroy this kind of object.  Starting a line with '~' indicates
-  that you wish to leave this kind of object on the floor.  Starting a
-  line with ';' indicates that you wish to force the game to ask you
-  if you want to pick the item up or not.  Otherwise, your character
-  will automatically attempt to pick up the object.
-       There is an additional command letter '('.  It indicates that
-  you don't wish this item to be displayed in full map. see below.
-  Notes:
-  If you want to disable the effect of the '!' indicator temporally,
-  use 'always_pickup' option.
-       After the command letter may come one or more keywords.  They are:
-  all               : All items match.
-  collecting        : Matches if you already have that same item.
-  unaware           : Items with unknown effects match.
-  unidentified      : Unidentified items match.
-  identified        : Identified items match.
-  *identified*      : *Identified* items match.
-  dice boosted      : Weapons with boosted damage dice match.
-  more than N dice  : Weapons with dice (dd * ds) better than +N match.
-  more bonus than N : Items which has more magical bonus than (+N) match.
-  worthless         : Items which you cannot sell match.
-  artifact          : Artifacts items match.
-  ego               : Ego items match.
-  good              : {good} items match.
-  nameless          : Non ego/non artifact items match.
-  average           : {average} items match.
-  rare              : Rare equipment such as Dragon armors etc. match.
-  common            : Any equipments except 'rare' equipment match.
-  wanted            : Wanted monster's corpses or skeletons match.
-  unique monster's  : Unique monster's corpses, skeletons or statues match.
-  human             : Human corpses or skeletons match.
-  unreadable        : Spellbooks other than those you can read match.
-  first realm's     : Your first magic realm's spellbooks match.
-  second realm's    : Your second magic realm's spellbooks match.
-  first             : First one of four spellbooks in each realm match.
-  second            : Second one of four spellbooks in each realm match.
-  third             : Third one of four spellbooks in each realm match.
-  fourth            : Fourth one of four spellbooks in each realm match.
-  items             : All items match. Use it with an adjective for 
-                      readability (i.e. "unaware items").
-  weapons           : All weapons including missile weapons match.
-  armors            : All armors match.
-  missiles          : Arrows, bolts, and shots match.
-  magical devices   : Wands, staffs, rods and scrolls match.
-  lights            : Light sources match.
-  junks             : Junk items like Shard of Pottery or etc. match.
-  corpses or skeletons : Corpses or skeletons of monsters match.
-  spellbooks        : All books match.
-  favorite weapons  : Weapons suitable for your class (for Priest, Monk,
-                      BeastMaster, ForceTrainer, Cavalry, and Ninja)
-  You may also use keywords which match specified kinds of equipment:
-  weapons, armors, missiles, magical devices, lights, junks, spellbooks, 
-  hafted weapons, shields, bows, rings, amulets, suits, cloaks, helms, 
-  gloves, boots
-Character strings:
-       After the keywords, you may write a character string. Only items 
-  whose name contains this character string as part of their name match. 
-  Upper or lower case makes no difference.
-       You must insert a ':' between your special keywords and character 
-  string, if both exist in one line.
-Force start-of-line matching:
-  If the first character in a character string is '^', then the 
-  character string must match the beginning of a line.
-!Mace           // Destroy Maces and Lead-Filled Maces.
-!^Mace          // Destroy only Maces.
-!worthless items
-Meaning:  "destroy all items that are worthless"
-unaware potion
-Meaning:  "pick up all unaware potions"
-~unidentified lites
-Meaning:  "leave all unidentified light sources on the ground"
-unidentified more than 25 dice weapons
-Meaning:  "pick up all weapons with dice that total more than 25.  A 
-     weapon that is 2d13 qualifies, a weapon that is 5d5 does not."
-Meaning:  "pick up anything that includes in its name the word 
-potion of Experience
-Meaning:  "pick up anything named 'potion of experience'"
-Meaning:  "Pick up light sources named stone"
-Meaning:  "Pick up gauntlets of slaying. Not rings of slaying."
-Special Notes:
-  Lines will be evaluated in order, and first matched line will be 
-  applied. So you can write names of specific excellent items to pick 
-  up, followed by a general item name with '!' to destroy useless items.
-  ! Tips
-  !     In full map command ('M'), you can press M, N, K, or D to 
-  ! display locations of items for auto-pickup, leaving, auto-destroy 
-  ! or both auto-pickup and leaving.
-  !     Additional command letter '(' prevents this display.
-  !
-  If you begin the last string in a line with '#', this string will
-  be automatically inscribed on the item.
-  Strict syntax of each line is below.
-  [! ~ ; (]
-  [[all] [collecting]
-   [unaware] [unidentified] [identified] [*identified*] 
-   [artifact] [ego] [good] [nameless] [average]
-   [worthless] [rare] [common]
-   [dice boosted] [more than N dice] [more bonus than N] 
-   [wanted] [unique monster's] [human] [unreadable] 
-   [first realm's] [second realm's] [first] [second] [third] [fourth] 
-   [items | weapons | favorite weapons | armors | missiles |
-    magical devices | lights | junks | corpses or skeletons | spellbooks |
-    hafted weapons | shields | bows | rings | amulets | suits | cloaks |
-    helms | gloves | boots] :]
-  [[^]part-of-item-name] [#auto-inscription-string]
-***** <ConditionFormat>
-[[[[G|--- Format of Conditionals ---
-  The lines of pickpref.prf can be disabled/enabled using 
-  conditional expressions. 
-  The syntax is the same as that of other preference files.
-  - usage of condition expressions
-    ?:expr
-      If result of expr is "0", all lines below are disabled.
-      If result of expr is "1", all lines below are enabled.
-      Caution:It cannot be nested.
-  - usage to include other file
-    %:filename
-      Read a file named 'filename' as a new pick-pref file. The file 
-      must be in the user directory.
-  - usage of operators
-    [EQU arg1 arg2 ...]
-      If all args are the same as arg1, returns "1", or else returns "0".
-    [IOR arg1 arg2 ...]
-    [AND arg1 arg2 ...]
-      IOR evaluates and returns all args' logical OR. IAND is logical AND.
-    [NOT arg]
-      Returns "0" if arg is "1", or else returns "1"
-    [LEQ arg1 arg2 ...]
-    [GEQ arg1 arg2 ...]
-      Compare args as string. LEQ returns "1" if (arg1 <= arg2 <= ...) ,
-      GEQ returns "1" if (arg1 >= arg2 >= ...) otherwise returns "0".
-  - Special variables
-    $RACE
-     Returns name of player race. One of below:
-      Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Hobbit, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Orc,
-      Half-Troll, Amberite, High-Elf, Barbarian, Half-Ogre,
-      Half-Giant, Half-Titan, Cyclops, Yeek, Klackon, Kobold,
-      Nibelung, Dark-Elf, Draconian, Mindflayer, Imp, Golem,
-      Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Spectre, Sprite, Beastman, Ent,
-      Archon, Balrog, Dunadan, Shadow-Fairy, Kutar, Android,
-    $CLASS
-     Returns name of player class. One of below:
-      Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, Paladin,
-      Warrior-Mage, Chaos-Warrior, Monk, Mindcrafter, High-Mage,
-      Tourist, Imitator, BeastMaster, Sorcerer, Archer,
-      Magic-Eater, Bard, Red-Mage, Samurai, ForceTrainer,
-      Blue-Mage, Cavalry, Berserker, Weaponsmith, Mirror-Master,
-      Ninja, Sniper
-    $PLAYER
-     Returns player name.
-    $REALM1
-     Returns player's first magic realm
-      none, Life, Sorcery, Nature, Chaos, Death, Trump Arcane,
-      Craft, Daemon, Crusade, Music, Kendo, Hex
-    $REALM2
-     Returns player's second magic realm
-    $LEVEL
-     Returns player level as two-character string.
-      Ex. "01","09","10","50" etc.
-    $MONEY
-     Returns player money as 9 character string.
-      Ex. "000012345" etc.
+[[[[G|=== Auto-Picker/Destroyer Editor ===
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) The Basics of Auto-picker Editor      (#Editor)            
+    (b) Cur and Paste                         (#CutAndPaste)       
+    (c) Register to Auto-picker               (#RegisterName)      
+    (d) Insert Name from your Inventory       (#InsertObjectName)  
+    (e) Insert Fixed Keyword                  (#InsertKeyword)     
+    (f) Change Multiple Lines at Once         (#MultiLines)        
+    (g) Conditionals                          (#Conditionals)      
+    (h) Auto Register an Item without Editor  (#AutoRegister)      
+    (i) Format of Auto-picker/destroyer       (#AutopickFormat)      
+    (j) Format of Conditionals                (#ConditionFormat)     
+    (k) Sample Preference File                (lib/pref/pickpref.prf)
+***** [a] editor.txt#Editor
+***** [b] editor.txt#CutAndPaste
+***** [c] editor.txt#RegisterName
+***** [d] editor.txt#InsertObjectName
+***** [e] editor.txt#InsertKeyword
+***** [f] editor.txt#MultiLines
+***** [g] editor.txt#Conditionals
+***** [h] editor.txt#AutoRegister
+***** [i] editor.txt#AutopickFormat
+***** [j] editor.txt#ConditionFormat
+***** [k] ../pref/pickpref.prf
+***** <Editor>
+[[[[G|--- The Basics of Auto-picker Editor ---
+The "auto-picker editor" is a special text editor to write preferences
+for auto-picker/destroyer.
+To open the editor, you can press the _ key in the game or choose
+"(P) Auto-picker/destroyer editor" in the options panel (=).
+Like normal text editor, you can move the cursor by Left, Right, Up,
+Down arrow keys, and Home, End, PageUp, and PageDown keys.  And any
+letter keys pressed are written as a text.
+Press ^W to finish the edito.  All changes will be saved automatically.
+Or press ^Q to quit and discard all changes.
+Press ESC to open a command menu.
+| a) Help                   |
+| b) Quit without save   ^Q |
+| c) Save & Quit         ^W |
+| d) Revert all changes  ^Z |
+| e) Edit                 > |
+| f) Search               > |
+| g) Move cursor          > |
+| h) Insert...            > |
+| i) Adjective (general)  > |
+| j) Adjective (special)  > |
+| k) Keywords (noun)      > |
+| l) Command letter       > |
+Press a-l to choose a command or open a sub-menu.  Also you can press
+^Q, ^Z, etc. to use commands without opening this menu.
+***** <CutAndPaste>
+[[[[G|--- Cur and Paste
+Cut and Paste are useful when you want to write many similer lines, or
+want to swap lines.
+Open submenu "e) Edit >",
+| a) Cut               ^X |
+| b) Copy              ^C |
+| c) Paste             ^V |
+| d) Select block      ^G |
+| e) Kill rest of line ^K |
+| f) Delete character  ^D |
+| g) Backspace         ^H |
+| h) Return            ^J |
+| i) Return            ^M |
+You can select a segment of the text using shift key + arrow keys.
+Selected text will be displayed in yellow.  You can press ^X to cut
+the selected text, or press ^C to copy the selected text to the
+clipboard.  Contents of the clipboard will be pasted on pressing ^V.
+Note that it's possible that Hengband cannot recognize shift+arrow
+keys on a minor environment.  In that case, you can press ^G and then
+move cursor to select text.
+***** <RegisterName>
+[[[[G|--- Register to Auto-picker ---
+***** <InsertObjectName>
+[[[[G|--- Insert Name from your Inventory ---
+***** <InsertKeyword>
+[[[[G|--- Insert Fixed Keyword ---
+***** <MultiLines>
+[[[[G|--- Change Multiple Lines at Once ---
+***** <Conditionals>
+[[[[G|--- Conditionals ---
+***** <AutoRegister>
+[[[[G|--- Auto Register an Item without Editor ---
+***** <AutopickFormat>
+[[[[G|--- Format of Auto-picker/destroyer ---
+Hengband can automatically pick up or destroy specified objects when
+you write objects name in the file "pickpref.prf" or
+"pickpref-<<playername>>.prf" in the user directory, this will be
+~/.angband/Hengband/ for UNIX, or Hengband\lib\user\ for other
+operating systems.
+The game will read the file "pickpref-<<playername>>.prf" first and
+then read the file "pickpref.prf".  The first-read file takes
+You may use the '$' command within the game to reread auto-picker
+Maximum number of active lines is 1009.
+A line with a header '#' is a comment.
+--- Editing the file ---
+Command letter:
+      Each line determines the actions taken when you step over a kind
+  of object.  Starting a line with '!' indicates that you wish to
+  destroy this kind of object.  Starting a line with '~' indicates
+  that you wish to leave this kind of object on the floor.  Starting a
+  line with ';' indicates that you wish to force the game to ask you
+  if you want to pick the item up or not.  Otherwise, your character
+  will automatically attempt to pick up the object.
+       There is an additional command letter '('.  It indicates that
+  you don't wish this item to be displayed in full map. see below.
+  Notes:
+  If you want to disable the effect of the '!' indicator temporally,
+  use 'always_pickup' option.
+       After the command letter may come one or more keywords.  They are:
+  all               : All items match.
+  collecting        : Matches if you already have that same item.
+  unaware           : Items with unknown effects match.
+  unidentified      : Unidentified items match.
+  identified        : Identified items match.
+  *identified*      : *Identified* items match.
+  dice boosted      : Weapons with boosted damage dice match.
+  more than N dice  : Weapons with dice (dd * ds) better than +N match.
+  more bonus than N : Items which has more magical bonus than (+N) match.
+  worthless         : Items which you cannot sell match.
+  artifact          : Artifacts items match.
+  ego               : Ego items match.
+  good              : {good} items match.
+  nameless          : Non ego/non artifact items match.
+  average           : {average} items match.
+  rare              : Rare equipment such as Dragon armors etc. match.
+  common            : Any equipments except 'rare' equipment match.
+  wanted            : Wanted monster's corpses or skeletons match.
+  unique monster's  : Unique monster's corpses, skeletons or statues match.
+  human             : Human corpses or skeletons match.
+  unreadable        : Spellbooks other than those you can read match.
+  first realm's     : Your first magic realm's spellbooks match.
+  second realm's    : Your second magic realm's spellbooks match.
+  first             : First one of four spellbooks in each realm match.
+  second            : Second one of four spellbooks in each realm match.
+  third             : Third one of four spellbooks in each realm match.
+  fourth            : Fourth one of four spellbooks in each realm match.
+  items             : All items match. Use it with an adjective for 
+                      readability (i.e. "unaware items").
+  weapons           : All weapons including missile weapons match.
+  armors            : All armors match.
+  missiles          : Arrows, bolts, and shots match.
+  magical devices   : Wands, staffs, rods and scrolls match.
+  lights            : Light sources match.
+  junks             : Junk items like Shard of Pottery or etc. match.
+  corpses or skeletons : Corpses or skeletons of monsters match.
+  spellbooks        : All books match.
+  favorite weapons  : Weapons suitable for your class (for Priest, Monk,
+                      BeastMaster, ForceTrainer, Cavalry, and Ninja)
+  You may also use keywords which match specified kinds of equipment:
+  weapons, armors, missiles, magical devices, lights, junks, spellbooks, 
+  hafted weapons, shields, bows, rings, amulets, suits, cloaks, helms, 
+  gloves, boots
+Character strings:
+       After the keywords, you may write a character string. Only items 
+  whose name contains this character string as part of their name match. 
+  Upper or lower case makes no difference.
+       You must insert a ':' between your special keywords and character 
+  string, if both exist in one line.
+Force start-of-line matching:
+  If the first character in a character string is '^', then the 
+  character string must match the beginning of a line.
+!Mace           // Destroy Maces and Lead-Filled Maces.
+!^Mace          // Destroy only Maces.
+!worthless items
+Meaning:  "destroy all items that are worthless"
+unaware potion
+Meaning:  "pick up all unaware potions"
+~unidentified lites
+Meaning:  "leave all unidentified light sources on the ground"
+unidentified more than 25 dice weapons
+Meaning:  "pick up all weapons with dice that total more than 25.  A 
+     weapon that is 2d13 qualifies, a weapon that is 5d5 does not."
+Meaning:  "pick up anything that includes in its name the word 
+potion of Experience
+Meaning:  "pick up anything named 'potion of experience'"
+Meaning:  "Pick up light sources named stone"
+Meaning:  "Pick up gauntlets of slaying. Not rings of slaying."
+Special Notes:
+  Lines will be evaluated in order, and first matched line will be 
+  applied. So you can write names of specific excellent items to pick 
+  up, followed by a general item name with '!' to destroy useless items.
+  ! Tips
+  !     In full map command ('M'), you can press M, N, K, or D to 
+  ! display locations of items for auto-pickup, leaving, auto-destroy 
+  ! or both auto-pickup and leaving.
+  !     Additional command letter '(' prevents this display.
+  !
+  If you begin the last string in a line with '#', this string will
+  be automatically inscribed on the item.
+  Strict syntax of each line is below.
+  [! ~ ; (]
+  [[all] [collecting]
+   [unaware] [unidentified] [identified] [*identified*] 
+   [artifact] [ego] [good] [nameless] [average]
+   [worthless] [rare] [common]
+   [dice boosted] [more than N dice] [more bonus than N] 
+   [wanted] [unique monster's] [human] [unreadable] 
+   [first realm's] [second realm's] [first] [second] [third] [fourth] 
+   [items | weapons | favorite weapons | armors | missiles |
+    magical devices | lights | junks | corpses or skeletons | spellbooks |
+    hafted weapons | shields | bows | rings | amulets | suits | cloaks |
+    helms | gloves | boots] :]
+  [[^]part-of-item-name] [#auto-inscription-string]
+***** <ConditionFormat>
+[[[[G|--- Format of Conditionals ---
+  The lines of pickpref.prf can be disabled/enabled using 
+  conditional expressions. 
+  The syntax is the same as that of other preference files.
+  - usage of condition expressions
+    ?:expr
+      If result of expr is "0", all lines below are disabled.
+      If result of expr is "1", all lines below are enabled.
+      Caution:It cannot be nested.
+  - usage to include other file
+    %:filename
+      Read a file named 'filename' as a new pick-pref file. The file 
+      must be in the user directory.
+  - usage of operators
+    [EQU arg1 arg2 ...]
+      If all args are the same as arg1, returns "1", or else returns "0".
+    [IOR arg1 arg2 ...]
+    [AND arg1 arg2 ...]
+      IOR evaluates and returns all args' logical OR. IAND is logical AND.
+    [NOT arg]
+      Returns "0" if arg is "1", or else returns "1"
+    [LEQ arg1 arg2 ...]
+    [GEQ arg1 arg2 ...]
+      Compare args as string. LEQ returns "1" if (arg1 <= arg2 <= ...) ,
+      GEQ returns "1" if (arg1 >= arg2 >= ...) otherwise returns "0".
+  - Special variables
+    $RACE
+     Returns name of player race. One of below:
+      Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Hobbit, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Orc,
+      Half-Troll, Amberite, High-Elf, Barbarian, Half-Ogre,
+      Half-Giant, Half-Titan, Cyclops, Yeek, Klackon, Kobold,
+      Nibelung, Dark-Elf, Draconian, Mindflayer, Imp, Golem,
+      Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Spectre, Sprite, Beastman, Ent,
+      Archon, Balrog, Dunadan, Shadow-Fairy, Kutar, Android,
+    $CLASS
+     Returns name of player class. One of below:
+      Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, Paladin,
+      Warrior-Mage, Chaos-Warrior, Monk, Mindcrafter, High-Mage,
+      Tourist, Imitator, BeastMaster, Sorcerer, Archer,
+      Magic-Eater, Bard, Red-Mage, Samurai, ForceTrainer,
+      Blue-Mage, Cavalry, Berserker, Weaponsmith, Mirror-Master,
+      Ninja, Sniper
+    $PLAYER
+     Returns player name.
+    $REALM1
+     Returns player's first magic realm
+      none, Life, Sorcery, Nature, Chaos, Death, Trump Arcane,
+      Craft, Daemon, Crusade, Music, Kendo, Hex
+    $REALM2
+     Returns player's second magic realm
+    $LEVEL
+     Returns player level as two-character string.
+      Ex. "01","09","10","50" etc.
+    $MONEY
+     Returns player money as 9 character string.
+      Ex. "000012345" etc.

Modified: trunk/lib/help/faq.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/faq.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/faq.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,147 +1,147 @@
-=========  Hengband FAQ  ==========
-Q. I want to play as an Android, Balrog, Golem, Skeleton, Zombie,
-   Spectre, or Ent.  But I can't find any scroll of satisfy hunger.
-   And Berserkers no longer have racial ability of satisfy hunger.
-   How do I avoid starvation?
-A. Scroll of Satisfy Hunger and Berserker's ability of Satisfy Hunger
-   are obsoleted.  And races which previously relied on Satisfy Hunger
-   have new sources of nutrition now; Android can quaff oil.  Balrogs
-   can sacrifice human corpse using the 'E'at command.  Golems,
-   Skeletons, Zombies, and Spectres can absorb mana from staves and
-   wands using the 'E'at command.  Ents can gain enough nutrition from
-   potions.
-Q. I got through the Yeek cave and I headed into the wilderness... and
-   I'm still there searching endlessly down one road after another
-   looking for a town.  Where are other towns and dungeons?
-A. You need to use the global wilderness map (press the < key on the
-   ground level).  This gives you a larger map of the world, where you
-   can travel to other towns and dungeons.  By the way, you should
-   read the readme_eng.txt and the on-line help.
-Q. I'm playing as a berserker, and cannot read scrolls.  How do I
-   remove curse?
-A. You can simply 't'ake off cursed equipments.  Since cursed
-   equipments are strongly sticking; you need to try 't'ake off
-   command many times.
-Q. I know Berserkers cannot use scrolls, and rods.  How do I recall
-   from dungeon?  Maybe I need to travel completely on foot!?
-A. Berserkers gain a class power 'Recall' at level 10.  Press the
-   'U'(original keyset) or 'O'(Roguelike keyset) to use class power.
-Q. Why Ninja have Iron Spikes at the start?
-A. Ninja can use Iron Spikes as shuriken; they can throw it as good
-   missile weapon.  Simply use 'v' command.
-Q. I'm at normal speed (+0). But normal speed monsters sometimes do
-   double or even triple move!
-A. On Hengband, amount of energy needed for a move is somewhat
-   randomized.  This method of speed system is an important feature of
-   Hengband, and is simulating real fighting.  So always expect that
-   your enemy can get two or three move.  Don't fight when your HP is
-   low, if you don't want to get instakill!
-Q. I tried to dual wield two weapons.  But I couldn't hit anything!
-A. You need to practice your dual wielding skill(proficiency level)
-   and your weapon skills.  Hitting high level monsters many times
-   will improve your skills.  Note that the information command '~'
-   reveals your proficiency levels.
-Q. How do skills(proficiency levels) work?
-A. Weapon proficiency levels and dual wielding proficiency levels
-   increase your to-hit bonus.  Spell proficiency levels decrease fail
-   rate and mana consumption rate of spells.  Riding proficiency level
-   gives you more speed when you are riding on a high speed monster,
-   and decreases risk of falling from your mount.
-Q. How do I increase proficiency level?
-A. Proficiency level of a weapon will increase when you hit a monster
-   whose level is high enough compared with your character level.
-   Proficiency level of a spell will increase when you cast the spell
-   at the dungeon level deep enough compared with the spell level.
-   Needed condition to increase riding proficiency level is rather
-   complex;  Generally, you need to hit a monster whose level is high
-   enough compared with current riding proficiency level or to shoot a
-   monster when ride on high level mount.
-Q. How do I ride on a monster?
-A. At first, summon, charm or capture some suitable monster. Then use
-   pet menu command 'p'.
-Q. How to use Capture Ball?
-A. Just equip it and activate 'A' to a dying monster.
-Q. I cannot hold a weapon and a shield without losing control of my
-   horse.  My horse runs aimlessly!
-A. You cannot directly control your mount unless you use one hand to
-   control your mount.  But you can command your mount.  Just use 'p'
-   command, and give your mount a target.  The horse which was given a
-   target will no longer run around aimlessly.
-Q. Where is the score server?  And how do I register my character
-   dumps?
-A. Here; 'http://hengband.sourceforge.jp/en/score.html'.
-   When you die, Hengband will ask you as 'Do you send score to the
-   world score server?'.  And if you answer 'y', Hengband will
-   automatically register your character dump and screen shot.
-Q. Are there spoiler for more details?
-A. Yes. Henkma is writing spoiler page for Hengband;
-   'http://www.kmc.gr.jp/~henkma/heng-e/index.html'
-Q. Who wrote Hengband?
-A. Hengband is mainly based on ZAngband 2.2.8 Japanese version.
-   ZAngband 2.2.8 Japanese version was developed by Mitsuhiro Itakura,
-   based on both ZAngband 2.2.8 and Angband 2.8.3 Japanese version,
-   and has some original features, for example, Auto-picker, in
-   addition to simple translation.
-   Hengband also includes codes from many other variants including
-   ToME, OAngband, etc.  Mr.Hoge wrote the first original part of
-   Hengband.  And currently, it is maintained by Hengband Development
-   Team including Mr.Hoge, Habu, Henkma, iks, Kuwa, Mogami and nsk.
-Q. Where is Hengband?
-A. Here: http://hengband.sourceforge.jp/en/
- Hengband FAQ written by Mogami
-Updated    : Hengband 1.5.4
+=========  Hengband FAQ  ==========
+Q. I want to play as an Android, Balrog, Golem, Skeleton, Zombie,
+   Spectre, or Ent.  But I can't find any scroll of satisfy hunger.
+   And Berserkers no longer have racial ability of satisfy hunger.
+   How do I avoid starvation?
+A. Scroll of Satisfy Hunger and Berserker's ability of Satisfy Hunger
+   are obsoleted.  And races which previously relied on Satisfy Hunger
+   have new sources of nutrition now; Android can quaff oil.  Balrogs
+   can sacrifice human corpse using the 'E'at command.  Golems,
+   Skeletons, Zombies, and Spectres can absorb mana from staves and
+   wands using the 'E'at command.  Ents can gain enough nutrition from
+   potions.
+Q. I got through the Yeek cave and I headed into the wilderness... and
+   I'm still there searching endlessly down one road after another
+   looking for a town.  Where are other towns and dungeons?
+A. You need to use the global wilderness map (press the < key on the
+   ground level).  This gives you a larger map of the world, where you
+   can travel to other towns and dungeons.  By the way, you should
+   read the readme_eng.txt and the on-line help.
+Q. I'm playing as a berserker, and cannot read scrolls.  How do I
+   remove curse?
+A. You can simply 't'ake off cursed equipments.  Since cursed
+   equipments are strongly sticking; you need to try 't'ake off
+   command many times.
+Q. I know Berserkers cannot use scrolls, and rods.  How do I recall
+   from dungeon?  Maybe I need to travel completely on foot!?
+A. Berserkers gain a class power 'Recall' at level 10.  Press the
+   'U'(original keyset) or 'O'(Roguelike keyset) to use class power.
+Q. Why Ninja have Iron Spikes at the start?
+A. Ninja can use Iron Spikes as shuriken; they can throw it as good
+   missile weapon.  Simply use 'v' command.
+Q. I'm at normal speed (+0). But normal speed monsters sometimes do
+   double or even triple move!
+A. On Hengband, amount of energy needed for a move is somewhat
+   randomized.  This method of speed system is an important feature of
+   Hengband, and is simulating real fighting.  So always expect that
+   your enemy can get two or three move.  Don't fight when your HP is
+   low, if you don't want to get instakill!
+Q. I tried to dual wield two weapons.  But I couldn't hit anything!
+A. You need to practice your dual wielding skill(proficiency level)
+   and your weapon skills.  Hitting high level monsters many times
+   will improve your skills.  Note that the information command '~'
+   reveals your proficiency levels.
+Q. How do skills(proficiency levels) work?
+A. Weapon proficiency levels and dual wielding proficiency levels
+   increase your to-hit bonus.  Spell proficiency levels decrease fail
+   rate and mana consumption rate of spells.  Riding proficiency level
+   gives you more speed when you are riding on a high speed monster,
+   and decreases risk of falling from your mount.
+Q. How do I increase proficiency level?
+A. Proficiency level of a weapon will increase when you hit a monster
+   whose level is high enough compared with your character level.
+   Proficiency level of a spell will increase when you cast the spell
+   at the dungeon level deep enough compared with the spell level.
+   Needed condition to increase riding proficiency level is rather
+   complex;  Generally, you need to hit a monster whose level is high
+   enough compared with current riding proficiency level or to shoot a
+   monster when ride on high level mount.
+Q. How do I ride on a monster?
+A. At first, summon, charm or capture some suitable monster. Then use
+   pet menu command 'p'.
+Q. How to use Capture Ball?
+A. Just equip it and activate 'A' to a dying monster.
+Q. I cannot hold a weapon and a shield without losing control of my
+   horse.  My horse runs aimlessly!
+A. You cannot directly control your mount unless you use one hand to
+   control your mount.  But you can command your mount.  Just use 'p'
+   command, and give your mount a target.  The horse which was given a
+   target will no longer run around aimlessly.
+Q. Where is the score server?  And how do I register my character
+   dumps?
+A. Here; 'http://hengband.sourceforge.jp/en/score.html'.
+   When you die, Hengband will ask you as 'Do you send score to the
+   world score server?'.  And if you answer 'y', Hengband will
+   automatically register your character dump and screen shot.
+Q. Are there spoiler for more details?
+A. Yes. Henkma is writing spoiler page for Hengband;
+   'http://www.kmc.gr.jp/~henkma/heng-e/index.html'
+Q. Who wrote Hengband?
+A. Hengband is mainly based on ZAngband 2.2.8 Japanese version.
+   ZAngband 2.2.8 Japanese version was developed by Mitsuhiro Itakura,
+   based on both ZAngband 2.2.8 and Angband 2.8.3 Japanese version,
+   and has some original features, for example, Auto-picker, in
+   addition to simple translation.
+   Hengband also includes codes from many other variants including
+   ToME, OAngband, etc.  Mr.Hoge wrote the first original part of
+   Hengband.  And currently, it is maintained by Hengband Development
+   Team including Mr.Hoge, Habu, Henkma, iks, Kuwa, Mogami and nsk.
+Q. Where is Hengband?
+A. Here: http://hengband.sourceforge.jp/en/
+ Hengband FAQ written by Mogami
+Updated    : Hengband 1.5.4

Modified: trunk/lib/help/gambling.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/gambling.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/gambling.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-=== Gambling Rules ===
-Between : Three 12-sided dice rolled; 2 black, 1 red. The red
-       die must be between both black to win. If the red die.
-       matches a black die, you lose. Pays 3 to 1
-Craps: Two dice are rolled. On first roll, a 7 or 11 wins. A
-       2,3 or 12 loses. Otherwise roll until the first roll
-       is matched (win) or a 7 is rolled (loss). Pays 2 to 1
-Wheel: Pick a number from 0-9. If the number shows on wheel
-       after it stops spinning, you win. Pays 10 to 1
-Slots: Three dice rolled. Matches win gold. Numbers are:
-       1=Lemon, 2=Orange, 3=Sword, 4=Shield, 5=Plum, 6=Cherry
-       Payoffs are as follows:
-       Cherry Cherry Lemon  2-1   Cherry Cherry Orange  3-1
-       Cherry Cherry Sword  4-1   Cherry Cherry Shield  5-1
-       Cherry Cherry Plum   6-1
-       Lemon Lemon Lemon    4-1   Orange Orange Orange 16-1
-       Sword Sword Sword    6-1   Shield Shield Shield 25-1
-       Plum Plum Plum       9-1   Cherry Cherry Cherry 36-1
-This file was last updated for Kangband 2.8.3i.
+=== Gambling Rules ===
+Between : Three 12-sided dice rolled; 2 black, 1 red. The red
+       die must be between both black to win. If the red die.
+       matches a black die, you lose. Pays 3 to 1
+Craps: Two dice are rolled. On first roll, a 7 or 11 wins. A
+       2,3 or 12 loses. Otherwise roll until the first roll
+       is matched (win) or a 7 is rolled (loss). Pays 2 to 1
+Wheel: Pick a number from 0-9. If the number shows on wheel
+       after it stops spinning, you win. Pays 10 to 1
+Slots: Three dice rolled. Matches win gold. Numbers are:
+       1=Lemon, 2=Orange, 3=Sword, 4=Shield, 5=Plum, 6=Cherry
+       Payoffs are as follows:
+       Cherry Cherry Lemon  2-1   Cherry Cherry Orange  3-1
+       Cherry Cherry Sword  4-1   Cherry Cherry Shield  5-1
+       Cherry Cherry Plum   6-1
+       Lemon Lemon Lemon    4-1   Orange Orange Orange 16-1
+       Sword Sword Sword    6-1   Shield Shield Shield 25-1
+       Plum Plum Plum       9-1   Cherry Cherry Cherry 36-1
+This file was last updated for Kangband 2.8.3i.

Modified: trunk/lib/help/general.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/general.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/general.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-An Introduction to Hengband and general information.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) General Information        (general.txt)
-    (b) First Place to Go          (general.txt#First)
-    (c) Winning the Game           (general.txt#Winning)
-    (d) Upon Death and Dying       (general.txt#UponDeath)
-    (e) Hengband on the Web        (general.txt#Web)
-    (f) The Hengband Newbie Guide  (tang.txt)
-    (g) Frequency Asked Questions  (faq.txt)
-    (h) Version History            (version.txt)
-    (?) Help System Commands       (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] general.txt
-***** [b] general.txt#First
-***** [c] general.txt#Winning
-***** [d] general.txt#UponDeath
-***** [e] general.txt#Web
-***** [f] tang.txt
-***** [g] faq.txt
-***** [h] version.txt
+An Introduction to Hengband and general information.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) General Information        (general.txt)
+    (b) First Place to Go          (general.txt#First)
+    (c) Winning the Game           (general.txt#Winning)
+    (d) Upon Death and Dying       (general.txt#UponDeath)
+    (e) Hengband on the Web        (general.txt#Web)
+    (f) The Hengband Newbie Guide  (tang.txt)
+    (g) Frequency Asked Questions  (faq.txt)
+    (h) Version History            (version.txt)
+    (?) Help System Commands       (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] general.txt
+***** [b] general.txt#First
+***** [c] general.txt#Winning
+***** [d] general.txt#UponDeath
+***** [e] general.txt#Web
+***** [f] tang.txt
+***** [g] faq.txt
+***** [h] version.txt

Modified: trunk/lib/help/general.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/general.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/general.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-=== General Information ===
-This document gives a brief introduction to Hengband. You will probably
-want to browse through all the "help files", especially the sections on
-available commands (see command.txt [b] and commdesc.txt [c]), before
-beginning any serious adventuring...
-The game of Hengband is a single player dungeon simulation. A player
-may choose from a number of races, classes and magic realms when
-creating a character (see birth.hlp [d]), and then "run" that
-character over a period of days, weeks, even months. Deep down inside,
-the real objective of the game is to increase your experience, and
-certain other characteristics, and also to collect useful items, to
-give you a decent chance against the great Serpent of Chaos, who lurks
-somewhere in the depths of the dungeon.
-***** <First>
---- First Place to Go ---
-The player will begin his adventure on the town level where he may
-acquire supplies, weapons, armor, and magical devices by bartering
-with various shop owners. After preparing for his adventure, the
-player can descend into the dungeon where fantastic adventures await
-his coming!
-We recommend that you go to the Yeek cave next to your starting
-position in the town of Outpost.  Although the King of Yeeks at the
-lowest level is a fierce enemy, the rest of the cave should be fairly
-safe.  Once you complete this dungeon, you will be strong enough to
-leave Outpost in search of greater adventures.  Carry lots of food and
-fuel, for the journey can be a long one.
---- The Global Map ---
-[[[[G|Press the '<' key, and you see all of the world!
-Since this world is very large, it is convenient to go into global map
-mode by pressing the '<' key, and then return to local map mode by '>'
-key when you are at the destination.  When in the wilderness, stay in
-safe grids such as roads or plains; seas and lava fields are best
-avoided for a while.
-Many towns and dungeons await you; good ones to explore early on
-include the orc caves and the Labyrinth.  To the northeast of the town
-of Morivant, near the center of the map, is the dread dungeon of
-Angband.  It is home to the Serpent of Chaos, whom you must kill in
-order to win the game. (see town.txt [f])
-***** <Winning>
---- Winning The Game ---
-Once your character has killed Oberon, who lives on level 99 (4950')
-in the dungeon, a magical staircase will appear that will finally
-allow you to reach level 100. The Serpent of Chaos lurks on this level
-of his dungeon, and you will not be able to go below his level until
-you have killed him. Try to avoid wandering around on level 100 unless
-you are ready for him, since it has a habit of coming at you across
-the dungeon, to slay you for your impudence.
-The Serpent of Chaos cannot be killed by some of the easier methods
-used on normal creatures. The Serpent of Chaos, like all other
-"Unique" monsters, will simply teleport away to another region of the
-level if you attempt to use a spell such as destruction is upon
-it. The Serpent of Chaos, like some other monsters, cannot be
-polymorphed, slept, charmed, or genocided. Magical spells like Mana
-Storm and Orb of Draining are effective against it, as are some of the
-more powerful weapons, but it is difficult to kill and if allowed to
-escape for a time it will heal itself rapidly.
-If you should actually survive the attempt of killing the Serpent of
-Chaos, you will receive the status of WINNER. You may continue to
-explore, and may even save the game and play more later, but since you
-have defeated the toughest creature alive, there is really not much
-point. Unless you wish to listen to the rumors of a powerful ring
-buried somewhere in the dungeon...
-When you are ready to retire, simply "commit suicide" ("^K") to have
-your character entered into the high score list as a winner. Note that
-until you retire, you can still be killed, so you may want to retire
-before wandering into a hoard of Cyberdemons...
-***** <UponDeath>
---- Upon Death and Dying ---
-If your character falls below 0 hit points, he has died and cannot be
-restored. You can write last word for the World Score Board on the
-Internet.  And then, tombstone showing information about your
-character will be displayed. You are also permitted to get a record of
-your character, and all your equipment (identified) either on the
-screen or in a file. If you wish, the record of your character will be
-send to the World Score Board.
-Whether your character is killed or you retire victorious, it will
-leave behind a reduced save file, which contains only the monster
-memory (see attack.txt#MonsterMemory [e]) and your option choices. It
-may be restored, in which case the new character is generated exactly
-as if the file was not there, but the new player will find his monster
-memory containing all the experience of past incarnations.
-***** <Web>
-=== Hengband on the Web ===
---- The official Hengband website ---
-http://hengband.sourceforge.jp/en/ is the official Hengband website.
-It includes information on where to download the Hengband source code
-and current executables for most popular operating systems as well as
-information on current development issues.
---- Hengband World Score Board ---
-The official Hengband website includes this score board. You can see
-hundreds of character records at here. And there is translated version
-of Japanese score board which includes over 5000 records already!
---- Hengband BBS ---
-If you read and write Japanese, you can ask question and get various
-information from this BBS (Bulletin Board System).
---- FTP Sites ---
-Hengband sources and executables are uploaded to
-clockwork.dementia.org FTP site which include most variant of Angband.
-Links to the files are available at Thangorodrim.
---- The Newsgroup (rec.games.roguelike.angband) ---
-The newsgroup is a forum for the discussion of all things relating to
-Angband and its variants (including Hengband) and is a good place to
-ask various questions about both game play and game design. Be sure to
-include '[Heng]' in your subject heading so people know your question
-is about Hengband.
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.5.4
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] birth.hlp
-***** [c] commdesc.txt
-***** [d] charattr.txt
-***** [e] attack.txt#MonsterMemory
-***** [f] town.txt
+=== General Information ===
+This document gives a brief introduction to Hengband. You will probably
+want to browse through all the "help files", especially the sections on
+available commands (see command.txt [b] and commdesc.txt [c]), before
+beginning any serious adventuring...
+The game of Hengband is a single player dungeon simulation. A player
+may choose from a number of races, classes and magic realms when
+creating a character (see birth.hlp [d]), and then "run" that
+character over a period of days, weeks, even months. Deep down inside,
+the real objective of the game is to increase your experience, and
+certain other characteristics, and also to collect useful items, to
+give you a decent chance against the great Serpent of Chaos, who lurks
+somewhere in the depths of the dungeon.
+***** <First>
+--- First Place to Go ---
+The player will begin his adventure on the town level where he may
+acquire supplies, weapons, armor, and magical devices by bartering
+with various shop owners. After preparing for his adventure, the
+player can descend into the dungeon where fantastic adventures await
+his coming!
+We recommend that you go to the Yeek cave next to your starting
+position in the town of Outpost.  Although the King of Yeeks at the
+lowest level is a fierce enemy, the rest of the cave should be fairly
+safe.  Once you complete this dungeon, you will be strong enough to
+leave Outpost in search of greater adventures.  Carry lots of food and
+fuel, for the journey can be a long one.
+--- The Global Map ---
+[[[[G|Press the '<' key, and you see all of the world!
+Since this world is very large, it is convenient to go into global map
+mode by pressing the '<' key, and then return to local map mode by '>'
+key when you are at the destination.  When in the wilderness, stay in
+safe grids such as roads or plains; seas and lava fields are best
+avoided for a while.
+Many towns and dungeons await you; good ones to explore early on
+include the orc caves and the Labyrinth.  To the northeast of the town
+of Morivant, near the center of the map, is the dread dungeon of
+Angband.  It is home to the Serpent of Chaos, whom you must kill in
+order to win the game. (see town.txt [f])
+***** <Winning>
+--- Winning The Game ---
+Once your character has killed Oberon, who lives on level 99 (4950')
+in the dungeon, a magical staircase will appear that will finally
+allow you to reach level 100. The Serpent of Chaos lurks on this level
+of his dungeon, and you will not be able to go below his level until
+you have killed him. Try to avoid wandering around on level 100 unless
+you are ready for him, since it has a habit of coming at you across
+the dungeon, to slay you for your impudence.
+The Serpent of Chaos cannot be killed by some of the easier methods
+used on normal creatures. The Serpent of Chaos, like all other
+"Unique" monsters, will simply teleport away to another region of the
+level if you attempt to use a spell such as destruction is upon
+it. The Serpent of Chaos, like some other monsters, cannot be
+polymorphed, slept, charmed, or genocided. Magical spells like Mana
+Storm and Orb of Draining are effective against it, as are some of the
+more powerful weapons, but it is difficult to kill and if allowed to
+escape for a time it will heal itself rapidly.
+If you should actually survive the attempt of killing the Serpent of
+Chaos, you will receive the status of WINNER. You may continue to
+explore, and may even save the game and play more later, but since you
+have defeated the toughest creature alive, there is really not much
+point. Unless you wish to listen to the rumors of a powerful ring
+buried somewhere in the dungeon...
+When you are ready to retire, simply "commit suicide" ("^K") to have
+your character entered into the high score list as a winner. Note that
+until you retire, you can still be killed, so you may want to retire
+before wandering into a hoard of Cyberdemons...
+***** <UponDeath>
+--- Upon Death and Dying ---
+If your character falls below 0 hit points, he has died and cannot be
+restored. You can write last word for the World Score Board on the
+Internet.  And then, tombstone showing information about your
+character will be displayed. You are also permitted to get a record of
+your character, and all your equipment (identified) either on the
+screen or in a file. If you wish, the record of your character will be
+send to the World Score Board.
+Whether your character is killed or you retire victorious, it will
+leave behind a reduced save file, which contains only the monster
+memory (see attack.txt#MonsterMemory [e]) and your option choices. It
+may be restored, in which case the new character is generated exactly
+as if the file was not there, but the new player will find his monster
+memory containing all the experience of past incarnations.
+***** <Web>
+=== Hengband on the Web ===
+--- The official Hengband website ---
+http://hengband.sourceforge.jp/en/ is the official Hengband website.
+It includes information on where to download the Hengband source code
+and current executables for most popular operating systems as well as
+information on current development issues.
+--- Hengband World Score Board ---
+The official Hengband website includes this score board. You can see
+hundreds of character records at here. And there is translated version
+of Japanese score board which includes over 5000 records already!
+--- Hengband BBS ---
+If you read and write Japanese, you can ask question and get various
+information from this BBS (Bulletin Board System).
+--- FTP Sites ---
+Hengband sources and executables are uploaded to
+clockwork.dementia.org FTP site which include most variant of Angband.
+Links to the files are available at Thangorodrim.
+--- The Newsgroup (rec.games.roguelike.angband) ---
+The newsgroup is a forum for the discussion of all things relating to
+Angband and its variants (including Hengband) and is a good place to
+ask various questions about both game play and game design. Be sure to
+include '[Heng]' in your subject heading so people know your question
+is about Hengband.
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.5.4
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] birth.hlp
+***** [c] commdesc.txt
+***** [d] charattr.txt
+***** [e] attack.txt#MonsterMemory
+***** [f] town.txt

Modified: trunk/lib/help/help.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/help.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/help.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Welcome to the Hengband Online Help System.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) General Information               (general.hlp)
-    (b) Creating a Character              (birth.hlp)
-    (c) Races, Classes and Personalities  (raceclas.hlp)
-    (d) The Town and Wilderness           (town.hlp)
-    (e) The Dungeon                       (dungeon.hlp)
-    (f) Hengband Objects                  (objects.hlp)
-    (g) Monsters and Pets                 (monster.hlp)
-    (h) Attacking and Weapons             (attack.hlp)
-    (i) Defending and Armor               (defend.hlp)
-    (j) Hengband Magic System             (magic.hlp)
-    (k) Hengband Commands                 (command.hlp)
-    (l) Hengband Options                  (option.hlp)
-    (m) User Preference Files             (pref.hlp)
-    (n) Auto-picker/destroyer             (editor.txt)
-    [[[[y|(?) Help System Commands              (helpinfo.txt)|
-***** [a] general.hlp
-***** [b] birth.hlp
-***** [c] raceclas.hlp
-***** [d] town.hlp
-***** [e] dungeon.hlp
-***** [f] objects.hlp
-***** [g] monster.hlp
-***** [h] attack.hlp
-***** [i] defend.hlp
-***** [j] magic.hlp
-***** [k] command.hlp
-***** [l] option.hlp
-***** [m] pref.hlp
-***** [n] editor.txt
+Welcome to the Hengband Online Help System.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) General Information               (general.hlp)
+    (b) Creating a Character              (birth.hlp)
+    (c) Races, Classes and Personalities  (raceclas.hlp)
+    (d) The Town and Wilderness           (town.hlp)
+    (e) The Dungeon                       (dungeon.hlp)
+    (f) Hengband Objects                  (objects.hlp)
+    (g) Monsters and Pets                 (monster.hlp)
+    (h) Attacking and Weapons             (attack.hlp)
+    (i) Defending and Armor               (defend.hlp)
+    (j) Hengband Magic System             (magic.hlp)
+    (k) Hengband Commands                 (command.hlp)
+    (l) Hengband Options                  (option.hlp)
+    (m) User Preference Files             (pref.hlp)
+    (n) Auto-picker/destroyer             (editor.txt)
+    [[[[y|(?) Help System Commands              (helpinfo.txt)|
+***** [a] general.hlp
+***** [b] birth.hlp
+***** [c] raceclas.hlp
+***** [d] town.hlp
+***** [e] dungeon.hlp
+***** [f] objects.hlp
+***** [g] monster.hlp
+***** [h] attack.hlp
+***** [i] defend.hlp
+***** [j] magic.hlp
+***** [k] command.hlp
+***** [l] option.hlp
+***** [m] pref.hlp
+***** [n] editor.txt

Modified: trunk/lib/help/helpinfo.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/helpinfo.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/helpinfo.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-[[[[G|=== Online Help Commands ===
-You can move cursor using [[[[y|the arrow keys|.        [[[[B|Movement commands|
-Press the indicated letter [a-z] to        [[[[y|   'q'    |(Leave the help system)
-activate a link.                           [[[[y|   ESC    |(Return to the prev file)
-For example, press [[[[y|the j key| when you see  [[[[y|   Home   |(Go to the top)
-"(see monster.txt#Pets [j])" etc.          [[[[y|  PageUp  |(Go up 1 page)
-Pressing [[[[y|the ESC key| takes you back to     [[[[y| Up Arrow |(Go up 1 line)
-the previous location.                     [[[[y|Down Arrow|(Go down 1 line)
-                                           [[[[y| PageDown |(Go down 1 page)
-                                           [[[[y|   End    |(Go to the bottom)
-                                           [[[[y|   '#'    |(Jump to a specific line)
-      [[[[B|Other commands|                       [[[[y|   '%'    |(Jump to a specific file)
-[[[[y|'/'| or [[[[y|'^S'| (Search for a string)                
-    [[[[y|'='|     (Highlight lines containing a string)
-    [[[[y]'|']     (Save current document to a file)
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
-***** [j] monster.txt#Pets
+[[[[G|=== Online Help Commands ===
+You can move cursor using [[[[y|the arrow keys|.        [[[[B|Movement commands|
+Press the indicated letter [a-z] to        [[[[y|   'q'    |(Leave the help system)
+activate a link.                           [[[[y|   ESC    |(Return to the prev file)
+For example, press [[[[y|the j key| when you see  [[[[y|   Home   |(Go to the top)
+"(see monster.txt#Pets [j])" etc.          [[[[y|  PageUp  |(Go up 1 page)
+Pressing [[[[y|the ESC key| takes you back to     [[[[y| Up Arrow |(Go up 1 line)
+the previous location.                     [[[[y|Down Arrow|(Go down 1 line)
+                                           [[[[y| PageDown |(Go down 1 page)
+                                           [[[[y|   End    |(Go to the bottom)
+                                           [[[[y|   '#'    |(Jump to a specific line)
+      [[[[B|Other commands|                       [[[[y|   '%'    |(Jump to a specific file)
+[[[[y|'/'| or [[[[y|'^S'| (Search for a string)                
+    [[[[y|'='|     (Highlight lines containing a string)
+    [[[[y]'|']     (Save current document to a file)
+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
+***** [j] monster.txt#Pets

Modified: trunk/lib/help/j_general.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/j_general.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/j_general.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,144 +1,144 @@
-オリジナルの日本語版 ZAngbandの著作権表記
-                          日本語版製作者より
-日本語版 Zangbandの、Zangband 固有の日本語化部分については以下の者が代
-    日本語化代表者:板倉    Email: ita****@zangb*****
-    その他協力して下さった方々の業績はバージョン履歴を御覧下さい。
-日本語版アングバンド 2.8.3-1.2.6 でのオリジナル angband 2.8.3 よりの全
-    しとしん(内海清秀)      iris****@bf*****
-    エルロック              CXK01****@nifty*****
-    FIRST(白方健太郎)  argra****@yo*****
-    sayu(YOKOYAMA Atsushi)  sayu****@gol*****
-    岸康司                  kis-****@ca2*****
-    TeO                     CXE00****@nifty*****
-    怒涛の暇人(金光寛峯)    KFF02****@nifty*****
-    VOLKO(城戸イサム)       東京BBS: VOLKO
-     http://www63.tcup.com/6300/ita.html
-日本語版 Zangbandの全機種共通ソースパッチは下記のホームページから取得
-    http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-SanJose/9606/zg/index.html
-    各機種版のバイナリ及びソースについては下記の移植者にお尋ね下さい。
-    ★Windows への移植者 :   板倉 充洋  Email: ita****@zangb*****
-      http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-SanJose/9606/
-    ★Mac への移植者 :       阿部 慎一  Email: s_abe****@i*****
-      http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/i/s_abe/
-日本語版 Zangband の概要
-私(板倉)は始め Zangband を日本語化しようなどとは思っていませんでし
-たのがきっかけでした。ところが、lib/file/monspeak.txt にある該当部分を
-本語版ともに Angband のソースは非常に分かりやすく、かつ変更しやすいも
-それを機械的に英語版 Zangband へ組み込むということが出来て、労せずして
-そこで私はまだ未完成のソースを公開し、Zangband ファンの方々に翻訳に協
-す。2000/04/06 現在、ソース部分の日本語化はほぼ終了し、残すはモンス
-    若林様(bldg.c, cmd5.c)
-    夜空の彗星様(クエスト)
-    紫月閑丸様(モンスター名、アイテム名など)
-    Tessi様(スメアゴル言葉)、
-    久留様(クトゥルフ、アンバー関係)
-    藤岡様(アンバー関係)
-に感謝しております。お蔭様で R_INFO_J.TXT は資料的価値のあるものにまで
-クトゥルフ系モンスターに関しては、 圧倒的な情報量のクトゥルフ情報サイト
-N-SYSTEM  (http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/8768/ ) の管理人でら
-っしゃる NeSYS 様に、モンスターの解説を引用させて頂くことを快く承諾し
-ヘルプファイルは、斎藤さんの ZKB-Japanese Edition
-また、もちろん Angband, JAngband, Zangband を作られた方々にも感謝して
-おります。なにしろ NetHack にくらべると10倍くらい日本語化しやすい
-ソースコードなのですから。また WINDOWS 版作成にあたってはJAngband
-WINDOWS 版を作られた TeO さんに大変お世話になりました。
-配布に関してはオリジナルである英語版 ZAngband 2.X.X に準じます。基本的
-      (1) 配布ファイルに変更を加えないこと
-      (2) 商利用や営利目的の配布をしないこと(利益を得ないこと)
-英語版 Angband の著作権
-Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
-This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
-and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
-are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
-英語版 Moria (Angband のベースになったゲーム)の著作権
-Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
-This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
-not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
-included in all such copies.
+ƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹‚Ì“ú–{Œê”Å ZAngband‚Ì’˜ìŒ •\‹L
+                          “ú–{Œê”Ő»ìŽÒ‚æ‚è
+’˜ìŒ ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä
+“ú–{Œê”Å Zangband‚́AZangband ŒÅ—L‚Ì“ú–{Œê‰»•”•ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă͈ȉº‚ÌŽÒ‚ª‘ã
+•\‚µ‚Ä’˜ìŒ ‚ð—L‚µ‚Ü‚·BŠe‹@Ží‚É‚¨‚¯‚é•ÏX•”•ª‚Ì’˜ìŒ ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚ÍŠe‹@Ží
+    “ú–{Œê‰»‘ã•\ŽÒF”‘q    Email: ita****@zangb*****
+    ‚»‚Ì‘¼‹¦—Í‚µ‚ĉº‚³‚Á‚½•ûX‚̋Ɛт̓o[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“—š—ð‚ðŒä——‰º‚³‚¢B
+“ú–{Œê”ŃAƒ“ƒOƒoƒ“ƒh 2.8.3-1.2.6 ‚ł̃IƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹ angband 2.8.3 ‚æ‚è‚Ì‘S
+‹@Ží‹¤’ʂ̕ύX•”•ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă͈ȉº‚ÌŽÒ‚ª’˜ìŒ ‚ð—L‚µ‚Ü‚·B
+    ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ(“àŠC´G)      iris****@bf*****
+    ƒGƒ‹ƒƒbƒN              CXK01****@nifty*****
+    ‚e‚h‚q‚r‚s(”’•ûŒ’‘¾˜Y)  argra****@yo*****
+    sayu(YOKOYAMA Atsushi)  sayu****@gol*****
+    ŠÝNŽi                  kis-****@ca2*****
+    TeO                     CXE00****@nifty*****
+    “{““‚̉ɐl(‹àŒõŠ°•õ)    KFF02****@nifty*****
+    VOLKO(éŒËƒCƒTƒ€)       “Œ‹žBBS: VOLKO
+     http://www63.tcup.com/6300/ita.html
+“ú–{Œê”Å Zangband‚Ì‘S‹@Ží‹¤’ʃ\[ƒXƒpƒbƒ`‚͉º‹L‚̃z[ƒ€ƒy[ƒW‚©‚çŽæ“¾
+    http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-SanJose/9606/zg/index.html
+    Še‹@Ží”ł̃oƒCƒiƒŠ‹y‚у\[ƒX‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă͉º‹L‚̈ڐAŽÒ‚É‚¨q‚ˉº‚³‚¢B
+    šWindows ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ :   ”‘q [—m  Email: ita****@zangb*****
+      http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-SanJose/9606/
+    šMac ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ :       ˆ¢•” Tˆê  Email: s_abe****@i*****
+      http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/i/s_abe/
+“ú–{Œê”Å Zangband ‚ÌŠT—v
+Ž„i”‘qj‚ÍŽn‚ß Zangband ‚ð“ú–{Œê‰»‚µ‚悤‚È‚Ç‚Æ‚ÍŽv‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚Å‚µ
+‚½‚Ì‚ª‚«‚Á‚©‚¯‚Å‚µ‚½B‚Æ‚±‚낪Alib/file/monspeak.txt ‚É‚ ‚éŠY“–•”•ª‚ð
+–{Œê”Å‚Æ‚à‚É Angband ‚̃\[ƒX‚Í”ñí‚É•ª‚©‚è‚â‚·‚­A‚©‚•ύX‚µ‚â‚·‚¢‚à
+‚Ì‚Å‚ ‚Á‚½‚½‚߁A“ú–{Œê”ŃAƒ“ƒOƒoƒ“ƒh‚©‚ç“ú–{Œê‰»•”•ª‚ð‹@ŠB“I‚É’Šo‚µA
+‚»‚ê‚ð‹@ŠB“I‚ɉpŒê”Å Zangband ‚Ö‘g‚ݍž‚Þ‚Æ‚¢‚¤‚±‚Æ‚ªo—ˆ‚āA˜J‚¹‚¸‚µ‚Ä
+‚»‚±‚ÅŽ„‚Í‚Ü‚¾–¢Š®¬‚̃\[ƒX‚ðŒöŠJ‚µAZangband ƒtƒ@ƒ“‚Ì•ûX‚É–|–ó‚É‹¦
+‚·B2000/04/06 Œ»ÝAƒ\[ƒX•”•ª‚Ì“ú–{Œê‰»‚͂قڏI—¹‚µAŽc‚·‚̓‚ƒ“ƒX
+    Žá—Ñ—libldg.c, cmd5.cj
+    –é‹ó‚Ìœa¯—liƒNƒGƒXƒgj
+    Ž‡ŒŽŠÕŠÛ—liƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[–¼AƒAƒCƒeƒ€–¼‚Ȃǁj
+    Tessi—liƒXƒƒAƒSƒ‹Œ¾—tjA
+    ‹v—¯—liƒNƒgƒDƒ‹ƒtAƒAƒ“ƒo[ŠÖŒWj
+    “¡‰ª—liƒAƒ“ƒo[ŠÖŒWj
+‚ÉŠ´ŽÓ‚µ‚Ä‚¨‚è‚Ü‚·B‚¨ˆü—l‚Å R_INFO_J.TXT ‚ÍŽ‘—¿“I‰¿’l‚Ì‚ ‚é‚à‚Ì‚É‚Ü‚Å
+ƒNƒgƒDƒ‹ƒtŒnƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÉŠÖ‚µ‚ẮA ˆ³“|“I‚ȏî•ñ—ʂ̃NƒgƒDƒ‹ƒtî•ñƒTƒCƒg
+N-SYSTEM  (http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/8768/ ) ‚ÌŠÇ—l‚Å‚ç
+‚Á‚µ‚á‚é NeSYS —l‚ɁAƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚̉ðà‚ðˆø—p‚³‚¹‚Ä’¸‚­‚±‚Æ‚ð‰õ‚­³‘ø‚µ
+ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚́AÖ“¡‚³‚ñ‚Ì ZKB-Japanese Edition
+‚Ü‚½A‚à‚¿‚ë‚ñ Angband, JAngband, Zangband ‚ðì‚ç‚ꂽ•ûX‚É‚àŠ´ŽÓ‚µ‚Ä
+‚¨‚è‚Ü‚·B‚È‚É‚µ‚ë NetHack ‚É‚­‚ç‚ׂé‚Æ‚P‚O”{‚­‚ç‚¢“ú–{Œê‰»‚µ‚â‚·‚¢
+ƒ\[ƒXƒR[ƒh‚È‚Ì‚Å‚·‚©‚çB‚Ü‚½ WINDOWS ”ō쐬‚É‚ ‚½‚Á‚Ä‚ÍJAngband
+WINDOWS ”Å‚ðì‚ç‚ꂽ TeO ‚³‚ñ‚É‘å•Ï‚¨¢˜b‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B
+”z•z‚ÉŠÖ‚µ‚Ă̓IƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹‚Å‚ ‚é‰pŒê”Å ZAngband 2.X.X ‚ɏ€‚¶‚Ü‚·BŠî–{“I
+      (1) ”z•zƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚ɕύX‚ð‰Á‚¦‚È‚¢‚±‚Æ
+      (2) ¤—˜—p‚â‰c—˜–Ú“I‚Ì”z•z‚ð‚µ‚È‚¢‚±‚Æ(—˜‰v‚𓾂Ȃ¢‚±‚Æ)
+‰pŒê”Å Angband ‚Ì’˜ìŒ 
+Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
+•¡ŽÊ‚¨‚æ‚Ñ”z•z‚µ‚Ä‚æ‚¢B‚½‚¾‚µA‚±‚Ì’˜ìŒ ‚Æ•¶Í‚Í‹LÚ‚µ‚Ä‚¨‚­‚±‚ƁB
+This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
+and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
+are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
+‰pŒê”Å Moria (Angband ‚̃x[ƒX‚É‚È‚Á‚½ƒQ[ƒ€)‚Ì’˜ìŒ 
+Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
+•¡ŽÊ‚¨‚æ‚Ñ”z•z‚µ‚Ä‚æ‚¢B‚½‚¾‚µA‚±‚Ì’˜ìŒ ‚Æ•¶Í‚Í‹LÚ‚µ‚Ä‚¨‚­‚±‚ƁB
+This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
+not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
+included in all such copies.

Modified: trunk/lib/help/j_item1.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/j_item2.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/j_item2.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/j_item2.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
-=== アイテムの解説 ===
-Zangband では色々と武器や防具が追加されています。ここではそれらのアイ
-テムや、Jangband で解説されていない防具、アイテムの呼び名などを簡単に
---- ロッド/ワンド/スタッフ ---
-中での性質の違いは jobjects.txt#ObjectTypes [b]を参照してください。 
-    ワンド(wand)は魔法少女のバトンのような小さな杖です。「魔法の杖」以
-    外の意味がほとんどなく、だいたいは装飾や先端にワンポイント等のつい
-    たもので、D&Dの翻訳では「魔法棒」となっています。
-    スタッフ(staff)は木製で人の身長か、それより高いくらいのもので、か
-    なり大型です。ガンダルフの杖は……よく絵に描かれているのは、スタッ
-    フとケイン(cane)の中間あたりかもしれない。
-    ロッド(rod)は3フィートくらいの杖で金属製です。同じ大きさで木製の、
-    紳士ステッキのようなものがケイン(cane)、かなり装飾等が施された王笏
-    のようなものがセプター(sceptre)です。ロッド(rod)はスタッフ(staff)よ
-    り「細い」ものを指し、「親指くらい」というから相当細いです。「さ
-    お」とも訳されます。
---- Zangband で加わった武器 ---
-・三節棍(Three Piece Rod)
-    映画「少林寺36房」とかで見ることができます。
-    ヌンチャクのようにつながった三本の棒です。
-    棒の両方の端に薙刀状の刃が付いている武器です。
-    投げて使う斧ですが、ゲーム中では投擲に使えません。
-・三叉槍(Trifurcate Spear)
-    トライデントとどう違うのか良く分かりません。
-    槍のような切先と、両側に突起が付いている武器です(下図)。
-                       ┏
-                         |
-    フランスで使われていた薙刀のような武器で、刃の反対側に十手のような
-    鉤があり敵の武器を引っかけることができます(下図)。
-                       ┏━
-    ヨーロッパで15世紀に使われていた両手剣です。
-    13−15世紀ヨーロッパで使われていた短剣です。
-    日本の鎌のような形の剣で、古代エジプトで使われていました。
-    フランスの両手剣で波打った両刃の刀身が特徴です。
-    これは敵の傷を広げて治りにくくするためです。
-    両手剣で特徴的な鍔(ガード)の形をしています(下図)。
-       品
-      /
-      \
-       品
-    ドイツの両手持ちの大剣です。ドイツ語で「両手持ち」
-    という意味ですが、形が特徴的なのでこの名で呼ばれます(下図)。
-      ┃
-      ┃
-      ┃  ┃
-      ┃  ┃
-      ┃
-      ┃
---- 日本の武器/防具 ---
-Zangband では、おそらく AppleIIの昔のゲーム、"Deathlord"
- から取ったと
-・六尺棒(Bo Staff)
-・錫杖(Jo Staff)
-    山伏などが持っているやつを指していると思われます。Diablo IIでは
-    「ジョーのスタッフ」と訳されてますが;)
-    刃渡りは50cm程度で、鍔(つば)の部分が大きくて四角いのが特徴です。
-    これは壁に立てかけて足掛かりにするためのものです。
-    (学研、『忍法、忍術のひみつ』より)
-    大きめの日本刀です。
-・大鎧(O-yoroi) AC 24 技能修正-2
-・胴丸(Do-maru) AC 20 技能修正-2
-・腹巻鎧(Haramakido) AC 17 技能修正-2
-・兜(Kabuto) AC 7
-・陣笠(Jingasa) AC 4
---- 鎧の解説 ---
-・スプリント・メイル(Splint Mail) AC 19 命中率修正-2
-    細長い金属の板を繋ぎ合わせたものです。Diablo では日本の鎧のグラ
-    フィックでしたが、Diablo IIでは普通のグラフィックにもどりました。
-    D&Dでは金属板が縦に連なっているか横に連なっているかでスプリント
-    メイルとバンデッドメイル(Banded Mail)と違う呼び名で呼んでいます
-    が、縦のものは実在したかどうか疑わしいようです。
-・金属製スケイル・メイル(Metal Scale Mail)  AC 13 命中率修正-2
-・金属製ブリガンダイン・アーマー(Metal Brigandine Armour)  AC 19 命中率修正-3
-・金属製ラメラー・アーマー(Metal Lamellar Armour)  AC 23 命中率修正-3
-    これらは全て5〜15cmの金属片を規則正しく繋ぎ合わせたものです。
-・リング・メイル(Ring Mail) AC 12 命中率修正-2
-    輪が大きいと簡単に作れますが槍で突くような攻撃は防げません。
-・二重リングメイル(Double Ring Mail) AC 15 命中率修正-2
-    リングメイルを二重にしたものです。
-・鎖かたびら(Chain Mail) AC 14 命中率修正-2
-    リングメイルより細かい輪で作ったものです。日本でも忍者(バーチャフ
-    ァイター3の影)なんかが着ていました。
-・重鎖かたびら(Augmented Chain Mail) AC 16 命中率修正-2
-    重要な部分を二重にした鎖かたびららしいです。Angbandの前身、Moria 
-    の頃からあるアイテムです。
-・二重鎖かたびら(Double Chain Mail)16 命中率修正-2
-    全ての部分を二重にした鎖かたびららしいです。Angbandの前身、Moria 
-    の頃からあるアイテムです。
-・強化鎖かたびら(Bar Chain Mail) AC 18 命中率修正-2
-    重要な部分を鉄板でカバーした鎖かたびらのようです。Angbandの前身、
-    Moria の頃からあるアイテムです。
-・ミスリル製鎖かたびら(Mithril Chain Mail) AC 28 命中率修正-1
-    貴重なミスリルで作られたものです。小説『ホビット』の中でビルボが手
-    にいれたものが有名です。
-・パーシャル・プレート・メイル(Partial Plate Armour) AC 22 命中率修正-3
-    胴など体の一部分だけを覆う鎧です。
-・フル・プレート・メイル(Full Plate Armour) AC  25 命中率修正-3
-    手から足まですべて覆い、体を全く露出させない鎧です。
-・強化プレート・アーマー(Ribbed Plate Armour) AC 28 命中率修正-3
-    鉄板にトタン板のようなうねをつけて強度を増したプレート・メイルで
-    す。
-・ミスリル製プレート・メイル(Mithril Plate Mail) AC 35 命中率修正-3
-    貴重なミスリルで作られたプレート・メイルです。
-・アダマンタイト製プレート・メイル(Adamantite Plate Mail) AC 40 命中率修正-4
-    アダマンタイトは『指輪物語』の中でオルサンクの塔の土台などにも使わ
-    れている頑丈な金属です。アダマンタイトという語はダイヤモンドの古語
-    としても使われますがゲーム中では特殊な金属という設定です。
-・軟革よろい(Soft Leather Armour) AC 4
-・鋲付軟革よろい(Soft Studded Leather) AC 5
-・硬革よろい(Hard Leather Armour) AC 6 命中率修正-1
-・鋲付硬革よろい(Hard Studded Leather) AC 7 命中率修正-1
-    硬いと防御力が上がりますが若干動きにくくなります。鋲付きのものはよ
-    くヘヴィメタの人が着てるようなのを想像すればいいでしょう。
-・厚布よろい(Padded Armour) AC 4
-    キルトアーマーとも呼ばれます。布を縫い合わせ間に綿などを詰めたもの
-    です。
-・皮ジャケット(Leather Jacket) AC 12 命中率修正-1
-    NetHacでは考古学者の初期装備です。インディ・ジョーンズの着ているや
-    つです。
-・コードアーマー(Cord Armour) AC 6
-    革よろいを針金で補強したものらしいです。
-・皮石よろい(Stone and Hide Armour) AC 15 命中率修正-1
-・サイ皮よろい(Rhino Hide Armour) AC 8 命中率修正-1
-・紙甲(Paper Armour) AC 4
-    これらはよくわかりません。
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] jobjects.txt#ObjectTypes
+=== ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̉ðà ===
+Zangband ‚ł͐FX‚Æ•Ší‚â–h‹ï‚ª’ljÁ‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B‚±‚±‚Å‚Í‚»‚ê‚ç‚̃AƒC
+ƒeƒ€‚âAJangband ‚ʼnðà‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚È‚¢–h‹ïAƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̌Ăі¼‚È‚Ç‚ðŠÈ’P‚É
+--- ƒƒbƒh/ƒƒ“ƒh/ƒXƒ^ƒbƒt ---
+’†‚ł̐«Ž¿‚̈Ⴂ‚Í jobjects.txt#ObjectTypes [b]‚ðŽQÆ‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢B@
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+    ƒXƒ^ƒbƒt(staff)‚͖ؐ»‚Ől‚̐g’·‚©A‚»‚ê‚æ‚荂‚¢‚­‚ç‚¢‚Ì‚à‚̂ŁA‚©
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+    ƒt‚ƃPƒCƒ“(cane)‚Ì’†ŠÔ‚ ‚½‚è‚©‚à‚µ‚ê‚È‚¢B
+    ƒƒbƒh(rod)‚Í‚RƒtƒB[ƒg‚­‚ç‚¢‚̏ñ‚Å‹à‘®»‚Å‚·B“¯‚¶‘å‚«‚³‚Ŗؐ»‚́A
+    aŽmƒXƒeƒbƒL‚̂悤‚È‚à‚Ì‚ªƒPƒCƒ“(cane)A‚©‚È‚è‘•ü“™‚ªŽ{‚³‚ꂽ‰¤â”
+    ‚̂悤‚È‚à‚Ì‚ªƒZƒvƒ^[(sceptre)‚Å‚·Bƒƒbƒh(rod)‚̓Xƒ^ƒbƒt(staff)‚æ
+    ‚èu×‚¢v‚à‚Ì‚ðŽw‚µAueŽw‚­‚ç‚¢v‚Æ‚¢‚¤‚©‚ç‘Š“–×‚¢‚Å‚·Bu‚³
+    ‚¨v‚Æ‚à–󂳂ê‚Ü‚·B
+--- Zangband ‚ʼnÁ‚í‚Á‚½•Ší ---
+EŽOßžž(Three Piece Rod)
+    ‰f‰æu­—ÑŽ›‚R‚U–[v‚Æ‚©‚ÅŒ©‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·B
+    ƒkƒ“ƒ`ƒƒƒN‚̂悤‚ɂ‚Ȃª‚Á‚½ŽO–{‚Ì–_‚Å‚·B
+    –_‚Ì—¼•û‚Ì’[‚ɓ㓁ó‚̐n‚ª•t‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚镐Ší‚Å‚·B
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+EŽO³‘„(Trifurcate Spear)
+    ƒgƒ‰ƒCƒfƒ“ƒg‚Æ‚Ç‚¤ˆá‚¤‚Ì‚©—Ç‚­•ª‚©‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
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+    çꂪ‚ ‚è“G‚Ì•Ší‚ðˆø‚Á‚©‚¯‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·i‰º}jB
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+--- “ú–{‚Ì•Ší/–h‹ï ---
+Zangband ‚ł́A‚¨‚»‚ç‚­ AppleII‚̐̂̃Q[ƒ€A"Deathlord"
+ ‚©‚çŽæ‚Á‚½‚Æ
+E˜ZŽÚ–_(Bo Staff)
+EŽàñ(Jo Staff)
+    ŽR•š‚È‚Ç‚ªŽ‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚é‚â‚‚ðŽw‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é‚ÆŽv‚í‚ê‚Ü‚·BDiablo II‚Å‚Í
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+E“·ŠÛ(Do-maru) AC 20 ‹Z”\C³-2
+E• ŠªŠZ(Haramakido) AC 17 ‹Z”\C³-2
+EŠ•(Kabuto) AC 7
+EwŠ}(Jingasa) AC 4
+--- ŠZ‚̉ðà ---
+EƒXƒvƒŠƒ“ƒgEƒƒCƒ‹(Splint Mail) AC 19 –½’†—¦C³-2
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+    ƒƒCƒ‹‚ƃoƒ“ƒfƒbƒhƒƒCƒ‹(Banded Mail)‚ƈႤŒÄ‚Ñ–¼‚ŌĂñ‚Å‚¢‚Ü‚·
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+E‹à‘®»ƒXƒPƒCƒ‹EƒƒCƒ‹(Metal Scale Mail)  AC 13 –½’†—¦C³-2
+E‹à‘®»ƒuƒŠƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒCƒ“EƒA[ƒ}[(Metal Brigandine Armour)  AC 19 –½’†—¦C³-3
+E‹à‘®»ƒ‰ƒƒ‰[EƒA[ƒ}[(Metal Lamellar Armour)  AC 23 –½’†—¦C³-3
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+EƒŠƒ“ƒOEƒƒCƒ‹(Ring Mail) AC 12 –½’†—¦C³-2
+    —Ö‚ª‘å‚«‚¢‚ÆŠÈ’P‚ɍì‚ê‚Ü‚·‚ª‘„‚Å“Ë‚­‚悤‚ȍUŒ‚‚Í–h‚°‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
+E“ñdƒŠƒ“ƒOƒƒCƒ‹(Double Ring Mail) AC 15 –½’†—¦C³-2
+    ƒŠƒ“ƒOƒƒCƒ‹‚ð“ñd‚É‚µ‚½‚à‚Ì‚Å‚·B
+E½‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç(Chain Mail) AC 14 –½’†—¦C³-2
+    ƒŠƒ“ƒOƒƒCƒ‹‚æ‚è×‚©‚¢—ւōì‚Á‚½‚à‚Ì‚Å‚·B“ú–{‚Å‚à”EŽÒ(ƒo[ƒ`ƒƒƒt
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+Ed½‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç(Augmented Chain Mail) AC 16 –½’†—¦C³-2
+    d—v‚È•”•ª‚ð“ñd‚É‚µ‚½½‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç‚炵‚¢‚Å‚·BAngband‚Ì‘OgAMoria 
+    ‚̍ ‚©‚ç‚ ‚éƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Å‚·B
+E“ñd½‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç(Double Chain Mail)16 –½’†—¦C³-2
+    ‘S‚Ä‚Ì•”•ª‚ð“ñd‚É‚µ‚½½‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç‚炵‚¢‚Å‚·BAngband‚Ì‘OgAMoria 
+    ‚̍ ‚©‚ç‚ ‚éƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Å‚·B
+E‹­‰»½‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç(Bar Chain Mail) AC 18 –½’†—¦C³-2
+    d—v‚È•”•ª‚ð“S”‚ŃJƒo[‚µ‚½½‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç‚̂悤‚Å‚·BAngband‚Ì‘OgA
+    Moria ‚̍ ‚©‚ç‚ ‚éƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Å‚·B
+Eƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹»½‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç(Mithril Chain Mail) AC 28 –½’†—¦C³-1
+    ‹Md‚ȃ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹‚ōì‚ç‚ꂽ‚à‚Ì‚Å‚·B¬àwƒzƒrƒbƒgx‚Ì’†‚Ńrƒ‹ƒ{‚ªŽè
+    ‚É‚¢‚ꂽ‚à‚Ì‚ª—L–¼‚Å‚·B
+‚æ‚­¼—m‰®•~‚ɏü‚Á‚Ä‚ ‚é‚â‚‚ł·B–hŒä—Í‚ÍŠ®àø‚Å‚·‚ª“®‚«‚ª§ŒÀ‚³‚êA
+Eƒp[ƒVƒƒƒ‹EƒvƒŒ[ƒgEƒƒCƒ‹(Partial Plate Armour) AC 22 –½’†—¦C³-3
+    “·‚ȂǑ̂̈ꕔ•ª‚¾‚¯‚𕢂¤ŠZ‚Å‚·B
+Eƒtƒ‹EƒvƒŒ[ƒgEƒƒCƒ‹(Full Plate Armour) AC  25 –½’†—¦C³-3
+    Žè‚©‚ç‘«‚Ü‚Å‚·‚ׂĕ¢‚¢A‘Ì‚ð‘S‚­˜Io‚³‚¹‚È‚¢ŠZ‚Å‚·B
+E‹­‰»ƒvƒŒ[ƒgEƒA[ƒ}[(Ribbed Plate Armour) AC 28 –½’†—¦C³-3
+    “S”‚Ƀgƒ^ƒ“”‚̂悤‚È‚¤‚Ë‚ð‚‚¯‚Ä‹­“x‚𑝂µ‚½ƒvƒŒ[ƒgEƒƒCƒ‹‚Å
+    ‚·B
+Eƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹»ƒvƒŒ[ƒgEƒƒCƒ‹(Mithril Plate Mail) AC 35 –½’†—¦C³-3
+    ‹Md‚ȃ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹‚ōì‚ç‚ꂽƒvƒŒ[ƒgEƒƒCƒ‹‚Å‚·B
+EƒAƒ_ƒ}ƒ“ƒ^ƒCƒg»ƒvƒŒ[ƒgEƒƒCƒ‹(Adamantite Plate Mail) AC 40 –½’†—¦C³-4
+    ƒAƒ_ƒ}ƒ“ƒ^ƒCƒg‚́wŽw—Ö•¨Œêx‚Ì’†‚ŃIƒ‹ƒTƒ“ƒN‚Ì“ƒ‚Ì“y‘ä‚È‚Ç‚É‚àŽg‚í
+    ‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éŠæä‚È‹à‘®‚Å‚·BƒAƒ_ƒ}ƒ“ƒ^ƒCƒg‚Æ‚¢‚¤Œê‚̓_ƒCƒ„ƒ‚ƒ“ƒh‚̌Ìê
+    ‚Æ‚µ‚Ä‚àŽg‚í‚ê‚Ü‚·‚ªƒQ[ƒ€’†‚Å‚Í“ÁŽê‚È‹à‘®‚Æ‚¢‚¤Ý’è‚Å‚·B
+‚Ù‚Æ‚ñ‚Ç“®‚«‚ւ̐§ŒÀ‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚ª–hŒä—Í‚à‚»‚ê‚È‚è‚Å‚·B
+E“îŠv‚æ‚ë‚¢(Soft Leather Armour) AC 4
+E•e•t“îŠv‚æ‚ë‚¢(Soft Studded Leather) AC 5
+EdŠv‚æ‚ë‚¢(Hard Leather Armour) AC 6 –½’†—¦C³-1
+E•e•tdŠv‚æ‚ë‚¢(Hard Studded Leather) AC 7 –½’†—¦C³-1
+    d‚¢‚Æ–hŒä—Í‚ªã‚ª‚è‚Ü‚·‚ªŽáŠ±“®‚«‚É‚­‚­‚È‚è‚Ü‚·B•e•t‚«‚Ì‚à‚Ì‚Í‚æ
+    ‚­ƒwƒ”ƒBƒƒ^‚̐l‚ª’…‚Ä‚é‚悤‚È‚Ì‚ð‘z‘œ‚·‚ê‚΂¢‚¢‚Å‚µ‚傤B
+EŒú•z‚æ‚ë‚¢(Padded Armour) AC 4
+    ƒLƒ‹ƒgƒA[ƒ}[‚Æ‚àŒÄ‚΂ê‚Ü‚·B•z‚ð–D‚¢‡‚킹ŠÔ‚É–È‚È‚Ç‚ð‹l‚ß‚½‚à‚Ì
+    ‚Å‚·B
+E”çƒWƒƒƒPƒbƒg(Leather Jacket) AC 12 –½’†—¦C³-1
+    NetHac‚ł͍lŒÃŠwŽÒ‚̏‰Šú‘•”õ‚Å‚·BƒCƒ“ƒfƒBEƒWƒ‡[ƒ“ƒY‚Ì’…‚Ä‚¢‚é‚â
+    ‚‚ł·B
+EƒR[ƒhƒA[ƒ}[(Cord Armour) AC 6
+    Šv‚æ‚ë‚¢‚ðj‹à‚Å•â‹­‚µ‚½‚à‚̂炵‚¢‚Å‚·B
+E”çÎ‚æ‚ë‚¢(Stone and Hide Armour) AC 15 –½’†—¦C³-1
+EƒTƒC”ç‚æ‚ë‚¢(Rhino Hide Armour) AC 8 –½’†—¦C³-1
+EŽ†b(Paper Armour) AC 4
+    ‚±‚ê‚ç‚Í‚æ‚­‚í‚©‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] jobjects.txt#ObjectTypes

Modified: trunk/lib/help/j_trans.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/j_trans.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/j_trans.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,697 +1,697 @@
-オリジナルの日本語版 Angbandの翻訳についての文章
-=== 翻訳について ===
- 私(しとしん)がアングバンドを日本語化してみようと思いましたのは、当たり前で
- 基本的にローグライクゲームは英語圏のゲームですので、日本人である我々は英語
- プログラムがあまりできない私ですが、エルロックさんというプログラムの達人が
- 以下の考えはあくまで私個人の考えで、何の学術的な根拠にも基づいたものではあ
-=== 文章の問題 ===
- ローグライクゲームで出るメッセージは基本的に「あなたは〜する」という形式で
-         "You hit the goblin."  -> 「あなたはゴブリンを攻撃した」
-         "You miss the goblin." -> 「あなたはゴブリンへの攻撃をはずした」
-        「ゴブリンを攻撃した」
-        「ゴブリンにかわされた」
- また、所有格代名詞である「あなたの」などはできる限り省略するか、他の言葉に
- つまり文章の問題では、雰囲気を害しているのは「日本語らしくなさ」(翻訳調)で
-=== 訳語の選択 ===
- 次に訳語の選択の問題です。早い話が teleport を「テレポート」とカタカナで訳
- 今までのローグライクゲームの日本語版の欠点はこの訳語の選択に際して、あまり
-        long sword  -> 「長剣」
-        teleport    -> 「瞬間移動」
- これは反対の人も多いでしょうが、私は「カタカナ翻訳」と「日本語翻訳」とを比
- そして初めの問題提起に戻ってみれば、ローグライクの日本語版をやらない人は
-ト」がよいと思います。それは国産の RPG を見ても分かります。アイテムや魔法など
- 私もネットハックのスポイラーを翻訳しているときに感じたのですが、とかく一度
- しかし、カタカナには大きな問題があります。それは「意味が分からない」という
-ライクや外国産 RPG をやったことのある人ならば問題はないでしょうが、そうでない
- しかし「ファイア・ボール」これならどうでしょうか。これはほとんどの人がどの
- 定着していないと思われるものは日本語に直すしかありませんが、私はここでも少
- そしてこれもできないときや、日本語の方が雰囲気がよいと判断したときは、もち
- しかしここで問題になってくるのは、その「雰囲気がよい」とか「日本語として定
-=== 固有名詞に関して ===
- モンスター、武器、防具などの固有名詞に関しては、「日本語に訳する」というの
-が不可能な場合が多いですので、大体そのままカタカナにしてあります。例えば "Tom"
- また気付いた方も多いとは思いますが、アングバンドは指輪物語などのトールキン
-=== 最後に ===
-                 しとしん(内海清秀) (iris****@bf*****)
- ここまで書いて「日本語自体が英語に比べて雰囲気が悪い」という意見もあるかと
- とまあ、意気込みは良かったのですが、翻訳に着手してたいへんなことになったと気
- 現在まだ翻訳が終わっていないのですが、とにかく翻訳する量がはんぱでないので
-なる量です。もう一つはモンスターの「思い出」です。500 匹以上いるモンスターそ
-                   (2.7.9v3-0.8.1) 1996年2月29日 しとしん
- とりあえず、全ての翻訳が終了しました。疲れました(^_^;。あとは、テストプレイ
- この 2.7.9v3 を日本語化している最中に、オリジナルはなんと 2.7.9v5 までバー
-ず日本語版を 2.7.9v4 へバージョンアップするつもりですが、ああ、つらい(^_^;。
-diff ファイルを見ながら手作業でバージョンアップするのです。diff ファイルが 
-200K 以上もある(;_;)。
-                   (2.7.9v3-0.9.0) 1996年3月11日 しとしん
- アップしてみたら、これがガンガンとバグが出てきました(^_^;。やっぱりテストプ
-た皆様のおかげで、随分とバグがつぶせたと思います。特に ZOB Staion-BBS の方々
- あと、X680x0 への移植が決定しました。私が X680x0 のユーザーだからなのです
-が、多くのローグライクゲームを移植されている FIRST さんに頼んでみたら、
-                   (2.7.9v3-0.9.3) 1996年3月16日 しとしん
- 今回のバージョンアップは修正量がはんぱではありません。多分正式アップにかなり
-我々は 2 ポンドとか言われてもいまいちピンときません。しかし、3 キロとか言われ
-す。例えば本の重さは 1.3 キロちょいありますが、これなら「ああ、この本はネバー
- それと DOS/V への移植が決定しました。かねてから DOS/V への移植の要望はたくさ
-んありましたので、多くのローグライクゲームを移植されている sayu さんに頼んでみ
-                   (2.7.9v3 - 0.9.7) 1996年3月31日 しとしん
- 正式版に近いと思っていたら、やはりまだまだ修正すべき点があるものですね。今回
- 今回の目玉はやはり隠しオプション!さあ、このような所も読んで下さっているあな
-オプションを "Yes" にして下さい。このオプション自体は "option.txt" を読むと
-を表示するようになります。つまり今までは "r" 「巻物を読む」コマンドを入力した
-セットすると "r" コマンドを入力すれば即座に巻物の一覧を表示するようになりま
-                   (2.7.9v3 - 0.9.8) 1996年4月5日 しとしん
- 今回のアップは Zob-Station BBS で 98版しか行っていません。そろそろ正式アップ
-なのですが、以前から要望の高かった 98版での SHIFT/CTRL + テンキー での走りと採
-掘を BUG さんが可能にしてくれたので、そのテストなのです。私自身はローグ風キー
- それとオリジナルの方ですが、2.7.9v6 までいっているようです。もう勝手にしてく
-のファイル構成から変わってしまって、DIFF ファイルもつくれない。うーん、どうし
- あとヘルプファイルと思い出の超訳もこつこつと随分推敲をしていますので、結構い
-                   (2.7.9v3 - 0.9.9) 1996年4月21日 しとしん
- やっと正式版までこぎつけました。目立ったバグもなくなったようですので、これで
-転載配布OKの正式版にしても、Angband 自体の評価を傷つけるようなことはないと思
-  それにしても正式アップにたどり着くまでに 東京BBS の方と ZOB-Station BBS の方
-作られた、多くの Angband の原著作者の方々に感謝いたします。
-  なお正式アップとはいってもバグや改善要求などがあれば引き続き修正していきます
-                   (2.7.9v3 - 1.0.0) 1996年5月4日 しとしん
- 改善や修正すべきところが少したまりましたので、パッチを出すことにしました。ほ
- 2.7.9v6 へのアップデートについてですが、全然進んでいません。何故かというと、
-そもそも英語版の 2.7.9v6 がうちの PC-9801 で動かないからなのです(^_^;。誰か
-djgpp 1.12 で 2.7.9v6 を make できた人はいますか?色々がんばってもどうしても
-ゲームを起動した時点で "No town objects!" としかられてしまい、遊べません。やっ
-ぱり djgpp v2 にしなければダメなのかな(;_;)。いちおう v5 の英語版は動いていま
-すので v5 にするという手もありますが、v6 があるというのに v5 というのも気が進
- ところで一部の熱い要望から(^_^;、我が家を更に拡張しました。ページをめくるの
-が面倒くさくなりましたが、"-" キーで1ページ前に戻りますので、活用してみて下さ
-                   (2.7.9v3 - 1.0.1) 1996年6月10日 しとしん
-  ついにオリジナル英語版の最新版 2.7.9v6 に対応しました。オリジナルの方は v6
-で一段落ついたようですので、これで 2.8.0 が出るまでしばらくは安心です。一つ前
-のたわごと(この部分はたわごとコーナーなのです)で「2.7.9v6 が動かない!」と言っ
-ていましたが、FIRST さんの助言によりついに動くようになりました。実はオリジナル
-のソースにあてるパッチが必要だったのですが、FIRST さんに教えてもらわなかった
-Unix/X11 版を製作している 岸康司 さんが 2.7.9v3-1.0.0 を v6 に対応させるパッチ
-をリリースしてくれていましたし、FIRST さんがそれを日本語版 1.0.1 に対応する
-パッチを作ってくれましたので、実にすんなりと v6 に対応することができました。
-  v3 から v6 は結構ソースが変わっていましたので、これを期に日本語化パッチはほ
-  前回の 2.7.9v3-1.0.1 では日本語版独自の追加機能としてブラックマーケットの独
-  今回の日本語版独自の追加機能は changes.doc にある通りですが、画面横のヒット
-                   (2.7.9v6 - 1.1.0) 1996年7月22日 しとしん
-  最近は忙しかったので、しばらくバグ取りをなまけていました。見つかっているバグ
-  しかし日本語版アングバンドを遊んで下さっている方々から、幾度もバグ報告を頂き
-  「日本語版アングバンド遊んでいます」というメールも、色々な所の色々な方から頂
-いております。日本語版をつくって Angband を紹介したかいがあったものと、ひじょ
-  次の Angband(2.8.0) はいつ頃出るんでしょうかねぇ?私自身はインターネットと縁
-                   (2.7.9v6 - 1.1.1) 1996年10月10日 しとしん
-  ついにオリジナルの 2.8.0 が出ましたので、さっそくそれに対応した日本語版をつ
-くりました。と、偉そうにいっていますが、実は DOS/V 版の製作者の sayu さんが 
-2.7.9v6-1.1.0 の日本語化パッチを 2.8.0 に対応させてくれましたので、そのおかげ
-でリリースすることができたのです。sayu さん、とても感謝しています。何か毎回だ
-  オリジナルの 2.8.0 自体はそんなに前バージョンとは変わっていませんが、日本語
-版ではついに「英語<->日本語切り替え機能」がつきました。以前から「jnethack のよ
-jnethack では wish や genocide するときに英語名を入力しなければいけませんの
-すからねぇ。また nethack は日本語版がでる前に既に英語版が広まっていましたの
-  それと我が家を拡張する隠し機能ですが、日本語版特別オプションの「未使用オプ
-ン名が "powerup_home" とか怪しい名前になっていますので、この機能をしっている方
-は出世して表にでて独立したオプションになっています。さらには初期設定 Yes に
-で採用されないのでしょうかねぇ。私がはじめてローグライクをやったのは PC-9801 
-nethack も是非この機能をつけてください > Dev Team
-                   (2.8.0 - 1.2.0) 1997年1月21日 しとしん
-  今回はバグ取りがメインです。やはり新しいソースにするとバグが混入してしまいま
-                   (2.8.0 - 1.2.1) 1997年2月2日 しとしん
-  バグ取りの差分を出したばかりだというのにすぐに新たなバグが発見されまして、更
-から一週間たっていないというのに。ただ、これで 2.8.0 シリーズも落ちついてくれ
-                   (2.8.0 - 1.2.2) 1997年2月6日 しとしん
-  今回は制作がすごく遅れてしまいました。以前の日本語化パッチを Angband2.8.1 に
-対応させるパッチは FIRST さんがすぐに作ってくれたのに・・・。しかし修正がたい
-  (1) 私の愛機 X68000 が壊れてしまいました : はじめは SCSI インターフェイスあ
-る日本語版アングバンドは PC-98x1 用なので何の影響もなさそうですが、通信をX68000
-PC-9801NS/R (486SX-16MHz白黒ノート)のみ・・(T_T)。WTERM に慣れるのが大変でし
-た。さらに通信速度は 9600bps (T_T)。
-  (2) ソースがダウンできない : 私は Internet 環境がありませんので、いつもニフ
-ティから FTP でオリジナルのソースをダウンしているのですが、B-plus でダウンする
-  (3) 画面表示がへん : しばらくたってやる気がでたところで、今度は X-modem で途
-方もない時間をかけてやっとソースをダウンしました。FIRST さんがつくってくれた
-が変です。白黒ノートでもわかる変さです。PC-98x1 版の画面表示ルーチンはエルロッ
-クさんがつくったもので、更に私は PC-98x1 のハードに詳しくないので、また挫折し
-  (4) DJGPPv2 : またやる気を出して画面表示ルーチンを解析しようとしました。PC-
-98x1 版の画面表示ルーチンは IBM-PC 版のを元にして作ってありますので、IBM-PC 版
-を解析しようとしたところ、コメントを読んだらいきなり DJGPPv2 専用であることが
-判明しました。私の環境は DJGPP 1.12 ですので、また挫折。
-  (5) CD-ROM がない : しかたないので DJGPPv2 の環境をつくろうと、友達に
-「djgppv2 持っている?」と聞いたら「あるよ、貸してあげるよ CD-ROM」との返事。
-・・・私は CD-ROM を読める環境がない(T_T)。また中断。
-  (6) 栄光への到達 : djgppv2 は無視してソースを解析したら、実は画面表示ルーチ
-機は切り抜けられました。しかし、未だに djgppv2 の環境がないというのは情けな
-い。たとえ CD-ROM があっても HDD の空きは数メガしかないしなぁ( 120MB HDD なん
-                   (2.8.1 - 1.2.3) 1997年8月19日 しとしん
-  今回は3つのバグ修正だけです。しかし、モンスターの思い出の画面で文字化けした
-  パッチを出すのはもう少しバグが出てからにしようと思っていたのですが、どうも出
-  でもパッチを出すと、バグが見つかるんですよね、たいていは(^_^;。
-  ・・・出ないことを祈ります。
-  現在は更なる日本語版の特別追加機能を作っています。日本語版アングバンドの心の
-あってこっちにないものといえば、そう、キャラクター 'F' の存在です。しかしその
-                   (2.8.1 - 1.2.4) 1997年8月29日 しとしん
-  こんにちは。しとしんです。また随分と時間がかかってしまいました。何故か画面
-スではなく、単に LIB/USER ディレクトリ内のファイル配置が変わっていただけでし
-  今回のオリジナル 2.8.3 は Ben さんも安定したバージョンにすべく相当気合いを
-  それにしてもアングバンドとも長いつきあいになりました。このたわごとコーナー
-のはじめの日付を見たら 1996 年とかなっています。もう 2 年にもなります。開発
-X68000 のモニターに繋いでいます。念願のカラー画面が手に入りましたが、なんだ
-  前バージョンのたわごとで書いた特別機能は賛成してくれる人がほとんどいなかった
-が・・・。まあ Jnethack ほど徹底したものではなく
-  * 「人間の女性」を選んだときに4種類の職業が追加される。どれも高いのは魅力
-    だけというハードなキャラになる。
-  * その時には、「身長」「体重」「年齢」がそれっぽいものに修正される。
-  * その時には、使いものにならないそれっぽいアイテムが大量に追加される。
-  * その時には、使いものにならないそれっぽい伝説のアイテムが多少追加される。
-  * その時には、コレクター魂を揺さぶる珍しい骨などのゴミが大量に追加される。
-  という感じでゲームの難易度は下げないようにしていましたが、アイテムを増やし
-  いまだに「遊んでいます」というメールがちょこちょこ来るのが本当に嬉しいです。
-それに NeXT STEP, FM-TOWNS, Windows95 と移植もされて対応機種はなんともバラエ
-                   (2.8.3 - 1.2.5) 1998年6月18日 しとしん
-  今回はバグ取りがメインです。ほとんどは Windows 版の移植者の TeO さんと 
-FM-TOWNS 版の移植者の片山健一郎さんが修正して下さいました。かつてないほどの量
-                   (2.8.3 - 1.2.6) 1998年7月23日 しとしん
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+  ¡‰ñ‚͐§ì‚ª‚·‚²‚­’x‚ê‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½BˆÈ‘O‚Ì“ú–{Œê‰»ƒpƒbƒ`‚ð Angband2.8.1 ‚É
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+  (6) ‰hŒõ‚Ö‚Ì“ž’B : djgppv2 ‚Í–³Ž‹‚µ‚ă\[ƒX‚ð‰ðÍ‚µ‚½‚çAŽÀ‚͉æ–Ê•\Ž¦ƒ‹[ƒ`
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+                   (2.8.1 - 1.2.3) 1997”N8ŒŽ19“ú ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ
+  ¡‰ñ‚Í‚R‚‚̃oƒOC³‚¾‚¯‚Å‚·B‚µ‚©‚µAƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌŽv‚¢o‚̉æ–Ê‚Å•¶Žš‰»‚¯‚µ‚½
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+  EEEo‚È‚¢‚±‚Æ‚ð‹F‚è‚Ü‚·B
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+                   (2.8.1 - 1.2.4) 1997”N8ŒŽ29“ú ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ
+  ‚±‚ñ‚É‚¿‚́B‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ‚Å‚·B‚Ü‚½•ª‚ÆŽžŠÔ‚ª‚©‚©‚Á‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½B‰½ŒÌ‚©‰æ–Ê
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+  ¡‰ñ‚̃IƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹ 2.8.3 ‚Í Ben ‚³‚ñ‚àˆÀ’肵‚½ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚É‚·‚ׂ­‘Š“–‹C‡‚¢‚ð
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+  * ulŠÔ‚̏—«v‚ð‘I‚ñ‚¾‚Æ‚«‚É‚SŽí—ނ̐E‹Æ‚ª’ljÁ‚³‚ê‚éB‚Ç‚ê‚à‚‚¢‚Ì‚Í–£—Í
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+‚»‚ê‚É NeXT STEP, FM-TOWNS, Windows95 ‚ƈڐA‚à‚³‚ê‚đΉž‹@Ží‚Í‚È‚ñ‚Æ‚àƒoƒ‰ƒG
+ƒeƒB–L‚©B‚Ü‚½ƒCƒ“ƒ^[ƒlƒbƒg‚ð‚Ì‚¼‚¢‚½‚çƒAƒ“ƒOƒoƒ“ƒh‚̃z[ƒ€ƒy[ƒW‚àˆÈŠO‚É‚ ‚é
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+                   (2.8.3 - 1.2.5) 1998”N6ŒŽ18“ú ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ
+  ¡‰ñ‚̓oƒOŽæ‚肪ƒƒCƒ“‚Å‚·B‚Ù‚Æ‚ñ‚Ç‚Í Windows ”ł̈ڐAŽÒ‚Ì TeO ‚³‚ñ‚Æ 
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+                   (2.8.3 - 1.2.6) 1998”N7ŒŽ23“ú ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jattack.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jattack.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jattack.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-    (a) 攻撃と武器                       (jattack.txt)
-    (b) 射撃用武器                       (jattack.txt#DistanceAttack)
-    (c) 壁の中のモンスターへの攻撃       (jattack.txt#AttackWalls)
-    (d) 直接攻撃用武器                   (jattack.txt#MeleeWeapons)
-    (e) 射撃用武器                       (jattack.txt#MissileLaunch)
-    (f) 名のある武器と伝説の武器         (jattack.txt#EgoArtifact)
-    (g) 戦闘補助の魔法                   (jattack.txt#MagicalAids)
-    (h) 修行僧の攻撃                     (jattack.txt#MonkAttacks)
-    (i) 基本的な戦略                     (jattack.txt#MeleeTactics)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法           (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jattack.txt
-***** [b] jattack.txt#DistanceAttack
-***** [c] jattack.txt#AttackWalls
-***** [d] jattack.txt#MeleeWeapons
-***** [e] jattack.txt#MissileLaunch
-***** [f] jattack.txt#EgoArtifact
-***** [g] jattack.txt#MagicalAids
-***** [h] jattack.txt#MonkAttacks
-***** [i] jattack.txt#MeleeTactics
+    (a) UŒ‚‚Æ•Ší                       (jattack.txt)
+    (b) ŽËŒ‚—p•Ší                       (jattack.txt#DistanceAttack)
+    (c) •Ç‚Ì’†‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ւ̍UŒ‚       (jattack.txt#AttackWalls)
+    (d) ’¼ÚUŒ‚—p•Ší                   (jattack.txt#MeleeWeapons)
+    (e) ŽËŒ‚—p•Ší                       (jattack.txt#MissileLaunch)
+    (f) –¼‚Ì‚ ‚镐Ší‚Æ“`à‚Ì•Ší         (jattack.txt#EgoArtifact)
+    (g) í“¬•â•‚Ì–‚–@                   (jattack.txt#MagicalAids)
+    (h) Cs‘m‚̍UŒ‚                     (jattack.txt#MonkAttacks)
+    (i) Šî–{“I‚Ȑ헪                     (jattack.txt#MeleeTactics)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@           (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jattack.txt
+***** [b] jattack.txt#DistanceAttack
+***** [c] jattack.txt#AttackWalls
+***** [d] jattack.txt#MeleeWeapons
+***** [e] jattack.txt#MissileLaunch
+***** [f] jattack.txt#EgoArtifact
+***** [g] jattack.txt#MagicalAids
+***** [h] jattack.txt#MonkAttacks
+***** [i] jattack.txt#MeleeTactics

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jattack.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jbirth.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jbirth.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jbirth.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-    (a) キャラクターの作成                (jbirth.txt)
-    (b) キャラクタの個性(基本的な特性値)  (jbirth.txt#CharAttributes)
-    (c) 初期オプション                    (jbirth.txt#BirthOptions)
-    (d) オートローラー                    (jbirth.txt#AutoRoller)
-    (e) 生い立ちエディタ                  (jbirth.txt#BackgroundEditor)
-    (f) クイック・スタート                (jbirth.txt#QuickStart)
-    (g) 6つの主要能力値                  (jbirth.txt#PrimaryStats)
-    (h) 主要技能                          (jbirth.txt#PrimarySkills)
-    (i) 熟練度(武器、魔法、技能の経験値)  (jbirth.txt#Proficiency)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法            (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jbirth.txt
-***** [b] jbirth.txt#CharAttributes
-***** [c] jbirth.txt#BirthOptions
-***** [d] jbirth.txt#AutoRoller
-***** [e] jbirth.txt#BackgroundEditor
-***** [f] jbirth.txt#QuickStart
-***** [g] jbirth.txt#PrimaryStats
-***** [h] jbirth.txt#PrimarySkills
-***** [i] jbirth.txt#Proficiency
+    (a) ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚̍쐬                (jbirth.txt)
+    (b) ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^‚̌«(Šî–{“I‚È“Á«’l)  (jbirth.txt#CharAttributes)
+    (c) ‰ŠúƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“                    (jbirth.txt#BirthOptions)
+    (d) ƒI[ƒgƒ[ƒ‰[                    (jbirth.txt#AutoRoller)
+    (e) ¶‚¢—§‚¿ƒGƒfƒBƒ^                  (jbirth.txt#BackgroundEditor)
+    (f) ƒNƒCƒbƒNEƒXƒ^[ƒg                (jbirth.txt#QuickStart)
+    (g) ‚U‚‚̎å—v”\—Í’l                  (jbirth.txt#PrimaryStats)
+    (h) Žå—v‹Z”\                          (jbirth.txt#PrimarySkills)
+    (i) n—û“x(•ŠíA–‚–@A‹Z”\‚ÌŒoŒ±’l)  (jbirth.txt#Proficiency)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@            (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jbirth.txt
+***** [b] jbirth.txt#CharAttributes
+***** [c] jbirth.txt#BirthOptions
+***** [d] jbirth.txt#AutoRoller
+***** [e] jbirth.txt#BackgroundEditor
+***** [f] jbirth.txt#QuickStart
+***** [g] jbirth.txt#PrimaryStats
+***** [h] jbirth.txt#PrimarySkills
+***** [i] jbirth.txt#Proficiency

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jbirth.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jbldg.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jcommand.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jcommand.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jcommand.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-Hengband コマンド解説
- 参照したいオンライン・ヘルプを選んで下さい:
-    (a) Hengband コマンド概説       (jcommand.txt)
-    (b) オリジナルキー配置          (jcommand.txt#OriginalKeyset)
-    (c) ローグ風キー配置            (jcommand.txt#RogueKeyset)
-    (d) 特殊なキー                  (jcommand.txt#SpecialKeys)
-    (e) 回数指定                    (jcommand.txt#CommandCounts)
-    (f) アイテムの選択              (jcommand.txt#ObjectSelection)
-    (g) コマンド詳説                (jcommdesc.hlp)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法      (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jcommand.txt
-***** [b] jcommand.txt#OriginalKeyset
-***** [c] jcommand.txt#RogueKeyset
-***** [d] jcommand.txt#SpecialKeys
-***** [e] jcommand.txt#CommandCounts
-***** [f] jcommand.txt#ObjectSelection
-***** [g] jcommdesc.hlp
+Hengband ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‰ðà
+ ŽQÆ‚µ‚½‚¢ƒIƒ“ƒ‰ƒCƒ“Eƒwƒ‹ƒv‚ð‘I‚ñ‚ʼnº‚³‚¢:
+    (a) Hengband ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhŠTà       (jcommand.txt)
+    (b) ƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹ƒL[”z’u          (jcommand.txt#OriginalKeyset)
+    (c) ƒ[ƒO•—ƒL[”z’u            (jcommand.txt#RogueKeyset)
+    (d) “ÁŽê‚ȃL[                  (jcommand.txt#SpecialKeys)
+    (e) ‰ñ”Žw’è                    (jcommand.txt#CommandCounts)
+    (f) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Ì‘I‘ð              (jcommand.txt#ObjectSelection)
+    (g) ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhÚà                (jcommdesc.hlp)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@      (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jcommand.txt
+***** [b] jcommand.txt#OriginalKeyset
+***** [c] jcommand.txt#RogueKeyset
+***** [d] jcommand.txt#SpecialKeys
+***** [e] jcommand.txt#CommandCounts
+***** [f] jcommand.txt#ObjectSelection
+***** [g] jcommdesc.hlp

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jcommand.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jcommdesc.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jcommdesc.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jcommdesc.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-Hengband コマンド詳説
-    (a) コマンド詳説                    (jcommdesc.txt)
-    (b) 一覧関係のコマンド              (jcommdesc.txt#Inventory)
-    (c) 移動のコマンド                  (jcommdesc.txt#Movement)
-    (d) 休憩のコマンド                  (jcommdesc.txt#Resting)
-    (e) 探索のコマンド                  (jcommdesc.txt#Searching)
-    (f) 変化を及ぼすコマンド            (jcommdesc.txt#Alter)
-    (g) 呪文と祈りのコマンド            (jcommdesc.txt#SpellPrayer)
-    (h) アイテムを操作するコマンド      (jcommdesc.txt#ObjectManip)
-    (i) 魔法のアイテムのコマンド        (jcommdesc.txt#MagicalObject)
-    (j) 武器を投げる、撃つコマンド      (jcommdesc.txt#ThrowFire)
-    (k) 見るコマンド                    (jcommdesc.txt#Looking)
-    (l) メッセージ関係のコマンド        (jcommdesc.txt#Message)
-    (m) 状態を知るコマンド              (jcommdesc.txt#GameStatus)
-    (n) セーブとゲームをやめるコマンド  (jcommdesc.txt#SaveExit)
-    (o) ユーザー設定ファイルのコマンド  (jcommdesc.txt#UserPref)
-    (p) ヘルプ                          (jcommdesc.txt#Help)
-    (r) 特別コマンド                    (jcommdesc.txt#Extra)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法          (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jcommdesc.txt
-***** [b] jcommdesc.txt#Inventory
-***** [c] jcommdesc.txt#Movement
-***** [d] jcommdesc.txt#Resting
-***** [e] jcommdesc.txt#Searching
-***** [f] jcommdesc.txt#Alter
-***** [g] jcommdesc.txt#SpellPrayer
-***** [h] jcommdesc.txt#ObjectManip
-***** [i] jcommdesc.txt#MagicalObject
-***** [j] jcommdesc.txt#ThrowFire
-***** [k] jcommdesc.txt#Looking
-***** [l] jcommdesc.txt#Message
-***** [m] jcommdesc.txt#GameStatus
-***** [n] jcommdesc.txt#SaveExit
-***** [o] jcommdesc.txt#UserPref
-***** [p] jcommdesc.txt#Help
-***** [r] jcommdesc.txt#Extra
+Hengband ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhÚà
+    (a) ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhÚà                    (jcommdesc.txt)
+    (b) ˆê——ŠÖŒW‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh              (jcommdesc.txt#Inventory)
+    (c) ˆÚ“®‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh                  (jcommdesc.txt#Movement)
+    (d) ‹xŒe‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh                  (jcommdesc.txt#Resting)
+    (e) ’Tõ‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh                  (jcommdesc.txt#Searching)
+    (f) •Ï‰»‚ð‹y‚Ú‚·ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh            (jcommdesc.txt#Alter)
+    (g) Žô•¶‚Æ‹F‚è‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh            (jcommdesc.txt#SpellPrayer)
+    (h) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚𑀍삷‚éƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh      (jcommdesc.txt#ObjectManip)
+    (i) –‚–@‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh        (jcommdesc.txt#MagicalObject)
+    (j) •Ší‚ð“Š‚°‚éAŒ‚‚ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh      (jcommdesc.txt#ThrowFire)
+    (k) Œ©‚éƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh                    (jcommdesc.txt#Looking)
+    (l) ƒƒbƒZ[ƒWŠÖŒW‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh        (jcommdesc.txt#Message)
+    (m) ó‘Ô‚ð’m‚éƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh              (jcommdesc.txt#GameStatus)
+    (n) ƒZ[ƒu‚ƃQ[ƒ€‚ð‚â‚ß‚éƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh  (jcommdesc.txt#SaveExit)
+    (o) ƒ†[ƒU[Ý’èƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh  (jcommdesc.txt#UserPref)
+    (p) ƒwƒ‹ƒv                          (jcommdesc.txt#Help)
+    (r) “Á•ÊƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh                    (jcommdesc.txt#Extra)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@          (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jcommdesc.txt
+***** [b] jcommdesc.txt#Inventory
+***** [c] jcommdesc.txt#Movement
+***** [d] jcommdesc.txt#Resting
+***** [e] jcommdesc.txt#Searching
+***** [f] jcommdesc.txt#Alter
+***** [g] jcommdesc.txt#SpellPrayer
+***** [h] jcommdesc.txt#ObjectManip
+***** [i] jcommdesc.txt#MagicalObject
+***** [j] jcommdesc.txt#ThrowFire
+***** [k] jcommdesc.txt#Looking
+***** [l] jcommdesc.txt#Message
+***** [m] jcommdesc.txt#GameStatus
+***** [n] jcommdesc.txt#SaveExit
+***** [o] jcommdesc.txt#UserPref
+***** [p] jcommdesc.txt#Help
+***** [r] jcommdesc.txt#Extra

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jcommdesc.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jdefend.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jdefend.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jdefend.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-    (a) 防御と防具                        (jdefend.txt)
-    (b) アーマークラス                    (jdefend.txt#Armor)
-    (c) 魔法攻撃への耐性                  (jdefend.txt#ResistingMagic)
-    (d) 名のある防具と伝説の防具          (jdefend.txt#EgoArtifact)
-    (e) 耐性                              (jdefend.txt#Resistances)
-    (f) 耐性のない攻撃                    (jdefend.txt#Unresistable)
-    (g) 完全な耐性(免疫)                  (jdefend.txt#Immunities)
-    (h) その他                            (jdefend.txt#Miscellaneous)
-    (i) 攻撃からの回復                    (jdefend.txt#Recovering)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法            (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jdefend.txt
-***** [b] jdefend.txt#Armor
-***** [c] jdefend.txt#ResistingMagic
-***** [d] jdefend.txt#EgoArtifact
-***** [e] jdefend.txt#Resistances
-***** [f] jdefend.txt#Unresistable
-***** [g] jdefend.txt#Immunities
-***** [h] jdefend.txt#Miscellaneous
-***** [i] jdefend.txt#Recovering
+    (a) –hŒä‚Æ–h‹ï                        (jdefend.txt)
+    (b) ƒA[ƒ}[ƒNƒ‰ƒX                    (jdefend.txt#Armor)
+    (c) –‚–@UŒ‚‚ւ̑ϐ«                  (jdefend.txt#ResistingMagic)
+    (d) –¼‚Ì‚ ‚é–h‹ï‚Æ“`à‚Ì–h‹ï          (jdefend.txt#EgoArtifact)
+    (e) ‘ϐ«                              (jdefend.txt#Resistances)
+    (f) ‘ϐ«‚Ì‚È‚¢UŒ‚                    (jdefend.txt#Unresistable)
+    (g) Š®‘S‚ȑϐ«(–Ɖu)                  (jdefend.txt#Immunities)
+    (h) ‚»‚Ì‘¼                            (jdefend.txt#Miscellaneous)
+    (i) UŒ‚‚©‚ç‚̉ñ•œ                    (jdefend.txt#Recovering)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@            (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jdefend.txt
+***** [b] jdefend.txt#Armor
+***** [c] jdefend.txt#ResistingMagic
+***** [d] jdefend.txt#EgoArtifact
+***** [e] jdefend.txt#Resistances
+***** [f] jdefend.txt#Unresistable
+***** [g] jdefend.txt#Immunities
+***** [h] jdefend.txt#Miscellaneous
+***** [i] jdefend.txt#Recovering

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jdefend.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jdungeon.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jdungeon.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jdungeon.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-    (a) 街とダンジョン                        (jdungeon.txt)
-    (b) 画面上の文字                          (jdungeon.txt#MapSymbols)
-    (c) ダンジョンの内部                      (jdungeon.txt#WithinDungeon)
-    (d) ダンジョンで見つかるアイテム          (jdungeon.txt#Objects)
-    (e) 採掘                                  (jdungeon.txt#Mining)
-    (f) 階段、隠しドア、通路、部屋            (jdungeon.txt#StairsDoorsEtc)
-    (g) 階の雰囲気                            (jdungeon.txt#Feelings)
-    (h) ランダムクエスト                      (jdungeon.txt#RandomQuests)
-    (?) Help System Commands                  (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jdungeon.txt
-***** [b] jdungeon.txt#MapSymbols
-***** [c] jdungeon.txt#WithinDungeon
-***** [d] jdungeon.txt#Objects
-***** [e] jdungeon.txt#Mining
-***** [f] jdungeon.txt#StairsDoorsEtc
-***** [g] jdungeon.txt#Feelings
-***** [h] jdungeon.txt#RandomQuests
+    (a) ŠX‚ƃ_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“                        (jdungeon.txt)
+    (b) ‰æ–ʏã‚Ì•¶Žš                          (jdungeon.txt#MapSymbols)
+    (c) ƒ_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Ì“à•”                      (jdungeon.txt#WithinDungeon)
+    (d) ƒ_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚ÅŒ©‚‚©‚éƒAƒCƒeƒ€          (jdungeon.txt#Objects)
+    (e) ÌŒ@                                  (jdungeon.txt#Mining)
+    (f) ŠK’iA‰B‚µƒhƒAA’ʘHA•”‰®            (jdungeon.txt#StairsDoorsEtc)
+    (g) ŠK‚Ì•µˆÍ‹C                            (jdungeon.txt#Feelings)
+    (h) ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒNƒGƒXƒg                      (jdungeon.txt#RandomQuests)
+    (?) Help System Commands                  (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jdungeon.txt
+***** [b] jdungeon.txt#MapSymbols
+***** [c] jdungeon.txt#WithinDungeon
+***** [d] jdungeon.txt#Objects
+***** [e] jdungeon.txt#Mining
+***** [f] jdungeon.txt#StairsDoorsEtc
+***** [g] jdungeon.txt#Feelings
+***** [h] jdungeon.txt#RandomQuests

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jdungeon.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jeditor.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/jeditor.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jeditor.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,590 +1,590 @@
-[[[[G|=== 自動拾い/破壊 オンライン・ヘルプ ===
-    (a) 自動拾いエディタの基本操作       (#Editor)
-    (b) カット&ペースト                  (#CutAndPaste)
-    (c) 自動拾いにアイテムを登録         (#RegisterName)
-    (d) 持ち物の名前を挿入               (#InsertObjectName)
-    (e) 定型のキーワードを入力           (#InsertKeyword)
-    (f) 複数の行を同時に変更             (#MultiLines)
-    (g) 条件文                           (#Conditionals)
-    (h) エディタ無しで自動破壊登録       (#AutoRegister)
-    (i) 自動拾い/破壊設定の書式仕様      (#AutopickFormat)
-    (j) 条件式の書式仕様                 (#ConditionFormat)
-    (k) サンプル設定                     (lib/pref/picktype.prf)
-***** [a] jeditor.txt#Editor
-***** [b] jeditor.txt#CutAndPaste
-***** [c] jeditor.txt#RegisterName
-***** [d] jeditor.txt#InsertObjectName
-***** [e] jeditor.txt#InsertKeyword
-***** [f] jeditor.txt#MultiLines
-***** [g] jeditor.txt#Conditionals
-***** [h] jeditor.txt#AutoRegister
-***** [i] jeditor.txt#AutopickFormat
-***** [j] jeditor.txt#ConditionFormat
-***** [k] ../pref/picktype.prf
-***** <Editor>
-[[[[G|--- 自動拾いエディタの基本操作 ---
-ゲーム中に [[[[o|「_」キー|を押すか、オプション画面で「(P) 自動拾いエディタ」
-基本的に普通のテキストエディタですから、[[[[o|カーソルキー| や [[[[o|Home|、[[[[o|End|、
-[[[[o|設定を終了するには ^W を押してください。変更は自動的にセーブされます。
-[[[[o|また、^Q を押すと設定変更を取りやめて何もセーブせずに終了します。
-| a) ヘルプ                  |
-| b) セーブ無しで終了     ^Q |
-| c) セーブして終了       ^W |
-| d) 全ての変更を破棄     ^Z |
-| e) 編集                 ▼ |
-| f) 検索                 ▼ |
-| g) カーソル移動         ▼ |
-| h) 色々挿入             ▼ |
-| i) 形容詞(一般)の選択   ▼ |
-| j) 形容詞(特殊)の選択   ▼ |
-| k) 名詞の選択           ▼ |
-| l) 拾い/破壊/放置の選択 ▼ |
-ここで、 a〜l のキーを押すとコマンドを実行するか、またはサブメニュー
-***** <CutAndPaste>
-[[[[G|--- カット&ペースト ---
-「e) 編集 ▼」サブメニューを開くと、
-| a) カット         ^X |
-| b) コピー         ^C |
-| c) ペースト       ^V |
-| d) 選択範囲の指定 ^G |
-| e) 行の残りを削除 ^K |
-| f) 1文字削除      ^D |
-| g) バックスペース ^H |
-| h) 改行           ^J |
-| i) 改行           ^M |
-***** <RegisterName>
-[[[[G|--- 自動拾いにアイテムを登録 ---
-最後に「^W」(つまり、コントロールキーを押しながら W キー)を押して エディ
-***** <InsertObjectName>
-[[[[G|--- 持ち物の名前を挿入 ---
-そんな時はESCでメニューを開き「h) 色々挿入 ▼」を選択してみましょう。
-| a) 選択したアイテムの名前を挿入       ^I |
-| b) 自動破壊されたアイテムの名前を挿入    |
-| c) 条件分岐ブロックの例を挿入            |
-| d) マクロ定義を挿入                      |
-| e) キーマップ定義を挿入                  |
-この中の、「a) 選択したアイテムの名前を挿入 ^I」が役に立ちそうです。こ
-(持ち物:a-f,'(',')', '/' 装備品, '-'床上, ESC) どのアイテムを登録しますか?
-     +-------------------  a) [[[[U|,| [[[[U|7つの 食料|                               3.5 kg
-     | a) ヘルプ           b) [[[[y|!| [[[[y|5つの 油つぼ|                             2.5 kg
-     | b) セーブ無しで終   c) [[[[U|!| [[[[B|リンゴジュースの薬|                       0.2 kg
-     | c) セ+------------  d) [[[[s|!| [[[[B|減毒の薬|                                 0.2 kg
-     | d) 全| a) 選択した  e) ? 噂の巻物                                 0.2 kg
-     | e) 編| b) 自動破壊  f) [[[[B|-| [[[[g|スピード・モンスターの魔法棒 (6回分)|     0.5 kg
-     | f) 検| c) 条件分岐
-     | g) カ| d) マクロ定義を挿入                      |
-     | h) 色| e) キーマップ定義を挿入                  |
-     | i) 形+------------------------------------------+
-     | j) 形容詞(特殊)の選択   ▼ |
-     | k) 名詞の選択           ▼ |
-     | l) 拾い/破壊/放置の選択 ▼ |
-     +----------------------------+
-***** <InsertKeyword>
-[[[[G|--- 定型のキーワードを入力 ---
-例えば、まだ鑑定していないブーツを全て「〜を拾いますか? [y/n]」の確認
- 「k) 名詞の選択 ▼」           →  「r) 靴」
- 「i) 形容詞(一般)の選択 ▼」   →  「b) 未鑑定の」
- 「l) 拾い/破壊/放置の選択 ▼」 →  「d) 「;」 (確認して拾う)」
-てみたら、[[[[o|Deleteキー| や [[[[o|Backspaceキー|を押して余計なキーワードは削除
-***** <MultiLines>
-[[[[G|---  複数の行を同時に変更  ---
-[[[[o|(シフト+下向きカーソルキー を3回押す)|して、
-「l) 拾い/破壊/放置の選択 ▼」 → 「b) 「!」 (自動破壊)」
-***** <Conditionals>
-[[[[G|---  条件文  ---
-「h) 色々挿入 ▼」 → 「c) 条件分岐ブロックの例を挿入」
-?:[AND [EQU $RACE Human] [EQU $CLASS Warrior] [GEQ $LEVEL 05]]
-除してデフォルトの状態(常に条件式の値が1、つまり常に「真」) に戻してい
-[[[[s|?:[AND [EQU $RACE Human] [EQU $CLASS Warrior] [GEQ $LEVEL 05]]
-いう条件にしたい場合には Deleteキー等で余計な条件を削除して、
-?:[EQU $CLASS Warrior]
-[[[[o|カット&ペーストを活用して楽に編集しましょう。(#CutAndPaste [b]を参照)
-***** <AutoRegister>
-[[[[G|---  エディタ無しで自動破壊登録  ---
-本当にスピード・モンスターの魔法棒 (5回分) を壊しますか? [y/n/Auto]
-選択したアイテム                自動登録される内容
-[[[[D|--------------------------      ---------------------------
-ダガー (1d4)[[[[o|(未鑑定の場合)|  →  [[[[R|(!未鑑定の武器:^ダガー|
-ダガー (1d4) {並}           →  [[[[R|(!無銘の武器:^ダガー|
-ダガー (1d4) (+0,+0)        →  [[[[R|(!無銘の武器:^ダガー|
-ダガー (1d4) {上質}         →  [[[[R|(!無銘の武器:^ダガー|
-ダガー (1d4) (+3,+2)        →  [[[[R|(!無銘の武器:^ダガー|
-ダガー (1d4) {高級品}       →  [[[[R|(!エゴ武器:ダガー|
-焼棄のダガー (1d4) (+5,+5)  →  [[[[R|(!ありふれたエゴ武器:^焼棄の|
-[[[[R|# *警告!!* 以降の行は自動登録されたものです。
-[[[[R|# 後で自動的に削除されますので、必要な行は上の方へ移動しておいてください。
-[[[[R|# *警告!!* 以降の行は自動登録されたものです。
-[[[[R|# 後で自動的に削除されますので、必要な行は上の方へ移動しておいてください
-***** <AutopickFormat>
-[[[[G|====  自動拾い/破壊設定の書式仕様  ====
-ユーザーディレクトリに"picktype.prf"又は "picktype-<名前>.prf" という
-設定ファイルの具体例は (lib/pref/picktype.prf [k]) を参照してください。
---- 自動拾い/破壊の基本書式 ---
-picktype.prf の先頭から順番に優先的に評価するので、不要なものの破壊の
-きます。設定コマンドの説明(jcommdesc.txt#Looking [z])のダンジョンの全
-***** [z] jcommdesc.txt#Looking
---- 特別なキーワード ---
-・すべての〜        : すべてのアイテムが対象になります。
-・収集中の〜        : 既に同じ種類の物を持っているアイテム
-・未判明の〜        : 効果の分からないアイテム
-・鑑定済みの〜      : 鑑定されているアイテム
-・*鑑定*済みの〜    : *鑑定*されているアイテム
-・ダイス目の違う〜  : 殺戮の武器等でダイスの目が通常と異なるアイテム
-・ダイス目n以上の〜 : ダイス数×面数が n 以上のアイテム
-・修正値n以上の〜   : 能力修正値が(+n)以上のアイテム
-                      能力修正が無い場合は他の数値が+n以上なら対象になります。
-・無価値の〜        : 価値のない(売却できない)アイテム
-・アーティファクト〜: 判明しているアーティファクト
-・エゴ〜            : 判明しているエゴ装備
-・上質の〜          : {上質}の装備
-・無銘の〜          : 非エゴ, 非アーティファクトの装備
-・並の〜            : {並}の装備
-・レアな〜          : ドラゴン防具等の珍しいベースアイテムの装備
-・ありふれた〜      : ドラゴン防具等以外の普通のベースアイテムの装備
-・賞金首の〜        : 賞金首の死体または骨
-・ユニーク・モンスターの〜: ユニーク・モンスターの死体、骨、彫像
-・人間の〜          : 人間の死体または骨(悪魔魔法で使用)
-・読めない〜        : 専門としない魔法領域の魔法書
-・第一領域の〜      : 第一領域の魔法書
-・第二領域の〜      : 第二領域の魔法書
-・n冊目の〜         : nが1から4のとき、n冊目の魔法書
-・アイテム          : すべてのアイテムが対象になります。
-・武器              : 武器が対象になります。
-・得意武器          : プリースト/修行僧/魔獣使い/練気術師/騎兵/忍者にとって、
-                      特別に扱いやすい種類の武器が対象になります。
-・防具              : 防具が対象になります。
-・矢                : 矢、クロスボウの矢、石、弾
-・魔法アイテム      : 巻物・杖・魔法棒・ロッド
-・がらくた          : 折れた棒や像等の役に立たないものが対象になります。
-・死体や骨          : モンスターの死体や骨
-・魔法書            : 魔法書、武芸の書、歌集
- 盾、弓、指輪、アミュレット、光源、鎧、クローク、兜、籠手、靴
-テムの種類を表すキーワード(アイテム、武器、防具等) を使用しない場合は
-光源:石          // 名前に"石"を含む光源を拾う。「光源石」 は使用不可。
-籠手:腕力の      // 腕力のガントレットを拾うが、腕力の指輪は拾わない。
-!ローブ          // 名前に"ローブ"を含むもの(ローブ、グローブ等)を破壊。
-!^ローブ         // グローブは破壊しない。
-!防具:^耐        // 耐火、耐冷、耐電、耐酸の防具を破壊。全耐性は破壊しない。
-また、行の最後に # で始まる文字列を書くと、鑑定したりアイテムの
---- 厳密な書式 ---
-各行の厳密な書式は以下のような順番です。未鑑定の や ダイス目の違う 等
- [! ~ ; (]
- [[すべての] [収集中の]
-  [未判明の] [未鑑定の] [鑑定済みの] [*鑑定*済みの]
-  [アーティファクト] [エゴ] [上質の] [無銘の] [並の] 
-  [無価値の] [レアな] [ありふれた]
-  [ダイス目の違う] [ダイス目n以上の] [修正値n以上の]
-  [賞金首の] [ユニーク・モンスターの] [人間の]
-  [読めない] [第一領域の] [第二領域の] [n冊目の]
-  [アイテム|アーティファクト|武器|得意武器|防具|矢|魔法アイテム|
-   がらくた|死体や骨|魔法書|鈍器|盾|弓|指輪|アミュレット|光源|鎧|
-   クローク|兜|籠手|靴] :]
- [[^]その他の文字列] [#自動刻み文字列]
-***** <ConditionFormat>
-[[[[G|===  条件式の書式仕様  ===
----  条件分岐の書式  ---
-   引数が"0"なら以降の自動拾い/破壊の登録をスキップする。
-   引数が"1"なら以降の登録を行う。 引数が"0"以外は全て"1"と見なす。
- (注意!)条件分岐を入れ子にすることは出来ません。
----  使用可能な演算子  ---
-の働きをして、結果が真 "1" であるか、 偽 "0" であるかを返します。
-[EQU 引数1 引数2 ...]
-   引数1と他のどれかの引数が等しいと"1"、どれも等しくないと"0"を返す。
-[IOR 引数1 引数2 ...]
-[AND 引数1 引数2 ...]
-   IORは引数の論理和、ANDは引数の論理積をとって真なら"1"、偽なら"0"を
-   返す。
-[NOT 引数]
-   引数が"1"なら"0"、"0"なら"1"を返す。
-[LEQ 引数1 引数2 ...]
-[GEQ 引数1 引数2 ...]
-   LEQは引数の大きさを数値として比較して引数1≦引数2≦...のとき"1"を
-   返す。GEQは引数1≧引数2≧...のとき"1"を返す。
----  変数説明  ---
-   種族を英語名で返す。
-   Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Hobbit, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Orc, Half-Troll,
-   Amberite, High-Elf, Barbarian, Half-Ogre, Half-Giant, Half-Titan,
-   Cyclops, Yeek, Klackon, Kobold, Nibelung, Dark-Elf, Draconian,
-   Mindflayer, Imp, Golem, Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Spectre, Sprite,
-   Beastman, Ent, Archon, Balrog, Dunadan, Shadow-Fairy, Kutar,
-   Android
-   のどれか
-   職業を英語名で返す。
-   Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, Paladin, Warrior-Mage,
-   Chaos-Warrior, Monk, Mindcrafter, High-Mage, Tourist, Imitator,
-   BeastMaster, Sorcerer, Archer, Magic-Eater, Bard, Red-Mage,
-   Samurai, ForceTrainer, Blue-Mage, Cavalry, Berserker, Weaponsmith,
-   Mirror-Master, Ninja, Sniper
-   のどれか
-   プレイヤーの名前を返す。ただし、' '(スペース)、'['、']'は
-   prefの制約でそのまま使えないため、'_'に置き換えて返す。
-   例: 名前が"[ Temp ]"ならば、$PLAYERは"__Temp__"を返す。
-   魔法領域を英語名で返す。
-   Life, Sorcery, Nature, Chaos, Death, Trump Arcane, Craft, Daemon,
-   Crusade, Music, Kendo, Hex
-   のどれか
-   第2魔法領域を英語名で返す。
-   プレイヤーのレベルを2桁の文字列で返す。
-   "01","09","10","50" 等
-   プレイヤーの所持金を9桁の文字列で返す。
-   "000012345" 等
----  ファイルの挿入の書式  ---
-   「lib\user\ファイル名」 か 「~/.angband/Hengband/ファイル名」 を自
-   動拾いの登録ファイルとして読み込みます。
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
+[[[[G|=== Ž©“®E‚¢/”j‰ó ƒIƒ“ƒ‰ƒCƒ“Eƒwƒ‹ƒv ===
+    (a) Ž©“®E‚¢ƒGƒfƒBƒ^‚ÌŠî–{‘€ì       (#Editor)
+    (b) ƒJƒbƒg&ƒy[ƒXƒg                  (#CutAndPaste)
+    (c) Ž©“®E‚¢‚ɃAƒCƒeƒ€‚ð“o˜^         (#RegisterName)
+    (d) Ž‚¿•¨‚Ì–¼‘O‚ð‘}“ü               (#InsertObjectName)
+    (e) ’èŒ^‚̃L[ƒ[ƒh‚ð“ü—Í           (#InsertKeyword)
+    (f) •¡”‚̍s‚𓯎ž‚ɕύX             (#MultiLines)
+    (g) ðŒ•¶                           (#Conditionals)
+    (h) ƒGƒfƒBƒ^–³‚µ‚ÅŽ©“®”j‰ó“o˜^       (#AutoRegister)
+    (i) Ž©“®E‚¢/”j‰óÝ’è‚̏‘Ž®Žd—l      (#AutopickFormat)
+    (j) ðŒŽ®‚̏‘Ž®Žd—l                 (#ConditionFormat)
+    (k) ƒTƒ“ƒvƒ‹Ý’è                     (lib/pref/picktype.prf)
+***** [a] jeditor.txt#Editor
+***** [b] jeditor.txt#CutAndPaste
+***** [c] jeditor.txt#RegisterName
+***** [d] jeditor.txt#InsertObjectName
+***** [e] jeditor.txt#InsertKeyword
+***** [f] jeditor.txt#MultiLines
+***** [g] jeditor.txt#Conditionals
+***** [h] jeditor.txt#AutoRegister
+***** [i] jeditor.txt#AutopickFormat
+***** [j] jeditor.txt#ConditionFormat
+***** [k] ../pref/picktype.prf
+***** <Editor>
+[[[[G|--- Ž©“®E‚¢ƒGƒfƒBƒ^‚ÌŠî–{‘€ì ---
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+| b) ƒZ[ƒu–³‚µ‚ŏI—¹     ^Q |
+| c) ƒZ[ƒu‚µ‚ďI—¹       ^W |
+| d) ‘S‚Ă̕ύX‚ð”jŠü     ^Z |
+| e) •ÒW                 ¥ |
+| f) ŒŸõ                 ¥ |
+| g) ƒJ[ƒ\ƒ‹ˆÚ“®         ¥ |
+| h) FX‘}“ü             ¥ |
+| i) Œ`—eŽŒ(ˆê”Ê)‚Ì‘I‘ð   ¥ |
+| j) Œ`—eŽŒ(“ÁŽê)‚Ì‘I‘ð   ¥ |
+| k) –¼ŽŒ‚Ì‘I‘ð           ¥ |
+| l) E‚¢/”j‰ó/•ú’u‚Ì‘I‘𠁥 |
+‚±‚±‚ŁA a`l ‚̃L[‚ð‰Ÿ‚·‚ƃRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚ðŽÀs‚·‚é‚©A‚Ü‚½‚̓Tƒuƒƒjƒ…[
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+ue) •ÒW ¥vƒTƒuƒƒjƒ…[‚ðŠJ‚­‚ƁA
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+| b) ƒRƒs[         ^C |
+| c) ƒy[ƒXƒg       ^V |
+| d) ‘I‘ð”͈͂̎w’è ^G |
+| e) s‚ÌŽc‚è‚ðíœ ^K |
+| f) 1•¶Žšíœ      ^D |
+| g) ƒoƒbƒNƒXƒy[ƒX ^H |
+| h) ‰üs           ^J |
+| i) ‰üs           ^M |
+‚±‚̂悤‚ȃRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B
+***** <RegisterName>
+[[[[G|--- Ž©“®E‚¢‚ɃAƒCƒeƒ€‚ð“o˜^ ---
+‚à‚µ‚ ‚È‚½‚ª‹ó• [‘«‚Ì–‚–@‚ð’m‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚āAH—¿‚Í‚à‚Í‚â•K—v–³‚¢‚Ì‚È‚ç‚΁A
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+***** <InsertObjectName>
+[[[[G|--- Ž‚¿•¨‚Ì–¼‘O‚ð‘}“ü ---
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+| b) Ž©“®”j‰ó‚³‚ꂽƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Ì–¼‘O‚ð‘}“ü    |
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+     | l) E‚¢/”j‰ó/•ú’u‚Ì‘I‘𠁥 |
+     +----------------------------+
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+***** <InsertKeyword>
+[[[[G|--- ’èŒ^‚̃L[ƒ[ƒh‚ð“ü—Í ---
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+***** <Conditionals>
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+?:[AND [EQU $RACE Human] [EQU $CLASS Warrior] [GEQ $LEVEL 05]]
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+***** <AutoRegister>
+[[[[G|---  ƒGƒfƒBƒ^–³‚µ‚ÅŽ©“®”j‰ó“o˜^  ---
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+---  •Ï”à–¾  ---
+   Ží‘°‚ð‰pŒê–¼‚Å•Ô‚·B
+   Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Hobbit, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Orc, Half-Troll,
+   Amberite, High-Elf, Barbarian, Half-Ogre, Half-Giant, Half-Titan,
+   Cyclops, Yeek, Klackon, Kobold, Nibelung, Dark-Elf, Draconian,
+   Mindflayer, Imp, Golem, Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Spectre, Sprite,
+   Beastman, Ent, Archon, Balrog, Dunadan, Shadow-Fairy, Kutar,
+   Android
+   ‚Ì‚Ç‚ê‚©
+   E‹Æ‚ð‰pŒê–¼‚Å•Ô‚·B
+   Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, Paladin, Warrior-Mage,
+   Chaos-Warrior, Monk, Mindcrafter, High-Mage, Tourist, Imitator,
+   BeastMaster, Sorcerer, Archer, Magic-Eater, Bard, Red-Mage,
+   Samurai, ForceTrainer, Blue-Mage, Cavalry, Berserker, Weaponsmith,
+   Mirror-Master, Ninja, Sniper
+   ‚Ì‚Ç‚ê‚©
+   ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚Ì–¼‘O‚ð•Ô‚·B‚½‚¾‚µA' '(ƒXƒy[ƒX)A'['A']'‚Í
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+   –‚–@—̈æ‚ð‰pŒê–¼‚Å•Ô‚·B
+   Life, Sorcery, Nature, Chaos, Death, Trump Arcane, Craft, Daemon,
+   Crusade, Music, Kendo, Hex
+   ‚Ì‚Ç‚ê‚©
+   ‘æ‚Q–‚–@—̈æ‚ð‰pŒê–¼‚Å•Ô‚·B
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+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jgambling.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/jgambling.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jgambling.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-=== カジノのルール ===
-ビトウィーン: 3つの10面ダイス(黒二個、赤一個)を振ります。
-       赤の目が二つの黒の目の間にあれば勝ち。赤が黒に一致した
-       場合は負け。倍率は4倍。
-クラップス: ダイスを二つ振り、一振り目で7か11が出ると勝ち。
-       2,3,12は負け。それ以外は一振り目と同じ目(勝ち)
-       か7(負け)が出るまで振りつづける。倍率2倍。
-ルーレット: 0−9の数字を選び、同じ数字が出れば勝ち。倍率10倍。
-スロット: 3つのダイスを振り一致すれば勝ち。番号は:
-       1=レモン, 2=オレンジ, 3=剣, 4=盾, 5=プラム, 6=チェリー
-       倍率は以下の通り:
-       チェリー チェリー レモン 2   チェリー チェリー オレンジ 3
-       チェリー チェリー 剣     4   チェリー チェリー 盾       5
-       チェリー チェリー プラム 6
-       レモン   レモン   レモン 4   オレンジ オレンジ オレンジ 16
-       剣       剣       剣     6   盾       盾       盾       25
-       プラム   プラム   プラム 9   チェリー チェリー チェリー 36
-This file was last updated for Kangband 2.8.3i.
+=== ƒJƒWƒm‚̃‹[ƒ‹ ===
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+       ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ Œ•     4   ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ ‚       5
+       ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ ƒvƒ‰ƒ€ 6
+       ƒŒƒ‚ƒ“   ƒŒƒ‚ƒ“   ƒŒƒ‚ƒ“ 4   ƒIƒŒƒ“ƒW ƒIƒŒƒ“ƒW ƒIƒŒƒ“ƒW 16
+       Œ•       Œ•       Œ•     6   ‚       ‚       ‚       25
+       ƒvƒ‰ƒ€   ƒvƒ‰ƒ€   ƒvƒ‰ƒ€ 9   ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ ƒ`ƒFƒŠ[ 36
+This file was last updated for Kangband 2.8.3i.

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jgeneral.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jgeneral.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jgeneral.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-    (a) 全般的な情報               (jgeneral.txt)
-    (b) はじめに行くべき所         (jgeneral.txt#First)
-    (c) 勝利                       (jgeneral.txt#Winning)
-    (d) 死について                 (jgeneral.txt#UponDeath)
-    (e) WEB上の 変愚蛮怒 サイト    (jgeneral.txt#Web)
-    (f) バージョン履歴             (jversion.txt)
-    (g) 著作権と使用許諾について   (jlicense.txt)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法     (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jgeneral.txt
-***** [b] jgeneral.txt#First
-***** [c] jgeneral.txt#Winning
-***** [d] jgeneral.txt#UponDeath
-***** [e] jgeneral.txt#Web
-***** [f] jversion.txt
-***** [g] jlicense.txt
+    (a) ‘S”Ê“I‚ȏî•ñ               (jgeneral.txt)
+    (b) ‚Í‚¶‚߂ɍs‚­‚ׂ«Š         (jgeneral.txt#First)
+    (c) Ÿ—˜                       (jgeneral.txt#Winning)
+    (d) Ž€‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä                 (jgeneral.txt#UponDeath)
+    (e) WEBã‚Ì •Ï‹ð”Ø“{ ƒTƒCƒg    (jgeneral.txt#Web)
+    (f) ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“—š—ð             (jversion.txt)
+    (g) ’˜ìŒ ‚ÆŽg—p‹–‘ø‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä   (jlicense.txt)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@     (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jgeneral.txt
+***** [b] jgeneral.txt#First
+***** [c] jgeneral.txt#Winning
+***** [d] jgeneral.txt#UponDeath
+***** [e] jgeneral.txt#Web
+***** [f] jversion.txt
+***** [g] jlicense.txt

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jgeneral.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jhelp.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jhelp.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jhelp.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-[ 変愚蛮怒・オンライン・ヘルプ・システムへようこそ ]
-  参照したいヘルプの記号を押して下さい:
- (a)全体的な情報        (jgeneral.hlp)  (o)追加情報    (jspecial.hlp)
- (b)キャラクターの作成  (jbirth  .hlp)  [[[[y|(p)初心者ガイド(jtang   .txt)|   
- (c)種族、職業、性格    (jraceclas.hlp) (r)英語版ヘルプ(help    .hlp)
- (d)街と荒野            (jtown   .hlp)
- (e)ダンジョンの探険    (jdungeon.hlp)
- (f)アイテム            (jobjects.hlp)
- (g)モンスター          (jmonster.hlp)
- (h)攻撃と武器          (jattack .hlp)
- (i)防御と防具          (jdefend .hlp)
- (j)魔法のシステム      (jmagic  .hlp)
- (k)コマンドの解説      (jcommand.hlp)
- (l)オプションの一覧    (joption .hlp)
- (m)ユーザー設定ファイル(jpref   .hlp)
- (n)自動拾い/破壊       (jeditor .txt)
-[[[[y| (?)ヘルプシステムの使用法      (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jgeneral.hlp
-***** [b] jbirth.hlp
-***** [c] jraceclas.hlp
-***** [d] jtown.hlp
-***** [e] jdungeon.hlp
-***** [f] jobjects.hlp
-***** [g] jmonster.hlp
-***** [h] jattack.hlp
-***** [i] jdefend.hlp
-***** [j] jmagic.hlp
-***** [k] jcommand.hlp
-***** [l] joption.hlp
-***** [m] jpref.hlp
-***** [n] jeditor.txt
-***** [o] jspecial.hlp
-***** [p] jtang.txt
-***** [r] help.hlp
+[ •Ï‹ð”Ø“{EƒIƒ“ƒ‰ƒCƒ“Eƒwƒ‹ƒvEƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ւ悤‚±‚» ]
+  ŽQÆ‚µ‚½‚¢ƒwƒ‹ƒv‚Ì‹L†‚ð‰Ÿ‚µ‚ĉº‚³‚¢:
+ (a)‘S‘Ì“I‚ȏî•ñ        (jgeneral.hlp)  (o)’ljÁî•ñ    (jspecial.hlp)
+ (b)ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚̍쐬  (jbirth  .hlp)  [[[[y|(p)‰SŽÒƒKƒCƒh(jtang   .txt)|   
+ (c)Ží‘°AE‹ÆA«Ši    (jraceclas.hlp) (r)‰pŒê”Ńwƒ‹ƒv(help    .hlp)
+ (d)ŠX‚ƍr–ì            (jtown   .hlp)
+ (e)ƒ_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Ì’TŒ¯    (jdungeon.hlp)
+ (f)ƒAƒCƒeƒ€            (jobjects.hlp)
+ (g)ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[          (jmonster.hlp)
+ (h)UŒ‚‚Æ•Ší          (jattack .hlp)
+ (i)–hŒä‚Æ–h‹ï          (jdefend .hlp)
+ (j)–‚–@‚̃VƒXƒeƒ€      (jmagic  .hlp)
+ (k)ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚̉ðà      (jcommand.hlp)
+ (l)ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚̈ꗗ    (joption .hlp)
+ (m)ƒ†[ƒU[Ý’èƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹(jpref   .hlp)
+ (n)Ž©“®E‚¢/”j‰ó       (jeditor .txt)
+[[[[y| (?)ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@      (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jgeneral.hlp
+***** [b] jbirth.hlp
+***** [c] jraceclas.hlp
+***** [d] jtown.hlp
+***** [e] jdungeon.hlp
+***** [f] jobjects.hlp
+***** [g] jmonster.hlp
+***** [h] jattack.hlp
+***** [i] jdefend.hlp
+***** [j] jmagic.hlp
+***** [k] jcommand.hlp
+***** [l] joption.hlp
+***** [m] jpref.hlp
+***** [n] jeditor.txt
+***** [o] jspecial.hlp
+***** [p] jtang.txt
+***** [r] help.hlp

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jhelpinfo.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/jhelpinfo.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jhelpinfo.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-[[[[G|=== ヘルプシステムの使用法 ===
-表示位置は[[[[y|カーソルキー等で移動|できます。          [[[[B|移動コマンド|             
-                                               [[[[y|「q」キー| (終了)            
-アルファベットキー[a-z]を押すとリンク         [[[[y|  ESCキー | (リンクを戻る)    
-                                              [[[[y|   Home   | (先頭へ)          
-本文中に「(jmonster.txt#Pets [j]を参照)」     [[[[y|  PageUp  | (1ページ上へ)     
-等と書かれているときに[[[[y|「j」|を押す!           [[[[y|上矢印キー| (1行上へ)
-[[[[y|ESCキー|で元の位置に戻ります。                 [[[[y|下矢印キー| (1行下へ)
-                                              [[[[y| PageDown | (1ページ下へ)     
-                                              [[[[y|   End    | (最後へ)          
-      [[[[B|その他のコマンド|                        [[[[y| 「#」キー| (指定した行へ)    
-[[[[y|「/」|または[[[[y|「^S」| (文字列検索)                [[[[y| 「%」キー| (任意のファイルへ)
-    [[[[y|「=」キー|     (文字列を強調表示)        
-    [[[[y]「|」キー]     (現在のファイル内容を保存)
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
-***** [j] jmonster.txt#Pets
+[[[[G|=== ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@ ===
+•\Ž¦ˆÊ’u‚Í[[[[y|ƒJ[ƒ\ƒ‹ƒL[“™‚ňړ®|‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·B          [[[[B|ˆÚ“®ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh|             
+                                               [[[[y|uqvƒL[| (I—¹)            
+ƒAƒ‹ƒtƒ@ƒxƒbƒgƒL[[a-z]‚ð‰Ÿ‚·‚ƃŠƒ“ƒN         [[[[y|  ESCƒL[ | (ƒŠƒ“ƒN‚ð–ß‚é)    
+                                              [[[[y|   Home   | (æ“ª‚Ö)          
+–{•¶’†‚Ɂu(jmonster.txt#Pets [j]‚ðŽQÆ)v     [[[[y|  PageUp  | (1ƒy[ƒWã‚Ö)     
+“™‚Ə‘‚©‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Æ‚«‚É[[[[y|ujv|‚ð‰Ÿ‚·I           [[[[y|ã–îˆóƒL[| (1sã‚Ö)
+[[[[y|ESCƒL[|‚ÅŒ³‚̈ʒu‚É–ß‚è‚Ü‚·B                 [[[[y|‰º–îˆóƒL[| (1s‰º‚Ö)
+                                              [[[[y| PageDown | (1ƒy[ƒW‰º‚Ö)     
+                                              [[[[y|   End    | (ÅŒã‚Ö)          
+      [[[[B|‚»‚Ì‘¼‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh|                        [[[[y| u#vƒL[| (Žw’肵‚½s‚Ö)    
+[[[[y|u/v|‚Ü‚½‚Í[[[[y|u^Sv| (•¶Žš—ñŒŸõ)                [[[[y| u%vƒL[| (”CˆÓ‚̃tƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚Ö)
+    [[[[y|u=vƒL[|     (•¶Žš—ñ‚ð‹­’²•\Ž¦)        
+    [[[[y]u|vƒL[]     (Œ»Ý‚̃tƒ@ƒCƒ‹“à—e‚ð•Û‘¶)
+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
+***** [j] jmonster.txt#Pets

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jlicense.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/jlicense.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jlicense.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
-                 D'angbandの著作権と使用許諾について
-    D'angbandの、変愚蛮怒よりの変更部分については以下の者が代表して
-  著作権を有します。
-    Deskull          Email: desku****@users*****
-    変愚蛮怒の、日本語版アングバンドおよび日本語版 Zangbandよりの変
-  更部分については以下の者が代表して著作権を有します。
-    Mr.hoge          Email: echiz****@users*****
-    日本語版 Zangbandの、Zangband 固有の日本語化部分については以下の者
-  が代表して著作権を有します。
-    板倉             Email: itaku****@users*****
-    日本語版アングバンド 2.8.3-1.2.6 でのオリジナル angband 2.8.3 より
-  の全機種共通の変更部分については以下の者が著作権を有します。
-    しとしん(内海清秀)      iris****@bf*****
-    エルロック              CXK01****@nifty*****
-    FIRST(白方健太郎)  argra****@yo*****
-    sayu(YOKOYAMA Atsushi)  sayu****@gol*****
-    岸康司                  kis-****@ca2*****
-    TeO                     CXE00****@nifty*****
-    怒涛の暇人(金光寛峯)    KFF02****@nifty*****
-    VOLKO(城戸イサム)       東京BBS: VOLKO
-    日本語版アングバンド 2.8.3-1.2.6 でのオリジナル angband 2.8.3 より
-  の各機種における変更部分についてはそれぞれ以下の移植者が著作権を有し
-  ます。
-    PC-98x1   への移植者 : しとしん(iris****@bf*****)
-                           エルロック(CXK01****@nifty*****)
-    X680x0    への移植者 : FIRST(argra****@yo*****)
-    DOS/V     への移植者 : sayu(sayu****@gol*****)
-    UNIX/X11  への移植者 : 岸康司(kis-****@ca2*****)
-                           李晃伸(ri****@kuis*****)
-    NeXTSTEP  への移植者 : 高橋令(大学:ks709****@ex*****)
-                                 (自宅:rei0****@osk2*****)
-    FM-TOWNS  への移植者 : 片山健一郎(ken_katay****@geoci*****)
-    Windows95 への移植者 : TeO (CXE00****@nifty*****)
-変愚蛮怒は、ベースである Angband や ZAngband と同様に以下の 
-Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
-This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
-and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
-are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
-  (1) 全ての著作権表記をそのままの形で含む事。
-  (2) 変更を加えた事実及び変更内容について明確に記載する事。
-  (3) 変愚蛮怒のスコアサーバーにスコアを送信できないように必要な変更を
-      加える事。(スコア送信機能を無効にするか、送信先サーバーの場所を
-      変える、等の方法で) ただし、全ての変更が変愚蛮怒のゲーム内容自体
-      に全く影響を与えない場合はこの条項は適用されない物とします。
-上述の使用許諾表記は Angband の dual license (後述)によって GPL のみに
-従って配布される可能性を排除するものではありません。現在は GPL に従っ
-GPL によって配布を受けた者は上述の使用許諾表示に従う義務はありません。
-    本プログラムを使用したことによって生じたいかなる損害についても製作
-  者はその責任を負いません。
-英語版 Angband の著作権及び使用許諾
-Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
-This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
-and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
-are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
-All changes made by Ben Harrison and Robert Ruehlmann are also available
-under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.  Note that this doesn't influence
-the current distribution, since parts of the source are still only
-available under the old Moria/Angband license.  Until all parts of
-Angband are distributed under the GPL the only valid license remains
-the original Moria/Angband license.
-Ben Harrison と Robert Ruehlmann によって加えられた全ての変更部分は上
-述の使用許諾(Moria/Angband license)の代りに GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 
-として旧来の Moria/Angband license のみによって配布されている為、この
-条項は現行の配布版には影響しません。Angbandの全ての部分が GPL によって
-配布可能になるまでは有効な使用許諾は Moria/Angband license だけです。
-dual license について
-現在、Robert Ru:hlmann 氏の提案によりAngbandとそのバリアントを GPL に
-ページの Angband OpenSource Initiative についてのページを参照してくだ
-Angband とその前身の Moria は OpenSource の概念が一般に広く受け入れら
-れる以前に作られましたが、その作者は Angband と Moria が常に無料で配布
-(訳注:これがいわゆる Moria/Angband license です。)
-Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
-This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
-and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
-are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
-しかし、この使用許諾は OpenSource としての条件は満たしておらず、変更を
-か問題点がありました。その結果として Angband は合法的に Linux のディス
-トリビューションに含める事ができませんし、OpenSource のプロジェクトの
-また GPL で配布されたコードを Angband の一部として利用する事もできませ
-私 (Robert Ru:hlmann氏) はこれらの問題点を克服するために、Angband
-OpenSource Initiative (Angband OpenSource化運動) を開始し、Angband (及
-びこの使用許諾の変更の恩恵を共有したいバリアント) を GNU General
-Public License に従って配布する事を可能にしようと努力しています。
-使用許諾の変更をする為には Angband に含まれる全てのコードを書いた全て
-Angband を GPL のみに移行してしまうと、Angband を元にした全てのバリア
-ントの作成者に対しても使用許諾を GPL に変更する事を強制してしまう結果
-になります。それを避けるために、私はコードを GPL と Angband license の
-両方で配布する「dual license」の方法を用いる事に決めました。その為バリ
-アントの作成者は望むなら Angband license を使い続ける事ができます、必
-ずしもバリアントの使用許諾を GPL に変更する必要はありません。
-注意するべきは、現在の所は dual license が適用可能であるのは Angband
-OpenSource化運動 に賛同した人々によって書かれた一部分のソースだけであ
-る事です。別の部分は依然として Moria/Angband license のみによって配布
-されているので、dual license は現在配布されている Angband 全体には影響
-ム全体に有効な使用許諾は Moria/Angband license だけです。
-あなたの変更部分を dual license に従って配布する為には、以下の短かい文
-も問題はないと思う、との事です)。この書面によって dual license の許可
-を与えられた Angband公式のメンテナはその変更部分を含むAngband (及びバ
-リアント)を GPL でも配布する事ができ、さらに配布を受けた各開発者が、
-GPL でも自分のバリアントを再配布する事ができます。)
-I hereby release [ここにあなたのパッチの名前または'all my changes to
-the Angband code'という文章を挿入], under the terms of the GNU General
-Public License (version 2), as well as under the traditional Angband
-license.  It may be redistributed under the terms of the GPL (version
-2 or any later version), or under the terms of the traditional Angband
-(直訳) 「私はここに宣言する、[Angbandコードに対する全ての私の変更部分] 
-を、旧来の Angband license だけでなく GNU General Public License バー
-ジョン2 でも公開する。それは GPL(バージョン2以降)、または旧来の 
-Angband license で再配布して良い。」
-また、あなたは Angband に加えた全ての変更部分を public domain として公
-今の所、Angband OpenSource化運動には以下の開発者達から賛同を得ています。
- ・ Robert Ru:hlmann
- ・ Ben Harrison
- ・ Greg Wooledge (Random artifact generation)
- ・ Tim Baker
- ・ William Tanksley
- ・ Dr. Andrew White (APW Borg)
- ・ Dennis van Es (BorgBand, DvEband)
- ・ Julian Lighton
- ・ Billy Tanksley
- ・ Dean Anderson (CthAngband)
- ・ Chris Weisiger (new Angband vaults)
- ・ Shayne Steele
- ・ Topi Ylinen
- ・ Steven Fuerst
- ・ Jonathan Ellis (edit files patch)
- ・ Eytan Zweig (EyAngband) - public domain
- ・ Matthias Kurzke (PsiAngband, ego-item patch)
- ・ Sheldon Simms (random artifact names)
- ・ Dave Blackston (squelch patch)
- ・ Greg Flint
- ・ John I'anson-Holton
- ・ Aram Harrow
- ・ Leon Marrick
- ・ Daniel Nash
- ・ Keldon Jones
- ・ Jim Wilson (UMoria author)
- ・ Mark Kvale (labyrinthine room patch)
+                 D'angband‚Ì’˜ìŒ ‚ÆŽg—p‹–‘ø‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä
+’˜ìŒ ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä
+    D'angband‚́A•Ï‹ð”Ø“{‚æ‚è‚̕ύX•”•ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă͈ȉº‚ÌŽÒ‚ª‘ã•\‚µ‚Ä
+  ’˜ìŒ ‚ð—L‚µ‚Ü‚·B
+    Deskull          Email: deskull—users.spamblock.sourceforge.jp
+    •Ï‹ð”Ø“{‚́A“ú–{Œê”ŃAƒ“ƒOƒoƒ“ƒh‚¨‚æ‚Ñ“ú–{Œê”Å Zangband‚æ‚è‚Ì•Ï
+  X•”•ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă͈ȉº‚ÌŽÒ‚ª‘ã•\‚µ‚Ä’˜ìŒ ‚ð—L‚µ‚Ü‚·B
+    Mr.hoge          Email: echizen—users.spamblock.sourceforge.jp
+    “ú–{Œê”Å Zangband‚́AZangband ŒÅ—L‚Ì“ú–{Œê‰»•”•ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă͈ȉº‚ÌŽÒ
+  ‚ª‘ã•\‚µ‚Ä’˜ìŒ ‚ð—L‚µ‚Ü‚·B
+    ”‘q             Email: itakura—users.spamblock.sourceforge.net
+    “ú–{Œê”ŃAƒ“ƒOƒoƒ“ƒh 2.8.3-1.2.6 ‚ł̃IƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹ angband 2.8.3 ‚æ‚è
+  ‚Ì‘S‹@Ží‹¤’ʂ̕ύX•”•ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă͈ȉº‚ÌŽÒ‚ª’˜ìŒ ‚ð—L‚µ‚Ü‚·B
+    ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ(“àŠC´G)      iris—bf.mbn.or.jp
+    ƒGƒ‹ƒƒbƒN              CXK01336—niftyserve.or.jp
+    ‚e‚h‚q‚r‚s(”’•ûŒ’‘¾˜Y)  argrath—yo.rim.or.jp
+    sayu(YOKOYAMA Atsushi)  sayu—gol.com
+    ŠÝNŽi                  kis-—ca2.so-net.or.jp
+    TeO                     CXE00237—niftyserve.or.jp
+    “{““‚̉ɐl(‹àŒõŠ°•õ)    KFF02766—niftyserve.or.jp
+    VOLKO(éŒËƒCƒTƒ€)       “Œ‹žBBS: VOLKO
+    “ú–{Œê”ŃAƒ“ƒOƒoƒ“ƒh 2.8.3-1.2.6 ‚ł̃IƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹ angband 2.8.3 ‚æ‚è
+  ‚ÌŠe‹@Ží‚É‚¨‚¯‚é•ÏX•”•ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚Í‚»‚ꂼ‚êˆÈ‰º‚̈ڐAŽÒ‚ª’˜ìŒ ‚ð—L‚µ
+  ‚Ü‚·B
+    PC-98x1   ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ : ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ(iris—bf.mbn.or.jp)
+                           ƒGƒ‹ƒƒbƒN(CXK01336—niftyserve.or.jp)
+    X680x0    ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ : ‚e‚h‚q‚r‚s(argrath—yo.rim.or.jp)
+    DOS/V     ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ : sayu(sayu—gol.com)
+    UNIX/X11  ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ : ŠÝNŽi(kis-—ca2.so-net.or.jp)
+                           —›WL(ri—kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
+    NeXTSTEP  ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ : ‚‹´—ß(‘åŠw:ks7098tr—ex.ecip.osaka-u.ac.jp)
+                                 (Ž©‘î:rei0—osk2.3web.ne.jp)
+    FM-TOWNS  ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ : •ÐŽRŒ’ˆê˜Y(ken_katayama—geocities.co.jp)
+    Windows95 ‚ւ̈ڐAŽÒ : TeO (CXE00237—niftyserve.or.jp)
+•Ï‹ð”Ø“{‚́Aƒx[ƒX‚Å‚ ‚é Angband ‚â ZAngband ‚Æ“¯—l‚Ɉȉº‚Ì 
+Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
+This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
+and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
+are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
+‚ç‚Ε¡ŽÊ‚¨‚æ‚Ñ”z•z‚µ‚Ä‚æ‚¢B‚½‚¾‚µA”z•z‚·‚é‘S‚ẴRƒs[‚É‚±‚Ì’˜ìŒ •\
+ìŒ ‚à“K—p‚·‚鎖‚ª‚Å‚«‚éB
+Œ ‚ª•Ê‚É“K—p‚³‚ê‚鎖‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä•â‘«‚µ‚½‚à‚Ì‚©‚ÆŽv‚í‚ê‚Ü‚·B)
+  (1) ‘S‚Ä‚Ì’˜ìŒ •\‹L‚ð‚»‚Ì‚Ü‚Ü‚ÌŒ`‚ÅŠÜ‚ÞŽ–B
+  (2) •ÏX‚ð‰Á‚¦‚½Ž–ŽÀ‹y‚ѕύX“à—e‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä–¾Šm‚É‹LÚ‚·‚鎖B
+  (3) •Ï‹ð”Ø“{‚̃XƒRƒAƒT[ƒo[‚ɃXƒRƒA‚𑗐M‚Å‚«‚È‚¢‚悤‚É•K—v‚ȕύX‚ð
+      ‰Á‚¦‚鎖B(ƒXƒRƒA‘—M‹@”\‚𖳌ø‚É‚·‚é‚©A‘—MæƒT[ƒo[‚̏ꏊ‚ð
+      •Ï‚¦‚éA“™‚Ì•û–@‚Å) ‚½‚¾‚µA‘S‚Ă̕ύX‚ª•Ï‹ð”Ø“{‚̃Q[ƒ€“à—eŽ©‘Ì
+      ‚É‘S‚­‰e‹¿‚ð—^‚¦‚È‚¢ê‡‚Í‚±‚Ìð€‚Í“K—p‚³‚ê‚È‚¢•¨‚Æ‚µ‚Ü‚·B
+ãq‚ÌŽg—p‹–‘ø•\‹L‚Í Angband ‚Ì dual license (Œãq)‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä GPL ‚Ì‚Ý‚É
+]‚Á‚Ä”z•z‚³‚ê‚é‰Â”\«‚ð”rœ‚·‚é‚à‚Ì‚Å‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñBŒ»Ý‚Í GPL ‚ɏ]‚Á
+GPL ‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä”z•z‚ðŽó‚¯‚½ŽÒ‚͏ãq‚ÌŽg—p‹–‘ø•\Ž¦‚ɏ]‚¤‹`–±‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
+    –{ƒvƒƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ðŽg—p‚µ‚½‚±‚Æ‚É‚æ‚Á‚悶‚½‚¢‚©‚Ȃ鑹ŠQ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚à»ì
+  ŽÒ‚Í‚»‚̐ӔC‚𕉂¢‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
+‰pŒê”Å Angband ‚Ì’˜ìŒ ‹y‚ÑŽg—p‹–‘ø
+Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
+This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
+and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
+are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
+‚ç‚Ε¡ŽÊ‚¨‚æ‚Ñ”z•z‚µ‚Ä‚æ‚¢B‚½‚¾‚µA”z•z‚·‚é‘S‚ẴRƒs[‚É‚±‚Ì’˜ìŒ •\
+ìŒ ‚à“K—p‚·‚鎖‚ª‚Å‚«‚é(?)B
+Œ ‚ª•Ê‚É“K—p‚³‚ê‚鎖‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä•â‘«‚µ‚½‚à‚Ì‚©‚ÆŽv‚í‚ê‚Ü‚·B)
+All changes made by Ben Harrison and Robert Ruehlmann are also available
+under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.  Note that this doesn't influence
+the current distribution, since parts of the source are still only
+available under the old Moria/Angband license.  Until all parts of
+Angband are distributed under the GPL the only valid license remains
+the original Moria/Angband license.
+Ben Harrison ‚Æ Robert Ruehlmann ‚É‚æ‚Á‚ĉÁ‚¦‚ç‚ꂽ‘S‚Ă̕ύX•”•ª‚͏ã
+q‚ÌŽg—p‹–‘ø(Moria/Angband license)‚Ì‘ã‚è‚É GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 
+‚Æ‚µ‚Ä‹Œ—ˆ‚Ì Moria/Angband license ‚Ì‚Ý‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä”z•z‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éˆ×A‚±‚Ì
+ð€‚ÍŒ»s‚Ì”z•z”łɂ͉e‹¿‚µ‚Ü‚¹‚ñBAngband‚Ì‘S‚Ä‚Ì•”•ª‚ª GPL ‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä
+”z•z‰Â”\‚É‚È‚é‚Ü‚Å‚Í—LŒø‚ÈŽg—p‹–‘ø‚Í Moria/Angband license ‚¾‚¯‚Å‚·B
+dual license ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä
+Œ»ÝARobert Ru:hlmann Ž‚Ì’ñˆÄ‚É‚æ‚èAngband‚Æ‚»‚̃oƒŠƒAƒ“ƒg‚ð GPL ‚É
+ƒy[ƒW‚Ì Angband OpenSource Initiative ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ẵy[ƒW‚ðŽQÆ‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾
+Angband ‚Æ‚»‚Ì‘Og‚Ì Moria ‚Í OpenSource ‚ÌŠT”O‚ªˆê”ʂɍL‚­Žó‚¯“ü‚ê‚ç
+‚ê‚éˆÈ‘O‚ɍì‚ç‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½‚ªA‚»‚̍ìŽÒ‚Í Angband ‚Æ Moria ‚ªí‚É–³—¿‚Å”z•z
+(–󒍁F‚±‚ꂪ‚¢‚í‚ä‚é Moria/Angband license ‚Å‚·B)
+Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
+This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
+and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
+are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
+’˜ìŒ ‚à“K—p‚·‚鎖‚ª‚Å‚«‚éBv
+‚µ‚©‚µA‚±‚ÌŽg—p‹–‘ø‚Í OpenSource ‚Æ‚µ‚Ä‚ÌðŒ‚Í–ž‚½‚µ‚Ä‚¨‚炸A•ÏX‚ð
+‰Á‚¦‚Ä”z•z‚·‚é‚Æ‚«‚Ƀ\[ƒX‚ðŒöŠJ‚·‚é‹`–±‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚µA‚»‚Ì‘¼‚É‚àŠô‚Â
+‚©–â‘è“_‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚ÌŒ‹‰Ê‚Æ‚µ‚Ä Angband ‚͍‡–@“I‚É Linux ‚̃fƒBƒX
+ƒgƒŠƒrƒ…[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚Ɋ܂߂鎖‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚µAOpenSource ‚̃vƒƒWƒFƒNƒg‚Ì
+‚Ü‚½ GPL ‚Å”z•z‚³‚ꂽƒR[ƒh‚ð Angband ‚̈ꕔ‚Æ‚µ‚Ä—˜—p‚·‚鎖‚à‚Å‚«‚Ü‚¹
+Ž„ (Robert Ru:hlmannŽ) ‚Í‚±‚ê‚ç‚Ì–â‘è“_‚ðŽ•ž‚·‚邽‚߂ɁAAngband
+OpenSource Initiative (Angband OpenSource‰»‰^“®) ‚ðŠJŽn‚µAAngband (‹y
+‚Ñ‚±‚ÌŽg—p‹–‘ø‚̕ύX‚̉¶Œb‚ð‹¤—L‚µ‚½‚¢ƒoƒŠƒAƒ“ƒg) ‚ð GNU General
+Public License ‚ɏ]‚Á‚Ä”z•z‚·‚鎖‚ð‰Â”\‚É‚µ‚悤‚Æ“w—Í‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B
+Žg—p‹–‘ø‚̕ύX‚ð‚·‚éˆ×‚É‚Í Angband ‚ÉŠÜ‚Ü‚ê‚é‘S‚ẴR[ƒh‚ð‘‚¢‚½‘S‚Ä
+‚«’¼‚·•K—v‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B
+Angband ‚ð GPL ‚݂̂Ɉڍs‚µ‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¤‚ƁAAngband ‚ðŒ³‚É‚µ‚½‘S‚ẴoƒŠƒA
+ƒ“ƒg‚̍쐬ŽÒ‚ɑ΂µ‚Ä‚àŽg—p‹–‘ø‚ð GPL ‚ɕύX‚·‚鎖‚ð‹­§‚µ‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¤Œ‹‰Ê
+‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚·B‚»‚ê‚ð”ð‚¯‚é‚½‚߂ɁAŽ„‚̓R[ƒh‚ð GPL ‚Æ Angband license ‚Ì
+—¼•û‚Å”z•z‚·‚éudual licensev‚Ì•û–@‚ð—p‚¢‚鎖‚ÉŒˆ‚ß‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚̈׃oƒŠ
+ƒAƒ“ƒg‚̍쐬ŽÒ‚Í–]‚Þ‚È‚ç Angband license ‚ðŽg‚¢‘±‚¯‚鎖‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·A•K
+‚¸‚µ‚àƒoƒŠƒAƒ“ƒg‚ÌŽg—p‹–‘ø‚ð GPL ‚ɕύX‚·‚é•K—v‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
+’ˆÓ‚·‚é‚ׂ«‚́AŒ»Ý‚̏Š‚Í dual license ‚ª“K—p‰Â”\‚Å‚ ‚é‚Ì‚Í Angband
+OpenSource‰»‰^“® ‚ÉŽ^“¯‚µ‚½lX‚É‚æ‚Á‚ď‘‚©‚ꂽˆê•”•ª‚̃\[ƒX‚¾‚¯‚Å‚ 
+‚鎖‚Å‚·B•Ê‚Ì•”•ª‚͈ˑR‚Æ‚µ‚Ä Moria/Angband license ‚Ì‚Ý‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä”z•z
+‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é‚̂ŁAdual license ‚ÍŒ»Ý”z•z‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é Angband ‘S‘̂ɂ͉e‹¿
+ƒ€‘S‘Ì‚É—LŒø‚ÈŽg—p‹–‘ø‚Í Moria/Angband license ‚¾‚¯‚Å‚·B
+‚ ‚È‚½‚̕ύX•”•ª‚ð dual license ‚ɏ]‚Á‚Ä”z•z‚·‚éˆ×‚ɂ́AˆÈ‰º‚Ì’Z‚©‚¢•¶
+(–󒍁F‘–ʂɂ́A‚ ‚È‚½‚Ì–¼‘O‚ªŠÜ‚Ü‚ê‚È‚¯‚ê‚΂¢‚¯‚Ü‚¹‚ñ(ƒjƒbƒNƒl[ƒ€‚Å
+‚à–â‘è‚Í‚È‚¢‚ÆŽv‚¤A‚Æ‚ÌŽ–‚Å‚·)B‚±‚̏‘–Ê‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä dual license ‚Ì‹–‰Â
+‚ð—^‚¦‚ç‚ꂽ AngbandŒöŽ®‚̃ƒ“ƒeƒi‚Í‚»‚̕ύX•”•ª‚ðŠÜ‚ÞAngband (‹y‚уo
+ƒŠƒAƒ“ƒg)‚ð GPL ‚Å‚à”z•z‚·‚鎖‚ª‚Å‚«A‚³‚ç‚É”z•z‚ðŽó‚¯‚½ŠeŠJ”­ŽÒ‚ªA
+GPL ‚Å‚àŽ©•ª‚̃oƒŠƒAƒ“ƒg‚ðÄ”z•z‚·‚鎖‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·B)
+I hereby release [‚±‚±‚É‚ ‚È‚½‚̃pƒbƒ`‚Ì–¼‘O‚Ü‚½‚Í'all my changes to
+the Angband code'‚Æ‚¢‚¤•¶Í‚ð‘}“ü], under the terms of the GNU General
+Public License (version 2), as well as under the traditional Angband
+license.  It may be redistributed under the terms of the GPL (version
+2 or any later version), or under the terms of the traditional Angband
+(’¼–ó) uŽ„‚Í‚±‚±‚ɐ錾‚·‚éA[AngbandƒR[ƒh‚ɑ΂·‚é‘S‚Ä‚ÌŽ„‚̕ύX•”•ª] 
+‚ðA‹Œ—ˆ‚Ì Angband license ‚¾‚¯‚Å‚È‚­ GNU General Public License ƒo[
+ƒWƒ‡ƒ“2 ‚Å‚àŒöŠJ‚·‚éB‚»‚ê‚Í GPL(ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“2ˆÈ~)A‚Ü‚½‚Í‹Œ—ˆ‚Ì 
+Angband license ‚ōĔz•z‚µ‚Ä—Ç‚¢Bv
+‚Ü‚½A‚ ‚È‚½‚Í Angband ‚ɉÁ‚¦‚½‘S‚Ă̕ύX•”•ª‚ð public domain ‚Æ‚µ‚ÄŒö
+ŠJ‚µA‘S‚Ä‚ÌŒ —˜‚ð•úŠü‚·‚鎖‚ð‘I‘ð‚·‚éŽ–‚à‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·B‚»‚̏ꍇ‚ÍŽ„‚É‚»‚Ì
+¡‚̏ŠAAngband OpenSource‰»‰^“®‚ɂ͈ȉº‚ÌŠJ”­ŽÒ’B‚©‚çŽ^“¯‚𓾂Ă¢‚Ü‚·B
+ E Robert Ru:hlmann
+ E Ben Harrison
+ E Greg Wooledge (Random artifact generation)
+ E Tim Baker
+ E William Tanksley
+ E Dr. Andrew White (APW Borg)
+ E Dennis van Es (BorgBand, DvEband)
+ E Julian Lighton
+ E Billy Tanksley
+ E Dean Anderson (CthAngband)
+ E Chris Weisiger (new Angband vaults)
+ E Shayne Steele
+ E Topi Ylinen
+ E Steven Fuerst
+ E Jonathan Ellis (edit files patch)
+ E Eytan Zweig (EyAngband) - public domain
+ E Matthias Kurzke (PsiAngband, ego-item patch)
+ E Sheldon Simms (random artifact names)
+ E Dave Blackston (squelch patch)
+ E Greg Flint
+ E John I'anson-Holton
+ E Aram Harrow
+ E Leon Marrick
+ E Daniel Nash
+ E Keldon Jones
+ E Jim Wilson (UMoria author)
+ E Mark Kvale (labyrinthine room patch)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jmagic.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jmagic.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jmagic.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-    (a) 変愚蛮怒の魔法システム            (jmagic.txt)
-    (b) 職業別魔法使用能力                (jmagic.txt#ClassSpellAbil)
-    (c) 魔法の領域                        (jmagic.txt#MagicRealms)
-    (d) 呪文の使用                        (jmagic.txt#CastingSpells)
-    (e) 呪文の種類                        (jmagic.txt#SpellTypes)
-    (f) ヒントと豆知識                    (jmagic.txt#Hints)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法            (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jmagic.txt
-***** [b] jmagic.txt#ClassSpellAbil
-***** [c] jmagic.txt#MagicRealms
-***** [d] jmagic.txt#CastingSpells
-***** [e] jmagic.txt#SpellTypes
-***** [f] jmagic.txt#Hints
+    (a) •Ï‹ð”Ø“{‚Ì–‚–@ƒVƒXƒeƒ€            (jmagic.txt)
+    (b) E‹Æ•Ê–‚–@Žg—p”\—Í                (jmagic.txt#ClassSpellAbil)
+    (c) –‚–@‚Ì—Ìˆæ                        (jmagic.txt#MagicRealms)
+    (d) Žô•¶‚ÌŽg—p                        (jmagic.txt#CastingSpells)
+    (e) Žô•¶‚ÌŽí—Þ                        (jmagic.txt#SpellTypes)
+    (f) ƒqƒ“ƒg‚Æ“¤’mŽ¯                    (jmagic.txt#Hints)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@            (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jmagic.txt
+***** [b] jmagic.txt#ClassSpellAbil
+***** [c] jmagic.txt#MagicRealms
+***** [d] jmagic.txt#CastingSpells
+***** [e] jmagic.txt#SpellTypes
+***** [f] jmagic.txt#Hints

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jmagic.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jmonster.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jmonster.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jmonster.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-    (a) 変愚蛮怒のモンスター        (jmonster.txt)
-    (b) モンスターの記号            (jmonster.txt#MonsterSymbols)
-    (c) モンスターの色              (jmonster.txt#MonsterColors)
-    (d) モンスターの思い出          (jmonster.txt#MonsterMemory)
-    (e) ユニークモンスター          (jmonster.txt#Uniques)
-    (f) 正気度チェック              (jmonster.txt#EldritchHorror)
-    (g) ペット                      (jmonster.txt#Pets)
-    (h) 友好的なモンスター          (jmonster.txt#Friendly)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法      (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jmonster.txt
-***** [b] jmonster.txt#MonsterSymbols
-***** [c] jmonster.txt#MonsterColors
-***** [d] jmonster.txt#MonsterMemory
-***** [e] jmonster.txt#Uniques
-***** [f] jmonster.txt#EldritchHorror
-***** [g] jmonster.txt#Pets
-***** [h] jmonster.txt#Friendly
+    (a) •Ï‹ð”Ø“{‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[        (jmonster.txt)
+    (b) ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Ì‹L†            (jmonster.txt#MonsterSymbols)
+    (c) ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚̐F              (jmonster.txt#MonsterColors)
+    (d) ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌŽv‚¢o          (jmonster.txt#MonsterMemory)
+    (e) ƒ†ƒj[ƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[          (jmonster.txt#Uniques)
+    (f) ³‹C“xƒ`ƒFƒbƒN              (jmonster.txt#EldritchHorror)
+    (g) ƒyƒbƒg                      (jmonster.txt#Pets)
+    (h) —FD“I‚ȃ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[          (jmonster.txt#Friendly)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@      (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jmonster.txt
+***** [b] jmonster.txt#MonsterSymbols
+***** [c] jmonster.txt#MonsterColors
+***** [d] jmonster.txt#MonsterMemory
+***** [e] jmonster.txt#Uniques
+***** [f] jmonster.txt#EldritchHorror
+***** [g] jmonster.txt#Pets
+***** [h] jmonster.txt#Friendly

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jmonster.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/jmonster.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jmonster.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,324 +1,324 @@
-=== D'angband のモンスター ===
-***** <MonsterSymbols>
-=== モンスターの記号 ===
-ターを調べなければなりません(jcommdesc.txt#Looking [b]を参照)。
-    a:アリ                       A:天使
-    b:コウモリ                   B:鳥
-    c:ムカデ                     C:犬
-    d:ドラゴン                   D:古代ドラゴン/ワイアーム
-    e:目玉                       E:エレメンタル
-    f:ネコ                       F:トンボ
-    g:ゴーレム                   G:ゴースト
-    h:ホビット/エルフ/ドワーフ   H:雑種
-    i:ベトベト                   I:昆虫
-    j:ゼリー                     J:ヘビ
-    k:コボルド                   K:キラー・ビートル
-    l:水棲生物                   L:リッチ
-    m:モルド                     M:多首の爬虫類
-    n:ナーガ                     N:謎の生物
-    o:オーク                     O:オーガ
-    p:人間                       P:巨大人間型生物
-    q:四足獣                     Q:クイルスルグ(脈打つ肉塊)
-    r:ネズミ                     R:爬虫類/両生類
-    s:スケルトン                 S:蜘蛛/サソリ/ダニ
-    t:町の人                     T:トロル
-    u:下級デーモン               U:上級デーモン
-    v:ボルテックス               V:バンパイア
-    w:イモムシ/大群              W:ワイト/レイス/等
-    y:イーク                     X:ゾーン/ザレン/等
-    z:ゾンビ/ミイラ              Y:イエティ
-                                 Z:ハウンド
-テムと同じ記号で表されています。例えば |, ), ?, !, &, $, * などです。
-***** <MonsterColors>
-=== モンスターの色 ===
-***** <MonsterMemory>
-=== モンスターの思い出 ===
-***** <Uniques>
-=== ユニークモンスター ===
---- ユニークの魔法耐性 ---
---- ユニークモンスターの記録 ---
-す。知識コマンド '~' で今までに会ったり倒したりしたユニークの一覧を見
---- しゃべるユニークモンスター ---
---- ユニークモンスターを倒した報酬 ---
-***** <EldritchHorror>
-=== 正気度チェック ===
-***** <Pets>
-=== ペット ===
---- ペットの入手 ---
---- ペットへの命令 ---
-        指定したペットを解放します。解放されたペットは即座に現在のダン
-        ジョンから消えます。解放するかどうかの質問は名前が付いているモ
-        ンスターや強力なモンスターを優先的に聞いてくるので、必要な何体
-        かについて "N"o と答えた後で、残りの全ての名前の無い(Unnamed)
-        ペットを解放"U"するのが便利です。
-        ペットの攻撃目標となるモンスターを一体選択します。
-        ペットが可能な限りあなたの近くにいるようにします。
-        ペットは数歩だけ離れてあなたについて来ます。
-        ペットがあなたから少し離れる事ができます。勝手に敵をみつけて攻
-        撃するのに適しているでしょう。
-        ペットがあなたの行動の邪魔にならないように離れます。一時的に一
-        人で敵と戦いたいとき等に便利です。
-        ペットに最大限あなたから離れるように命令します。
-        ペットがドアを開ける事を許可したり、禁止したりします。
-        ペットがアイテムを拾う事を許可したり、禁止したりします。
-        ペット自身がテレポートしたり、敵をテレポートさせる事を一切禁止
-        するか、許可するか選択します。
-        ペットが攻撃魔法や、ブレスを使うかどうかを選択します。
-        ペットが召喚魔法を使うかどうかを選択します。
-        ペットがブレスやビームやボール型の攻撃魔法でモンスターを攻撃す
-        るとき、プレイヤーを巻き込んでしまって良いかどうか選択します。
-        あなたは馬型やドラゴン型のモンスターには乗馬する事ができます。
-        最初は何度も落馬するでしょうが、なるべく弱いモンスターに乗る事
-        から始めて、長い間乗馬の練習を積めば強いモンスターにもうまく乗
-        れるようになるでしょう。
-        ペットに自由な名前を付けられます。名前が付いたペットは「ペット
-        を解放」コマンドで他のモンスターよりも先に質問してくるので、間
-        違って解放してしまう事が少なくなります。また、プレイ記録機能に
-        は名前の付いたペットの情報を記録するオプションがあります。
-        ペットに乗馬しているとき、通常は手綱を持つために片手を使わなけ
-        ればなりません。武器と盾を持ったり、二刀流をすると乗馬をコント
-        ロールする事ができません。したがって、武器を一本しか持っていな
-        いときでも通常は両手持ちをせずに片手持ちで戦います。しかし強い
-        モンスターと戦うとき等は、乗馬の行動は自由意志にまかせて自分は
-        攻撃に専念したいと思うかもしれません。このオプションを使うと、
-        手綱を離して一本の武器を両手で使って攻撃する事ができます。
---- ペットへの乗馬 ---
-***** <Friendly>
-=== 友好的なモンスター ===
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
-Updated    : D'angband Alpha 0
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] jcommdesc.txt#Looking
+=== D'angband ‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[ ===
+***** <MonsterSymbols>
+=== ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Ì‹L† ===
+ƒ^[‚𒲂ׂȂ¯‚ê‚΂Ȃè‚Ü‚¹‚ñ(jcommdesc.txt#Looking [b]‚ðŽQÆ)B
+    a:ƒAƒŠ                       A:“VŽg
+    b:ƒRƒEƒ‚ƒŠ                   B:’¹
+    c:ƒ€ƒJƒf                     C:Œ¢
+    d:ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“                   D:ŒÃ‘ãƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“/ƒƒCƒA[ƒ€
+    e:–Ú‹Ê                       E:ƒGƒŒƒƒ“ƒ^ƒ‹
+    f:ƒlƒR                       F:ƒgƒ“ƒ{
+    g:ƒS[ƒŒƒ€                   G:ƒS[ƒXƒg
+    h:ƒzƒrƒbƒg/ƒGƒ‹ƒt/ƒhƒ[ƒt   H:ŽGŽí
+    i:ƒxƒgƒxƒg                   I:©’Ž
+    j:ƒ[ƒŠ[                     J:ƒwƒr
+    k:ƒRƒ{ƒ‹ƒh                   K:ƒLƒ‰[Eƒr[ƒgƒ‹
+    l:…±¶•¨                   L:ƒŠƒbƒ`
+    m:ƒ‚ƒ‹ƒh                     M:‘½Žñ‚Ì঒Ž—Þ
+    n:ƒi[ƒK                     N:“ä‚̐¶•¨
+    o:ƒI[ƒN                     O:ƒI[ƒK
+    p:lŠÔ                       P:‹‘ålŠÔŒ^¶•¨
+    q:Žl‘«b                     Q:ƒNƒCƒ‹ƒXƒ‹ƒO(–¬‘ł“÷‰ò)
+    r:ƒlƒYƒ~                     R:঒Ž—Þ/—¼¶—Þ
+    s:ƒXƒPƒ‹ƒgƒ“                 S:’wå/ƒTƒ\ƒŠ/ƒ_ƒj
+    t:’¬‚̐l                     T:ƒgƒƒ‹
+    u:‰º‹‰ƒf[ƒ‚ƒ“               U:ã‹‰ƒf[ƒ‚ƒ“
+    v:ƒ{ƒ‹ƒeƒbƒNƒX               V:ƒoƒ“ƒpƒCƒA
+    w:ƒCƒ‚ƒ€ƒV/‘åŒQ              W:ƒƒCƒg/ƒŒƒCƒX/“™
+    y:ƒC[ƒN                     X:ƒ][ƒ“/ƒUƒŒƒ“/“™
+    z:ƒ]ƒ“ƒr/ƒ~ƒCƒ‰              Y:ƒCƒGƒeƒB
+                                 Z:ƒnƒEƒ“ƒh
+‚¢‚­‚‚©‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚̓_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚É‚æ‚­‚ ‚éƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚É‹^‘Ô‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚āAƒAƒC
+ƒeƒ€‚Æ“¯‚¶‹L†‚Å•\‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B—Ⴆ‚Î |, ), ?, !, &, $, * ‚È‚Ç‚Å‚·B
+***** <MonsterColors>
+=== ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚̐F ===
+ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Ì“Á’¥‚ª‚»‚̐F‚Å‚ ‚é’ö“x•ª‚©‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B‚½‚Æ‚¦‚΁uƒzƒ
+‚ ‚é‚¢‚̓uƒŒƒX‚̍UŒ‚‚ð‚µ‚Ä‚­‚郂ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Å‚·B
+***** <MonsterMemory>
+=== ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌŽv‚¢o ===
+‚ÉŠÖ‚µ‚Ä‚ ‚È‚½‚ªŒoŒ±‚µ‚½‚±‚Æ‚ðŽ©“®“I‚É‹L˜^‚µ‚Ü‚·B
+‚Ü‚·B‚»‚Ì‹L†‚Å•\‚³‚êAo‰ï‚Á‚½‚±‚Æ‚Ì‚ ‚郂ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ª‹­‚¢‡‚É•\Ž¦‚³‚ê
+‚Ü‚·B‚ ‚é‚¢‚Í'*'ƒL[‚Ń^[ƒQƒbƒgƒ‚[ƒh‚É“ü‚èAƒJ[ƒ\ƒ‹‚𒲂ׂ½‚¢ƒ‚ƒ“
+Žv‚¢o‚Ì‹@”\‚Ì‚¢‚¢Š‚̓Lƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚ªŽ€‚ñ‚¾‚ ‚Æ‚àˆø‚«Œp‚ª‚ê‚é“_‚Å‚µ‚å
+***** <Uniques>
+=== ƒ†ƒj[ƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[ ===
+‚·‚邱‚Æ‚à‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
+--- ƒ†ƒj[ƒN‚Ì–‚–@‘ϐ« ---
+--- ƒ†ƒj[ƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Ì‹L˜^ ---
+‚·B’mŽ¯ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh '~' ‚ō¡‚܂łɉï‚Á‚½‚è“|‚µ‚½‚肵‚½ƒ†ƒj[ƒN‚̈ꗗ‚ðŒ©
+--- ‚µ‚á‚ׂ郆ƒj[ƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[ ---
+ƒ†ƒj[ƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Ì’†‚É‚Í‹ß•t‚¢‚Ä‚­‚é‚Æ‚ ‚È‚½‚É‚µ‚á‚ׂ肩‚¯‚é‚à‚Ì‚ª‚æ
+‚­‚¢‚Ü‚·B‚æ‚­‚ ‚é‚Ì‚Í”l“|‚â’§í“I‚ÈŒ¾—t‚Å‚·‚ªA‚»‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÉŠÖŒW‚Ì
+--- ƒ†ƒj[ƒNƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ð“|‚µ‚½•ñV ---
+‹à‚ª‚©‚¯‚ç‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éê‡‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B‚»‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌŽ€‘Ì‚ð•Ó‹«‚Ì’n‚̃nƒ“
+***** <EldritchHorror>
+=== ³‹C“xƒ`ƒFƒbƒN ===
+‚ȉe‹¿‚ð‚¤‚¯‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B‚½‚Æ‚¦‚Î’m”\‚⌫‚³‚ªˆêŽž“I‚ ‚é‚¢‚͍P‹v“I
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+***** <Pets>
+=== ƒyƒbƒg ===
+D'angband‚̃yƒbƒg‚Í”ñí‚É–ð‚É—§‚¿A‚Ü‚½ˆÀ‘S‚Å‚·B‚ ‚È‚½‚̃yƒbƒg‚Å‚ ‚éƒw
+‚ð’è‚ß‚Ä‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B
+‚¹‚ñB‚ ‚È‚½‚Í–‚–@“I‚ÈŽè’i‚É‚æ‚Á‚ăyƒbƒg‚ÌŽ©—RˆÓŽu‚ðŠ®‘S‚ɏ¶ˆ¬‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é
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+--- ƒyƒbƒg‚Ì“üŽè ---
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+ŠO‚ɏo‚µ‚Ä‚ ‚È‚½‚ÉŽd‚¦‚³‚¹‚鎖‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·B
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+--- ƒyƒbƒg‚Ö‚Ì–½—ß ---
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+        ƒyƒbƒg‚ð‰ð•ú"U"‚·‚é‚Ì‚ª•Ö—˜‚Å‚·B
+        ƒyƒbƒg‚̍UŒ‚–Ú•W‚ƂȂ郂ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ðˆê‘Ì‘I‘ð‚µ‚Ü‚·B
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+        Œ‚‚·‚é‚Ì‚É“K‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Å‚µ‚傤B
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+        ‚é‚Æ‚«AƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ðŠª‚«ž‚ñ‚Å‚µ‚Ü‚Á‚Ä—Ç‚¢‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‘I‘ð‚µ‚Ü‚·B
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+        Å‰‚͉½“x‚à—Ž”n‚·‚é‚Å‚µ‚傤‚ªA‚È‚é‚ׂ­Žã‚¢ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ɏæ‚鎖
+        ‚©‚çŽn‚߂āA’·‚¢ŠÔæ”n‚Ì—ûK‚ðÏ‚߂΋­‚¢ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚É‚à‚¤‚Ü‚­æ
+        ‚ê‚é‚悤‚É‚È‚é‚Å‚µ‚傤B
+        ƒyƒbƒg‚ÉŽ©—R‚È–¼‘O‚ð•t‚¯‚ç‚ê‚Ü‚·B–¼‘O‚ª•t‚¢‚½ƒyƒbƒg‚́uƒyƒbƒg
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+        ƒyƒbƒg‚ɏæ”n‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Æ‚«A’ʏí‚ÍŽèj‚ðŽ‚Â‚½‚ß‚É•ÐŽè‚ðŽg‚í‚È‚¯
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+        ƒ[ƒ‹‚·‚鎖‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñB‚µ‚½‚ª‚Á‚āA•Ší‚ðˆê–{‚µ‚©Ž‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚È
+        ‚¢‚Æ‚«‚Å‚à’ʏí‚Í—¼ŽèŽ‚¿‚ð‚¹‚¸‚ɕЎ莝‚¿‚Ő킢‚Ü‚·B‚µ‚©‚µ‹­‚¢
+        ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Ɛ키‚Æ‚«“™‚́Aæ”n‚̍s“®‚ÍŽ©—RˆÓŽu‚É‚Ü‚©‚¹‚ÄŽ©•ª‚Í
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+--- ƒyƒbƒg‚ւ̏æ”n ---
+æ”n’†‚̃yƒbƒg‚Í‚à‚¿‚ë‚ñ‚ ‚È‚½‚Ì“G‚ðˆê‚ɍUŒ‚‚µ‚Ü‚·‚µA“G‚̍UŒ‚‚Í‚ ‚È
+‚½Ž©g‚Əæ”n‚Æ‚É•ªŽU‚·‚é‚̂ŁA‚ ‚È‚½‚Ì”íŠQ‚͏­‚È‚­‚È‚é‚Å‚µ‚傤B
+‚Ü‚½A‚³‚ç‚ɏd—v‚Ȃ̂͏æ”n‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚鎞‚Ì‚ ‚È‚½‚̍s“®‚̃Xƒs[ƒh‚́AŒ³X‚Ì
+‚ ‚È‚½Ž©g‚̃Xƒs[ƒh‚Å‚Í‚È‚­Aæ”n’†‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚̃Xƒs[ƒh‚ÅŒˆ‚Ü‚é‚Æ‚¢
+‚¤Ž–‚Å‚·B‚ ‚È‚½‚ªƒXƒs[ƒh‚Ì–ò‚ðˆù‚ñ‚¾‚èAƒXƒs[ƒh‚ÌŽw—Ö‚âƒXƒs[ƒh‚̃u[
+ƒc‚ð•t‚¯‚Ä‚¢‚Ä‚àŠÖŒW‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB‚µ‚½‚ª‚Á‚āA‘f‘‚¢ƒyƒbƒg‚ɏæ”n‚·‚鎖‚ª
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+‚É‚·‚Þ‚Æ‚¢‚¤—˜“_‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·BƒXƒs[ƒh‚ðˆêŽž“I‚É‘‚·‚½‚߂ɂ́AƒXƒs[ƒh‚Ì
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+“™‚ðŽg‚Á‚ÄŽËŒ‚‚Ì—ûK‚ðÏ‚Þ•K—v‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B’·‚¢ŠÔæ”n‚Ì—ûK‚ðÏ‚߂Ώn—û
+***** <Friendly>
+=== —FD“I‚ȃ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[ ===
+ƒ_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Å‚Í‚ ‚È‚½‚ðUŒ‚‚µ‚Ä‚±‚È‚¢ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ɏo‰ï‚¤‚±‚Æ‚ª‚ ‚é‚Å‚µ‚å
+‚¤B‚»‚̂悤‚ȃ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚́u—FD“Iv‚Å‚ ‚é‚ƃQ[ƒ€’†‚Å‚Í•\Œ»‚³‚ê‚Ü‚·B
+—FD“I‚ȃ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Í‚ ‚È‚½‚ðUŒ‚‚µ‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚ªA•K‚¸‚µ‚à‚ ‚È‚½‚Ì“G‚ðUŒ‚‚·
+‚é‚킯‚Å‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
+Updated    : D'angband Alpha 0
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] jcommdesc.txt#Looking

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jobjects.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jobjects.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jobjects.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-    (a) 変愚蛮怒のアイテム             (jobjects.txt)
-    (b) アイテムの記号                 (jobjects.txt#ObjectSymbols)
-    (c) 装備と持ち物                   (jobjects.txt#EquipInvent)
-    (d) アイテムの生成                 (jobjects.txt#Generation)
-    (e) アイテム圧縮                   (jobjects.txt#Compaction)
-    (f) 呪われたアイテム               (jobjects.txt#CursedObjects)
-    (g) 太古の忌まわしい怨念           (jobjects.txt#AncientCurse)
-    (h) アイテムの見かけ               (jobjects.txt#ObjectFlavors)
-    (i) 疑似鑑定                       (jobjects.txt#PseudoID)
-    (j) アイテムの鑑定                 (jobjects.txt#Identifying)
-    (k) エゴアイテムとアーティファクト (jobjects.txt#EgoObjects)
-    (l) アイテムのランダムな属性       (jobjects.txt#RandomAbilities)
-    (m) アイテムの銘                   (jobjects.txt#Inscriptions)
-    (n) アイテムの種類                 (jobjects.txt#ObjectTypes)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法         (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jobjects.txt
-***** [b] jobjects.txt#ObjectSymbols
-***** [c] jobjects.txt#EquipInvent
-***** [d] jobjects.txt#Generation
-***** [e] jobjects.txt#Compaction
-***** [f] jobjects.txt#CursedObjects
-***** [g] jobjects.txt#AncientCurse
-***** [h] jobjects.txt#ObjectFlavors
-***** [i] jobjects.txt#PseudoID
-***** [j] jobjects.txt#Identifying
-***** [k] jobjects.txt#EgoObjects
-***** [l] jobjects.txt#RandomAbilities
-***** [m] jobjects.txt#Inscriptions
-***** [n] jobjects.txt#ObjectTypes
+    (a) •Ï‹ð”Ø“{‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€             (jobjects.txt)
+    (b) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Ì‹L†                 (jobjects.txt#ObjectSymbols)
+    (c) ‘•”õ‚ÆŽ‚¿•¨                   (jobjects.txt#EquipInvent)
+    (d) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̐¶¬                 (jobjects.txt#Generation)
+    (e) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€ˆ³k                   (jobjects.txt#Compaction)
+    (f) Žô‚í‚ꂽƒAƒCƒeƒ€               (jobjects.txt#CursedObjects)
+    (g) ‘¾ŒÃ‚ÌŠõ‚܂킵‚¢‰…”O           (jobjects.txt#AncientCurse)
+    (h) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ÌŒ©‚©‚¯               (jobjects.txt#ObjectFlavors)
+    (i) ‹^Ž—ŠÓ’è                       (jobjects.txt#PseudoID)
+    (j) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ÌŠÓ’è                 (jobjects.txt#Identifying)
+    (k) ƒGƒSƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ƃA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg (jobjects.txt#EgoObjects)
+    (l) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̃‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚È‘®«       (jobjects.txt#RandomAbilities)
+    (m) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Ì–Á                   (jobjects.txt#Inscriptions)
+    (n) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ÌŽí—Þ                 (jobjects.txt#ObjectTypes)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@         (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jobjects.txt
+***** [b] jobjects.txt#ObjectSymbols
+***** [c] jobjects.txt#EquipInvent
+***** [d] jobjects.txt#Generation
+***** [e] jobjects.txt#Compaction
+***** [f] jobjects.txt#CursedObjects
+***** [g] jobjects.txt#AncientCurse
+***** [h] jobjects.txt#ObjectFlavors
+***** [i] jobjects.txt#PseudoID
+***** [j] jobjects.txt#Identifying
+***** [k] jobjects.txt#EgoObjects
+***** [l] jobjects.txt#RandomAbilities
+***** [m] jobjects.txt#Inscriptions
+***** [n] jobjects.txt#ObjectTypes

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jobjects.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/jobjects.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jobjects.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,833 +1,833 @@
-=== D'angbandのアイテム ===
-も、拾う前に確認することもできます(joption.txt#UserInterface [b]を参
-できます(autopick.txt を参照)。
-ます。魔法棒は 'a'im(狙う)、杖は'u'se(使う)、巻物は'r'ead(読
-***** <ObjectSymbols>
-=== アイテムの記号 ===
-  !   薬(油つぼ)                      /   長柄武器
-  ?   巻物(本)                        |   刀剣類
-  ,   キノコ(食料)                    \   鈍器
-  -   魔法棒、ロッド                  }   スリング, 弓, クロスボウ
-  _   杖                              {   弾, 矢, クロスボウの矢
-  =   指輪                            (   軟らかい防具
-  "   アミュレット                    [   硬い防具
-  $   お金、財宝                      ]   種々の防具
-  ~   ゴミ、骨、など                  )   盾
-  ~   明かり, 道具など                &   箱
-  `   像や人形
-***** <EquipInvent>
-=== 装備と持ち物 ===
-(inventory)」と呼ばれます。装備は 'e'、持ち物は 'i'コマンドでいつでも
-***** <Generation>
-=== アイテムの生成 ===
-***** <Compaction>
-=== アイテム圧縮 ===
-せん。アーティファクト(下 [d]を参照)は絶対消去されません。
-***** <CursedObjects>
-=== 呪われたアイテム ===
-万一呪われたアイテムを装備してしまった場合、「うわ! すさまじく冷たい!
-(Oops, it feels deathly cold!)」というメッセージが表示され自動的に{呪
---- 呪い ---
-    通常の呪われたアイテムはアーマークラスや技能、殺傷力などにペナル
-    ティがあります。これは解呪の巻物や生命魔法の弱い方で解くことができ
-    ます。
-    重い呪いがかかったアイテムはアーマークラスや技能、殺傷力などにペナ
-    ルティがあります。これは*解呪*の巻物や生命魔法の強い方で解くことが
-    できます。
-    永遠の呪いがかかったアイテムは呪いを解くことができず、したがって一
-    度装備したら二度と外せないでしょう。しばしば永遠の呪いがかかったア
-    イテムを見つけて装備したくなるかも知れません。しかしそうする前に良
-    く考えるべきです。考えが変わってももう遅いからです。
-***** <AncientCurse>
-=== 太古の忌まわしい怨念 ===
-太古の忌まわしい怨念は、それを作った人にちなんで「Topi Ylinen の呪い」
-テムはいつでも装備から外すことができて、「うわ! すさまじく冷たい!」
-***** <ObjectFlavors>
-=== アイテムの見かけ ===
-***** <PseudoID>
-=== 疑似鑑定 ===
-表1 - 職業別の疑似鑑定能力
-                       武器と防具               武器と防具以外
-    職業               方法       速さ          速さ
-    ----------------------------------------------------------
-    戦士               強い       とても速い    不可能
-    メイジ             弱い       遅い          とても速い
-    プリースト         弱い       とても速い    速い
-    盗賊               強い       速い          速い
-    レンジャー         強い       普通          普通
-    パラディン         強い       普通          遅い
-    魔法戦士           弱い       普通          普通
-    混沌の戦士         強い       普通          遅い
-    修行僧             弱い       速い          普通
-    超能力者           弱い       普通          速い
-    ハイ=メイジ        弱い       遅い          とても速い
-    観光客             強い       極めて速い    極めて速い
-    ものまね師         弱い       普通          遅い
-    魔獣使い           弱い       普通          遅い
-    スペルマスター     弱い       遅い          とても速い
-    アーチャー         強い       とても速い    不可能
-    魔道具術師         弱い       遅い          とても速い
-    吟遊詩人           弱い       とても速い    速い
-    赤魔道師           弱い       普通          普通
-    剣術家             強い       とても速い    不可能
-    練気術師           弱い       速い          速い
-    青魔道師           弱い       普通          とても速い
-    騎兵               強い       とても速い    不可能
-    狂戦士             強い       極めて速い    不可能
-    鍛冶師             強い       とても速い    遅い
-    鏡使い             弱い       普通          とても速い
-    忍者               強い       速い          遅い
-    スナイパー         強い       普通          不可能
-疑似鑑定されたアイテムは感じた品質によって銘が刻まれます(下の [e]を参
-表 2 - 強い疑似鑑定
-    銘             意味
-    -------------------------------------------------
-    恐ろしい       呪われたアーティファクト
-    無価値         呪われたエゴ(名のある)アイテム
-    呪われている   呪われたアイテム
-    並             普通のアイテム
-    上質           ボーナスがあるアイテム
-    高級品         エゴ(名のある)アイテム
-    特別製         呪われていないアーティファクト
-表 3 - 弱い疑似鑑定
-    銘             意味
-    ------------------------------------------------
-    呪われている   呪われたアイテム(悪いエゴアイ
-                   テムやアーティファクト含む)
-    上質以上       ボーナスのあるアイテム(良い名のあ
-                   るアイテムやアーティファクト含む)
-***** <Identifying>
-=== アイテムの鑑定 ===
-性が一目でわかるようにする事もできます。(下の アイテムの銘 [e]を参照)
-***** <EgoObjects>
-=== エゴアイテムとアーティファクト ===
-エゴアイテムの武器については、jattack.txt#EgoArtifact [g]を参照してください。
-エゴアイテムの防具については、jdefend.txt#EgoArtifact [h]を参照してください。
-部は発動 'A'ctivate することにより魔法の効果を発揮します。これは特に魔
-クトは lib/edit/a_info_j.txt に記述されていて、どのゲームでも現れるチャ
---- 保存モード ---
---- 特別な雰囲気 ---
---- '~' コマンド ---
---- ランダムアーティファクト ---
-***** <RandomAbilities>
-=== アイテムのランダムな属性 ===
-    腕力維持
-    知能維持
-    賢さ維持
-    器用さ維持
-    耐久力維持
-    魅力維持
-    耐盲目
-    耐混乱
-    耐轟音
-    耐破片
-    耐地獄
-    耐因果混乱
-    耐カオス
-    耐劣化
-    耐毒
-    耐閃光
-    耐暗黒
-    浮遊
-    永久光源
-    透明体視認
-    警告
-    遅消化
-    急回復
-    麻痺知らず
-    生命力保持
-***** <Inscriptions>
-=== アイテムの銘 ===
-きれないかもしれません。銘は{ }で囲まれアイテム名の後に付加されます。
---- 役に立つ銘 ---
-耐性自動刻み '%' (自動的にアイテムの能力を書き記す)
-'{'コマンドを使ったり、自動拾い/破壊の設定による自動刻みによって {%}と
-いくつかのボーナスがあるランダムアーティファクトに '%'と刻むと {+腕r火
-毒} と書かれます。今後、わざわざ 'I' コマンドを使わなくてもそのアーティ
-きは '%' と刻んでも何も起りません。
-が追加されている場合は単に {r獄}と刻まれます。浮遊の能力については銘に
-は書かれません。この振舞いが気に入らない場合は '%all'と刻んでください。
-全て刻みます。さきほどの浮遊の靴ならば {r獄;浮}となるわけです。
-ようになります。さきほどの例ならばそれぞれ {+St;rFiPo}、{rNt}、
-***** <AbbrevList>
-+攻 : At : 追加攻撃                 r酸 : Ac : 酸への耐性
-+速 : Sp : 加速                     r電 : El : 電撃への耐性
-+腕 : St : 腕力修正                 r火 : Fi : 火への耐性
-+知 : In : 知力修正                 r冷 : Co : 冷気への耐性
-+賢 : Wi : 賢さ修正                 r毒 : Po : 毒への耐性
-+器 : Dx : 器用さ修正               r閃 : Li : 光への耐性
-+耐 : Cn : 耐久力修正               r暗 : Dk : 暗黒への耐性
-+魅 : Ch : 魅力修正                 r破 : Sh : 破片への耐性
-+道 : Md : 魔法道具支配             r盲 : Bl : 盲目への耐性    
-+隠 : Sl : 隠密修正                 r乱 : Cf : 混乱への耐性    
-+探 : Sr : 探索修正                 r轟 : So : 轟音への耐性    
-+赤 : If : 赤外線修正               r獄 : Nt : 地獄への耐性    
-+掘 : Dg : 採掘力修正               r因 : Nx : 因果混乱への耐性
-*酸 : *Ac : 酸への免疫              r沌 : Ca : 混沌への耐性    
-*電 : *El : 電撃への免疫            r劣 : Di : 劣化への耐性    
-*火 : *Fi : 火への免疫              r恐 : Fe : 恐怖への耐性    
-*冷 : *Co : 冷気への免疫            
-魔力 : Ma : 魔力消費減少            (炎 : (F: 炎のバリア
-投 : Th : 投擲用武器                (電 : (E: 電撃のバリア
-反 : Rf : 反射                      (冷 : (C: 冷気のバリア
-麻 : Fa : 麻痺知らず                (魔 : (M: 反魔法バリア
-視 : Si : 透明体視認                (瞬 : (T: 反テレポートバリア
-経 : Hl : 経験値吸収への耐性        |酸 : |A : 溶解の武器
-遅 : Sd : 腹減り遅くする            |電 : |E : 電撃の武器
-活 : Rg : 回復力を速くする          |焼 : |F : 焼棄の武器
-浮 : Lv : 浮遊                      |凍 : |Co : 凍結の武器
-明 : Lu : 光源半径増加              |毒 : |P : 毒殺の武器
-警 : Wr : 様々な警告                |沌 : |Ca : カオス効果の武器
-倍 : Xm : 射撃ダメージ倍数増加      |吸 : |V : 吸血の武器
-射 : Xs : 射撃の連射速度増加        |震 : |Q : 地震の武器
-瞬 : Te : ランダム・テレポート      |切 : |S : 切れ味の武器
-怒 : Ag : モンスターを怒らせる      |理 : |M : 理力の武器
-祝 : Bs : 祝福された武器
-/邪 : /* : 滅邪の武器               /X邪 : /X* : *滅邪*の武器
-/人 : /p : 人食いの武器             /X人 : /Xp : *人食い*の武器
-/竜 : /D : ドラゴン・スレイヤー     /X龍 : /XD : *ドラゴン・スレイヤー*
-/オ : /o : オーク・スレイヤー       /Xオ : /Xo : *オーク・スレイヤー*
-/ト : /T : トロル・スレイヤー       /Xト : /XT : *トロル・スレイヤー*
-/巨 : /P : ジャイアント・スレイヤー /X巨 : /XP : *ジャイアント・スレイヤー*
-/デ : /U : デーモン・スレイヤー     /Xデ : /XU : *デーモン・スレイヤー*
-/死 : /L : アンデッド・スレイヤー   /X死 : /XL : *アンデッド・スレイヤー*
-/動 : /Z : アニマル・スレイヤー     /X動 : /XZ : *アニマル・スレイヤー*
-~感 : ~Tele : テレパシー            (腕 : (St : 腕力維持  
-~邪 : ~Evil : 邪悪ESP               (知 : (In : 知力維持  
-~善 : ~Good : 善良ESP               (賢 : (Wi : 賢さ維持  
-~無 : ~Nolv : 無生物ESP             (器 : (Dx : 器用さ維持
-~人 : ~p : 人間ESP                  (耐 : (Cn : 耐久力維持
-~竜 : ~D : ドラゴンESP              (魅 : (Ch : 魅力維持
-~オ : ~o : オークESP
-~ト : ~T : トロルESP
-~巨 : ~P : 巨人ESP
-~デ : ~U : 悪魔ESP
-~死 : ~L : アンデッドESP
-~動 : ~Z : 自然界の動物ESP
-{「@」+「コマンド文字」+「タグ文字」} という銘
-から外されたり新たに加わったりすると、アイテムのラベル('a' から'w' の
-配置では't'ですが、矢に {@t0} と刻んでも 数字'0'でその矢を選択できませ
-は{@ma @ ba@Ga}という銘を刻んで、呪文を唱える('m')、呪文の一覧を見る
-ば食べ物に{@E1 @ E2}という銘を刻むこともできます。
-例 1:
-    メインの武器とシャベルを持っているとします。普段は武器を装備してい
-    ますが財宝を採掘するときはシャベルを使います。メインの武器に
-    {@w0}、シャベルに{@w1}と銘を刻めば、シャベルを装備したいとき「
-    w1」、メインの武器を装備し直すときには「w0」と入力すればこれらが持
-    ち物のどこにあっても装備することができます。
-    注意:メイン武器にも{@w0}と銘を刻んで、装備を交換する時はいつも「
-    w0」と入力することもできます。
-例 2:
-    持ち物の最初の魔法書の最初の呪文を唱える場合、普通「maa」と入力し、
-    二番目の本の最初の呪文を唱えるときは「mba」と入力するでしょう。し
-    かし一番目の本が盗まれたり破壊された場合、ラベルがずれてしまうので
-    「mba」と入力しても望んだ呪文を唱えることができません。このような
-    原因で呪文を唱え間違えることがよくあります。これを防ぐために、一番
-    目の本に{@ma}、二番目の本に{@mb}と銘を刻んでおけばミスがおこりませ
-    ん。他の魔法書が無くなっても間違った呪文を唱える心配がありません。
-例 3:
-    食料とエルフの行糧を持ち歩いているとしましょう。普段は食料を先に食
-    べて、非常の時にはエルフの行糧の回復能力を使いたいという時、食料に
-    は{@E1}、エルフの行糧には{@E1 @ E2}と銘を刻めば良いです。食料はエル
-    フの行糧よりも持ち物リストで上に来るので、「E1」と押すだけで食料を
-    先に食べ、それがなくなった時だけエルフの行糧を食べることが出来ま
-    す。そしてエルフの行糧を意識的に食べたい時は「E2」と入力すれば良い
-    です。同じようなことを回復用薬にすることもできます。
-{「@」+「タグ数字」} という銘
-そして "!*" と銘を刻まれたアイテムは全てのコマンドにおいて、そのアイテ
-使用できるようになります。なお、「売却」と「落とす」は両方とも"d" コマ
-{#好きな名前}という銘 (fakeアーティファクト)
-通常はアイテムの銘は {}で囲まれて表示されるため、一目でユーザーが書き
-そういう時は 銘の中に '#'を入れて、その後に好きな名前を書きます。例え
-ば「殺戮のカタナ (4d4) (+9,+9)」に「#マサムネ」と刻むと、ゲーム中では 
-「殺戮のカタナ『マサムネ』 (4d4) (+9,+9)」と表示されます。ただし、この
-***** <ObjectTypes>
-=== アイテムの種類 ===
-矢や弾 ('{')
-   様々なタイプや質の矢や弾はダンジョンで多く見つかり、通常束になって
-   います。これらを有効に使うためには適切な飛び道具を使って「f」コマン
-   ドで発射しなければなりません。スリングは石や弾を、弓は矢を、クロス
-   ボウはクロスボウ・ボルトを発射できます。
-飛び道具 ('}')
-   飛び道具にはスリングからクロスボウまでいくつかのタイプがあります。
-   それぞれは専用の矢や弾を使用します。飛び道具を使うには「w」コマンド
-   で装備しなければなりません。
-武器 ('|', '/', '\')
-   ダンジョンには様々な種類の武器があります。各武器は重量やダメージダ
-   イスなどで異なっています。武器を使用するには「w」コマンドで装備しな
-   ければなりません。
-防具 ('[', '(', ')', ']')
-   鎧は体の上に、クロークは体の周囲に、盾は腕に、帽子やヘルメットは頭
-   に、グローブやガントレットやセスタスは手に、靴は足に「w」コマンドで
-   装備します。
-アミュレット ('"')
-   アミュレットは見かけの特徴があるアイテムで首の周りに「w」コマンドで
-   装備します。
-指輪 ('=')
-   指輪は見かけの特徴があるアイテムで左右のの薬指に「w」コマンドで装備
-   します。
-巻物 ('?')
-    巻物は見かけの特徴があるアイテムで「r」コマンド(read=読む)で効果が
-    現れます。ほとんどの巻物は実用的な目的に使われます。
-薬 ('!')
-    薬は見かけの特徴があるアイテムで「q」コマンド(quaff=飲む)で効果が
-    現れます。いくつかの薬はモンスターに投げて壊し、モンスターに対して
-    効果を発揮することがあります。また持っている薬が戦闘中に壊れて周囲
-    のモンスターにその効果を及ぼすこともあります。
-食料 (',')
-    ダンジョン内部には様々な食料がばらまかれており、「E」コマンド(eat=
-    食べる)で栄養を体に取り込みます。規則正しく食べていないと、空腹に
-    なってさらに衰弱してしまいます。しまいには空腹から気絶するようにな
-    り最後に餓死してしまうでしょう。
-キノコ (',')
-    キノコは見かけの特徴があるアイテムで、いくらか栄養価がありさらに魔
-    法の効果をプレイヤーに及ぼします。予想できるように、全ての種類が体
-    に良いというはけではありません。キノコは「E」コマンド(eat=食べる)
-    で食べます。
-    注意:アンデッドの種族はキノコからはほとんど栄養を摂取できません
-    が、魔法の効果は全て影響を持ちます。
-魔法棒 ('-')
-    魔法棒は見かけの特徴がある魔法のアイテムで、一定の数の「チャージ」
-    を持っています。各チャージは魔法棒の一回の使用に対応し、魔法棒を一
-    回使うとチャージは一つ減ります。チャージが空になったら「再充填」し
-    ないと使えません。一般的に、魔法棒はボルトやボール魔法を放ち、エリ
-    アに効果を及ぼすものはありません。魔法棒はプレイヤーに直接影響を与
-    えることはなく、一般に攻撃の目的で使われます。魔法棒は「a」コマンド
-    (aim=狙う)で使用しターゲットを指定します。
-杖 ('_')
-    杖は見かけの特徴がある魔法のアイテムで、色々な材質の木で出来
-    てきます。魔法棒のように一定の数のチャージを持っていて、空になった
-    ら再充填しないと使えません。一般的に、杖はエリアに対する影響
-    かプレイヤー自身に対する影響を及ぼします。魔法棒と違い、攻撃に使え
-    る杖は多くありません。杖は「u」コマンド(use=使う)で使
-    用しターゲットを必要としません。
-ロッド ('-')
-    ロッドは魔法棒や杖の両方に似ていて、両方の様々な魔法効果のう
-    ちの多くはロッドからも得られます。一番の違いはロッドには1つのチ
-    ャージしかなく、かつ空になった後はしばらくすると自然にチャージが回
-    復することです。概して良い効果を持つロッドほどチャージが回復するの
-    に時間がかかります。このことは魔法の効果を何回でも使えるが魔法棒や
-    杖に比べると連続して使えないということを意味します。ロッドは
-    「z」コマンド(zap=振る)で使用しターゲットを指定します。
-魔法書 ('?')
-    各魔法領域には4種類の魔法書があり、店やダンジョンの内部(種類によ
-    って深さは異なる)で見つけられます。あなたが魔法を使う職業なら、自
-    分の選択した領域の魔法書を「b」コマンド(browse=一覧)で見てどんな呪
-    文が含まれるか調べることができます。他の領域の魔法書を使うことはで
-    きません。「g」コマンド(gain=得る)で呪文を学習し「m」コマンド
-    (magic)で呪文を唱えることが出来ます。
-箱 ('&')
-    箱は複雑なアイテムで、トラップが仕掛けられていたり、鍵がかかってい
-    たりします。しかし開けることさえできれば、その中に財宝やアイテムを
-    見つけることができるでしょう。トラップやドアに対して使うコマンド
-    は、そのまま箱に対しても使えます。しかしこれらのコマンドは箱を荷物
-    として持ち運んでいる場合には使えません。
-人形 ('`')
-    人形は魔法のアイテムでダンジョンにいるモンスターの小さなレプリカで
-    す。これを投げると、そのモンスターに変化してペットになってくれま
-    す。
-像 (''')
-    像は様々な材質でできていてダンジョン内部で見つかります。人形と違っ
-    て魔力はないですが、その材質によっては高く売れます。
-死体 ('~')
-    時たまモンスターやダンジョンで死んだ冒険者の死体や骨が落ちているこ
-    とがあります。
-いろいろなガラクタ ('~')
-    ダンジョンの常として、折れた棒や空のビンなどの様々なガラクタが見つ
-    かるでしょう。ほとんどは役に立ちませんが、鉄のくさびは「j」コマンド
-    (jam=詰まらせる)でドアに挟んで開けられなくすることができます。
-光源 ('~')
-    様々な光源や燃料がダンジョンには落ちています。適切なアイテムを持っ
-    ていれば「F」コマンド(fuel=燃料)で光源に燃料を補充できます。ランタ
-    ンは油つぼで補充でき、たいまつは他のたいまつで補充できます。
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.3.0
-Updated    : D'angband Alpha 0
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] joption.txt#UserInterface
-***** [d] jobjects.txt#Artifacts
-***** [e] jobjects.txt#Inscriptions
-***** [f] jobjects.txt#Identifying
-***** [g] jattack.txt#EgoArtifact
-***** [h] jdefend.txt#EgoArtifact
+=== D'angband‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€ ===
+D'angband‚̃_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚ɂ̓AƒCƒeƒ€‚ª‘òŽR‚ ‚èA‚Ü‚½ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚àƒAƒCƒeƒ€
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+***** <ObjectSymbols>
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+***** <EquipInvent>
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+***** <Generation>
+=== ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̐¶¬ ===
+‚æ‚è‚à”ñí‚ɐ󂢊K‘w‚Å‚»‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€‚ð”­Œ©‚·‚邱‚Ƃ́A‚ ‚蓾‚È‚¢‚±‚Æ‚Å‚Í
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+***** <Compaction>
+=== ƒAƒCƒeƒ€ˆ³k ===
+D'angband‚Í‘å—ʂ̃AƒCƒeƒ€‚ð‹L‰¯‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·‚ªA–³ŒÀ‚Å‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB‚à‚µƒ‚
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+***** <CursedObjects>
+=== Žô‚í‚ꂽƒAƒCƒeƒ€ ===
+–œˆêŽô‚í‚ꂽƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ð‘•”õ‚µ‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚Á‚½ê‡Au‚¤‚íI ‚·‚³‚Ü‚¶‚­—₽‚¢I
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+    ‚Ä‚¢‚ê‚΁uFvƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh(fuel=”R—¿)‚ÅŒõŒ¹‚É”R—¿‚ð•â[‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·Bƒ‰ƒ“ƒ^
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+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.3.0
+Updated    : D'angband Alpha 0
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] joption.txt#UserInterface
+***** [d] jobjects.txt#Artifacts
+***** [e] jobjects.txt#Inscriptions
+***** [f] jobjects.txt#Identifying
+***** [g] jattack.txt#EgoArtifact
+***** [h] jdefend.txt#EgoArtifact

Modified: trunk/lib/help/joption.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/joption.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/joption.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
- 参照したいオンライン・ヘルプを選んで下さい:
-    (a) 変愚蛮怒 オプション一覧             (joption.txt)
-    (b) オプション1 -- キー入力             (joption.txt#Input)
-    (c) オプション2 -- マップ画面           (joption.txt#MapScreen)
-    (d) オプション3 -- テキスト表示         (joption.txt#TextDisplay)
-    (e) オプション4 -- ゲームプレイ         (joption.txt#GamePlay)
-    (f) オプション5 -- 行動中止             (joption.txt#Disturbance)
-    (g) オプション6 -- 簡易自動破壊         (joption.txt#AutoDestroyer)
-    (h) オプションR -- プレイ記録           (joption.txt#PlayRecord)
-    (i) オプションD -- 基本ウェイト量       (joption.txt#BaseDelay)
-    (j) オプションH -- 低ヒットポイント警告 (joption.txt#Hitpoint)
-    (k) オプションA -- 自動セーブオプション (joption.txt#Autosave)
-    (l) オプションW -- ウィンドウ フラグ    (joption.txt#Window)
-    (m) オプションC -- 詐欺オプション       (joption.txt#Cheating)
-    (n) 初期オプション                      (joption.txt#Birth)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法      (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] joption.txt
-***** [b] joption.txt#Input
-***** [c] joption.txt#MapScreen
-***** [d] joption.txt#TextDisplay
-***** [e] joption.txt#GamePlay
-***** [f] joption.txt#Disturbance
-***** [g] joption.txt#AutoDestroyer
-***** [h] joption.txt#PlayRecord
-***** [i] joption.txt#BaseDelay
-***** [j] joption.txt#Hitpoint
-***** [k] joption.txt#Autosave
-***** [l] joption.txt#Window
-***** [m] joption.txt#Cheating
-***** [n] joption.txt#Birth
+ ŽQÆ‚µ‚½‚¢ƒIƒ“ƒ‰ƒCƒ“Eƒwƒ‹ƒv‚ð‘I‚ñ‚ʼnº‚³‚¢:
+    (a) •Ï‹ð”Ø“{ ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ˆê——             (joption.txt)
+    (b) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“1 -- ƒL[“ü—Í             (joption.txt#Input)
+    (c) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“2 -- ƒ}ƒbƒv‰æ–Ê           (joption.txt#MapScreen)
+    (d) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“3 -- ƒeƒLƒXƒg•\Ž¦         (joption.txt#TextDisplay)
+    (e) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“4 -- ƒQ[ƒ€ƒvƒŒƒC         (joption.txt#GamePlay)
+    (f) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“5 -- s“®’†Ž~             (joption.txt#Disturbance)
+    (g) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“6 -- ŠÈˆÕŽ©“®”j‰ó         (joption.txt#AutoDestroyer)
+    (h) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“R -- ƒvƒŒƒC‹L˜^           (joption.txt#PlayRecord)
+    (i) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“D -- Šî–{ƒEƒFƒCƒg—Ê       (joption.txt#BaseDelay)
+    (j) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“H -- ’áƒqƒbƒgƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒgŒx (joption.txt#Hitpoint)
+    (k) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“A -- Ž©“®ƒZ[ƒuƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ (joption.txt#Autosave)
+    (l) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“W -- ƒEƒBƒ“ƒhƒE ƒtƒ‰ƒO    (joption.txt#Window)
+    (m) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“C -- ¼‹\ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“       (joption.txt#Cheating)
+    (n) ‰ŠúƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“                      (joption.txt#Birth)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@      (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] joption.txt
+***** [b] joption.txt#Input
+***** [c] joption.txt#MapScreen
+***** [d] joption.txt#TextDisplay
+***** [e] joption.txt#GamePlay
+***** [f] joption.txt#Disturbance
+***** [g] joption.txt#AutoDestroyer
+***** [h] joption.txt#PlayRecord
+***** [i] joption.txt#BaseDelay
+***** [j] joption.txt#Hitpoint
+***** [k] joption.txt#Autosave
+***** [l] joption.txt#Window
+***** [m] joption.txt#Cheating
+***** [n] joption.txt#Birth

Modified: trunk/lib/help/joption.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jpref.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jpref.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jpref.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-    (a) ユーザー設定ファイル             (jpref.txt)
-    (b) ユーザー設定ファイルのコマンド   (jpref.txt#Commands)
-    (c) マクロ                           (jpref.txt#Macros)
-    (d) キー配置                         (jpref.txt#Keymaps)
-    (e) 画面表示                         (jpref.txt#Visuals)
-    (f) カラー                           (jpref.txt#Colors)
-    (g) オプション                       (jpref.txt#Options)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法           (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jpref.txt
-***** [b] jpref.txt#Commands
-***** [c] jpref.txt#Macros
-***** [d] jpref.txt#Keymaps
-***** [e] jpref.txt#Visuals
-***** [f] jpref.txt#Colors
-***** [g] jpref.txt#Options
-***** [h] jeditor.txt
+    (a) ƒ†[ƒU[Ý’èƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹             (jpref.txt)
+    (b) ƒ†[ƒU[Ý’èƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚̃Rƒ}ƒ“ƒh   (jpref.txt#Commands)
+    (c) ƒ}ƒNƒ                           (jpref.txt#Macros)
+    (d) ƒL[”z’u                         (jpref.txt#Keymaps)
+    (e) ‰æ–Ê•\Ž¦                         (jpref.txt#Visuals)
+    (f) ƒJƒ‰[                           (jpref.txt#Colors)
+    (g) ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“                       (jpref.txt#Options)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@           (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jpref.txt
+***** [b] jpref.txt#Commands
+***** [c] jpref.txt#Macros
+***** [d] jpref.txt#Keymaps
+***** [e] jpref.txt#Visuals
+***** [f] jpref.txt#Colors
+***** [g] jpref.txt#Options
+***** [h] jeditor.txt

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jpref.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jraceclas.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jraceclas.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jraceclas.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-    (a) 種族                              (jraceclas.txt#TheRaces)
-    (b) 職業                              (jraceclas.txt#TheClasses)
-    (c) 性格                              (jraceclas.txt#ThePersonalities)
-    (d) 能力値修正表                      (jraceclas.txt#StatBonusTable)
-    (e) 技能修正値表                      (jraceclas.txt#SkillBonusTable)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法            (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jraceclas.txt#TheRaces
-***** [b] jraceclas.txt#TheClasses
-***** [c] jraceclas.txt#ThePersonalities
-***** [d] jraceclas.txt#StatBonusTable
-***** [e] jraceclas.txt#SkillBonusTable
+    (a) Ží‘°                              (jraceclas.txt#TheRaces)
+    (b) E‹Æ                              (jraceclas.txt#TheClasses)
+    (c) «Ši                              (jraceclas.txt#ThePersonalities)
+    (d) ”\—Í’lC³•\                      (jraceclas.txt#StatBonusTable)
+    (e) ‹Z”\C³’l•\                      (jraceclas.txt#SkillBonusTable)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@            (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jraceclas.txt#TheRaces
+***** [b] jraceclas.txt#TheClasses
+***** [c] jraceclas.txt#ThePersonalities
+***** [d] jraceclas.txt#StatBonusTable
+***** [e] jraceclas.txt#SkillBonusTable

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jraceclas.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/jraceclas.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jraceclas.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,1238 +1,1238 @@
-=== 種族、職業、性格 ===
-***** <TheRaces>
-=== 種族 ===
-***** <Human>
---- 人間 ---
-    人間は基本となるキャラクタです。他の全ての種族は人間と比較されます。
-    人間はどんな職業に就くこともでき、どの職業でも平均的にこなせます。
-    人間は寿命が短いため、レベル上昇が他のどんな種族よりも早くなる傾向
-    があります。また、特別な修正や特性は持っていません。
-***** <Half-Elf>
---- ハーフエルフ ---
-    ハーフエルフは人間より賢いですが、強くはありません。彼らは探索, 解
-    除, 魔法防御, 隠密行動, 射撃, そして魔法道具使用でわずかに優れてい
-    ます。しかし武器の取り扱いはそう得意ではありません。ハーフエルフは
-    どの職業に就くこともでき、生まれつきの特性はありません。
-***** <Elf>
---- エルフ ---
-    エルフは人間より良い魔法使いになれますが、戦闘は苦手です。彼らは人
-    間やハーフエルフよりも頭が良く、高い賢さを持っています。エルフは探
-    索, 解除, 知覚, 隠密行動, 射撃, そして魔法道具使用で優れていますが、
-    武器の扱いは得意ではありません。彼らは生まれつき光に対する耐性を持っ
-    ています。
-***** <Hobbit>
---- ホビット ---
-    ホビット、またはハーフリングは弓や投擲に長け、魔法防御も優れていま
-    す。また、探索, 解除, 知覚, そして隠密行動でもとても良い能力を示し
-    ます。そのため、彼らは優れた盗賊となることができます(しかし、「忍
-    びの者」と呼ばれることを好みます)。ホビットは人間より遥かに貧弱で、
-    戦士としてはてんでダメです。彼らはかなり良い赤外線視力を持っており、
-    温血動物を離れた場所から見つけることができます。彼らは生命力を保持
-    する力が強く、生命力吸収攻撃に対して耐性を持っています。
-***** <Gnome>
---- ノーム ---
-    ノームはドワーフより小さいですが、ホビットよりは大きい種族です。彼
-    らはホビット同様地表の洞穴のような家に住んでいます。ノームはとても
-    良い魔法防御を持ち、探索, 解除, 知覚, 隠密行動でも優れています。彼
-    らは人間より低い腕力を持ち、武器を持っての戦闘は苦手です。ノームは
-    かなり良い赤外線視力を持っており、温血動物を離れた場所から見つける
-    ことができます。ノームは生まれつき麻痺に対する耐性を持っています。
-***** <Dwarf>
---- ドワーフ ---
-    ドワーフは頑固な坑夫であり、伝説の戦士です。彼らは人間にくらべ強く
-    タフですが、知能は劣ります。しかし、長命ゆえに彼らは非常に賢いです。
-    彼らは良い魔法防御を持ち、探索, 知覚, 戦闘, 射撃では優れています。
-    彼らは一つ大きな欠点を持っています。ドワーフの隠密行動は絶望的に悪
-    いです。彼らは決して盲目にはなりません。
-***** <Half-Orc>
---- ハーフオーク ---
-    ハーフオークはよい戦士になれますが、魔法は期待できません。彼らはド
-    ワーフと同じくらい隠密行動が悪く、また探索や解除, 知覚もひどいです。
-    ハーフオークは醜く、店での買い物ではより高い金額を要求されがちです。
-    彼らは地下に住むことを好むため、ハーフオークは暗闇に対する耐性を備
-    えています。
-***** <Half-Troll>
---- ハーフトロル ---
-    ハーフトロルは信じられないほど強く、他の大部分の種族より大きなHP
-    を持ちます。彼らは不運にもとても愚かです。彼らの探索, 解除, 知覚, 
-    隠密行動は悪く、その外見はハーフオークがしかめっ面をするほど醜悪で
-    す。ハーフトロルは腕力が下がることがありません。レベルが上がると、
-    彼らは再生能力を手にいれ、戦士ならばさらに遅消化能力も獲得します。
-***** <Amberite>
---- アンバライト ---
-    アンバライトは多くのアドバンテージを授けられた、うわさによれば不死
-    の種族です。彼らは知覚, 戦闘, 射撃に優れており、他の面でもかなり熟
-    練しています。事実上あらゆるものを見てきており、新鮮なものはほとん
-    どないため、彼らの成長は他のどの種族より遅いものです。彼らはとても
-    タフで頑強であり、彼らの耐久力が下がることはありません。また、怪我
-    をすぐに治す再生能力があります。
-***** <High-Elf>
---- ハイエルフ ---
-    ハイエルフは世界の始まりから存在する不死の種族です。彼らは全てのス
-    キルに熟達しており、強く、知的で非常に人気があります - 誰もが彼ら
-    のことを好いています。ハイエルフは見えないものを見ることができ、普
-    通のエルフ同様光に対する耐性を持っています。しかし、彼らにとって未
-    知のものはほとんどなく、経験を得ることは大変に困難です。
-***** <Barbarian>
---- 野蛮人 ---
-    野蛮人は北方から来た頑強な種族です。彼らは激しく戦い、彼らの激怒は
-    世界中で恐れられています。戦闘が彼らの人生です。彼らは恐れを知らず、
-    ハーフトロルよりもすぐに狂暴に戦闘に入ってしまうことを学びます。し
-    かし、野蛮人は魔法を疑っており、そのため魔法の道具を使うことはかな
-    り大変なこととなっています。
-***** <Half-Ogre>
---- ハーフオーガ ---
-    ハーフオーガはハーフオークに似ていますが、それだけではありません。
-    彼らは大きく、邪悪で愚かです。戦士としては彼らは必要な資質を全て持っ
-    ており、また魔法使いになることさえできます。結局、彼らはオーガ・メ
-    イジに関係があり、レベルが十分に上がったら彼らから罠のルーンをセッ
-    トするスキルを学ぶのです。ハーフオークのように、彼らは暗闇に対する
-    耐性を持ち、ハーフトロル同様に腕力が下がることはありません。
-***** <Half-Giant>
---- 半巨人 ---
-    半巨人は大変力強いのですが、呪文を唱えられるほど利口ではありません。
-    彼らはよい戦闘能力を持ちますが、それ以外のことは苦手です。彼らの厚
-    い皮膚は破片に対する耐性を持ちます。また、ハーフオーガやハーフトロ
-    ル同様腕力を下げられることがありません。
-***** <Half-Titan>
---- 半タイタン ---
-    巨大なタイタンと人間の子孫であり、この強大な生物は他のほぼ全ての種
-    族よりはるかに勝っています。彼らは多種族にみられるような魅力的な特
-    殊能力は持っていませんが、その大変大きなHPはそれを補ってあまりあ
-    ります。半タイタンはそこそこのスキルを持っていますが、その巨大さゆ
-    えに罠の解除やこっそり歩くことは困難です。法と秩序を愛する彼らは、
-    カオスに対する耐性を持っています。
-***** <Cyclops>
---- サイクロプス ---
-    一つ目ではありますが、サイクロプスは多くの二つの目を持つ生物以上に
-    見ることができます。サイクロプスは非常に力強いのですが、知的である
-    とはちょっと言えません。彼らに比べれば、ハーフトロルの方がハンサム
-    に見えるということは言うまでもありません。サイクロプスは戦闘, 射撃
-    に優れていますが、その他の大部分のスキルは苦手です。サイクロプスは
-    音に対する耐性を持っています。
-***** <Yeek>
---- イーク ---
-    イークは最も哀れな生物の一つであり、並のモンスターであっても不注意
-    なイークならば徹底的に打ちのめせるほど肉体的には強くありませんが、
-    彼らはかなり知的でいくらか賢い生物です。イークは戦闘スキルは苦手で
-    すが、他の分野では優れています。彼らの皮膚は、時間とともに酸への耐
-    性を増していき、レベルが十分に上がれば完全に免疫を持つようになりま
-    す。
-***** <Klackon>
---- クラッコン ---
-    クラッコンは奇怪な半知的の昆虫型生物です。彼らはすばらしい戦士にな
-    れますが、精神的な能力はひどく制限されています。彼らは探索を除けば
-    大部分のスキルをそこそこにこなします。クラッコンは決して混乱させら
-    れることがなく、レベルが上がるごとに速くなります。
-***** <Kobold>
---- コボルド ---
-    コボルドは弱いゴブリンの種族です。彼らは毒を持った武器を好み、毒矢
-    (無制限に供給されます)を投げる能力を身につけることができます。コ
-    ボルドはそこそこの戦士になれますが、その他のスキルは軒並み悪いです。
-    彼らは生まれつき毒に対する耐性を持っています。
-***** <Nibelung>
---- ニーベルング   ---
-    嫌われ、迫害されてきた小人族です。彼らは大抵のスキルをそつなくこな
-    します。洞穴居住者である彼らは、暗闇に悩まされることはありませんし、
-    生まれつき持っている魔法のアイテムに対する嗜好のため、彼らは装備に
-    よる魔法のボーナスを奪う効果に耐性を持っています。
-***** <Dark-Elf>
---- ダークエルフ ---
-    闇の、洞穴に住む種族であるダークエルフは魔法の知識に対する長い伝統
-    を持っています。ダークエルフは魔法の道具をうまく使うことができ、他
-    の多くの種族より簡単に呪文を唱えられるだけの知能を持っています。そ
-    の鋭い視覚によって、彼らはハイエルフ同様見えないものをみる能力を学
-    びますが、それはある程度レベルが上がったときです。ダークエルフは暗
-    闇に対する耐性を持っています。
-***** <Draconian>
---- ドラコニアン ---
-    ドラゴンのような特性を持った人間型種族です。彼らはレベルが上がるに
-    つれ、新しい元素への耐性を手にいれます。ドラコニアンは優れた能力値
-    を持ってゲームを開始でき、大抵のスキルをうまくこなせます。その翼で、
-    彼らは簡単に落とし穴や溶岩、水を無傷で飛び越えることができます。
-***** <Mindflayer>
---- マインドフレア ---
-    秘密主義の神秘的な古代種族です。彼らの文明はこの惑星上の何よりも古
-    いかもしれません。その肉体的資質は決して誉められたものではありませ
-    んが、彼らの知能と賢さはマインドフレアを他のどんな種族よりも強力な
-    魔法使いにします。マインドフレアの知能と賢さは下がることがなく、レ
-    ベルが上がれば見えないものをみる能力、テレパシー能力を獲得します。
-***** <Imp>
---- インプ ---
-    地獄からやってきた悪魔的な生物です。彼らは他の種族から毛嫌いされて
-    いますが、大抵の職業をかなりうまくこなすことができます。インプは生
-    まれつき火に耐性を持っており、レベルが上がれば見えないものを見る能
-    力を獲得します。
-***** <Golem>
---- ゴーレム ---
-    ゴーレムは泥のような生命のない材料からつくられ、生命を吹き込まれた
-    人工的な生物です。彼らには思考というものがほとんどなく、そのため魔
-    法に依存する職業では役立たずです。しかし戦士としては大変にタフです。
-    彼らは毒に耐性を持ち、見えないものを見ることができ、さらに麻痺知ら
-    ずです。レベルが上がれば、彼らは生命力吸収攻撃に耐性を持つようにな
-    ります。ゴーレムは通常の食物からはほとんど栄養を摂取できませんが、
-    代わりに魔法棒や杖から魔力を吸収して動力源にする事ができます。また、
-    その頑丈な身体のため、ACにボーナスを得ることができ、さらに決して気
-    絶させられることがありません。
-***** <Skeleton>
---- スケルトン ---
-    スケルトンには2つのタイプが存在します。普通の戦士タイプと、リッチ
-    と呼ばれる呪文を使うスケルトンです。アンデッドである彼らは、毒や生
-    命力吸収攻撃を心配する必要はありません。彼らは物体を知覚するのに眼
-    を利用していないため、見えない物に騙されません。彼らの骨はとがった
-    破片のようなものに耐性を持ち、レベルが上がれば冷気に対する耐性を獲
-    得します。薬や食物の持つ効果はスケルトンの胃(存在しませんが)を通
-    過することなくその力を発揮しますが、薬や食物自体は彼の顎を通り抜け
-    て落ちてしまい、栄養を吸収することはできません。その代わりに魔法棒
-    や杖から魔力を吸収してエネルギー源にする事ができます。
-***** <Zombie>
---- ゾンビ ---
-    ゾンビはアンデッドであり、生命力吸収攻撃に耐性を持ち、スケルトンの
-    ようにレベルが上がれば冷気の耐性を獲得します。また、毒に耐性を持ち、
-    見えないものを見ることができます。(スケルトンとは違い)切る攻撃に
-    は弱いですが、地獄に対する耐性を持っています。ゴーレムのように、彼
-    らは食物からほとんど栄養を摂取できませんが、代わりに魔法棒や杖から
-    魔力を吸収してエネルギー源にする事ができます。
-***** <Vampire>
---- 吸血鬼 ---
-    強力なアンデッドの一種である吸血鬼は、畏敬の念を呼び起こす外見をし
-    ています。アンデッドの例にもれず、彼らも生命力を吸収されることがな
-    く、地獄に対する耐性を持っています。また、冷気と毒に対する耐性も備
-    えています。しかし、新鮮な血液に常に飢えており、それは近くにいる生
-    物から血液を吸うことによってのみ満たされます。この強力な生物は深刻
-    な弱点を持っています。太陽光線(や光源)は彼らの破滅を意味します。
-    幸運にも、吸血鬼はその身体から「暗黒の光」のオーラを放出しています。
-    一方、暗闇は彼らをより強力にするものです。
-***** <Spectre>
---- 幽霊 ---
-    幽霊は強力なアンデッドの一種です。彼らは不気味な緑色の光に包まれて
-    います。半物質的な存在である彼らは、壁を通り抜けることができますが、
-    そのときには壁の密度によって傷つけられてしまいます。他のアンデッド
-    同様、彼らも生命力を吸収されることがなく、見えないものを見ることが
-    でき、毒と冷気に対して耐性を備え、さらに地獄に対する耐性も持ってい
-    ます。レベルが十分に上がると彼らはテレパシーを獲得します。幽霊は卓
-    越した魔法使いになることができますが、その身体的特性は非常に貧弱で
-    す。彼らは食物からほとんど栄養を摂取できませんが、代わりに魔法棒や
-    杖から魔力を吸収してエネルギー源にする事ができます。
-***** <Sprite>
---- 妖精 ---
-    妖精は非常に小さいです。彼らは小さな翼を持ち、罠や危険な地形を飛び
-    越えることができます。彼らは日光を大変好み、光に対する耐性を持って
-    います。身体的にはもっとも貧弱な種族の一つですが、妖精は魔法の面で
-    大変な才能を持っており、非常に熟練した魔法使いになることができます。
-    高レベルではより速く飛ぶことができるようになります。
-***** <Beastman>
---- 獣人 ---
-    この種族はカオスによってつくられた冒涜的で嫌悪される存在です。彼ら
-    は独立した種族ではなく、人間型種族、大抵は人間がカオスによって歪め
-    られた存在、もしくは人間と獣の悪夢のような交配種です。全ての獣人は
-    カオスに盲従しており、そのため混乱と音に対して耐性を備えていますが、
-    純粋なログルスはまだ彼らに対し効果を持っています。獣人は混沌を好み、
-    それは彼らをさらに歪めます。獣人は突然変異を起こしやすい性質を持っ
-    ています。彼らがつくられたとき、ランダムな変異を受けます。その後、
-    レベルが上がるごとに違う変異を受ける可能性があります。
-***** <Ent>
---- エント ---
-    エントは非常に強く、賢いですが、その巨大さゆえに罠の解除やこっそり
-    と歩くことは苦手です。成長するにつれて腕力や耐久力が上がりますが、
-    器用さは下がっていきます。彼らには大きな欠点があり、炎によって通常
-    よりも大きなダメージを受けてしまいます。彼らは食物からほとんど栄養
-    を摂取できませんが、代わりに薬等から水分を摂取する事で活動できます。
-***** <Archon>
---- アルコン ---
-    天使の上位種であるアルコンは、全てのスキルに熟達しており、強くて賢
-    く、非常に人気があります。彼らは目に見えないものを見ることができ、
-    その翼で罠や危険な地形を飛び越えることができます。しかし、非常に成
-    長が遅いという欠点もあります。
-***** <Balrog>
---- バルログ ---
-    悪魔の上位種であるバルログは、強く、知的で、またタフでもあります。
-    しかし、彼らは神を信じようとはせず、プリーストには全く向いていませ
-    ん。炎と地獄、生命力吸収への耐性を持っており、レベルが上がれば見え
-    ないものを見る能力を獲得します。また、地獄や火炎のブレスを吐くこと
-    もできます。彼等はほとんどの技能で優れていますが、静かに歩くことは
-    苦手です。彼らは食物からほとんど栄養を摂取できませんが、人間タイプ
-    を生贄にする事で精力を回復する事ができます。
-***** <Dunadan>
---- ドゥナダン ---
-    ドゥナダンは西方から来た屈強な種族です。このいにしえの種族は全ての
-    領域において人間の能力を凌駕し、特に耐久力に関してはそれが顕著です。
-    しかしながらこの種族は全てに卓越していることが災いして、この世界に
-    は新しい経験といったものがほとんどなく、レベルを上げることが非常に
-    困難です。彼らはとてもタフで頑強であり、彼らの耐久力が下がることは
-    ありません。
-***** <Shadow-Fairy>
---- 影フェアリー ---
-    影フェアリーは人間よりやや大きい妖精族で、翼を持ち、罠や危険な地形
-    を飛び越えることができます。しかし、彼らは日光を嫌い、閃光によって
-    通常よりも大きなダメージを受けてしまいます。肉体的には非常に貧弱で
-    すが、魔法の面では優れた能力を持っています。彼らにはすばらしい長所
-    が一つあり、モンスターの反感をかうような強力なアイテムを装備しても
-    モンスターを怒らせることがありません。ただしその場合でも隠密行動能
-    力が下がり、また、自分自身の性格によって反感をかっている場合には効
-    果がありません。
-***** <Kutar>
---- クター ---
-    クターとしている無表情の謎の生物です。彼らは外見がかわいらしいため、
-    魅力が高いです。彼らは混乱しません。なぜなら、混乱してもクターとし
-    ているため変わりないからです。しかも、そのクターとしている外見から
-    敵に見つかりにくいです。しかし、彼らは注意力が少ないため探索や知覚
-    能力は悪いです。彼らはレベルが上がると横に伸びてACを上げる技を覚え
-    ますが、伸びている間は魔法防御能力は低くなってしまいます。
-***** <Android>
---- アンドロイド ---
-    アンドロイドは機械の身体を持つ人工的な存在です。魔法をうまく使うこ
-    とはできませんが、戦士としては非常に優れています。彼らは他の種族の
-    ように経験値を得て成長するということはありません。身体に身につける
-    装備によって成長します。ただし、指輪、アミュレット、光源は成長に影
-    響しません。彼らは毒の耐性を持ち、麻痺知らずで、生命力を吸われるこ
-    とがありません。また、身体が頑丈なのでACにボーナスを得ます。しかし
-    身体のいたるところに電子回路が組み込まれているため、電撃によって通
-    常よりも大きなダメージを受けてしまいます。彼らは食物からほとんど動
-    力を得られませんが、油を補給する事で動力源を得る事ができます。
-***** <TheClasses>
-=== 職業 ===
-***** <Warrior>
---- 戦士 ---
-    戦士は、直面する問題のほとんどを細切れに叩き切ることで解決するキャ
-    ラクタです。が、時折退却して魔法の道具の世話になることもあります。
-    不運にも、高レベルなアイテムの多くは彼らが扱える範囲を越えています。
-    戦士は呪文を使えません。彼らは魔法を憎んでいます。実は上位の魔法書
-    を破壊することによって経験値を得さえします。彼らはクラスパワー「剣
-    の舞い」によって一度に多くのて敵に対して攻撃する事ができます。
-***** <Mage>
---- メイジ ---
-    メイジは魔法使いであり、その機知によって生き延びなければなりません。
-    戦士のように、単純に切りまくることで道を開くことは望めません。呪文
-    書に加えて、メイジは助けになる魔法の道具を持ち運ぶべきです。これは
-    他の何よりも遥かに簡単にマスターできます。魔法に必要な能力値は知能
-    です。
-    メイジは領域の選択にあたって最も制約が少ない職業で、キャラクター作
-    成時に自由に2つの領域を選択できます。生命の魔法はプリースト程得意
-    ではありませんが、それを除けばメイジは非常に上手に呪文を使えます。
-    D'angbandでは2つの領域を選べる事は特別な価値があります。そのような
-    職業はキャラクター作成時だけでなく冒険中に第二の領域を変更できるか
-    らです。変更したい時は新しい領域の魔法書から呪文を覚える操作('G'コ
-    マンド)をします。ただし、呪文を学習できる数は復活しないのでむやみ
-    に領域を変更していると新しい呪文を覚える事ができなくなってしまいま
-    す。彼らはクラスパワー「魔力食い」によって魔法棒や杖やロッドからMP
-    を吸収する事ができます。
-***** <Priest>
---- プリースト ---
-    プリーストは高貴な力を使うことに専念したキャラクタです。彼らは自身
-    の神のためにダンジョンを探索し、もし宝を手にいれたなら、それは彼が
-    信仰する宗教の栄光となります。プリーストは新しい祈りを神からの贈り
-    物という形で受け取るため、どれを学ぶのか自分で選ぶことはできません。
-    プリーストは魔法の道具の使い方をよく知っていますが、メイジほどうま
-    くは使えません。刃のついた武器より鈍器を好み、祝福されていない刃の
-    ついた武器を装備すると不愉快な感覚に襲われ、戦闘能力が落ちてしまい
-    ます。魔法に必要な能力値は賢さです。
-    プリーストは第一の領域に生命、暗黒、悪魔、破邪、のうちどれかを選択
-    できます。第二の領域はほぼ自由に選択できますが、先に述べた4つの領
-    域の内から良い魔法領域と悪い魔法領域のペアを選択する事はできません。
-    生命以外の領域はメイジほどうまくはないにしろ全ての呪文を憶えられま
-    す。またメイジと同様に冒険中に第二領域を変更する事ができます。しか
-    しプリーストが呪文を学ぶ際、どの呪文を学ぶかを自発的に決めることは
-    できません。覚える魔法書を選択すると神がふさわしい呪文を授けてくれ
-    ます。それが不満足であっても返品はできません。第一領域に生命か破邪
-    を選択したプリーストはクラスパワー「武器祝福」によって刃物が付いた
-    武器を祝福して自由に使えるようにする事ができます。第一領域に暗黒か
-    悪魔を選択したプリーストはクラスパワー「召魂」によって視界内の敵に
-    ダメージと恐怖を与え、テレポートさせる事ができます。
-***** <Rogue>
---- 盗賊 ---
-    盗賊はその狡猾さで生き抜くことを好むキャラクタですが、肝心なときに
-    は戦闘で道を切り開くことができます、盗賊は罠やドアを見つける能力に
-    優れ、罠の解除や鍵開けに熟達しています。盗賊は高い隠密行動を持ち、
-    たくさんのモンスターの群れのそばを起こすことなく通り抜けたり、忍び
-    寄って先制攻撃することができます。魔法に必要な能力値は知能です。
-    盗賊は仙術、秘術、トランプ、匠、暗黒の中から一つの領域を選んで使用
-    できます。彼らは強力な呪文のいくつかは覚える事ができず、新しい呪文
-    を学べるスピードも速くありません。結局のところ近接攻撃力も飛道具も
-    得意な彼らにとって魔法は補助でしかありません。彼らはクラスパワー
-    「ヒット&アウェイ」によって攻撃すると同時にテレポートして反撃を避
-    ける事ができます。
-***** <Ranger>
---- レンジャー ---
-    レンジャーは戦士とメイジを合わせたような職業で、身の回りの自然と特
-    別な関係を作り上げています。彼はより戦士であり、弓のような遠距離武
-    器を巧く使える職業です。レンジャーはよい隠密行動、よい知覚、よい探
-    索、よい魔法防御を持ち、魔法の道具の使用にも長けています。魔法に必
-    要な能力値は知能です。
-    全てのレンジャーは自然の領域に精通しており、全ての呪文が使えるよう
-    になります。彼らはこの領域の呪文をほとんどメイジと変わらぬ速さで覚
-    えることができます。第二領域は仙術、秘術、トランプ、カオス、暗黒、
-    悪魔から選択する事ができ、冒険中に変更もできますが、これについては
-    学ぶ速度は遅く、もっとも高レベルの呪文のいくつかは覚えられません。
-    彼らはクラスパワー「モンスター調査」によってモンスターのHP、速度、
-    進化に必要な経験値を調べる事ができます。
-***** <Paladin>
---- パラディン ---
-    パラディンは戦士とプリーストを合わせた職業です。パラディンはとても
-    よい戦士ですが、遠距離武器を扱うのは得意ではありません。パラディン
-    には多くの能力が欠けています。隠密行動, 知覚, 探索, そして魔法道具
-    使用が苦手ですが、その神との提携によって魔法防御はそこそこです。魔
-    法に必要な能力値は賢さです。
-    パラディンは破邪か暗黒の領域を選択して使う事ができます。プリースト
-    と同様に、彼らは自分で学習する呪文を選ぶことは出来ず、神によって新
-    たな祈りを授けられます。彼らは全ての呪文を学習できますが、その速さ
-    はプリーストにはかないません。彼らは異教を憎んでいるので破邪のパラ
-    ディンは生命や破邪以外の領域の魔法書を破壊するように努め、暗黒のパ
-    ラディンは生命や破邪の魔法書を破壊するように努めます。そして高位の
-    魔法書であったなら彼らは破壊によって経験値を得る事ができます。彼ら
-    はそれぞれクラスパワー「ホーリーランス」と「ヘルランス」を使用し、
-    直線上の敵を攻撃する事ができます。
-***** <Warrior-Mage>
---- 魔法戦士 ---
-    魔法戦士はその名称が意味する通りの職業であり、戦士とメイジの資質を
-    あわせ持ちます。彼らの同業者であるレンジャーが自然の魔法と生き抜く
-    ためのスキルに特化している一方、本当の魔法剣士はどちらの世界でも一
-    番になろうとしています。戦士としては普通のメイジとは比べ物にならな
-    いほど優れています。しかし、実際には魔法でも戦闘でも専門の職業には
-    及ばず、戦士とメイジの中間に位置するような職業です。魔法に必要な能
-    力値は知能です。
-    魔法戦士は第一領域に秘術、第二領域にその他の自由な領域を選択する事
-    ができます。彼らは通常のメイジほどは早く呪文を覚えられませんが、最
-    終的には両領域の全ての呪文を覚えることができます。彼らはクラスパワー
-    「変換HP→MP」と「変換MP→HP」を使ってMPとHPを相互に移し変える事が
-    できます。
-***** <Chaos-Warrior>
---- 混沌の戦士 ---
-    混沌の戦士は恐るべきカオスの魔王の使いとして恐れられる存在です。混
-    沌の戦士はパトロンとなる悪魔を持ち、レベルが上がる度に報酬を得るこ
-    とがあります。彼は治療してくれたり、こちらを変化させたり、能力値を
-    上げてくれるかもしれませんし、回りに怪物達を出現させたり、能力値や
-    装備を奪うかも知れません。もしくは単にこちらを無視するだけかもしれ
-    ません。カオスの魔王は無秩序で予測のつかない存在です。報酬の種類は
-    パトロンとなる悪魔と偶然に依存します(違う悪魔は異なる報酬を与えま
-    す)。魔法に必要な能力値は知能です。
-    混沌の戦士はカオスか悪魔の領域を選択して使用できます。武器を用いた
-    攻撃力に加えて魔法による攻撃も合せ、破壊を巻き散らす事になるでしょ
-    う。彼らは全ての呪文を覚えられます。彼らはクラスパワー「幻惑の光」
-    によって視界内の敵を減速させ、朦朧とさせ、混乱させ、恐怖させ、麻痺
-    させる事ができます。
-***** <Monk>
---- 修行僧 ---
-    修行僧は他の職業とは著しく異なる職業です。彼らは他の職業同様武器と
-    防具を使えますが、マーシャルアーツの訓練を積んでいるため、武器、防
-    具なしでより強力な存在となります。高レベルでは、必要な耐性を身につ
-    けるためある種の防具を装備する必要がありますが、もしあまりに重すぎ
-    る防具を装備してしまうと、その体術に深刻な妨げとなります。レベルが
-    上がると、彼らは新しい強力な攻撃法を学び、防御能力も上昇します。魔
-    法に必要な能力値は賢さです。
-    異なる宗派に属する修行僧はそれぞれ違う領域の魔法に専念します。彼ら
-    は生命、自然、匠、暗黒のどれかの領域を使い、全ての呪文を修得する事
-    ができます。プリーストと同様に神から呪文を授けられるため覚える呪文
-    を自由に選ぶ事はできません。彼らはクラスパワー「構え」と「百裂拳」
-    を使います。状況に合せて異なる構えを用いてその場の戦闘を有利に運び、
-    強力な連続打撃によって最後の止めを刺します。
-***** <Mindcrafter>
---- 超能力者 ---
-    超能力者は魔法のかわりにその精神の力を使う職業です。この力は超能力
-    者独特のもので、単に超感覚的なものから他人の精神を支配するものまで
-    様々です。彼らの力はある種の訓練によって開発されるものなので、超能
-    力者は力を使うのに呪文書を必要としません。使える力は単純にキャラク
-    タのレベルによって決まります。超能力に必要な能力値は賢さです。
-    超能力はレベルが上ると次々に強力な超能力を使えるようになり、それぞ
-    れの超能力もレベルが上ると新たな能力を獲得します。彼らの力は精神の
-    力であり、目隠しをしていても使えます。彼らはクラスパワー「明鏡止水」
-    によってMPを回復する事ができます。
-***** <High-Mage>
---- ハイメイジ ---
-    ハイメイジは一つの領域に特化し、その領域を通常のメイジよりはるかに
-    深く学んだメイジです。しかし、生命の領域ではプリーストほどうまくは
-    なれないことには注意すべきです。魔法に必要な能力値は知能です。
-    ハイメイジは1つの領域に特化したおかげで、彼らは自らが選択した領域
-    の呪文を唱える際の消費MP、最低レベル、失敗率で相当な恩恵を受けます。
-    彼らはメイジと同様のクラスパワー「魔力食い」を使って魔法棒や杖やロッ
-    ドからMPを吸収できます。
-    またハイメイジは、呪術の領域を選択できる唯一の職業です。
-***** <Tourist>
---- 観光客 ---
-    観光客は観光のためにこの世界にやってきました。戦闘力が低く、強力な
-    呪文を使うこともできないため、最も生きぬいていくのが厳しい職業と言
-    えます。魔法に必要な能力値は知能です。
-    観光客は彼らなりに多くの事を見聞きしているため、驚くべき事に秘術の
-    魔法を使う事ができます。しかし、全く上手ではなく、直接攻撃呪文を始
-    めとして強力な呪文は使う事ができません。しかし鑑定の魔法だけは非常
-    に得意です。彼らはクラスパワー「写真撮影」と「真・鑑定」をさらなる
-    見聞を広めるために使います。
-***** <Imitator>
---- ものまね師 ---
-    ものまね師は戦闘力はそこそこありますが、自分から特殊な能力を使うこ
-    とは全くできません。しかし、自分の目の前にいる相手が特殊能力を使っ
-    た場合、その能力と全く同じ能力をそっくりそのまま使うことができます。
-    ものまねに必要な能力は基本的に器用さですが、まねる特殊能力に関係あ
-    る他の能力も必要です。
-    ものまね師はモンスターが魔法や能力を使用するのを見ることでネタを覚
-    えて、後で全く同じように真似る事ができます。それが攻撃魔法だったな
-    らダメージ量も全く同じになります。彼らは見た能力は全て覚えますが、
-    一回使用すると忘れます。また、覚えていられる数と時間に制限があり、
-    レベルによって決まる1つから3つまでの制限数まではずっと覚えていら
-    れますが、それを越える数のネタは各ターンに古いものから順番に忘れて
-    いきます。彼らはクラスパワー「倍返し」によって、通常の倍の攻撃力で
-    ものまねを使用する事ができます。
-***** <BeastMaster>
---- 魔獣使い ---
-    魔獣使いはD'angband世界のダンジョンに住む生物と心を通い合わせられま
-    す。彼らは最もうまくモンスターを乗りこなすことができ、召喚したり手
-    なづけたりしたモンスターを自分の手足のように使います。魔法に必要な
-    能力は魅力です。
-    魔獣使いはペットと乗馬能力を活用するためにトランプの魔法領域を使用
-    します。彼らは生命を持つモンスターを召喚するのが得意で、実際メイジ
-    よりも速く召喚魔法を覚えます。しかし、生命を持たないモンスターは全
-    く召喚できませんし、そのような呪文を覚える事もできません。彼らはク
-    ラスパワー「生物支配」と「真・生物支配」を用いて生命を持つモンスター
-    を最も効果的に支配する事ができます。
-***** <Sorcerer>
---- スペルマスター ---
-    スペルマスターは全ての魔法を極める者です。彼らは全分野において非常
-    に優れた魔法使いであり、あらゆる魔法書のすべての呪文を使いこなすこ
-    とができます。その反面、彼らは肉体的には非常に虚弱で近接戦闘はほと
-    んど不可能です。通常の武器を装備するだけで魔法の使用に非常に邪魔に
-    なりますが、魔術師の杖だけは例外です。もっとも、それも武器としては
-    使い物にならないでしょう。すべての魔法をうまく生かさなければならな
-    いため、非常に上級者向けな職業と言えます。魔法に必要な能力は知能で
-    す。
-    スペルマスターは呪文を使うために学習をする必要はなく、魔法書を持っ
-    ていてレベルが足りていれば9つ全ての魔法領域の全ての呪文を熟練した
-    メイジと同じくらいに上手く使う事ができます。彼らはクラスパワー「魔
-    力食い」によって魔法棒や杖やロッドからMPを吸収する事ができます。
-***** <Archer>
---- アーチャー ---
-    アーチャーは魔法を使うことはできませんが、どんな職業よりも巧みに弓
-    やスリングを使いこなします。大量の矢や弾を必要とするのは確かですが、
-    岩石からスリング用の弾を作ったり、レベルが上がるとモンスターの骨や
-    がらくたから矢を作ったりする技術を身につけます。また、戦士と比べて
-    隠密行動、知覚、探索、魔法道具の使用などにも優れており、いざという
-    ときには魔法の道具に頼ることもできます。
-    アーチャーは戦士と同様、魔法は一切使いません。彼らはクラスパワー
-    「小石/矢の製造」によって、岩石の地形から石や弾、骨から矢やクロス
-    ボウの矢を製造する事ができます。
-***** <Magic-Eater>
---- 魔道具術師 ---
-    魔道具術師は杖、魔法棒、ロッドといった魔法のアイテムから魔力をまる
-    ごと取り込むことによって魔法を使います。魔法のアイテムを発見するこ
-    とが他の職業よりもはるかに重要になります。戦闘力は高くはないですが、
-    そこそこの強さがあります。魔法に必要な能力は知能です。
-    魔道具術師は魔法棒や杖やロッドの魔力を吸収して、まるで吸収したアイ
-    テムを全て同時に所持しているかのように自由に使う事ができます。ロッ
-    ドは所持しているときと同様に充填しますし、魔法棒や杖でさえも魔道具
-    術師の力によってゆっくり使用回数を回復します。魔道具術師の知力が高
-    いほどこれらの充填速度は速くなります。また、彼らは魔力復活の薬を飲
-    んで充填に使う事もできます。彼らはクラスパワー「魔力の取り込み」に
-    よって魔法棒や杖やロッドを吸収します。
-***** <Bard>
---- 吟遊詩人 ---
-    吟遊詩人は魔力を帯びた歌を歌うことができます。多くの歌は普通の魔法
-    と異なり、歌を歌っている間継続して効果を発揮します。しかし、同時に
-    2つの歌を歌うことができない、という欠点もあります。視界内全体に影
-    響を及ぼす歌が多い、という特徴もあります。肉体的な能力は貧弱で、単
-    純に切りまくることで道を開くことはできません。魔法に必要な能力は魅
-    力です。
-    吟遊詩人の歌集の基本的な使い方はほとんど魔法書と同じシステムです。
-    歌集は全部で4冊あり、下位の2冊は町で買う事ができ、歌集を読んで新
-    たな歌を学習し、その歌を使うためには常に歌集を所持していなければな
-    りません。歌のいくつかは魔法書の呪文と同様に使った時に効果を発揮し
-    ますが、多くの歌はMPを消費して歌い続けている間ずっと効果を持つ歌集
-    独特のものです。彼らはクラスパワー「歌を止める」によって現在歌い続
-    けている歌を中断します。
-***** <Red-Mage>
---- 赤魔道師 ---
-    赤魔道師は魔法戦士に似ていて近接戦闘と魔法の両方の能力を持ち、スペ
-    ルマスターと同様に同時に全ての魔法領域を使用可能という素晴しい特徴
-    を持ちます。しかし、それぞれの呪文を使う能力は非常に劣り、上級魔法
-    書は全く使えません。魔法道具使用と魔法防御はそこそこですが、それ以
-    外の技能は苦手です。魔法に必要な能力は知能です。
-    赤魔道師は全ての魔法領域の魔法を学習無しで使用可能ですが、新たな呪
-    文を使えるようになるのは非常にゆっくりであり、魔力の消費量や失敗率
-    についても他の職業に比べて不利です。彼らは秘術以外の領域については
-    下位の2冊の魔法書のみ、秘術だけは4冊全てを使う事ができます。実際
-    のところ秘術の領域は4冊とも下位の魔法書なのです。ただし、これらの
-    下級魔法書の中でも特別に強力な呪文の幾つかは使用できません。彼らは
-    クラスパワー「連続魔」によって、一回の行動順に2つの呪文を同時に使
-    うという強力な能力を持っています。
-***** <Samurai>
---- 剣術家 ---
-    剣術家は戦士に次ぐ戦闘力があり、主に近接戦闘能力を強化する様々な技
-    を使うことができます。しかし、戦士と同様、高レベルの魔法のアイテム
-    は彼らの扱える範囲を越えており、罠の解除や探索の能力も高いとはいえ
-    ません。必殺技の使用に必要な能力は賢さです。
-    剣術家は武芸の書を読む事によって特別な必殺技を覚え、様々な付加能
-    力を付けて武器を振う事ができます。武芸の書は全部で4冊あり、下位
-    の2冊は武器の店で買う事ができます。魔法書の呪文と違い、一度技を
-    覚えてしまえばその技を使うのに武芸の書を所持する必要はありません。
-    ただし、どんな技を使うときも常に武器を装備していなければなりませ
-    ん。彼らはMPの扱いについても特徴があります。彼らの通常の最大MPは
-    他の職業に比べて非常に小さく、賢さ(と種族)のみによって決定され、
-    レベルが上っても増えません。しかし、彼らはクラスパワー「気合いた
-    め」によって一時的にその最大MPを越えてMPを増やす事ができ、その後
-    に高レベルの技を使う事ができます。また、もう一つのクラスパワー
-    「型」は剣術家の戦闘のスタイルを変更します。型は4つの種類があり、
-    それぞれ長所と短所があります。
-***** <ForceTrainer>
---- 練気術師 ---
-    練気術師は「気」を使う達人です。彼らは修行僧に似ていて武器を持たず
-    軽装で戦いますが、肉体的には修行僧ほどの戦闘能力はありません。武器
-    を持つことや、重すぎる防具を装備することは、「気」の力の使用を妨げ
-    ます。魔法と練気術に必要な能力は賢さです。
-    練気術師は修行僧と同様に普通の魔法書を生命、自然、匠、暗黒、破邪の
-    中から一つを選んで使用する事ができ、それに加えて「気」を様々に活用
-    する練気術を使います。練気術は超能力に良く似ていて、レベルが上る事
-    で新たな能力を獲得して行きます。魔法を使用するコマンドは通常と同じ'
-    m'ですが、魔法書を選択する画面で'w'を押す事で魔法書の代りに練気術
-    を選択する事ができます。彼らの最も重要な練気術の一つ「練気」は気を
-    練って一時的に彼らの気を強化します。この時、素手による直接攻撃力が
-    上昇し、この状態で他の練気術を使用すると練った気を一気に放出するた
-    め通常よりも遥かに大きな効果を持ちます。彼らはクラスパワー「明鏡止
-    水」によってMPを素早く回復する事ができます。
-***** <Blue-Mage>
---- 青魔道師 ---
-    青魔道師は優れた魔法使いであり、その機知によって生き延びなければな
-    りません。メイジ等の他の魔法使いとの違いは魔法の覚え方で、青魔道師
-    はモンスターの魔法の効果を受けることでその魔法を覚えます。魔法に必
-    要な能力は知能です。
-    青魔道師の使う青魔法はモンスターの魔法や能力を学習して自分の呪文と
-    して使う物です。ものまねとは異なり一度覚えれば忘れませんが、学習す
-    る為にはクラスパワー「ラーニング」を使用中にモンスターの魔法や能力
-    による直接的な攻撃や召喚による攻撃を受ける事が必要です。したがって
-    体力回復魔法やスピード等の自己を強化する魔法を学習するのは不可能で
-    す。また、攻撃魔法の威力までは真似ないのでそれは自分の能力によって
-    決まります。
-***** <Cavalry>
---- 騎兵 ---
-    騎兵は馬に乗り戦場を駆け抜けるエリート戦士です。魔法は使えませんが、
-    馬上からの圧倒的な攻撃力を誇る上に、高い機動力を生かした射撃をも得
-    意としています。レベルが上がれば、野生のモンスターにまたがり無理矢
-    理手なずけることができます。彼らは己の肉体と精神に誇りを持ち、魔法
-    道具にはあまり頼ろうとはしません。
-    騎兵は戦士と同様、魔法を全く使いません。彼らは乗馬に非常に熟練して
-    いるため、クラスパワー「荒馬ならし」を使用して乗馬可能なモンスター
-    に無理矢理跳び乗ってペットにする事ができます。
-***** <Berserker>
---- 狂戦士 ---
-    狂戦士は怒り狂って武器を振るう恐るべき戦士です。全職業中最高の肉体
-    能力を誇り、恐怖と麻痺に対する耐性を持ち、レベルが上がればその強靭
-    な肉体で矢の呪文を跳ね返すことができます。さらに武器なしで戦うこと
-    や、呪いのかけられた装備を力づくで剥がすことができ、いくつかの技を
-    (反魔法状態でも)使うことができます。しかし、巻物や魔法道具は全く使
-    うことができず、罠の解除や隠密行動、探索、魔法防御、飛び道具の技能
-    に関しては絶望的です。ひたすら殴って道を開くしかありません。アンバ
-    ライトと幽霊は非常に勝利しやすいですがスコアがかなり低く修正されま
-    す。
-    狂戦士は、彼ら独特の技の体系「怒り」を使用する事ができます。彼らは
-    レベルを上げる事によって新たな怒りの技を覚えます。狂戦士は戦士と同
-    様に、「魔法」は使いません。それどころか巻物、魔法棒、杖、ロッド、
-    アーティファクトの発動も全て使用できません。その救済処置として彼ら
-    はクラスパワー「帰還」を持っています。なぜ帰還ができるのかは想像に
-    おまかせしますが。
-***** <Weaponsmith>
---- 鍛冶師 ---
-    鍛冶師は武器や防具を自分で強化することができます。肉体的にも十分な
-    戦闘能力も持ち、強化した装備を活用する事によって潜在的には戦士以上
-    の近接戦闘能力を持ちます。しかし、魔法は一切使用できず、隠密や魔法
-    防御の技能も低くなります。
-    鍛冶師は鍛冶の能力によって、特殊効果を持つ武器や防具から特殊効果の
-    元となる魔力のエッセンスを取り出し、別の武器や防具にエッセンスを付
-    加することによってその特殊効果を付加できます。 ただし、耐性や能力
-    の付加は一つの装備に対して一つしかできませんし、アーティファクトに
-    は一切付加できません。防具のAC修正や、武器の命中、ダメージ修正は例
-    外で、上限値に達するまでは自由に強化する事ができます。また、一度付
-    加した耐性や能力を取り除いて、別のエッセンスを付加する事もできます。
-    彼らはクラスパワー「目利き」によって武器や防具を鑑定する事ができま
-    す。これは高レベルの鍛冶師の場合は*鑑定*になります。
-***** <Mirror-Master>
---- 鏡使い ---
-    鏡使いは、魔力の込められた鏡を作り出して、それを触媒として攻撃を行
-    なうことができる鏡魔法を使います。鏡使いは鏡の上で実力を発揮し、鏡
-    の上では素早いテレポートが可能となります。魔法の鏡は、レベルによっ
-    て一度に制御できる数が制限されます。鏡魔法に必要な能力は知能です。
-    鏡使いは魔法の鏡を生成して配置し、それを活用して攻撃を行う鏡魔法を
-    使用します。彼らはレベルが上がる事で新たな鏡魔法を覚えます。幾つか
-    の鏡魔法は覚えた後にさらにレベルが上がる事で別の能力を獲得していく
-    ものもあります。彼らにとって鏡の配置は非常に重要です。鏡に当って反
-    射する攻撃魔法もありますし、鏡の上にいるモンスターにのみ効果を持つ
-    魔法もあります。また、鏡使いが鏡の上に立ったとき、多くの鏡魔法を通
-    常よりも効果的に使う事ができます。特にテレポート魔法については鏡の
-    上で使う事により通常の1/2の時間で唱える事ができます。注意するべき
-    は同時に維持する事のできる鏡の数に制限がある事です、不要な鏡は壊し
-    てしまえばまた新たな鏡を作れるようになります。彼らはクラスパワー
-    「鏡割り」と「静水」を持っています。鏡割りはその階にある鏡を全て割
-    り、「静水」は鏡の上で使うとMPを回復します。
-***** <Ninja>
---- 忍者 ---
-    忍者は暗闇に潜む恐るべき暗殺者であり、光源を持たずに行動し、相手の
-    不意をつき一撃で息の根を止めます。また、相手を惑わすための忍術も身
-    につけます。罠やドアを見つける能力に優れ、罠の解除や鍵開けに熟達し
-    ています。軽装を好み、重い鎧や武器を装備すると著しく動きが制限され、
-    また、盾を装備しようとはしません。軽装ならば、レベルが上がるにつれ
-    より速くより静かに行動できます。さらに忍者は恐怖せず、成長すれば毒
-    がほとんど効かなくなり、透明なものを見ることができるようになります。
-    忍術に必要な能力は器用さです。
-    忍者は暗闇に潜み、不意打ちによって敵を攻撃するために、それを補助す
-    る忍術を使用する事ができます。彼らはレベルが上ると新たな忍術を覚え
-    ていきます。彼らはクラスパワー「速駆け」を使用する事で通常よりも遥
-    かに速く走る事ができます。
-***** <Sniper>
---- スナイパー ---
-    スナイパーは射撃に特化していますが、アーチャーのように矢を矢継ぎ早
-    に発射するクラスではありません。彼らは、集中力を高めることで、射撃
-    の精度や威力を高めるだけではなく、その恐ろしい射撃術を使用すること
-    ができます。
-    彼らに必要なのは、高威力の弓やクロスボウ、質のよい矢弾と、何事にも
-    動じない強い忍耐力です。
-***** <ThePersonalities>
-=== 性格 ===
-***** <Ordinary>
---- 普通 ---
-    普通は、特に特筆するべき部分がない性格です。あらゆる技能を平均的
-    にこなします。
-***** <Mighty>
---- 力自慢 ---
-    力自慢は、肉体的な能力や技能が上昇します。しかし、魔法に関係する能力
-    や技能は劣り、戦士よりのステータスを持ちます。また、見かけ以上に高い
-    HPを獲得しますが、その反面、呪文を失敗する確率が僅かに高くなります。
-***** <Shrewd>
---- 切れ者 ---
-    切れ者は、肉体的な能力は下がりますが、知能や魔法に関係する技能は上
-    昇し、メイジよりのステータスを持ちます。また、呪文を唱えるときの
-    失敗の確率も普通より低くなりますが、その反面撃たれ弱くなり、HPの
-    獲得は少なくなります。
-***** <Pious>
---- 幸せ者 ---
-    幸せ者は、神を信仰する能力が高くなります。肉体的には平均的な
-    能力を持ち、プリーストに近いステータスとなります。
-***** <Nimble>
---- 素早い ---
-    素早いは、どのスキルも比較的うまくこなし、知恵も働きますが、
-    肉体的な能力は低くなります。
-***** <Fearless>
---- 命知らず ---
-    命知らずは、戦闘力、魔法能力の両方が上昇しますが、魔法防御、H
-    Pといった能力は悪くなります。
-***** <Combat>
---- コンバット ---
-    好きな食べ物は焼きビーフン。抑えてはいるが、冒険心旺盛な一匹狼。正
-    義感、勇気とも平均以上だがカッとしやすい所もある。計画的人生より行
-    き当たりばったりの人生を選んでしまうタイプで、異性の扱いは苦手。
-***** <Lazy>
---- 怠け者 ---
-    怠け者は、あらゆるスキルが低く、何をやってもうまくいきません。
-    魔法の呪文も真面目に覚えないので失敗が多いようです。
-***** <Sexy>
---- セクシーギャル ---
-    セクシーギャルは、あらゆるスキルをうまくこなすことができます。しか
-    し、その人をなめた性格は全てのモンスターを怒らせることになるでしょ
-    う。この性格は女性しか選ぶことができません。
-***** <Lucky>
---- ラッキーマン ---
-    ラッキーマンは、能力値はなまけものに匹敵するくらい低いにもかかわら
-    ず、どんなことをしてもなぜかうまくいってしまいます。この性格は男性
-    しか選ぶことができません。
-***** <Patient>
---- 我慢強い ---
-    我慢強いは、じっくりと物事にとりくむ慎重な性格で、他の性格に比べて
-    高い耐久力、HPを得ることができます。しかし、自分から行動するのは
-    苦手で、多くの技能は低くなってしまいます。魔法の呪文も僅かに失敗が
-    多くなります。
-***** <Munchkin>
---- イカサマ ---
-    イカサマは、初心者の練習用の性格です。あらゆる能力が高くなっていま
-    す。この性格を使えば勝利者になることは容易ですが、勝利しても全く自
-    慢になりません。
-***** <StatBonusTable>
-=== 能力値修正表 ===
---- Table 1 - Race Statistic Bonus Table ---
-               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice Exp Penalty
-人間           +0   +0   +0   +0   +0   +0      10        +0%
-ハーフエルフ   -1   +1   +1   +1   -1   +1      9         +10%
-エルフ         -1   +2   +0   +1   -2   +2      8         +20%
-ホビット       -2   +1   +1   +3   +2   +1      7         +10%
-ノーム         -1   +2   +0   +2   +1   -1      8         +20%
-ドワーフ       +2   -2   +2   -2   +2   -1      11        +25%
-ハーフオーク   +2   -1   +0   +0   +1   -2      10        +10%
-ハーフトロル   +4   -4   -1   -3   +3   -3      12        +25%
-アンバライト   +1   +2   +2   +2   +3   +2      10        +125%
-ハイエルフ     +1   +3   -1   +3   +1   +3      10        +100%
-野蛮人         +3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +0      11        +20%
-ハーフオーガ   +3   -2   +0   -1   +3   -2      12        +45%
-半巨人         +4   -2   -2   -2   +3   -2      13        +60%
-半タイタン     +5   +1   +2   -2   +3   +1      14        +155%
-サイクロプス   +4   -3   -2   -3   +4   -3      13        +50%
-イーク         -2   +1   +1   +1   -2   -4      7         +0%
-クラッコン     +2   -1   -1   +1   +2   -1      12        +90%
-コボルド       +1   -1   +0   +1   +0   -2      9         +25%
-ニーベルング   +1   -1   +2   +0   +2   -2      11        +70%
-ダークエルフ   -1   +3   +2   +2   -2   +1      9         +50%
-ドラコニアン   +2   +1   +1   +1   +2   -1      11        +120%
-マインドフレア -3   +4   +4   +0   -2   -3      9         +40%
-インプ         +0   -1   -1   +1   +2   -1      10        +15%
-ゴーレム       +4   -5   -5   -2   +4   -2      12        +100%
-骸骨           +0   +1   -2   +0   +1   -2      10        +45%
-ゾンビ         +2   -6   -6   +1   +4   -3      13        +50%
-吸血鬼         +3   +3   -1   -1   +1   +2      11        +100%
-幽霊           -5   +4   -1   +2   +0   -3      7         +110%
-妖精           -4   +3   +3   +3   -2   +2      7         +45%
-獣人           +2   -2   -1   -1   +2   -2      11        +40%
-エント         +2   +0   +2   -3   +2   +0      12        +40%
-アルコン       +2   +0   +4   +1   +2   +3      11        +135%
-バルログ       +4   +2   -10  +2   +3   -5      12        +150%
-ドゥナダン     +1   +2   +2   +2   +3   +2      10        +80%
-影フェアリー   -2   +2   +2   +1   -1   +0      7         +20%
-クター         +0   -1   -1   +1   +2   +3      11        +40%
-アンドロイド   +4   -5   -5   +0   +4   -2      13        +100%
---- Table 2 - Class Statistic Bonus Table ---
-               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice  Exp Penalty
-戦士           +4   -2   -2   +2   +2   -1      +9         +0%
-メイジ         -4   +3   +0   +1   -2   +1      +0         +30%
-プリースト     -1   -3   +3   -1   +0   +2      +2         +20%
-盗賊           +2   +1   -2   +3   +1   -1      +6         +25%
-レンジャー     +2   +2   +0   +1   +1   +1      +4         +40%
-パラディン     +3   -3   +1   +0   +2   +2      +6         +35%
-魔法戦士       +2   +2   +0   +1   +0   +1      +4         +40%
-混沌の戦士     +2   +1   -1   +0   +2   -2      +6         +25%
-修行僧         +2   -1   +1   +3   +2   +1      +6         +30%
-超能力者       -1   +0   +3   -1   -1   +2      +2         +25%
-ハイ=メイジ    -4   +4   +0   +0   -2   +1      +0         +30%
-観光客         -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1      +0         -30%
-ものまね師     +0   +1   -1   +2   +0   +1      +5         +10%
-魔獣使い       +1   -1   -1   +1   +0   +2      +3         +20%
-スペルマスター -5   +6   -2   +2   +0   -2      +4         +60%
-アーチャー     +2   -1   -1   +2   +1   +0      +6         +10%
-魔道具術師     -1   +2   +1   +2   -2   +1      +3         +30%
-吟遊詩人       -2   +1   +2   -1   -2   +4      +2         +40%
-赤魔道師       +2   +2   -1   +1   +0   -1      +4         +40%
-剣術家         +3   -2   +1   +2   +1   +0      +6         +30%
-練気術師       +0   -1   +3   +2   +1   +1      +2         +35%
-青魔道師       -4   +4   -1   +1   -2   -1      +2         +30%
-騎兵           +2   -2   -2   +2   +2   +0      +5         +20%
-狂戦士         +8   -20  -20  +4   +4   -5      +11        +60%
-鍛冶師         +3   -1   -1   +1   +0   -1      +6         +30%
-鏡使い         -2   +3   +1   -1   -2   +1      +2         +30%
-忍者           +0   -1   -1   +3   +2   -1      +2         +20%
-スナイパー     +2   -1   -1   +2   +1   +0      +2         +20%
---- Table 3 - Personality Statistic Bonus Table ---
-               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice
-ふつう         +0   +0   +0   +0   +0   +0      +0 
-ちからじまん   +2   -2   -1   +0   +1   +0      +1 
-きれもの       -2   +2   +0   +1   -1   -1      -1 
-しあわせもの   +0   -1   +2   -1   +0   +1      +0 
-すばしっこい   -1   +1   -1   +2   -1   -1      +0 
-いのちしらず   +2   +1   +1   -1   -1   +0      -1 
-コンバット     +1   -1   -2   +2   +0   +1      +0 
-なまけもの     -2   -2   -2   -2   -2   -2      -1 
-セクシーギャル +1   +1   +1   +1   +1   +3      +0 
-ラッキーマン   -2   -2   -2   -2   -2   +2      +0 
-がまんづよい   -1   -1   +1   -2   +2   +0      +1 
-いかさま       +10  +10  +10  +10  +10  +10     +15
-***** <SkillBonusTable>
-=== 技能修正値表 ===
---- Table 4 - Race Skill Bonus Table ---
-               Dsrm  Dvce  Save  Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee Bows  Infra
-人間           +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +10   +0    +0    None
-ハーフエルフ   +2    +3    +2    +1    +6    +11   -1    +5    20 feet
-エルフ         +5    +6    +4    +2    +8    +12   -5    +15   30 feet
-ホビット       +15   +12   +10   +5    +12   +15   -10   +20   40 feet
-ノーム         +10   +8    +7    +3    +6    +13   -8    +12   40 feet
-ドワーフ       +2    +7    +6    -1    +7    +10   +15   +0    50 feet
-ハーフオーク   -3    -3    -2    -1    +0    +7    +12   -5    30 feet
-ハーフトロル   -5    -8    -5    -2    -1    +5    +20   -10   30 feet
-アンバライト   +4    +5    +3    +2    +3    +13   +15   +10   None
-ハイエルフ     +4    +13   +12   +4    +3    +14   +10   +25   40 feet
-野蛮人         -2    -10   +2    -1    +1    +7    +12   +10   None
-ハーフオーガ   -3    -5    -3    -2    -1    +5    +20   +0    30 feet
-半巨人         -6    -8    -3    -2    -1    +5    +25   +5    30 feet
-半タイタン     -5    +5    +1    -2    +1    +8    +25   +0    None
-サイクロプス   -4    -5    -3    -2    -2    +5    +20   +12   10 feet
-イーク         +2    +4    +6    +3    +5    +15   -5    -5    20 feet
-クラッコン     +10   +5    +3    +0    -1    +10   +5    +5    20 feet
-コボルド       -2    -3    -1    -1    +1    +8    +10   -8    30 feet
-ニーベルング   +3    +5    +6    +1    +5    +10   +9    +0    50 feet
-ダークエルフ   +5    +10   +12   +3    +8    +12   -5    +10   50 feet
-ドラコニアン   -2    +5    +2    +0    +1    +10   +5    +5    20 feet
-マインドフレア +10   +15   +9    +2    +5    +12   -10   -5    40 feet
-インプ         -3    +2    -1    +1    -1    +10   +5    -5    30 feet
-ゴーレム       -5    -5    +6    -1    -1    +8    +20   +0    40 feet
-骸骨           -5    +0    +3    -1    -1    +8    +10   +0    20 feet
-ゾンビ         -5    -5    +5    -1    -1    +5    +15   +0    20 feet
-吸血鬼         +4    +8    +6    +4    +1    +8    +5    +0    50 feet
-幽霊           +10   +15   +12   +5    +5    +14   -15   -5    50 feet
-妖精           +10   +8    +6    +4    +10   +10   -12   +0    40 feet
-獣人           -5    -2    -1    -1    -1    +5    +12   +5    None
-エント         -5    +2    +5    -1    +0    +9    +15   -5    None
-アルコン       +0    +12   +8    +2    +2    +11   +10   +10   30 feet
-バルログ       -3    +12   +15   -2    +1    +8    +20   +0    50 feet
-ドゥナダン     +4    +5    +3    +2    +3    +13   +15   +10   None
-影フェアリー   +7    +8    +0    +6    +12   +15   -10   -5    40 feet
-クター         -2    +5    +5    +5    -2    +6    +0    -5    None
-アンドロイド   +0    -5    +0    -2    +3    +14   +20   +10   None
---- Table 5 - Class Skill Bonus Table ---
-               Dsrm   Dvce   Save   Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee  Bows
-戦士           25+12  18+7   31+10   1    14     2    70+30  55+30
-メイジ         30+7   40+15  38+11   3    16    20    34+6   20+7 
-プリースト     25+7   35+11  40+12   2    16     8    48+13  35+11
-盗賊           45+15  37+12  36+10   5    32    24    60+21  66+18
-レンジャー     30+8   37+11  36+10   3    24    16    56+18  72+28
-パラディン     20+7   24+10  34+11   1    12     2    68+21  40+18
-魔法戦士       30+7   35+10  36+10   2    18    16    50+15  25+11
-混沌の戦士     20+7   25+11  34+10   1    14    12    65+20  40+17
-修行僧         45+15  34+11  36+10   5    32    24    64+18  60+18
-超能力者       30+10  33+11  38+10   3    22    16    50+14  40+18
-ハイ=メイジ    30+7   40+15  38+11   3    16    20    34+6   20+7 
-観光客         15+5   18+7   28+9    1    12     2    40+11  20+11
-ものまね師     25+7   30+10  36+10   2    18    16    60+18  50+20
-魔獣使い       20+7   25+10  32+10   2    18    16    52+14  63+25
-スペルマスター 30+7   48+18  75+13   2    12    22     0+0    0+0 
-アーチャー     38+12  24+10  35+10   4    24    16    56+18  82+36
-魔道具術師     25+7   42+16  36+10   2    20    16    48+13  35+11
-吟遊詩人       20+8   33+13  34+11  -5    16    20    34+10  20+8 
-赤魔道師       20+7   34+11  34+11   1    16    10    56+18  25+11
-剣術家         25+12  18+7   32+10   2    16     6    70+23  40+18
-練気術師       30+10  34+11  38+11   4    32    24    50+14  40+15
-青魔道師       30+7   40+16  36+11   3    20    16    40+6   25+7 
-騎兵           20+10  18+7   32+10   1    16    10    60+22  66+26
-狂戦士         -inf   -inf   -inf   -inf  -inf  -inf  120+50 -inf
-鍛冶師         30+10  28+10  28+10   1    20    10    60+21  45+15
-鏡使い         30+10  33+11  40+12   3    14    16    34+6   30+10
-忍者           45+15  24+10  36+10   8    48    32    70+25  66+18
-スナイパー     25+12  24+10  28+10   5    32    18    35+12  72+28
-各職業の技能値を示す 2つの数値は初期技能と10レベルあたりの上昇速度を示
-しています。例えば、戦士の解除技能は 25+12 ですから、30レベルに到達し
-たときには 25+3*12 で 61 になります。
---- Table 6 - Personality Skill Bonus Table ---
-               Dsrm  Dvce  Save  Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee Bows
-ふつう         +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0 
-ちからじまん   -5    -5    -3    -1    -2    -2    +10   +0 
-きれもの       +3    +8    +2    +0    -2    +5    -8    -5 
-しあわせもの   -5    +2    +4    -1    +3    -2    -3    -6 
-すばしっこい   +7    +2    -1    +1    +5    +5    +0    +10
-いのちしらず   -5    +5    -2    +0    +2    -2    +10   +10
-コンバット     -2    -3    -3    +0    -1    +2    +5    +5 
-なまけもの     -5    -5    -3    -1    -4    -2    -8    -8 
-セクシーギャル +10   +5    +3    +0    +4    +2    +10   +10
-ラッキーマン   +10   +7    +3    +2    +10   +8    +15   +15
-がまんづよい   -5    -3    +3    +1    +0    -3    -6    -6 
-いかさま       +20   +40   +30   +10   +40   +40   +80   +80
-しています。例えば、ちからじまん の解除技能は -5 ですから、40レベルに
-到達したときには -5 + 40/50 * (-5) で -9 になります。
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.2
+=== Ží‘°AE‹ÆA«Ši ===
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+***** <TheRaces>
+=== Ží‘° ===
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+***** <Human>
+--- lŠÔ ---
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+***** <Half-Elf>
+--- ƒn[ƒtƒGƒ‹ƒt ---
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+--- ƒGƒ‹ƒt ---
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+--- ƒXƒiƒCƒp[ ---
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+***** <ThePersonalities>
+=== «Ši ===
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+***** <Ordinary>
+--- •’Ê ---
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+***** <Mighty>
+--- —ÍŽ©– ---
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+***** <Shrewd>
+--- Ø‚êŽÒ ---
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+***** <Pious>
+--- K‚¹ŽÒ ---
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+***** <Nimble>
+--- ‘f‘‚¢ ---
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+--- –½’m‚炸 ---
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+***** <Combat>
+--- ƒRƒ“ƒoƒbƒg ---
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+--- ‘Ó‚¯ŽÒ ---
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+***** <Sexy>
+--- ƒZƒNƒV[ƒMƒƒƒ‹ ---
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+***** <Lucky>
+--- ƒ‰ƒbƒL[ƒ}ƒ“ ---
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+***** <Patient>
+--- ‰ä–‹­‚¢ ---
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+***** <Munchkin>
+--- ƒCƒJƒTƒ} ---
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+***** <StatBonusTable>
+=== ”\—Í’lC³•\ ===
+--- Table 1 - Race Statistic Bonus Table ---
+               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice Exp Penalty
+lŠÔ           +0   +0   +0   +0   +0   +0      10        +0%
+ƒn[ƒtƒGƒ‹ƒt   -1   +1   +1   +1   -1   +1      9         +10%
+ƒGƒ‹ƒt         -1   +2   +0   +1   -2   +2      8         +20%
+ƒzƒrƒbƒg       -2   +1   +1   +3   +2   +1      7         +10%
+ƒm[ƒ€         -1   +2   +0   +2   +1   -1      8         +20%
+ƒhƒ[ƒt       +2   -2   +2   -2   +2   -1      11        +25%
+ƒn[ƒtƒI[ƒN   +2   -1   +0   +0   +1   -2      10        +10%
+ƒn[ƒtƒgƒƒ‹   +4   -4   -1   -3   +3   -3      12        +25%
+ƒAƒ“ƒoƒ‰ƒCƒg   +1   +2   +2   +2   +3   +2      10        +125%
+ƒnƒCƒGƒ‹ƒt     +1   +3   -1   +3   +1   +3      10        +100%
+–ì”ؐl         +3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +0      11        +20%
+ƒn[ƒtƒI[ƒK   +3   -2   +0   -1   +3   -2      12        +45%
+”¼‹l         +4   -2   -2   -2   +3   -2      13        +60%
+”¼ƒ^ƒCƒ^ƒ“     +5   +1   +2   -2   +3   +1      14        +155%
+ƒTƒCƒNƒƒvƒX   +4   -3   -2   -3   +4   -3      13        +50%
+ƒC[ƒN         -2   +1   +1   +1   -2   -4      7         +0%
+ƒNƒ‰ƒbƒRƒ“     +2   -1   -1   +1   +2   -1      12        +90%
+ƒRƒ{ƒ‹ƒh       +1   -1   +0   +1   +0   -2      9         +25%
+ƒj[ƒxƒ‹ƒ“ƒO   +1   -1   +2   +0   +2   -2      11        +70%
+ƒ_[ƒNƒGƒ‹ƒt   -1   +3   +2   +2   -2   +1      9         +50%
+ƒhƒ‰ƒRƒjƒAƒ“   +2   +1   +1   +1   +2   -1      11        +120%
+ƒ}ƒCƒ“ƒhƒtƒŒƒA -3   +4   +4   +0   -2   -3      9         +40%
+ƒCƒ“ƒv         +0   -1   -1   +1   +2   -1      10        +15%
+ƒS[ƒŒƒ€       +4   -5   -5   -2   +4   -2      12        +100%
+Š[œ           +0   +1   -2   +0   +1   -2      10        +45%
+ƒ]ƒ“ƒr         +2   -6   -6   +1   +4   -3      13        +50%
+‹zŒŒ‹S         +3   +3   -1   -1   +1   +2      11        +100%
+—H—ì           -5   +4   -1   +2   +0   -3      7         +110%
+—d¸           -4   +3   +3   +3   -2   +2      7         +45%
+bl           +2   -2   -1   -1   +2   -2      11        +40%
+ƒGƒ“ƒg         +2   +0   +2   -3   +2   +0      12        +40%
+ƒAƒ‹ƒRƒ“       +2   +0   +4   +1   +2   +3      11        +135%
+ƒoƒ‹ƒƒO       +4   +2   -10  +2   +3   -5      12        +150%
+ƒhƒDƒiƒ_ƒ“     +1   +2   +2   +2   +3   +2      10        +80%
+‰eƒtƒFƒAƒŠ[   -2   +2   +2   +1   -1   +0      7         +20%
+ƒNƒ^[         +0   -1   -1   +1   +2   +3      11        +40%
+ƒAƒ“ƒhƒƒCƒh   +4   -5   -5   +0   +4   -2      13        +100%
+--- Table 2 - Class Statistic Bonus Table ---
+               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice  Exp Penalty
+íŽm           +4   -2   -2   +2   +2   -1      +9         +0%
+ƒƒCƒW         -4   +3   +0   +1   -2   +1      +0         +30%
+ƒvƒŠ[ƒXƒg     -1   -3   +3   -1   +0   +2      +2         +20%
+“‘¯           +2   +1   -2   +3   +1   -1      +6         +25%
+ƒŒƒ“ƒWƒƒ[     +2   +2   +0   +1   +1   +1      +4         +40%
+ƒpƒ‰ƒfƒBƒ“     +3   -3   +1   +0   +2   +2      +6         +35%
+–‚–@íŽm       +2   +2   +0   +1   +0   +1      +4         +40%
+¬“ׂ̐íŽm     +2   +1   -1   +0   +2   -2      +6         +25%
+Cs‘m         +2   -1   +1   +3   +2   +1      +6         +30%
+’´”\—ÍŽÒ       -1   +0   +3   -1   -1   +2      +2         +25%
+ƒnƒC=ƒƒCƒW    -4   +4   +0   +0   -2   +1      +0         +30%
+ŠÏŒõ‹q         -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1      +0         -30%
+‚à‚Ì‚Ü‚ËŽt     +0   +1   -1   +2   +0   +1      +5         +10%
+–‚bŽg‚¢       +1   -1   -1   +1   +0   +2      +3         +20%
+ƒXƒyƒ‹ƒ}ƒXƒ^[ -5   +6   -2   +2   +0   -2      +4         +60%
+ƒA[ƒ`ƒƒ[     +2   -1   -1   +2   +1   +0      +6         +10%
+–‚“¹‹ïpŽt     -1   +2   +1   +2   -2   +1      +3         +30%
+‹á—VŽl       -2   +1   +2   -1   -2   +4      +2         +40%
+Ô–‚“¹Žt       +2   +2   -1   +1   +0   -1      +4         +40%
+Œ•p‰Æ         +3   -2   +1   +2   +1   +0      +6         +30%
+—û‹CpŽt       +0   -1   +3   +2   +1   +1      +2         +35%
+Â–‚“¹Žt       -4   +4   -1   +1   -2   -1      +2         +30%
+‹R•º           +2   -2   -2   +2   +2   +0      +5         +20%
+‹¶íŽm         +8   -20  -20  +4   +4   -5      +11        +60%
+’b–èŽt         +3   -1   -1   +1   +0   -1      +6         +30%
+‹¾Žg‚¢         -2   +3   +1   -1   -2   +1      +2         +30%
+”EŽÒ           +0   -1   -1   +3   +2   -1      +2         +20%
+ƒXƒiƒCƒp[     +2   -1   -1   +2   +1   +0      +2         +20%
+--- Table 3 - Personality Statistic Bonus Table ---
+               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice
+‚ӂ‚¤         +0   +0   +0   +0   +0   +0      +0 
+‚¿‚©‚炶‚Ü‚ñ   +2   -2   -1   +0   +1   +0      +1 
+‚«‚ê‚à‚Ì       -2   +2   +0   +1   -1   -1      -1 
+‚µ‚ ‚킹‚à‚Ì   +0   -1   +2   -1   +0   +1      +0 
+‚·‚΂µ‚Á‚±‚¢   -1   +1   -1   +2   -1   -1      +0 
+‚¢‚Ì‚¿‚µ‚炸   +2   +1   +1   -1   -1   +0      -1 
+ƒRƒ“ƒoƒbƒg     +1   -1   -2   +2   +0   +1      +0 
+‚È‚Ü‚¯‚à‚Ì     -2   -2   -2   -2   -2   -2      -1 
+ƒZƒNƒV[ƒMƒƒƒ‹ +1   +1   +1   +1   +1   +3      +0 
+ƒ‰ƒbƒL[ƒ}ƒ“   -2   -2   -2   -2   -2   +2      +0 
+‚ª‚Ü‚ñ‚Â悢   -1   -1   +1   -2   +2   +0      +1 
+‚¢‚©‚³‚Ü       +10  +10  +10  +10  +10  +10     +15
+***** <SkillBonusTable>
+=== ‹Z”\C³’l•\ ===
+--- Table 4 - Race Skill Bonus Table ---
+               Dsrm  Dvce  Save  Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee Bows  Infra
+lŠÔ           +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +10   +0    +0    None
+ƒn[ƒtƒGƒ‹ƒt   +2    +3    +2    +1    +6    +11   -1    +5    20 feet
+ƒGƒ‹ƒt         +5    +6    +4    +2    +8    +12   -5    +15   30 feet
+ƒzƒrƒbƒg       +15   +12   +10   +5    +12   +15   -10   +20   40 feet
+ƒm[ƒ€         +10   +8    +7    +3    +6    +13   -8    +12   40 feet
+ƒhƒ[ƒt       +2    +7    +6    -1    +7    +10   +15   +0    50 feet
+ƒn[ƒtƒI[ƒN   -3    -3    -2    -1    +0    +7    +12   -5    30 feet
+ƒn[ƒtƒgƒƒ‹   -5    -8    -5    -2    -1    +5    +20   -10   30 feet
+ƒAƒ“ƒoƒ‰ƒCƒg   +4    +5    +3    +2    +3    +13   +15   +10   None
+ƒnƒCƒGƒ‹ƒt     +4    +13   +12   +4    +3    +14   +10   +25   40 feet
+–ì”ؐl         -2    -10   +2    -1    +1    +7    +12   +10   None
+ƒn[ƒtƒI[ƒK   -3    -5    -3    -2    -1    +5    +20   +0    30 feet
+”¼‹l         -6    -8    -3    -2    -1    +5    +25   +5    30 feet
+”¼ƒ^ƒCƒ^ƒ“     -5    +5    +1    -2    +1    +8    +25   +0    None
+ƒTƒCƒNƒƒvƒX   -4    -5    -3    -2    -2    +5    +20   +12   10 feet
+ƒC[ƒN         +2    +4    +6    +3    +5    +15   -5    -5    20 feet
+ƒNƒ‰ƒbƒRƒ“     +10   +5    +3    +0    -1    +10   +5    +5    20 feet
+ƒRƒ{ƒ‹ƒh       -2    -3    -1    -1    +1    +8    +10   -8    30 feet
+ƒj[ƒxƒ‹ƒ“ƒO   +3    +5    +6    +1    +5    +10   +9    +0    50 feet
+ƒ_[ƒNƒGƒ‹ƒt   +5    +10   +12   +3    +8    +12   -5    +10   50 feet
+ƒhƒ‰ƒRƒjƒAƒ“   -2    +5    +2    +0    +1    +10   +5    +5    20 feet
+ƒ}ƒCƒ“ƒhƒtƒŒƒA +10   +15   +9    +2    +5    +12   -10   -5    40 feet
+ƒCƒ“ƒv         -3    +2    -1    +1    -1    +10   +5    -5    30 feet
+ƒS[ƒŒƒ€       -5    -5    +6    -1    -1    +8    +20   +0    40 feet
+Š[œ           -5    +0    +3    -1    -1    +8    +10   +0    20 feet
+ƒ]ƒ“ƒr         -5    -5    +5    -1    -1    +5    +15   +0    20 feet
+‹zŒŒ‹S         +4    +8    +6    +4    +1    +8    +5    +0    50 feet
+—H—ì           +10   +15   +12   +5    +5    +14   -15   -5    50 feet
+—d¸           +10   +8    +6    +4    +10   +10   -12   +0    40 feet
+bl           -5    -2    -1    -1    -1    +5    +12   +5    None
+ƒGƒ“ƒg         -5    +2    +5    -1    +0    +9    +15   -5    None
+ƒAƒ‹ƒRƒ“       +0    +12   +8    +2    +2    +11   +10   +10   30 feet
+ƒoƒ‹ƒƒO       -3    +12   +15   -2    +1    +8    +20   +0    50 feet
+ƒhƒDƒiƒ_ƒ“     +4    +5    +3    +2    +3    +13   +15   +10   None
+‰eƒtƒFƒAƒŠ[   +7    +8    +0    +6    +12   +15   -10   -5    40 feet
+ƒNƒ^[         -2    +5    +5    +5    -2    +6    +0    -5    None
+ƒAƒ“ƒhƒƒCƒh   +0    -5    +0    -2    +3    +14   +20   +10   None
+--- Table 5 - Class Skill Bonus Table ---
+               Dsrm   Dvce   Save   Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee  Bows
+íŽm           25+12  18+7   31+10   1    14     2    70+30  55+30
+ƒƒCƒW         30+7   40+15  38+11   3    16    20    34+6   20+7 
+ƒvƒŠ[ƒXƒg     25+7   35+11  40+12   2    16     8    48+13  35+11
+“‘¯           45+15  37+12  36+10   5    32    24    60+21  66+18
+ƒŒƒ“ƒWƒƒ[     30+8   37+11  36+10   3    24    16    56+18  72+28
+ƒpƒ‰ƒfƒBƒ“     20+7   24+10  34+11   1    12     2    68+21  40+18
+–‚–@íŽm       30+7   35+10  36+10   2    18    16    50+15  25+11
+¬“ׂ̐íŽm     20+7   25+11  34+10   1    14    12    65+20  40+17
+Cs‘m         45+15  34+11  36+10   5    32    24    64+18  60+18
+’´”\—ÍŽÒ       30+10  33+11  38+10   3    22    16    50+14  40+18
+ƒnƒC=ƒƒCƒW    30+7   40+15  38+11   3    16    20    34+6   20+7 
+ŠÏŒõ‹q         15+5   18+7   28+9    1    12     2    40+11  20+11
+‚à‚Ì‚Ü‚ËŽt     25+7   30+10  36+10   2    18    16    60+18  50+20
+–‚bŽg‚¢       20+7   25+10  32+10   2    18    16    52+14  63+25
+ƒXƒyƒ‹ƒ}ƒXƒ^[ 30+7   48+18  75+13   2    12    22     0+0    0+0 
+ƒA[ƒ`ƒƒ[     38+12  24+10  35+10   4    24    16    56+18  82+36
+–‚“¹‹ïpŽt     25+7   42+16  36+10   2    20    16    48+13  35+11
+‹á—VŽl       20+8   33+13  34+11  -5    16    20    34+10  20+8 
+Ô–‚“¹Žt       20+7   34+11  34+11   1    16    10    56+18  25+11
+Œ•p‰Æ         25+12  18+7   32+10   2    16     6    70+23  40+18
+—û‹CpŽt       30+10  34+11  38+11   4    32    24    50+14  40+15
+Â–‚“¹Žt       30+7   40+16  36+11   3    20    16    40+6   25+7 
+‹R•º           20+10  18+7   32+10   1    16    10    60+22  66+26
+‹¶íŽm         -inf   -inf   -inf   -inf  -inf  -inf  120+50 -inf
+’b–èŽt         30+10  28+10  28+10   1    20    10    60+21  45+15
+‹¾Žg‚¢         30+10  33+11  40+12   3    14    16    34+6   30+10
+”EŽÒ           45+15  24+10  36+10   8    48    32    70+25  66+18
+ƒXƒiƒCƒp[     25+12  24+10  28+10   5    32    18    35+12  72+28
+ŠeE‹Æ‚Ì‹Z”\’l‚ðŽ¦‚· 2‚‚̐”’l‚͏‰Šú‹Z”\‚Æ10ƒŒƒxƒ‹‚ ‚½‚è‚̏㏸‘¬“x‚ðŽ¦
+‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B—Ⴆ‚΁AíŽm‚Ì‰ðœ‹Z”\‚Í 25+12 ‚Å‚·‚©‚çA30ƒŒƒxƒ‹‚É“ž’B‚µ
+‚½‚Æ‚«‚É‚Í 25+3*12 ‚Å 61 ‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚·B
+--- Table 6 - Personality Skill Bonus Table ---
+               Dsrm  Dvce  Save  Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee Bows
+‚ӂ‚¤         +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0 
+‚¿‚©‚炶‚Ü‚ñ   -5    -5    -3    -1    -2    -2    +10   +0 
+‚«‚ê‚à‚Ì       +3    +8    +2    +0    -2    +5    -8    -5 
+‚µ‚ ‚킹‚à‚Ì   -5    +2    +4    -1    +3    -2    -3    -6 
+‚·‚΂µ‚Á‚±‚¢   +7    +2    -1    +1    +5    +5    +0    +10
+‚¢‚Ì‚¿‚µ‚炸   -5    +5    -2    +0    +2    -2    +10   +10
+ƒRƒ“ƒoƒbƒg     -2    -3    -3    +0    -1    +2    +5    +5 
+‚È‚Ü‚¯‚à‚Ì     -5    -5    -3    -1    -4    -2    -8    -8 
+ƒZƒNƒV[ƒMƒƒƒ‹ +10   +5    +3    +0    +4    +2    +10   +10
+ƒ‰ƒbƒL[ƒ}ƒ“   +10   +7    +3    +2    +10   +8    +15   +15
+‚ª‚Ü‚ñ‚Â悢   -5    -3    +3    +1    +0    -3    -6    -6 
+‚¢‚©‚³‚Ü       +20   +40   +30   +10   +40   +40   +80   +80
+Še«Ši‚Ì‹Z”\’l‚ðŽ¦‚·”’l‚͏‰Šú‹Z”\‚Æ50ƒŒƒxƒ‹‚ ‚½‚è‚̏㏸‘¬“x‚𓯎ž‚ÉŽ¦
+‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B—Ⴆ‚΁A‚¿‚©‚炶‚Ü‚ñ ‚Ì‰ðœ‹Z”\‚Í -5 ‚Å‚·‚©‚çA40ƒŒƒxƒ‹‚É
+“ž’B‚µ‚½‚Æ‚«‚É‚Í -5 + 40/50 * (-5) ‚Å -9 ‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚·B
+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.2

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jspecial.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jspecial.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jspecial.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-追加情報 (及び日本語版のAngband、ZAngbandから受けつがれた情報)
-    (a) 著作権と使用許諾について          (jlicense.txt)
-    (b) 日本語版ZAngbandの著作権表記      (j_general.txt)
-    (c) バージョン履歴                    (jversion.txt)
-    (d) 翻訳について(JAngbandより)        (j_trans.txt)
-    (e) アイテムの解説(JAngbandより)      (j_item1.txt)
-    (f) アイテムの解説(Zangband 追加分)   (j_item2.txt)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法            (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jlicense.txt
-***** [b] j_general.txt
-***** [c] jversion.txt
-***** [d] j_trans.txt
-***** [e] j_item1.txt
-***** [f] j_item2.txt
+’ljÁî•ñ (‹y‚Ñ“ú–{Œê”Å‚ÌAngbandAZAngband‚©‚çŽó‚¯‚‚ª‚ꂽî•ñ)
+    (a) ’˜ìŒ ‚ÆŽg—p‹–‘ø‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä          (jlicense.txt)
+    (b) “ú–{Œê”ÅZAngband‚Ì’˜ìŒ •\‹L      (j_general.txt)
+    (c) ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“—š—ð                    (jversion.txt)
+    (d) –|–ó‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä(JAngband‚æ‚è)        (j_trans.txt)
+    (e) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̉ðà(JAngband‚æ‚è)      (j_item1.txt)
+    (f) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̉ðà(Zangband ’ljÁ•ª)   (j_item2.txt)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@            (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jlicense.txt
+***** [b] j_general.txt
+***** [c] jversion.txt
+***** [d] j_trans.txt
+***** [e] j_item1.txt
+***** [f] j_item2.txt

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jtang.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jtown.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/jtown.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jtown.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-    (a) 街と荒野                           (jtown.txt)
-    (b) 街と荒野に現れる文字               (jtown.txt#MapSymbols)
-    (c) 街のマップ                         (jtown.txt#TownLevel)
-    (d) 標準の街                           (jtown.txt#StandardTown)
-    (e) 小規模な街                         (jtown.txt#LiteTown)
-    (f) 元祖の町                           (jtown.txt#VanillaTown)
-    (g) 街の住民                           (jtown.txt#Townspeople)
-    (h) 街での買い物                       (jtown.txt#Shopping)
-    (i) 売買交渉                           (jtown.txt#Bartering)
-    (j) アイテムの価格                     (jtown.txt#ObjectPricing)
-    (k) 店の一覧                           (jtown.txt#TheShops)
-    (l) 特別な建物                         (jtown.txt#Buildings)
-    (m) 固定クエスト                       (jtown.txt#FixedQuests)
-    (?) ヘルプシステムの使用法             (jhelpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] jtown.txt
-***** [b] jtown.txt#MapSymbols
-***** [c] jtown.txt#TownLevel
-***** [d] jtown.txt#StandardTown
-***** [e] jtown.txt#LiteTown
-***** [f] jtown.txt#VanillaTown
-***** [g] jtown.txt#Townspeople
-***** [h] jtown.txt#Shopping
-***** [i] jtown.txt#Bartering
-***** [j] jtown.txt#ObjectPricing
-***** [k] jtown.txt#TheShops
-***** [l] jtown.txt#Buildings
-***** [m] jtown.txt#FixedQuests
+    (a) ŠX‚ƍr–ì                           (jtown.txt)
+    (b) ŠX‚ƍr–ì‚ÉŒ»‚ê‚镶Žš               (jtown.txt#MapSymbols)
+    (c) ŠX‚̃}ƒbƒv                         (jtown.txt#TownLevel)
+    (d) •W€‚ÌŠX                           (jtown.txt#StandardTown)
+    (e) ¬‹K–Í‚ÈŠX                         (jtown.txt#LiteTown)
+    (f) Œ³‘c‚Ì’¬                           (jtown.txt#VanillaTown)
+    (g) ŠX‚̏Z–¯                           (jtown.txt#Townspeople)
+    (h) ŠX‚Å‚Ì”ƒ‚¢•¨                       (jtown.txt#Shopping)
+    (i) ”„”ƒŒðÂ                           (jtown.txt#Bartering)
+    (j) ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̉¿Ši                     (jtown.txt#ObjectPricing)
+    (k) “X‚̈ꗗ                           (jtown.txt#TheShops)
+    (l) “Á•Ê‚ÈŒš•¨                         (jtown.txt#Buildings)
+    (m) ŒÅ’èƒNƒGƒXƒg                       (jtown.txt#FixedQuests)
+    (?) ƒwƒ‹ƒvƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŽg—p–@             (jhelpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] jtown.txt
+***** [b] jtown.txt#MapSymbols
+***** [c] jtown.txt#TownLevel
+***** [d] jtown.txt#StandardTown
+***** [e] jtown.txt#LiteTown
+***** [f] jtown.txt#VanillaTown
+***** [g] jtown.txt#Townspeople
+***** [h] jtown.txt#Shopping
+***** [i] jtown.txt#Bartering
+***** [j] jtown.txt#ObjectPricing
+***** [k] jtown.txt#TheShops
+***** [l] jtown.txt#Buildings
+***** [m] jtown.txt#FixedQuests

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jtown.txt
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/lib/help/jversion.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/jversion.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/jversion.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,2016 +1,2016 @@
-         D'angbandバージョン履歴
-2011/04/11 Verα0
-2004/7/13 Ver. 1.6.2 (新安定版ブランチ)
- 1.4.7 の全ての変更点。
-2004/7/13 Ver. 1.4.7 (旧安定版ブランチ)
- 保存フロアの仕様を持たない1.4.xブランチの真の最終版に致命的なバグが
- いくつも発見されたため修正リリース。
- バグ修正:
-   ダンジョンの主の生成時に無限ループに陥るバグ。
-   Mac版で日本語のファイル名を扱う際に異常終了するバグ。
-   最大HP:0のカメレオンが生成され、異常終了の原因となるバグ。
-   ザックからあふれた装備品を繰り返しコマンドで装備するとアイテムが消えるバグ。
-   クエスト内で帰還を使うと "荒野" という名のダンジョンに飛ばされるバグ。
-   酸の矢のエゴ指輪を発動すると火炎属性のボルトを放つバグ。
-   ザックからアイテムがあふれる判定のバグ。
-   ゲームターンがオーバーフローするバグ。
-   悪夢モードでモンスターから経験値が異常に多く入手できたバグ。
-   その他、各種typo、へルプ修正。
-2004/5/31 Ver. 1.6.1 (新安定版ブランチ)
- バグ修正:
-   同名複数モンスターが賞金首の場合に死体が自動拾い/破壊にヒットしないバグ。
-   地上マップで乗馬の暗黒光源が有効になるバグ。
-   あやしい影が増殖した直後に正体が見えるバグ。
-   ランダムクエスト放棄直後に階段生成すると強制終了するバグ。
-   その他、各種文字化け、typo、表示アップデート不備、へルプ修正。
- その他、1.4.6 の全ての変更点。
-2004/5/31 Ver. 1.4.6 (旧安定版ブランチ)
- 保存フロアの仕様を持たない1.4.xブランチの真の最終版。
- 一部職業のレベル別称号の変更。
- 変愚蛮怒を起動したままWindowsをシャットダウンした場合にセーブする。
- Windows版とMac版で、バグで強制終了した場合にゲームを緊急セーブする。
- 練気術師が魔法書を使えない場合に専用プロンプトを通す。
- ランダムクエスターはvaultには配置されない。
- 死亡時の墓碑から死因がはみ出さないように変更。
- ハウンドは骨と死体を落とさない。
- バグ修正:
-   勝利後の切腹の記録のバグ。
-   乗馬中のモンスターが一時的に消える場合があるバグ。
-   アリーナで抹殺系魔法を使えていたバグ。
-   死体と骨を両方落とすはずのモンスターが骨を落とさないバグ。
-   ランダムクエスターのいないクエスト階が生成されるバグ。
-   手榴弾等の通常出現しないモンスターの人形が出現するバグ。
-   "%:<file>"読み込みで無限ループに陥るバグ。
-   荒野マップ生成時に強制終了する場合があるバグ。
-   quarkが使い切られると無銘で壊れるランダムアーティファクトが生成されるバグ。
-   パターン上の乗馬可能ペットを用いてパターンを無視できるバグ。
-   入身でモンスターを倒した直後にカオスの守護悪魔の報酬等でテレポートしても
-   倒した時の位置に戻るバグ。
-   匠魔法 "武器属性付与" で(+3攻撃)以上の切れ味の隼の剣ができるバグ。
-   忍者の超隠密解除判定のバグ。
-   テレポート追尾に関するバグ。
-   X11 on MacOSXでサブウィンドウをリサイズする際のバグ。
-   Mac版で設定が保存されないバグ。
-   ./configure --with-setgid=games でコンパイル時にセーブ不可能のバグ。
-   その他、各種文字化け、typo、表示アップデート不備、へルプ修正。
-2004/1/9 Ver. 1.6.0 (新安定版ブランチ)
- 1.5.4のバグフィックス版。
- 新しい安定版ブランチの最初のバージョンです。
- ガンダルフの杖, 帯魔力ペンダントの発動の仕様変更。
- 盗賊ギルドの「分け前」廃止。
- 日替わり賞金首は同名のモンスターを区別しない。
- ダンジョンのフロア間を移動する際に鏡は爆発なしで消えるように修正。
- X11で, マウスでの漢字のコピー & ペーストが使えるように修正。
- バグ修正:
-   ./configure --with-setgid=games でコンパイル時にセーブ不可能のバグ。
-   {@ud}等のアルファベット銘の不具合。
-   セーブ実行時にsanity blastを受けるバグ。
-   lite_townでの古い城の報酬が古かったバグ。
-   ラッキーマンで突然変異治療をするとフリーズするバグ。
-   ユニークがアイテムを拾ったまま保存階で消えるとまれにクラッシュ。
-   モンスター同士の投げ落としで、プレイヤーがダメージを受けるバグ。
-   その他、各種文字化け、typo、表示アップデート不備、へルプ修正。
- その他、1.4.5 の全ての変更点。
-2004/1/9 Ver. 1.4.5 (旧安定版ブランチ)
- 1.4.xブランチの最終版。
- 保存フロアの仕様を持たない最後のバージョンになる予定。
- 装備品の*鑑定*時に重要でない説明文をいちいち表示しない。
- Windowsでsound.cfgの設定を有効に(KoKaさんのパッチ)
- バグ修正:
-   モンスター闘技場でランダムテレポートして脱出不可能になるバグ。
-   ロード時の漢字コード変換ミス。
-   剣術家のブーメランが闘技場で使用不能のバグ。
-   モンスターボールが劣化して中身が変わるバグ。
-   魔法の笛が重なって充填量がリセットされるバグ。
-   鑑定済みのアーティファクトに{特別製}の擬似銘が付く不具合。
-   呪われた武器が利き手から逆手に移動するバグ。
-   ペット召喚が失敗するバグ。
-   森の中で暁の戦士が復活不能のバグ。
-   関係無いモンスター死亡で時止めキャンセルのバグ。
-   銀のエンゼルの数え間違い。
-   『迷宮のミノタウロス』が主召喚で出なかったバグ
-   地形との関係でペットのブレスの巻き添えになるバグ。
-   ブレスが壁を抜ける事があるバグ。
-   文字が'+','%','{'のモンスターをモンスターの知識メニューに追加。
-   種族変更履歴の記録不備。
-   長すぎる称号を短く変更。他も少し修正。
-   改名:"A Set of Gloves of Dragon" -> "A Set of Dragon Gloves"
-   その他、各種文字化け、typo、表示アップデート不備、へルプ修正。
-2003/8/12 Ver. 1.5.4 (開発版ブランチ)
- 新アーティファクトアミュレット追加(古い城の報酬)。
- {@ma}、{@0}等の銘の効果が装備や床の上のアイテムにも使えるように、
- また、銘によるタグ「a)」等の変更をリスト表示に常に反映。
- view_unsafe_grids時の'x'印はトラップ破壊の魔法でも消える。
- バグ修正:
-   pval付きの指輪等の通常アイテムの値段が非常に安くなっていた。
-   飛び道具の熟練度が上らなかった。
- その他、1.4.4 の全ての変更点。
-2003/8/12 Ver. 1.4.4 (安定版ブランチ)
- バグ修正:
-   タイル表示で隠し扉が'#'になっていた。
-   歌を止める際1/10だけ時間を消費するはずが、消費していなかったので修正。
-   リピートコマンドで練気術を使うとき盲目になった直後だと異常動作。
-2003/7/20 Ver. 1.5.3 (開発版ブランチ)
- 警告能力の機能改善。
- バグ修正:
-   自動セーブした直後にクラッシュ。
-   迷宮でview_unsafe_grids時に'x'を消した跡で道がわかってしまっていた。
-   リピートコマンドで練気術を使うとき盲目になった直後だと異常動作。
- その他、1.4.3 の全ての変更点。
-2003/7/20 Ver. 1.4.3 (安定版ブランチ)
- バグ修正:
-   モンスターに止めを剌した時の経験値(全体の約半分)が0になっていた。
-   manual_haggleがOnの時に店で金額が異常で売却できない。
-   明鏡止水等の使用後にMP表示のアップデート不備。
-2003/7/10 Ver. 1.5.2 (開発版ブランチ)
- アンドロイドでプレイ時のランダムアーティファクトの評価を高くした。
- ユニークの賞金首の報酬はアイテムになった。
- 調査の杖等でモンスターの思い出情報を全て知る事が出来る。
- 無生物ESP付きのテレパシーの冠はより下位のESPが沢山付く。
- 警告の指輪等の警告機能をより正確に。
- 一部のモンスターは暗黒光源を持つ。
- ハルマゲドントラップを比較的安全に。
- モンスターの朦朧や混乱等の効果の減衰を行動時ではなくターン単位で行う。
- 代わりに隠密の効果はプレイヤーの加速の上昇に影響される。
- 反魔法ダンジョンでSTUPIDなモンスターは魔法を試みて失敗する。
- アンバライト狂戦士のスコアペナルティー廃止。
- タイル表示時でもシェイプチェンジャーが姿を変える。
- 異次元の色彩はその場の地形と同じ文字、色だけランダムで表示。
- ダンジョンの外周の永久岩の見た目が"普通"の壁になる。
- view_unsafe_grids時に, 自分で歩いた床からは 'x' を消す。
- 突然変異治療サービスで失敗しない。
- {@ma}のような銘を全てのコマンドで使えるように。
- キャラ生成時に [Y/n] の質問でnとEsc以外は全部yと見做す。
- 生い立ちエディタ用のテンプレートをファイルで定義できる。
- キャラクターダンプに青魔法も表示。
- キャラクターダンプで闘技場の何戦目で敗北したか表示。
- 達成/失敗したクエストの表示を見やすくした。
- ダークエルフpitを追加。
- X11版でマウスによるcopy&pasteを実装。(from sCthangband)
- バグ修正:
-   セーブコマンド(^S)使用後におかしな現象が出るバグ。
-   トラップ・ドアに落ちた瞬間に@が近くの階段の上に見えるバグ。
-   ユニークのペットが居るとき同種ユニークが現れるバグ。
-   未鑑定や凡庸された審判の宝石のメッセージ。
-   サブウィンドウのアップデート不備。トラッパー等が幻覚時に見えるバグ。
-   他小さなバグ多数。
- その他、1.4.2 の全ての変更点。
-2003/7/10 Ver. 1.4.2 (安定版ブランチ)
- レイシャル/クラスパワーのキャンセル時にコストとターンを消費しない。
- ブレスの形状の生成コードを変更。隙間が空いた形状が出ない。
- バグ修正:
-   ペットを連れた剣術家が型を変更できなかった。
-   変幻の魔公等に乗馬中に狭い所でテレポートするとバグる。
-   大きくした持ち物/装備サブウィンドウでの表示不備。
-   日記記述中で闘技場のモンスター名が幻覚状態で変わる。
-   スペルマスターと赤魔道師の魔法難易度のバグ。「入身」で地形を越える。
-   "フィンゴルフィンの挑戦"再開時の描画不備。店価格のオーバーフロー。
-   広域マップに出ても実際には歌が止まらない。種族変更すると日付が狂う。
-   荒馬ならしで失敗しても強引に乗れるバグ。WinNT/2000/XPでのフォント。
-   ペットのプレイヤー巻き込み判定の不備。耐時間逆転エゴ指輪の値段。
-   待機後のスコア送信でのチェックサム。塩水の薬の効果がないバグ。
-   クエスト終了判定のまれなバグ2つ。重なったロッドでオーバフロー。
-   クローンモンスターが本物に変化。モンスターの光源の更新のバグ。
-   pvalが負の装備にエッセンス付加。
-   その他
-2002/12/24 Ver. 1.5.1 (開発版ブランチ)
-  既知の〜リスト中にシンボルエディタ'v'追加。Unangbandより。
-  吟遊詩人の霊的感知で鉱脈を感知しないように修正。
-  バグ修正:
-   階段を登り降りでモンスターが眠りから起きる。セーブ時のエラー処理のバグ。
-   セーブコマンドによりモンスターデータ破壊→クラッシュ。
-   謎のモンスターの正体がセーブ後にばれる。登り坑道で最上階より浅い階に出る。
-  その他、1.4.1 の全ての変更点。
-2002/12/24 Ver. 1.4.1 (安定版ブランチ)
-  エルフの行糧は空腹充足と同等の滋養にした。雑貨屋で買える。
-  塩水はアンデッド等には無効。
-  OAngbandから武器、防具等のアイテムの説明文を貰った。翻訳はまだ途中。
-  {!!}と刻んだアイテムの再充填時に、行動中止するように修正。
-  Bigtile時に情報コマンドと'%'コマンドのタイルの表示を改善。
-  バグ修正:
-   入口の無い vault。幽体化中にアリーナ。情報コマンド(a)でクラッシュ。
-   鍛冶師のアイテムが発動不可。変身中に特殊食料を考慮。山の出現モンスター。
-   英語版の「杖」の名前。モンスター闘技場でランダムテレポート。
-2002/12/09 Ver. 1.5.0 (開発版ブランチ)
-  フロア保存の仕様を実装
-  - ダンジョン内で元来た階段を戻ると以前と全く同じフロアに戻る。
-  - 地上に戻ると全ての保存フロアは消える。
-  - レベルテレポート/トラップドア/階段生成の呪文は仕様変更。
-    (それぞれ、真上か真下の特定のフロアのみへ続く。)
-  - dungeon_stairsとconfirm_stairsオプション廃止。
-  - 一方通行の階段を警告するconfirm_questオプション新設。
-  - 溶岩の壁や石英の壁の中に財宝が埋まっている確率を増した。
-  - 財宝感知するか実際に掘るまで見えない財宝を含む壁を追加。
-  - 全感知から壁の中の財宝感知能力を削除。(沢山感知されて煩わしいので)
-2002/12/09 Ver. 1.4.0 (安定版ブランチ)
-  空腹充足の巻物と狂戦士の空腹充足レイシャル廃止
-  - アンドロイドは油びんを飲める。
-  - バルログは食べるコマンドで't','p','h'の死体を生贄にできる。
-  - ゴーレム、ゾンビ、骸骨、幽霊は杖か魔法棒のチャージを食える。
-  - エントは薬の水分で十分栄養が取れる。雑貨屋で水の薬を買える。
-  Eyangbandの既知のモンスター/アイテムリストを移植。(Thanks to So-Miyaさん)
-  lookコマンドやターゲット選択時に、シフトキーで高速移動。
-  easy_floorがオンの時、lookコマンド中で床の上のアイテムの山を見やすくした。
-  武器匠でACの評価を表示するサービス導入。
-  魔法道具支配のフラグの自動刻みが無かったので、{+道}{Md}に設定。
-  モンスターのHP表示バーに乗馬のHPだけ2列並ばないように修正。
-  オプション追加/削除
-  - disturb_high 追加:レベルの高いモンスターが動いたら行動中止する
-  - allow_debug_opts 追加:デバッグ/詐欺オプションの使用を許可/禁止する 
-  - 初期オプション munchkin_death は詐欺オプションに cheat_save に変更。
-  - 初期オプション terrain_streamsとstupid_monsters 廃止。
-  バグ修正:
-  大量のアイテムでロード不能、荒野の外周でクラッシュ、荒野の森で時止め、
-  深い水の隠し扉、通れる壁、真・結界、ルーンが分解しない、新トラップ出ない、
-  青魔道師の学習解除、血の呪いでアンバー復活、鏡魔法の消費エネルギー、
-  複数のカメレオンの王、マクロが無効になるバグ等。
-  英文修正。Typo等。(Thanks to John Mikulaさん)
-2002/10/31 Ver. 1.3.1 (開発版ブランチ)
-  win版でサブウィンドウを前面に固定する機能追加。
-  耐性自動刻み{%}の結果が動的に変わるようにした。
-  弱い簡易鑑定の文字列を{上質}から{上質以上}に変更。
-  特殊罠の部屋:ピラニア・トラップとハルマゲドン・トラップ追加。
-  守りのルーンや爆発のルーンを壊すと元の地形に戻る。
-  未感知のトラップは地震で消滅しない。
-  罠ピットが壁の中に孤立するバグ修正。
-  小手が魔法を邪魔しない事があるバグ修正。
-  little boyとfat man廃止。将来のバージョンでデータ自体消す予定。
-  新ユニーク『シアーハートアタック』
-  autoconfの設定法を変えてacconfig.hを不要にした。
-  無双三段で壁に潜るバグ修正。
-  下記の1.2.0→1.2.2の変更点全て。
-2002/10/31 Ver. 1.2.2 (安定版ブランチ)
-  クローン地獄でlittle boyの代りにボーシン。
-  剣術家の辞世の句がスクリーンショットに残るように修正。
-  普通の光源と同様に、暗闇光源も*鑑定*で半径を数値表示。
-  火炎オーラ+暗闇光源でも光源半径0になるように修正。
-  払い抜けでパターン地形を越えられるバグ修正。
-  TOband teamから報告の細かいバグいろいろ修正。
-  他バグ修正(ペットのユニークがいると同種の敵ユニークが出る事がある、
-  クエストを受けるとペットが消える、鑑定のロッド、王家の墓、その他)
-2002/09/09 Ver. 1.2.1 (安定版ブランチ)
-  著作権表記、jlicence.txt を追加。
-  大防御の守りの指輪のACを +7 増やした。
-  モンスターAIのバグを修正。
-  箱のトラップ(鳥の召喚など)で落ちるバグを修正。
-  塔のクエスト情報がおかしかったのを修正。
-  ものまねの失敗率が表示と実際で違っていたのを修正。
-  自動拾いの修正値のキーワードを「修正値n以上の」に修正。
-  『ウォーケン』に変更、アイテムを落とすように修正。
-  他、小さなメモリリークや配列外アクセスの可能性など細かいバグ修正。
-2002/08/28 Ver. 1.3.0 (開発版ブランチ)
-  新しい部屋:罠ピットを追加。
-  アイテムのフラグの内部仕様変更:
-    モンスターの種類別のESP導入(UnangbandやToMEより)。追加能力で付く事がある。
-    *スレイ*フラグ各種を実装。エゴや★に付加。
-  'C'コマンドで、ESPや*スレイ*やその他のフラグを新しい4ページ目に表示。
-  鍛冶師が各種*スレイ*と各種ESPを付けられるようにした。
-  モンスターの思い出を2個所で改行して見易くした。
-  アンドロイドの経験値を「強化度」という名前で表示するようにした。
-  自動拾いエディタ起動中にはプレイ時間のカウントが進まないようにした。
-  キャラクターダンプにクエストの達成状況を追加。
-  サイコメトリーの直後に自動破壊を適用する。
-  確認メッセージの後に自動拾いする設定(';'記号)を導入した。
-  オプション設定中とキャラ作成中に'?'キーで現在の状況に応じたヘルプを表示。
-2002/08/28 Ver. 1.2.0 (安定版ブランチ)
-  山のダンジョンの主としてソロンドールを配置。大鷲系モンスターは全て強化。
-  簡易鑑定や普通の鑑定を後で自動破壊を適用するかどうかをオプションで設定。
-  値切りを初期オプションにしてゲーム中に変更できなくした。
-  自動拾いエディタ(「_」キーで起動)を改良:
-    自動拾いエディタの行の説明文に % や %all 等の説明追加。
-    検索コマンド"/"実装。"/^I"や"/^L"で選択したアイテムに一致する行検索。
-    "n"で次を検索。"N"で後方を検索。
-    コマンドモードで複数の行の自動拾い設定を切り変えるコマンド:"!","~",";","("導入。
-    "^K"で空行を含む複数行をカットして"^Y"でペーストすると空行も含めて張り付ける。
-    picktype.prfだけを使っているとき勝手にpicktype-<名前>.prfを作らないようにした。
-    エディタ起動時にゲームを自動セーブする。
-  鏡が壊れたら前の地形になるようにした. 
-  魔道具術師もBrowseコマンドで呪文(魔法道具)の説明を見られるようにした。
-  1.1.0から光と暗闇の魔法の範囲が広かったが、暗闇生成は1.1.0RC2までの範囲に戻した。
-  アイテム選択時に'('と')'で1つ目と最後のアイテムを選択するようにした。
-  ')'コマンドの画面写真をキャンセル可能にした。
-  階段で地上に出るときはダンジョンの時とメッセージを変える。
-  ドルジの経験値が多過ぎるので半減。
-  ヘルプの性格の説明に、ヒットポイントと呪文の失敗率への影響についての説明を追加。
-  大量にバグ修正。
-2002/06/15 Ver. 1.1.0
-  ライトエリアは広い場所では大きく照らす
-  バグ修正やバランス調整などを行って正式版に
-2002/06/02 Ver. 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1
-  生命魔法を「生命」と新魔法「破邪」に分ける
-  スピードシステム改造(特に序盤で連続行動されることがなくなる)
-  自動拾いエディタ
-  生い立ちエディタ
-  クイックスタート(前回のプレイと同じキャラクタでスタート)
-  鑑定した瞬間に自動破壊/自動刻み
-  一時的効果の表示を可変に
-  未知の地形でトラップ感知済みで無い場所は灰色の'x'を表示するオプション
-  トラップの感知範囲を出たときに行動中止するオプション
-  トラップ感知範囲外に出たときのメッセージの有無を設定するオプション
-  アリーナで、くさびだけは投げられる
-  lookコマンドで名前の次に(レベル???, 無傷)等と表示
-  picktype-<name>.prfとpicktype.prfの両方があるとき、名前付きの方だけを読む
-  「{呪われている}」「{空}」「{未鑑定}」等の擬似銘を本当の銘で上書きしない
-  easy_floorで床上の23個以上のアイテム山を選択可能に(リターンでスクロール)
-  光源の半径の上限をなくす
-  上り階段無しモードのときランダムで降りる階数が増えることはない
-  鍛冶師は人喰い&警告エッセンスをとれる
-  自動拾いのキーワードを追加
-  ヘルプファイルの大幅再編
-  モリバントの盗賊ギルドの2つのクエスト名から "盗賊クエスト" を外した
-  人斬り → 人喰い に変更
-  重ランサー → ヘヴィ・ランス に変更
-  ヘビィ・{フレイル,クロスボウ} を ヘヴィ に変更
-  T.o.M.E.での発音に従った名称変更に変愚でも一部追随
-  新モンスター追加
-  永久岩の色変更
-  いくつかタイル追加
-  バグ修正
-2002/04/06 Ver. 1.0.11
-  ヘルプに変愚対応の職業、種族、性格の能力、技能修正表を追加
-  ヘルプ英語版変愚用にアップデート
-  警告無視の機能追加. '$'を刻んでおくとそのアイテムは警告能力を失なう
-  "あなたは超能力を持っている。"→"あなたはテレパシー能力を持っている。"
-  草むら # → :
-  Wyrd sister → 運命の魔女。Lesser black reaver → 灰色の掠奪者
-  ウィザードコマンドのモンスタースポイラーが思い出形式になった
-  モンスターのHUMANフラグとアイテムのSLAY_HUMAN
-  村正とチェンソーはSLAY_HUMANつけたので強さを見直し
-  ダンプの死亡場所の表示に、死因も追加
-  死因に"麻痺状態で"、"彫像状態で"を追加する
-  呪われたアイテムは外れないだけではなく、いろいろイヤな効果がある
-  2倍幅タイル(Bigtile)モード追加。X11ではオプションで選択(readme.txt参照)
-  Bigscreenを移植。ウィンドウの大きさを変えると大きくマップ表示
-  幻覚中のダメージの原因(死因)を正しく表示
-  Winで半角8文字より長い名前を勝手に8byteに切るのを廃止
-  説明の無かったアーティファクトに日本語の説明文を追加
-  通常アイテムも*鑑定*すれば解説が出る
-  剣術家の眩惑がMPを消費していないバグを修正
-  粗悪品のACや劣化したpvalがロードすると元に戻ってしまうバグを修正
-  カメレオンの王が変身に失敗して「プレイヤー」になるバグ修正
-  バグ修正
-2002/03/06 Ver. 1.0.10
-  新アーティファクト&新エゴ&新宝物庫追加
-  連続魔を使いやすく
-  練気術師は素手のとき気を練ると攻撃力もアップ
-  幽霊の経験ペナルティアップ
-  ランダム追加能力でテレパシーは廃止し代わりに警告追加
-  モンスターのAI改良
-  混沌のサーペントはダンジョンの主召喚の呪文を使う
-  クローン地獄のユニーク達を全て(clone)に(アイテムは落とす)
-  飛び道具の出現階変更
-  劣化攻撃でまれ(1/13)にpvalが下がる
-  投擲でアイテムのダメージ修正は絶対値を取って解釈する
-  ランダムアーティファクトの名前を大幅に整理拡充
-  忍者のとき鉄くさびに(1発のダメージ/1ターンのダメージ)表示
-  矢等のアイテムの束を自動的に99本までうまく詰めて持つ
-  MPが足りないときの確認と敵のテレポートについていく確認を[(O)k/(C)ancel]で聞く
-  ペットを連れている時は広域マップに出る時に確認を取る
-  ペットの解放の仕様変更('All'を廃止して'Unnamed'を導入)
-  画面表示設定(%コマンド)で^N ^A ^Cを押すと数値入力でcharやattrを変更できる
-  ウィンドウの数のデフォルトを3に(デフォルトはメッセージ履歴と持ち物)
-  make installで正しい場所にインストールできる
-  MacのMPWでコンパイル可能にした
-  16x16タイルのサポート開始
-  X11では、追加オプション -a と -o で16x16か8x8のタイルを選択
-  8x8タイルで、光源と視界の範囲を明るく表示タイルの重ね合せ表示にも対応
-  タイル表示でもスクリーンショットを送信できる
-  初心者ガイド(lib/help/tang.txt)を変愚蛮怒対応にした
-  幻覚状態の死因は普通に表示
-  バグ修正
-2002/01/27 Ver. 1.0.9
-  新アイテム追加
-  オークスレイヤーはたまに*オークスレイヤー*になる(トロル等も)
-  ランダムアーティファクト名の追加/削除
-  キャラクタ作成部分変更
-  ステータス画面変更
-  クロスボウは射程を短くし、素人でも扱いやすく
-  アーチャーのクロスボウは最大3回/ターン
-  害虫駆除のロッドの仕様変更
-  ランダムアーティファクトの発動難易度は発動内容に依存
-  スコア送信時に死亡時又は勝利時のスクリーンショット送信
-  死亡時のメッセージの行数増加
-  浮遊が付いてなくても荷物が軽ければ水の上を走れる
-  モンスターの追跡ルーチン関係を変更
-  8x8タイルを標準でつける (タイル書いてくれる人募集中)
-  日本語版のZ240ヘルプを元に変愚蛮怒ヘルプを作成
-  ペット爆破の魔法でユニークモンスターを破壊できない
-  オプションの位置変更
-  仙術の魔法の爆発のルーンと次元の扉を場所交換
-  爆発や守りのルーン上でも召喚される
-  ランダムテレポートで'y'一文字ではなく"yes"と3文字入力しないといけない
-  「収集中」は実際に重ねられるものだけがマッチ
-  鑑定時は鑑定されていないアイテムだけ選択可能
-  マクロ等のファイルへの書き出しで、古い設定を削除して上書き
-  マクロのトリガー名を名前で管理
-  '~'の中で自動拾い登録状態の表示
-  英語特有の変更いろいろ
-  コード整理
-  バグ取り
-2001/12/23 Ver. 1.0.8
-  新アイテム&アーティファクト追加
-  スコアサーバの変更
-  オプション名を一部変更
-  英語化(by Mogamiさん)
-  既に覚えている魔法に対して学習を行うと熟練度が上がる(選んで覚えられる職業のみ)
-  型と構えによる耐性の表示を少し変更
-  英語の職業名変更(autopick.txt参照)
-  忍者のバランス調整
-  忍者の古い城の報酬変更
-  html出力のとき、豆腐を'#'に変換
-  開始時の乱数の初期化のタイミングを変更
-  全体マップでの自動広いアイテム表示を色分け
-  ソースを見やすく
-  ユニークの分解耐性を廃止
-  荒野なしの街のバグ修正
-  暗闇光源のバグ修正
-  「★」でアーティファクトを拾わないバグの修正
-  その他細かいバグ修正
-2001/11/25 Ver. 1.0.7
-  新アーティファクト&新モンスター
-  いくつかのアーティファクト/モンスターに解説追加
-  聖騎士隊長→聖堂騎士
-  新職業「忍者」
-  自動拾い関係
-    鑑定済みの〜、*鑑定*済みの〜、無銘の〜、収拾中の〜、
-    装備品の部位別のキーワード、自動刻みで%、先頭に ^ を入れると行頭に一致、
-    能力維持も刻む、放置するアイテムに自動刻み
-  未鑑定のアミュ、指輪、光源、人形に {未鑑定} と表示
-  長いアイテムの名前を途中で切らないで改行して表示するようにした
-  ペットの「プレイヤーを巻き込む範囲魔法」を賢く
-  ローカルのスコア表示の形を改訂
-  ランダムアーティファクトの耐性などの詳細リストを ^V で表示
-  マグマ地形のまわりが光る
-  種族の暗黒免疫等をステータス画面で表示
-  闘技場の変更
-  ゲーム中に名前を変更してもセーブファイルの名前が変わらない(win, mac)
-  騎兵が少しだけユニークモンスターを乗馬として維持しやすく
-  プレイ記録で、ピンチに陥ったときの記録は閾値を越えたときだけ
-  ダメージのシステム変更
-  アーカイブをbzip2に変更
-  バグ修正
-2001/10/17 Ver. 1.0.6
-  新モンスター追加
-  新アイテム追加
-  矢のダメージ表示
-  矢/魔法の軌道表示オプション
-  ペットの解放を使いやすく
-  スコア登録できない状況でゲームオーバーになったとき、後からもう一度スコア登録できる
-  自動拾いを改良
-  詩人の歌に感知を追加
-  アリーナで死亡しても死なない(アリーナには二度と入れない)
-  モンスターの攻撃でMPに対してダメージを与える攻撃追加
-  街の主変更
-  トロルの王の色変更
-  標準設定ファイルをlib/prefに移動
-  (UNIX限定)ユーザディレクトリをlib/user/から~/.angband/Hengband/に変更
-  クエストコマンドの表示を改良
-  クエストの報酬で既に持っているアーティファクトは出ない(代わりに獲得の巻物)
-  ロケットはモンスターに当たると止まる
-  ドアを開けられないモンスターがドアに引っかからず動く
-  バグ修正
-2001/08/22 Ver. 1.0.5
-  新職業「鍛冶師」「鏡使い」
-  生命力吸収や時間逆転はモンスターも弱くなる(一部のモンスターは抵抗)。
-  エゴの指輪/アミュレット/光源
-  指輪/アミュレット/光源も簡易鑑定可能
-  「灰色の薬」→「ねずみ色の薬」
-  発動の成功判定はロッドと同じ
-  ドラゴンスケイルの充填時間を短く
-  遅消化の指輪/アミュレット廃止
-  他にもいろいろ変更したハズだけどメモってなかったんで忘れました(^^;。
-2001/06/10 Ver. 1.0.4
-  鍛冶師のバランス調整
-  生命の薬は耐久が復活してからHP回復
-  賢者の杖廃止
-  魔力復活の薬の出現率アップ
-  他バグ修正いろいろ
-  鏡使いのバランス調整(by henkma)
-  以下仕様変更(by Mogamiさん)
-  ランダムアーティファクトはBIASによって名前が変わる
-  ゲーム中に初期オプションの変更不可
-  次元の扉で画面外を指定できる
-  以下仕様変更及びバグ修正(by habu)
-  持っているアイテムをすべて充填するサービスを追加(料金は一つずつ充填するのと同じ)
-  't'でオプションのトグルができる(パッチ by Kokaさん)
-  main-x11.cのExposeイベントで何度も再描画しないようにした
-  エネルギーの計算をさらに高速化
-  メッセージ履歴で改行する(パッチ by Mogamiさん)
-  ./configureを使わなくても付属のmakefile.stdを使って従来通りコンパイルできるようにした
-  strdupを使わないようにした
-  fresh_before オフでも魔法などのエフェクトは表示するようにした
-  指輪とアミュレットのランダムアーティファクトに必ずAC修正が付くバグ
-  キャラクタ生成時のメッセージが乱れるバグ
-  キャラクタ生成前にターン数がリセットされないバグ
-  char tmp[8]のバグ
-  モンスターが岩を壊した時に視界が更新されないバグ
-  博物館に255個を越える数のアイテムを置くとアイテムが消えてしまうバグ
-  カオスパトロンにレベルを下げられた時に本来能力値UPが得られない時でも能力値がUPする事があるバグ
-  クエスト達成の階段とトラップが重なるバグ(本当に修正)
-2001/04/30 Ver. 1.0.3
-  autoconf対応(by habu)
-  斬魔剣が強すぎたバグ修正
-  他バグ修正
-  以下大量のバグ修正(by habu)
-  剣術家の払い抜けおよび狂戦士の突撃のバグ
-  モンスターに引き寄せられた時、そのモンスターに重なる事があるバグ
-  メニューで魔法を選択した時、'0'を押すと画面が壊れるバグ(Mogamiさん御報告)
-  デバッグコマンドのartifact.spo生成で、消費魔力減少が正しくないバグ
-  仙術の魔法の説明が一部入れ変わっていたバグ
-  階を移動した時にペットがついてくる処理のバグ(Mogamiさん御報告)
-  ロッドの成功率がおかしいバグ
-  魅了した時にクエスト達成にならないバグ
-  アリーナでの邪悪消滅のバグ
-  z_escapeのバグ
-  サブウィンドウの表示がはみだした時に異常終了する可能性のあるバグ
-  クエスト達成の階段がトラップと重なるバグ
-2001/03/22 Ver. 1.0.1
-  新職業「狂戦士」
-  なまけものは少し攻撃を外しやすい
-  街でアイテムを1つ鑑定するサービス
-  ステータス画面で能力値の維持と変化の両方がある場合は色を変える
-  メニューを表示するかどうかオプション
-  メニューでコマンド選択したときはアイテム/魔法/超能力/特殊能力の選択もメニュー形式
-  練気術のキーを'w'に変更
-  名前つきペットは3マスまで離れていても次の階についてくる
-  バグ取り
-2001/02/25 Ver. 1.0.0
-  せっかくだからメジャーバージョンを1にしてみる
-  新魔法領域「悪魔」
-  新モンスター追加
-  分解音波の仕様変更
-  宝物庫クエストではつらぬき丸のある部屋はランダム
-  カオス魔法・暗黒魔法の後半をいくつか変更
-  小規模な街を修正(まともにプレイできるはず)
-  モンスターの魔法を使う優先度を変更
-  武器の重さもMPの減少に影響
-  賢さ以外で魔法を使う職業は魔法の成功率への属性の影響が小さい
-  魔法の経験値を上がりやすく
-  Win版でメニューのヘルプをなくす(どうせ使われてないし)
-  バグ取り
-2001/02/14 Ver. 0.4.10
-  魔法道具使用能力アップアイテムいくつか
-  ポールアームは二刀流しにくい
-  ダンプで名のある/乗馬中のペットを表示
-  修行僧・練気術師の攻撃回数の算出方法を変更
-  ロッド使用のシステムを変更
-  練気術師も修行僧のようにスピードアップする
-  乗馬するときは片手が空いてないと制御できない
-  闘技場のモンスターを変更
-  魔獣使いはデフォルトでやせこけた馬がペット
-  *破壊*は範囲が少しランダムに変動
-  初心者向け簡単モードオプション
-  アンドロイドの大バグ潰し
-  バグ取り
-2001/01/29 Ver. 0.4.8
-  新職業「騎兵」
-  弓の攻撃回数が上がる職業は少しずつ上がる
-  モンスター・ボールを弱く(まとまらない、高い、重い)
-  アイテムの値段変更
-  青魔道師の魔法の消費MP減少
-  恐怖の仮面の冷気免疫をなくす
-  モンスターが進化する経験値の調整
-  走っているときに走り始めた地点に来ると中断
-  画面をHTMLで保存(ただしグラフィック使用時はまともに保存できず)(by Kokaさん)
-  闇の兜
-  バグ取り
-2001/01/19 Ver. 0.4.7
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加
-  教会で某'A'は出ない
-  サブウィンドウでXIMを起動しても入力可能
-  ダンジョンを鉄人に対応
-  アイテムの価格変更
-  観光客に写真撮影
-  乗馬技能を上がりやすく
-  地震の武器は発動で地震
-  盗賊は器用さが高くて武器が軽ければ攻撃回数にボーナス
-  一部のモンスターの出現階を変更
-  理力の仕様を変更
-  スペルマスターの魔法のうまさはメイジ並み
-  Windowsで壁紙機能追加(from Kokaさん)
-  autopickで演算子が使えるように(from Mogamiさん)
-  サーバのスコアのダンプから死に台詞をいくつか導入
-  いかさまは壁を通り抜けられない
-  乗馬中のモンスターのHPをグラフ表示
-  モンスターが進化するのを見るかモンスター調査すると進化を思い出に追加
-  吟遊詩人は薬を飲むとき歌を中断
-  Winで壁描画高速化
-  魔法で解呪したときにメッセージ表示
-  名前がついているペットを放すときは確認
-  調査でモンスターの経験を表示
-  ワーグクエストの報酬をスモールシールドに変更
-  青魔道師のHDアップ
-  アイテム名をいろいろ変更
-  lite_town、vanilla_townを(多分)まともに
-  他にも変更したはずだけどメモってなくて忘れた(^^;
-  バグ修正
-2000/12/15 Ver. 0.4.6
-  新種族「アンドロイド」
-  モンスターが進化
-  アイテムの価格の求め方を変更
-  イークの洞穴では深層のモンスターは出ない
-  イークの洞穴では深層のアイテムは出にくい
-  イークの洞穴ではauto_scumは無効
-  ワーグクエストのワーグの数を減らす
-  ドラゴンスケイルメイルは発動でconical breath
-  XIM対応(from ranranさん)
-  暗黒魔法の地獄の矢を少し強く
-  暗黒魔法をいろいろ変更
-  吟遊詩人の歌は魔力消去でその瞬間だけ途切れる
-  きりのいい重量になるようにlbtokg()を変更
-  青魔道師の学習の確率を少し高く
-  青魔法の召喚の失敗率を少し低く
-  バグ修正
-2000/12/1 Ver. 0.4.5
-  新モンスター追加
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新種族「クター」
-  新職業「練気術師」
-  新職業「青魔道師」
-  新ダンジョン「カメレオン洞」
-  新ダンジョン「暗闇の洞窟」
-  他のモンスターに化けるモンスター「カメレオン」
-  メッセージをとばすオプションauto_more
-  メッセージログは直前のターンは白、それより前は灰色
-  アイテムっぽいモンスターは特定の種類のアイテムを落とす
-  グループモンスターの思考ルーチンをちょっと賢く
-  自分の種族/職業/性格/魔法に関する解説をゲーム中に見られる
-  麻痺攻撃のダメージ最低1点の仕様をなくす
-  オートローラーで決まったときにサウンド
-  一部のオプションを廃止
-  オプションの位置を大幅に変更
-  否定形に答えるオプションをなくす(自動破壊は除く)
-  ストームブリンガー(アイテム),GHBTシャツの仕様変更
-  能力回復の祈祷を高く
-  治癒の祈祷を安く
-  pit,nestの中はテレポート不可
-  剣術家の技をいくつか変更
-  次元の扉の魔法を難しく
-  生命力復活の薬 → 経験値復活の薬
-  炎・氷・ログルスの巻物のダメージを増やす
-  古い城とクローン地獄の順番入れ換え
-  古い城を50階、クローン地獄を45階
-  アンバーの呪いでサイバーデーモンが出現する確率を下げる
-  X11でフォントセットに対応(from ranranさん)
-  X11でANGBAND_X11_AT_*に対応(from ranranさん)
-  X11でANGBAND_X11_COLS/ROWSに対応(from ranranさん)
-  魔道具術師は'G'で魔力を取り込む
-  バグ修正
-2000/11/11 Ver. 0.4.2
-  新職業「赤魔道師」
-  新職業「剣術家」
-  モンスターの朦朧は動くことができる(攻撃や魔法の失敗率は高い)
-  NO_STUNを有効に
-  歌集の消費MPを増やす
-  勝利した後の引退でも'@'で確認
-  乗馬の仕様を少し変更
-  モンスターの思考ルーチンを改良
-  クラッコン/妖精の修行僧は経験ペナルティが少ない
-  攻撃用のロッド/魔法棒/杖を強く
-  攻撃回数の仕様を少し変更
-  ダンジョン生成で深い再帰が起こらないように
-  バグ修正
-2000/10/28 Ver. 0.4.0
-  新アーティファクト追加(from 桑崎さん)
-  新モンスター追加(from 桑崎さん)
-  新アイテム追加
-  新職業「魔道具術師」
-  新職業「吟遊詩人」
-  広域マップ
-  複数のダンジョン
-  知識コマンドで能力の最大値を確認できる
-  ノームの能力をショート・テレポートに
-  飛べないモンスターは山の上を歩かない
-  フェイクアーティファクト(銘の最後に#hogeとつける)
-  ダンプファイルの形式を変更
-  浮遊があれば、地上で山の上を通れる
-  木の上を通るときの消費エネルギーを増やす(浮遊があると増えない)
-  ドルジの色を変更
-  一部のアーティファクトの発動能力を強く
-  モンスターの新攻撃「斬る」(ストームブリンガー等)
-  森林創造のレベルと消費MPを増やす
-  宿屋での宿泊のターン経過は強いモンスターの生成に影響しない
-  現在の時刻をメイン画面に表示
-  職業と性格をメイン画面に表示しない
-  下水道の報酬を警告の指輪に変更
-  上り坑道、下り坑道
-  モンスターの台詞追加
-  シヴァの靴を少し弱く
-  戦士のダメージボーナスをなくす
-  なまけもの以外の戦士はレベル40で攻撃回数が1回増える。
-  魔法の軌跡を変更(矢と同じように飛ぶ)
-  念動音波弾 → 念動衝撃弾 (属性: 轟音 → テレキネシス)
-  感知魔法は自分を中心にした一定範囲内
-  ランダムで性別と逆の性格を選べない
-  モンスターの召喚を弱く
-  グループモンスターの数を少なく
-  一部のモンスターを日本でなじみのあるものに変更
-  モンスター用の新魔法「スターバースト」
-  訳語変更
-  バグ修正
-2000/10/07 Ver. 0.3.6
-  新(?)アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加(from Kokaさん)
-  新アイテム追加
-  新(?)種族「ドゥナダン」
-  新種族「影フェアリー」
-  光と影の盾
-  跳躍の靴
-  壊滅の魔法棒 → 分解の魔法棒
-  クローク『ホルコレス』 → エルフのクローク『ホルコレス』
-  我が家/博物館で死体/人形/像をモンスターのレベル順にソート
-  博物館の色変更
-  知性のアミュレットをレアに
-  爆発のルーンは自分が上に乗っていなくても爆発する
-  メニュー形式のコマンド入力
-  なまけものはスタート時の所持金が少ない
-  ルーン上のプレイヤーに対して分解のブレスを吐く確率が高かったのをやめる
-  なまけものの戦士はダメージボーナスをもらえない
-  モンスターの移動ルーチンを賢く
-  拾ったときのメッセージを変更(from mogamiさん)
-  両手持ち状態で武器を装備するときに確認(from mogamiさん)
-  レベルアップでどの能力を上げるか選択したときに確認(from mogamiさん)
-  二刀流状態で盾を装備するときにスロットを選択可能
-  アイテムの選択肢が1つしかないときにリターンで選択できないようにする
-  生い立ちの日本語訳を変更(from 板倉さん)
-  ロケットの魔法棒の値段を安く
-  アリーナの報酬をロケットの魔法棒から衝撃の魔法棒に変更
-  モンスターの光源を持たせる(ちょっと重いか?)
-  ドラゴン*の魔法棒の威力を大きくし、conicalに
-  鋼鉄のクロスボウの矢の値段を高く
-  毛皮のクロークの値段を安く
-  グリッドバグをレアに
-  モンスターの思い出を色つき
-  スペース、リターンでターゲット指定モードに入る(from mogamiさん)
-  訳語変更
-  バグ修正
-2000/09/22 Ver. 0.3.5
-  いろいろ日本語化
-  啓蒙(杖, ロッド) → 周辺感知
-  ポーカーにジョーカー追加
-  次元の扉の移動範囲を少し狭く
-  最高100ページの博物館(アイテムを置けるが、取れない)
-  バグ修正
-2000/09/16 Ver. 0.3.4
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新種族「アルコン」
-  新種族「バルログ」
-  インプを少し強く
-  超能力者でもbrowseコマンドで超能力の解説を出す
-  なまけものときれものは超能力やものまねの成功率にも影響
-  「拾った」メッセージの簡略化オプション
-  ドア生成 → 森林創造(from mitaさん)
-  鳩の日 → 凪の刻
-  木の上に召喚可能
-  攻撃回数の計算方法を変更(器用さの重要性がアップ)
-  アリーナのスカイ・ドレイクを鳳凰に変更
-  いかさまで勝利したらスコアは2点
-  ステータス画面で一時的な耐性は黄色で表示
-  モンスターのセリフを日本語化
-  未鑑定のモンスターボールは中身を表示しない
-  なまけものでのみ出現するアーティファクト
-  すべての街で共通の我が家(ページ数は20ページ)
-  魔力食いでロッドから魔力を吸収したときの回復量を少なく
-  モンスター闘技場でユニークモンスターが登場
-  ドラコリッチ、ドラコリスク
-  ストームジャイアントを少し強く
-  カジノにポーカー導入(from KOKAさん)
-  カジノでQuickRNGを使わない
-  バグ取り
-2000/09/08 Ver. 0.3.3 
-  非公開
-2000/09/02 Ver. 0.3.2 公開
-  新モンスター追加
-  倒した敵一覧をソート
-  アーティファクト生成の巻物を読もうとしてキャンセルしても巻物は残る
-  超能力者の大転移から怪物消滅の効果をなくす
-  超能力者にテレキネシス追加
-  倍返しの成功率アップ
-  探知 → 感知
-  性格のバランス調整
-  無意味に残っていたハードクエストオプションを削除
-  固定クエストに入るときに確認
-  クロスボウはエネルギーの消費を多く、スリングは少なく
-  飛び道具の属性やスレイの効果を弱く
-  アーチャーを弱く
-  ルーンの上のプレイヤーに対して分解のブレスを吐く確率を高く
-  スコアに影響するオプションを初期オプションに移動
-  ダンプに闘技場での勝利数を表示
-  闘技場での勝利数でスコアが増加
-  ハラドのクロスボウを弱く
-  モンスターの追跡ルーチンを改良
-  クラッコンの援軍は'K'
-  ダメージを与えないモンスターはモンスター闘技場に出現しない
-  空の箱の価値は0
-  バグ修正
-2000/08/22 Ver. 0.3.1 公開
-  死んだ瞬間にセーブ
-  性格のバランス調整
-  ヒット&ウェイは失敗することあり
-  追跡するオプションを間抜けな行動を取るオプションに統合
-  オプションによってスコアを増減させる
-  ログルス発動の威力を強力に
-  会心の一撃の確率を変更
-  攻撃で殺された後のエフェクトを起こさない
-  マゴット/森トロルと町人がけんかしない
-  木の上に召喚可能
-  森の中でも追跡する
-  ウォンのセリフ
-  バグ修正
-2000/08/11 Ver. 0.3.0 公開
-  新職業「スペルマスター」 - すべての魔法を使える
-  新職業「アーチャー」 - 飛び道具の専門家
-  新種族「エント」 - from OAngband
-  新性格「いかさま」 - 初心者向けの練習用。簡単に勝利できる。
-  抹殺系の魔法でとどめをさされることはない
-  追尾の矢・追尾クロスボウの矢を強く
-  追尾の矢・追尾クロスボウの矢は4属性で傷つかない
-  強力射・強速射の弓を弱く
-  鋼鉄のクロスボウの矢
-  種族によってMPが影響を受ける
-  メイジ・ハイメイジの腕力修正を1上げる
-  ダンプファイルに死ぬ直前のメッセージを表示(from V2.9.1)
-  腕力に応じて射撃武器の倍率が変化
-  大量召喚のカードを廃止
-  モンスターのカードを複数召喚可能に
-  カミカゼのカード
-  モンスターの台詞を日本語化
-  変身したときにライフレートを再計算
-  バグ修正
-2000/08/03 Ver. 0.2.5 公開
-  新モンスター追加
-  アーティファクト解説の訳追加(from 板倉さん)
-  '$'でpicktype.prfも読む
-  魔力の嵐、暗黒の嵐を少し弱く
-  ダンジョン生成をZang2.5.1のものに切り換え
-  バグ修正
-2000/07/28 Ver. 0.2.4 公開
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加
-  善良退散 → 地獄の波動
-  戦闘メッセージの簡略化
-  Logrusをログルスに統一
-  男女で別のセリフを言えるように
-  バグ修正
-2000/07/20 Ver. 0.2.3 公開
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加
-  新性格「がまんづよい」
-  分解のブレスを調整
-  モンスターが回復魔法ばかり使わないように
-  キャラクター生成時にカオスパトロンを保存
-  モンスターにペットにならないフラグを付ける
-  モンスターに抹殺されないフラグを付ける
-  拾ったときのメッセージを簡略化
-  魔獣使いを強化
-  モンスターの天使の召喚を強力に
-  新しいmelee2.cに対応
-  フラキアパッチ
-  まねられるときは右下に「まね」と表示
-  飛び道具の命中率の表示に熟練度を反映
-  修正値の高い追加攻撃や攻撃回数が増加する聖戦者を浅い階で出にくく
-  盲目のときに使われた行動をまねられないように
-  プレイヤーのMPがないときは魔力吸収を使われない
-  ty_curseで破壊を起こさない
-  恐怖 → 殺戮雲
-  一部の魔法を強化
-  ものまねの仕様を変更
-  ステータス表示方式を変更
-  モンスターボールにモンスターのHPとスピードを保存
-  二刀流のとき、軽い武器は扱いやすく重い武器は扱いにくい
-  身長と体重の算出方法を改良
-  ペットをターゲットにしない
-  '['で前のコマンドを繰り返す
-  バグ取り
-2000/07/18 Ver. 0.2.3 ソースのみの公開
-2000/07/10 Ver. 0.2.2
-  非公開
-2000/07/08 Ver. 0.2.1
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加
-  アーティファクトのレアリティ変更
-  ユニークがペットに
-  乗馬しているモンスターが消えるバグを修正
-  モンクのバランス調整
-  ペットの倒したモンスターはアイテム落とさない
-  魔獣使いを大幅に弱体化
-  半径0のボール魔法は跳ね返らない
-  経験値の入り方を変更
-  スコア送信のプロキシ対応
-  称号の変更
-  他バグ取り
-2000/07/02 Ver. 0.2.0
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加
-  プレイ時間表示
-  ジャイアンの歌フルコーラス:-)
-  釣り
-  '/'の拡張(from ZangbandJ 2.2.8-000628)
-  モンクの攻撃のダイス目の期待値も平均ダメージに加算(from ZangbandJ 2.2.8-000628)
-  訳語変更(from ZangbandJ 2.2.8-000628)
-  always_pickupでも自動破壊
-  死のディーラー → 隕石のカード
-  '`'の思い出を見られるように
-  モンクのバランス調整
-  一時魔法のバランス調整
-  ペットのターゲットは見える敵のみ
-  Yes/No -> はい/いいえ
-  馬のシンボル'H' -> 'q'
-  ペットに命名
-  すぐ隣りにいるペットは次の階についてくる
-  既知の伝説のアイテムをソート
-  スコアサーバ対応(実験段階)
-  バグ取り
-2000/07/01 Ver. 0.1.3
-  非公開
-2000/06/28 Ver. 0.1.2
-  非公開
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加
-  Eldritch Horror の巣
-  silly_attack(from Zangband 2.5.1)
-  魔法の解説のバグ取り
-  出力ファイルに名前を表示
-  攻撃したときに落ちることがあるバグを修正
-  '=g'と銘をつけたアイテムの銘が化けるバグを修正
-  友好的なモンスターを攻撃できる(Ctrl-方向)
-2000/06/24 Ver. 0.1.1
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加
-  あやしい影
-  オーラのバグ取り
-  超能力者と呪文の巻物
-  修行僧の構え
-  乗馬中に使える武器の見直し
-  魔法の解説(from OAngband)
-  闘技場にナズグル出現しない
-  picktype.prfでアイテム名の前に!がついているものは自動破壊
-  死んだ時には経験値がもらえない
-  新アーティファクト追加
-  新モンスター追加
-  OAngbandから新しい箱のトラップを導入
-  死人返しの杖の杖 -> 死人返しの杖
-  上級の匠の魔法書を燃えないように
-2000/06/17 Ver. 0.1.0
-  外部公開。
-2000/03/2?〜06/16 Ver. 0.0.0〜0.0.12
-  気のむくままに変更を加える。
-  適当にバランス調整する。
-  (↑なんか情報量0だ)
-2000/03/2? Ver. 0.0.0
-  Zangbandに熟練度、二刀流、両手持ちを導入してみる。
-  KMC内部公開。
-以下は日本語版のZAngbandの変更履歴 (2.2.8まで)
- バージョン履歴
-記号 変更の種類
- △:日本語版独自のバグ修正    
- ▲:英語版のバグ修正
- ★:日本語版独自機能追加      
- ☆:英語先行版等からの機能追加
- □:訳語変更、未訳の翻訳
-2000/07/14  2.2.8-J0.9.7
-概要:今回はバグ修正がメインです。機能の追加は主に英語版 2.5.1からもってき
-ました。ぷよが"*",魚が"l" に記号が変わったので注意してください。
-000710.1 ▲ 流星雨バグ修正、メッセージ表示バグ修正、スポイラー生成バグ修正
-000710.2 ▲ 鉄人帰還なしモードで帰還できるバグ修正
-000710.3 ☆ ステータスバー追加 (from Z235)
-000710.4 ☆ ドラコニアン生い立ち追加(from Z250)
-000710.5 ☆ 魚は"l"(小文字L),水/溶岩は"~"に変更 (from Z250)
-000711.1 ☆ 全てZ251 から
-            ストームブリンガーに秒殺されない 
-            ランダムクエストの数をランダムに選べる
-            ランダムクエストの数をキャラダンプに表示
-            ランダムクエストの報酬が上質である確率は 20/クエスト数
-            アスキーモードで地形の明暗を改善
-            時間攻撃が吸血もやってしまうバグ修正
-000711.2 ☆ モンスターは善悪反対のモンスターを召喚しない
-000711.3 ▲ {空}のワンド/スタッフを重ねる  PITで善悪同居しない
-000711.4 ☆ 箱の上でも解除/開けるが可能
-000711.5 ★ とりあえずロードしてからの時間を表示 from [変]
-000712.1 ☆ 地形や部屋の種類を増やす(from Z251)
-000713.1 ▲ autopick バグ修正 by Habu さん
-000713.1 □ 称号訳変更 from [O]
-000713.2 △ クエスト表示バグ
-000713.3 ☆ モンスター同士の喧嘩メッセージを少なく from Z251
-000713.4 ☆ melee2.c ごっそり更新 from Z251 モンスターが賢くなる
-000714.1 △ ヘルスバーバグつぶし
-xxxxxx.x □ lib/ 以下きままに変更
-xxxxxx.x □ 初心者ガイド翻訳 from ZKB-J 斎藤さん
-2000/06/28  2.2.8-J0.9.6
-"plain_savefile" を YES にしてセーブすると、その時点でダンジョン等に存
-テム/モンスターは Mr.Hoge さんの衝撃のバリアント、変愚蛮怒と、KOKA さ
-んの SJNetHack から一部拝借してます。新しいもの好きな人は是非この二つ
-さらに自動拾いコードを整理し、picktype.prf などで先頭が"!"で始まる
-上の方にあるアイテムをより優先して判定します。たとえば 'M' コマンド
-します。:) モンク専用アーティファクトも作ったし(ソースかなりいじった
-私事ですが、今度から本家英語版 ZAngband の開発メンバーに加わることに
-パッチID 種 詳細
--------- -- ----------------
-000522.1 □ ゴミ削除  
-000523.1 ▲ EAT_LITE で落ちるバグ修正
-000529.1 □ Niberung 生い立ち修正
-000529.2 △ roff_to_buff 移動
-000529.3 △ roff_to_buff 移動
-000529.4 △ roff_to_buff 移動
-000529.5 △ 生い立ち改行処理をroff_to_buff で行なう変更
-000530.1 ▲ {呪いなし} がつかないようにした。
-000607.1 △ ランダムアーティファクトの名前漢字二文字の確率を減らす
-000609.1 □ Wand = ワンド、 Staff = スタッフ
-000609.2 ★ 日本語版特別モンスターの導入と互換性サポート
-            (オプション plain_savefile)
-000609.3 □ 訳語変更
-000609.4 □ 訳語変更
-000609.5 □ 'C'コマンドラベル変更
-000614.1 ★ 互換性サポート補完。アーティファクト追加
-000616.1 ★ MONK 専用 アーティファクト追加
-000619.1 ★ 自動拾いと自動破壊を統合
-000623.1 ★ 魔法訳語変更、モンクの平均ダメージテーブル追加
-            MONK 専用 アーティファクトのためのハック追加
-            (素手の場合と同じ攻撃をしますが、特殊効果は起きません。)
-            自動拾いエントリ最大数を512 に増やす
-            石の区別>識石別玉, 石壁>石の壁, 太陽光召喚>陽光召来,
-            粉砕>原子分解 etc.
-000623.2 ▲ ログルスの巻物バグ、2個アーティファクトの★フィクス
-000626.1 ★ アーティファクト矢に関係した機能追加
-000627.1 ★ '/'コマンド拡張  冗談メッセージ追加  コメント整備
-            X11 で漢字の銘に上書きしても落ちないようにした。
-XXXXXXXX ★ 新モンスター/アーティファクト追加 from 変愚蛮怒&SJNH
-2000/05/09  2.2.8-J0.9.5c
- △ monster2.c
-   english_monster が効いてなかったのを修正
- ▲ monster2.c
-   PASS_WALL モンスターが他のモンスターと重なるバグを修正 
-   by Mr.Hogeさん
- □ mutation.c
-   未訳修正 by 及川さん
- □ a_info_j.txt
-   Hagen と Nothung 解説追加
-2000/04/27  2.2.8-J0.9.5b
- ▲ cmd1.c
-   自動壊し/拾いした時行動中止するよう変更
- ▲ xtra2.c
-   クエストで最後の敵がペットを倒すとクリアになるのを修正
- ▲ mind.c
-   MPが足りない時サイキックドレインが成功すると落ちるのを修正
- □ flavor.c
-  Plain Gold Ring>金無垢の指輪  
-2000/04/06  2.2.8-J0.9.5
- ☆ cmd3.c
-   指輪の左右確認 (Tk から)
- ☆ cmd1.c externs.h tables.c variable.c cmd4.c
-   自動壊しオプション(2.3.4 から)&自動拾いコード整理
- ☆ object2.c
-   指輪&アミュのランダムアーティファクト(2.3.4から)
- ☆ externs.h cmd5.c mspells1.c mspells2.c spells2.c
-   サイバーデーモン召喚が常に自分の周りになるのを修正(2.3.4から)
- ★ init2.c
-   misc.txt でなく misc_j.txt を読むようにした。 
-   (モンスター追加を容易にするため)
- ★ melee2.c
-   英語名 Ohmu の敵はカビを召喚
- △ cmd1.c object1.c
-   「〜を拾った。」のメッセージのアイテム記述を簡略化。 --more--
-   が減るはず。
- △ japanese.c
-   新規作成。動詞活用、シンダリン>仮名変換
- △ monster1.c cmd5.c wizard1.c
-   jverb 関係変更
- ★ flavor.c
-   巻物のタイトルをカタカナに
- □ a_info_j.txt
-   解説追加 by フェリアナスさん
- □ t000000[2-4]_j.txt
-   クラップ>クラップス
- □ bldg.c lib/help/jgambling.txt
-   カジノのルール翻訳
- □table.c files.c xtra2.c
-   訳語変更
-    自動 SCUM > 自動選り好み
-    アンバーの王族 > アンバライト
-    ハーフジャイアント>半巨人
-    ハーフタイタン>半タイタン
-    魔戦士>魔法剣士
-    心霊術士>超能力者
-    (軟弱者用)良いダンジョンを生成>階の雰囲気自動選り好み
-    下部>下僕
- □ lib/edit/t0000001_j.txt
-   旅の宿『白馬亭』の欄  "クエスト"と"食事をする"の未訳修正
- □ lib/edit/t0000003_j.txt
-   盗賊のギルドの欄   "盗んだ金を山分けする"と"クエスト"未訳修正
- □ flavor.c
-   ichor>膿色の
- □ birth.c cmd6.c mspells1.c
-   Mime>ミーメ  Logrus>ログルス
-以下は Mr.Hoge さんによる
- ▲ artifact.c
-   ランダムアーティファクトのシールド効果のバグ修正
- ▲ bldg.c
-   カジノのオッズ修正
- ▲ cmd5.c
-   TY_CURSE のバグ,元素の球のバグ修正
- □ flavor.c
-   "黒褐色">"黒褐色の"
- ▲ object2.c
-   トラップ・ドアが出現しないバグ修正
- ▲ monster1.c xtra2.c
-   経験値表示修正。耐性の表示修正
-以下は Habuさんによる
- △ object1.c
-   easy_floor のとき always_show_list が効かないバグ修正 
- ★ externs.h,melee2.c,mspell1.c,mspell2.c
-   英語名が "Dio Brando" のモンスターは『ザ・ワールド』を使う!!!!
-2000/02/18  2.2.8-J0.9.4
- ▲dungeon.c
-   スピードが範囲を越えた時のバグ修正 by Mr.Hoge さん 
- ▲spells3.c
-   メッセージ修正 "25+30" > "25+d30" by Mr.Hoge さん
- ▲spells3.c
-   凡庸の巻物バグ修正
- ★object1.c
-   easy_floor が ON でも自動拾いができるようにした。
- □rumors_j.txt, a_info_j.txt
-   翻訳追加 by 若林さん、板倉
- ☆k_info_j.txt
-   某アミュレットから幽体化削除
-2000/02/10  2.2.8-J0.9.2
- △util.c
-   繰り返しメッセージ省略部分のバグ修正 by habu さん
- ▲util.c
-   マクロ失敗時に行動中止するよう変更 by habu さん
- □cmd1.c
-   間接蹴り>関節蹴り by habu さん
- ★main-mac.c
-   待望の日本語化 by 阿部さん
- △bldg.c
-   メッセージのバグ修正 (英語複数形絡み)
- △cmd5.c mind.c racial.c
-   always_show_list コード整理
- ☆object1.c init1.c z-config.h a_info_j.txt
-   アーティファクト解説機能追加
-2000/02/02  2.2.8-J0.9.1
- △files.c init1.c
-   街の設定ファイル解析部分修正 by Mr.Hoge さん
-2000/01/31  2.2.8-J0.9.0
- △racial.c
-   メッセージ修正 by Mr.Hoge さん
- △lib/edit/q0000023_j.txt 
-   メッセージが十行を越えていたのを修正
- ★types.h externs.h init1.c init2.c variable.c lib/edit/f_info_j.txt
-   Tk 版で英語地形名がトークンとして使われていたので、
-   f_info_j.txt に英語名のフィールドを追加
- △birth.c
-   イークの生い立ちにバグがあったのを修正(これのせいで TK 版が動かなかった)
-2000/01/21  2.2.8-J0.8.4
- ▲dungeon.c
-   休息コマンドのバグ修正 by Mr.Hogeさん
- □lib/edit/q*j.txt
-   クエスト情報未訳部分の翻訳
- △load.c
-   セーブファイル漢字コード変換のバグを修正
- ★xtra2.c
-   Xコマンドでそのモンスターを何匹倒すとレベルアップするか表示する機能
-   を追加
- △xtra2.c
-   上記追加機能のバグ修正 by Habuさん
-2000/01/07  2.2.8-J0.8.3
- □scores.c
-   メッセージ修正 by Mr.Hoge さん
- ★files.c
-   未鑑定の武器/防具/矢の自動拾い機能追加
- □monster2.c
-   未訳部分の翻訳
- □tables.c
-   Monk の訳を修行僧と変更。勝手にすみません
- △h-define.h, cmd3.c, store.c, object1.c
-   重さのkg表示を小数点以下1位に変更
- □store.c
-   アイテム購入時のメッセージ修正
- △externs.h, files.c, cmd1.c, cave.c
-   autopick関係のコード修正
- 2.3.3 から 2.2.8 への移行
- 飛び道具が命中した時の敵HPに応じたメッセージが、
- モンスターの種類ごとに別になってかなり増えた。訳はちょっといいかげん。
- また店主の名前が八倍くらいに増えた。これもちょっといいかげんな訳。
- lib/help 以下は大幅改定された。斎藤さんの ZKB 日本語版に期待!
- △files.c
-   プレイヤーの名前が日本語のときの処理を入れた。
- △mspells2.c
-   SUMMON_KIN のメッセージ修正
- △init2.c, files.c dungeon.c
-   キャラクタごとに picktype.prf を読むようにした
- Mr. Hoge さんがソースを2.3.3 に対応。
- ▲files.c
-   キャラクタ表示(ファイル)のフラグにラベル(abcd...)を追加
-   キャラクタ表示(ファイル)のフラグ表示バグフィクス
-   日本語の噂を拾ってくるまで繰り返すルーティン追加 
- □monster1.c
-   モンスターの思い出の呪文に関する表現を変更。短くするため
- △cmd5.c
-   日本語動詞活用ルーチンを使って get_spell の引数を英語版と同じにした。
- □r_info_j.txt
-   クトゥルフ系の情報大量追加
- □spells3.c
-   属性付化のメッセージ修正
- □bldg.c
-   メッセージ修正:鑑定されまた>鑑定されました
-=== Zangband の歴史 ===
-この文章では Zangband の歴史が解説されています。開発の歴史の上で主な出
-な開発履歴は z_update.txt を参照してください。
-=== Zangband 2.2.0 ===
-変更できます。以下のレビューはZangbandの元祖作者、Topi Ylinen氏による
---- バージョン 2.2.0 (by Topi Ylinen)---
-Zangband 2.2.0 はこれまでで最も変化したバージョンといえます。歴史的
-バージョン(Angband-- や Zangband 1.*)は主にモンスターやアイテムを変更
-し、バージョン 2.0.*〜2.1.* は新しい種族と要素を加えましたが、Zangband
-2.2.0 ではゲームの根本を劇的に変更しました。
-新しいコンセプトは Kangband から取ったもので、荒野や新しい地形、カスタ
-テムに「追加」されたのです。ポピュラーになったZangband 2.1.1 の「ラン
-で、プレイヤーたちはすぐに馴染めるでしょう。街やクエストは lib/edit に
-バージョンのプレイヤーは自分でクエストを作って、それを全ての Zangband
-クエストと荒野の他にも Zangband 2.2.0 では新しいモンスター(300近くいま
-た。つまり Zangband のベテランにとっても新しい発見と経験がたくさんある
-だろう、ということです。合計850以上のモンスターの種族を実装するには 16
-ビットのメモリ管理コードを取り除く必要がありました。Zangband 2.* では
-その他のあまり目立たない変更としては、ペットのAIの改良と s-lang のサ
-=== Zangband 2.1.0d ===
-これは Robert Ruehlmann 氏がZangbandの新しい管理者になってから最初に出
-「ZAngband 2.1.0c は Topi氏による最後のバージョンです。彼は仕事に就い
-てZAngband を開発する時間がなくなってしまいました。彼は新しい管理者を
-名前は Robert Ruehlmann、DOS 用のグラフィカル Angband の作者であり、
-『Thangorodrim - The Angband Page』(http://www.thangorodrim.net)のウェ
-=== バージョン 1.0 - 2.1.0c ===
-以下の文は Topi Ylinen 氏による開発の記録です。
-Zangband の起源は、今となっては廃れて大昔に消えてしまった、「
-ようと考えていました。Angband--は PC Angband 1.31 のソースを元に作ら
-後にこの人間はもっといいマシンを手に入れてプログラムを学び、PC Zangband
-を作りました。ほとんどの Angband--のモンスターは生き残ってPC Zangband
-1.0 に入りました。PC Zangband 1.0 は PC用 Angband で初めてフォントを使
-った簡単なグラフィックを導入し、それはPC用Angband 1.40 にも導入されま
-いる「Civilization」タイプのファンタジーシミュレーション「Master of
-た。このシステムは他の Angband--や PC Zangband 1.0の良い部分と共に現在
-の Zangband (2.*)にも導入されています。コードは Ben Harrison氏による
-Angband 2.8.1 を元にしているので、他のシステムにも容易に移植できます(
-同時に、この人間(私、Topi Ylinen)はスタンダードなアングバンドのモンス
-=== 謝辞 ===
-Zangband の新しいバージョンは以下のすばらしい Angband プログラマーの方
-Topi would like to thank:
-        Ben Harrison, for obvious reasons.
-        Greg Wooledge, who pointed out a bug in the dos compiler, which
-        was preventing Topi's progress with the first 2.* version of
-        Zangband and for various patches.
-        Julian Lighton, who must have sent Topi more ideas, patches, and
-        bug reports, than all the others toghether.
-        Robert Ruehlmann, whose nice new main-dos.c enables SVGA
-        graphics and even windows in ms-dos.
-        Paul Sexton, who is responsible for about 50% of the new code in
-        2.1.0.
-Robert would also like to thank:
-        Heino Vander Sanden, who created the quest-code and Dean
-        Anderson, whose patch showed me the quickest way to implement
-        the quests.
-        Adam Bolt, who created the new ZAngband tiles.
-        Scott Bigham, for the S-Lang patch.
-        Jeff Duprey for the new mutations.
-        John Duffin and Leigh Silas Hanrihan for the new items.
-        Marten Woxberg for many new ideas.
-        Ken Wigle for allowing me to include his town and quest code.
-        Tim Baker for many patches and bugfixes and for ZAngbandTk.
-        Chris Weisiger for many new vault layouts.
-        Juergen Neitzel for countless new rumors.
-        Topi Ylinen, Mark Howson, Adam Horowitz, Oscar Nelson and all
-        the other regular members of the #angband chat channel for
-        giving me lots of new ideas and being good friends.
-        Benny S. Hofmann, Aram Harrow, Greg Harvey, Keldon Jones, Graham
-        Murray, Remco Gerlich, Tim Baker, Oscar Nelson, Adam Horowitz,
-        David A. Henry, "Strikes", Chris Hadgis, David Howdon, Jenni
-        Henzel, Stephen Lee, Gwidon S. Naskrent, Eric Wright, Bob
-        Martin, Jeff Coleburn, Ethan Sicotte, Brandon Walker, Kelly
-        Trinh, Brian Graham, James W. Sager III, John Holton, Larry
-        Bassel, Markus Linnala, Musus Umbra, Mike Hommel, Christopher
-        Stranczek, Werner Baer, Andreas Koch, Jon Boehnker, Jason
-        Willoughby, David Paoletti and many others for bugreports,
-        patches, bugfixes, and ideas.
-=== (スタンダードなAngbandの)バージョン履歴の摘要 ===
-初め Robert Alan Koeneke によって "VMS Moria" ができました(1985)。
-その次に James E. Wilson によって "Umoria"(Unix Moria) ができました(1989)。
-アングバンドの直系の祖先である "moria" の歴史についての詳細は様々なところで
-見つけることができますし、このファイルにも作者の Robert Alan Koeneke からの
-メッセージが掲載されています。"moria" は様々なシステム上に移植されていますし、
-1990 年に、Alex Cutler と Andy Astrand が Warwick 大学の生徒たちの協力を得て
-UMoria 5.2.1 をベースに Angband 1.0 を作りました。彼らはゲームの背景となるトー
-年月を経て Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, Charles Teague などの人達がソースの改良を
-行い "Angband 2.4.frog_knows" と呼ばれるバージョンがリリースされました。これ
-は UNIX システム上でしか動かないものでしたが、様々な人が様々なシステムに移植
-を行っていました。移植されたうちで最も意義深いものは、古い DOS マシン用の
-"PC Angband 1.4" で、それにはカラーの搭載と、他にも様々な改良が施されていまし
-その次に Charles Swiger(cs4w+****@andre*****) が混乱を整理しようと試み、いく
-つかのバージョンを経て、1993 年 11 月のある日の Angband 2.5.1(多少の違いはあ
-る)から始めて、1994 年末の Angband 2.6.2 までを主導しました。カラー使用のサ
-ポートを追加した Macintosh 版を作成した Keith Randall を含め何人かの人々が、
-(主に Unix/NeXT が中心だった) Angband 2.6.1 を他のプラットフォームに移植しま
-した。この時期の変更のいくつかは、"net"(*訳注:Nethackのことか)、PC Angband
-1.4 や UMoria 5.5、FAngband のような様々な Angband の「亜種」からヒントを得
-Angband 2.6.1 は Unix/NeXT マシンを主な対象としており、それは画面操作とキー操
-作のすべてに関してローレベルの "curses" コマンドの使用を必要としていました。
-り、"curses" エミュレータのように機能する画面操作のソース作成が通常必要でし
-た。そのようにして移植された中には Keith Randall による "Macintosh Angband 
-2.6.1" があり、それはカラーのサポートが追加され、Angband 2.7.0 の最初のリリー
-1994 年の後半、私(Ben Harrison)は Angband のソースと戯れていましたが、それは
-"rogue" ゲームにおける古い "rogue-o-matic" プログラムのような、 Angband の自
-動プレイの一種を作れるかどうか主に検討していたからです。Macintosh バージョン
-1994 年の末に Charles Swiger が就職をしたために Angband のサポートができなく
-なったことをアナウンスしました。これは Angband newsgroup に代表される Angband
-社会に少なからぬ狼狽を与え、様々な人々が Angband のサポートを継続するために
-たので(例えば COBOL を考えようとか)、1995 年の初日に私が自分のソースを発表し
-てそれを "Angband 2.7.0" と呼び、基本的に新たな Angband の管理者となると言っ
-Angband 2.7.0 は(バグだらけでしたが)ソースをひじょうにきれいに書き直しました
-ので、その他のことと相まって、Macintosh と UNIX に始まる多くのプラットフォー
-ムへの移植が容易になりました。そして多くの時間をバグ出しに費やして、X11 や様々
-な IBM 機版を含めた Angband 2.7.2 になりました。Angband 2.7.4 は ftp サイト
-"ftp.cis.ksu.edu" に公開され、すぐに好評を博しました。おそらく OS2 や Windows
-Amiga や Linux への移植がその好評に寄与したのでしょう。Angband 2.7.5 と 2.7.6
-き続き行われました。Angband 2.7.8 は、安心して友人に配布できるような、もう一
-Angband 2.7.8 が発表された後に、私はそれぞれのバージョンでのすべての変更点
-(少し漏れたのもありますが)を記録しておくために web site を立ち上げ、Official
-Mirror Server をサポートするための新たな開発者 ftp server の使用ができるよう
-になりました。この web site は現在 Officail Angband Home Page(http://www.
-phial.com)に恒久的に置かれています。不幸にも、続く 6 つのバージョンは
-Angband 2.7.9v1 から Angband 2.7.9v6 とナンバーされていますが、実際はどれも
-大幅なバージョンアップです。Angband 2.8.0 と Angband 2.8.1 は普通のバージョ
-ンナンバーを付けようとして発表されました。Angband 2.8.2 と Angband 2.8.3 は
-Official Angband Home Page("http://www.phial.com/angband/")では Angband の最
-いる変更点や、Angband に関連した様々な email アドレスや web site の一覧などを
-=== Angband 2.6.1 から 2.7.9 までの主な変更点 ===
-2.6.1 から 2.7.8 にかけて、どこが変更されたか、そしていつ変更されたかを特定す
-くの変更点があり、diff ファイルがソース自体より多くなってしまうほどのものなの
-です。様々なプラットフォーム用の新しい "main-xxx.c" の作成と、ソース中に注記
-ました。その変更には自発的なものもありますが、ほとんどは Angband プレーヤーの
-びでしたので、多くの場合、例えば "diff -r" をもってしてもコードが認識できな
-次に重要な修正は、Angband をわずか 50 行程度のコード追加で新しいマシンに実装
-できるようにする、汎用 "z-term.c" パッケージの構築でした。Angband 2.7.9 はこ
-うして多くのマシン、Macintosh, PowerMac, Unix/X11, Unix/Curses(*訳注:Curses 
-で、つまり、それを利用して実装されたということ), Amiga, Windows, OS2-386, 
-DOS-386 上、さらには DOS-286 上でさえも修正なしで実行できています。
-Angband 2.6.1 から 2.7.9 までの変更点全てをリストアップするのは困難です。それ
-bolt, beam, ball などを取り扱う "project()" コードや、視線の計算を単純化する
-"update_view()" コード、あるいはダンジョンの新規の階を構築する "generate()" 
-コードなどです。"process_monsters()" や "update_monsters()" 関数、新たな
-"objdes()", "lite_spot()" ルーチンを含めて、多くの変更が効率の向上に向けられ
-ました。汎用 "Term" パッケージは効果的な画面更新、カラーの使用を可能にします。
-Official Angband Home Page で確認することができます。
-    color
-    macros
-    keymaps
-    user pref files
-    generic feature array, with template file
-    generic object array, with template file
-    generic artifact array, with template file
-    generic ego-item array, with template file
-    generic monster array, with template fils
-    generic vault array, with template file
-    binary image files for the template files
-    special stat effect tables
-    a special table of spells
-    a special table of options
-    inventory tagging
-    inventory restrictions
-    using objects off the floor
-    various new runtime options
-    the new "destroy" command
-    the new "examine" command
-    the new "note" command
-    the new "dump screen" command
-    the new "load screen" command
-    the new "un-inscribe" command
-    the new "change visuals" command
-    the new "change colors" command
-    the new "change macros" command
-    the new "save game" command
-    the new "fire" vs "throw" commands
-    rearranged equipment slots
-    a standard bow slot
-    an extra inventory slot
-    an underlying keyset
-    refueling torches
-    better monster memory
-    nicer targetting mode
-    object stacking
-    the recall window
-    the choice window
-    the mirror window
-    new high score code
-    special lighting effects
-    intelligent monsters
-    new monster flags
-    text formatting code
-    much cleaner store code
-    generic spell projections
-    scrolls of *identify*
-    maximize mode
-    preserve mode
-    new inscription code
-    new message recall code
-    new spell and prayer code
-    massive cleanup of effects code
-    new object allocation routines
-    powerful (but simple) on line help
-    robust savefile cheat preventers
-    new official cheating options
-    new blindness code
-    new hallucination code
-    optimized object description code
-    new keypress input routines
-    actual object discounts
-    fractional (assymptotic) speed
-    postponing updates/redraws
-    run-time price determination
-    better wizard commands
-    the automatic player
-    launchers of extra shots
-    elemental ignore flags
-    new ego-item types
-    new player ghost creation
-    no more sliding objects
-    no more sliding monsters
-    new object flags
-    new chest trap code
-    regularized the artifact code
-    regularized the ego-item code
-    new monster abilities
-    new monster spell attacks
-    some new store owners
-    run-time skill computation
-    player kills vs anscestor kills
-    better room illumination code
-    better group monster code
-    table access through pointers
-    more redefinable constants
-    slightly new screen layout
-    extreme code cleaning
-    extreme optimizations
-=== 元著作者よりの手紙 ===
-From: koene****@ionet***** (Robert Alan Koeneke)
-Newsgroups: rec.games.roguelike.angband,rec.games.roguelike.moria
-Subject: Early history of Moria
-Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 04:20:51 GMT
-まず第一に自己紹介ですが、私が正真正銘の、初めにモリアを作った Robert Koeneke
-1980 年か 81 年頃に、私はオクラホマ大学のエンジニアリング・コースに入りまし
-た。エンジニアリング研究所では初期の UNIX の元で PDP 1170 が稼働していました。
-違った部門での仕事につきました。私の仕事場のコンピューターは VMS の走る初期
-の VAX 11/780 でしたが、当時はそのコンピューター用のゲームなどはまったくあり
-これがモリア・ベータ 1.0 となったのです。私の VMS システムでは FORTRAN IV と
-PASCAL V1.? と BASIC を使用することができました。ゲームのほとんどは文字列操
-作が必要でしたので、私は VMS BASIC でモリアを作り始めました。このモリアは私の
-1983 年頃に、モリアを現在のような形態に生まれ変わらせる原因となった二つのこと
-だけでした。また私は PASCAL のオペレーティング・システム・クラスに参加するこ
-ですから、私は新しいバージョンの VMS PASCAL を研究し、新しい機能があることを
-その夏、私は VMS PASCAL でモリア 1.0 を完成させました。その夏だけで、私はデー
-私は親友の Jimmey Todd に、ゲームのためのより優れたキャラクター生成システム
-まれたのです。Jimmey は同様にゲーム中の多くの機能の改善を手伝ってくれて、そ
-の努力が、モリア 2.0 に結実することになりました。
-1985 年頃に私はソースを他の大学に送り始めました。オクラホマ大学とテキサス大
-1986 年から 87 年の間に、私の手がけた最終公式バージョンであるモリア 4.7 がリ
-た時には(ご想像の通り現在もそこで働いています)、私はモリア 5.0 を製作していま
-した。モリア 5.0 は完全にソースを書き直し、多くの良質な改善を含み、水、小川、
-私はゲームをいじってみたいという人達に許可を与えました。ソースを C に変換して
-で配布し、売らないのなら良いと答えました。尋ねてきた人達のうち C への書き替え
-があったとき)の向こうからの、VAX 上のゲームについての手紙も頂きました(貿易法
-Robert Alan Koeneke
-=== 過去のバージョンについての履歴 ===
-                          VMS Moria Version 4.8
-Version 0.1  : 83/03/25
-Version 1.0  : 84/05/01
-Version 2.0  : 84/07/10
-Version 3.0  : 84/11/20
-Version 4.0  : 85/01/20
-モジュール :
-     V1.0  ダンジョン 生成        - RAK
-           キャラクター 生成      - RAK & JWT
-           Moria モジュール       - RAK
-           その他                 - RAK & JWT
-     V2.0  町の階 & その他        - RAK
-     V3.0  内部ヘルプ & その他    - RAK
-     V4.0  ソース発表バージョン   - RAK
-Robert Alan Koeneke               Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.
-Oklahoma 大学/学生                Oklahoma 大学/学生
-                        Umoria Version 5.2 (以前は UNIX Moria)
-Version 4.83 :  87/5/14
-Version 4.85 : 87/10/26
-Version 4.87 :  88/5/27
-Version 5.0  :  89/11/2
-Version 5.2  :   90/5/9
-James E. Wilson, U.C. Berkeley 校
-                 wilso****@ernie*****
-                 ...!ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson
-D. G. Kneller         - MSDOS 版 Moria を作成
-Christopher J. Stuart - recall、option、inventory、running コードを書いた
-Curtis McCauley       - Macintosh 版 Moria を作成
-Stephen A. Jacobs     - Atari ST 版 Moria を作成
-William Setzer        - object 命名コードを書いた
-David J. Grabiner     - たくさんのバグレポートと一貫したチェック
-Dan Bernstein         - UNIX hangup signal や多くのバグをフィックス
-Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
-  このソフトウェアは教育や研究のためならば、そして利益を目的としないのならば
-  複写および配布してよい。ただし、この著作権と文章は記載しておくこと。
-  This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
-  not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
-  included in all such copies.
-Umoria Version 5.2, patch level 1
-Angband Version 2.0   Alex Cutler, Andy Astrand, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, 
-                      Charles Teague.
-Angband Version 2.4   : 05/09/93
-Angband Version 2.5   : 12/05/93 Charles Swiger
-Angband Version 2.6   : 09/04/94 Charles Swiger
-Angband Version 2.7   : 01/01/95  Ben Harrison
-Angband Version 2.8   : 01/01/97  Ben Harrison
-Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
-This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
-and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
-are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
--- 2.7.9v3 翻訳: 怒涛の暇人(SUS、KUNI、傀儡、音丸、FIRST各氏に感謝!)
--- 2.7.9v6 改訂: しとしん
--- 2.8.0   改訂: しとしん
--- 2.8.3   改訂: しとしん
+         D'angbandƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“—š—ð
+2011/04/11 Verƒ¿0
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+2004/7/13 Ver. 1.6.2 (VˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ 1.4.7 ‚Ì‘S‚Ă̕ύX“_B
+2004/7/13 Ver. 1.4.7 (‹ŒˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ •Û‘¶ƒtƒƒA‚ÌŽd—l‚ðŽ‚½‚È‚¢1.4.xƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`‚̐^‚̍ŏI”Å‚É’v–½“I‚ȃoƒO‚ª
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+2004/5/31 Ver. 1.6.1 (VˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ ƒoƒOC³F
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+ ‚»‚Ì‘¼A1.4.6 ‚Ì‘S‚Ă̕ύX“_B
+2004/5/31 Ver. 1.4.6 (‹ŒˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
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+   Mac”łŐݒ肪•Û‘¶‚³‚ê‚È‚¢ƒoƒOB
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+2004/1/9 Ver. 1.6.0 (VˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ 1.5.4‚̃oƒOƒtƒBƒbƒNƒX”ŁB
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+2004/1/9 Ver. 1.4.5 (‹ŒˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ 1.4.xƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`‚̍ŏI”ŁB
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+   ‰ü–¼F"A Set of Gloves of Dragon" -> "A Set of Dragon Gloves"
+   ‚»‚Ì‘¼AŠeŽí•¶Žš‰»‚¯AtypoA•\Ž¦ƒAƒbƒvƒf[ƒg•s”õA‚Öƒ‹ƒvC³B
+2003/8/12 Ver. 1.5.4 (ŠJ”­”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ VƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒgƒAƒ~ƒ…ƒŒƒbƒg’ljÁ(ŒÃ‚¢é‚Ì•ñV)B
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+2003/8/12 Ver. 1.4.4 (ˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ ƒoƒOC³F
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+2003/7/20 Ver. 1.5.3 (ŠJ”­”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
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+ ‚»‚Ì‘¼A1.4.3 ‚Ì‘S‚Ă̕ύX“_B
+2003/7/20 Ver. 1.4.3 (ˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ ƒoƒOC³F
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+2003/7/10 Ver. 1.5.2 (ŠJ”­”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+ ƒAƒ“ƒhƒƒCƒh‚ŃvƒŒƒCŽž‚̃‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg‚Ì•]‰¿‚ð‚‚­‚µ‚½B
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+2003/7/10 Ver. 1.4.2 (ˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
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+2002/12/24 Ver. 1.5.1 (ŠJ”­”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+  Šù’m‚́`ƒŠƒXƒg’†‚ɃVƒ“ƒ{ƒ‹ƒGƒfƒBƒ^'v'’ljÁBUnangband‚æ‚èB
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+  ‚»‚Ì‘¼A1.4.1 ‚Ì‘S‚Ă̕ύX“_B
+2002/12/24 Ver. 1.4.1 (ˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
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+2002/12/09 Ver. 1.5.0 (ŠJ”­”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+  ƒtƒƒA•Û‘¶‚ÌŽd—l‚ðŽÀ‘•
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+  - dungeon_stairs‚Æconfirm_stairsƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“”pŽ~B
+  - ˆê•û’ʍs‚ÌŠK’i‚ðŒx‚·‚éconfirm_questƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“VÝB
+  - —nŠâ‚Ì•Ç‚âÎ‰p‚Ì•Ç‚Ì’†‚ɍà•ó‚ª–„‚Ü‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚éŠm—¦‚𑝂µ‚½B
+  - à•óŠ´’m‚·‚é‚©ŽÀÛ‚ÉŒ@‚é‚Ü‚ÅŒ©‚¦‚È‚¢à•ó‚ðŠÜ‚Þ•Ç‚ð’ljÁB
+  - ‘SŠ´’m‚©‚ç•Ç‚Ì’†‚̍à•óŠ´’m”\—Í‚ðíœB(‘òŽRŠ´’m‚³‚ê‚Ĕς킵‚¢‚Ì‚Å)
+2002/12/09 Ver. 1.4.0 (ˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+  ‹ó• [‘«‚ÌŠª•¨‚Æ‹¶íŽm‚̋󕠏[‘«ƒŒƒCƒVƒƒƒ‹”pŽ~
+  - ƒAƒ“ƒhƒƒCƒh‚Í–û‚Ñ‚ñ‚ðˆù‚ß‚éB
+  - ƒoƒ‹ƒƒO‚͐H‚ׂéƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚Å't','p','h'‚ÌŽ€‘Ì‚ð¶æÑ‚É‚Å‚«‚éB
+  - ƒS[ƒŒƒ€Aƒ]ƒ“ƒrAŠ[œA—H—ì‚͏ñ‚©–‚–@–_‚̃`ƒƒ[ƒW‚ðH‚¦‚éB
+  - ƒGƒ“ƒg‚Í–ò‚̐…•ª‚ŏ\•ª‰h—{‚ªŽæ‚ê‚éBŽG‰Ý‰®‚Ő…‚Ì–ò‚𔃂¦‚éB
+  Eyangband‚ÌŠù’m‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[/ƒAƒCƒeƒ€ƒŠƒXƒg‚ðˆÚAB(Thanks to So-Miya‚³‚ñ)
+  lookƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚âƒ^[ƒQƒbƒg‘I‘ðŽž‚ÉAƒVƒtƒgƒL[‚ō‚‘¬ˆÚ“®B
+  easy_floor‚ªƒIƒ“‚ÌŽžAlookƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh’†‚ŏ°‚̏ã‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€‚ÌŽR‚ðŒ©‚â‚·‚­‚µ‚½B
+  •Ší ‚ÅAC‚Ì•]‰¿‚ð•\Ž¦‚·‚éƒT[ƒrƒX“±“üB
+  –‚–@“¹‹ïŽx”z‚̃tƒ‰ƒO‚ÌŽ©“®‚Ý‚ª–³‚©‚Á‚½‚̂ŁA{+“¹}{Md}‚ɐݒèB
+  ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌHP•\Ž¦ƒo[‚ɏæ”n‚ÌHP‚¾‚¯2—ñ•À‚΂Ȃ¢‚悤‚ɏC³B
+  ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“’ljÁ/íœ
+  - disturb_high ’ljÁFƒŒƒxƒ‹‚̍‚‚¢ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ª“®‚¢‚½‚çs“®’†Ž~‚·‚é
+  - allow_debug_opts ’ljÁFƒfƒoƒbƒO/¼‹\ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚ÌŽg—p‚ð‹–‰Â/‹ÖŽ~‚·‚é 
+  - ‰ŠúƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ munchkin_death ‚͍¼‹\ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚É cheat_save ‚ɕύXB
+  - ‰ŠúƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ terrain_streams‚Æstupid_monsters ”pŽ~B
+  ƒoƒOC³F
+  ‘å—ʂ̃AƒCƒeƒ€‚э[ƒh•s”\Ar–ì‚ÌŠOŽü‚ŃNƒ‰ƒbƒVƒ…Ar–ì‚̐X‚ÅŽžŽ~‚߁A
+  [‚¢…‚̉B‚µ”àA’Ê‚ê‚é•ÇA^EŒ‹ŠEAƒ‹[ƒ“‚ª•ª‰ð‚µ‚È‚¢AVƒgƒ‰ƒbƒvo‚È‚¢A
+  Â–‚“¹Žt‚ÌŠwK‰ðœAŒŒ‚ÌŽô‚¢‚ŃAƒ“ƒo[•œŠˆA‹¾–‚–@‚̏Á”ïƒGƒlƒ‹ƒM[A
+  •¡”‚̃JƒƒŒƒIƒ“‚̉¤Aƒ}ƒNƒ‚ª–³Œø‚É‚È‚éƒoƒO“™B
+  ‰p•¶C³BTypo“™B(Thanks to John Mikula‚³‚ñ)
+2002/10/31 Ver. 1.3.1 (ŠJ”­”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+  win”łŃTƒuƒEƒBƒ“ƒhƒE‚ð‘O–ʂɌŒ肷‚é‹@”\’ljÁB
+  ‘ϐ«Ž©“®‚Ý{%}‚ÌŒ‹‰Ê‚ª“®“I‚É•Ï‚í‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+  Žã‚¢ŠÈˆÕŠÓ’è‚Ì•¶Žš—ñ‚ð{ãŽ¿}‚©‚ç{ãŽ¿ˆÈã}‚ɕύXB
+  “ÁŽêã©‚Ì•”‰®Fƒsƒ‰ƒjƒAEƒgƒ‰ƒbƒv‚ƃnƒ‹ƒ}ƒQƒhƒ“Eƒgƒ‰ƒbƒv’ljÁB
+  Žç‚è‚̃‹[ƒ“‚┚”­‚̃‹[ƒ“‚ð‰ó‚·‚ÆŒ³‚Ì’nŒ`‚É–ß‚éB
+  –¢Š´’m‚̃gƒ‰ƒbƒv‚Í’nk‚ŏÁ–Å‚µ‚È‚¢B
+  㩃sƒbƒg‚ª•Ç‚Ì’†‚ɌǗ§‚·‚éƒoƒOC³B
+  ¬Žè‚ª–‚–@‚ðŽ×–‚‚µ‚È‚¢Ž–‚ª‚ ‚éƒoƒOC³B
+  little boy‚Æfat man”pŽ~B«—ˆ‚̃o[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Ńf[ƒ^Ž©‘̏Á‚·—\’èB
+  Vƒ†ƒj[ƒNwƒVƒA[ƒn[ƒgƒAƒ^ƒbƒNx
+  autoconf‚̐ݒè–@‚ð•Ï‚¦‚Äacconfig.h‚ð•s—v‚É‚µ‚½B
+  –³‘oŽO’i‚ŕǂɐö‚éƒoƒOC³B
+  ‰º‹L‚Ì1.2.0¨1.2.2‚̕ύX“_‘S‚āB
+2002/10/31 Ver. 1.2.2 (ˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+  ƒNƒ[ƒ“’n–‚Ålittle boy‚Ì‘ã‚è‚Ƀ{[ƒVƒ“B
+  Œ•p‰Æ‚ÌŽ«¢‚̋傪ƒXƒNƒŠ[ƒ“ƒVƒ‡ƒbƒg‚ÉŽc‚é‚悤‚ɏC³B
+  •’Ê‚ÌŒõŒ¹‚Æ“¯—l‚ɁAˆÃˆÅŒõŒ¹‚à*ŠÓ’è*‚Å”¼Œa‚𐔒l•\Ž¦B
+  ‰Î‰ŠƒI[ƒ‰+ˆÃˆÅŒõŒ¹‚Å‚àŒõŒ¹”¼Œa0‚É‚È‚é‚悤‚ɏC³B
+  •¥‚¢”²‚¯‚Ńpƒ^[ƒ“’nŒ`‚ð‰z‚¦‚ç‚ê‚éƒoƒOC³B
+  TOband team‚©‚ç•ñ‚ׂ̍©‚¢ƒoƒO‚¢‚ë‚¢‚ëC³B
+  ‘¼ƒoƒOC³(ƒyƒbƒg‚̃†ƒj[ƒN‚ª‚¢‚é‚Æ“¯Ží‚Ì“Gƒ†ƒj[ƒN‚ªo‚鎖‚ª‚ ‚éA
+  ƒNƒGƒXƒg‚ðŽó‚¯‚é‚ƃyƒbƒg‚ªÁ‚¦‚éAŠÓ’è‚̃ƒbƒhA‰¤‰Æ‚Ì•æA‚»‚Ì‘¼)
+2002/09/09 Ver. 1.2.1 (ˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+  ’˜ìŒ •\‹LAjlicence.txt ‚ð’ljÁB
+  ‘å–hŒä‚ÌŽç‚è‚ÌŽw—Ö‚ÌAC‚ð +7 ‘‚₵‚½B
+  ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[AI‚̃oƒO‚ðC³B
+  ” ‚̃gƒ‰ƒbƒv(’¹‚̏¢Š«‚È‚Ç)‚Å—Ž‚¿‚éƒoƒO‚ðC³B
+  “ƒ‚̃NƒGƒXƒgî•ñ‚ª‚¨‚©‚µ‚©‚Á‚½‚Ì‚ðC³B
+  ‚à‚Ì‚Ü‚Ë‚ÌŽ¸”s—¦‚ª•\Ž¦‚ÆŽÀÛ‚ňá‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚½‚Ì‚ðC³B
+  Ž©“®E‚¢‚̏C³’l‚̃L[ƒ[ƒh‚ðuC³’lnˆÈã‚́v‚ɏC³B
+  wƒEƒH[ƒPƒ“x‚ɕύXAƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ð—Ž‚Æ‚·‚悤‚ɏC³B
+  ‘¼A¬‚³‚ȃƒ‚ƒŠƒŠ[ƒN‚â”z—ñŠOƒAƒNƒZƒX‚̉”\«‚ȂǍׂ©‚¢ƒoƒOC³B
+2002/08/28 Ver. 1.3.0 (ŠJ”­”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+  V‚µ‚¢•”‰®F㩃sƒbƒg‚ð’ljÁB
+  ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚̃tƒ‰ƒO‚Ì“à•”Žd—l•ÏXF
+    ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌŽí—Þ•Ê‚ÌESP“±“ü(Unangband‚âToME‚æ‚è)B’ljÁ”\—Í‚Å•t‚­Ž–‚ª‚ ‚éB
+    *ƒXƒŒƒC*ƒtƒ‰ƒOŠeŽí‚ðŽÀ‘•BƒGƒS‚⁚‚É•t‰ÁB
+  'C'ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚ŁAESP‚â*ƒXƒŒƒC*‚â‚»‚Ì‘¼‚̃tƒ‰ƒO‚ðV‚µ‚¢4ƒy[ƒW–Ú‚É•\Ž¦B
+  ’b–èŽt‚ªŠeŽí*ƒXƒŒƒC*‚ÆŠeŽíESP‚ð•t‚¯‚ç‚ê‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+  ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌŽv‚¢o‚ð2ŒÂŠ‚ʼnüs‚µ‚ÄŒ©ˆÕ‚­‚µ‚½B
+  ƒAƒ“ƒhƒƒCƒh‚ÌŒoŒ±’l‚ðu‹­‰»“xv‚Æ‚¢‚¤–¼‘O‚Å•\Ž¦‚·‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+  Ž©“®E‚¢ƒGƒfƒBƒ^‹N“®’†‚ɂ̓vƒŒƒCŽžŠÔ‚̃JƒEƒ“ƒg‚ªi‚Ü‚È‚¢‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+  ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[ƒ_ƒ“ƒv‚ɃNƒGƒXƒg‚Ì’B¬ó‹µ‚ð’ljÁB
+  ƒTƒCƒRƒƒgƒŠ[‚Ì’¼Œã‚ÉŽ©“®”j‰ó‚ð“K—p‚·‚éB
+  Šm”FƒƒbƒZ[ƒW‚ÌŒã‚ÉŽ©“®E‚¢‚·‚éÝ’è(';'‹L†)‚𓱓ü‚µ‚½B
+  ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“Ý’è’†‚ƃLƒƒƒ‰ì¬’†‚É'?'ƒL[‚ÅŒ»Ý‚̏󋵂ɉž‚¶‚½ƒwƒ‹ƒv‚ð•\Ž¦B
+2002/08/28 Ver. 1.2.0 (ˆÀ’è”Ńuƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`)
+  ŽR‚̃_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚ÌŽå‚Æ‚µ‚ă\ƒƒ“ƒh[ƒ‹‚ð”z’uB‘å˜hŒnƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Í‘S‚Ä‹­‰»B
+  ŠÈˆÕŠÓ’è‚╁’Ê‚ÌŠÓ’è‚ðŒã‚ÅŽ©“®”j‰ó‚ð“K—p‚·‚é‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚ðƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚ŐݒèB
+  ’lØ‚è‚ð‰ŠúƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚É‚µ‚ăQ[ƒ€’†‚ɕύX‚Å‚«‚È‚­‚µ‚½B
+  Ž©“®E‚¢ƒGƒfƒBƒ^(u_vƒL[‚Å‹N“®)‚ð‰ü—ǁF
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+    "n"‚ÅŽŸ‚ðŒŸõB"N"‚ÅŒã•û‚ðŒŸõB
+    ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhƒ‚[ƒh‚Å•¡”‚̍s‚ÌŽ©“®E‚¢Ý’è‚ðØ‚è•Ï‚¦‚éƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhF"!","~",";","("“±“üB
+    "^K"‚Å‹ós‚ðŠÜ‚Þ•¡”s‚ðƒJƒbƒg‚µ‚Ä"^Y"‚Ńy[ƒXƒg‚·‚é‚Æ‹ós‚àŠÜ‚ß‚Ä’£‚è•t‚¯‚éB
+    picktype.prf‚¾‚¯‚ðŽg‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Æ‚«ŸŽè‚Épicktype-<–¼‘O>.prf‚ðì‚ç‚È‚¢‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+    ƒGƒfƒBƒ^‹N“®Žž‚ɃQ[ƒ€‚ðŽ©“®ƒZ[ƒu‚·‚éB
+  ‹¾‚ª‰ó‚ꂽ‚ç‘O‚Ì’nŒ`‚É‚È‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½. 
+  –‚“¹‹ïpŽt‚àBrowseƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚ÅŽô•¶(–‚–@“¹‹ï)‚Ìà–¾‚ðŒ©‚ç‚ê‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+  1.1.0‚©‚çŒõ‚ƈÈł̖‚–@‚͈̔͂ªL‚©‚Á‚½‚ªAˆÃˆÅ¶¬‚Í1.1.0RC2‚܂ł͈̔͂ɖ߂µ‚½B
+  ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‘I‘ðŽž‚É'('‚Æ')'‚Å1‚–ڂƍŌã‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€‚ð‘I‘ð‚·‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+  ')'ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚̉æ–ʎʐ^‚ðƒLƒƒƒ“ƒZƒ‹‰Â”\‚É‚µ‚½B
+  ŠK’i‚Å’nã‚ɏo‚é‚Æ‚«‚̓_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚ÌŽž‚ƃƒbƒZ[ƒW‚ð•Ï‚¦‚éB
+  ƒhƒ‹ƒW‚ÌŒoŒ±’l‚ª‘½‰ß‚¬‚é‚Ì‚Å”¼Œ¸B
+  ƒwƒ‹ƒv‚̐«Ši‚Ìà–¾‚ɁAƒqƒbƒgƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒg‚ÆŽô•¶‚ÌŽ¸”s—¦‚ւ̉e‹¿‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚Ìà–¾‚ð’ljÁB
+  ‘å—ʂɃoƒOC³B
+2002/06/15 Ver. 1.1.0
+  ƒ‰ƒCƒgƒGƒŠƒA‚͍L‚¢êŠ‚Å‚Í‘å‚«‚­Æ‚ç‚·
+  ƒoƒOC³‚âƒoƒ‰ƒ“ƒX’²®‚È‚Ç‚ðs‚Á‚Đ³Ž®”Å‚É
+2002/06/02 Ver. 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1
+  ¶–½–‚–@‚ðu¶–½v‚ƐV–‚–@u”jŽ×v‚É•ª‚¯‚é
+  ƒXƒs[ƒhƒVƒXƒeƒ€‰ü‘¢(“Á‚ɏ˜”ՂŘA‘±s“®‚³‚ê‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚È‚­‚È‚é)
+  Ž©“®E‚¢ƒGƒfƒBƒ^
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+  ŠÓ’肵‚½uŠÔ‚ÉŽ©“®”j‰ó/Ž©“®‚Ý
+  ˆêŽž“IŒø‰Ê‚Ì•\Ž¦‚ð‰Â•Ï‚É
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+  picktype-<name>.prf‚Æpicktype.prf‚Ì—¼•û‚ª‚ ‚é‚Æ‚«A–¼‘O•t‚«‚Ì•û‚¾‚¯‚ð“Ç‚Þ
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+  easy_floor‚ŏ°ã‚Ì23ŒÂˆÈã‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€ŽR‚ð‘I‘ð‰Â”\‚É(ƒŠƒ^[ƒ“‚ŃXƒNƒ[ƒ‹)
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+2001/11/25 Ver. 1.0.7
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+2001/10/17 Ver. 1.0.6
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+2001/08/22 Ver. 1.0.5
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+2001/06/10 Ver. 1.0.4
+  ’b–èŽt‚̃oƒ‰ƒ“ƒX’²®
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+  ‘¼ƒoƒOC³‚¢‚ë‚¢‚ë
+  ‹¾Žg‚¢‚̃oƒ‰ƒ“ƒX’²®(by henkma)
+  ˆÈ‰ºŽd—l•ÏX(by Mogami‚³‚ñ)
+  ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg‚ÍBIAS‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä–¼‘O‚ª•Ï‚í‚é
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+  't'‚ŃIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚̃gƒOƒ‹‚ª‚Å‚«‚é(ƒpƒbƒ` by Koka‚³‚ñ)
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+2001/04/30 Ver. 1.0.3
+  autoconf‘Ήž(by habu)
+  Ža–‚Œ•‚ª‹­‚·‚¬‚½ƒoƒOC³
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+2001/03/22 Ver. 1.0.1
+  VE‹Æu‹¶íŽmv
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+  ƒoƒOŽæ‚è
+2001/02/25 Ver. 1.0.0
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+  ƒoƒOŽæ‚è
+2001/02/14 Ver. 0.4.10
+  –‚–@“¹‹ïŽg—p”\—̓AƒbƒvƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚¢‚­‚‚©
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+2001/01/29 Ver. 0.4.8
+  VE‹Æu‹R•ºv
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+  ˆÅ‚ÌŠ•
+  ƒoƒOŽæ‚è
+2001/01/19 Ver. 0.4.7
+  VƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg’ljÁ
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+  autopick‚ʼn‰ŽZŽq‚ªŽg‚¦‚é‚悤‚É(from Mogami‚³‚ñ)
+  ƒT[ƒo‚̃XƒRƒA‚̃_ƒ“ƒv‚©‚玀‚ɑ䎌‚ð‚¢‚­‚‚©“±“ü
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+2000/12/15 Ver. 0.4.6
+  VŽí‘°uƒAƒ“ƒhƒƒCƒhv
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+  XIM‘Ήž(from ranran‚³‚ñ)
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+  Â–‚–@‚̏¢Š«‚ÌŽ¸”s—¦‚ð­‚µ’á‚­
+  ƒoƒOC³
+2000/12/1 Ver. 0.4.5
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+2000/11/11 Ver. 0.4.2
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+2000/10/28 Ver. 0.4.0
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+2000/10/07 Ver. 0.3.6
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+2000/09/22 Ver. 0.3.5
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+2000/09/16 Ver. 0.3.4
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+2000/09/08 Ver. 0.3.3 
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+2000/09/02 Ver. 0.3.2 ŒöŠJ
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+2000/08/22 Ver. 0.3.1 ŒöŠJ
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+2000/08/11 Ver. 0.3.0 ŒöŠJ
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+  V«Šiu‚¢‚©‚³‚܁v - ‰SŽÒŒü‚¯‚Ì—ûK—pBŠÈ’P‚ɏŸ—˜‚Å‚«‚éB
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+  ƒ_ƒ“ƒvƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚ÉŽ€‚Ê’¼‘O‚̃ƒbƒZ[ƒW‚ð•\Ž¦(from V2.9.1)
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+  ‘å—ʏ¢Š«‚̃J[ƒh‚ð”pŽ~
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+  ƒoƒOC³
+2000/08/03 Ver. 0.2.5 ŒöŠJ
+  Vƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[’ljÁ
+  ƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg‰ðà‚Ì–ó’ljÁ(from ”‘q‚³‚ñ)
+  '$'‚Åpicktype.prf‚à“Ç‚Þ
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+  ƒoƒOC³
+2000/07/28 Ver. 0.2.4 ŒöŠJ
+  VƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg’ljÁ
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+  ’j—‚ŕʂ̃ZƒŠƒt‚ðŒ¾‚¦‚é‚悤‚É
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+2000/07/20 Ver. 0.2.3 ŒöŠJ
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+2000/07/18 Ver. 0.2.3 ƒ\[ƒX‚Ì‚Ý‚ÌŒöŠJ
+2000/07/10 Ver. 0.2.2
+  ”ñŒöŠJ
+2000/07/08 Ver. 0.2.1
+  VƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg’ljÁ
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+2000/07/02 Ver. 0.2.0
+  VƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg’ljÁ
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+  '/'‚ÌŠg’£(from ZangbandJ 2.2.8-000628)
+  ƒ‚ƒ“ƒN‚̍UŒ‚‚̃_ƒCƒX–Ú‚ÌŠú‘Ò’l‚à•½‹Ïƒ_ƒ[ƒW‚ɉÁŽZ(from ZangbandJ 2.2.8-000628)
+  –óŒê•ÏX(from ZangbandJ 2.2.8-000628)
+  always_pickup‚Å‚àŽ©“®”j‰ó
+  Ž€‚̃fƒB[ƒ‰[ ¨ 覐΂̃J[ƒh
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+2000/07/01 Ver. 0.1.3
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+2000/06/28 Ver. 0.1.2
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+  Vƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[’ljÁ
+  Eldritch Horror ‚Ì‘ƒ
+  silly_attack(from Zangband 2.5.1)
+  –‚–@‚̉ðà‚̃oƒOŽæ‚è
+  o—̓tƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚É–¼‘O‚ð•\Ž¦
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+2000/06/24 Ver. 0.1.1
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+  “¬‹Zê‚ɃiƒYƒOƒ‹oŒ»‚µ‚È‚¢
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+  ã‹‰‚̏ ‚Ì–‚–@‘‚ð”R‚¦‚È‚¢‚悤‚É
+2000/06/17 Ver. 0.1.0
+  ŠO•”ŒöŠJB
+2000/03/2?`06/16 Ver. 0.0.0`0.0.12
+  ‹C‚Ì‚Þ‚­‚܂܂ɕύX‚ð‰Á‚¦‚éB
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+  (ª‚È‚ñ‚©î•ñ—Ê0‚¾)
+2000/03/2? Ver. 0.0.0
+  Zangband‚ɏn—û“xA“ñ“—¬A—¼ŽèŽ‚¿‚𓱓ü‚µ‚Ä‚Ý‚éB
+  KMC“à•”ŒöŠJB
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+ ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“—š—ð
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+2000/07/14  2.2.8-J0.9.7
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+000710.2 £ “Sl‹AŠÒ‚È‚µƒ‚[ƒh‚Å‹AŠÒ‚Å‚«‚éƒoƒOC³
+000710.3 ™ ƒXƒe[ƒ^ƒXƒo[’ljÁ (from Z235)
+000710.4 ™ ƒhƒ‰ƒRƒjƒAƒ“¶‚¢—§‚¿’ljÁ(from Z250)
+000710.5 ™ ‹›‚Í"l"(¬•¶Žš‚k),…^—nŠâ‚Í"~"‚ɕύX (from Z250)
+000711.1 ™ ‘S‚ÄZ251 ‚©‚ç
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+000712.1 ™ ’nŒ`‚â•”‰®‚ÌŽí—ނ𑝂₷(from Z251)
+000713.1 £ autopick ƒoƒOC³ by Habu ‚³‚ñ
+000713.1   Ì†–ó•ÏX from [O]
+000713.2 ¢ ƒNƒGƒXƒg•\Ž¦ƒoƒO
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+000713.4 ™ melee2.c ‚²‚Á‚»‚èXV from Z251 ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ªŒ«‚­‚È‚é
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+2000/06/28  2.2.8-J0.9.6
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+000529.1   Niberung ¶‚¢—§‚¿C³
+000529.2 ¢ roff_to_buff ˆÚ“®
+000529.3 ¢ roff_to_buff ˆÚ“®
+000529.4 ¢ roff_to_buff ˆÚ“®
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+000530.1 £ {Žô‚¢‚È‚µ} ‚ª‚‚©‚È‚¢‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
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+000619.1 š Ž©“®E‚¢‚ÆŽ©“®”j‰ó‚𓝍‡
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+            (‘fŽè‚̏ꍇ‚Æ“¯‚¶UŒ‚‚ð‚µ‚Ü‚·‚ªA“ÁŽêŒø‰Ê‚Í‹N‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñB)
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+000623.2 £ ƒƒOƒ‹ƒX‚ÌŠª•¨ƒoƒOA‚QŒÂƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg‚́šƒtƒBƒNƒX
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+2000/05/09  2.2.8-J0.9.5c
+ ¢ monster2.c
+   english_monster ‚ªŒø‚¢‚Ä‚È‚©‚Á‚½‚Ì‚ðC³
+ £ monster2.c
+   PASS_WALL ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ª‘¼‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚Əd‚È‚éƒoƒO‚ðC³ 
+   by Mr.Hoge‚³‚ñ
+   mutation.c
+   –¢–óC³ by ‹yì‚³‚ñ
+   a_info_j.txt
+   Hagen ‚Æ Nothung ‰ðà’ljÁ
+2000/04/27  2.2.8-J0.9.5b
+ £ cmd1.c
+   Ž©“®‰ó‚µ^E‚¢‚µ‚½Žžs“®’†Ž~‚·‚é‚悤•ÏX
+ £ xtra2.c
+   ƒNƒGƒXƒg‚ōŌã‚Ì“G‚ªƒyƒbƒg‚ð“|‚·‚ƃNƒŠƒA‚É‚È‚é‚Ì‚ðC³
+ £ mind.c
+   MP‚ª‘«‚è‚È‚¢ŽžƒTƒCƒLƒbƒNƒhƒŒƒCƒ“‚ª¬Œ÷‚·‚é‚Æ—Ž‚¿‚é‚Ì‚ðC³
+   flavor.c
+  Plain Gold Ring>‹à–³C‚ÌŽw—Ö  
+2000/04/06  2.2.8-J0.9.5
+ ™ cmd3.c
+   Žw—ւ̍¶‰EŠm”F (Tk ‚©‚çj
+ ™ cmd1.c externs.h tables.c variable.c cmd4.c
+   Ž©“®‰ó‚µƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“i2.3.4 ‚©‚çj•Ž©“®E‚¢ƒR[ƒh®—
+ ™ object2.c
+   Žw—ց•ƒAƒ~ƒ…‚̃‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒgi2.3.4‚©‚çj
+ ™ externs.h cmd5.c mspells1.c mspells2.c spells2.c
+   ƒTƒCƒo[ƒf[ƒ‚ƒ“¢Š«‚ªí‚ÉŽ©•ª‚ÌŽü‚è‚É‚È‚é‚Ì‚ðC³i2.3.4‚©‚çj
+ š init2.c
+   misc.txt ‚Å‚È‚­ misc_j.txt ‚ð“ǂނ悤‚É‚µ‚½B 
+   (ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[’ljÁ‚ð—eˆÕ‚É‚·‚邽‚ß)
+ š melee2.c
+   ‰pŒê–¼ Ohmu ‚Ì“G‚̓Jƒr‚ð¢Š«
+ ¢ cmd1.c object1.c
+   u`‚ðE‚Á‚½Bv‚̃ƒbƒZ[ƒW‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€‹Lq‚ðŠÈ—ª‰»B --more--
+   ‚ªŒ¸‚é‚Í‚¸B
+ ¢ japanese.c
+   V‹Kì¬B“®ŽŒŠˆ—pAƒVƒ“ƒ_ƒŠƒ“„‰¼–¼•ÏŠ·
+ ¢ monster1.c cmd5.c wizard1.c
+   jverb ŠÖŒW•ÏX
+ š flavor.c
+   Šª•¨‚̃^ƒCƒgƒ‹‚ðƒJƒ^ƒJƒi‚É
+   a_info_j.txt
+   ‰ðà’ljÁ by ƒtƒFƒŠƒAƒiƒX‚³‚ñ
+   t000000[2-4]_j.txt
+   ƒNƒ‰ƒbƒv„ƒNƒ‰ƒbƒvƒX
+   bldg.c lib/help/jgambling.txt
+   ƒJƒWƒm‚̃‹[ƒ‹–|–ó
+  table.c files.c xtra2.c
+   –óŒê•ÏX
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+   lib/edit/t0000001_j.txt
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+   lib/edit/t0000003_j.txt
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+   flavor.c
+   ichor>”^F‚Ì
+   birth.c cmd6.c mspells1.c
+   Mime>ƒ~[ƒ  Logrus>ƒƒOƒ‹ƒX
+ˆÈ‰º‚Í Mr.Hoge ‚³‚ñ‚É‚æ‚é
+ £ artifact.c
+   ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg‚̃V[ƒ‹ƒhŒø‰Ê‚̃oƒOC³
+ £ bldg.c
+   ƒJƒWƒm‚̃IƒbƒYC³
+ £ cmd5.c
+   TY_CURSE ‚̃oƒO,Œ³‘f‚Ì‹…‚̃oƒOC³
+   flavor.c
+   "•ŠŒF"„"•ŠŒF‚Ì"
+ £ object2.c
+   ƒgƒ‰ƒbƒvEƒhƒA‚ªoŒ»‚µ‚È‚¢ƒoƒOC³
+ £ monster1.c xtra2.c
+   ŒoŒ±’l•\Ž¦C³B‘ϐ«‚Ì•\Ž¦C³
+ˆÈ‰º‚Í Habu‚³‚ñ‚É‚æ‚é
+ ¢ object1.c
+   easy_floor ‚Ì‚Æ‚« always_show_list ‚ªŒø‚©‚È‚¢ƒoƒOC³ 
+ š externs.h,melee2.c,mspell1.c,mspell2.c
+   ‰pŒê–¼‚ª "Dio Brando" ‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚́wƒUEƒ[ƒ‹ƒhx‚ðŽg‚¤IIII
+2000/02/18  2.2.8-J0.9.4
+ £dungeon.c
+   ƒXƒs[ƒh‚ª”͈͂ð‰z‚¦‚½Žž‚̃oƒOC³ by Mr.Hoge ‚³‚ñ 
+ £spells3.c
+   ƒƒbƒZ[ƒWC³ "25+30" > "25+d30" by Mr.Hoge ‚³‚ñ
+ £spells3.c
+   –}—f‚ÌŠª•¨ƒoƒOC³
+ šobject1.c
+   easy_floor ‚ª ON ‚Å‚àŽ©“®E‚¢‚ª‚Å‚«‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+  rumors_j.txt, a_info_j.txt
+   –|–ó’ljÁ by Žá—Ñ‚³‚ñA”‘q
+ ™k_info_j.txt
+   –^ƒAƒ~ƒ…ƒŒƒbƒg‚©‚ç—H‘̉»íœ
+2000/02/10  2.2.8-J0.9.2
+ ¢util.c
+   ŒJ‚è•Ô‚µƒƒbƒZ[ƒWÈ—ª•”•ª‚̃oƒOC³ by habu ‚³‚ñ
+ £util.c
+   ƒ}ƒNƒŽ¸”sŽž‚ɍs“®’†Ž~‚·‚é‚悤•ÏX by habu ‚³‚ñ
+  cmd1.c
+   ŠÔÚR‚聄ŠÖßR‚è by habu ‚³‚ñ
+ šmain-mac.c
+   ‘Ò–]‚Ì“ú–{Œê‰» by ˆ¢•”‚³‚ñ
+ ¢bldg.c
+   ƒƒbƒZ[ƒW‚̃oƒOC³ (‰pŒê•¡”Œ`—‚݁j
+ ¢cmd5.c mind.c racial.c
+   always_show_list ƒR[ƒh®—
+ ™object1.c init1.c z-config.h a_info_j.txt
+   ƒA[ƒeƒBƒtƒ@ƒNƒg‰ðà‹@”\’ljÁ
+2000/02/02  2.2.8-J0.9.1
+ ¢files.c init1.c
+   ŠX‚̐ݒèƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‰ðÍ•”•ªC³ by Mr.Hoge ‚³‚ñ
+2000/01/31  2.2.8-J0.9.0
+ ¢racial.c
+   ƒƒbƒZ[ƒWC³ by Mr.Hoge ‚³‚ñ
+ ¢lib/edit/q0000023_j.txt 
+   ƒƒbƒZ[ƒW‚ª\s‚ð‰z‚¦‚Ä‚¢‚½‚Ì‚ðC³
+ štypes.h externs.h init1.c init2.c variable.c lib/edit/f_info_j.txt
+   Tk ”łʼnpŒê’nŒ`–¼‚ªƒg[ƒNƒ“‚Æ‚µ‚ÄŽg‚í‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚½‚̂ŁA
+   f_info_j.txt ‚ɉpŒê–¼‚̃tƒB[ƒ‹ƒh‚ð’ljÁ
+ ¢birth.c
+   ƒC[ƒN‚̐¶‚¢—§‚¿‚ɃoƒO‚ª‚ ‚Á‚½‚Ì‚ðC³i‚±‚ê‚Ì‚¹‚¢‚Å TK ”Å‚ª“®‚©‚È‚©‚Á‚½j
+2000/01/21  2.2.8-J0.8.4
+ £dungeon.c
+   ‹x‘§ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚̃oƒOC³ by Mr.Hoge‚³‚ñ
+  lib/edit/q*j.txt
+   ƒNƒGƒXƒgî•ñ–¢–ó•”•ª‚Ì–|–ó
+ ¢load.c
+   ƒZ[ƒuƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹Š¿ŽšƒR[ƒh•ÏŠ·‚̃oƒO‚ðC³
+ šxtra2.c
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+   ‚ð’ljÁ
+ ¢xtra2.c
+   ã‹L’ljÁ‹@”\‚̃oƒOC³ by Habu‚³‚ñ
+2000/01/07  2.2.8-J0.8.3
+  scores.c
+   ƒƒbƒZ[ƒWC³ by Mr.Hoge ‚³‚ñ
+ šfiles.c
+   –¢ŠÓ’è‚Ì•Ší^–h‹ï^–î‚ÌŽ©“®E‚¢‹@”\’ljÁ
+  monster2.c
+   –¢–ó•”•ª‚Ì–|–ó
+  tables.c
+   Monk ‚Ì–ó‚ðCs‘m‚ƕύXBŸŽè‚É‚·‚Ý‚Ü‚¹‚ñ
+ ¢h-define.h, cmd3.c, store.c, object1.c
+   d‚³‚Ìkg•\Ž¦‚ð¬”“_ˆÈ‰º‚PˆÊ‚ɕύX
+  store.c
+   ƒAƒCƒeƒ€w“üŽž‚̃ƒbƒZ[ƒWC³
+ ¢externs.h, files.c, cmd1.c, cave.c
+   autopickŠÖŒW‚̃R[ƒhC³
+ 2.3.3 ‚©‚ç 2.2.8 ‚ւ̈ڍs
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+ ¢files.c
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+ ¢mspells2.c
+   SUMMON_KIN ‚̃ƒbƒZ[ƒWC³
+ ¢init2.c, files.c dungeon.c
+   ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^‚²‚Æ‚É picktype.prf ‚ð“ǂނ悤‚É‚µ‚½
+ Mr. Hoge ‚³‚ñ‚ªƒ\[ƒX‚ð2.3.3 ‚ɑΉžB
+ £files.c
+   ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^•\Ž¦iƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹j‚̃tƒ‰ƒO‚Ƀ‰ƒxƒ‹(abcd...)‚ð’ljÁ
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+  monster1.c
+   ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌŽv‚¢o‚ÌŽô•¶‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é•\Œ»‚ð•ÏXB’Z‚­‚·‚邽‚ß
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+   “ú–{Œê“®ŽŒŠˆ—pƒ‹[ƒ`ƒ“‚ðŽg‚Á‚Ä get_spell ‚̈ø”‚ð‰pŒê”Å‚Æ“¯‚¶‚É‚µ‚½B
+  r_info_j.txt
+   ƒNƒgƒDƒ‹ƒtŒn‚̏î•ñ‘å—ʒljÁ
+  spells3.c
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+   ƒƒbƒZ[ƒWC³FŠÓ’肳‚ê‚Ü‚½„ŠÓ’肳‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½
+=== Zangband ‚Ì—ðŽj ===
+‚±‚Ì•¶Í‚Å‚Í Zangband ‚Ì—ðŽj‚ª‰ðà‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·BŠJ”­‚Ì—ðŽj‚̏ã‚ÅŽå‚ȏo
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+‚ÈŠJ”­—š—ð‚Í z_update.txt ‚ðŽQÆ‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢B
+=== Zangband 2.2.0 ===
+•ÏX‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·BˆÈ‰º‚̃Œƒrƒ…[‚ÍZangband‚ÌŒ³‘cìŽÒATopi YlinenŽ‚É‚æ‚é
+--- ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“ 2.2.0 (by Topi Ylinen)---
+Zangband 2.2.0 ‚Í‚±‚ê‚܂łōłà•Ï‰»‚µ‚½ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Æ‚¢‚¦‚Ü‚·B—ðŽj“I
+ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“(Angband-- ‚â Zangband 1.*)‚ÍŽå‚Ƀ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚âƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ð•ÏX
+‚µAƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“ 2.0.*`2.1.* ‚͐V‚µ‚¢Ží‘°‚Æ—v‘f‚ð‰Á‚¦‚Ü‚µ‚½‚ªAZangband
+2.2.0 ‚ł̓Q[ƒ€‚̍ª–{‚ðŒ€“I‚ɕύX‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½B
+V‚µ‚¢ƒRƒ“ƒZƒvƒg‚Í Kangband ‚©‚çŽæ‚Á‚½‚à‚̂ŁAr–ì‚âV‚µ‚¢’nŒ`AƒJƒXƒ^
+‚͐V‚µ‚¢Žd—l‚É‚æ‚èƒQ[ƒ€‚©‚玸‚í‚ê‚镨‚͉½‚à‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB‘S‚Ă͐̂̃VƒX
+ƒeƒ€‚Ɂu’ljÁv‚³‚ꂽ‚Ì‚Å‚·Bƒ|ƒsƒ…ƒ‰[‚É‚È‚Á‚½Zangband 2.1.1 ‚́uƒ‰ƒ“
+‚Æ‚Í‚¢‚¦A‚ ‚ç‚©‚¶‚߃vƒƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é•”•ª‚̓}ƒbƒv‚ƃNƒGƒXƒg‚ÉŒÀ‚ç‚ê
+‚ŁAƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚½‚¿‚Í‚·‚®‚É“éõ‚ß‚é‚Å‚µ‚傤BŠX‚âƒNƒGƒXƒg‚Í lib/edit ‚É
+ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚̃vƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ÍŽ©•ª‚ŃNƒGƒXƒg‚ðì‚Á‚āA‚»‚ê‚ð‘S‚Ä‚Ì Zangband
+ƒNƒGƒXƒg‚ƍr–ì‚Ì‘¼‚É‚à Zangband 2.2.0 ‚ł͐V‚µ‚¢ƒ‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[(300‹ß‚­‚¢‚Ü
+‚½B‚‚܂è Zangband ‚̃xƒeƒ‰ƒ“‚É‚Æ‚Á‚Ä‚àV‚µ‚¢”­Œ©‚ÆŒoŒ±‚ª‚½‚­‚³‚ñ‚ ‚é
+‚¾‚낤A‚Æ‚¢‚¤‚±‚Æ‚Å‚·B‡Œv850ˆÈã‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚ÌŽí‘°‚ðŽÀ‘•‚·‚é‚É‚Í 16
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+16ƒrƒbƒgƒR[ƒh‚ðƒTƒ|[ƒg‚µ‚Ä‚È‚¢‚Ì‚Å‚±‚ê‚É‚æ‚é‰e‹¿‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
+‚»‚Ì‘¼‚Ì‚ ‚Ü‚è–Ú—§‚½‚È‚¢•ÏX‚Æ‚µ‚ẮAƒyƒbƒg‚ÌAI‚̉ü—Ç‚Æ s-lang ‚̃T
+ƒ|[ƒg‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·BŒãŽÒ‚Í‚Ü‚¾Žg‚í‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚ªAƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚⃂ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚â
+‚ ‚ç‚ä‚é‹@”\‚ª•ÒW‰Â”\‚ȃtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚©‚çŒÄ‚яo‚·‚±‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«AÄƒRƒ“ƒpƒCƒ‹‚Ì
+=== Zangband 2.1.0d ===
+‚±‚ê‚Í Robert Ruehlmann Ž‚ªZangband‚̐V‚µ‚¢ŠÇ—ŽÒ‚É‚È‚Á‚Ä‚©‚çÅ‰‚ɏo
+uZAngband 2.1.0c ‚Í TopiŽ‚É‚æ‚éÅŒã‚̃o[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Å‚·B”Þ‚ÍŽdŽ–‚ɏA‚¢
+‚ÄZAngband ‚ðŠJ”­‚·‚鎞ŠÔ‚ª‚È‚­‚È‚Á‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½B”ނ͐V‚µ‚¢ŠÇ—ŽÒ‚ð
+–¼‘O‚Í Robert RuehlmannADOS —p‚̃Oƒ‰ƒtƒBƒJƒ‹ Angband ‚̍ìŽÒ‚Å‚ ‚èA
+wThangorodrim - The Angband Pagex(http://www.thangorodrim.net)‚̃EƒF
+=== ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“ 1.0 - 2.1.0c ===
+ˆÈ‰º‚Ì•¶‚Í Topi Ylinen Ž‚É‚æ‚éŠJ”­‚Ì‹L˜^‚Å‚·B
+Zangband ‚Ì‹NŒ¹‚́A¡‚Æ‚È‚Á‚Ä‚Í”p‚ê‚Ä‘åÌ‚ɏÁ‚¦‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚Á‚½Au
+‚悤‚ƍl‚¦‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½BAngband--‚Í PC Angband 1.31 ‚̃\[ƒX‚ðŒ³‚Éì‚ç
+Œã‚É‚±‚̐lŠÔ‚Í‚à‚Á‚Æ‚¢‚¢ƒ}ƒVƒ“‚ðŽè‚É“ü‚ê‚ăvƒƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ðŠw‚сAPC Zangband
+‚ðì‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚Ù‚Æ‚ñ‚Ç‚Ì Angband--‚̃‚ƒ“ƒXƒ^[‚͐¶‚«Žc‚Á‚ÄPC Zangband
+1.0 ‚É“ü‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½BPC Zangband 1.0 ‚Í PC—p Angband ‚ŏ‰‚߂ătƒHƒ“ƒg‚ðŽg
+‚Á‚½ŠÈ’P‚ȃOƒ‰ƒtƒBƒbƒN‚𓱓ü‚µA‚»‚ê‚ÍPC—pAngband 1.40 ‚É‚à“±“ü‚³‚ê‚Ü
+‚¢‚éuCivilizationvƒ^ƒCƒv‚̃tƒ@ƒ“ƒ^ƒW[ƒVƒ~ƒ…ƒŒ[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“uMaster of
+‚½B‚±‚̃VƒXƒeƒ€‚Í‘¼‚Ì Angband--‚â PC Zangband 1.0‚Ì—Ç‚¢•”•ª‚Æ‹¤‚ÉŒ»Ý
+‚Ì Zangband (2.*)‚É‚à“±“ü‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·BƒR[ƒh‚Í Ben HarrisonŽ‚É‚æ‚é
+Angband 2.8.1 ‚ðŒ³‚É‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é‚̂ŁA‘¼‚̃VƒXƒeƒ€‚É‚à—eˆÕ‚ɈڐA‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·(
+“¯Žž‚ɁA‚±‚̐lŠÔ(Ž„ATopi Ylinen)‚̓Xƒ^ƒ“ƒ_[ƒh‚ȃAƒ“ƒOƒoƒ“ƒh‚̃‚ƒ“ƒX
+=== モォ ===
+Zangband ‚̐V‚µ‚¢ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚͈ȉº‚Ì‚·‚΂炵‚¢ Angband ƒvƒƒOƒ‰ƒ}[‚Ì•û
+Topi would like to thank:
+        Ben Harrison, for obvious reasons.
+        Greg Wooledge, who pointed out a bug in the dos compiler, which
+        was preventing Topi's progress with the first 2.* version of
+        Zangband and for various patches.
+        Julian Lighton, who must have sent Topi more ideas, patches, and
+        bug reports, than all the others toghether.
+        Robert Ruehlmann, whose nice new main-dos.c enables SVGA
+        graphics and even windows in ms-dos.
+        Paul Sexton, who is responsible for about 50% of the new code in
+        2.1.0.
+Robert would also like to thank:
+        Heino Vander Sanden, who created the quest-code and Dean
+        Anderson, whose patch showed me the quickest way to implement
+        the quests.
+        Adam Bolt, who created the new ZAngband tiles.
+        Scott Bigham, for the S-Lang patch.
+        Jeff Duprey for the new mutations.
+        John Duffin and Leigh Silas Hanrihan for the new items.
+        Marten Woxberg for many new ideas.
+        Ken Wigle for allowing me to include his town and quest code.
+        Tim Baker for many patches and bugfixes and for ZAngbandTk.
+        Chris Weisiger for many new vault layouts.
+        Juergen Neitzel for countless new rumors.
+        Topi Ylinen, Mark Howson, Adam Horowitz, Oscar Nelson and all
+        the other regular members of the #angband chat channel for
+        giving me lots of new ideas and being good friends.
+        Benny S. Hofmann, Aram Harrow, Greg Harvey, Keldon Jones, Graham
+        Murray, Remco Gerlich, Tim Baker, Oscar Nelson, Adam Horowitz,
+        David A. Henry, "Strikes", Chris Hadgis, David Howdon, Jenni
+        Henzel, Stephen Lee, Gwidon S. Naskrent, Eric Wright, Bob
+        Martin, Jeff Coleburn, Ethan Sicotte, Brandon Walker, Kelly
+        Trinh, Brian Graham, James W. Sager III, John Holton, Larry
+        Bassel, Markus Linnala, Musus Umbra, Mike Hommel, Christopher
+        Stranczek, Werner Baer, Andreas Koch, Jon Boehnker, Jason
+        Willoughby, David Paoletti and many others for bugreports,
+        patches, bugfixes, and ideas.
+=== (ƒXƒ^ƒ“ƒ_[ƒh‚ÈAngband‚Ì)ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“—š—ð‚Ì“E—v ===
+‰‚ß Robert Alan Koeneke ‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä "VMS Moria" ‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½(1985)B
+‚»‚ÌŽŸ‚É James E. Wilson ‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä "Umoria"(Unix Moria) ‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½(1989)B
+ƒAƒ“ƒOƒoƒ“ƒh‚Ì’¼Œn‚Ì‘cæ‚Å‚ ‚é "moria" ‚Ì—ðŽj‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă̏ڍׂ͗lX‚È‚Æ‚±‚ë‚Å
+Œ©‚‚¯‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·‚µA‚±‚̃tƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚É‚àìŽÒ‚Ì Robert Alan Koeneke ‚©‚ç‚Ì
+ƒƒbƒZ[ƒW‚ªŒfÚ‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B"moria" ‚Í—lX‚ȃVƒXƒeƒ€ã‚ɈڐA‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·‚µA
+1990 ”N‚ɁAAlex Cutler ‚Æ Andy Astrand ‚ª Warwick ‘åŠw‚̐¶“k‚½‚¿‚Ì‹¦—͂𓾂Ä
+UMoria 5.2.1 ‚ðƒx[ƒX‚É Angband 1.0 ‚ðì‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B”Þ‚ç‚̓Q[ƒ€‚Ì”wŒi‚Æ‚È‚éƒg[
+‰Á‚È‚Ç‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B
+”NŒŽ‚ðŒo‚Ä Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, Charles Teague ‚Ȃǂ̐l’B‚ªƒ\[ƒX‚̉ü—Ç‚ð
+s‚¢ "Angband 2.4.frog_knows" ‚ƌĂ΂ê‚éƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚ªƒŠƒŠ[ƒX‚³‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚±‚ê
+‚Í UNIX ƒVƒXƒeƒ€ã‚Å‚µ‚©“®‚©‚È‚¢‚à‚Ì‚Å‚µ‚½‚ªA—lX‚Ȑl‚ª—lX‚ȃVƒXƒeƒ€‚ɈڐA
+‚ðs‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½BˆÚA‚³‚ꂽ‚¤‚¿‚ōłàˆÓ‹`[‚¢‚à‚̂́AŒÃ‚¢ DOS ƒ}ƒVƒ“—p‚Ì
+"PC Angband 1.4" ‚ŁA‚»‚ê‚ɂ̓Jƒ‰[‚Ì“‹Ú‚ƁA‘¼‚É‚à—lX‚ȉü—Ç‚ªŽ{‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚µ
+‚»‚ÌŽŸ‚É Charles Swiger(cs4w+****@andre*****) ‚ª¬—‚𐮗‚µ‚悤‚ÆŽŽ‚݁A‚¢‚­
+‚‚©‚̃o[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚ðŒo‚āA1993 ”N 11 ŒŽ‚Ì‚ ‚é“ú‚Ì Angband 2.5.1(‘½­‚̈Ⴂ‚Í‚ 
+‚é)‚©‚çŽn‚߂āA1994 ”N––‚Ì Angband 2.6.2 ‚Ü‚Å‚ðŽå“±‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½BƒJƒ‰[Žg—p‚̃T
+ƒ|[ƒg‚ð’ljÁ‚µ‚½ Macintosh ”Å‚ðì¬‚µ‚½ Keith Randall ‚ðŠÜ‚߉½l‚©‚̐lX‚ªA
+(Žå‚É Unix/NeXT ‚ª’†S‚¾‚Á‚½) Angband 2.6.1 ‚𑼂̃vƒ‰ƒbƒgƒtƒH[ƒ€‚ɈڐA‚µ‚Ü
+‚µ‚½B‚±‚ÌŽžŠú‚̕ύX‚Ì‚¢‚­‚‚©‚́A"net"(*–ó’:Nethack‚Ì‚±‚Æ‚©)APC Angband
+1.4 ‚â UMoria 5.5AFAngband ‚̂悤‚È—lX‚È Angband ‚́uˆŸŽív‚©‚çƒqƒ“ƒg‚ð“¾
+Angband 2.6.1 ‚Í Unix/NeXT ƒ}ƒVƒ“‚ðŽå‚ȑΏۂƂµ‚Ä‚¨‚èA‚»‚ê‚͉æ–Ê‘€ì‚ƃL[‘€
+ì‚Ì‚·‚ׂĂɊւµ‚㍁[ƒŒƒxƒ‹‚Ì "curses" ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh‚ÌŽg—p‚ð•K—v‚Æ‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½B
+‚èA"curses" ƒGƒ~ƒ…ƒŒ[ƒ^‚̂悤‚É‹@”\‚·‚é‰æ–Ê‘€ì‚̃\[ƒXì¬‚ª’ʏí•K—v‚Å‚µ
+‚½B‚»‚̂悤‚É‚µ‚ĈڐA‚³‚ꂽ’†‚É‚Í Keith Randall ‚É‚æ‚é "Macintosh Angband 
+2.6.1" ‚ª‚ ‚èA‚»‚ê‚̓Jƒ‰[‚̃Tƒ|[ƒg‚ª’ljÁ‚³‚êAAngband 2.7.0 ‚̍ŏ‰‚̃ŠƒŠ[
+1994 ”N‚̌㔼AŽ„(Ben Harrison)‚Í Angband ‚̃\[ƒX‚Æ‹Y‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½‚ªA‚»‚ê‚Í
+"rogue" ƒQ[ƒ€‚É‚¨‚¯‚éŒÃ‚¢ "rogue-o-matic" ƒvƒƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚̂悤‚ȁA Angband ‚ÌŽ©
+“®ƒvƒŒƒC‚̈êŽí‚ðì‚ê‚é‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©Žå‚ÉŒŸ“¢‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚½‚©‚ç‚Å‚·BMacintosh ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“
+1994 ”N‚Ì––‚É Charles Swiger ‚ªAE‚ð‚µ‚½‚½‚ß‚É Angband ‚̃Tƒ|[ƒg‚ª‚Å‚«‚È‚­
+‚È‚Á‚½‚±‚Æ‚ðƒAƒiƒEƒ“ƒX‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚±‚ê‚Í Angband newsgroup ‚É‘ã•\‚³‚ê‚é Angband
+ŽÐ‰ï‚ɏ­‚È‚©‚ç‚ʘT”‚‚ð—^‚¦A—lX‚ȐlX‚ª Angband ‚̃Tƒ|[ƒg‚ðŒp‘±‚·‚邽‚ß‚É
+‚½‚Ì‚Å(—Ⴆ‚Î COBOL ‚ðl‚¦‚悤‚Æ‚©)A1995 ”N‚̏‰“ú‚ÉŽ„‚ªŽ©•ª‚̃\[ƒX‚ð”­•\‚µ
+‚Ä‚»‚ê‚ð "Angband 2.7.0" ‚ƌĂсAŠî–{“I‚ɐV‚½‚È Angband ‚ÌŠÇ—ŽÒ‚Æ‚È‚é‚ÆŒ¾‚Á
+‚½‚Æ‚«‚ɂ́A‚Ù‚Æ‚ñ‚Ç”½‘΂͂ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚Å‚µ‚½B‚à‚µ‚­‚́A­‚È‚­‚Æ‚àŽ„‚Í‚»‚¤Š´‚¶
+Angband 2.7.0 ‚Í(ƒoƒO‚¾‚炯‚Å‚µ‚½‚ª)ƒ\[ƒX‚ð‚Ђ¶‚傤‚É‚«‚ê‚¢‚ɏ‘‚«’¼‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½
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+ƒ€‚ւ̈ڐA‚ª—eˆÕ‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚µ‚Ä‘½‚­‚ÌŽžŠÔ‚ðƒoƒOo‚µ‚É”ï‚₵‚āAX11 ‚â—lX
+‚È IBM ‹@”Å‚ðŠÜ‚ß‚½ Angband 2.7.2 ‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½BAngband 2.7.4 ‚Í ftp ƒTƒCƒg
+"ftp.cis.ksu.edu" ‚ÉŒöŠJ‚³‚êA‚·‚®‚ɍD•]‚𔎂µ‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚¨‚»‚ç‚­ OS2 ‚â Windows
+Amiga ‚â Linux ‚ւ̈ڐA‚ª‚»‚̍D•]‚ÉŠñ—^‚µ‚½‚Ì‚Å‚µ‚傤BAngband 2.7.5 ‚Æ 2.7.6
+‚«‘±‚«s‚í‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½BAngband 2.7.8 ‚́AˆÀS‚µ‚Ä—Fl‚É”z•z‚Å‚«‚é‚悤‚ȁA‚à‚¤ˆê
+Angband 2.7.8 ‚ª”­•\‚³‚ꂽŒã‚ɁAŽ„‚Í‚»‚ꂼ‚ê‚̃o[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Å‚Ì‚·‚ׂĂ̕ύX“_
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+Mirror Server ‚ðƒTƒ|[ƒg‚·‚邽‚߂̐V‚½‚ÈŠJ”­ŽÒ ftp server ‚ÌŽg—p‚ª‚Å‚«‚é‚悤
+‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚±‚Ì web site ‚ÍŒ»Ý Officail Angband Home Page(http://www.
+phial.com)‚ɍP‹v“I‚É’u‚©‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B•sK‚É‚àA‘±‚­ 6 ‚‚̃o[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Í
+Angband 2.7.9v1 ‚©‚ç Angband 2.7.9v6 ‚ƃiƒ“ƒo[‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·‚ªAŽÀÛ‚Í‚Ç‚ê‚à
+‘啝‚ȃo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“ƒAƒbƒv‚Å‚·BAngband 2.8.0 ‚Æ Angband 2.8.1 ‚Í•’ʂ̃o[ƒWƒ‡
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+Official Angband Home Page("http://www.phial.com/angband/")‚Å‚Í Angband ‚̍Å
+‚¢‚é•ÏX“_‚âAAngband ‚ÉŠÖ˜A‚µ‚½—lX‚È email ƒAƒhƒŒƒX‚â web site ‚̈ꗗ‚È‚Ç‚ð
+=== Angband 2.6.1 ‚©‚ç 2.7.9 ‚Ü‚Å‚ÌŽå‚ȕύX“_ ===
+2.6.1 ‚©‚ç 2.7.8 ‚É‚©‚¯‚āA‚Ç‚±‚ª•ÏX‚³‚ꂽ‚©A‚»‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚•ύX‚³‚ꂽ‚©‚ð“Á’è‚·
+‚­‚̕ύX“_‚ª‚ ‚èAdiff ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚ªƒ\[ƒXŽ©‘Ì‚æ‚葽‚­‚È‚Á‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¤‚Ù‚Ç‚Ì‚à‚Ì‚È‚Ì
+‚Å‚·B—lX‚ȃvƒ‰ƒbƒgƒtƒH[ƒ€—p‚̐V‚µ‚¢ "main-xxx.c" ‚̍쐬‚ƁAƒ\[ƒX’†‚É’‹L
+‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚̕ύX‚É‚ÍŽ©”­“I‚È‚à‚Ì‚à‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·‚ªA‚Ù‚Æ‚ñ‚Ç‚Í Angband ƒvƒŒ[ƒ„[‚Ì
+‚Ñ‚Å‚µ‚½‚̂ŁA‘½‚­‚̏ꍇA—Ⴆ‚Î "diff -r" ‚ð‚à‚Á‚Ä‚µ‚Ä‚àƒR[ƒh‚ª”FŽ¯‚Å‚«‚È
+ŽŸ‚ɏd—v‚ȏC³‚́AAngband ‚ð‚킸‚© 50 s’ö“x‚̃R[ƒh’ljÁ‚ŐV‚µ‚¢ƒ}ƒVƒ“‚ÉŽÀ‘•
+‚Å‚«‚é‚悤‚É‚·‚éA”Ä—p "z-term.c" ƒpƒbƒP[ƒW‚̍\’z‚Å‚µ‚½BAngband 2.7.9 ‚Í‚±
+‚¤‚µ‚Ä‘½‚­‚̃}ƒVƒ“AMacintosh, PowerMac, Unix/X11, Unix/Curses(*–ó’:Curses 
+‚ŁA‚‚܂èA‚»‚ê‚ð—˜—p‚µ‚ÄŽÀ‘•‚³‚ꂽ‚Æ‚¢‚¤‚±‚Æ), Amiga, Windows, OS2-386, 
+DOS-386 ãA‚³‚ç‚É‚Í DOS-286 ã‚Å‚³‚¦‚àC³‚È‚µ‚ÅŽÀs‚Å‚«‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B
+Angband 2.6.1 ‚©‚ç 2.7.9 ‚܂ł̕ύX“_‘S‚Ä‚ðƒŠƒXƒgƒAƒbƒv‚·‚é‚͍̂¢“ï‚Å‚·B‚»‚ê
+bolt, beam, ball ‚È‚Ç‚ðŽæ‚舵‚¤ "project()" ƒR[ƒh‚âAŽ‹ü‚ÌŒvŽZ‚ð’Pƒ‰»‚·‚é
+"update_view()" ƒR[ƒhA‚ ‚é‚¢‚̓_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚̐V‹K‚ÌŠK‚ð\’z‚·‚é "generate()" 
+ƒR[ƒh‚È‚Ç‚Å‚·B"process_monsters()" ‚â "update_monsters()" ŠÖ”AV‚½‚È
+"objdes()", "lite_spot()" ƒ‹[ƒ`ƒ“‚ðŠÜ‚߂āA‘½‚­‚̕ύX‚ªŒø—¦‚ÌŒüã‚ÉŒü‚¯‚ç‚ê
+‚Ü‚µ‚½B”Ä—p "Term" ƒpƒbƒP[ƒW‚ÍŒø‰Ê“I‚ȉæ–ʍXVAƒJƒ‰[‚ÌŽg—p‚ð‰Â”\‚É‚µ‚Ü‚·B
+Official Angband Home Page ‚ÅŠm”F‚·‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·B
+    color
+    macros
+    keymaps
+    user pref files
+    generic feature array, with template file
+    generic object array, with template file
+    generic artifact array, with template file
+    generic ego-item array, with template file
+    generic monster array, with template fils
+    generic vault array, with template file
+    binary image files for the template files
+    special stat effect tables
+    a special table of spells
+    a special table of options
+    inventory tagging
+    inventory restrictions
+    using objects off the floor
+    various new runtime options
+    the new "destroy" command
+    the new "examine" command
+    the new "note" command
+    the new "dump screen" command
+    the new "load screen" command
+    the new "un-inscribe" command
+    the new "change visuals" command
+    the new "change colors" command
+    the new "change macros" command
+    the new "save game" command
+    the new "fire" vs "throw" commands
+    rearranged equipment slots
+    a standard bow slot
+    an extra inventory slot
+    an underlying keyset
+    refueling torches
+    better monster memory
+    nicer targetting mode
+    object stacking
+    the recall window
+    the choice window
+    the mirror window
+    new high score code
+    special lighting effects
+    intelligent monsters
+    new monster flags
+    text formatting code
+    much cleaner store code
+    generic spell projections
+    scrolls of *identify*
+    maximize mode
+    preserve mode
+    new inscription code
+    new message recall code
+    new spell and prayer code
+    massive cleanup of effects code
+    new object allocation routines
+    powerful (but simple) on line help
+    robust savefile cheat preventers
+    new official cheating options
+    new blindness code
+    new hallucination code
+    optimized object description code
+    new keypress input routines
+    actual object discounts
+    fractional (assymptotic) speed
+    postponing updates/redraws
+    run-time price determination
+    better wizard commands
+    the automatic player
+    launchers of extra shots
+    elemental ignore flags
+    new ego-item types
+    new player ghost creation
+    no more sliding objects
+    no more sliding monsters
+    new object flags
+    new chest trap code
+    regularized the artifact code
+    regularized the ego-item code
+    new monster abilities
+    new monster spell attacks
+    some new store owners
+    run-time skill computation
+    player kills vs anscestor kills
+    better room illumination code
+    better group monster code
+    table access through pointers
+    more redefinable constants
+    slightly new screen layout
+    extreme code cleaning
+    extreme optimizations
+=== Œ³’˜ìŽÒ‚æ‚è‚̎莆 ===
+From: koene****@ionet***** (Robert Alan Koeneke)
+Newsgroups: rec.games.roguelike.angband,rec.games.roguelike.moria
+Subject: Early history of Moria
+Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 04:20:51 GMT
+‚Ü‚¸‘æˆê‚ÉŽ©ŒÈÐ‰î‚Å‚·‚ªAŽ„‚ª³^³–Á‚́A‰‚߂Ƀ‚ƒŠƒA‚ðì‚Á‚½ Robert Koeneke
+‹ß‚̐¢ŠÔ‚Ì•—’ª‚É‚ ‚¨‚ç‚ê‚āA‚â‚Á‚ƃCƒ“ƒ^[ƒlƒbƒg‚Ɋ֐S‚ðŽ‚¿Žn‚ß‚½‚悤‚ȉïŽÐ
+‚Æ‚Á‚½‚±‚Æ‚à‚ ‚é‚Í‚¸‚È‚Ì‚Å‚µ‚傤‚ª...BŽ„‚Í’·”N‘½‚­‚Ì•û‚ɁA–³ž”z•z‚ð‚·‚éŒÀ
+1980 ”N‚© 81 ”N ‚ɁAŽ„‚̓IƒNƒ‰ƒzƒ}‘åŠw‚̃Gƒ“ƒWƒjƒAƒŠƒ“ƒOEƒR[ƒX‚É“ü‚è‚Ü‚µ
+‚½BƒGƒ“ƒWƒjƒAƒŠƒ“ƒOŒ¤‹†Š‚ł͏‰Šú‚Ì UNIX ‚ÌŒ³‚Å PDP 1170 ‚ª‰Ò“­‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½B
+‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚ ‚é”ӁA”Þ‚ç‚ÍŽ„‚ð—U‚Á‚āA‚¢‚­‚‚©‚̃Q[ƒ€‚ð‚³‚¹‚Ä‚­‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»
+‚»‚¤‚Å‚·AŽ„‚͏‰‚߂Ƀ[ƒO‚̐ô—ç‚ð‚¤‚¯‚½‚Ì‚Å‚ ‚Á‚āAƒ‚ƒŠƒA‚ªŽ„‚Ì“ª‚ɂЂç‚ß‚¢
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+ˆá‚Á‚½•”–å‚Å‚ÌŽdŽ–‚ɂ‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½BŽ„‚ÌŽdŽ–ê‚̃Rƒ“ƒsƒ…[ƒ^[‚Í VMS ‚Ì‘–‚鏉Šú
+‚Ì VAX 11/780 ‚Å‚µ‚½‚ªA“–Žž‚Í‚»‚̃Rƒ“ƒsƒ…[ƒ^[—p‚̃Q[ƒ€‚È‚Ç‚Í‚Ü‚Á‚½‚­‚ ‚è
+‚±‚ꂪƒ‚ƒŠƒAEƒx[ƒ^ 1.0 ‚Æ‚È‚Á‚½‚Ì‚Å‚·BŽ„‚Ì VMS ƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚Å‚Í FORTRAN IV ‚Æ
+PASCAL V1.? ‚Æ BASIC ‚ðŽg—p‚·‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½BƒQ[ƒ€‚Ì‚Ù‚Æ‚ñ‚Ç‚Í•¶Žš—ñ‘€
+ì‚ª•K—v‚Å‚µ‚½‚̂ŁAŽ„‚Í VMS BASIC ‚Ń‚ƒŠƒA‚ðì‚èŽn‚ß‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚±‚̃‚ƒŠƒA‚ÍŽ„‚Ì
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+1983 ”N ‚ɁAƒ‚ƒŠƒA‚ðŒ»Ý‚Ì‚æ‚¤‚ÈŒ`‘Ԃɐ¶‚Ü‚ê•Ï‚í‚点‚錴ˆö‚Æ‚È‚Á‚½“ñ‚‚̂±‚Æ
+‚ª‹N‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½BŽ„‚͍¥–ñ‚µA‚»‚µ‚Ä‚ ‚ê‚Ì—Bˆê‚Ì“ÁŒø–ò‚Í‚»‚ê‚ð–Y‚ê‚é‚Ü‚Å“­‚­‚±‚Æ
+‚¾‚¯‚Å‚µ‚½B‚Ü‚½Ž„‚Í PASCAL ‚̃IƒyƒŒ[ƒeƒBƒ“ƒOEƒVƒXƒeƒ€EƒNƒ‰ƒX‚ÉŽQ‰Á‚·‚邱
+‚Å‚·‚©‚çAŽ„‚͐V‚µ‚¢ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Ì VMS PASCAL ‚ðŒ¤‹†‚µAV‚µ‚¢‹@”\‚ª‚ ‚邱‚Æ‚ð
+‚»‚̉āAŽ„‚Í VMS PASCAL ‚Ń‚ƒŠƒA 1.0 ‚ðŠ®¬‚³‚¹‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚̉Ă¾‚¯‚ŁAŽ„‚̓f[
+Ž„‚͐e—F‚Ì Jimmey Todd ‚ɁAƒQ[ƒ€‚Ì‚½‚ß‚Ì‚æ‚è—D‚ꂽƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[¶¬ƒVƒXƒeƒ€
+‚܂ꂽ‚Ì‚Å‚·BJimmey ‚Í“¯—l‚ɃQ[ƒ€’†‚Ì‘½‚­‚Ì‹@”\‚̉ü‘P‚ðŽè“`‚Á‚Ä‚­‚ê‚āA‚»
+‚Ì“w—Í‚ªAƒ‚ƒŠƒA 2.0 ‚ÉŒ‹ŽÀ‚·‚邱‚Æ‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B
+‚ɓ‚­‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½Bˆê“x‚́u‚±‚ê‚͐â‘΂ɃNƒŠƒA•s‰Â”\‚¾v‚Ɛ¾‚Á‚½‚±‚Æ‚à‚ ‚è‚Ü‚µ
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+1985 ”N ‚ÉŽ„‚̓\[ƒX‚𑼂̑åŠw‚É‘—‚èŽn‚ß‚Ü‚µ‚½BƒIƒNƒ‰ƒzƒ}‘åŠw‚ƃeƒLƒTƒX‘å
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+1986 ”N‚©‚ç 87 ”N‚̊ԂɁAŽ„‚̎肪‚¯‚½ÅIŒöŽ®ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Å‚ ‚郂ƒŠƒA 4.7 ‚ªƒŠ
+‚½Žž‚É‚Í(‚²‘z‘œ‚̒ʂ茻Ý‚à‚»‚±‚Å“­‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·)AŽ„‚̓‚ƒŠƒA 5.0 ‚𐻍삵‚Ä‚¢‚Ü
+‚µ‚½Bƒ‚ƒŠƒA 5.0 ‚ÍŠ®‘S‚Ƀ\[ƒX‚ð‘‚«’¼‚µA‘½‚­‚Ì—ÇŽ¿‚ȉü‘P‚ðŠÜ‚݁A…A¬ìA
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+‚Å”z•z‚µA”„‚ç‚È‚¢‚Ì‚È‚ç—Ç‚¢‚Æ“š‚¦‚Ü‚µ‚½Bq‚Ë‚Ä‚«‚½l’B‚Ì‚¤‚¿ C ‚ւ̏‘‚«‘Ö‚¦
+‚ª‚ ‚Á‚½‚Æ‚«)‚ÌŒü‚±‚¤‚©‚ç‚́AVAX ã‚̃Q[ƒ€‚ɂ‚¢‚Ă̎莆‚à’¸‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½(–fˆÕ–@
+‚É‚æ‚èA‚»‚ê‚Í‚»‚±‚É‚ ‚Á‚Ä‚Í‚¢‚¯‚È‚¢‚à‚Ì‚Ì—l‚È‹C‚ª‚µ‚Ü‚·‚ª)BŽ„‚͍¡‚Ü‚ÅŽó‚¯
+Robert Alan Koeneke
+=== ‰ß‹Ž‚̃o[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚Ì—š—ð ===
+                          VMS Moria Version 4.8
+Version 0.1  : 83/03/25
+Version 1.0  : 84/05/01
+Version 2.0  : 84/07/10
+Version 3.0  : 84/11/20
+Version 4.0  : 85/01/20
+ƒ‚ƒWƒ…[ƒ‹ :
+     V1.0  ƒ_ƒ“ƒWƒ‡ƒ“ ¶¬        - RAK
+           ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[ ¶¬      - RAK & JWT
+           Moria ƒ‚ƒWƒ…[ƒ‹       - RAK
+           ‚»‚Ì‘¼                 - RAK & JWT
+     V2.0  ’¬‚ÌŠK & ‚»‚Ì‘¼        - RAK
+     V3.0  “à•”ƒwƒ‹ƒv & ‚»‚Ì‘¼    - RAK
+     V4.0  ƒ\[ƒX”­•\ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“   - RAK
+Robert Alan Koeneke               Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.
+Oklahoma ‘åŠw/Šw¶                Oklahoma ‘åŠw/Šw¶
+                        Umoria Version 5.2 (ˆÈ‘O‚Í UNIX Moria)
+Version 4.83 :  87/5/14
+Version 4.85 : 87/10/26
+Version 4.87 :  88/5/27
+Version 5.0  :  89/11/2
+Version 5.2  :   90/5/9
+James E. Wilson, U.C. Berkeley Z
+                 wilso****@ernie*****
+                 ...!ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson
+D. G. Kneller         - MSDOS ”Å Moria ‚ðì¬
+Christopher J. Stuart - recallAoptionAinventoryArunning ƒR[ƒh‚ð‘‚¢‚½
+Curtis McCauley       - Macintosh ”Å Moria ‚ðì¬
+Stephen A. Jacobs     - Atari ST ”Å Moria ‚ðì¬
+William Setzer        - object –½–¼ƒR[ƒh‚ð‘‚¢‚½
+David J. Grabiner     - ‚½‚­‚³‚ñ‚̃oƒOƒŒƒ|[ƒg‚ƈêŠÑ‚µ‚½ƒ`ƒFƒbƒN
+Dan Bernstein         - UNIX hangup signal ‚⑽‚­‚̃oƒO‚ðƒtƒBƒbƒNƒX
+Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
+  ‚±‚̃\ƒtƒgƒEƒFƒA‚Í‹³ˆç‚⌤‹†‚Ì‚½‚ß‚È‚ç‚΁A‚»‚µ‚Ä—˜‰v‚ð–Ú“I‚Æ‚µ‚È‚¢‚Ì‚È‚ç‚Î
+  •¡ŽÊ‚¨‚æ‚Ñ”z•z‚µ‚Ä‚æ‚¢B‚½‚¾‚µA‚±‚Ì’˜ìŒ ‚Æ•¶Í‚Í‹LÚ‚µ‚Ä‚¨‚­‚±‚ƁB
+  This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
+  not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
+  included in all such copies.
+Umoria Version 5.2, patch level 1
+Angband Version 2.0   Alex Cutler, Andy Astrand, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, 
+                      Charles Teague.
+Angband Version 2.4   : 05/09/93
+Angband Version 2.5   : 12/05/93 Charles Swiger
+Angband Version 2.6   : 09/04/94 Charles Swiger
+Angband Version 2.7   : 01/01/95  Ben Harrison
+Angband Version 2.8   : 01/01/97  Ben Harrison
+Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
+•¡ŽÊ‚¨‚æ‚Ñ”z•z‚µ‚Ä‚æ‚¢B‚½‚¾‚µA‚±‚Ì’˜ìŒ ‚Æ•¶Í‚Í‹LÚ‚µ‚Ä‚¨‚­‚±‚ƁB
+This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
+and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
+are included in all such copies.  Other copyrights may also apply.
+-- 2.7.9v3 –|–ó: “{““‚̉ɐl(‚r‚t‚rAKUNIA˜ø™SA‰¹ŠÛA‚e‚h‚q‚r‚sŠeŽ‚ÉŠ´ŽÓ!)
+-- 2.7.9v6 ‰ü’ù: ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ
+-- 2.8.0   ‰ü’ù: ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ
+-- 2.8.3   ‰ü’ù: ‚µ‚Æ‚µ‚ñ

Modified: trunk/lib/help/magic.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/magic.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/magic.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-Hengband Magic System.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Hengband Magic System             (magic.txt)
-    (b) The Magic Realms                  (magic.txt#MagicRealms)
-    (c) On Casting Spells ...             (magic.txt#CastingSpells)
-    (d) Spell Types                       (magic.txt#SpellTypes)
-    (e) Hints and Tips                    (magic.txt#Hints)
-    (?) Help System Commands              (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] magic.txt
-***** [b] magic.txt#MagicRealms
-***** [c] magic.txt#CastingSpells
-***** [d] magic.txt#SpellTypes
-***** [e] magic.txt#Hints
+Hengband Magic System.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Hengband Magic System             (magic.txt)
+    (b) The Magic Realms                  (magic.txt#MagicRealms)
+    (c) On Casting Spells ...             (magic.txt#CastingSpells)
+    (d) Spell Types                       (magic.txt#SpellTypes)
+    (e) Hints and Tips                    (magic.txt#Hints)
+    (?) Help System Commands              (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] magic.txt
+***** [b] magic.txt#MagicRealms
+***** [c] magic.txt#CastingSpells
+***** [d] magic.txt#SpellTypes
+***** [e] magic.txt#Hints

Modified: trunk/lib/help/magic.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/magic.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/magic.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,364 +1,364 @@
-=== Hengband Magic System ===
-The magic system of Hengband is a modified version of Zangband's, with many
-new features added.  There are two kind of magic in Hengband:  Spellbook
-magic, similar to the normal magic system of Zangband, and class-specific
-magic, similar to Zangband's mindcrafting.
-You might not be able to understand the function of every magic spell
-by reading its name or casting it a few times.  In Hengband, spells
-have descriptions.  Use the browse command ("b"/"P") and choose a
-spell from the list to see its description.
---- Spellbook magic ---
-There are nine different realms of spellbook magic; Life, Sorcery,
-Nature, Chaos, Death, Trump, Arcane, Craft, and Daemon.  Players of
-each class can study and cast spells from spellbooks using one stat;
-intelligence, wisdom, or charisma.  For spellcasting, you must always
-carry spellbooks which include spells which you want to cast.  You can
-choose either one or two realms, depending on class.  
-In Hengband, you cannot be as proficient in secondary realm as in
-first realm.  But you can change secondary realm to other realm of
-magic even in the middle of the game.  For that, you must choose a
-spellbook of new realm in the study command ('G').  But beware! After
-changing realm, you will forget all spells of old realm, moreover the
-number of learning will not be restored and be lost permanently.
-Note that certain realms may be prohibited for some classes.  In the
-table below, '1' indicates that the realm may only be the first
-choice, '2' indicates that the realm may only be the second choice and
-'1/2' indicates that it can be either.  Classes that only have '1'
-options do not get a second realm.  Classes with only one '1' option
-must choose this option as their first realm.  Sorcerers and Red Mages
-are exceptions.  They can use all magic realms and they don't need to
-study spells.
---- Class/Realm Restrictions table ---
-               Life     Nature   Death    Arcane   Daemon
-Class              Sorcery  Chaos     Trump   Craft     Crusade  
-Mage          |1/2  |1/2|1/2|1/2|1/2  |1/2|1/2|1/2|1/2  |1/2  | 
-Priest        |1/(2)| 2 | 2 | 2 |1/(2)| 2 | 2 | 2 |1/(2)|1/(2)| 
-Rogue         |     | 1 |   |   | 1   | 1 | 1 | 1 |     |     |
-Ranger        |     | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2   | 2 | 2 |   | 2   |     |
-Paladin       |     |   |   |   | 1   |   |   |   |     | 1   |
-Warrior-Mage  | 2   | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2   | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2   | 2   |
-Chaos Warrior |     |   |   | 1 |     |   |   |   | 1   |     |
-Monk          | 1   |   | 1 |   | 1   |   |   | 1 |     |     | 
-High Mage     | 1   | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1   | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1   | 1   |
-Tourist       |     |   |   |   |     |   | 1 |   |     |     |  
-BeastMaster   |     |   |   |   |     | 1 |   |   |     |     |  
-ForceTrainer  | 1   |   | 1 |   | 1   |   |   | 1 |     | 1   |  
-Sorcerer      |  All realms
-Red Mage      |  All realms (Lower rank spellbooks only)
---- Class-Specific Magics ---
-There are eleven class-specific magics (or techniques):
-- Mindcraft           (for Mindcrafter)
-- Imitation           (for Imitator)
-- Device-Eating-Magic (for Magic-Eater)
-- Music               (for Bard)
-- Kendo               (for Samurai)
-- The Force           (for ForceTrainer)
-- Blue-Magic          (for Blue Mage)
-- Rage                (for Berserker)
-- Smithery            (for Weaponsmith)
-- Mirror-magic        (for Mirror Master)
-- Ninjutsu            (for Ninja)
-- Shooting            (for Sniper)
-- Hex                 (for High-Mage)
-See raceclas.txt#TheClasses [a] for more details.
-***** <MagicRealms>
-=== The Realms of Spellbook Magic ===
-***** <Life>
---- Life ---
-     Life magic is very good for healing; it relies mostly on healing,
-     protection and detection spells. Also life magic have a few
-     attack spells as well. It said that some high level spell of life
-     magic can disintegrate Undead monsters into ash.  The fail rate
-     of Life spells goes up if the caster's alignment tends towards
-     evil.
-***** <Sorcery>
---- Sorcery ---
-     Sorcery is a `meta` realm, including enchantment and general
-     spells.  It provides superb protection spells (such as Teleport
-     spells for fleeing and even Globe of Invulnerability), spells to
-     enhance your odds in combat (Slow Monster, Haste Self, Confuse
-     Monster) and, most importantly, a vast selection of spells for
-     gathering information: in addition to the usual detection and
-     identify spells, one of the standard spellbooks has a spell
-     called Identify True, which gives you full knowledge of a given
-     object!  In the rare books, there are spells with which you can
-     enchant your items or turn unwanted items to gold.  However,
-     Sorcery has one weakness: it has no spells to deal direct damage
-     to your enemies.
-***** <Nature>
---- Nature ---
-     Nature magic makes you a master of the elements; it provides
-     protection, detection, curing and attack spells, and most
-     importantly, spells that change surrounding geographical
-     features.  Nature also has offers Herbal Healing, which is the
-     only powerful healing spell outside the realm of Life magic.
-     Fail rate of Nature spells goes up when the caster's alignment
-     becomes very good or evil.
-***** <Chaos>
---- Chaos ---
-     Chaos is the very element of unmaking, and Chaos spells are the
-     most terrible weapons of destruction imaginable.  From Magic
-     Missile and Acid Bolt to the medium level Fire Ball and Doom
-     Bolt, and finally to the awesome spells of Invoke Logrus, Mana
-     Storm and Call the Void, Chaos offers an unsurpassable arsenal of
-     attack spells.  Chaos is the only realm which provides the
-     *Destruction* spell.  The caster can also call on the primal
-     forces of Chaos to induce mutations in his/her opponents and even
-     him/herself, but otherwise, Chaos has no protective spells.
-     Beware!  Chaos spells are known to backfire easily and produce
-     undesired effects.
-***** <Death>
---- Death ---
-     There is no fouler nor more evil category of spells than the
-     necromantic spells of Death Magic.  These spells are relatively
-     hard to learn, but at higher levels the spells give the caster
-     power over living and the (un)dead.  Poison, vampirism, death
-     spells, and even hellfire can be directed by the caster, but the
-     most powerful spells need his/her own blood as the focus, often
-     hurting the caster in the process of casting.  Should a Death
-     wizard find the legendary tome Necronomicon, he can expect to
-     gain very great powers indeed, but at a cost: few that have
-     studied that accursed tome have retained their sanity.  The Fail
-     rate of Death spells goes up for casters aligned to good.
-***** <Trump>
---- Trump ---
-     Trump magic seems an independent source of power, although its
-     supposed association with Chaos magic has been mentioned in
-     several places.  Although it lacks the unpredictable chaotic
-     side-effects of Chaos magic, it has a few spells whose exact
-     effects seem more or less random.  One such spell is Shuffle: the
-     Trump spellbooks actually consist of decks of trumps, and the
-     Shuffle spell allows the caster to shuffle the deck and pick one
-     card at random.  The effect depends on the card picked, and is
-     not always pleasant.  In the Amber universe, the Trump gateways
-     are also a major method of transportation: Trump magic has an
-     admirable selection of teleportation spells.  Since the Trump
-     gateways can also be used to summon other creatures, Trump magic
-     has an equally impressive selection of summoning spells.
-     However, not all monsters appreciate being drawn to another place
-     by a Trump user.  The only summoned creatures whose loyalty is
-     guaranteed are the Phantasmal Servants, who lack a will of their
-     own (but can develop one, if you treat them badly).
-***** <Arcane>
---- Arcane ---
-     Even more than Sorcery, Arcane magic is a general purpose realm
-     of magic.  It attempts to encompass all 'useful' spells from all
-     realms, and almost succeeds, with the probable exception of
-     *Identify*.  This is the downside of Arcane magic: while Arcane
-     does have all the necessary 'tool' spells for a dungeon delver,
-     it has no ultra-powerful high level spells.  As a consequence,
-     all Arcane spellbooks can be bought in town.  It should also be
-     noted that the 'specialized' realms (i.e.  other than Arcane)
-     usually offer the same spell at a lower level and cost.  Arcane
-     magic is therefore not usually recommended as one's only realm of
-     magic, but it should be a very nice addition to fill up the gaps
-     in the selection of utility spells in another realm.
-***** <Craft>
---- Craft ---
-     Craft magic is an original realm in Hengband.  It provides spells
-     which reinforce the casters physical abilities, including
-     offensive power, defensive power, speed, regeneration,
-     infravision, etc..  The 'Regeneration' and 'Walk through Wall'
-     spells are especially powerful for their spell levels.  Craft
-     magic doesn't provide detection spells, but does offer a
-     temporary telepathy spell.
-***** <Daemon>
---- Daemon ---
-     Daemon magic is an original realm in Hengband.  It offers
-     powerful attack spells with the properties of Fire or Nether.
-     There are a few detection spells which provide a map of the
-     nearby area or temporary telepathy.  Daemon magic also provides
-     temporary trans- formation spells which allow caster to become a
-     Demon or a Demon Lord.  The fail rate of Daemon spells goes up
-     for casters aligned towards good.
-***** <Crusade>
---- Crusade ---
-     Crusade is a realm of 'Justice'; It does have many attack spells
-     which are mostly used for harming and banishing foul minions of
-     evil, and these spells are not so effective for good monsters.
-     The fail rate of Crusade spells goes up if the caster's alignment
-     tends towards evil.
-***** <Hex>
---- Hex ---
-     Hex is a realm of 'Curse'; It is technics rather than magics, and
-     casted continually like a songs. Most of spells give terrible
-     effects during they are spelled. The fail rate of Daemon spells
-     goes up for casters aligned towards good.
-***** <CastingSpells>
-=== On Casting Spells ...  ===
-Players who select spellcasting characters may notice a few unusual
-phenomena during the course of the game.  Here are a few hints and
-hints on what may be happening.
---- Armor and Spell Casting ---
-All spellcasting classes are penalized for wielding armor above a
-certain total combined weight.  The threshold varies between 30lbs
-for a mage and 40lbs for a paladin.  Typically, the more reliant on
-spells/prayers your class is deemed to be, the lower your weight
-allowance.  If you exceed your weight limit, your mana will drop.
-This penalty is fairly stiff for low level characters but can
-generally be ignored by high level ones.
---- Mage-Types and Gloves ---
-Spellcasters who cast spells from spellbooks using INT as the stat
-determining their spellcasting ability, or Blue-Mages, will be penalized
-heavily for wielding armor on their hands.   The exception to this is
-that wielding gloves, gauntlets or cesti which boost DEX or which
-grant Free Action will result in no penalty.  The rationale behind this
-is that the hands are needed to perform intricate gestures that
-accompany the casting of the spell and anything encumbering the hands
-would interfere with this.  The priest-type classes (priest, paladin
-and monk) do not have the same restrictions as they are viewed as
-invoking the power of their deity directly through prayer.
---- Casting Spells With Insufficient Mana ---
-Occasionally, you may try (either by accident or in desperation) to
-cast a spell when you have insufficient mana to do so.  In these
-circumstances you will be told by the game that you do not have
-enough mana to cast the spell and then asked if you want to anyway.
-Casting the spell under these conditions has a drastically reduced
-chance of success and may also result in your constitution being
-damaged.  It may also cause you to faint from the effort which will
-effectively paralyze you for several turns (even with free action).
-The CON drain and the paralyzation may happen regardless of whether
-the casting was successful or not.
---- Spell Durations ---
-Some spells such as Haste-Self or Resistance grant an effect which
-wears off after a certain period of time.  With very few exceptions,
-multiple castings of such spells are not cumulative in terms of the
-duration of the spell.  In other words, casting a spell which has a
-duration of 20 turns three times will not result in a duration of 60
-turns.  Typically, subsequent castings will add only a small amount
-to the total duration.  
-***** <SpellTypes>
-=== Spell Types ===
---- Bolts and Beams ---
-A bolt spell is aimed in a direction or at a target but will hit the
-first monster or obstruction in its targeted direction.  This may or
-may not be the intended target.  Occasionally, you may note that your
-bolt spell hits multiple targets along the line of fire.   This is
-because some bolt spells are granted a chance of 'beaming' which may
-be either fixed or level-dependent.  A beam will hit every target
-within range along a 'straight' line in the direction in which it was
---- Balls ---
-There are two things to remember about ball spells.  Firstly, unlike
-bolt spells, they can be aimed at a specific target which allows you
-to target a specific monster as opposed to the first one in the
-direction you are aiming.  Secondly, they have a radius (which varies
-from spell to spell).  A radius value of one or more will result in the
-spell affecting monsters (and possibly objects, etc) around the target
-in addition to the target itself.  When ball spells are directed at 
-monsters in walls, the ball will blow up at the front of the wall, and 
-the monster will take only half damage.
---- Line-of-Sight ---
-Line-of-sight spells affect all monsters that that are currently in
-sight of your character.  This includes monsters that may not currently
-be visible due to darkness but would be if it was light.
---- Area ---
-Area spells affect an area around the player.  The size of the area can
-vary considerably.  For example, Light Area lights a single room while
-Detect Traps and Mass Genocide affects within a circle of a specific
-radius and normal Genocide affects the entire level.
-***** <Hints>
-=== Hints and Tips ===
-If you miss the `old` magic user, try picking Sorcery and Chaos magic
-to get the most commonly used mage spells early on (Magic Missile,
-Detect Monsters + Traps + etc, Identify).
-It is generally a good idea to pick one defensive realm and one
-offensive realm.  For example try using life or sorcery with chaos or
-death magic.  Nature is somewhat neutral: it has both offensive and
-defensive spells, but is not very generous with either, not at least
-early in the game.  Nature should work best with characters who can use
-other means to survive until they get the more powerful high level
-If you pick the realms always in the same order (e.g.  nature as your
-first realm and chaos as your second realm, not the other way around)
-you will be less confused when trying to pick the correct spellbook to
-use in the game.  If you still get confused trying to select the
-correct spellbook, try using macros (either the 'full' macros or
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.2
-***** [a] raceclas.txt#TheClasses
+=== Hengband Magic System ===
+The magic system of Hengband is a modified version of Zangband's, with many
+new features added.  There are two kind of magic in Hengband:  Spellbook
+magic, similar to the normal magic system of Zangband, and class-specific
+magic, similar to Zangband's mindcrafting.
+You might not be able to understand the function of every magic spell
+by reading its name or casting it a few times.  In Hengband, spells
+have descriptions.  Use the browse command ("b"/"P") and choose a
+spell from the list to see its description.
+--- Spellbook magic ---
+There are nine different realms of spellbook magic; Life, Sorcery,
+Nature, Chaos, Death, Trump, Arcane, Craft, and Daemon.  Players of
+each class can study and cast spells from spellbooks using one stat;
+intelligence, wisdom, or charisma.  For spellcasting, you must always
+carry spellbooks which include spells which you want to cast.  You can
+choose either one or two realms, depending on class.  
+In Hengband, you cannot be as proficient in secondary realm as in
+first realm.  But you can change secondary realm to other realm of
+magic even in the middle of the game.  For that, you must choose a
+spellbook of new realm in the study command ('G').  But beware! After
+changing realm, you will forget all spells of old realm, moreover the
+number of learning will not be restored and be lost permanently.
+Note that certain realms may be prohibited for some classes.  In the
+table below, '1' indicates that the realm may only be the first
+choice, '2' indicates that the realm may only be the second choice and
+'1/2' indicates that it can be either.  Classes that only have '1'
+options do not get a second realm.  Classes with only one '1' option
+must choose this option as their first realm.  Sorcerers and Red Mages
+are exceptions.  They can use all magic realms and they don't need to
+study spells.
+--- Class/Realm Restrictions table ---
+               Life     Nature   Death    Arcane   Daemon
+Class              Sorcery  Chaos     Trump   Craft     Crusade  
+Mage          |1/2  |1/2|1/2|1/2|1/2  |1/2|1/2|1/2|1/2  |1/2  | 
+Priest        |1/(2)| 2 | 2 | 2 |1/(2)| 2 | 2 | 2 |1/(2)|1/(2)| 
+Rogue         |     | 1 |   |   | 1   | 1 | 1 | 1 |     |     |
+Ranger        |     | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2   | 2 | 2 |   | 2   |     |
+Paladin       |     |   |   |   | 1   |   |   |   |     | 1   |
+Warrior-Mage  | 2   | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2   | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2   | 2   |
+Chaos Warrior |     |   |   | 1 |     |   |   |   | 1   |     |
+Monk          | 1   |   | 1 |   | 1   |   |   | 1 |     |     | 
+High Mage     | 1   | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1   | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1   | 1   |
+Tourist       |     |   |   |   |     |   | 1 |   |     |     |  
+BeastMaster   |     |   |   |   |     | 1 |   |   |     |     |  
+ForceTrainer  | 1   |   | 1 |   | 1   |   |   | 1 |     | 1   |  
+Sorcerer      |  All realms
+Red Mage      |  All realms (Lower rank spellbooks only)
+--- Class-Specific Magics ---
+There are eleven class-specific magics (or techniques):
+- Mindcraft           (for Mindcrafter)
+- Imitation           (for Imitator)
+- Device-Eating-Magic (for Magic-Eater)
+- Music               (for Bard)
+- Kendo               (for Samurai)
+- The Force           (for ForceTrainer)
+- Blue-Magic          (for Blue Mage)
+- Rage                (for Berserker)
+- Smithery            (for Weaponsmith)
+- Mirror-magic        (for Mirror Master)
+- Ninjutsu            (for Ninja)
+- Shooting            (for Sniper)
+- Hex                 (for High-Mage)
+See raceclas.txt#TheClasses [a] for more details.
+***** <MagicRealms>
+=== The Realms of Spellbook Magic ===
+***** <Life>
+--- Life ---
+     Life magic is very good for healing; it relies mostly on healing,
+     protection and detection spells. Also life magic have a few
+     attack spells as well. It said that some high level spell of life
+     magic can disintegrate Undead monsters into ash.  The fail rate
+     of Life spells goes up if the caster's alignment tends towards
+     evil.
+***** <Sorcery>
+--- Sorcery ---
+     Sorcery is a `meta` realm, including enchantment and general
+     spells.  It provides superb protection spells (such as Teleport
+     spells for fleeing and even Globe of Invulnerability), spells to
+     enhance your odds in combat (Slow Monster, Haste Self, Confuse
+     Monster) and, most importantly, a vast selection of spells for
+     gathering information: in addition to the usual detection and
+     identify spells, one of the standard spellbooks has a spell
+     called Identify True, which gives you full knowledge of a given
+     object!  In the rare books, there are spells with which you can
+     enchant your items or turn unwanted items to gold.  However,
+     Sorcery has one weakness: it has no spells to deal direct damage
+     to your enemies.
+***** <Nature>
+--- Nature ---
+     Nature magic makes you a master of the elements; it provides
+     protection, detection, curing and attack spells, and most
+     importantly, spells that change surrounding geographical
+     features.  Nature also has offers Herbal Healing, which is the
+     only powerful healing spell outside the realm of Life magic.
+     Fail rate of Nature spells goes up when the caster's alignment
+     becomes very good or evil.
+***** <Chaos>
+--- Chaos ---
+     Chaos is the very element of unmaking, and Chaos spells are the
+     most terrible weapons of destruction imaginable.  From Magic
+     Missile and Acid Bolt to the medium level Fire Ball and Doom
+     Bolt, and finally to the awesome spells of Invoke Logrus, Mana
+     Storm and Call the Void, Chaos offers an unsurpassable arsenal of
+     attack spells.  Chaos is the only realm which provides the
+     *Destruction* spell.  The caster can also call on the primal
+     forces of Chaos to induce mutations in his/her opponents and even
+     him/herself, but otherwise, Chaos has no protective spells.
+     Beware!  Chaos spells are known to backfire easily and produce
+     undesired effects.
+***** <Death>
+--- Death ---
+     There is no fouler nor more evil category of spells than the
+     necromantic spells of Death Magic.  These spells are relatively
+     hard to learn, but at higher levels the spells give the caster
+     power over living and the (un)dead.  Poison, vampirism, death
+     spells, and even hellfire can be directed by the caster, but the
+     most powerful spells need his/her own blood as the focus, often
+     hurting the caster in the process of casting.  Should a Death
+     wizard find the legendary tome Necronomicon, he can expect to
+     gain very great powers indeed, but at a cost: few that have
+     studied that accursed tome have retained their sanity.  The Fail
+     rate of Death spells goes up for casters aligned to good.
+***** <Trump>
+--- Trump ---
+     Trump magic seems an independent source of power, although its
+     supposed association with Chaos magic has been mentioned in
+     several places.  Although it lacks the unpredictable chaotic
+     side-effects of Chaos magic, it has a few spells whose exact
+     effects seem more or less random.  One such spell is Shuffle: the
+     Trump spellbooks actually consist of decks of trumps, and the
+     Shuffle spell allows the caster to shuffle the deck and pick one
+     card at random.  The effect depends on the card picked, and is
+     not always pleasant.  In the Amber universe, the Trump gateways
+     are also a major method of transportation: Trump magic has an
+     admirable selection of teleportation spells.  Since the Trump
+     gateways can also be used to summon other creatures, Trump magic
+     has an equally impressive selection of summoning spells.
+     However, not all monsters appreciate being drawn to another place
+     by a Trump user.  The only summoned creatures whose loyalty is
+     guaranteed are the Phantasmal Servants, who lack a will of their
+     own (but can develop one, if you treat them badly).
+***** <Arcane>
+--- Arcane ---
+     Even more than Sorcery, Arcane magic is a general purpose realm
+     of magic.  It attempts to encompass all 'useful' spells from all
+     realms, and almost succeeds, with the probable exception of
+     *Identify*.  This is the downside of Arcane magic: while Arcane
+     does have all the necessary 'tool' spells for a dungeon delver,
+     it has no ultra-powerful high level spells.  As a consequence,
+     all Arcane spellbooks can be bought in town.  It should also be
+     noted that the 'specialized' realms (i.e.  other than Arcane)
+     usually offer the same spell at a lower level and cost.  Arcane
+     magic is therefore not usually recommended as one's only realm of
+     magic, but it should be a very nice addition to fill up the gaps
+     in the selection of utility spells in another realm.
+***** <Craft>
+--- Craft ---
+     Craft magic is an original realm in Hengband.  It provides spells
+     which reinforce the casters physical abilities, including
+     offensive power, defensive power, speed, regeneration,
+     infravision, etc..  The 'Regeneration' and 'Walk through Wall'
+     spells are especially powerful for their spell levels.  Craft
+     magic doesn't provide detection spells, but does offer a
+     temporary telepathy spell.
+***** <Daemon>
+--- Daemon ---
+     Daemon magic is an original realm in Hengband.  It offers
+     powerful attack spells with the properties of Fire or Nether.
+     There are a few detection spells which provide a map of the
+     nearby area or temporary telepathy.  Daemon magic also provides
+     temporary trans- formation spells which allow caster to become a
+     Demon or a Demon Lord.  The fail rate of Daemon spells goes up
+     for casters aligned towards good.
+***** <Crusade>
+--- Crusade ---
+     Crusade is a realm of 'Justice'; It does have many attack spells
+     which are mostly used for harming and banishing foul minions of
+     evil, and these spells are not so effective for good monsters.
+     The fail rate of Crusade spells goes up if the caster's alignment
+     tends towards evil.
+***** <Hex>
+--- Hex ---
+     Hex is a realm of 'Curse'; It is technics rather than magics, and
+     casted continually like a songs. Most of spells give terrible
+     effects during they are spelled. The fail rate of Daemon spells
+     goes up for casters aligned towards good.
+***** <CastingSpells>
+=== On Casting Spells ...  ===
+Players who select spellcasting characters may notice a few unusual
+phenomena during the course of the game.  Here are a few hints and
+hints on what may be happening.
+--- Armor and Spell Casting ---
+All spellcasting classes are penalized for wielding armor above a
+certain total combined weight.  The threshold varies between 30lbs
+for a mage and 40lbs for a paladin.  Typically, the more reliant on
+spells/prayers your class is deemed to be, the lower your weight
+allowance.  If you exceed your weight limit, your mana will drop.
+This penalty is fairly stiff for low level characters but can
+generally be ignored by high level ones.
+--- Mage-Types and Gloves ---
+Spellcasters who cast spells from spellbooks using INT as the stat
+determining their spellcasting ability, or Blue-Mages, will be penalized
+heavily for wielding armor on their hands.   The exception to this is
+that wielding gloves, gauntlets or cesti which boost DEX or which
+grant Free Action will result in no penalty.  The rationale behind this
+is that the hands are needed to perform intricate gestures that
+accompany the casting of the spell and anything encumbering the hands
+would interfere with this.  The priest-type classes (priest, paladin
+and monk) do not have the same restrictions as they are viewed as
+invoking the power of their deity directly through prayer.
+--- Casting Spells With Insufficient Mana ---
+Occasionally, you may try (either by accident or in desperation) to
+cast a spell when you have insufficient mana to do so.  In these
+circumstances you will be told by the game that you do not have
+enough mana to cast the spell and then asked if you want to anyway.
+Casting the spell under these conditions has a drastically reduced
+chance of success and may also result in your constitution being
+damaged.  It may also cause you to faint from the effort which will
+effectively paralyze you for several turns (even with free action).
+The CON drain and the paralyzation may happen regardless of whether
+the casting was successful or not.
+--- Spell Durations ---
+Some spells such as Haste-Self or Resistance grant an effect which
+wears off after a certain period of time.  With very few exceptions,
+multiple castings of such spells are not cumulative in terms of the
+duration of the spell.  In other words, casting a spell which has a
+duration of 20 turns three times will not result in a duration of 60
+turns.  Typically, subsequent castings will add only a small amount
+to the total duration.  
+***** <SpellTypes>
+=== Spell Types ===
+--- Bolts and Beams ---
+A bolt spell is aimed in a direction or at a target but will hit the
+first monster or obstruction in its targeted direction.  This may or
+may not be the intended target.  Occasionally, you may note that your
+bolt spell hits multiple targets along the line of fire.   This is
+because some bolt spells are granted a chance of 'beaming' which may
+be either fixed or level-dependent.  A beam will hit every target
+within range along a 'straight' line in the direction in which it was
+--- Balls ---
+There are two things to remember about ball spells.  Firstly, unlike
+bolt spells, they can be aimed at a specific target which allows you
+to target a specific monster as opposed to the first one in the
+direction you are aiming.  Secondly, they have a radius (which varies
+from spell to spell).  A radius value of one or more will result in the
+spell affecting monsters (and possibly objects, etc) around the target
+in addition to the target itself.  When ball spells are directed at 
+monsters in walls, the ball will blow up at the front of the wall, and 
+the monster will take only half damage.
+--- Line-of-Sight ---
+Line-of-sight spells affect all monsters that that are currently in
+sight of your character.  This includes monsters that may not currently
+be visible due to darkness but would be if it was light.
+--- Area ---
+Area spells affect an area around the player.  The size of the area can
+vary considerably.  For example, Light Area lights a single room while
+Detect Traps and Mass Genocide affects within a circle of a specific
+radius and normal Genocide affects the entire level.
+***** <Hints>
+=== Hints and Tips ===
+If you miss the `old` magic user, try picking Sorcery and Chaos magic
+to get the most commonly used mage spells early on (Magic Missile,
+Detect Monsters + Traps + etc, Identify).
+It is generally a good idea to pick one defensive realm and one
+offensive realm.  For example try using life or sorcery with chaos or
+death magic.  Nature is somewhat neutral: it has both offensive and
+defensive spells, but is not very generous with either, not at least
+early in the game.  Nature should work best with characters who can use
+other means to survive until they get the more powerful high level
+If you pick the realms always in the same order (e.g.  nature as your
+first realm and chaos as your second realm, not the other way around)
+you will be less confused when trying to pick the correct spellbook to
+use in the game.  If you still get confused trying to select the
+correct spellbook, try using macros (either the 'full' macros or
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.2
+***** [a] raceclas.txt#TheClasses

Modified: trunk/lib/help/monster.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/monster.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/monster.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-Hengband Monsters.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Hengband Monsters            (monster.txt)
-    (b) Monster Symbols              (monster.txt#MonsterSymbols)
-    (c) Monster Color                (monster.txt#MonsterColors)
-    (d) Monster Memory               (monster.txt#MonsterMemory)
-    (e) Unique Monsters              (monster.txt#Uniques)
-    (f) Eldritch Horrors             (monster.txt#EldritchHorror)
-    (g) Pets and Riding              (monster.txt#Pets)
-    (h) Friendly Monsters            (monster.txt#Friendly)
-    (?) Help System Commands         (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] monster.txt
-***** [b] monster.txt#MonsterSymbols
-***** [c] monster.txt#MonsterColors
-***** [d] monster.txt#MonsterMemory
-***** [e] monster.txt#Uniques
-***** [f] monster.txt#EldritchHorror
-***** [g] monster.txt#Pets
-***** [h] monster.txt#Friendly
+Hengband Monsters.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Hengband Monsters            (monster.txt)
+    (b) Monster Symbols              (monster.txt#MonsterSymbols)
+    (c) Monster Color                (monster.txt#MonsterColors)
+    (d) Monster Memory               (monster.txt#MonsterMemory)
+    (e) Unique Monsters              (monster.txt#Uniques)
+    (f) Eldritch Horrors             (monster.txt#EldritchHorror)
+    (g) Pets and Riding              (monster.txt#Pets)
+    (h) Friendly Monsters            (monster.txt#Friendly)
+    (?) Help System Commands         (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] monster.txt
+***** [b] monster.txt#MonsterSymbols
+***** [c] monster.txt#MonsterColors
+***** [d] monster.txt#MonsterMemory
+***** [e] monster.txt#Uniques
+***** [f] monster.txt#EldritchHorror
+***** [g] monster.txt#Pets
+***** [h] monster.txt#Friendly

Modified: trunk/lib/help/monster.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/monster.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/monster.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,351 +1,351 @@
-=== Hengband Monsters ===
-There are hundreds of different creatures in Hengband each of which
-poses a unique challenge to the adventurer. As you progress deeper into
-the dungeon, the creatures will become progressively more difficult to
-***** <MonsterSymbols>
-=== Monster Symbols ===
-Many monsters have the same letter symbol and sometimes color on the
-screen. The exact species or type of creature can be discovered by
-'l'ooking at it (see commdesc.txt#Looking [b]). 
-  a   Giant Ant                       A   Angelic being
-  b   Giant Bat                       B   Bird
-  c   Giant Centipede                 C   Canine
-  d   Dragon                          D   Ancient Dragon
-  e   Floating Eye                    E   Elemental
-  f   Feline                          F   Dragon Fly
-  g   Golem                           G   Ghost
-  h   Humanoids                       H   Hybrid
-  i   Icky-Thing                      I   Insect
-  j   Jelly                           J   Snake
-  k   Kobold                          K   Killer Beetle
-  l   Aquatic monster                 L   Lich
-  m   Mold                            M   Multi-Headed Hydra
-  n   Naga                            N   Shadower
-  o   Orc                             O   Ogre
-  p   Human                           P   Giant Human(oid)
-  q   Quadruped                       Q   Quylthulg
-  r   Rodent                          R   Reptile/Amphibian
-  s   Skeleton                        S   Spider/Scorpion/Tick
-  t   Townsperson                     T   Troll
-  u   Minor demon                     U   Major demon
-  v   Vortex                          V   Vampire
-  w   Worm or Worm Mass               W   Wight/Wraith
-  x   (unused)                        X   Xorn/Xaren
-  y   Yeek                            Y   Yeti
-  z   Zombie/Mummy                    Z   Zephyr Hound
-  $   Creeping Coins                  ,   Mushroom Patch
-  #   Ent, Huorn, Fumes
-Note that some monsters disguise themselves by assuming the shape (ie.
-symbol) of common objects found in the dungeon. These include the
-|, ), ?, !, &, =, #, $ and * symbols.
-***** <MonsterColors>
-=== Monster Colors ===
-You can often determine some information about a monster based solely
-on the color it is described as having, like 'a White Dragon'. In
-general, 'White' monsters are cold-based, 'Red' are fire-based, 'Blue'
-are electrical, 'Black' are acidic, and 'Green' are poisonous and a
-'Multi-Hued' monster is all of these. By being cold-based, we mean that
-the monster has either melee, magical or breath attacks that are cold
-Unfortunately this rule is applied somewhat inconsistently and there
-are several notable exceptions so don't be surprised if that 'Green'
-monster spits acid at you. Note that this rule cannot be applied to the
-actual color a creature is displayed as but only to a color in its
-Other color and attack-type relationships are 'Bronze' and confusion
-and 'Gold' and sound. Over time the inconsistencies referred to above
-will probably get cleaned up.
-***** <MonsterMemory>
-=== Monster Memories ===
-Because there are so many monsters and because often different monsters
-share similar colors and symbols; it is very difficult to keep track of
-the capabilities of various creatures. Luckily, Hengband automatically
-keeps track of your experiences with a particular creature.
-This feature is called the monster memory. Your monster memory recalls
-the particular attacks of each creature (whether or not technically a
-monster) which you have suffered, as well as recalling if you have
-observed them to multiply or move erratically, or drop treasure, etc.
-Similarly if you attack a creature with a magical attack and it resists,
-that fact is noted. 
-If you have killed enough of a particular creature, or suffered enough
-attacks, recalling the monster memory may also provide you with
-information not otherwise available, such as an armor class or hit dice.
-These are not explained, but may be useful to give the relative danger
-of each creature.
-Your monster memory may be accessed by pressing '/' and then entering
-the symbol you wish to research. Each monster with that symbol of which
-you have some knowledge will displayed in turn beginning with the
-deepest. Alternatively, you may enter targeting mode by pressing '*'
-and, with the cursor over the creature in question, press 'r' to
-recall details.
-The best feature about your monster memory is that it can be passed on
-to a new character even after you die by means of a reduced save file.
-Simply use your old savefile as the base for creating your new
-***** <Uniques>
-=== Unique Monsters ===
-The monsters in Hengband are unique in that each variety of monsters
-has its own set of physical and, where applicable, magical abilities.
-However, some monsters in Hengband are truly unique and this group
-of monsters are often referred to as "Uniques".
-The Unique monsters are made unique for several reasons. Primarily,
-their name derives from the fact that unlike regular monsters which
-can appear numerous times during the course of a game, the Unique
-monsters will never be regenerated once they have been killed and
-the game will never generate two copies of the same Unique monster
-at a time so that effectively there is only one of each Unique
-Unique monsters are typically based on a normal monster. For example,
-Tom the Stone Troll is based on the Stone Troll monster. However,
-Unique monsters usually have more hitpoints, hit harder and cast
-spells more effectively than the monster on which they are based.
-Unique monsters are often a different color from other monsters of
-their type to allow the player to more easily distinguish them but
-this is not always true.
---- Uniques' Resistance to Magic ---
-Unique monsters tend to be more resistant to magic than the other
-dungeon inhabitants. Thus, slowing, confusing, sleeping and scaring
-will be less effective and may not work at all. In addition, Genocide
-and Mass-Genocide spells will never work on Uniques and *Destruction*
-will teleport them from a level but will not kill them.
---- Keeping Track of Uniques ---
-Since Unique monsters are often very difficult to defeat, most
-players will attempt to kill them all before attempting to battle
-the Serpent of Chaos (itself a Unique monster). This avoids the
-need to battle two very difficult opponents at the same time.
-Each time your character happens upon a new Unique, this is
-recorded in your monster memory. Under the knowledge command ('~')
-is a menu item which allows you to look at which Uniques you have
-met and which of these have been defeated. It is a good idea to
-check this periodically to gauge your progress.
---- Speaking Uniques ---
-Occasionally, you will find that a Unique monster will speak to you
-as it approaches. Typically, a monster will shout obscenities and
-challenges to combat but they may also refer to events relating to
-themselves. Hengband has no mechanism to allow you to respond to the
-monsters (other than with violence). You may prevent Unique monsters
-from speaking by changing the appropriate option under the options
---- Rewards for Killing Uniques ---
-You may also find that occasionally after killing a Unique monster
-that the game will tell you that the Unique was wanted. And you will
-be rewarded for killing it when you take the Unique's corpse to the
-Hunter's office at the Outpost. The amount of the reward is dependent
-upon how deep in the dungeon the relevant Unique is normally found.
-***** <EldritchHorror>
-=== Eldritch Horrors ===
-Some of the monsters in the dungeons of Hengband are so fearsome to
-look upon that doing so can have serious repercussions. When you meet
-one of these sanity blasting monsters, one of several nasty things
-may happen to you. These include having your intelligence and/or your
-wisdom temporarily reduced, becoming scared or confused, or suffering
-an attack of amnesia.
-***** <Pets>
-=== Pets and Riding ===
-In Hengband, pets are very useful.  In other variants (such as
-Zangband), your pets are often so eager to destroy your opponents that
-they may forget all about you, and you get trampled under their feet
-as they charge at your foe.  In Hengband, however, pets will never
-attack you by mistake; you can walk around in safety even as your pet
-Great Hell Wyrm breaths.  Pets will also never be irritated with you;
-their will is perfectly dominated by you, and all pets are permanently
-your pets.
-One might think that they can make the game much easier.  It is of
-course highly satisfying to send your pet Great Hell Wyrm into a Troll
-pit and wait outside listening for the howls of agony and terror, the
-sounds of guts splattering, bones crunching and so on.  But one should
-not expect to gain any experience and item drops for such a combat:
-you will only gain experience and items for creatures to whom you
-deliver the death blow yourself.
-Monsters which get killed by a pet don't drop items.  This feature of
-Hengband is unique and severe, and you might complain about it because
-this feature is not very realistic, but this is a well-thought-out
-result of weighing game balance with reality.
-Finally, it takes a lot of mental energy to maintain your control over
-charmed monsters, and start taxing your mana regain rate.  The higher
-the sum of the levels of your pets the less mana you will be able to
-regain.  And after the upkeep became more then 100% mana, you begin to
-lose mana rather than regain.  Keep this in mind if you have a pet
-which can summon or otherwise produce more pets...
---- Obtaining a pet ---
-You may obtain pets in several different ways. Some magic realms offer
-the ability to summon pets magically or to charm the creatures you
-meet. Mindcrafters may 'dominate' their opponents. Chaos patrons may
-grant pets as a gift to their devotees. Magical figurines can be thrown
-to create a pet and wands of charm monster may be used as their name
-The Capture Ball is very useful tool and any player can use it. You
-can easily get this tool at a General Store. To use it, you must wield
-it on your hand, then 'A'ctivate it, and choose a target monster to
-capture the monster. And then you can 'A'ctivate it again to release
-the monster as your pet.
-Hostile monsters will attempt to resist from capturing. You must make
-the monster critically injured status before capture. BeastMasters are 
-very good at using Capture Balls, and these limitation are relaxed for 
---- Commanding Your Pets ---
-Your pets are fairly well trained and will respond to a variety of
-commands such as following you closely, staying nearby and searching
-out your enemies. You can command your pets using the pet command menu
-which can be found be pressing 'p'.
-List of pet commands:
-dismiss pets
-    Dismiss specified pets. Dismissed pets will immediately disappear
-    from the current level. Hengband asks you whether you want to dismiss
-    each pet in order from high level named pets to low level unnamed
-    pets. You can press 'U' to dismiss all unnamed pets.
-specify a target of pet
-    Choose a target monster, then all your pets will begin to chase
-    the target.
-stay close
-    Command your pets to slay as close as they can.
-follow me
-    Command your pets to keep some distance to you.
-seek and destroy
-    Command your pets to chase monsters near you.
-give me space
-    Command your pets to go away from your line of sight.
-stay away
-    Command your pets to go away as far as they can.
-pets open doors
-    Toggle permission of pets to open doors.
-pets pick up items
-    Toggle permission of pets to pick up items.
-allow teleport
-    Toggle permission of pets to cast teleport spell and teleport away
-    spell.
-allow cast attack spell
-    Toggle permission of pets to use attack spells and breath.
-allow cast summon spell
-    Toggle permission of pets to cast summoning spells.
-allow involve player in area spell
-    Toggle permission of pets to use ball spells or breath involving
-    player in the area of effect.
-ride a pet
-    Ride on a specified pet.
-get off a pet
-    Get off from a riding pet.
-name pets
-    Specify a target pet and name it.
-use both hands for a weapon.
-use one hand to control a riding pet
-    Toggle use of your left hand when you are riding. You can wield a
-    weapon two-handed for maximum damage in melee, and command the
-    riding pet to chase your target using the 'specify a target of
-    pet' command.
---- Riding ---
-In Hengband, the player can ride on pet horses or dragons, etc.  To
-control your mount, you must keep one hand free for holding the
-reins. But your pet will attack your target together with you, and
-enemy's attack will be dispersed. As a result of these, player's
-damage in combat will get reduced in total.
-The most important feature of riding is speed. When you are riding on 
-a pet, your speed doesn't depend on your original speed but depends 
-only on the speed of your mount and your skill at riding. Quaffing a 
-potion of speed has no effect on your mount's speed, but throwing it 
-at a wall will hasten your pet if it is nearby. You can use a wand or 
-a spell of haste monster too.
-Note that your proficiency level for riding is very low at first (see
-'e' Miscellaneous Proficiency' using the information command '~'). When
-your proficiency level is low, you cannot make good use of riding, and
-your speed is also very low. You need to practice riding to gain the full
-speed of the creature you ride. Proficiency level will increase a little 
-when you attack in melee or shoot with missile weapon when riding.  Ride 
-on low level creatures at first, and then switch to higher level mounts
-little by little.
-***** <Friendly>
-=== Friendly Monsters ===
-You will occasionally find a monster in the dungeon that isn't out to
-get you. Such monsters are described in game messages as being
-'friendly'. A friendly monster will not attempt to hurt you but neither
-will it necessarily attack your enemies.
-Unlike pets, if you annoy a friendly monster it will turn against you.
-Like pets, any monsters a friendly monster summons will also be
-friendly. Unlike pets, friendly monsters require no mana upkeep and can
-not be commanded using the pet commands.
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] commdesc.txt#Looking
+=== Hengband Monsters ===
+There are hundreds of different creatures in Hengband each of which
+poses a unique challenge to the adventurer. As you progress deeper into
+the dungeon, the creatures will become progressively more difficult to
+***** <MonsterSymbols>
+=== Monster Symbols ===
+Many monsters have the same letter symbol and sometimes color on the
+screen. The exact species or type of creature can be discovered by
+'l'ooking at it (see commdesc.txt#Looking [b]). 
+  a   Giant Ant                       A   Angelic being
+  b   Giant Bat                       B   Bird
+  c   Giant Centipede                 C   Canine
+  d   Dragon                          D   Ancient Dragon
+  e   Floating Eye                    E   Elemental
+  f   Feline                          F   Dragon Fly
+  g   Golem                           G   Ghost
+  h   Humanoids                       H   Hybrid
+  i   Icky-Thing                      I   Insect
+  j   Jelly                           J   Snake
+  k   Kobold                          K   Killer Beetle
+  l   Aquatic monster                 L   Lich
+  m   Mold                            M   Multi-Headed Hydra
+  n   Naga                            N   Shadower
+  o   Orc                             O   Ogre
+  p   Human                           P   Giant Human(oid)
+  q   Quadruped                       Q   Quylthulg
+  r   Rodent                          R   Reptile/Amphibian
+  s   Skeleton                        S   Spider/Scorpion/Tick
+  t   Townsperson                     T   Troll
+  u   Minor demon                     U   Major demon
+  v   Vortex                          V   Vampire
+  w   Worm or Worm Mass               W   Wight/Wraith
+  x   (unused)                        X   Xorn/Xaren
+  y   Yeek                            Y   Yeti
+  z   Zombie/Mummy                    Z   Zephyr Hound
+  $   Creeping Coins                  ,   Mushroom Patch
+  #   Ent, Huorn, Fumes
+Note that some monsters disguise themselves by assuming the shape (ie.
+symbol) of common objects found in the dungeon. These include the
+|, ), ?, !, &, =, #, $ and * symbols.
+***** <MonsterColors>
+=== Monster Colors ===
+You can often determine some information about a monster based solely
+on the color it is described as having, like 'a White Dragon'. In
+general, 'White' monsters are cold-based, 'Red' are fire-based, 'Blue'
+are electrical, 'Black' are acidic, and 'Green' are poisonous and a
+'Multi-Hued' monster is all of these. By being cold-based, we mean that
+the monster has either melee, magical or breath attacks that are cold
+Unfortunately this rule is applied somewhat inconsistently and there
+are several notable exceptions so don't be surprised if that 'Green'
+monster spits acid at you. Note that this rule cannot be applied to the
+actual color a creature is displayed as but only to a color in its
+Other color and attack-type relationships are 'Bronze' and confusion
+and 'Gold' and sound. Over time the inconsistencies referred to above
+will probably get cleaned up.
+***** <MonsterMemory>
+=== Monster Memories ===
+Because there are so many monsters and because often different monsters
+share similar colors and symbols; it is very difficult to keep track of
+the capabilities of various creatures. Luckily, Hengband automatically
+keeps track of your experiences with a particular creature.
+This feature is called the monster memory. Your monster memory recalls
+the particular attacks of each creature (whether or not technically a
+monster) which you have suffered, as well as recalling if you have
+observed them to multiply or move erratically, or drop treasure, etc.
+Similarly if you attack a creature with a magical attack and it resists,
+that fact is noted. 
+If you have killed enough of a particular creature, or suffered enough
+attacks, recalling the monster memory may also provide you with
+information not otherwise available, such as an armor class or hit dice.
+These are not explained, but may be useful to give the relative danger
+of each creature.
+Your monster memory may be accessed by pressing '/' and then entering
+the symbol you wish to research. Each monster with that symbol of which
+you have some knowledge will displayed in turn beginning with the
+deepest. Alternatively, you may enter targeting mode by pressing '*'
+and, with the cursor over the creature in question, press 'r' to
+recall details.
+The best feature about your monster memory is that it can be passed on
+to a new character even after you die by means of a reduced save file.
+Simply use your old savefile as the base for creating your new
+***** <Uniques>
+=== Unique Monsters ===
+The monsters in Hengband are unique in that each variety of monsters
+has its own set of physical and, where applicable, magical abilities.
+However, some monsters in Hengband are truly unique and this group
+of monsters are often referred to as "Uniques".
+The Unique monsters are made unique for several reasons. Primarily,
+their name derives from the fact that unlike regular monsters which
+can appear numerous times during the course of a game, the Unique
+monsters will never be regenerated once they have been killed and
+the game will never generate two copies of the same Unique monster
+at a time so that effectively there is only one of each Unique
+Unique monsters are typically based on a normal monster. For example,
+Tom the Stone Troll is based on the Stone Troll monster. However,
+Unique monsters usually have more hitpoints, hit harder and cast
+spells more effectively than the monster on which they are based.
+Unique monsters are often a different color from other monsters of
+their type to allow the player to more easily distinguish them but
+this is not always true.
+--- Uniques' Resistance to Magic ---
+Unique monsters tend to be more resistant to magic than the other
+dungeon inhabitants. Thus, slowing, confusing, sleeping and scaring
+will be less effective and may not work at all. In addition, Genocide
+and Mass-Genocide spells will never work on Uniques and *Destruction*
+will teleport them from a level but will not kill them.
+--- Keeping Track of Uniques ---
+Since Unique monsters are often very difficult to defeat, most
+players will attempt to kill them all before attempting to battle
+the Serpent of Chaos (itself a Unique monster). This avoids the
+need to battle two very difficult opponents at the same time.
+Each time your character happens upon a new Unique, this is
+recorded in your monster memory. Under the knowledge command ('~')
+is a menu item which allows you to look at which Uniques you have
+met and which of these have been defeated. It is a good idea to
+check this periodically to gauge your progress.
+--- Speaking Uniques ---
+Occasionally, you will find that a Unique monster will speak to you
+as it approaches. Typically, a monster will shout obscenities and
+challenges to combat but they may also refer to events relating to
+themselves. Hengband has no mechanism to allow you to respond to the
+monsters (other than with violence). You may prevent Unique monsters
+from speaking by changing the appropriate option under the options
+--- Rewards for Killing Uniques ---
+You may also find that occasionally after killing a Unique monster
+that the game will tell you that the Unique was wanted. And you will
+be rewarded for killing it when you take the Unique's corpse to the
+Hunter's office at the Outpost. The amount of the reward is dependent
+upon how deep in the dungeon the relevant Unique is normally found.
+***** <EldritchHorror>
+=== Eldritch Horrors ===
+Some of the monsters in the dungeons of Hengband are so fearsome to
+look upon that doing so can have serious repercussions. When you meet
+one of these sanity blasting monsters, one of several nasty things
+may happen to you. These include having your intelligence and/or your
+wisdom temporarily reduced, becoming scared or confused, or suffering
+an attack of amnesia.
+***** <Pets>
+=== Pets and Riding ===
+In Hengband, pets are very useful.  In other variants (such as
+Zangband), your pets are often so eager to destroy your opponents that
+they may forget all about you, and you get trampled under their feet
+as they charge at your foe.  In Hengband, however, pets will never
+attack you by mistake; you can walk around in safety even as your pet
+Great Hell Wyrm breaths.  Pets will also never be irritated with you;
+their will is perfectly dominated by you, and all pets are permanently
+your pets.
+One might think that they can make the game much easier.  It is of
+course highly satisfying to send your pet Great Hell Wyrm into a Troll
+pit and wait outside listening for the howls of agony and terror, the
+sounds of guts splattering, bones crunching and so on.  But one should
+not expect to gain any experience and item drops for such a combat:
+you will only gain experience and items for creatures to whom you
+deliver the death blow yourself.
+Monsters which get killed by a pet don't drop items.  This feature of
+Hengband is unique and severe, and you might complain about it because
+this feature is not very realistic, but this is a well-thought-out
+result of weighing game balance with reality.
+Finally, it takes a lot of mental energy to maintain your control over
+charmed monsters, and start taxing your mana regain rate.  The higher
+the sum of the levels of your pets the less mana you will be able to
+regain.  And after the upkeep became more then 100% mana, you begin to
+lose mana rather than regain.  Keep this in mind if you have a pet
+which can summon or otherwise produce more pets...
+--- Obtaining a pet ---
+You may obtain pets in several different ways. Some magic realms offer
+the ability to summon pets magically or to charm the creatures you
+meet. Mindcrafters may 'dominate' their opponents. Chaos patrons may
+grant pets as a gift to their devotees. Magical figurines can be thrown
+to create a pet and wands of charm monster may be used as their name
+The Capture Ball is very useful tool and any player can use it. You
+can easily get this tool at a General Store. To use it, you must wield
+it on your hand, then 'A'ctivate it, and choose a target monster to
+capture the monster. And then you can 'A'ctivate it again to release
+the monster as your pet.
+Hostile monsters will attempt to resist from capturing. You must make
+the monster critically injured status before capture. BeastMasters are 
+very good at using Capture Balls, and these limitation are relaxed for 
+--- Commanding Your Pets ---
+Your pets are fairly well trained and will respond to a variety of
+commands such as following you closely, staying nearby and searching
+out your enemies. You can command your pets using the pet command menu
+which can be found be pressing 'p'.
+List of pet commands:
+dismiss pets
+    Dismiss specified pets. Dismissed pets will immediately disappear
+    from the current level. Hengband asks you whether you want to dismiss
+    each pet in order from high level named pets to low level unnamed
+    pets. You can press 'U' to dismiss all unnamed pets.
+specify a target of pet
+    Choose a target monster, then all your pets will begin to chase
+    the target.
+stay close
+    Command your pets to slay as close as they can.
+follow me
+    Command your pets to keep some distance to you.
+seek and destroy
+    Command your pets to chase monsters near you.
+give me space
+    Command your pets to go away from your line of sight.
+stay away
+    Command your pets to go away as far as they can.
+pets open doors
+    Toggle permission of pets to open doors.
+pets pick up items
+    Toggle permission of pets to pick up items.
+allow teleport
+    Toggle permission of pets to cast teleport spell and teleport away
+    spell.
+allow cast attack spell
+    Toggle permission of pets to use attack spells and breath.
+allow cast summon spell
+    Toggle permission of pets to cast summoning spells.
+allow involve player in area spell
+    Toggle permission of pets to use ball spells or breath involving
+    player in the area of effect.
+ride a pet
+    Ride on a specified pet.
+get off a pet
+    Get off from a riding pet.
+name pets
+    Specify a target pet and name it.
+use both hands for a weapon.
+use one hand to control a riding pet
+    Toggle use of your left hand when you are riding. You can wield a
+    weapon two-handed for maximum damage in melee, and command the
+    riding pet to chase your target using the 'specify a target of
+    pet' command.
+--- Riding ---
+In Hengband, the player can ride on pet horses or dragons, etc.  To
+control your mount, you must keep one hand free for holding the
+reins. But your pet will attack your target together with you, and
+enemy's attack will be dispersed. As a result of these, player's
+damage in combat will get reduced in total.
+The most important feature of riding is speed. When you are riding on 
+a pet, your speed doesn't depend on your original speed but depends 
+only on the speed of your mount and your skill at riding. Quaffing a 
+potion of speed has no effect on your mount's speed, but throwing it 
+at a wall will hasten your pet if it is nearby. You can use a wand or 
+a spell of haste monster too.
+Note that your proficiency level for riding is very low at first (see
+'e' Miscellaneous Proficiency' using the information command '~'). When
+your proficiency level is low, you cannot make good use of riding, and
+your speed is also very low. You need to practice riding to gain the full
+speed of the creature you ride. Proficiency level will increase a little 
+when you attack in melee or shoot with missile weapon when riding.  Ride 
+on low level creatures at first, and then switch to higher level mounts
+little by little.
+***** <Friendly>
+=== Friendly Monsters ===
+You will occasionally find a monster in the dungeon that isn't out to
+get you. Such monsters are described in game messages as being
+'friendly'. A friendly monster will not attempt to hurt you but neither
+will it necessarily attack your enemies.
+Unlike pets, if you annoy a friendly monster it will turn against you.
+Like pets, any monsters a friendly monster summons will also be
+friendly. Unlike pets, friendly monsters require no mana upkeep and can
+not be commanded using the pet commands.
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] commdesc.txt#Looking

Modified: trunk/lib/help/objects.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/objects.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/objects.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-Hengband Objects.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Hengband Objects               (objects.txt)
-    (b) Object Symbols                 (objects.txt#ObjectSymbols)
-    (c) Equipment and Inventory        (objects.txt#EquipInvent)
-    (d) Objects Generation             (objects.txt#Generation)
-    (e) Object Compaction              (objects.txt#Compaction)
-    (f) Cursed Objects                 (objects.txt#CursedObjects)
-    (g) The Ancient and Foul Curse     (objects.txt#AncientCurse)
-    (h) Object Flavors                 (objects.txt#ObjectFlavors)
-    (i) Pseudo-ID                      (objects.txt#PseudoID)
-    (j) Identifying Objects            (objects.txt#Identifying)
-    (k) Ego Objects                    (objects.txt#EgoObjects)
-    (l) Artifacts                      (objects.txt#Artifacts)
-    (m) Random Abilities of Objects    (objects.txt#RandomAbilities)
-    (n) Object Inscriptions            (objects.txt#Inscriptions)
-    (o) Object Types                   (objects.txt#ObjectTypes)
-    (?) Help System Commands           (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] objects.txt
-***** [b] objects.txt#ObjectSymbols
-***** [c] objects.txt#EquipInvent
-***** [d] objects.txt#Generation
-***** [e] objects.txt#Compaction
-***** [f] objects.txt#CursedObjects
-***** [g] objects.txt#AncientCurse
-***** [h] objects.txt#ObjectFlavors
-***** [i] objects.txt#PseudoID
-***** [j] objects.txt#Identifying
-***** [k] objects.txt#EgoObjects
-***** [l] objects.txt#Artifacts
-***** [m] objects.txt#RandomAbilities
-***** [n] objects.txt#Inscriptions
-***** [o] objects.txt#ObjectTypes
+Hengband Objects.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Hengband Objects               (objects.txt)
+    (b) Object Symbols                 (objects.txt#ObjectSymbols)
+    (c) Equipment and Inventory        (objects.txt#EquipInvent)
+    (d) Objects Generation             (objects.txt#Generation)
+    (e) Object Compaction              (objects.txt#Compaction)
+    (f) Cursed Objects                 (objects.txt#CursedObjects)
+    (g) The Ancient and Foul Curse     (objects.txt#AncientCurse)
+    (h) Object Flavors                 (objects.txt#ObjectFlavors)
+    (i) Pseudo-ID                      (objects.txt#PseudoID)
+    (j) Identifying Objects            (objects.txt#Identifying)
+    (k) Ego Objects                    (objects.txt#EgoObjects)
+    (l) Artifacts                      (objects.txt#Artifacts)
+    (m) Random Abilities of Objects    (objects.txt#RandomAbilities)
+    (n) Object Inscriptions            (objects.txt#Inscriptions)
+    (o) Object Types                   (objects.txt#ObjectTypes)
+    (?) Help System Commands           (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] objects.txt
+***** [b] objects.txt#ObjectSymbols
+***** [c] objects.txt#EquipInvent
+***** [d] objects.txt#Generation
+***** [e] objects.txt#Compaction
+***** [f] objects.txt#CursedObjects
+***** [g] objects.txt#AncientCurse
+***** [h] objects.txt#ObjectFlavors
+***** [i] objects.txt#PseudoID
+***** [j] objects.txt#Identifying
+***** [k] objects.txt#EgoObjects
+***** [l] objects.txt#Artifacts
+***** [m] objects.txt#RandomAbilities
+***** [n] objects.txt#Inscriptions
+***** [o] objects.txt#ObjectTypes

Modified: trunk/lib/help/objects.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/objects.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/objects.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,859 +1,859 @@
-=== Hengband Objects ===
-The Hengband dungeons are full of objects and many monsters you meet
-will be carrying one or more items about their person which you may
-retrieve from their corpse should you be skillful enough to defeat
-them. You may pick up objects by moving on top of them. By setting
-various options (see option.txt#UserInterface [b]) you may choose to
-pick up items automatically or to be prompted before picking up
-Many objects found within the dungeon have special commands for their
-use. Wands must be 'a'imed, staves must be 'u'sed, scrolls must be
-'r'ead, and potions must be 'q'uaffed. You may, in general, not only
-use items in your pack, but also items on the ground, if you are
-standing on top of them.
-***** <ObjectSymbols>
-=== Object Symbols ===
-  !   A potion (or flask)             /   A pole-arm
-  ?   A scroll (or book)              |   An edged weapon
-  ,   A mushroom (or food)            \   A hafted weapon
-  -   A wand or rod                   }   A sling, bow, or x-bow
-  _   A staff                         {   A shot, arrow, or bolt
-  =   A ring                          (   Soft armor
-  "   An amulet                       [   Hard armor
-  $   Gold or gems                    ]   Misc. armor
-  ~   Lites, Tools, Chests, etc       )   A shield
-  ~   Junk, Sticks, Skeletons, etc    &   Chests
-  `   Statues or Figurines 
-***** <EquipInvent>
-=== Equipment and Inventory ===
-You can carry up to 23 different objects in your backpack while wearing
-and wielding up to 12 others. Items you wear and wield are referred to
-as your 'equipment' while items contained in your backpack are referred
-to as your 'inventory'. You may view a list of your current inventory
-and equipment at any time by using the 'i' and 'e' commands respectively.
-Although you are limited to 23 different items in your inventory, each
-item may actually be a 'pile' of up to 99 similar items. This allows
-you to carry multiple spell books, rations of food and other essential
-items while not using up all your inventory slots. If you somehow
-manage to stuff 24 items into your pack, for example, by removing an
-item from your head while your pack is full, then your pack will
-'overflow' and the most recently added item will fall out and onto the
-ground. You will be warned about any command that seems likely to
-induce this behavior.
-In addition to the number of different items you may carry, you are
-also limited in the total amount of weight that you can carry. As you
-approach this value, you become slower, making it easier for monsters
-to chase you. Note that there is no upper bound on how much you can
-carry, if you do not mind being slow. The amount you may carry before
-becoming slowed is determined by your strength. For this purpose, the
-weight of both your equipment and your inventory is taken into
-Because of these space and weight constraints, it is important that a
-player learns to manage his inventory efficiently. You must juggle
-carefully the need for carrying essential items such as food, fuel for
-your light source, spellbooks (if applicable), healing items, escaping
-items, and the 101 other things necessary for your survival while at
-the same time maintaining space to carry back treasure from the
-dungeon for sale in the town and ensuring that you do not exceed your
-weight limit. Note that the additional powers and abilities some
-objects can grant the player are only effective when they are wielded.
-A Shield of Resist Acid, for example, will not protect you from the
-effects of acid while it is in your backpack.
-***** <Generation>
-=== Object Generation  ===
-Objects are generated by Hengband when you enter a dungeon level and
-spread liberally around the dungeon floor. They may also be generated
-when a monster is killed (assuming the monster is capable of carrying
-objects). Each object has a 'native' depth or a depth at which it
-begins to be commonly found in the dungeon. It is unusual, though not
-impossible, to find objects significantly shallower in the dungeon than
-their native depths. Note that although items generated on the floor
-may be in 'piles', they will never be in 'stacks'.
-Which items are generated at the creation of the level or by the death
-of a monster is determined by a number of factors including the current
-dungeon level, the monster's native level and the native depth of the
-object being considered for generation. The quality of the object, in
-the case of monster drops, is also affected by the guaranteed quality
-level (if any) of that monster's drop.
-Monster drops are either normal, 'good' or 'great'. While these terms
-generally refer to equipment such as weapons and armor (for example,
-a 'good' drop means that any equipment generated is guaranteed to have
-magical pluses and a 'great' drop means that any equipment generated is
-guaranteed to be either an ego item or an artifact), they also
-encompass certain other objects. For example, Amulets of the Magi, the
-dungeon-only spellbooks and Rings of Speed are all considered as being
-'great' objects and may therefore be dropped by a monster with a
-'great' drop. Note that some monsters may drop treasure rather than
-***** <Compaction>
-=== Object Compaction ===
-Hengband can track a large, but finite, number of objects at any one
-time. If, as you kill monsters, the number of objects dropped together
-with the number of objects already lying on the floor exceeds this
-limit you will be told that the game is 'compacting objects'.
-When Hengband compacts objects it first attempts to combine similar
-objects into piles and, if this does not create sufficient space, will
-delete already existing items to create space for new ones. To the
-extent possible the compacting is performed on objects some distance
-away from the players current position. During compaction, items are
-removed in order of increasing quality with the least useful items
-removed first. Ego items are rarely removed from the level during the
-compaction process while artifacts (see below [d]) are never removed.
-***** <CursedObjects>
-=== Cursed Objects ===
-A goodly percentage of the items generated in the dungeon or dropped by
-monsters will be cursed. Most cursed items will have penalties to
-various things such as your skill and deadliness or your armor class.
-They may also have other undesirable attributes. Shopkeepers will
-refuse to buy cursed items.
-Should you wield a cursed item, you will be prompted by the message
-"Oops, it feels deathly cold!" and the item will be automatically
-inscribed as being {cursed}. Once wielded, a cursed item may not be
-taken off until it has been uncursed. Uncursing an object will allow it
-to be removed but will not remove the negative effects such as the
-penalties mentioned above.
-There are several ways to uncurse objects. The Life realm contains two
-spells (one stronger than the other) for the purpose. There are also
-scrolls that you may find or purchase from the Temple which are similar
-to these prayers in their effect. It is also possible that in the
-course of enchanting an item you may lift a curse as a side-effect the
-enchanting process although this is not guaranteed to happen.
---- The Curses ---
-There are several different types of curse and more than one may be
-present on a single object although this is rare.
-Light Curse
-    A lightly cursed item will typically have penalties to armor class,
-    skill and deadliness, and various other things as appropriate. It
-    may be uncursed reading a Scroll of Remove Curse or by the weaker
-    Life realm prayer.
-Heavy Curse
-    A heavily cursed item will typically have penalties to armor class,
-    skill and deadliness, and various other things as appropriate. It
-    may be uncursed reading a Scroll of *Remove Curse*. or by the
-    stronger Life realm prayer.
-Permanent Curse
-    Items that are permanently cursed may not be uncursed and so may
-    not be removed once worn. You may occasionally find objects that
-    are permanently cursed and which you are tempted to wield. Think
-    carefully before you do so because you probably won't get a chance
-    to change your mind.
-***** <AncientCurse>
-=== The Ancient and Foul Curse ===
-The Ancient and Foul Curse is sometimes referred to incorrectly as 'The
-Curse of Topi Ylinen' after the person who first created it. Unlike the
-other curses discussed above, an object with the Ancient and Foul Curse
-can be removed at any time and as a result you will not get the "Oops,
-it feels deathly cold!" prompt when wielding it (unless, of course, it
-also has one of the other curses in which case both these behaviors
-will be present as a consequence of the secondary curse(s)).
-While the item is wielded, the curse will be randomly invoked every so
-often. When invoked, the curse may have one or more of several possible
-effects in various combinations. Fortunately, some of the worst of such
-combinations such as being paralyzed while Cyberdemons are summoned
-around you are prevented from happening. Some possible effects of the
-curse include: summoning monsters, summoning Cyberdemons, paralyzation
-(even with Free Action), teleporting the player, removing the walls
-around the player, amnesia, decreasing one or more primary stats both
-temporarily and permanently among others.
-Note: Although the Ancient and Foul Curse is primarily found on
-objects, there are a number of other occasions where you might fall
-foul of it. These include as side effects of miss-cast spells, setting
-off certain traps, as a 'reward' from a chaos-warrior's patron and as
-the dying curse of an Amberite.
-***** <ObjectFlavors>
-=== Object Flavors ===
-Some objects (scrolls, potions, wands, rods and staves) are 'flavored
-items'. This means that with each game they are given a random flavor.
-For example, the first time you find a Potion of Heroism it might be
-described as a 'Dark Blue Potion'.  Once you have identified it, the
-potion will be described as a 'Dark Blue Potion of Heroism'. Flavors
-vary from game to game so your next character might discover that that
-same Dark Blue Potion is now something entirely different. This means
-that each new character must set about learning exactly what each
-flavored items is.
-One of the Hengband Options allows the player to switch to 'plain'
-object descriptions which removes the flavored description from known
-flavored items so that the potion above, once identified, would be
-described simply as a 'Potion of Heroism'.
-***** <PseudoID>
-=== Pseudo-ID ===
-Occasionally, as you wander around the dungeon you will sense something
-about the quality of an item or items you are wielding or carrying in
-your backpack. This sensing ability is called 'pseudo-id'. The speed
-and accuracy of your pseudo-id ability depends on a number of factors
-but the primary considerations are your class and level. Pseudo-id
-speed can be 'slow', 'medium' or 'fast'. Pseudo-id method of weapons
-and armors can be 'strong' or 'weak'. Pseudo-id method of others is
-always 'strong'.
-Table 1 - Pseudo-Id ability of the Classes
-                       Weapons and Armors       Others
-    Class              Method     Speed         Speed
-    --------------------------------------------------------
-    Warrior            Strong     Very Fast     Impossible
-    Mage               Weak       Slow          Very Fast
-    Priest             Weak       Very Fast     Fast
-    Rogue              Strong     Fast          Fast
-    Ranger             Strong     Medium        Medium
-    Paladin            Strong     Medium        Slow
-    Warrior-Mage       Weak       Medium        Medium
-    Chaos-Warrior      Strong     Medium        Slow
-    Monk               Weak       Fast          Medium
-    Mindcrafter        Weak       Medium        Fast
-    High-Mage          Weak       Slow          Very Fast
-    Tourist            Strong     Extr. Fast    Extr. Fast
-    Imitator           Weak       Medium        Slow
-    BeastMaster        Weak       Medium        Slow
-    Sorcerer           Weak       Slow          Very Fast
-    Archer             Strong     Very Fast     Impossible
-    Magic-Eater        Weak       Slow          Very Fast
-    Bard               Weak       Very Fast     Fast
-    Red-Mage           Weak       Medium        Medium
-    Samurai            Strong     Very Fast     Impossible
-    ForceTrainer       Weak       Fast          Fast
-    Blue-Mage          Weak       Medium        Very Fast
-    Cavalry            Strong     Very Fast     Impossible
-    Berserker          Strong     Extr. Fast    Impossible
-    Weaponsmith        Strong     Very Fast     Slow
-    Mirror-Master      Weak       Medium        Very Fast
-    Ninja              Strong     Fast          Slow
-    Sniper             Strong     Medium        Impossible
-When you pseudo-id an item, it will be inscribed (see below [e]) with
-the quality level you have determined it to be of. This inscription
-will remain until you identify it (see below [f]) at which time it will
-be removed. The various inscriptions and their meanings are as follows:
-Table 2 - Strong Pseudo-Id
-    Inscription    Meaning
-    -------------------------------------------------
-    terrible       a cursed artifact
-    worthless      a cursed ego item
-    cursed         a cursed item
-    average        an average item
-    good           an enchanted item
-    excellent      a good ego item
-    special        an non-cursed artifact
-Table 3 - Weak Pseudo-Id
-    Inscription    Meaning
-    ------------------------------------------------
-    cursed         a cursed item (includes bad ego
-                   items and artifacts)
-    uncursed       an enchanted item (includes good
-                   ego items and artifacts)
-***** <Identifying>
-=== Identifying Objects ===
-Although each player may, to a lessor or greater extent, rely on their
-pseudo-id ability to ascertain the quality of some items. For the most
-part you will need to identify them before you can ascertain how much
-use they will be to you. There are several methods of identifying items
-available to you. These include Scrolls of Identify and *Identify*,
-Staves and Rods of Perception, spells and prayers and services from
-town buildings among others.
-There is an important difference between 'identify'ing an object and
-'*identify*'ing an object. 'Identify'ing an object will reveal its
-correct description (including ego type where applicable), any plusses
-to combat or armor class and its bonus to stats and abilities (its
-'pval') if it has one. '*Identify*'ing an item will reveal all
-information about an object including its additional fixed and random
-abilities if any. Once *Identified*, you may review the full abilities
-of an object by using the 'I'nspect command.
-Another means of identifying flavored items it to sell them to a shop.
-Having purchased the item, the shopkeeper will inform you what it is
-that you have sold. This can be a useful technique in the early game
-but exposes you to the risk of selling an unidentified item that had
-been generated out of depth and which you might have preferred to keep
-for yourself.
-Note: you will automatically have full knowledge about any item that
-you purchase in the town.
-***** <EgoObjects>
-=== Ego Objects ===
-In addition to the ordinary weapons and armor your character may find
-in the dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers.
-These objects fall into three types: (b) artifacts which are dealt with
-below and can be identified by their name; (c) Ego Weapons which are
-described more fully in Attacking Monsters (see attack.txt#EgoArtifact
-[g]); and (d) Ego Armors which are discussed more fully in Defending
-Yourself (see defend.txt#EgoArtifact [h]).
-Unlike artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each
-game, it is not unusual to find several Ego Weapons or Ego Armor of the
-same type during the course of a character's adventures.
-Note that some Ego Armor types are limited to only certain types of
-armor. For example, you can find a Shield of Elvenkind but not Boots of
-***** <Artifacts>
-=== Artifacts ===
-Of all the objects in Hengband that you might find, by far the most
-important group are artifacts.  Artifacts are unique items with
-additional properties such as increasing or sustaining one or more
-of your stats and granting resistances or abilities. Often an
-artifact can be 'A'ctivated for a magical effect. These can be
-Extremely useful - especially for classes that are weak in magic.
-There are two types of artifacts - fixed and random. The fixed
-artifacts each have entries in the lib/edit/a_info.txt file
-and consequently have a chance of appearing in each game you play.
-On the other hand, random artifacts are created by the game and
-have both random names and random properties. Once created, there
-is only a vanishingly small chance you will ever see one exactly
-the same again.
---- (Non-) Preserve Mode ---
-One important thing to note when considering artifacts is your
-initial choice of (non-)preserve mode. in non-preserve mode, once a
-fixed artifact is generated (either on the dungeon floor or in a
-monster drop), it will never be generated again during that game.
-This means that if you miss the artifact by leaving the level before
-you pick it up it is gone forever. On the other hand, in preserve mode
-this behavior is only exhibited once you have identified the artifact.
-It is therefor safer to leave a level before it is completely explored
-as any fixed artifact can be regenerated in subsequent levels.
---- Special feelings ---
-If you have stayed on the previous level long enough, on entering a
-new level you will receive a 'feeling' which reflects the quality
-of the monsters and objects on the level. Feelings are discussed in
-more detail in the Town and Dungeon section. One possible feeling
-is 'You have a special feeling about this level'. This message is
-only given when playing in non-preserve mode and is an indicator
-that you have either a monster pit, vault or artifact on the level.
-Artifacts always cause special feelings but pits and vaults are
-increasingly less likely to do so as you get deeper in the dungeon.
-At very deep levels, special feelings are almost always artifacts.
-Note: In non-preserve mode, you can still find artifacts on
-levels that did not give a special feeling but these will always
-be the result of a monster dropping them.
---- The '~' Command ---
-By pressing '~' and choosing the option for artifacts, you can see
-what fixed (but not random) artifacts you have found so far. In
-non-preserve mode, this option will also show which fixed (but not
-random) artifacts you have missed. However, in this case, it will
-show nothing about fixed artifacts on the current dungeon level but
-not yet found and as a result is often best used on the town level.
-***** <RandomAbilities>
-=== Random Abilities of Objects ===
-In addition to the ordinary weapons, armor and other equipment your
-character may find in the dungeon, some such items may be endowed with
-additional powers such as sustains, resistances and abilities. Such
-items fall into three categories: (b) artifacts; (c) ego items; and (d)
-ordinary items which grant additional powers. In addition to their
-fixed powers, some of these objects may also be granted an additional
-power (or powers) in a random fashion.
-The random powers of objects may be either guaranteed (so that objects
-of that type will always have an additional random power) or may have a
-varying chance of being granted (so that only some of the objects of
-that type will have an additional random power). A few rare objects
-have the possibility of having multiple random powers. Random powers
-fall into three categories as follows:
-Extra Sustains
-    Sustain Strength
-    Sustain Intelligence
-    Sustain Wisdom
-    Sustain Dexterity
-    Sustain Constitution
-    Sustain Charisma
-Extra Resistances
-    Resist Blindness
-    Resist Confusion
-    Resist Sound
-    Resist Shards
-    Resist Nether
-    Resist Nexus
-    Resist Chaos
-    Resist Disenchantment
-    Resist Poison
-    Resist Light
-    Resist Dark
-Extra Powers
-    Levitation
-    Permanent Light
-    See Invisible
-    Warning
-    Slow Digestion
-    Regeneration
-    Free Action
-    Hold Life
-***** <Inscriptions>
-=== Object Inscriptions ===
-You may "inscribe" any object with a textual inscription of your
-choice. These inscriptions are not limited in length, though you may
-not be able to see the whole inscription on the item. The game applies
-special meaning to inscriptions containing any text of the form "@#" or
-"@x#" or "!x" or "!*" (see command.txt#ObjectSelection [i]) .
-The game provides some "fake" inscriptions to help you keep track of
-your possessions. Wands and staves which are known to be empty will be
-inscribed with "empty". Objects which have been tried at least once but
-haven't been identified yet will be inscribed with "tried". Cursed
-objects are inscribed with "cursed". Broken objects may be inscribed
-with "broken". Also, any item which was purchased at a discount,
-implying that it is slightly "sub-standard", will be inscribed with the
-appropriate "discount", such as "25% off". Note that these inscriptions
-are fake, and cannot be removed, though they can be covered up by a
-real inscription if you so desire. Try "_" as a nice short one.
---- Making use of Inscriptions ---
-Some players use the inscription feature to record useful and/or
-interesting facts about an object such as where and how it was
-acquired or what its abilities and powers are. Hengband have a feature
-to automatically inscribe abilities of items for you.
-In addition to this, inscriptions can be used in far more powerful
-ways. Many commands in Hengband require you to specify an object from
-your inventory such as which potion you wish to 'q'uaff or which staff
-you wish to 'u'se.  Inscriptions offer a powerful way of managing this
-and provide a useful labor saving tool.
-Auto Inscription of Resistances and Powers
-When you inscribe {%all} on an *identified* object, the '%all' will
-automatically transforms and changes into a string which describe its
-resistances and powers.  For example, when you inscribe {%all} on a
-robe of Resistance which has resistance to four elements and an extra
-resistance to Nether, the inscription will change into {AcElFiClNt}.
-The 'Ac' is abbreviation of resistance to ACid, while El, Fi, Cl and
-Nt are resistances to ELectricity, FIre, CoLd and NeTher.
-On the other hand, when you inscribe {%} on an *identified* object,
-the {%} will transform to a string which describes only its extra
-resistances. In the example above, the inscription will become {Nt},
-meaning the extra resistance of Nether.
-***** <AbbrevList>
-List of abbreviations:
-At : extra blows                    Ac : resistance to acid
-Sp : affects speed                  El : resistance to electricity
-St : affects strength               Fi : resistance to fire
-In : affects intelligence           Co : resistance to cold
-Wi : affects wisdom                 Po : resistance to poison
-Dx : affects dexterity              Li : resistance to light
-Cn : affects constitution           Dk : resistance to darkness
-Ch : affects charisma               Sh : resistance to shards
-Md : affects magic devices          Bl : resistance to blindness     
-Sl : affects stealth                Cf : resistance to confusion     
-Sr : affects searching ability      So : resistance to sound         
-If : affects infravision            Nt : resistance to nether        
-Dg : affects tunneling ability      Nx : resistance to nexus         
-*Ac : immune to acid                Ca : resistance to chaos         
-*El : immune to electricity         Di : resistance to disenchantment
-*Fi : immune to fire                Fe : resistance to fear          
-*Co : immune to cold                
-Ma : decreases mana consumption     (F : fiery sheath
-Th : suitable for throwing          (E : electric sheath
-Rf : reflection                     (C : cold sheath
-Fa : free action                    (M : anti-magic shell
-Si : see invisible                  (T : prevent teleportation
-Hl : hold life                      |A : brand acid
-Sd : slow digestion                 |E : brand electricity
-Rg : regeneration                   |F : brand fire
-Lv : levitation                     |Co : brand cold
-Lu : extra light                    |P : brand pois
-Wr : provides warning               |Ca : chaotic effects
-Xm : xtra might when shooting       |V : vampiric weapon
-Xs : xtra number of shots           |Q : weapon of quake
-Te : random teleportaion            |S : vorpal hit
-Ag : aggravate monsters             |M : weapon of the force
-Bs : blessed weapon
-/* : slay evil                      /X* : *slay* evil
-/p : slay human                     /Xp : *slay* human
-/D : slay dragon                    /XD : *slay* dragon
-/o : slay orc                       /Xo : *slay* orc
-/T : slay troll                     /XT : *slay* troll
-/P : slay giant                     /XP : *slay* giant
-/U : slay demon                     /XU : *slay* demon
-/L : slay undead                    /XL : *slay* undead
-/Z : slay animal                    /XZ : *slay* animal
-~Tele : telepathy                   (St : sustain strength
-~Evil : ESP evil                    (In : sustain intelligence
-~Good : ESP good                    (Wi : sustain wisdom
-~Nolv : ESP non-living              (Dx : sustain dexterity
-~p : ESP human                      (Cn : sustain constitution
-~D : ESP dragon                     (Ch : sustain charisma
-~o : ESP orc
-~T : ESP troll
-~P : ESP giant
-~U : ESP demon
-~L : ESP undead
-~Z : ESP animal
-The {@x#} Inscription
-The {@x#} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific
-command and '#' is an object tag (number or alphabet)) is, perhaps the
-most commonly used inscription. When you select command 'x', followed
-by the tag '#', the game searches for an object with the inscription
-{@x#} and performs that command upon it. Thus if the player inscribes
-a Potion of Healing as {@q1}, then pressing 'q1' will quaff it
-automatically. This feature is useful because as items are added or
-removed from your inventory, the actual slot that they are in
-changes. However, the inscription will work regardless of the
-Note that you can inscribe multiple different objects with the same
-inscription {@x#}. If you do so, the command 'x#' will act on the first
-appropriately inscribed object in your inventory list and not on each
-of them.
-Also note that you can place multiple such inscriptions on a single
-object. So that a spell book might be inscribed {@ma @ ba@Ga} since the
-cast spell, browse book, and gain spell commands each require a spell
-book reference as an argument. You can also inscribe the same command
-more than one so that food item might be inscribed {@E1 @ E2}
-Example 1:
-    You have a primary weapon and a shovel. You normally use the
-    weapon but want to use the shovel for mining treasure. Inscribe
-    your primary weapon with {@w0} and your shovel with {@w1}. Then,
-    when you want to wield your shovel, you can press 'w1' and to
-    re-wield your sword you can press 'w0' regardless of where in the
-    inventory they are located at the time.
-    Note: you can also inscribe both weapons with {@w0} and just press
-    'w0' whenever you want to exchange weapon and shovel.
-Example 2:
-    To cast the first spell from your first spell book, you would
-    normally type 'maa' and to cast the first spell from the second
-    book, you would type 'mba'.  However, if your first book is stolen
-    or destroyed, pressing 'mba' would no longer cast the spell you
-    wanted. People often cast the wrong spells in such situation.  To
-    prevent such mistake, you can inscribe your first spellbook with
-    {@ma}, second spellbook with {@mb}, etc.  Cast spells by typing
-    'maa', 'mba', etc.  Even if your other spell books are lost, you
-    will never need to worry about casting the wrong spell.
-Example 3:
-    You are carrying some Rations of Food and some Elvish Waybread.
-    You wish to use up the Rations first before eating the Waybread,
-    but also want to be able to use the healing/curing properties of
-    the Waybread in an emergency. You would inscribe the Rations with
-    {@E1} and the Waybread with {@E1 @ E2}. Since the Rations appear
-    before the Waybread on the inventory listing, typing 'E1' will
-    ensure you eat all the Rations first before touching the Waybread
-    but that you only ever have to press E1 to eat. But, pressing 'E2'
-    will bypass the Rations and jump to the Waybread. Some players also
-    do similar things with cure and healing potions.
-The {@#} Inscription
-The {@#} inscription (where '#' is a number from 0 to 9) is similar to
-the {@x#} inscription, but it works for any command, and any alphabet
-letters cannot be used as a tag.
-The {!x} Inscription
-The {!x} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific
-command) will induce "verification" whenever that object is "selected".
-Thus, inscribing {!v!k!d} on an object will greatly reduce the odds of
-you "losing" it by accident. This is because any attempt to throw it
-('f'), destroy it ('k') or drop it ('d') will prompt Hengband to verify
-whether or not you really wish to take that action.  
-Note that inscribing {!*} on an object will prompt Hengband to verify
-any action thus you allowing you to be very paranoid about the object.
-Also note that "selling" and "dropping" both use the "d" command so
-that inscribing an item with {!d} will also prevent you from selling it
-by accident.
-The {^x} Inscription
-The {^x} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific
-command) will induce verification before taking that action. One
-common example of its usage is to inscribe boots with {^<^>} which will
-verify the user's command to leave the level via the staircases before
-actually doing so.
-The {=g} Inscription
-The {=g} inscription on an object prompts Hengband to automatically
-pick it up. This instruction overrides any auto-pickup options chosen
-chosen by the player (if necessary). The primary purpose is to allow
-easy retrieval of missiles such as arrows and bolts once they have been
-fired at a target.
-The {#anystring} Inscription
-The {#anystring} inscription is used to make an item look like an
-artifact. For example, a Long Sword (2d5) (+10,+10) which is inscribed
-as {#of Hoge} is displayed as 'a Long Sword of Hoge (2d5) (+10,+10)'.
-The {!!} Inscription
-The {!!} Inscription on a rod or artifact tells the game to report you
-when the object is recharged and became activatable again.
-The {.} Inscription
-The {.} Inscription on a equipment which has ability of random
-teleportaion prevents the game from asking you whether you want to
-teleport or not on random chance, and the game automatically decide
-not to teleport.  But the ability of random teleportation has another
-function which allows you to follow a teleporting monster; this
-function will not be disabled.
-The {$} Inscription
-The {$} Inscription on a equipment which has ability of warning
-completely disables the warning ability.
-***** <ObjectTypes>
-=== The Object Types ===
-Ammunition ('{')
-   Ammunition of various types and quality is a frequent find in the
-   dungeon and is usually found in 'piles'. In order to get the full
-   benefit from ammunition it must be 'f'ired from the appropriate
-   missile launcher but me also be thrown. Slings fire pebbles and
-   shots, bows fire arrows and crossbows fire bolts.
-Missile Launchers ('}')
-   There are several types of missile launchers from slings to heavy
-   crossbows. Each type of launcher has its own ammunition (see above).
-   Missile launchers must be 'w'ielded before they can be used and will
-   be placed in the 'b' equipment slot.
-Weapons ('|', '/', '\')
-   There are numerous types of weapons in the dungeons. Each weapon
-   varies in terms of its weight and based damage dice. Weapons must be
-   'w'ielded before they can be used and will be placed in the 'a'
-   equipment slot.
-Armor ('[', '(', ')', ']')
-   Armor may be worn on your body (the 'g' equipment slot), cloaks may
-   worn about your body (the 'h' equipment slot), shields may be worn
-   on your arm (the 'i' equipment slot), head gear (caps, helms and
-   crowns) are worn on your head (the 'j' equipment slot), gloves and
-   gauntlets and cesti are worn on your hands (the 'k' equipment slot)
-   and boots are worn on your feet (the 'l' equipment slot). Armor of
-   any kind must be 'w'ielded before it can be used. 
-   worn on your
-Amulets ('"')
-   Amulets are flavored items and are worn around your neck (the 'e'
-   equipment slot) and must be 'w'ielded before they can be used.
-Rings ('=')
-   Rings are flavored items. You may wear one ring each of your left
-   and your right hand (the 'c' and 'd' equipment slot) and must be
-   'w'ielded before they can be used.
-Scrolls ('?')
-    Scrolls are flavored items which must be 'r'ead to benefit from
-    their effect. Most scrolls serve utility purposes.
-Potions ('!')
-    Potions are flavored items and must be 'q'uaffed before they have
-    an effect on you. Some potions may be thrown at monsters and will
-    have an effect on them when the potion shatters. Similarly, you may
-    occasionally be carrying a potion which shatters during combat and
-    thus spreading its effects on the monsters around you.
-Food (',')
-    Various food items are scattered throughout the dungeons and must
-    be 'E'aten for the player to gain nutritional value. If you do not
-    eat regularly you will become hungry and then weak. Eventually, you
-    will begin to faint from hunger and will finally die of starvation.
-    Note: undead races gain little or no nutritional value from food
-    and must therefore obtain nourishment in some other manner.
-Mushrooms (',')
-    Mushrooms are a flavored food item that grant nutritional value and
-    also have a magical effect on the player. As you might expect, not
-    all of these are beneficial. They must be 'E'aten.
-    Note: undead races will get little or no nutritional value from
-    eating mushrooms but will experience any magical effects.
-Wands ('-')
-    Wands are flavored, magical devices containing a finite number of
-    'charges'. Each charge represents a single use of the wand and
-    using the wand reduces the number of charges available by one. Once
-    empty, the wand must be 'recharged' before it can be used again. In
-    general, wands will fire a bolt, beam or ball rather than have an
-    area affect. Wands do not normally affect the player directly and
-    are generally useful for attacking purposes. Wands must be 'a'imed
-    and most wands will require a target.
-Staffs ('_')
-    Staves are a flavored item and are made of various types of wood.
-    Like wands, they contain a limited number of charges and must be
-    recharged when empty. In general, staves have an area affect or
-    act on the player. Unlike wands, few staves may be used directly
-    for offense. Staves must be 'u'sed and do not require a target.
-Rods ('-')
-    Rods are similar to both wands and staves in that many magical
-    effects available from wands and staves are also available from
-    rods. The main difference is that a rod carries a single charge but
-    over time will recharge itself. Typically, the better the rod, the
-    longer it will take to recharge itself. This means you have an
-    unlimited supply of the magical effect but can only use it
-    infrequently compared to a wand or staff which can be used each
-    turn until it is empty. Rods must be 'z'apped and many rods will
-    require a target.
-Spellbooks ('?')
-    There are four spell books for each of the magic realms and which
-    are found either in the shops or at varying depths in the dungeons.
-    If you are a spellcaster, you may 'b'rowse any book which belonging
-    to your chosen realm(s) to see what spells it contains. You may not
-    browse books from realms other than those that your character has
-    chosen. You may learn new spells with the 'g' command and cast them
-    with the '*' command.
-Chests ('&')
-    Chests are complex objects, containing traps, locks, and possibly
-    treasure or other objects inside them once they are opened. Many of
-    the commands that apply to traps or doors also apply to chests and,
-    like traps and doors, these commands do not work if you are
-    carrying the chest.
-Magical Figurines ('`')
-    A figurine is a small. magical replica of a monster from the
-    dungeon. When a figurine is thrown, a pet of the figurine's monster
-    type will be generated.
-Statues (''')
-    Statues made of various materials can be found throughout the
-    dungeon. Unlike figurines, they have no magical attributes but may
-    be worth selling depending upon the material from which they are
-    made.
-Corpses ('~')
-    You may sometimes find the corpses and skeletons of monsters and
-    other adventurers that have died in the dungeons. 
-Various Junk ('~')
-    Like any dungeon, you should expect to find various junk items like
-    broken sticks, empty bottles, etc. lying around. While most of this
-    junk is useless, iron spikes can be used to 'j'am doors to prevent
-    a monster from chasing you.
-Light Sources ('~')
-    Various light sources and their fuel may also be found in the
-    dungeon. You may refill your light source if you are carrying the
-    appropriate items by using the 'F' command. Lanterns can be filled
-    with flasks of oil and torches combined with other torches.
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.3.0
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] option.txt#UserInterface
-***** [d] objects.txt#Artifacts
-***** [e] objects.txt#Inscriptions
-***** [f] objects.txt#Identifying
-***** [g] attack.txt#EgoArtifact
-***** [h] defend.txt#EgoArtifact
-***** [i] command.txt#ObjectSelection
+=== Hengband Objects ===
+The Hengband dungeons are full of objects and many monsters you meet
+will be carrying one or more items about their person which you may
+retrieve from their corpse should you be skillful enough to defeat
+them. You may pick up objects by moving on top of them. By setting
+various options (see option.txt#UserInterface [b]) you may choose to
+pick up items automatically or to be prompted before picking up
+Many objects found within the dungeon have special commands for their
+use. Wands must be 'a'imed, staves must be 'u'sed, scrolls must be
+'r'ead, and potions must be 'q'uaffed. You may, in general, not only
+use items in your pack, but also items on the ground, if you are
+standing on top of them.
+***** <ObjectSymbols>
+=== Object Symbols ===
+  !   A potion (or flask)             /   A pole-arm
+  ?   A scroll (or book)              |   An edged weapon
+  ,   A mushroom (or food)            \   A hafted weapon
+  -   A wand or rod                   }   A sling, bow, or x-bow
+  _   A staff                         {   A shot, arrow, or bolt
+  =   A ring                          (   Soft armor
+  "   An amulet                       [   Hard armor
+  $   Gold or gems                    ]   Misc. armor
+  ~   Lites, Tools, Chests, etc       )   A shield
+  ~   Junk, Sticks, Skeletons, etc    &   Chests
+  `   Statues or Figurines 
+***** <EquipInvent>
+=== Equipment and Inventory ===
+You can carry up to 23 different objects in your backpack while wearing
+and wielding up to 12 others. Items you wear and wield are referred to
+as your 'equipment' while items contained in your backpack are referred
+to as your 'inventory'. You may view a list of your current inventory
+and equipment at any time by using the 'i' and 'e' commands respectively.
+Although you are limited to 23 different items in your inventory, each
+item may actually be a 'pile' of up to 99 similar items. This allows
+you to carry multiple spell books, rations of food and other essential
+items while not using up all your inventory slots. If you somehow
+manage to stuff 24 items into your pack, for example, by removing an
+item from your head while your pack is full, then your pack will
+'overflow' and the most recently added item will fall out and onto the
+ground. You will be warned about any command that seems likely to
+induce this behavior.
+In addition to the number of different items you may carry, you are
+also limited in the total amount of weight that you can carry. As you
+approach this value, you become slower, making it easier for monsters
+to chase you. Note that there is no upper bound on how much you can
+carry, if you do not mind being slow. The amount you may carry before
+becoming slowed is determined by your strength. For this purpose, the
+weight of both your equipment and your inventory is taken into
+Because of these space and weight constraints, it is important that a
+player learns to manage his inventory efficiently. You must juggle
+carefully the need for carrying essential items such as food, fuel for
+your light source, spellbooks (if applicable), healing items, escaping
+items, and the 101 other things necessary for your survival while at
+the same time maintaining space to carry back treasure from the
+dungeon for sale in the town and ensuring that you do not exceed your
+weight limit. Note that the additional powers and abilities some
+objects can grant the player are only effective when they are wielded.
+A Shield of Resist Acid, for example, will not protect you from the
+effects of acid while it is in your backpack.
+***** <Generation>
+=== Object Generation  ===
+Objects are generated by Hengband when you enter a dungeon level and
+spread liberally around the dungeon floor. They may also be generated
+when a monster is killed (assuming the monster is capable of carrying
+objects). Each object has a 'native' depth or a depth at which it
+begins to be commonly found in the dungeon. It is unusual, though not
+impossible, to find objects significantly shallower in the dungeon than
+their native depths. Note that although items generated on the floor
+may be in 'piles', they will never be in 'stacks'.
+Which items are generated at the creation of the level or by the death
+of a monster is determined by a number of factors including the current
+dungeon level, the monster's native level and the native depth of the
+object being considered for generation. The quality of the object, in
+the case of monster drops, is also affected by the guaranteed quality
+level (if any) of that monster's drop.
+Monster drops are either normal, 'good' or 'great'. While these terms
+generally refer to equipment such as weapons and armor (for example,
+a 'good' drop means that any equipment generated is guaranteed to have
+magical pluses and a 'great' drop means that any equipment generated is
+guaranteed to be either an ego item or an artifact), they also
+encompass certain other objects. For example, Amulets of the Magi, the
+dungeon-only spellbooks and Rings of Speed are all considered as being
+'great' objects and may therefore be dropped by a monster with a
+'great' drop. Note that some monsters may drop treasure rather than
+***** <Compaction>
+=== Object Compaction ===
+Hengband can track a large, but finite, number of objects at any one
+time. If, as you kill monsters, the number of objects dropped together
+with the number of objects already lying on the floor exceeds this
+limit you will be told that the game is 'compacting objects'.
+When Hengband compacts objects it first attempts to combine similar
+objects into piles and, if this does not create sufficient space, will
+delete already existing items to create space for new ones. To the
+extent possible the compacting is performed on objects some distance
+away from the players current position. During compaction, items are
+removed in order of increasing quality with the least useful items
+removed first. Ego items are rarely removed from the level during the
+compaction process while artifacts (see below [d]) are never removed.
+***** <CursedObjects>
+=== Cursed Objects ===
+A goodly percentage of the items generated in the dungeon or dropped by
+monsters will be cursed. Most cursed items will have penalties to
+various things such as your skill and deadliness or your armor class.
+They may also have other undesirable attributes. Shopkeepers will
+refuse to buy cursed items.
+Should you wield a cursed item, you will be prompted by the message
+"Oops, it feels deathly cold!" and the item will be automatically
+inscribed as being {cursed}. Once wielded, a cursed item may not be
+taken off until it has been uncursed. Uncursing an object will allow it
+to be removed but will not remove the negative effects such as the
+penalties mentioned above.
+There are several ways to uncurse objects. The Life realm contains two
+spells (one stronger than the other) for the purpose. There are also
+scrolls that you may find or purchase from the Temple which are similar
+to these prayers in their effect. It is also possible that in the
+course of enchanting an item you may lift a curse as a side-effect the
+enchanting process although this is not guaranteed to happen.
+--- The Curses ---
+There are several different types of curse and more than one may be
+present on a single object although this is rare.
+Light Curse
+    A lightly cursed item will typically have penalties to armor class,
+    skill and deadliness, and various other things as appropriate. It
+    may be uncursed reading a Scroll of Remove Curse or by the weaker
+    Life realm prayer.
+Heavy Curse
+    A heavily cursed item will typically have penalties to armor class,
+    skill and deadliness, and various other things as appropriate. It
+    may be uncursed reading a Scroll of *Remove Curse*. or by the
+    stronger Life realm prayer.
+Permanent Curse
+    Items that are permanently cursed may not be uncursed and so may
+    not be removed once worn. You may occasionally find objects that
+    are permanently cursed and which you are tempted to wield. Think
+    carefully before you do so because you probably won't get a chance
+    to change your mind.
+***** <AncientCurse>
+=== The Ancient and Foul Curse ===
+The Ancient and Foul Curse is sometimes referred to incorrectly as 'The
+Curse of Topi Ylinen' after the person who first created it. Unlike the
+other curses discussed above, an object with the Ancient and Foul Curse
+can be removed at any time and as a result you will not get the "Oops,
+it feels deathly cold!" prompt when wielding it (unless, of course, it
+also has one of the other curses in which case both these behaviors
+will be present as a consequence of the secondary curse(s)).
+While the item is wielded, the curse will be randomly invoked every so
+often. When invoked, the curse may have one or more of several possible
+effects in various combinations. Fortunately, some of the worst of such
+combinations such as being paralyzed while Cyberdemons are summoned
+around you are prevented from happening. Some possible effects of the
+curse include: summoning monsters, summoning Cyberdemons, paralyzation
+(even with Free Action), teleporting the player, removing the walls
+around the player, amnesia, decreasing one or more primary stats both
+temporarily and permanently among others.
+Note: Although the Ancient and Foul Curse is primarily found on
+objects, there are a number of other occasions where you might fall
+foul of it. These include as side effects of miss-cast spells, setting
+off certain traps, as a 'reward' from a chaos-warrior's patron and as
+the dying curse of an Amberite.
+***** <ObjectFlavors>
+=== Object Flavors ===
+Some objects (scrolls, potions, wands, rods and staves) are 'flavored
+items'. This means that with each game they are given a random flavor.
+For example, the first time you find a Potion of Heroism it might be
+described as a 'Dark Blue Potion'.  Once you have identified it, the
+potion will be described as a 'Dark Blue Potion of Heroism'. Flavors
+vary from game to game so your next character might discover that that
+same Dark Blue Potion is now something entirely different. This means
+that each new character must set about learning exactly what each
+flavored items is.
+One of the Hengband Options allows the player to switch to 'plain'
+object descriptions which removes the flavored description from known
+flavored items so that the potion above, once identified, would be
+described simply as a 'Potion of Heroism'.
+***** <PseudoID>
+=== Pseudo-ID ===
+Occasionally, as you wander around the dungeon you will sense something
+about the quality of an item or items you are wielding or carrying in
+your backpack. This sensing ability is called 'pseudo-id'. The speed
+and accuracy of your pseudo-id ability depends on a number of factors
+but the primary considerations are your class and level. Pseudo-id
+speed can be 'slow', 'medium' or 'fast'. Pseudo-id method of weapons
+and armors can be 'strong' or 'weak'. Pseudo-id method of others is
+always 'strong'.
+Table 1 - Pseudo-Id ability of the Classes
+                       Weapons and Armors       Others
+    Class              Method     Speed         Speed
+    --------------------------------------------------------
+    Warrior            Strong     Very Fast     Impossible
+    Mage               Weak       Slow          Very Fast
+    Priest             Weak       Very Fast     Fast
+    Rogue              Strong     Fast          Fast
+    Ranger             Strong     Medium        Medium
+    Paladin            Strong     Medium        Slow
+    Warrior-Mage       Weak       Medium        Medium
+    Chaos-Warrior      Strong     Medium        Slow
+    Monk               Weak       Fast          Medium
+    Mindcrafter        Weak       Medium        Fast
+    High-Mage          Weak       Slow          Very Fast
+    Tourist            Strong     Extr. Fast    Extr. Fast
+    Imitator           Weak       Medium        Slow
+    BeastMaster        Weak       Medium        Slow
+    Sorcerer           Weak       Slow          Very Fast
+    Archer             Strong     Very Fast     Impossible
+    Magic-Eater        Weak       Slow          Very Fast
+    Bard               Weak       Very Fast     Fast
+    Red-Mage           Weak       Medium        Medium
+    Samurai            Strong     Very Fast     Impossible
+    ForceTrainer       Weak       Fast          Fast
+    Blue-Mage          Weak       Medium        Very Fast
+    Cavalry            Strong     Very Fast     Impossible
+    Berserker          Strong     Extr. Fast    Impossible
+    Weaponsmith        Strong     Very Fast     Slow
+    Mirror-Master      Weak       Medium        Very Fast
+    Ninja              Strong     Fast          Slow
+    Sniper             Strong     Medium        Impossible
+When you pseudo-id an item, it will be inscribed (see below [e]) with
+the quality level you have determined it to be of. This inscription
+will remain until you identify it (see below [f]) at which time it will
+be removed. The various inscriptions and their meanings are as follows:
+Table 2 - Strong Pseudo-Id
+    Inscription    Meaning
+    -------------------------------------------------
+    terrible       a cursed artifact
+    worthless      a cursed ego item
+    cursed         a cursed item
+    average        an average item
+    good           an enchanted item
+    excellent      a good ego item
+    special        an non-cursed artifact
+Table 3 - Weak Pseudo-Id
+    Inscription    Meaning
+    ------------------------------------------------
+    cursed         a cursed item (includes bad ego
+                   items and artifacts)
+    uncursed       an enchanted item (includes good
+                   ego items and artifacts)
+***** <Identifying>
+=== Identifying Objects ===
+Although each player may, to a lessor or greater extent, rely on their
+pseudo-id ability to ascertain the quality of some items. For the most
+part you will need to identify them before you can ascertain how much
+use they will be to you. There are several methods of identifying items
+available to you. These include Scrolls of Identify and *Identify*,
+Staves and Rods of Perception, spells and prayers and services from
+town buildings among others.
+There is an important difference between 'identify'ing an object and
+'*identify*'ing an object. 'Identify'ing an object will reveal its
+correct description (including ego type where applicable), any plusses
+to combat or armor class and its bonus to stats and abilities (its
+'pval') if it has one. '*Identify*'ing an item will reveal all
+information about an object including its additional fixed and random
+abilities if any. Once *Identified*, you may review the full abilities
+of an object by using the 'I'nspect command.
+Another means of identifying flavored items it to sell them to a shop.
+Having purchased the item, the shopkeeper will inform you what it is
+that you have sold. This can be a useful technique in the early game
+but exposes you to the risk of selling an unidentified item that had
+been generated out of depth and which you might have preferred to keep
+for yourself.
+Note: you will automatically have full knowledge about any item that
+you purchase in the town.
+***** <EgoObjects>
+=== Ego Objects ===
+In addition to the ordinary weapons and armor your character may find
+in the dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers.
+These objects fall into three types: (b) artifacts which are dealt with
+below and can be identified by their name; (c) Ego Weapons which are
+described more fully in Attacking Monsters (see attack.txt#EgoArtifact
+[g]); and (d) Ego Armors which are discussed more fully in Defending
+Yourself (see defend.txt#EgoArtifact [h]).
+Unlike artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each
+game, it is not unusual to find several Ego Weapons or Ego Armor of the
+same type during the course of a character's adventures.
+Note that some Ego Armor types are limited to only certain types of
+armor. For example, you can find a Shield of Elvenkind but not Boots of
+***** <Artifacts>
+=== Artifacts ===
+Of all the objects in Hengband that you might find, by far the most
+important group are artifacts.  Artifacts are unique items with
+additional properties such as increasing or sustaining one or more
+of your stats and granting resistances or abilities. Often an
+artifact can be 'A'ctivated for a magical effect. These can be
+Extremely useful - especially for classes that are weak in magic.
+There are two types of artifacts - fixed and random. The fixed
+artifacts each have entries in the lib/edit/a_info.txt file
+and consequently have a chance of appearing in each game you play.
+On the other hand, random artifacts are created by the game and
+have both random names and random properties. Once created, there
+is only a vanishingly small chance you will ever see one exactly
+the same again.
+--- (Non-) Preserve Mode ---
+One important thing to note when considering artifacts is your
+initial choice of (non-)preserve mode. in non-preserve mode, once a
+fixed artifact is generated (either on the dungeon floor or in a
+monster drop), it will never be generated again during that game.
+This means that if you miss the artifact by leaving the level before
+you pick it up it is gone forever. On the other hand, in preserve mode
+this behavior is only exhibited once you have identified the artifact.
+It is therefor safer to leave a level before it is completely explored
+as any fixed artifact can be regenerated in subsequent levels.
+--- Special feelings ---
+If you have stayed on the previous level long enough, on entering a
+new level you will receive a 'feeling' which reflects the quality
+of the monsters and objects on the level. Feelings are discussed in
+more detail in the Town and Dungeon section. One possible feeling
+is 'You have a special feeling about this level'. This message is
+only given when playing in non-preserve mode and is an indicator
+that you have either a monster pit, vault or artifact on the level.
+Artifacts always cause special feelings but pits and vaults are
+increasingly less likely to do so as you get deeper in the dungeon.
+At very deep levels, special feelings are almost always artifacts.
+Note: In non-preserve mode, you can still find artifacts on
+levels that did not give a special feeling but these will always
+be the result of a monster dropping them.
+--- The '~' Command ---
+By pressing '~' and choosing the option for artifacts, you can see
+what fixed (but not random) artifacts you have found so far. In
+non-preserve mode, this option will also show which fixed (but not
+random) artifacts you have missed. However, in this case, it will
+show nothing about fixed artifacts on the current dungeon level but
+not yet found and as a result is often best used on the town level.
+***** <RandomAbilities>
+=== Random Abilities of Objects ===
+In addition to the ordinary weapons, armor and other equipment your
+character may find in the dungeon, some such items may be endowed with
+additional powers such as sustains, resistances and abilities. Such
+items fall into three categories: (b) artifacts; (c) ego items; and (d)
+ordinary items which grant additional powers. In addition to their
+fixed powers, some of these objects may also be granted an additional
+power (or powers) in a random fashion.
+The random powers of objects may be either guaranteed (so that objects
+of that type will always have an additional random power) or may have a
+varying chance of being granted (so that only some of the objects of
+that type will have an additional random power). A few rare objects
+have the possibility of having multiple random powers. Random powers
+fall into three categories as follows:
+Extra Sustains
+    Sustain Strength
+    Sustain Intelligence
+    Sustain Wisdom
+    Sustain Dexterity
+    Sustain Constitution
+    Sustain Charisma
+Extra Resistances
+    Resist Blindness
+    Resist Confusion
+    Resist Sound
+    Resist Shards
+    Resist Nether
+    Resist Nexus
+    Resist Chaos
+    Resist Disenchantment
+    Resist Poison
+    Resist Light
+    Resist Dark
+Extra Powers
+    Levitation
+    Permanent Light
+    See Invisible
+    Warning
+    Slow Digestion
+    Regeneration
+    Free Action
+    Hold Life
+***** <Inscriptions>
+=== Object Inscriptions ===
+You may "inscribe" any object with a textual inscription of your
+choice. These inscriptions are not limited in length, though you may
+not be able to see the whole inscription on the item. The game applies
+special meaning to inscriptions containing any text of the form "@#" or
+"@x#" or "!x" or "!*" (see command.txt#ObjectSelection [i]) .
+The game provides some "fake" inscriptions to help you keep track of
+your possessions. Wands and staves which are known to be empty will be
+inscribed with "empty". Objects which have been tried at least once but
+haven't been identified yet will be inscribed with "tried". Cursed
+objects are inscribed with "cursed". Broken objects may be inscribed
+with "broken". Also, any item which was purchased at a discount,
+implying that it is slightly "sub-standard", will be inscribed with the
+appropriate "discount", such as "25% off". Note that these inscriptions
+are fake, and cannot be removed, though they can be covered up by a
+real inscription if you so desire. Try "_" as a nice short one.
+--- Making use of Inscriptions ---
+Some players use the inscription feature to record useful and/or
+interesting facts about an object such as where and how it was
+acquired or what its abilities and powers are. Hengband have a feature
+to automatically inscribe abilities of items for you.
+In addition to this, inscriptions can be used in far more powerful
+ways. Many commands in Hengband require you to specify an object from
+your inventory such as which potion you wish to 'q'uaff or which staff
+you wish to 'u'se.  Inscriptions offer a powerful way of managing this
+and provide a useful labor saving tool.
+Auto Inscription of Resistances and Powers
+When you inscribe {%all} on an *identified* object, the '%all' will
+automatically transforms and changes into a string which describe its
+resistances and powers.  For example, when you inscribe {%all} on a
+robe of Resistance which has resistance to four elements and an extra
+resistance to Nether, the inscription will change into {AcElFiClNt}.
+The 'Ac' is abbreviation of resistance to ACid, while El, Fi, Cl and
+Nt are resistances to ELectricity, FIre, CoLd and NeTher.
+On the other hand, when you inscribe {%} on an *identified* object,
+the {%} will transform to a string which describes only its extra
+resistances. In the example above, the inscription will become {Nt},
+meaning the extra resistance of Nether.
+***** <AbbrevList>
+List of abbreviations:
+At : extra blows                    Ac : resistance to acid
+Sp : affects speed                  El : resistance to electricity
+St : affects strength               Fi : resistance to fire
+In : affects intelligence           Co : resistance to cold
+Wi : affects wisdom                 Po : resistance to poison
+Dx : affects dexterity              Li : resistance to light
+Cn : affects constitution           Dk : resistance to darkness
+Ch : affects charisma               Sh : resistance to shards
+Md : affects magic devices          Bl : resistance to blindness     
+Sl : affects stealth                Cf : resistance to confusion     
+Sr : affects searching ability      So : resistance to sound         
+If : affects infravision            Nt : resistance to nether        
+Dg : affects tunneling ability      Nx : resistance to nexus         
+*Ac : immune to acid                Ca : resistance to chaos         
+*El : immune to electricity         Di : resistance to disenchantment
+*Fi : immune to fire                Fe : resistance to fear          
+*Co : immune to cold                
+Ma : decreases mana consumption     (F : fiery sheath
+Th : suitable for throwing          (E : electric sheath
+Rf : reflection                     (C : cold sheath
+Fa : free action                    (M : anti-magic shell
+Si : see invisible                  (T : prevent teleportation
+Hl : hold life                      |A : brand acid
+Sd : slow digestion                 |E : brand electricity
+Rg : regeneration                   |F : brand fire
+Lv : levitation                     |Co : brand cold
+Lu : extra light                    |P : brand pois
+Wr : provides warning               |Ca : chaotic effects
+Xm : xtra might when shooting       |V : vampiric weapon
+Xs : xtra number of shots           |Q : weapon of quake
+Te : random teleportaion            |S : vorpal hit
+Ag : aggravate monsters             |M : weapon of the force
+Bs : blessed weapon
+/* : slay evil                      /X* : *slay* evil
+/p : slay human                     /Xp : *slay* human
+/D : slay dragon                    /XD : *slay* dragon
+/o : slay orc                       /Xo : *slay* orc
+/T : slay troll                     /XT : *slay* troll
+/P : slay giant                     /XP : *slay* giant
+/U : slay demon                     /XU : *slay* demon
+/L : slay undead                    /XL : *slay* undead
+/Z : slay animal                    /XZ : *slay* animal
+~Tele : telepathy                   (St : sustain strength
+~Evil : ESP evil                    (In : sustain intelligence
+~Good : ESP good                    (Wi : sustain wisdom
+~Nolv : ESP non-living              (Dx : sustain dexterity
+~p : ESP human                      (Cn : sustain constitution
+~D : ESP dragon                     (Ch : sustain charisma
+~o : ESP orc
+~T : ESP troll
+~P : ESP giant
+~U : ESP demon
+~L : ESP undead
+~Z : ESP animal
+The {@x#} Inscription
+The {@x#} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific
+command and '#' is an object tag (number or alphabet)) is, perhaps the
+most commonly used inscription. When you select command 'x', followed
+by the tag '#', the game searches for an object with the inscription
+{@x#} and performs that command upon it. Thus if the player inscribes
+a Potion of Healing as {@q1}, then pressing 'q1' will quaff it
+automatically. This feature is useful because as items are added or
+removed from your inventory, the actual slot that they are in
+changes. However, the inscription will work regardless of the
+Note that you can inscribe multiple different objects with the same
+inscription {@x#}. If you do so, the command 'x#' will act on the first
+appropriately inscribed object in your inventory list and not on each
+of them.
+Also note that you can place multiple such inscriptions on a single
+object. So that a spell book might be inscribed {@ma @ ba@Ga} since the
+cast spell, browse book, and gain spell commands each require a spell
+book reference as an argument. You can also inscribe the same command
+more than one so that food item might be inscribed {@E1 @ E2}
+Example 1:
+    You have a primary weapon and a shovel. You normally use the
+    weapon but want to use the shovel for mining treasure. Inscribe
+    your primary weapon with {@w0} and your shovel with {@w1}. Then,
+    when you want to wield your shovel, you can press 'w1' and to
+    re-wield your sword you can press 'w0' regardless of where in the
+    inventory they are located at the time.
+    Note: you can also inscribe both weapons with {@w0} and just press
+    'w0' whenever you want to exchange weapon and shovel.
+Example 2:
+    To cast the first spell from your first spell book, you would
+    normally type 'maa' and to cast the first spell from the second
+    book, you would type 'mba'.  However, if your first book is stolen
+    or destroyed, pressing 'mba' would no longer cast the spell you
+    wanted. People often cast the wrong spells in such situation.  To
+    prevent such mistake, you can inscribe your first spellbook with
+    {@ma}, second spellbook with {@mb}, etc.  Cast spells by typing
+    'maa', 'mba', etc.  Even if your other spell books are lost, you
+    will never need to worry about casting the wrong spell.
+Example 3:
+    You are carrying some Rations of Food and some Elvish Waybread.
+    You wish to use up the Rations first before eating the Waybread,
+    but also want to be able to use the healing/curing properties of
+    the Waybread in an emergency. You would inscribe the Rations with
+    {@E1} and the Waybread with {@E1 @ E2}. Since the Rations appear
+    before the Waybread on the inventory listing, typing 'E1' will
+    ensure you eat all the Rations first before touching the Waybread
+    but that you only ever have to press E1 to eat. But, pressing 'E2'
+    will bypass the Rations and jump to the Waybread. Some players also
+    do similar things with cure and healing potions.
+The {@#} Inscription
+The {@#} inscription (where '#' is a number from 0 to 9) is similar to
+the {@x#} inscription, but it works for any command, and any alphabet
+letters cannot be used as a tag.
+The {!x} Inscription
+The {!x} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific
+command) will induce "verification" whenever that object is "selected".
+Thus, inscribing {!v!k!d} on an object will greatly reduce the odds of
+you "losing" it by accident. This is because any attempt to throw it
+('f'), destroy it ('k') or drop it ('d') will prompt Hengband to verify
+whether or not you really wish to take that action.  
+Note that inscribing {!*} on an object will prompt Hengband to verify
+any action thus you allowing you to be very paranoid about the object.
+Also note that "selling" and "dropping" both use the "d" command so
+that inscribing an item with {!d} will also prevent you from selling it
+by accident.
+The {^x} Inscription
+The {^x} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific
+command) will induce verification before taking that action. One
+common example of its usage is to inscribe boots with {^<^>} which will
+verify the user's command to leave the level via the staircases before
+actually doing so.
+The {=g} Inscription
+The {=g} inscription on an object prompts Hengband to automatically
+pick it up. This instruction overrides any auto-pickup options chosen
+chosen by the player (if necessary). The primary purpose is to allow
+easy retrieval of missiles such as arrows and bolts once they have been
+fired at a target.
+The {#anystring} Inscription
+The {#anystring} inscription is used to make an item look like an
+artifact. For example, a Long Sword (2d5) (+10,+10) which is inscribed
+as {#of Hoge} is displayed as 'a Long Sword of Hoge (2d5) (+10,+10)'.
+The {!!} Inscription
+The {!!} Inscription on a rod or artifact tells the game to report you
+when the object is recharged and became activatable again.
+The {.} Inscription
+The {.} Inscription on a equipment which has ability of random
+teleportaion prevents the game from asking you whether you want to
+teleport or not on random chance, and the game automatically decide
+not to teleport.  But the ability of random teleportation has another
+function which allows you to follow a teleporting monster; this
+function will not be disabled.
+The {$} Inscription
+The {$} Inscription on a equipment which has ability of warning
+completely disables the warning ability.
+***** <ObjectTypes>
+=== The Object Types ===
+Ammunition ('{')
+   Ammunition of various types and quality is a frequent find in the
+   dungeon and is usually found in 'piles'. In order to get the full
+   benefit from ammunition it must be 'f'ired from the appropriate
+   missile launcher but me also be thrown. Slings fire pebbles and
+   shots, bows fire arrows and crossbows fire bolts.
+Missile Launchers ('}')
+   There are several types of missile launchers from slings to heavy
+   crossbows. Each type of launcher has its own ammunition (see above).
+   Missile launchers must be 'w'ielded before they can be used and will
+   be placed in the 'b' equipment slot.
+Weapons ('|', '/', '\')
+   There are numerous types of weapons in the dungeons. Each weapon
+   varies in terms of its weight and based damage dice. Weapons must be
+   'w'ielded before they can be used and will be placed in the 'a'
+   equipment slot.
+Armor ('[', '(', ')', ']')
+   Armor may be worn on your body (the 'g' equipment slot), cloaks may
+   worn about your body (the 'h' equipment slot), shields may be worn
+   on your arm (the 'i' equipment slot), head gear (caps, helms and
+   crowns) are worn on your head (the 'j' equipment slot), gloves and
+   gauntlets and cesti are worn on your hands (the 'k' equipment slot)
+   and boots are worn on your feet (the 'l' equipment slot). Armor of
+   any kind must be 'w'ielded before it can be used. 
+   worn on your
+Amulets ('"')
+   Amulets are flavored items and are worn around your neck (the 'e'
+   equipment slot) and must be 'w'ielded before they can be used.
+Rings ('=')
+   Rings are flavored items. You may wear one ring each of your left
+   and your right hand (the 'c' and 'd' equipment slot) and must be
+   'w'ielded before they can be used.
+Scrolls ('?')
+    Scrolls are flavored items which must be 'r'ead to benefit from
+    their effect. Most scrolls serve utility purposes.
+Potions ('!')
+    Potions are flavored items and must be 'q'uaffed before they have
+    an effect on you. Some potions may be thrown at monsters and will
+    have an effect on them when the potion shatters. Similarly, you may
+    occasionally be carrying a potion which shatters during combat and
+    thus spreading its effects on the monsters around you.
+Food (',')
+    Various food items are scattered throughout the dungeons and must
+    be 'E'aten for the player to gain nutritional value. If you do not
+    eat regularly you will become hungry and then weak. Eventually, you
+    will begin to faint from hunger and will finally die of starvation.
+    Note: undead races gain little or no nutritional value from food
+    and must therefore obtain nourishment in some other manner.
+Mushrooms (',')
+    Mushrooms are a flavored food item that grant nutritional value and
+    also have a magical effect on the player. As you might expect, not
+    all of these are beneficial. They must be 'E'aten.
+    Note: undead races will get little or no nutritional value from
+    eating mushrooms but will experience any magical effects.
+Wands ('-')
+    Wands are flavored, magical devices containing a finite number of
+    'charges'. Each charge represents a single use of the wand and
+    using the wand reduces the number of charges available by one. Once
+    empty, the wand must be 'recharged' before it can be used again. In
+    general, wands will fire a bolt, beam or ball rather than have an
+    area affect. Wands do not normally affect the player directly and
+    are generally useful for attacking purposes. Wands must be 'a'imed
+    and most wands will require a target.
+Staffs ('_')
+    Staves are a flavored item and are made of various types of wood.
+    Like wands, they contain a limited number of charges and must be
+    recharged when empty. In general, staves have an area affect or
+    act on the player. Unlike wands, few staves may be used directly
+    for offense. Staves must be 'u'sed and do not require a target.
+Rods ('-')
+    Rods are similar to both wands and staves in that many magical
+    effects available from wands and staves are also available from
+    rods. The main difference is that a rod carries a single charge but
+    over time will recharge itself. Typically, the better the rod, the
+    longer it will take to recharge itself. This means you have an
+    unlimited supply of the magical effect but can only use it
+    infrequently compared to a wand or staff which can be used each
+    turn until it is empty. Rods must be 'z'apped and many rods will
+    require a target.
+Spellbooks ('?')
+    There are four spell books for each of the magic realms and which
+    are found either in the shops or at varying depths in the dungeons.
+    If you are a spellcaster, you may 'b'rowse any book which belonging
+    to your chosen realm(s) to see what spells it contains. You may not
+    browse books from realms other than those that your character has
+    chosen. You may learn new spells with the 'g' command and cast them
+    with the '*' command.
+Chests ('&')
+    Chests are complex objects, containing traps, locks, and possibly
+    treasure or other objects inside them once they are opened. Many of
+    the commands that apply to traps or doors also apply to chests and,
+    like traps and doors, these commands do not work if you are
+    carrying the chest.
+Magical Figurines ('`')
+    A figurine is a small. magical replica of a monster from the
+    dungeon. When a figurine is thrown, a pet of the figurine's monster
+    type will be generated.
+Statues (''')
+    Statues made of various materials can be found throughout the
+    dungeon. Unlike figurines, they have no magical attributes but may
+    be worth selling depending upon the material from which they are
+    made.
+Corpses ('~')
+    You may sometimes find the corpses and skeletons of monsters and
+    other adventurers that have died in the dungeons. 
+Various Junk ('~')
+    Like any dungeon, you should expect to find various junk items like
+    broken sticks, empty bottles, etc. lying around. While most of this
+    junk is useless, iron spikes can be used to 'j'am doors to prevent
+    a monster from chasing you.
+Light Sources ('~')
+    Various light sources and their fuel may also be found in the
+    dungeon. You may refill your light source if you are carrying the
+    appropriate items by using the 'F' command. Lanterns can be filled
+    with flasks of oil and torches combined with other torches.
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.3.0
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] option.txt#UserInterface
+***** [d] objects.txt#Artifacts
+***** [e] objects.txt#Inscriptions
+***** [f] objects.txt#Identifying
+***** [g] attack.txt#EgoArtifact
+***** [h] defend.txt#EgoArtifact
+***** [i] command.txt#ObjectSelection

Modified: trunk/lib/help/option.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/option.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/option.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-Hengband Options.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) Hengband Options                    (option.txt)
-    (b) Option Set 1 - Input from keyboard  (option.txt#Input)
-    (c) Option Set 2 - Map Screen           (option.txt#MapScreen)
-    (d) Option set 3 - Text Display         (option.txt#TextDisplay)
-    (e) Option Set 4 - Game Play            (option.txt#GamePlay)
-    (f) Option Set 5 - Disturbance          (option.txt#Disturbance)
-    (g) Option set 6 - Easy Auto-Destroyer  (option.txt#AutoDestroyer)
-    (h) Option set R - Play-record          (option.txt#PlayRecord)
-    (i) Option D - Base Delay Factor        (option.txt#BaseDelay)
-    (j) Option H - Hitpoint Warning         (option.txt#Hitpoint)
-    (k) Option A - Autosave Options         (option.txt#Autosave)
-    (l) Option W - Window Flags             (option.txt#Window)
-    (m) Option C - Cheating Options         (option.txt#Cheating)
-    (n) Start-Up Options                    (option.txt#Birth)
-    (?) Help System Commands            (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] option.txt
-***** [b] option.txt#Input
-***** [c] option.txt#MapScreen
-***** [d] option.txt#TextDisplay
-***** [e] option.txt#GamePlay
-***** [f] option.txt#Disturbance
-***** [g] option.txt#AutoDestroyer
-***** [h] option.txt#PlayRecord
-***** [i] option.txt#BaseDelay
-***** [j] option.txt#Hitpoint
-***** [k] option.txt#Autosave
-***** [l] option.txt#Window
-***** [m] option.txt#Cheating
-***** [n] option.txt#Birth
+Hengband Options.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) Hengband Options                    (option.txt)
+    (b) Option Set 1 - Input from keyboard  (option.txt#Input)
+    (c) Option Set 2 - Map Screen           (option.txt#MapScreen)
+    (d) Option set 3 - Text Display         (option.txt#TextDisplay)
+    (e) Option Set 4 - Game Play            (option.txt#GamePlay)
+    (f) Option Set 5 - Disturbance          (option.txt#Disturbance)
+    (g) Option set 6 - Easy Auto-Destroyer  (option.txt#AutoDestroyer)
+    (h) Option set R - Play-record          (option.txt#PlayRecord)
+    (i) Option D - Base Delay Factor        (option.txt#BaseDelay)
+    (j) Option H - Hitpoint Warning         (option.txt#Hitpoint)
+    (k) Option A - Autosave Options         (option.txt#Autosave)
+    (l) Option W - Window Flags             (option.txt#Window)
+    (m) Option C - Cheating Options         (option.txt#Cheating)
+    (n) Start-Up Options                    (option.txt#Birth)
+    (?) Help System Commands            (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] option.txt
+***** [b] option.txt#Input
+***** [c] option.txt#MapScreen
+***** [d] option.txt#TextDisplay
+***** [e] option.txt#GamePlay
+***** [f] option.txt#Disturbance
+***** [g] option.txt#AutoDestroyer
+***** [h] option.txt#PlayRecord
+***** [i] option.txt#BaseDelay
+***** [j] option.txt#Hitpoint
+***** [k] option.txt#Autosave
+***** [l] option.txt#Window
+***** [m] option.txt#Cheating
+***** [n] option.txt#Birth

Modified: trunk/lib/help/option.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/option.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/option.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,965 +1,965 @@
-=== Options and Effects ===
-Most of the "options" are accessible through the '=' command, which
-provides an interface to the various "sets" of options available to the
-In the descriptions below, each option is listed as the textual summary
-which is shown on the "options" screen, plus the internal name of the
-option in brackets, followed by a textual description of the option.
-Note that the internal name of the option can be used in user pref
-files to force the option to a given setting (see "command.txt" for
-more info).
-Various concepts are mentioned in the descriptions below, including
-"disturb", (cancel any running, resting, or repeated commands, which
-are in progress), "flush" (forget any keypresses waiting in the keypress
-queue, including any macros in progress), "fresh" (dump any pending
-output to the screen).
-***** <Input>
-=== Option Set 1 -- Input from keyboard ===
-***** <rogue_like_commands>
-Rogue-like commands    [rogue_like_commands]
-    Selects the "roguelike" command set (see "command.txt" for info).
-***** <always_pickup>
-Pick things up by default    [always_pickup]
-    Tells the game that walking onto an item should attempt to pick it
-    up. Otherwise, you must use the "g" command, or the "-" command
-    while walking. Combined with "carry_query_flag", allows you to
-    selectively pick up all items which you step on.
-***** <carry_query_flag>
-Prompt before picking things up    [carry_query_flag]
-    Forces the game to ask you if you want to pick something up when
-    you do something that would normally cause the item to be picked
-    up.
-***** <quick_messages>
-Activate quick messages    [quick_messages]
-    Allows the use of any keypress as a response to the "-more-" prompt
-    (useful for monster farming). Allows most keys to mean "no" to any
-    "[y/n]" prompt.
-***** <auto_more>
-Automatically clear '-more-' prompts    [auto_more]
-    The game does not wait for a keypress when it comes to a -more-
-    prompt, but carries on going.
-***** <command_menu>
-Enable command selection menu    [command_menu]
-***** <other_query_flag>
-Prompt for floor item selection    [other_query_flag]
-    Forces the game to ask you before select an item on floor.
-***** <use_old_target>
-Use old target by default    [use_old_target]
-    Forces all commands which normally ask for a "direction" to use the
-    current "target" if there is one. Use of this option can be
-    dangerous if you target locations on the ground, unless you clear
-    them when done.
-***** <always_repeat>
-Repeat obvious commands    [always_repeat]
-    Tells the game that when you attempt to "open" a door or chest,
-    "bash" a door, "tunnel" through walls, or "disarm" traps or chests,
-    that you wish to "repeat" the command 99 times (see "command.txt").
-***** <confirm_destroy>
-Prompt for destruction of known worthless items    [confirm_destroy]
-    Normally, no confirmation will be asked if you attempt to destroy
-    an object which you know to be worthless.  If this option is set,
-    the Destroy command always asks for confirmation.
-***** <confirm_wear>
-Confirm to wear/wield known cursed items    [confirm_wear]
-    Some players may occasionally, due to a typing mistake, find
-    themselves wearing an item which they knew was cursed. If this
-    option is set, you should be safe from such typing mistakes: you
-    will be prompted if you attempt to wear or wield an item if your
-    character knows it is cursed.
-***** <confirm_quest>
-Prompt before exiting a quest level    [confirm_quest]
-    In the dungeon, you can freely climb up/down stairs and can return
-    to former floors normally.  But in some quest level, including the
-    random quest, you can not return once you escaped from the level.
-    If this option is set, the program asks for confirmation before
-    you go up the stairs from such quest levels.
-***** <target_pet>
-Allow targetting pets    [target_pet]
-    Normally, the program doesn't automatically choose pets as target
-    in the targeting mode of attack spells. If this option is set, the
-    program always chooses every monster in sight as target.
-***** <easy_open>
-Automatically open doors    [easy_open]
-    Makes it easy for your character to open a door: simply by walking
-    into it! Also the open command will automatically select one
-    direction if only one door is near you.
-***** <easy_disarm>
-Automatically disarm traps    [easy_disarm]
-    Makes it easy for your character disarms a trap: simply by walking into
-    it! Also the disarm command will automatically select one direction
-    if only one known trap is near you.
-***** <easy_floor>
-Display floor stacks in a list    [easy_floor]
-    Lets you select an item from a stack on the floor by browsing a
-    list.  Also the look command will describe floor stack as "You see
-    a stack of n items.", when there is more than one item on a floor
-    grid, and display a list of items when you press 'x' at that time.
-***** <use_command>
-Allow unified use command    [use_command]
-    Unifies the item commands like "zap a rod", "use a staff", "eat
-    food", "aim a wand", ... into a general "use object" command. The
-    command in the original keymap is "u", and "a" in the roguelike
-    mode. The standard commands for eat, quaff, read, zap, aim, ... are
-    still available, but can be used for macros.
-***** <over_exert>
-Allow casting spells when short of mana    [over_exert]
-    Normally, Hengband restricts you from casting spells when you don't
-    have enough mana.  If this option is set, the program allow you to
-    cast spells at such dangerous situation.
-***** <numpad_as_cursorkey>
-Use numpad keys as cursor keys in editor mode    [numpad_as_cursorkey]
-    This option makes numpad keys work as cursor movement keys while
-    text editing mode.  Which include auto-picker editor, inputing an
-    inscription, a macro action, and etc.
-***** <MapScreen>
-=== Option set 2 -- Map Screen ===
-***** <center_player>
-Center map while walking (*slow*)    [center_player]
-     The map always centers on the player with this option on. With it off, it
-     is divided into 25 sections, with coordinates (0,0) to (4,4), and will 
-     show one section at a time.
-***** <center_running>
-Centering even while running    [center_running]
-     Normally, the map does not center on the player if the player
-     moves with the "run" command, only when the running finishes.  If
-     this option is set, the map always centers on the player.
-***** <view_yellow_lite>
-Use special colors for torch-lit grids    [view_yellow_lite]
-    This option causes special colors to be used for "torch-lit" grids
-    in certain situations (see the entries for"view_granite_lite" and
-    "view_special_lite"). Turning this option off will slightly improve
-    game speed.
-***** <view_bright_lite>
-Use special colors for 'viewable' grids    [view_bright_lite]
-    This option causes special colors to be used for non "viewable"
-    grids in certain situations (see "view_granite_lite" and
-    "view_special_lite"). When this option is set, floor grids which
-    are normally drawn in "white" but which are not currently
-    "viewable" by the player are instead drawn in "dark gray". This
-    makes the "viewable" grids to appear "brighter" than the others,
-    allowing the player to easily determine which floor grids are in
-    "line of sight". Turning this option off will probably increase the
-    speed of the game.
-***** <view_granite_lite>
-Use special colors for wall grids (slow)    [view_granite_lite]
-    This option activates a special color scheme for all "wall" grids
-    which are normally drawn in "white" (as walls and rubble normally
-    are). When the player is blind, we use "dark gray", else if the
-    grid is torch-lit, we use "yellow" (or "white") depending on the
-    "view_yellow_lite" option, else if the "view_bright_lite" option
-    is set, and the grid is not in line of sight, or the grid is dark,
-    or the grid is only "partially" lit, then we use "gray", otherwise
-    we use the normal "white". Turning this option off will probably
-    increase the speed of the game.  This option may not work well if
-    the attr/char codes for walls/veins have been changed.
-***** <view_special_lite>
-Use special colors for floor grids (slow)    [view_special_lite]
-    This option activates a special color scheme for all "floor" grids
-    which are normally drawn in "white" (as they normally are). When
-    the player is blind, we use "dark gray", else if the grid is
-    torch-lit, we use "yellow" (or "white") depending on the
-    "view_yellow_lite" option, else if the grid is "dark", we use
-    "dark gray", else if the "view_bright_lite" option is set, and the
-    grid is not in line of sight, we use "gray", otherwise we use the
-    normal "white". Turning this option off will probably increase the
-    speed of the game.  This option may not work well if the attr/char
-    codes for walls/veins have been changed
-***** <view_perma_grids>
-Map remembers all perma-lit grids    [view_perma_grids]
-    Memorize all perma-lit floor grids which are seen by the player.
-    This option allows you to keep track of which explored floor grids
-    were perma-lit, but does not distinguish between dark floor grids,
-    unexplored floor grids, and unknown grids.  Turning off this option
-    allows the player to always know which lit floor grids are in line
-    of sight, but this is better accomplished by the "view_bright_lite"
-    option.  Note that any non-floor grids which is seen by the player
-    are always memorized, and "object" which is seen by the player is
-    memorized independently from the memorization of the grid itself.
-***** <view_torch_grids>
-Map remembers all torch-lit grids    [view_torch_grids]
-    Memorize all (torch-lit) floor grids which are seen by the player.
-    This option not only allows you to keep track of which floor grids
-    have been explored, but also which ones are "dark", because the use
-    of this option activates a special "color scheme" for the display
-    of floor grids, in which "dark" grids are drawn in "dark gray",
-    "lit" grids are drawn in "white", and (if the "view_bright_lite"
-    option is set) "lit" grids which are also in line of sight are
-    drawn in "orange". Note that grids which are currently "torch-lit"
-    are considered to be "lit", and are thus drawn in "white", unless
-    the "view_yellow_lite" option is set, in which case they are drawn
-    in "yellow".
-***** <view_unsafe_grids>
-Map marked by detect traps    [view_unsafe_grids]
-    Unknown grids that have not been traversed previously, or had a
-    detect trap spell cast on them are marked with a grey 'x'. This
-    allows you to determine where in the dungeon you have cast detect
-    traps, but does not ensure that grids not marked with a grey 'x'
-    are trap free. This option has no effect on surface grids, but
-    outdoor locations cannot be trapped.
-***** <view_reduce_view>
-Reduce view-radius in town    [view_reduce_view]
-    Reduce the "radius" of the player's "view" by half when the player
-    is in town.  This makes running faster in town, and also allows the
-    player to ignore monsters in town which are more than ten grids
-    away, which is usually safe, since none have distance attacks.
-***** <fresh_before>
-Flush output while continuous command    [fresh_before]
-    This option forces the game to flush all output before every
-    command. This will give you maximal information, but may slow down
-    the game somewhat. Note that this option is only useful when using
-    macros, resting, running, or repeating commands, since the output
-    is always flushed when the game is waiting for a keypress from the
-    user.
-***** <fresh_after>
-Flush output after monster's move    [fresh_after]
-    This option forces the game to flush all output after not only
-    every player command, but also after every round of processing
-    monsters and objects, which will give you maximal information, but
-    may slow down the game a lot, especially on slower machines, and on
-    faster machines you normally do not have a chance to see the
-    results anyway.
-***** <fresh_message>
-Flush output after every message    [fresh_message]
-    This option forces the game to flush all output after every message
-    displayed by the game.  This will give you maximal information, but
-    may slow down the game somewhat.
-***** <hilite_player>
-Hilite the player with the cursor    [hilite_player]
-    Place the visible cursor on the player. This looks fine on some
-    Unix machines, but horrible on most graphics machines. Note that
-    only some machines are able to *not* show the cursor, but on those
-    machines, hiding the cursor often speeds up the game and looks
-    better.
-***** <display_path>
-Display actual path before shooting    [display_path]
-    When this option is set, the targeting mode will show path from
-    you to current target point continuously.
-***** <TextDisplay>
-=== Option set 3 -- Text Display ===
-***** <plain_descriptions>
-Plain object descriptions    [plain_descriptions]
-    This option disables "full" names for identified 'flavored'
-    objects, in other words, if this option is not in use, an
-    identified Potion of Speed could be listed (for example) as a Blue
-    Potion of Speed. If you prefer simpler, less verbose descriptions,
-    set this option.
-***** <always_show_list>
-Always show list when choosing items    [always_show_list]
-    When this option is set, all commands which lets you to choose an
-    item from inventory or equipment list will automatically show list
-    when activated.
-***** <depth_in_feet>
-Show dungeon level in feet    [depth_in_feet]
-    Display the dungeon depth in "feet" instead of as an actual level.
-    This also affects the monster memory display.
-***** <show_labels>
-Show labels in object listings    [show_labels]
-    Display the "labels" for objects in the "equipment" list, and in
-    any "special" window which is displaying the "equipment". These
-    labels indicate what the player is "using" the object for, such as
-    "wielding" or "wearing" (in a given location). After you have
-    played for a while, this information is no longer useful, and can
-    be annoying.
-***** <show_weights>
-Show weights in object listings    [show_weights]
-    Display the weights of objects in the "inventory" and "equipment"
-    lists, and in "stores", and in any "special" window which is
-    displaying any of these lists.
-***** <show_item_graph>
-Show items graphics    [show_item_graph]
-    Displays small icons of the items in your "inventory" list,
-    "equipment" list and "stores".
-***** <equippy_chars>
-Display 'equippy' chars    [equippy_chars]
-    This option will show you a graphical representation of your worn
-    equipment on the main screen.  The 'equippy' chars will use the
-    standard symbols of the respective items.
-***** <display_mutations>
-Display mutations in 'C'haracter Display    [display_mutations]
-    Normally, if your character has gained mutations, they will be
-    displayed in an extra 'h' mode window under the 'C'haracter
-    Description command. Some players may wish to view mutations only
-    via the knowledge command ('~' or '|') and do not want any extra
-    screens in the Character Description: they should set this option.
-***** <compress_savefile>
-Compress messages in savefiles    [compress_savefile]
-    Compress the savefile, by only saving the most recent "messages"
-    that the player has received. This can cut the size of the savefile
-    by a drastic amount, but will result in the loss of message
-    information.
-***** [b] objects.txt#AbbrevList
-***** <abbrev_extra>
-Describe obj's extra resistances by abbreviation  [abbrev_extra]
-    When an *identified* equipment is displayed, an abbreviation
-    string for the object's extra resitances and extra abilities are
-    added as fake inscriptions of the object.
-    A word "EXTRA" means that the ability must not be obvious from the
-    objects name.  For example, a pair of boots of Levitation
-    sometimes has EXTRA shard resistance.  But fire resistance of an
-    armor of Resist Fire is not an EXTRA resistance.
-    The list of abbreviations for each resistances and abilities are
-    described in (objects.txt#AbbrevList [b])
-***** <abbrev_all>
-Describe obj's all resistances by abbreviation  [abbrev_all]
-    When an *identified* equipment is displayed, an abbreviation
-    string for all the object's resitances and abilities are added as
-    fake inscriptions of the object.
-    The list of abbreviations for each resistances and abilities are
-    described in (objects.txt#AbbrevList [b])
-***** <exp_need>
-Show the experience needed for the next level    [exp_need]
-    Setting this option to yes alters the display of experience on the
-    left of the main screen to the experience needed to reach the next
-    character level, instead of the character's current total
-    experience.
-***** <GamePlay>
-=== Option set 4 -- Game playing ===
-***** <stack_force_notes>
-Merge inscriptions when stacking    [stack_force_notes]
-    Force otherwise identical objects to merge, even if one has an
-    empty inscription and the other does not. The resulting stack keeps
-    the non-empty inscription.
-***** <stack_force_costs>
-Merge discounts when stacking    [stack_force_costs]
-    Force otherwise identical objects to merge, even if they have
-    different discounts. The resulting stack keeps the largest
-    discount. This option may cause you to lose "value", but will give
-    you optimal pack usage.
-***** <expand_list>
-Expand the power of the list commands    [expand_list]
-    Expand the "listing" commands so that they "wrap" at the "edges" of
-    the appropriate list.  This allows the "look" and "target" commands
-    to "cycle" through all appropriate grids forever, and the "identify
-    symbol" to browse through all of the monsters of a given type.
-***** <small_levels>
-Allow unusually small dungeon levels    [small_levels]
-    This option enables the creation of levels of varying sizes. Levels
-    that are as small as the town level (i.e. 1 'screen') are possible,
-    yet they can be dangerous, especially for a low level character.
-    Note that this option has the side effect of enabling / disabling
-    'destroyed' levels (they are enabled if small levels are).
-***** <always_small_levels>
-Always create unusually small dungeon levels    [always_small_levels]
-    If this option is enabled, then every level will be smaller than
-    usual. See the 'Allow unusually small dungeon levels' option
-    above. In the 'Yeek cave', this option is always enabled.
-***** <empty_levels>
-Allow empty 'arena' levels    [empty_levels]
-    Normal dungeon levels consist mostly of rock. If this option is in
-    use, levels which have empty floor instead of solid rock may also 
-    be created (somewhat reminiscent of Nethack's "big-room" levels). 
-    These levels can be extremely deadly, especially with breathing
-    monsters (since there are few obstructions to shield). Arena levels
-    may have vaults, nests and pits in them like normal levels. Some
-    arena levels are dark when they are created, but most are lit.
-***** <bound_walls_perm>
-Boundary walls become 'permanent wall'  [bound_walls_perm]
-    If this option is set, boundaries of dungeon floors will
-    explicitly look like permanent walls.  If unset, those will look
-    like normal walls, but still behave as permanent walls.
-***** <last_words>
-Leave last words when your character dies    [last_words]
-    Display a random line from the "death.txt" file when your
-    character dies and then allow you to rewrite this last words. If
-    this option is not selected, the "You die." message is displayed
-    instead.
-***** <send_score>
-Send score dump to the world score server    [send_score]
-    If this option is set, Hengband will allow you to send the score
-    record of your character to the world score board on the Internet
-    when your character dies.
-***** <allow_debug_opts>
-Allow use of debug/cheat options  [allow_debug_opts]
-    Since use of debug command(^A), wizard mode(^W), and Cheating
-    options ('C' in options panel) mark the player as "Cheater" who
-    can't register their score, these debug/cheat options are
-    forbidden to use on default.  The allow_debug_opts option removes
-    these restrictions, and allow the player to become "Cheater".
-***** <Disturbance>
-=== Option set 5 -- Disturbance ===
-***** <find_ignore_stairs>
-Run past stairs    [find_ignore_stairs]
-    Ignore stairs when running.
-***** <find_ignore_doors>
-Run through open doors    [find_ignore_doors]
-    Ignore open doors when running.
-***** <find_cut>
-Run past known corners    [find_cut]
-    Cut sharply around "known" corners when running. This will result
-    in "faster" running, but may cause you to run into a "lurking"
-    monster.
-***** <check_abort>
-Check for user abort while continuous command    [check_abort]
-    Avoid checking to see if the user has pressed a key during resting
-    or running or repeated commands.  This not only makes the game much
-    more efficient (on many systems), but also allows the use of
-    certain obscure macro sequences, such as turning this option on,
-    resting until done, turning this option off, and casting a spell.
-    Note that the use of this option may be dangerous on certain
-    "graphic" machines. Resting for long periods of time with this
-    option set is dangerous since the resting may not stop until the
-    user takes damage from starvation.
-***** <flush_failure>
-Flush input on various failures    [flush_failure]
-    This option forces the game to flush all pending input whenever
-    various "failures" occur, such as failure to cast a spell, failure
-    to use a wand, etc. This is very useful if you use macros which
-    include "directional" components with commands that can fail, since
-    it will prevent you from walking towards monsters when your spells
-    fail.
-***** <flush_disturb>
-Flush input whenever disturbed    [flush_disturb]
-    This option forces the game to flush all pending input whenever
-    the character is "disturbed". This is useful if you use macros
-    which take time, since it will prevent you from continuing your
-    macro while being attacked by a monster.
-***** <disturb_move>
-Disturb whenever any monster moves    [disturb_move]
-    Disturb the player when any monster moves, appears, or disappears.
-    This includes monsters which are only visible due to telepathy, so
-    you should probably turn this option off if you want to "rest" near
-    such monsters.
-***** <disturb_high>
-Disturb whenever high-level monster moves    [disturb_high]
-    Disturb the player when any monster whose level is higher than the
-    player moves, appears, or disappears.  This includes monsters
-    which are only visible due to telepathy.
-***** <disturb_near>
-Disturb whenever viewable monster moves    [disturb_near]
-    Disturb the player when any viewable monster moves, whenever any
-    monster becomes viewable for the first time, and also whenever any
-    viewable monster becomes no longer viewable. This option ignores
-    the existence of "telepathy" for the purpose of determining whether
-    a monster is "viewable". See also the "view_reduce_view" option.
-***** <disturb_pets>
-Disturb when visible pets move    [disturb_pets]
-    The player may wish that some of the disturbance options do not
-    apply to pets: for example, it can be annoying if your rest is
-    always disturbed by a pet dog who pops in every now and then. By
-    default, pets do not disturb you even if full monster disturbance
-    options are set. If you want your pets to disturb you like normal
-    monsters, set this option.
-***** <disturb_panel>
-Disturb whenever map panel changes    [disturb_panel]
-    This option causes you to be disturbed by the screen "scrolling",
-    as it does when you get close to the "edge" of the screen.
-***** <disturb_state>
-Disturb whenever player state changes    [disturb_state]
-    This option causes you to be disturbed whenever the player state
-    changes, including changes in hunger, resistance, confusion, etc.
-***** <disturb_minor>
-Disturb whenever boring things happen    [disturb_minor]
-    This option causes you to be disturbed by various bring things,
-    including monsters bashing down doors, inventory feelings, and
-    beginning to run out of fuel.
-***** <ring_bell>
-Audible bell (on errors, etc)    [ring_bell]
-    Attempt to make a "bell" noise when various "errors" occur.
-***** <disturb_trap_detect>
-Disturb when leaving trap detected area    [disturb_trap_detect]
-    This option causes you to be disturbed when the player is running
-    out of trap-detected area.
-***** <alert_trap_detect>
-Alert when leaving trap detected area    [alert_trap_detect]
-    This option alerts you with message when the player is moving out
-    of the trap-detected area.
-***** <AutoDestroyer>
-=== Option set 6 -- Easy Auto-Destroyer ===
-***** <destroy_items>
-Use easy auto-destroyer    [destroy_items]
-    If this option is set, Hengband will automatically destroy all
-    objects which you touch unless the object is protected by various
-    'leave_...'  options below.
-***** <destroy_feeling>
-Apply auto-destroy as sense feeling    [destroy_feeling]
-    If this option is set, Hengband will apply auto-destroyer on an
-    item just when you sensed its feeling.  Typically it will destroy
-    {cursed} items just after the sensing.
-***** <destroy_identify>
-Apply auto-destroy as identify an item    [destroy_identify]
-    If this option is set, Hengband will apply auto-destroyer on an
-    item just when you identified it using magical items or spells.
-    Typically it will destroy {cursed} items and other useless items
-    which you set up to be auto-destroyed.
-***** <leave_worth>
-Auto-destroyer leaves known worthy items    [leave_worth]
-    This option protects known objects that can be sold in stores from 
-    auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.
-***** <leave_equip>
-Auto-destroyer leaves weapons and armour    [leave_equip]
-    This option protects all weapons and armour from auto-destruction
-    by the destroy_items option.
-***** <leave_chest>
-Auto-destroyer leaves closed chests    [leave_chest]
-    This option protects all chests which are not yet opened from
-    auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.
-***** <leave_wanted>
-Auto-destroyer leaves wanted corpses    [leave_wanted]
-    This option protects corpses of monsters wanted at the Hunter's
-    office from auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.
-***** <leave_corpse>
-Auto-destroyer leaves corpses and skeletons    [leave_corpse]
-    This option protects all corpses and skeletons from
-    auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.
-***** <leave_junk>
-Auto-destroyer leaves junk    [leave_junk]
-    This option protects all 'junk', such as Shards of Pottery or
-    Broken Stick, from auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.  
-    This is especially helpful for Archers.
-***** <leave_special>
-Auto-destroyer leaves items your race/class needs  [leave_special]
-    This option protects specific items which are normally worthless,
-    but very important for specific classes or races.  These include
-    bones for Archers, ego light sources of darkness for Ninja, Wands
-    of Heal Monster for BeastMaster and Cavalry, and humanoid corpses
-    for Balrogs, etc...
-***** <PlayRecord>
-=== Option set R -- Play-record ===
-***** <record_fix_art>
-Record fixed artifacts    [record_fix_art]
-    If this option is set, names of fixed artifacts you discover will
-    be written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_rand_art>
-Record random artifacts    [record_rand_art]
-    If this option is set, names of random artifacts you discover will
-    be written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_destroy_uniq>
-Record when destroy unique monster    [record_destroy_uniq]
-    If this option is set, names of unique monsters you defeated will
-    be written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_fix_quest>
-Record fixed quests    [record_fix_quest]
-    If this option is set, result of every fixed quest will be
-    written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_rand_quest>
-Record random quests    [record_rand_quest]
-    If this option is set, result of every random quest will be
-    written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_maxdepth>
-Record movements to deepest level    [record_maxdepth]
-    If this option is set, deepest level will be written in the
-    Play-record when you reached new deepest level.
-***** <record_stair>
-Record recall and stair movements    [record_stair]
-    If this option is set, every move using stairs will be written in
-    the Play-record.
-***** <record_buy>
-Record purchased items    [record_buy]
-    If this option is set, names and numbers of every items you
-    purchased will be written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_sell>
-Record sold items    [record_sell]
-    If this option is set, names and numbers of every item you sold
-    will be written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_danger>
-Record hitpoint warning    [record_danger]
-    If this option is set, a record of hitpoint warnings will be written
-    in the Play-record when you take major hitpoint damage.
-***** <record_arena>
-Record arena victories    [record_arena]
-    If this option is set, every victory and defeated game will be
-    written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_ident>
-Record first identified items    [record_ident]
-    If this option is set, names of objects identified for the first
-    time will be written in the Play-record.
-***** <record_named_pet>
-Record informations of named pets    [record_named_pet]
-    If this option is set, every action with your pets which are given
-    their own name will be written in the Play-record.
-***** <BaseDelay>
-=== Option D -- Base Delay Factor ===
-The "delay_factor" value, if non-zero, is used to "slow down" the
-game, which is useful to allow you to "observe" the temporal effects
-of bolt, beam, and ball attacks. The actual delay is equal to
-"delay_factor" cubed, in milliseconds.
-***** <Hitpoint>
-=== Option H -- Hitpoint Warning ===
-The "hitpoint_warn" value, if non-zero, is the percentage of maximal
-hitpoints at which the player is warned that he may die. It is also
-used as the cut-off for using red to display both hitpoints and mana.
-***** <Autosave>
-=== Option A -- Autosave Options ===
-Ideally, the game should be so stable that these options are not
-needed at all. However, even if the game were 100% reliable (which it,
-to be frank, probably is not), the user might forget to and his
-hardware could fail him. For all of these reasons, you may want to use
-these options:
-***** <autosave_l>
-Autosave when entering new levels    [autosave_l]
-        If this option is set, the program will attempt to save your
-        character every time before creating a new dungeon level.
-        Useful if you experience hangups in level generation (although
-        these should have been eliminated in 2.1.0).
-***** <autosave_t>
-Timed autosave    [autosave_t]
-        If this option is set, the program will attempt to save your
-        character every n game turns, where n is the "frequency".  To
-        set frequency press n: it will increase the frequency to the
-        next category (and from 25000 to 0), the categories being
-        every 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 and 25000
-        turns. Note that the frequency must be higher than 0 and the
-        "Timed autosave" set to "yes" for timed autosaves to take
-        place.
-***** <Window>
-=== Option W - Window Flags ===
-Selects what kind of information is displayed in which window.
-Some platforms support "sub-windows", which are windows which can be used to
-display useful information generally available through other means.  The best
-thing about these windows is that they are updated automatically (usually) to
-reflect the current state of the world.  The "window options" can be used to
-specify what should be displayed in each window.  The possible choices should
-be pretty obvious.
-Display inven/equip
-    Display the player inventory (and sometimes the equipment).
-Display equip/inven
-    Display the player equipment (and sometimes the inventory).
-Display spell list
-    Display a spell list of your magic realm.
-Display character
-    Display a brief description of the character, including a breakdown
-    of the current player "skills" (including attacks/shots per round).
-Display messages
-    Display the most recently generated "messages".
-Display overhead view
-    Display an overhead view of the entire dungeon.  This is very slow
-    and does not even look very good.
-Display monster recall
-    Display a description of the most monster which has been most recently
-    attacked, targeted, or examined in some way.
-Display object recall
-    Display a description of the most recently selected object.  Currently
-    this only affects spellbooks and prayerbooks.  This window flag may be
-    usefully combined with others, such as "monster recall".
-Display dungeon view
-    Display a copy of dungeon map.
-Display snap-shot
-    This window flag is currently unused.
-Display borg messages
-    This window flag is currently used only by the Borg which is not
-    currently supported.
-Display borg status
-    This window flag is currently used only by the Borg which is not
-    currently supported.
-***** <Cheating>
-=== Option C - Cheating Options ===
-Using the cheating options marks your character as "Cheater" and
-you won't get into the high-score list.  Turning off the cheating
-options later does NOT allow your character to get a highscore entry,
-so think twice before using any cheat.
-***** <cheat_peek>
-Peek into object creation    [cheat_peek]
-    Cheaters never win.  But they can peek at object creation.
-***** <cheat_hear>
-Peek into monster creation    [cheat_hear]
-    Cheaters never win.  But they can peek at monster creation.
-***** <cheat_room>
-Peek into dungeon creation    [cheat_room]
-    Cheaters never win.  But they can peek at room creation.
-***** <cheat_xtra>
-Peek into something else    [cheat_xtra]
-    Cheaters never win.  But they can see debugging messages.
-***** <cheat_know>
-Know complete monster info    [cheat_know]
-    Cheaters never win.  But they can know all about monsters.
-***** <cheat_live>
-Allow player to avoid death    [cheat_live]
-    Cheaters never win.  But they can cheat death.
-***** <cheat_save>
-Ask for saving death    [cheat_save]
-    Cheaters never win.  But they can choose whether they save dead
-    character data or not when they die.
-***** <Birth>
-=== Birth options ===
-While cheating makes the game easier, the following options can make
-Hengband harder or easier. So if you think the game is too easy or too
-hard, or if you want to impress your friends, then switch on the
-following options. The birth options can only be accessed while
-creating a new character (press '=' while creating the character).
-There is no way to turn them off after the creation is finished!
-Indicators "(*)" after the name of options means that options effect
-estimation of your score.
-***** <manual_haggle>
-Manually haggle in stores    [manual_haggle]
-    Usually, auto-haggle is used in stores, resulting in a ten
-    percent sales tax on items which you would have otherwise been
-    forced to haggle for.  If this option is set, auto-haggle is
-    disabled.
-***** <easy_band>
-Easy Mode (*)    [easy_band]
-    This option enables easy game mode for beginners. If this option is
-    set, you take only half damage from any enemy's attack compared
-    to normal mode, and monster's summoning spells become much
-    weaker. But your score will be estimated to be negative number,
-    and you cannot send score record to world score board.
-***** <smart_learn>
-Monsters learn from their mistakes (*)    [smart_learn]
-    Allow monsters to learn what spell attacks you are resistant to,
-    and to use this information to choose the best attacks.
-***** <smart_cheat>
-Monsters exploit players weaknesses (*)    [smart_cheat]
-    Allow monsters to know what spell attacks you are resistant to,
-    and to use this information to choose the best attacks.
-***** <vanilla_town>
-Use 'vanilla' town without quests and wilderness    [vanilla_town]
-    Uses the basic town known from the standard Angband. This town is
-    only one screen in size and contains only the 8 stores, your home,
-    and the stairs to the dungeon. If you use the 'vanilla' town, then
-    there is no wilderness, no special buildings and no set quests
-    (but you can still use the random quests). This also speeds up the
-    game on slower machines, since the wilderness doesn't need to be
-    created.
-***** <lite_town>
-Use 'lite' town without a wilderness    [lite_town]
-    Uses a special town with all stores, your home, all buildings,
-    most quests, and a dungeon, but without the wilderness and without
-    other towns, and other dungeons. This also speeds up the game on
-    slower machines, since the wilderness doesn't need to be
-    created. This option will have no effect, if the 'vanilla_town'
-    option is active.
-***** <ironman_shops>
-Stores are permanently closed (*)    [ironman_shops]
-    This option closes all shops. Try to survive in the deeps of
-    the dungeon without supplies from town.
-***** <ironman_small_levels>
-Always create unusually small dungeon levels (*)    [ironman_small_levels]
-    If this option is enabled, then every level will be smaller than
-    usual. See the 'Allow unusually small dungeon levels' option above.
-***** <ironman_downward>
-Disable recall and use of up stairs (*)    [ironman_downward]
-    You are not allowed to climb upwards, or recall to town. All stairs
-    are downstairs and every time you teleport level, you'll teleport
-    to a deeper level.
-***** <ironman_empty_levels>
-Always create empty 'arena' levels (*)    [ironman_empty_levels]
-    If this option is enabled, then every level will be empty 'arena'
-    level. See the "Allow empty 'arena' levels" option above.
-***** <ironman_rooms>
-Always generate very unusual rooms (*)    [ironman_rooms]
-    If this option is enabled, every room becomes a vault.
-***** <ironman_nightmare>
-Nightmare mode(it isn't even remotely fair!)(*)    [ironman_nightmare]
-    If this option is enabled, all monsters become unusually
-    powerful, and fast. And there will be various unbelievable
-    happening in various situations. Furthermore, at 12:00 every
-    night, you will have a real nightmare.
-***** <left_hander>
-Left-Hander    [left_hander]
-    Normally, you wield a weapon on the right hand and a shield on the
-    left hand. If this option is enabled, you will wield a weapon on
-    the left hand.
-***** <preserve_mode>
-Preserve artifacts (*)    [preserve_mode]
-    In non-preserve mode, once a fixed artifact is generated (either
-    on the dungeon floor or in a monster drop), it will never be
-    generated again during that game.  This means that if you miss the
-    artifact by leaving the level before you pick it up it is gone
-    forever. On the other hand, in preserve mode this behavior is only
-    exhibited once you have identified the artifact. It is therefor
-    safer to leave a level before it is completely explored as any
-    fixed artifact can be regenerated in subsequent levels.
-***** <autoroller>
-Allow use of autoroller for stats (*)    [autoroller]
-    If you choose to use the auto-roller, you can specify minimum
-    limit of each stat.  Once you have specified your desired
-    statistics, the computer will then randomly roll successive
-    start-up characters and compare them to your specified
-    criteria. Each stat is rolled as a number from 8 to 17, with a
-    normal distribution, and is then immediately modified based upon
-    the race and class which you have chosen.  Once a character that
-    matches or exceeds your expectations has been rolled, the computer
-    will display the character for you to look at, and asks you
-    whether you accept or not. You may press Enter to accept. If you
-    do not accept, you may press 'r' to resume rolling and searching
-    for the next match or, if this is not your first match, 'p' to
-    return to the previous character which met your criteria.
-***** <autochara>
-Autoroll for weight, height and social status    [autochara]
-    If this option is enabled, you can specify weight, height and
-    social status for auto-roller.
-***** <powerup_home>
-Increase capacity of your home (*)    [powerup_home]
-    If this option is enabled, the capacity of your home will be expanded
-    to 20 pages. If not, capacity is only 2 pages.
-Original   : Ben Harrison
-Updated    : Zangband 2.1.* by Topi Ylinen
-Updated    : Zangband 2.2.0 through 2.2.6c by Robert Ruehlmann
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.5.2
+=== Options and Effects ===
+Most of the "options" are accessible through the '=' command, which
+provides an interface to the various "sets" of options available to the
+In the descriptions below, each option is listed as the textual summary
+which is shown on the "options" screen, plus the internal name of the
+option in brackets, followed by a textual description of the option.
+Note that the internal name of the option can be used in user pref
+files to force the option to a given setting (see "command.txt" for
+more info).
+Various concepts are mentioned in the descriptions below, including
+"disturb", (cancel any running, resting, or repeated commands, which
+are in progress), "flush" (forget any keypresses waiting in the keypress
+queue, including any macros in progress), "fresh" (dump any pending
+output to the screen).
+***** <Input>
+=== Option Set 1 -- Input from keyboard ===
+***** <rogue_like_commands>
+Rogue-like commands    [rogue_like_commands]
+    Selects the "roguelike" command set (see "command.txt" for info).
+***** <always_pickup>
+Pick things up by default    [always_pickup]
+    Tells the game that walking onto an item should attempt to pick it
+    up. Otherwise, you must use the "g" command, or the "-" command
+    while walking. Combined with "carry_query_flag", allows you to
+    selectively pick up all items which you step on.
+***** <carry_query_flag>
+Prompt before picking things up    [carry_query_flag]
+    Forces the game to ask you if you want to pick something up when
+    you do something that would normally cause the item to be picked
+    up.
+***** <quick_messages>
+Activate quick messages    [quick_messages]
+    Allows the use of any keypress as a response to the "-more-" prompt
+    (useful for monster farming). Allows most keys to mean "no" to any
+    "[y/n]" prompt.
+***** <auto_more>
+Automatically clear '-more-' prompts    [auto_more]
+    The game does not wait for a keypress when it comes to a -more-
+    prompt, but carries on going.
+***** <command_menu>
+Enable command selection menu    [command_menu]
+***** <other_query_flag>
+Prompt for floor item selection    [other_query_flag]
+    Forces the game to ask you before select an item on floor.
+***** <use_old_target>
+Use old target by default    [use_old_target]
+    Forces all commands which normally ask for a "direction" to use the
+    current "target" if there is one. Use of this option can be
+    dangerous if you target locations on the ground, unless you clear
+    them when done.
+***** <always_repeat>
+Repeat obvious commands    [always_repeat]
+    Tells the game that when you attempt to "open" a door or chest,
+    "bash" a door, "tunnel" through walls, or "disarm" traps or chests,
+    that you wish to "repeat" the command 99 times (see "command.txt").
+***** <confirm_destroy>
+Prompt for destruction of known worthless items    [confirm_destroy]
+    Normally, no confirmation will be asked if you attempt to destroy
+    an object which you know to be worthless.  If this option is set,
+    the Destroy command always asks for confirmation.
+***** <confirm_wear>
+Confirm to wear/wield known cursed items    [confirm_wear]
+    Some players may occasionally, due to a typing mistake, find
+    themselves wearing an item which they knew was cursed. If this
+    option is set, you should be safe from such typing mistakes: you
+    will be prompted if you attempt to wear or wield an item if your
+    character knows it is cursed.
+***** <confirm_quest>
+Prompt before exiting a quest level    [confirm_quest]
+    In the dungeon, you can freely climb up/down stairs and can return
+    to former floors normally.  But in some quest level, including the
+    random quest, you can not return once you escaped from the level.
+    If this option is set, the program asks for confirmation before
+    you go up the stairs from such quest levels.
+***** <target_pet>
+Allow targetting pets    [target_pet]
+    Normally, the program doesn't automatically choose pets as target
+    in the targeting mode of attack spells. If this option is set, the
+    program always chooses every monster in sight as target.
+***** <easy_open>
+Automatically open doors    [easy_open]
+    Makes it easy for your character to open a door: simply by walking
+    into it! Also the open command will automatically select one
+    direction if only one door is near you.
+***** <easy_disarm>
+Automatically disarm traps    [easy_disarm]
+    Makes it easy for your character disarms a trap: simply by walking into
+    it! Also the disarm command will automatically select one direction
+    if only one known trap is near you.
+***** <easy_floor>
+Display floor stacks in a list    [easy_floor]
+    Lets you select an item from a stack on the floor by browsing a
+    list.  Also the look command will describe floor stack as "You see
+    a stack of n items.", when there is more than one item on a floor
+    grid, and display a list of items when you press 'x' at that time.
+***** <use_command>
+Allow unified use command    [use_command]
+    Unifies the item commands like "zap a rod", "use a staff", "eat
+    food", "aim a wand", ... into a general "use object" command. The
+    command in the original keymap is "u", and "a" in the roguelike
+    mode. The standard commands for eat, quaff, read, zap, aim, ... are
+    still available, but can be used for macros.
+***** <over_exert>
+Allow casting spells when short of mana    [over_exert]
+    Normally, Hengband restricts you from casting spells when you don't
+    have enough mana.  If this option is set, the program allow you to
+    cast spells at such dangerous situation.
+***** <numpad_as_cursorkey>
+Use numpad keys as cursor keys in editor mode    [numpad_as_cursorkey]
+    This option makes numpad keys work as cursor movement keys while
+    text editing mode.  Which include auto-picker editor, inputing an
+    inscription, a macro action, and etc.
+***** <MapScreen>
+=== Option set 2 -- Map Screen ===
+***** <center_player>
+Center map while walking (*slow*)    [center_player]
+     The map always centers on the player with this option on. With it off, it
+     is divided into 25 sections, with coordinates (0,0) to (4,4), and will 
+     show one section at a time.
+***** <center_running>
+Centering even while running    [center_running]
+     Normally, the map does not center on the player if the player
+     moves with the "run" command, only when the running finishes.  If
+     this option is set, the map always centers on the player.
+***** <view_yellow_lite>
+Use special colors for torch-lit grids    [view_yellow_lite]
+    This option causes special colors to be used for "torch-lit" grids
+    in certain situations (see the entries for"view_granite_lite" and
+    "view_special_lite"). Turning this option off will slightly improve
+    game speed.
+***** <view_bright_lite>
+Use special colors for 'viewable' grids    [view_bright_lite]
+    This option causes special colors to be used for non "viewable"
+    grids in certain situations (see "view_granite_lite" and
+    "view_special_lite"). When this option is set, floor grids which
+    are normally drawn in "white" but which are not currently
+    "viewable" by the player are instead drawn in "dark gray". This
+    makes the "viewable" grids to appear "brighter" than the others,
+    allowing the player to easily determine which floor grids are in
+    "line of sight". Turning this option off will probably increase the
+    speed of the game.
+***** <view_granite_lite>
+Use special colors for wall grids (slow)    [view_granite_lite]
+    This option activates a special color scheme for all "wall" grids
+    which are normally drawn in "white" (as walls and rubble normally
+    are). When the player is blind, we use "dark gray", else if the
+    grid is torch-lit, we use "yellow" (or "white") depending on the
+    "view_yellow_lite" option, else if the "view_bright_lite" option
+    is set, and the grid is not in line of sight, or the grid is dark,
+    or the grid is only "partially" lit, then we use "gray", otherwise
+    we use the normal "white". Turning this option off will probably
+    increase the speed of the game.  This option may not work well if
+    the attr/char codes for walls/veins have been changed.
+***** <view_special_lite>
+Use special colors for floor grids (slow)    [view_special_lite]
+    This option activates a special color scheme for all "floor" grids
+    which are normally drawn in "white" (as they normally are). When
+    the player is blind, we use "dark gray", else if the grid is
+    torch-lit, we use "yellow" (or "white") depending on the
+    "view_yellow_lite" option, else if the grid is "dark", we use
+    "dark gray", else if the "view_bright_lite" option is set, and the
+    grid is not in line of sight, we use "gray", otherwise we use the
+    normal "white". Turning this option off will probably increase the
+    speed of the game.  This option may not work well if the attr/char
+    codes for walls/veins have been changed
+***** <view_perma_grids>
+Map remembers all perma-lit grids    [view_perma_grids]
+    Memorize all perma-lit floor grids which are seen by the player.
+    This option allows you to keep track of which explored floor grids
+    were perma-lit, but does not distinguish between dark floor grids,
+    unexplored floor grids, and unknown grids.  Turning off this option
+    allows the player to always know which lit floor grids are in line
+    of sight, but this is better accomplished by the "view_bright_lite"
+    option.  Note that any non-floor grids which is seen by the player
+    are always memorized, and "object" which is seen by the player is
+    memorized independently from the memorization of the grid itself.
+***** <view_torch_grids>
+Map remembers all torch-lit grids    [view_torch_grids]
+    Memorize all (torch-lit) floor grids which are seen by the player.
+    This option not only allows you to keep track of which floor grids
+    have been explored, but also which ones are "dark", because the use
+    of this option activates a special "color scheme" for the display
+    of floor grids, in which "dark" grids are drawn in "dark gray",
+    "lit" grids are drawn in "white", and (if the "view_bright_lite"
+    option is set) "lit" grids which are also in line of sight are
+    drawn in "orange". Note that grids which are currently "torch-lit"
+    are considered to be "lit", and are thus drawn in "white", unless
+    the "view_yellow_lite" option is set, in which case they are drawn
+    in "yellow".
+***** <view_unsafe_grids>
+Map marked by detect traps    [view_unsafe_grids]
+    Unknown grids that have not been traversed previously, or had a
+    detect trap spell cast on them are marked with a grey 'x'. This
+    allows you to determine where in the dungeon you have cast detect
+    traps, but does not ensure that grids not marked with a grey 'x'
+    are trap free. This option has no effect on surface grids, but
+    outdoor locations cannot be trapped.
+***** <view_reduce_view>
+Reduce view-radius in town    [view_reduce_view]
+    Reduce the "radius" of the player's "view" by half when the player
+    is in town.  This makes running faster in town, and also allows the
+    player to ignore monsters in town which are more than ten grids
+    away, which is usually safe, since none have distance attacks.
+***** <fresh_before>
+Flush output while continuous command    [fresh_before]
+    This option forces the game to flush all output before every
+    command. This will give you maximal information, but may slow down
+    the game somewhat. Note that this option is only useful when using
+    macros, resting, running, or repeating commands, since the output
+    is always flushed when the game is waiting for a keypress from the
+    user.
+***** <fresh_after>
+Flush output after monster's move    [fresh_after]
+    This option forces the game to flush all output after not only
+    every player command, but also after every round of processing
+    monsters and objects, which will give you maximal information, but
+    may slow down the game a lot, especially on slower machines, and on
+    faster machines you normally do not have a chance to see the
+    results anyway.
+***** <fresh_message>
+Flush output after every message    [fresh_message]
+    This option forces the game to flush all output after every message
+    displayed by the game.  This will give you maximal information, but
+    may slow down the game somewhat.
+***** <hilite_player>
+Hilite the player with the cursor    [hilite_player]
+    Place the visible cursor on the player. This looks fine on some
+    Unix machines, but horrible on most graphics machines. Note that
+    only some machines are able to *not* show the cursor, but on those
+    machines, hiding the cursor often speeds up the game and looks
+    better.
+***** <display_path>
+Display actual path before shooting    [display_path]
+    When this option is set, the targeting mode will show path from
+    you to current target point continuously.
+***** <TextDisplay>
+=== Option set 3 -- Text Display ===
+***** <plain_descriptions>
+Plain object descriptions    [plain_descriptions]
+    This option disables "full" names for identified 'flavored'
+    objects, in other words, if this option is not in use, an
+    identified Potion of Speed could be listed (for example) as a Blue
+    Potion of Speed. If you prefer simpler, less verbose descriptions,
+    set this option.
+***** <always_show_list>
+Always show list when choosing items    [always_show_list]
+    When this option is set, all commands which lets you to choose an
+    item from inventory or equipment list will automatically show list
+    when activated.
+***** <depth_in_feet>
+Show dungeon level in feet    [depth_in_feet]
+    Display the dungeon depth in "feet" instead of as an actual level.
+    This also affects the monster memory display.
+***** <show_labels>
+Show labels in object listings    [show_labels]
+    Display the "labels" for objects in the "equipment" list, and in
+    any "special" window which is displaying the "equipment". These
+    labels indicate what the player is "using" the object for, such as
+    "wielding" or "wearing" (in a given location). After you have
+    played for a while, this information is no longer useful, and can
+    be annoying.
+***** <show_weights>
+Show weights in object listings    [show_weights]
+    Display the weights of objects in the "inventory" and "equipment"
+    lists, and in "stores", and in any "special" window which is
+    displaying any of these lists.
+***** <show_item_graph>
+Show items graphics    [show_item_graph]
+    Displays small icons of the items in your "inventory" list,
+    "equipment" list and "stores".
+***** <equippy_chars>
+Display 'equippy' chars    [equippy_chars]
+    This option will show you a graphical representation of your worn
+    equipment on the main screen.  The 'equippy' chars will use the
+    standard symbols of the respective items.
+***** <display_mutations>
+Display mutations in 'C'haracter Display    [display_mutations]
+    Normally, if your character has gained mutations, they will be
+    displayed in an extra 'h' mode window under the 'C'haracter
+    Description command. Some players may wish to view mutations only
+    via the knowledge command ('~' or '|') and do not want any extra
+    screens in the Character Description: they should set this option.
+***** <compress_savefile>
+Compress messages in savefiles    [compress_savefile]
+    Compress the savefile, by only saving the most recent "messages"
+    that the player has received. This can cut the size of the savefile
+    by a drastic amount, but will result in the loss of message
+    information.
+***** [b] objects.txt#AbbrevList
+***** <abbrev_extra>
+Describe obj's extra resistances by abbreviation  [abbrev_extra]
+    When an *identified* equipment is displayed, an abbreviation
+    string for the object's extra resitances and extra abilities are
+    added as fake inscriptions of the object.
+    A word "EXTRA" means that the ability must not be obvious from the
+    objects name.  For example, a pair of boots of Levitation
+    sometimes has EXTRA shard resistance.  But fire resistance of an
+    armor of Resist Fire is not an EXTRA resistance.
+    The list of abbreviations for each resistances and abilities are
+    described in (objects.txt#AbbrevList [b])
+***** <abbrev_all>
+Describe obj's all resistances by abbreviation  [abbrev_all]
+    When an *identified* equipment is displayed, an abbreviation
+    string for all the object's resitances and abilities are added as
+    fake inscriptions of the object.
+    The list of abbreviations for each resistances and abilities are
+    described in (objects.txt#AbbrevList [b])
+***** <exp_need>
+Show the experience needed for the next level    [exp_need]
+    Setting this option to yes alters the display of experience on the
+    left of the main screen to the experience needed to reach the next
+    character level, instead of the character's current total
+    experience.
+***** <GamePlay>
+=== Option set 4 -- Game playing ===
+***** <stack_force_notes>
+Merge inscriptions when stacking    [stack_force_notes]
+    Force otherwise identical objects to merge, even if one has an
+    empty inscription and the other does not. The resulting stack keeps
+    the non-empty inscription.
+***** <stack_force_costs>
+Merge discounts when stacking    [stack_force_costs]
+    Force otherwise identical objects to merge, even if they have
+    different discounts. The resulting stack keeps the largest
+    discount. This option may cause you to lose "value", but will give
+    you optimal pack usage.
+***** <expand_list>
+Expand the power of the list commands    [expand_list]
+    Expand the "listing" commands so that they "wrap" at the "edges" of
+    the appropriate list.  This allows the "look" and "target" commands
+    to "cycle" through all appropriate grids forever, and the "identify
+    symbol" to browse through all of the monsters of a given type.
+***** <small_levels>
+Allow unusually small dungeon levels    [small_levels]
+    This option enables the creation of levels of varying sizes. Levels
+    that are as small as the town level (i.e. 1 'screen') are possible,
+    yet they can be dangerous, especially for a low level character.
+    Note that this option has the side effect of enabling / disabling
+    'destroyed' levels (they are enabled if small levels are).
+***** <always_small_levels>
+Always create unusually small dungeon levels    [always_small_levels]
+    If this option is enabled, then every level will be smaller than
+    usual. See the 'Allow unusually small dungeon levels' option
+    above. In the 'Yeek cave', this option is always enabled.
+***** <empty_levels>
+Allow empty 'arena' levels    [empty_levels]
+    Normal dungeon levels consist mostly of rock. If this option is in
+    use, levels which have empty floor instead of solid rock may also 
+    be created (somewhat reminiscent of Nethack's "big-room" levels). 
+    These levels can be extremely deadly, especially with breathing
+    monsters (since there are few obstructions to shield). Arena levels
+    may have vaults, nests and pits in them like normal levels. Some
+    arena levels are dark when they are created, but most are lit.
+***** <bound_walls_perm>
+Boundary walls become 'permanent wall'  [bound_walls_perm]
+    If this option is set, boundaries of dungeon floors will
+    explicitly look like permanent walls.  If unset, those will look
+    like normal walls, but still behave as permanent walls.
+***** <last_words>
+Leave last words when your character dies    [last_words]
+    Display a random line from the "death.txt" file when your
+    character dies and then allow you to rewrite this last words. If
+    this option is not selected, the "You die." message is displayed
+    instead.
+***** <send_score>
+Send score dump to the world score server    [send_score]
+    If this option is set, Hengband will allow you to send the score
+    record of your character to the world score board on the Internet
+    when your character dies.
+***** <allow_debug_opts>
+Allow use of debug/cheat options  [allow_debug_opts]
+    Since use of debug command(^A), wizard mode(^W), and Cheating
+    options ('C' in options panel) mark the player as "Cheater" who
+    can't register their score, these debug/cheat options are
+    forbidden to use on default.  The allow_debug_opts option removes
+    these restrictions, and allow the player to become "Cheater".
+***** <Disturbance>
+=== Option set 5 -- Disturbance ===
+***** <find_ignore_stairs>
+Run past stairs    [find_ignore_stairs]
+    Ignore stairs when running.
+***** <find_ignore_doors>
+Run through open doors    [find_ignore_doors]
+    Ignore open doors when running.
+***** <find_cut>
+Run past known corners    [find_cut]
+    Cut sharply around "known" corners when running. This will result
+    in "faster" running, but may cause you to run into a "lurking"
+    monster.
+***** <check_abort>
+Check for user abort while continuous command    [check_abort]
+    Avoid checking to see if the user has pressed a key during resting
+    or running or repeated commands.  This not only makes the game much
+    more efficient (on many systems), but also allows the use of
+    certain obscure macro sequences, such as turning this option on,
+    resting until done, turning this option off, and casting a spell.
+    Note that the use of this option may be dangerous on certain
+    "graphic" machines. Resting for long periods of time with this
+    option set is dangerous since the resting may not stop until the
+    user takes damage from starvation.
+***** <flush_failure>
+Flush input on various failures    [flush_failure]
+    This option forces the game to flush all pending input whenever
+    various "failures" occur, such as failure to cast a spell, failure
+    to use a wand, etc. This is very useful if you use macros which
+    include "directional" components with commands that can fail, since
+    it will prevent you from walking towards monsters when your spells
+    fail.
+***** <flush_disturb>
+Flush input whenever disturbed    [flush_disturb]
+    This option forces the game to flush all pending input whenever
+    the character is "disturbed". This is useful if you use macros
+    which take time, since it will prevent you from continuing your
+    macro while being attacked by a monster.
+***** <disturb_move>
+Disturb whenever any monster moves    [disturb_move]
+    Disturb the player when any monster moves, appears, or disappears.
+    This includes monsters which are only visible due to telepathy, so
+    you should probably turn this option off if you want to "rest" near
+    such monsters.
+***** <disturb_high>
+Disturb whenever high-level monster moves    [disturb_high]
+    Disturb the player when any monster whose level is higher than the
+    player moves, appears, or disappears.  This includes monsters
+    which are only visible due to telepathy.
+***** <disturb_near>
+Disturb whenever viewable monster moves    [disturb_near]
+    Disturb the player when any viewable monster moves, whenever any
+    monster becomes viewable for the first time, and also whenever any
+    viewable monster becomes no longer viewable. This option ignores
+    the existence of "telepathy" for the purpose of determining whether
+    a monster is "viewable". See also the "view_reduce_view" option.
+***** <disturb_pets>
+Disturb when visible pets move    [disturb_pets]
+    The player may wish that some of the disturbance options do not
+    apply to pets: for example, it can be annoying if your rest is
+    always disturbed by a pet dog who pops in every now and then. By
+    default, pets do not disturb you even if full monster disturbance
+    options are set. If you want your pets to disturb you like normal
+    monsters, set this option.
+***** <disturb_panel>
+Disturb whenever map panel changes    [disturb_panel]
+    This option causes you to be disturbed by the screen "scrolling",
+    as it does when you get close to the "edge" of the screen.
+***** <disturb_state>
+Disturb whenever player state changes    [disturb_state]
+    This option causes you to be disturbed whenever the player state
+    changes, including changes in hunger, resistance, confusion, etc.
+***** <disturb_minor>
+Disturb whenever boring things happen    [disturb_minor]
+    This option causes you to be disturbed by various bring things,
+    including monsters bashing down doors, inventory feelings, and
+    beginning to run out of fuel.
+***** <ring_bell>
+Audible bell (on errors, etc)    [ring_bell]
+    Attempt to make a "bell" noise when various "errors" occur.
+***** <disturb_trap_detect>
+Disturb when leaving trap detected area    [disturb_trap_detect]
+    This option causes you to be disturbed when the player is running
+    out of trap-detected area.
+***** <alert_trap_detect>
+Alert when leaving trap detected area    [alert_trap_detect]
+    This option alerts you with message when the player is moving out
+    of the trap-detected area.
+***** <AutoDestroyer>
+=== Option set 6 -- Easy Auto-Destroyer ===
+***** <destroy_items>
+Use easy auto-destroyer    [destroy_items]
+    If this option is set, Hengband will automatically destroy all
+    objects which you touch unless the object is protected by various
+    'leave_...'  options below.
+***** <destroy_feeling>
+Apply auto-destroy as sense feeling    [destroy_feeling]
+    If this option is set, Hengband will apply auto-destroyer on an
+    item just when you sensed its feeling.  Typically it will destroy
+    {cursed} items just after the sensing.
+***** <destroy_identify>
+Apply auto-destroy as identify an item    [destroy_identify]
+    If this option is set, Hengband will apply auto-destroyer on an
+    item just when you identified it using magical items or spells.
+    Typically it will destroy {cursed} items and other useless items
+    which you set up to be auto-destroyed.
+***** <leave_worth>
+Auto-destroyer leaves known worthy items    [leave_worth]
+    This option protects known objects that can be sold in stores from 
+    auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.
+***** <leave_equip>
+Auto-destroyer leaves weapons and armour    [leave_equip]
+    This option protects all weapons and armour from auto-destruction
+    by the destroy_items option.
+***** <leave_chest>
+Auto-destroyer leaves closed chests    [leave_chest]
+    This option protects all chests which are not yet opened from
+    auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.
+***** <leave_wanted>
+Auto-destroyer leaves wanted corpses    [leave_wanted]
+    This option protects corpses of monsters wanted at the Hunter's
+    office from auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.
+***** <leave_corpse>
+Auto-destroyer leaves corpses and skeletons    [leave_corpse]
+    This option protects all corpses and skeletons from
+    auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.
+***** <leave_junk>
+Auto-destroyer leaves junk    [leave_junk]
+    This option protects all 'junk', such as Shards of Pottery or
+    Broken Stick, from auto-destruction by the destroy_items option.  
+    This is especially helpful for Archers.
+***** <leave_special>
+Auto-destroyer leaves items your race/class needs  [leave_special]
+    This option protects specific items which are normally worthless,
+    but very important for specific classes or races.  These include
+    bones for Archers, ego light sources of darkness for Ninja, Wands
+    of Heal Monster for BeastMaster and Cavalry, and humanoid corpses
+    for Balrogs, etc...
+***** <PlayRecord>
+=== Option set R -- Play-record ===
+***** <record_fix_art>
+Record fixed artifacts    [record_fix_art]
+    If this option is set, names of fixed artifacts you discover will
+    be written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_rand_art>
+Record random artifacts    [record_rand_art]
+    If this option is set, names of random artifacts you discover will
+    be written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_destroy_uniq>
+Record when destroy unique monster    [record_destroy_uniq]
+    If this option is set, names of unique monsters you defeated will
+    be written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_fix_quest>
+Record fixed quests    [record_fix_quest]
+    If this option is set, result of every fixed quest will be
+    written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_rand_quest>
+Record random quests    [record_rand_quest]
+    If this option is set, result of every random quest will be
+    written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_maxdepth>
+Record movements to deepest level    [record_maxdepth]
+    If this option is set, deepest level will be written in the
+    Play-record when you reached new deepest level.
+***** <record_stair>
+Record recall and stair movements    [record_stair]
+    If this option is set, every move using stairs will be written in
+    the Play-record.
+***** <record_buy>
+Record purchased items    [record_buy]
+    If this option is set, names and numbers of every items you
+    purchased will be written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_sell>
+Record sold items    [record_sell]
+    If this option is set, names and numbers of every item you sold
+    will be written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_danger>
+Record hitpoint warning    [record_danger]
+    If this option is set, a record of hitpoint warnings will be written
+    in the Play-record when you take major hitpoint damage.
+***** <record_arena>
+Record arena victories    [record_arena]
+    If this option is set, every victory and defeated game will be
+    written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_ident>
+Record first identified items    [record_ident]
+    If this option is set, names of objects identified for the first
+    time will be written in the Play-record.
+***** <record_named_pet>
+Record informations of named pets    [record_named_pet]
+    If this option is set, every action with your pets which are given
+    their own name will be written in the Play-record.
+***** <BaseDelay>
+=== Option D -- Base Delay Factor ===
+The "delay_factor" value, if non-zero, is used to "slow down" the
+game, which is useful to allow you to "observe" the temporal effects
+of bolt, beam, and ball attacks. The actual delay is equal to
+"delay_factor" cubed, in milliseconds.
+***** <Hitpoint>
+=== Option H -- Hitpoint Warning ===
+The "hitpoint_warn" value, if non-zero, is the percentage of maximal
+hitpoints at which the player is warned that he may die. It is also
+used as the cut-off for using red to display both hitpoints and mana.
+***** <Autosave>
+=== Option A -- Autosave Options ===
+Ideally, the game should be so stable that these options are not
+needed at all. However, even if the game were 100% reliable (which it,
+to be frank, probably is not), the user might forget to and his
+hardware could fail him. For all of these reasons, you may want to use
+these options:
+***** <autosave_l>
+Autosave when entering new levels    [autosave_l]
+        If this option is set, the program will attempt to save your
+        character every time before creating a new dungeon level.
+        Useful if you experience hangups in level generation (although
+        these should have been eliminated in 2.1.0).
+***** <autosave_t>
+Timed autosave    [autosave_t]
+        If this option is set, the program will attempt to save your
+        character every n game turns, where n is the "frequency".  To
+        set frequency press n: it will increase the frequency to the
+        next category (and from 25000 to 0), the categories being
+        every 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 and 25000
+        turns. Note that the frequency must be higher than 0 and the
+        "Timed autosave" set to "yes" for timed autosaves to take
+        place.
+***** <Window>
+=== Option W - Window Flags ===
+Selects what kind of information is displayed in which window.
+Some platforms support "sub-windows", which are windows which can be used to
+display useful information generally available through other means.  The best
+thing about these windows is that they are updated automatically (usually) to
+reflect the current state of the world.  The "window options" can be used to
+specify what should be displayed in each window.  The possible choices should
+be pretty obvious.
+Display inven/equip
+    Display the player inventory (and sometimes the equipment).
+Display equip/inven
+    Display the player equipment (and sometimes the inventory).
+Display spell list
+    Display a spell list of your magic realm.
+Display character
+    Display a brief description of the character, including a breakdown
+    of the current player "skills" (including attacks/shots per round).
+Display messages
+    Display the most recently generated "messages".
+Display overhead view
+    Display an overhead view of the entire dungeon.  This is very slow
+    and does not even look very good.
+Display monster recall
+    Display a description of the most monster which has been most recently
+    attacked, targeted, or examined in some way.
+Display object recall
+    Display a description of the most recently selected object.  Currently
+    this only affects spellbooks and prayerbooks.  This window flag may be
+    usefully combined with others, such as "monster recall".
+Display dungeon view
+    Display a copy of dungeon map.
+Display snap-shot
+    This window flag is currently unused.
+Display borg messages
+    This window flag is currently used only by the Borg which is not
+    currently supported.
+Display borg status
+    This window flag is currently used only by the Borg which is not
+    currently supported.
+***** <Cheating>
+=== Option C - Cheating Options ===
+Using the cheating options marks your character as "Cheater" and
+you won't get into the high-score list.  Turning off the cheating
+options later does NOT allow your character to get a highscore entry,
+so think twice before using any cheat.
+***** <cheat_peek>
+Peek into object creation    [cheat_peek]
+    Cheaters never win.  But they can peek at object creation.
+***** <cheat_hear>
+Peek into monster creation    [cheat_hear]
+    Cheaters never win.  But they can peek at monster creation.
+***** <cheat_room>
+Peek into dungeon creation    [cheat_room]
+    Cheaters never win.  But they can peek at room creation.
+***** <cheat_xtra>
+Peek into something else    [cheat_xtra]
+    Cheaters never win.  But they can see debugging messages.
+***** <cheat_know>
+Know complete monster info    [cheat_know]
+    Cheaters never win.  But they can know all about monsters.
+***** <cheat_live>
+Allow player to avoid death    [cheat_live]
+    Cheaters never win.  But they can cheat death.
+***** <cheat_save>
+Ask for saving death    [cheat_save]
+    Cheaters never win.  But they can choose whether they save dead
+    character data or not when they die.
+***** <Birth>
+=== Birth options ===
+While cheating makes the game easier, the following options can make
+Hengband harder or easier. So if you think the game is too easy or too
+hard, or if you want to impress your friends, then switch on the
+following options. The birth options can only be accessed while
+creating a new character (press '=' while creating the character).
+There is no way to turn them off after the creation is finished!
+Indicators "(*)" after the name of options means that options effect
+estimation of your score.
+***** <manual_haggle>
+Manually haggle in stores    [manual_haggle]
+    Usually, auto-haggle is used in stores, resulting in a ten
+    percent sales tax on items which you would have otherwise been
+    forced to haggle for.  If this option is set, auto-haggle is
+    disabled.
+***** <easy_band>
+Easy Mode (*)    [easy_band]
+    This option enables easy game mode for beginners. If this option is
+    set, you take only half damage from any enemy's attack compared
+    to normal mode, and monster's summoning spells become much
+    weaker. But your score will be estimated to be negative number,
+    and you cannot send score record to world score board.
+***** <smart_learn>
+Monsters learn from their mistakes (*)    [smart_learn]
+    Allow monsters to learn what spell attacks you are resistant to,
+    and to use this information to choose the best attacks.
+***** <smart_cheat>
+Monsters exploit players weaknesses (*)    [smart_cheat]
+    Allow monsters to know what spell attacks you are resistant to,
+    and to use this information to choose the best attacks.
+***** <vanilla_town>
+Use 'vanilla' town without quests and wilderness    [vanilla_town]
+    Uses the basic town known from the standard Angband. This town is
+    only one screen in size and contains only the 8 stores, your home,
+    and the stairs to the dungeon. If you use the 'vanilla' town, then
+    there is no wilderness, no special buildings and no set quests
+    (but you can still use the random quests). This also speeds up the
+    game on slower machines, since the wilderness doesn't need to be
+    created.
+***** <lite_town>
+Use 'lite' town without a wilderness    [lite_town]
+    Uses a special town with all stores, your home, all buildings,
+    most quests, and a dungeon, but without the wilderness and without
+    other towns, and other dungeons. This also speeds up the game on
+    slower machines, since the wilderness doesn't need to be
+    created. This option will have no effect, if the 'vanilla_town'
+    option is active.
+***** <ironman_shops>
+Stores are permanently closed (*)    [ironman_shops]
+    This option closes all shops. Try to survive in the deeps of
+    the dungeon without supplies from town.
+***** <ironman_small_levels>
+Always create unusually small dungeon levels (*)    [ironman_small_levels]
+    If this option is enabled, then every level will be smaller than
+    usual. See the 'Allow unusually small dungeon levels' option above.
+***** <ironman_downward>
+Disable recall and use of up stairs (*)    [ironman_downward]
+    You are not allowed to climb upwards, or recall to town. All stairs
+    are downstairs and every time you teleport level, you'll teleport
+    to a deeper level.
+***** <ironman_empty_levels>
+Always create empty 'arena' levels (*)    [ironman_empty_levels]
+    If this option is enabled, then every level will be empty 'arena'
+    level. See the "Allow empty 'arena' levels" option above.
+***** <ironman_rooms>
+Always generate very unusual rooms (*)    [ironman_rooms]
+    If this option is enabled, every room becomes a vault.
+***** <ironman_nightmare>
+Nightmare mode(it isn't even remotely fair!)(*)    [ironman_nightmare]
+    If this option is enabled, all monsters become unusually
+    powerful, and fast. And there will be various unbelievable
+    happening in various situations. Furthermore, at 12:00 every
+    night, you will have a real nightmare.
+***** <left_hander>
+Left-Hander    [left_hander]
+    Normally, you wield a weapon on the right hand and a shield on the
+    left hand. If this option is enabled, you will wield a weapon on
+    the left hand.
+***** <preserve_mode>
+Preserve artifacts (*)    [preserve_mode]
+    In non-preserve mode, once a fixed artifact is generated (either
+    on the dungeon floor or in a monster drop), it will never be
+    generated again during that game.  This means that if you miss the
+    artifact by leaving the level before you pick it up it is gone
+    forever. On the other hand, in preserve mode this behavior is only
+    exhibited once you have identified the artifact. It is therefor
+    safer to leave a level before it is completely explored as any
+    fixed artifact can be regenerated in subsequent levels.
+***** <autoroller>
+Allow use of autoroller for stats (*)    [autoroller]
+    If you choose to use the auto-roller, you can specify minimum
+    limit of each stat.  Once you have specified your desired
+    statistics, the computer will then randomly roll successive
+    start-up characters and compare them to your specified
+    criteria. Each stat is rolled as a number from 8 to 17, with a
+    normal distribution, and is then immediately modified based upon
+    the race and class which you have chosen.  Once a character that
+    matches or exceeds your expectations has been rolled, the computer
+    will display the character for you to look at, and asks you
+    whether you accept or not. You may press Enter to accept. If you
+    do not accept, you may press 'r' to resume rolling and searching
+    for the next match or, if this is not your first match, 'p' to
+    return to the previous character which met your criteria.
+***** <autochara>
+Autoroll for weight, height and social status    [autochara]
+    If this option is enabled, you can specify weight, height and
+    social status for auto-roller.
+***** <powerup_home>
+Increase capacity of your home (*)    [powerup_home]
+    If this option is enabled, the capacity of your home will be expanded
+    to 20 pages. If not, capacity is only 2 pages.
+Original   : Ben Harrison
+Updated    : Zangband 2.1.* by Topi Ylinen
+Updated    : Zangband 2.2.0 through 2.2.6c by Robert Ruehlmann
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.5.2

Modified: trunk/lib/help/pref.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/pref.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/pref.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-User Preference Files.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) User Preferences                 (pref.txt)
-    (b) User Preference File Commands    (pref.txt#Commands)
-    (c) Macros                           (pref.txt#Macros)
-    (d) Key Maps                         (pref.txt#Keymaps)
-    (e) Visuals                          (pref.txt#Visuals)
-    (f) Colors                           (pref.txt#Colors)
-    (g) Options                          (pref.txt#Options)
-    (?) Help System Commands             (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] pref.txt
-***** [b] pref.txt#Commands
-***** [c] pref.txt#Macros
-***** [d] pref.txt#Keymaps
-***** [e] pref.txt#Visuals
-***** [f] pref.txt#Colors
-***** [g] pref.txt#Options
+User Preference Files.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) User Preferences                 (pref.txt)
+    (b) User Preference File Commands    (pref.txt#Commands)
+    (c) Macros                           (pref.txt#Macros)
+    (d) Key Maps                         (pref.txt#Keymaps)
+    (e) Visuals                          (pref.txt#Visuals)
+    (f) Colors                           (pref.txt#Colors)
+    (g) Options                          (pref.txt#Options)
+    (?) Help System Commands             (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] pref.txt
+***** [b] pref.txt#Commands
+***** [c] pref.txt#Macros
+***** [d] pref.txt#Keymaps
+***** [e] pref.txt#Visuals
+***** [f] pref.txt#Colors
+***** [g] pref.txt#Options

Modified: trunk/lib/help/pref.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/pref.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/pref.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
-=== User Pref Files ===
-Hengband allows you to change various aspects of the game to suit your
-tastes. You may define keymaps (changing the way Hengband maps your
-keypresses to underlying commands), create macros (allowing you to map
-a single keypress to a series of keypresses), modify the visuals
-(allowing you to change the appearance of monsters, objects, or terrain
-features), change the colors (allowing you to make a given color
-brighter, darker, or even completely different), or set options
-(turning them off or on).
-Hengband stores your preferences in files called "user pref files",
-which contain comments and "user pref commands", which are simple
-strings describing one aspect of the system about which the user has a
-preference. There are many ways to load a user pref file, and in fact,
-some of these files are automatically loaded for you by the game. All
-of the files are kept in the user directory, which is
-"~/.angband/Hengband/" on Unix, otherwise "lib/user/" , though you may
-have to use one of the command line arguments to redirect this
-directory, especially on multiuser systems. You may also enter single
-user pref commands directly, using the special "Enter a user pref
-command" command, activated by "double quote". You may have to use the
-"redraw" command (^R) after changing certain of the aspects of the
-game, to allow Hengband to adapt to your changes.
-When the game starts up, after you have loaded an old character, or
-created a new character, some user pref files are loaded automatically.
-First, the "pref.prf" file is loaded. This file contains some user
-pref commands which will work on all platforms. Then one of
-"font-xxx.prf" (for normal usage) or "graf-xxx.prf" (for bitmap usage)
-is loaded. These files contain attr/char changes to allow the monsters,
-objects, and/or terrain features to look "better" on your system. Then
-the "pref-xxx.prf" file is loaded. This file contains pre-defined
-system specific stuff (macros, color definitions, etc). Then, the
-"user-xxx.prf" file is loaded. This file contains user-defined system
-specific stuff. The "user-xxx.prf" file is used as the "default" user
-pref file in many places. The "xxx" is the "system suffix" for your
-system, taken from the "main-xxx.c" file which was used to generate
-your executable. Finally, the "Race.prf", "Class.prf", and "Name.prf"
-files are loaded, where "Race", "Class", and "Name" are replaced by the
-actual race, class, and name of the current character.
-Next, the preference files for object auto-picker/destroyer will be
-loaded.  "pickpref.prf" is for every characters, and
-"pickpref-<<player's name>>.prf" is for specific player.
-Several commands allow you to both load existing user pref files,
-create new user pref files, append information to existing user pref
-files, and/or interact with various of the user preferences in a more
-intuitive way than the user pref commands allow. The commands include
-"Interact with macros" (@), "Interact with visuals" (%), and "Interact
-with colors" (&), described below.
-In Hengband, all preference which will be generated in-game are not
-simply appended to old files but replaces old lines. You don't need to
-delete old lines with text editor.
-***** <Commands>
---- User pref file commands ---
-Interact with options (=)
-     Allow you to interact with options. Note that using the "cheat"
-     options may mark your savefile as unsuitable for the high score
-     list. You may change normal options using the "X" and "Y" user
-     pref commands. You must use the "redraw" command (^R) after
-     changing certain options.
-Interact with macros (@)
-     Allow you to interact with macros. You may load or save macros
-     from user pref files, create macros of various types, or define
-     keymaps. You must define a "current action", shown at the bottom
-     of the screen, before you attempt to use any of the "create macro"
-     commands, which use that "current action" as their action. This
-     is a horrible interface, and will be fixed eventually.
-Interact with visuals (%)
-     Allow you to interact with visuals. You may load or save visuals
-     from user pref files, or modify the attr/char mappings for the
-     monsters, objects, and terrain features.
-Interact with colors (&)
-     Allow the user to interact with colors. This command only
-     works on some systems.
-Reload auto-picker/destroyer preference ($)
-     This command will reload "pickpref.prf" and
-     "pickpref-<<playername>>.prf" for object auto-picker/destroyer
-     after you edit these files with your text editor.
-Edit auto-picker/destroyer pref (_)
-     Allow the user to edit the pickpref.prf in the user directry.
-     The ESC key will open the menu in this editor.  You can see and
-     use all edit commands from the command menu.  Press ^Q or ^W to
-     quit the editor.
-***** <Macros>
---- User Pref Files (Macros) ---
-The "Interact with macros" command allows you to define or remove
-"macros", which are mappings from a single logical keypress to a
-sequence of keypresses, allowing you to use special keys on the
-keyboard, such as function keys or keypad keys, possibly in conjunction
-with modifier keys, to "automate" repetitive multi-keypress commands
-that you use a lot.
-Since macros represent keypress sequences, and not all keypresses have
-a printable representation, macro triggers and actions must often be
-"encoded" into a human readable form. This is done using several types
-of encoding, including "\xHH" for character number HH in hexadecimal,
-"\e" for the "escape" code, "\n" for the "newline" code, "\r" for the
-"return" code, "\s" for the "space" code, "\\" for backslash, "\^" for
-caret, and "^X" for the code for any "control" key "ctrl-X". 
-In Hengband, name of special keys as macro-trigger is displayed using
-its real name, for example the Control-key plus the F1-key is
-displayed as "\[control-F2]", and the Alt-key plus the G is displayed
-as "\[Alt-G]". In other variant these special keys will be, currently,
-displayed using its key-code.
-Note that the "action" of a macro will not be checked against other
-macro triggers, so you cannot make infinite loops. You may specify
-extremely long macros, but you are limited in length by the underlying
-input mechanisms, which in general limit you to about 1024 keys in
-both triggers and actions.
-The special "\" command (which must be encoded in macros as "\\") is
-very useful in macros, since it bypasses all keymaps and allows the
-next keystroke to be considered a command in the underlying Hengband
-command set. For a list of the Hengband command set, see the
-"command.txt" help file. For example, a macro which maps Shift-KP6 to
-"\" + "." + "6" will induce the "run east" behavior, regardless of what
-keyset the user has chosen, and regardless of what keymaps have been
-Macros can be specified in user pref files as a pair of lines, one of
-the form "A:<str>", which defines the encoded macro action, and one of
-the form "P:<str>", which defines the encoded macro trigger.
-***** <KeyMaps>
---- User Pref Files (Keymaps) ---
-The "Interact with macros" command also allows you to define "keymaps",
-which are vaguely related to macros. A keymap maps a single keypress to
-a series of keypresses, which bypass both other keymaps and any macros.
-Hengband uses keymaps to map the original and the roguelike keysets to
-the underlying command set, and allows the user to modify or add
-keymaps of their own. Note that all keymap actions must be specified
-using underlying commands, not keypresses from the original or
-roguelike keysets. The original keyset is almost identical to the
-underlying keyset, except that "numbers" are mapped to ";" plus a
-direction, "5" is mapped to ",", and a few control-keys are mapped to
-various things. See "command.txt" for the full set of underlying
-commands. Some uses for keymaps include the ability to "disable" a
-command by mapping it to "\x00".
-Keymaps can be specified in user pref files as pairs of lines of the
-form "A:<str>" "C:<T>:<key>", where <str> is the encoded keymap
-action, <T> is the keyset (0 for original and 1 for roguelike), <key>
-is the encoded trigger key.
-***** <Visuals>
---- User Pref Files (Visuals) ---
-You can use the "Interact with visuals" command to change various
-visual information, currently including the choice of what attr/char
-values are used to represent various monsters, objects, or terrain
-features. Note that in combination appropriate support in "main-xxx.c",
-and with the use of the "use_graphics" flag, you may be able to specify
-that "graphic bitmaps" should be used instead of normal "colored
-characters" for various things.
-When interactively modifying the attr/char values for monsters,
-objects, or terrain features, pressing "n" or "N" will change which
-entry you are changing, pressing "a" or "A" will rotate through the
-available attr values, and pressing "c" or "C" will rotate though the
-available char values, and pressing "^N", "^A", and "^C" will let you
-directly enter a number and set the entry, attr or char value to that
-number.  Note that attr/char values with the "high bit" set may induce
-the display of special "graphic" pictures if the "use_graphics" flag
-is set, and your system supports the "use_graphics" flag.
-Note that this command can be abused in various ways, and if you must
-do so, remember that you are only cheating yourself.
-Visuals can be modified in user pref files as lines of the form
-"R:<N>:<A>/<C>" or "K:<N>:<A>/<C>" or "F:<N>:<A>/<C>".
-***** <Colors>
---- User Pref Files (Colors) ---
-The "Interact with colors" command allows you to change the actual
-internal values used to display various colors. This command may or may
-not have any effect on your machine. Advanced machines may allow you to
-change the actual RGB values used to represent each of the 16 colors
-used by Hengband, and perhaps even allow you to define new colors which
-are not currently used by Hengband.
-Colors can be specified in user pref files as lines of the form
-***** <Options>
---- User Pref Files (Options) ---
-The "Interact with options" command allows you to turn options on or
-off. You may turn options off or on using the user pref commands of the
-form "X:<option>" or "Y:<option>" respectively.
-This method of preference line might be useful in the macro. For
-example, if you want to cast some spell repeatedly, you can use macro
-such that;
-When you press the F1 repeatedly, your character cast spell "c" of
-spellbook "b", and rest to restore mana, and repeat.  "X:avoid_abort"
-is needed because the Rest command will usually be stopped by any key
-An explanation of 'avoid_abort' option is found the section on
-Efficiency Options (see option.txt#Efficiency [b])
-***** [b] option.txt#Efficiency
-Original   : Alexander Cutler and Andy Astrand
-Updated    : (2.7.6) by Russ Allbery (rra****@cs*****)
-Updated    : (2.7.9) by Ben Harrison (benh****@phial*****)
-Updated    : Zangband 2.2.0 through 2.2.6c by Robert Ruehlmann
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0
+=== User Pref Files ===
+Hengband allows you to change various aspects of the game to suit your
+tastes. You may define keymaps (changing the way Hengband maps your
+keypresses to underlying commands), create macros (allowing you to map
+a single keypress to a series of keypresses), modify the visuals
+(allowing you to change the appearance of monsters, objects, or terrain
+features), change the colors (allowing you to make a given color
+brighter, darker, or even completely different), or set options
+(turning them off or on).
+Hengband stores your preferences in files called "user pref files",
+which contain comments and "user pref commands", which are simple
+strings describing one aspect of the system about which the user has a
+preference. There are many ways to load a user pref file, and in fact,
+some of these files are automatically loaded for you by the game. All
+of the files are kept in the user directory, which is
+"~/.angband/Hengband/" on Unix, otherwise "lib/user/" , though you may
+have to use one of the command line arguments to redirect this
+directory, especially on multiuser systems. You may also enter single
+user pref commands directly, using the special "Enter a user pref
+command" command, activated by "double quote". You may have to use the
+"redraw" command (^R) after changing certain of the aspects of the
+game, to allow Hengband to adapt to your changes.
+When the game starts up, after you have loaded an old character, or
+created a new character, some user pref files are loaded automatically.
+First, the "pref.prf" file is loaded. This file contains some user
+pref commands which will work on all platforms. Then one of
+"font-xxx.prf" (for normal usage) or "graf-xxx.prf" (for bitmap usage)
+is loaded. These files contain attr/char changes to allow the monsters,
+objects, and/or terrain features to look "better" on your system. Then
+the "pref-xxx.prf" file is loaded. This file contains pre-defined
+system specific stuff (macros, color definitions, etc). Then, the
+"user-xxx.prf" file is loaded. This file contains user-defined system
+specific stuff. The "user-xxx.prf" file is used as the "default" user
+pref file in many places. The "xxx" is the "system suffix" for your
+system, taken from the "main-xxx.c" file which was used to generate
+your executable. Finally, the "Race.prf", "Class.prf", and "Name.prf"
+files are loaded, where "Race", "Class", and "Name" are replaced by the
+actual race, class, and name of the current character.
+Next, the preference files for object auto-picker/destroyer will be
+loaded.  "pickpref.prf" is for every characters, and
+"pickpref-<<player's name>>.prf" is for specific player.
+Several commands allow you to both load existing user pref files,
+create new user pref files, append information to existing user pref
+files, and/or interact with various of the user preferences in a more
+intuitive way than the user pref commands allow. The commands include
+"Interact with macros" (@), "Interact with visuals" (%), and "Interact
+with colors" (&), described below.
+In Hengband, all preference which will be generated in-game are not
+simply appended to old files but replaces old lines. You don't need to
+delete old lines with text editor.
+***** <Commands>
+--- User pref file commands ---
+Interact with options (=)
+     Allow you to interact with options. Note that using the "cheat"
+     options may mark your savefile as unsuitable for the high score
+     list. You may change normal options using the "X" and "Y" user
+     pref commands. You must use the "redraw" command (^R) after
+     changing certain options.
+Interact with macros (@)
+     Allow you to interact with macros. You may load or save macros
+     from user pref files, create macros of various types, or define
+     keymaps. You must define a "current action", shown at the bottom
+     of the screen, before you attempt to use any of the "create macro"
+     commands, which use that "current action" as their action. This
+     is a horrible interface, and will be fixed eventually.
+Interact with visuals (%)
+     Allow you to interact with visuals. You may load or save visuals
+     from user pref files, or modify the attr/char mappings for the
+     monsters, objects, and terrain features.
+Interact with colors (&)
+     Allow the user to interact with colors. This command only
+     works on some systems.
+Reload auto-picker/destroyer preference ($)
+     This command will reload "pickpref.prf" and
+     "pickpref-<<playername>>.prf" for object auto-picker/destroyer
+     after you edit these files with your text editor.
+Edit auto-picker/destroyer pref (_)
+     Allow the user to edit the pickpref.prf in the user directry.
+     The ESC key will open the menu in this editor.  You can see and
+     use all edit commands from the command menu.  Press ^Q or ^W to
+     quit the editor.
+***** <Macros>
+--- User Pref Files (Macros) ---
+The "Interact with macros" command allows you to define or remove
+"macros", which are mappings from a single logical keypress to a
+sequence of keypresses, allowing you to use special keys on the
+keyboard, such as function keys or keypad keys, possibly in conjunction
+with modifier keys, to "automate" repetitive multi-keypress commands
+that you use a lot.
+Since macros represent keypress sequences, and not all keypresses have
+a printable representation, macro triggers and actions must often be
+"encoded" into a human readable form. This is done using several types
+of encoding, including "\xHH" for character number HH in hexadecimal,
+"\e" for the "escape" code, "\n" for the "newline" code, "\r" for the
+"return" code, "\s" for the "space" code, "\\" for backslash, "\^" for
+caret, and "^X" for the code for any "control" key "ctrl-X". 
+In Hengband, name of special keys as macro-trigger is displayed using
+its real name, for example the Control-key plus the F1-key is
+displayed as "\[control-F2]", and the Alt-key plus the G is displayed
+as "\[Alt-G]". In other variant these special keys will be, currently,
+displayed using its key-code.
+Note that the "action" of a macro will not be checked against other
+macro triggers, so you cannot make infinite loops. You may specify
+extremely long macros, but you are limited in length by the underlying
+input mechanisms, which in general limit you to about 1024 keys in
+both triggers and actions.
+The special "\" command (which must be encoded in macros as "\\") is
+very useful in macros, since it bypasses all keymaps and allows the
+next keystroke to be considered a command in the underlying Hengband
+command set. For a list of the Hengband command set, see the
+"command.txt" help file. For example, a macro which maps Shift-KP6 to
+"\" + "." + "6" will induce the "run east" behavior, regardless of what
+keyset the user has chosen, and regardless of what keymaps have been
+Macros can be specified in user pref files as a pair of lines, one of
+the form "A:<str>", which defines the encoded macro action, and one of
+the form "P:<str>", which defines the encoded macro trigger.
+***** <KeyMaps>
+--- User Pref Files (Keymaps) ---
+The "Interact with macros" command also allows you to define "keymaps",
+which are vaguely related to macros. A keymap maps a single keypress to
+a series of keypresses, which bypass both other keymaps and any macros.
+Hengband uses keymaps to map the original and the roguelike keysets to
+the underlying command set, and allows the user to modify or add
+keymaps of their own. Note that all keymap actions must be specified
+using underlying commands, not keypresses from the original or
+roguelike keysets. The original keyset is almost identical to the
+underlying keyset, except that "numbers" are mapped to ";" plus a
+direction, "5" is mapped to ",", and a few control-keys are mapped to
+various things. See "command.txt" for the full set of underlying
+commands. Some uses for keymaps include the ability to "disable" a
+command by mapping it to "\x00".
+Keymaps can be specified in user pref files as pairs of lines of the
+form "A:<str>" "C:<T>:<key>", where <str> is the encoded keymap
+action, <T> is the keyset (0 for original and 1 for roguelike), <key>
+is the encoded trigger key.
+***** <Visuals>
+--- User Pref Files (Visuals) ---
+You can use the "Interact with visuals" command to change various
+visual information, currently including the choice of what attr/char
+values are used to represent various monsters, objects, or terrain
+features. Note that in combination appropriate support in "main-xxx.c",
+and with the use of the "use_graphics" flag, you may be able to specify
+that "graphic bitmaps" should be used instead of normal "colored
+characters" for various things.
+When interactively modifying the attr/char values for monsters,
+objects, or terrain features, pressing "n" or "N" will change which
+entry you are changing, pressing "a" or "A" will rotate through the
+available attr values, and pressing "c" or "C" will rotate though the
+available char values, and pressing "^N", "^A", and "^C" will let you
+directly enter a number and set the entry, attr or char value to that
+number.  Note that attr/char values with the "high bit" set may induce
+the display of special "graphic" pictures if the "use_graphics" flag
+is set, and your system supports the "use_graphics" flag.
+Note that this command can be abused in various ways, and if you must
+do so, remember that you are only cheating yourself.
+Visuals can be modified in user pref files as lines of the form
+"R:<N>:<A>/<C>" or "K:<N>:<A>/<C>" or "F:<N>:<A>/<C>".
+***** <Colors>
+--- User Pref Files (Colors) ---
+The "Interact with colors" command allows you to change the actual
+internal values used to display various colors. This command may or may
+not have any effect on your machine. Advanced machines may allow you to
+change the actual RGB values used to represent each of the 16 colors
+used by Hengband, and perhaps even allow you to define new colors which
+are not currently used by Hengband.
+Colors can be specified in user pref files as lines of the form
+***** <Options>
+--- User Pref Files (Options) ---
+The "Interact with options" command allows you to turn options on or
+off. You may turn options off or on using the user pref commands of the
+form "X:<option>" or "Y:<option>" respectively.
+This method of preference line might be useful in the macro. For
+example, if you want to cast some spell repeatedly, you can use macro
+such that;
+When you press the F1 repeatedly, your character cast spell "c" of
+spellbook "b", and rest to restore mana, and repeat.  "X:avoid_abort"
+is needed because the Rest command will usually be stopped by any key
+An explanation of 'avoid_abort' option is found the section on
+Efficiency Options (see option.txt#Efficiency [b])
+***** [b] option.txt#Efficiency
+Original   : Alexander Cutler and Andy Astrand
+Updated    : (2.7.6) by Russ Allbery (rra****@cs*****)
+Updated    : (2.7.9) by Ben Harrison (benh****@phial*****)
+Updated    : Zangband 2.2.0 through 2.2.6c by Robert Ruehlmann
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.0

Modified: trunk/lib/help/raceclas.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/raceclas.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/raceclas.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-Races, Classes and Personalities
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) The Races                     (raceclas.txt#TheRaces)
-    (b) The Classes                   (raceclas.txt#TheClasses)
-    (c) The Personalities             (raceclas.txt#ThePersonalities)
-    (d) Stat Bonus Tables             (raceclas.txt#StatBonusTable)
-    (e) Ability Tables                (raceclas.txt#SkillBonusTable)
-    (?) Help System Commands          (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] raceclas.txt#TheRaces
-***** [b] raceclas.txt#TheClasses
-***** [c] raceclas.txt#ThePersonalities
-***** [d] raceclas.txt#StatBonusTable
-***** [e] raceclas.txt#SkillBonusTable
+Races, Classes and Personalities
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) The Races                     (raceclas.txt#TheRaces)
+    (b) The Classes                   (raceclas.txt#TheClasses)
+    (c) The Personalities             (raceclas.txt#ThePersonalities)
+    (d) Stat Bonus Tables             (raceclas.txt#StatBonusTable)
+    (e) Ability Tables                (raceclas.txt#SkillBonusTable)
+    (?) Help System Commands          (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] raceclas.txt#TheRaces
+***** [b] raceclas.txt#TheClasses
+***** [c] raceclas.txt#ThePersonalities
+***** [d] raceclas.txt#StatBonusTable
+***** [e] raceclas.txt#SkillBonusTable

Modified: trunk/lib/help/raceclas.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/raceclas.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/raceclas.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,1329 +1,1329 @@
-=== Races, Classes and Personalities ===
-This file describes about the races, classes and personalities
-available in Hengband; racial, class, personality tables are provided
-at the bottom.
-***** <TheRaces>
-=== The Races ===
-There are thirty seven different races that you can choose from in
-Hengband.  Each race has various strengths and weaknesses and its own
-adjustments to a character's stats and abilities.  Many races also
-have intrinsic abilities and powers.  Their racial powers can be used
-by the racial/class power command ("U"/"O").
-***** <Human>
---- Human ---
-    The human is the base character.  All other races are compared to
-    them.  Humans can choose any class and are average at
-    everything.  Humans tend to go up levels faster than most other
-    races because of their shorter life spans.  No racial adjustments
-    or intrinsics occur to characters choosing human.
-***** <Half-Elf>
---- Half-Elf ---
-    Half-elves tend to be smarter and faster than humans, but not as
-    strong.  Half-elves are slightly better at searching, disarming,
-    saving throws, stealth, bows, and magic, but they are not as good
-    at hand weapons.  Half-elves may choose any class and do not
-    receive any intrinsic abilities.
-***** <Elf>
---- Elf ---
-    Elves are better magicians then humans, but not as good at
-    fighting.  They tend to be smarter and faster than either humans
-    or half-elves and also have better wisdom.  Elves are better at
-    searching, disarming, perception, stealth, bows, and magic, but
-    they are not as good at hand weapons.  They resist light effects
-    intrinsically.
-***** <Hobbit>
---- Hobbits ---
-    Hobbits, or Halflings, are very good at bows, throwing, and have
-    good saving throws.  They also are very good at searching,
-    disarming, perception, and stealth; so they make excellent rogues,
-    but prefer to be called burglars.  They are much weaker than
-    humans, and no good at melee fighting.  Halflings have fair
-    infravision, so they can detect warm creatures at a distance.
-    They have a strong hold on their life force, and are thus
-    intrinsically resistant to life draining.
-***** <Gnome>
---- Gnome ---
-    Gnomes are smaller than dwarves but larger than Halflings.  They,
-    like the hobbits, live in the earth in burrow-like homes.  Gnomes
-    make excellent mages, and have very good saving throws.  They are
-    good at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth.  They have
-    lower strength than humans so they are not very good at fighting
-    with hand weapons.  Gnomes have fair infra-vision, so they can
-    detect warm-blooded creatures at a distance.  Gnomes are
-    intrinsically protected against paralysis.
-***** <Dwarf>
---- Dwarf ---
-    Dwarves are the headstrong miners and fighters of legend.  Dwarves
-    tend to be stronger and tougher but slower and less intelligent
-    than humans.  Because they are so headstrong and are somewhat
-    wise, they resist spells which are cast on them.  They are very
-    good at searching, perception, fighting, and bows.  Dwarves have a
-    miserable stealth.  They can never be blinded.
-***** <Half-Orc>
---- Half-Orc ---
-    Half-orcs make excellent warriors, but are terrible at magic.
-    They are as bad as dwarves at stealth, and horrible at searching,
-    disarming, and perception.  Half-orcs are quite ugly, and tend to
-    pay more for goods in town.  Because of their preference to living
-    underground to on the surface, half-orcs resist darkness attacks.
-***** <Half-Troll>
---- Half-Troll ---
-    Half-Trolls are incredibly strong, and have more hit points than
-    most other races.  They are also very stupid and slow.  They are
-    bad at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth.  They are so
-    ugly that a Half-Orc grimaces in their presence.  They also happen
-    to be fun to run...  Half-trolls always have their strength
-    sustained.  At higher levels, Half-Trolls regenerate wounds
-    automatically, and if he or her is warrior slowly.
-***** <Amberite>
---- Amberites ---
-    The Amberites are a reputedly immortal race, who are endowed with
-    numerous advantages in addition to their longevity.  They are very
-    tough and their constitution cannot be reduced, and their ability
-    to heal wounds far surpasses that of any other race.  Having seen
-    virtually everything, very little is new to them, and they gain
-    levels much slower than the other races.
-***** <High-Elf>
---- High-Elf ---
-    High-elves are a race of immortal beings dating from the beginning
-    of time.  They are masters of all skills, and are strong and
-    intelligent, although their wisdom is sometimes suspect.
-    High-elves begin their lives able to see the unseen, and resist
-    light effects just like regular elves.  However, there are few
-    things that they have not seen already, and experience is very
-    hard for them to gain.
-***** <Barbarian>
---- Barbarian ---
-    Barbarians are hardy men of the north.  They are fierce in combat,
-    and their wrath is feared throughout the world.  Combat is their
-    life: they feel no fear, and they learn to enter battle frenzy at
-    will even sooner than half-trolls.  Barbarians are, however,
-    suspicious of magic, which makes magic devices fairly hard for
-    them to use.
-***** <Half-Ogre>
---- Half-Ogre ---
-    Half-Ogres are like Half-Orcs, only more so.  They are big, bad,
-    and stupid.  For warriors, they have all the necessary attributes,
-    and they can even become wizards: after all, they are related to
-    Ogre Magi, from whom they have learned the skill of setting
-    trapped runes once their level is high enough.  Like Half-Orcs,
-    they resist darkness, and like Half-Trolls, they have their
-    strength sustained.
-***** <Half-Giant>
---- Half-Giant ---
-    Half-Giants limited intelligence makes it difficult for them to
-    become full spellcasters, but with their huge strength they make
-    excellent warriors.  Their thick skin makes them resistant to
-    shards, and like Half-Ogres and Half-Trolls, they have their
-    strength sustained.
-***** <Half-Titan>
---- Half-Titan ---
-    Half-mortal descendants of the mighty titans, these immensely
-    powerful creatures put almost any other race to shame.  They may
-    lack the fascinating special powers of certain other races, but
-    their enhanced attributes more than make up for that.  They learn
-    to estimate the strengths of their foes, and their love for law
-    and order makes them resistant to the effects of Chaos.
-***** <Cyclops>
---- Cyclops ---
-    With but one eye, a Cyclops can see more than many with two eyes.
-    They are headstrong, and loud noises bother them very little.
-    They are not quite qualified for the magic using professions, but
-    as a certain Mr.  Ulysses can testify, their accuracy with thrown
-    rocks can be deadly...
-***** <Yeek>
---- Yeek ---
-    Yeeks are among the most pathetic creatures.  Fortunately, their
-    horrible screams can scare away less confident foes, and their
-    skin becomes more and more resistant to acid, as they gain
-    experience.  But having said that, even a mediocre monster can
-    wipe the proverbial floor with an unwary Yeek.
-***** <Klackon>
---- Klackon ---
-    Klackons are bizarre semi-intelligent ant-like insectoid
-    creatures.  They make great fighters, but their mental abilities
-    are severely limited.  Obedient and well-ordered, they can never
-    be confused.  They are also very nimble, and become faster as they
-    advance levels.  They are also very acidic, inherently resisting
-    acid, and capable of spitting acid at higher levels.
-***** <Kobold>
---- Kobold ---
-    Kobolds are a weak goblin race.  They love poisoned weapons, and
-    can learn to throw poisoned darts (of which they carry an
-    unlimited supply).  They are also inherently resistant to poison,
-    although they are not one of the more powerful races.
-***** <Nibelung>
---- Nibelung ---
-    The hated and persecuted race of nocturnal dwarves, these
-    cave-dwellers are not much bothered by darkness.  Their natural
-    inclination to magical items has made them immune to effects which
-    could drain away magical energy.
-***** <Dark-Elf>
---- Dark Elf ---
-    Another dark, cave-dwelling race, likewise unhampered by darkness
-    attacks, the Dark Elves have a long tradition and knowledge of
-    magic.  They have an inherent magic missile attack available to
-    them at a low level.  With their keen sight, they also learn to
-    see invisible things as their relatives High-Elves do, but at a
-    higher level.
-***** <Draconian>
---- Draconian ---
-    A humanoid race with dragon-like attributes.  As they advance
-    levels, they gain new elemental resistances (up to Poison
-    Resistance), and they also have a breath weapon, which becomes
-    more powerful with experience.  The exact type of the breath
-    weapon depends on the Draconian's class and level.  With their
-    wings, they can easily escape any pit trap unharmed.
-***** <Mindflayer>
---- Mind Flayer ---
-    A secretive and mysterious ancient race.  Their civilization may
-    well be older than any other on our planet, and their intelligence
-    and wisdom are naturally sustained, and are so great that they
-    enable Mind Flayers to become more powerful spellcasters than any
-    other race, even if their physical attributes are a good deal less
-    admirable.  As they advance levels, they gain the powers of See
-    Invisible and Telepathy.
-***** <Imp>
---- Imp ---
-    A demon-creature from the nether-world, naturally resistant to
-    fire attacks, and capable of learning fire bolt and fire ball
-    attacks.  They are little loved by other races, but can perform
-    fairly well in most professions.  As they advance levels, they
-    gain the powers of See Invisible.
-***** <Golem>
---- Golem ---
-    A Golem is an artificial creature, built from a lifeless raw
-    material like clay, and awakened to life.  They are nearly
-    mindless, making them useless for professions which rely on magic,
-    but as warriors they are very tough.  They are resistant to
-    poison, they can see invisible things, and move freely.  At higher
-    levels, they also become resistant to attacks which threaten to
-    drain away their life force.  Golems gain very little nutrition
-    from ordinary food, but can absorb mana from staves and wands as
-    their power source.  Golems also gain a natural armor class bonus
-    from their tough body.
-***** <Skeleton>
---- Skeleton ---
-    There are two types of skeletons: the ordinary, warrior-like
-    skeletons, and the spell-using skeletons, which are also called
-    liches.  As undead beings, skeletons need to worry very little
-    about poison or attacks that can drain life.  They do not really
-    use eyes for perceiving things, and are thus not fooled by
-    invisibility.  Their bones are resistant to sharp shrapnel, and
-    they will quickly become resistant to cold.  Although the magical
-    effects of these will affect the skeleton even without entering
-    the skeleton's (non-existent) belly, the potion or food itself
-    will fall through the skeleton's jaws, giving no nutritional
-    benefit.  They can absorb mana from staves and wands as their
-    energy source.
-***** <Zombie>
---- Zombie ---
-    Much like Skeletons, Zombies too are undead horrors: they are
-    resistant to life-draining attacks, and can learn to restore their
-    life-force.  Like skeletons, they become resistant to cold-based
-    attacks (actually earlier than skeletons), resist poison and can
-    see invisible.  While still vulnerable to cuts (unlike skeletons),
-    Zombies are resistant to Nether.  Like Golems, they gain very
-    little nutrition from the food of mortals, but can absorb mana
-    from staves and wands as their energy source.
-***** <Vampire>
---- Vampire ---
-    One of the mightier undead creatures, the Vampire is an
-    awe-inspiring sight.  Yet this dread creature has a serious
-    weakness: the bright rays of sun are its bane, and it will need to
-    flee the surface to the deep recesses of earth until the sun
-    finally sets.  Darkness, on the other hand, only makes the Vampire
-    stronger.  As undead, the Vampire has a firm hold on its life
-    force, and resists nether attacks.  The Vampire also resists cold
-    and poison based attacks.  It is, however, susceptible to its
-    perpetual hunger for fresh blood, which can only be satiated by
-    sucking the blood from a nearby monster.
-***** <Spectre>
---- Spectre ---
-    Another powerful undead creature: the Spectre is a ghastly
-    apparition, surrounded by an unearthly green glow.  They exist
-    only partially on our plane of existence: half-corporeal, they can
-    pass through walls, although the density of the wall will hurt
-    them in the process of doing this.  As undead, they have a firm
-    hold on their life force, see invisible, and resist poison and
-    cold.  They also resist nether.  At higher levels they develop
-    telepathic abilities.  Spectres make superb spellcasters, but
-    their physical form is very weak.  They gain very little nutrition
-    from the food of mortals, but can absorb mana from staves and
-    wands as their energy source.
-***** <Sprite>
---- Sprite ---
-    One of the several fairy races, Sprites are very small.  They have
-    tiny wings and can fly over traps that may open up beneath them.
-    They enjoy sunlight intensely, and need worry little about light
-    based attacks.  Although physically among the weakest races,
-    Sprites are very talented in magic, and can become highly skilled
-    wizards.  Sprites have the special power of spraying Sleeping
-    Dust, and at higher levels they learn to fly faster.
-***** <Beastman>
---- Beastman ---
-    "This race is a blasphemous abomination produced by Chaos.  It is
-    not an independent race but rather a humanoid creature, most often
-    a human, twisted by the Chaos, or a nightmarish crossbreed of a
-    human and a beast.  All Beastmen are accustomed to Chaos so much
-    that they are untroubled by confusion and sound, although raw
-    logrus can still have effects on them.  Beastmen revel in chaos,
-    as it twists them more and more.  Beastmen are subject to
-    mutations: when they have been created, they receive a random
-    mutation.  After that, every time they advance a level they have a
-    small chance of gaining yet another mutation.
-***** <Ent>
---- Ent ---
-    The Ents are a powerful race dating from the beginning of the
-    world, oldest of all animals or plants who inhabit Arda.  Spirits
-    of the land, they were summoned to guard the forests of
-    Middle-earth.  Being much like trees they are very clumsy but
-    strong, and very susceptible to fire.  They gain very little
-    nutrition from the food of mortals, but they can absorb water from
-    potions as their nutrition.
-***** <Archon>
---- Archon ---
-    Archons are a higher class of angels.  They are good at all
-    skills, and are strong, wise, and are a favorite with any people.
-    They are able to see the unseen, and their wings allow them to
-    safely fly over traps and other dangerous places.  However,
-    belonging to a higher plane as they do, the experiences of this
-    world do not leave a strong impression on them and they gain
-    levels slowly.
-***** <Balrog>
---- Balrog ---
-    Balrogs are a higher class of demons.  They are strong,
-    intelligent and tough.  They do not believe in gods, and are not
-    suitable for priest at all.  Balrog are resistant to fire and
-    nether, and have a firm hold on their life force.  They also
-    eventually learn to see invisible things.  They are good at almost
-    all skills except stealth.  They gain very little nutrition from
-    the food of mortals, and need human corpses as sacrifices to
-    regain their vitality.
-***** <Dunadan>
---- Dunadan ---
-    Dunedain are a race of hardy men from the West.  This elder race
-    surpasses human abilities in every field, especially constitution.
-    However, being men of the world, very little is new to them, and
-    levels are very hard for them to gain.  Their constitution cannot
-    be reduced.
-***** <Shadow-Fairy>
---- Shadow Fairy ---
-    Shadow Fairies are one of the several fairy races.  They have
-    wings, and can fly over traps that may open up beneath them.
-    Shadow Fairies must beware of sunlight, as they are vulnerable to
-    bright light.  They are physically weak, but have advantages in
-    using magic and are amazingly stealthy.  Shadow Fairies have a
-    wonderful advantage in that they never aggravate monsters (If
-    their equipment normally aggravates monsters, they only suffer a
-    penalty to stealth, but if they aggravate by their personality
-    itself, the advantage will be lost).
-***** <Kutar>
---- Kutar ---
-    A Kutar is an expressionless animal-like living creature.  The
-    word 'kuta' means 'absentmindedly' or 'vacantly'.  Their
-    absentmindedness hurts their searching and perception skills, but
-    renders them incapable of being confused.  Their unearthly
-    calmness and serenity make them among the most stealthy of any
-    race.  Kutars, although expressionless, are beautiful and so have
-    a high charisma.  Members of this race can learn to expand their
-    body horizontally.  This increases armour class, but renders them
-    vulnerable to magical attacks.
-***** <Android>
---- Android ---
-    An android is a artificial creation with a body of machinery.
-    They are poor at spell casting, but they make excellent warriors.
-    They don't acquire experience like other races, but rather gain in
-    power as they attach new equipment to their frame.  Rings,
-    amulets, and lights do not influence growth.  Androids are
-    resistant to poison, can move freely, and are immune to
-    life-draining attacks.  Moreover, because of their hard metallic
-    bodies, they get a bonus to AC.  Androids have electronic circuits
-    throughout their body and must beware of electric shocks.  They
-    gain very little nutrition from the food of mortals, but they can
-    use flasks of oil as their energy source.
-***** <TheClasses>
-=== The Classes ===
-There are twenty seven different classes that you can choose from in
-Hengband.  Each class has various strengths and weaknesses and its own
-adjustments to a character's stats and abilities.  Many classes also
-have intrinsic abilities and powers.  These are often linked to the
-character's experience level and only become available later in the
-game.  Their class powers can be used by the racial/class power
-***** <Warrior>
---- Warrior ---
-    A Warrior is a hack-and-slash character, who solves most of his
-    problems by cutting them to pieces, but will occasionally fall
-    back on the help of a magical device.  Unfortunately, many
-    high-level devices may be forever beyond their use.
-    Warriors cast no spells.  They hate magic.  In fact, they even
-    gain experience for destroying high level spellbooks.  They have a
-    class power - 'Sword Dancing' - which allows them to conduct a
-    melee attack in six random directions.
-***** <Mage>
---- Mage ---
-    A Mage is a spell caster that must live by his wits as he cannot
-    hope to simply hack his way through the dungeon like a warrior.
-    In addition to his spellbooks, a Mage should carry a range of
-    magical devices to help him in his endeavors which he can master
-    far more easily than anyone else.  A Mage's prime statistic is
-    Intelligence as this determines his spell casting ability.
-    Mages have the least restrictions in choosing and learning spells.
-    They can freely choose any two realms when a character is created.
-    Their natural inclination makes Life magic fairly hard to learn.
-    Otherwise, a mage tends to learn and cast all the spells in his or
-    her realms better than any other character.  The ability to choose
-    second realm of magic has a special meaning in Hengband; only
-    second realm can be changed in the middle of the game.  You can
-    change second realm by studying ("G") from a spellbook of new
-    realm.  They have a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana
-    from wands, staves or rods.
-***** <Priest>
---- Priest ---
-    A Priest is a character devoted to serving a higher power.  They
-    explore the dungeon in the service of their God.  Since Priests
-    receive new prayers as gifts from their patron deity, they cannot
-    choose which ones they will learn.  Priests are familiar with
-    magical devices which they believe act as foci for divine
-    intervention in the natural order of things.  A priest wielding an
-    edged weapon will be so uncomfortable with it that his fighting
-    ability.  A Priest's primary stat is Wisdom since this determine
-    his success at praying to his deity.
-    Priest can select from Life, Death, Daemon, or Crusade as a first
-    realm, and choose second realm almost freely.  But pairs of a good
-    magic and an evil magic from these four realms are not allowed.
-    Priests can learn all spells in the selected realms, even if not
-    as efficiently as mages.  However, when learning spells, priests
-    cannot voluntarily decide which spells to study: they are rewarded
-    with new prayers by their patron deities, with no money-back
-    satisfaction guarantee.  Priests which select Life realm or
-    Crusade realm have a class power - 'Bless Weapon' - which blesses
-    any edged weapon to be suitable for priests to wield.  Every
-    priest which select Death realm or Daemon realm have a class power
-    - 'Evocation' - which damages, scares and banish all monsters in
-    sight.
-***** <Rogue>
---- Rogue ---
-    A Rogue is a character that prefers to live by his cunning, but is
-    capable of fighting his way out of a tight spot.  Rogues are good
-    at locating hidden traps and doors and are the masters of
-    disarming traps and picking locks.  A rogue has a high stealth
-    allowing him to sneak around many creatures without having to
-    fight, or to get in a telling first blow.  A rogue may also
-    backstab a fleeing monster.  Intelligence determines a Rogue's
-    spell casting ability.
-    Rogues can select one realm from Sorcery, Death, Trump, Arcane, or
-    Craft.  All Rogues have certain limitations on which spells they
-    can learn, and they do not learn new spells very quickly.  They
-    have a class power - 'Hit and Away' - which allows them to attack
-    in melee and teleport away from there at once.
-***** <Ranger>
---- Ranger ---
-    A Ranger is a combination of a warrior and a mage who has
-    developed a special affinity for the natural world around him.  He
-    is a good fighter and also good about a missile weapon such as a
-    bow.  A ranger has a good stealth, good perception, good
-    searching, a good saving throw and is good with magical devices.
-    Intelligence determines a Ranger's spell casting ability.
-    All rangers are trained in Nature magic, and all Nature spells are
-    available to them.  They even learn these spells almost as fast as
-    mages.  They can also select a secondary realm (from Sorcery,
-    Chaos, Death, Trump, Arcane, and Daemon), but they are slow
-    learners here, and may find themselves unable to learn some of the
-    highest level spells.  They have a class power - 'Probe Monster' -
-    which allows them to know a monster's HP, speed, and experience
-    required to evolve.
-***** <Paladin>
---- Paladin ---
-    A Paladin is a combination of a warrior and a priest.  Paladins
-    are very good fighters, but not very good at missile weapons.  A
-    paladin lacks much in the way of abilities.  He is poor at
-    stealth, perception, searching, and magical devices but has a
-    decent saving throw due to his divine alliance.  Wisdom determines
-    a Paladin's success at praying to his deity.
-    Paladins can select a realm from Crusade and Death.  Like priests,
-    they cannot select which prayers to learn, but are rewarded with
-    new prayers by their deities.  They can learn all spells, but not
-    as fast as priests.  They detest paganism so strongly that they
-    will even gain experience for destroying high-level pagan spell-
-    books: 'pagan' means Life or Crusade spellbooks for a Death
-    Paladin and all spellbooks other than Life and Crusade for a
-    Crusade Paladin.  Depending on their realm, they have a class
-    power - 'Holy Lance' or 'Hell Lance'.
-***** <Warrior-Mage>
---- Warrior-Mage ---
-    A Warrior-Mage is precisely what the name suggests: a cross
-    between the warrior and mage classes.  While their brothers, the
-    rangers, specialize in Nature magic and survival skills, true
-    Warrior-Mages attempt to reach the best of both worlds.  As
-    warriors they are much superior to the usual Mage class.
-    Intelligence determines a Warrior-Mage's spell casting ability.
-    Warrior-mages begin the game with Arcane magic, and they can
-    freely select another realm of magic.  Although they do not gain
-    new spells as fast as regular mages, they will eventually learn
-    every spell in both realms, thus making them a very competitive
-    choice for players who appreciate Arcane magic.  They have two
-    class powers - 'Convert HP to SP' and 'Convert SP to HP' - which
-    allow them to heal HP using mana or gain mana using HP.
-***** <Chaos-Warrior>
---- Chaos-Warrior ---
-    Chaos Warriors are the feared servants of the terrible Demon Lords
-    of Chaos.  Every Chaos Warrior has a Patron Demon and, when
-    gaining a level, may receive a reward from his Patron.  He might
-    be healed or polymorphed, his stats could be increased, or he
-    might be rewarded with an awesome weapon.  On the other hand, the
-    Patrons might surround him with monsters, drain his stats or wreck
-    his equipment or they might simply ignore him.  The Demon Lords of
-    Chaos are chaotic and unpredictable indeed.  The exact type of
-    reward depends on both the Patron Demon (different Demons give
-    different rewards) and chance.
-    Chaos Warriors can select a realm from Chaos and Daemon.  They are
-    not interested in any other form of magic.  They can learn every
-    spell.  They have a class power - 'Confusing Light' - which stuns,
-    confuses, and scares all monsters in sight.
-***** <Monk>
---- Monk ---
-    The Monk character class is very different from all other classes.
-    Their training in martial arts makes them much more powerful with
-    no armor or weapons.  To gain the resistances necessary for
-    survival a monk may need to wear some kind of armor, but if the
-    armor he wears is too heavy, it will severely disturb his martial
-    arts maneuvers.  As the monk advances levels, new, powerful forms
-    of attack become available.  Their defensive capabilities increase
-    likewise, but if armour is being worn, this effect decreases.
-    Wisdom determines a Monk's spell casting ability.
-    The different sects of monks are devoted to different areas of
-    magic.  They select a realm from Life, Nature, Craft, and Death.
-    They will eventually learn all prayers in the discipline of their
-    choice.  They have two class powers - 'Assume a Posture' and
-    'Double Attack'.  They can choose different forms of postures in
-    different situations, and use powerful combinations of attacks for
-    the finishing blow.
-***** <Mindcrafter>
---- Mindcrafter ---
-    The Mindcrafter is a unique class that uses the powers of the mind
-    instead of magic.  These powers are unique to Mindcrafters, and
-    vary from simple extrasensory powers to mental domination of
-    others.  Since these powers are developed by the practice of
-    certain disciplines, a Mindcrafter requires no spellbooks to use
-    them.  The available powers are simply determined by the
-    character's level.  Wisdom determines a Mindcrafter's ability to
-    use mind powers,
-    Mindcrafters gain new mindcrafting powers and their existing ones
-    become stronger as they gain levels.  They can use their power
-    even when blinded.  They have a class power - 'Clear Mind' - which
-    allows them to rapidly regenerate their mana.
-***** <High-Mage>
---- High-Mage ---
-    High-mages are mages who specialize in one particular field of
-    magic and learn it very well - much better than the ordinary mage.
-    A high mage's prime statistic is intelligence as this determines
-    his spell casting ability.
-    For the price of giving up a second realm of magic, High-mages
-    gain substantial benefits in the mana costs, minimum levels, and
-    failure rates of the spells in their speciality realm.  They have
-    a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana from wands,
-    staves, or rods.
-    And then, only High-Mages are able to cast Hex spells.
-***** <Tourist>
---- Tourist ---
-    Tourists have visited this world for the purpose of sightseeing.
-    Their fighting skills is bad, and they cannot cast powerful
-    spells.  They are the most difficult class to win the game with.
-    Intelligence determines a tourist's spell casting ability.
-    Tourists are always seeing more of the world to add to their stock
-    of information; no other class can compete with their
-    identification skills.  They have two class powers - 'Take a
-    Photograph' and 'Identify True'.  Their magic is based on Arcane,
-    and - aside from identify - is very weak indeed.
-***** <Imitator>
---- Imitator ---
-    Imitators have enough fighting skills to survive, but rely on
-    their unique technique - 'Imitation' - which imitates monster
-    spells/techniques include whose damage/duration value.  Dexterity
-    determines general imitation ability, but a stat related to the
-    specific action is often also taken into account.
-    To use imitation, Imitators must see monster's spell at first.
-    When monsters in view use spells, they are added to a temporary
-    spell list which the imitator can choose among.  Spells should be
-    imitated quickly, because timing and situation are everything.  An
-    imitator can only repeat a spell once each time he observes it.
-    They only have a small long-term memory for spells, which ranges
-    from one to three, depending on their level.  When they memorize
-    more spells than this, they will forget the oldest spell in the
-    list.  They have a class power - 'Double Revenge' - which allows
-    them to imitate spells at double damage or duration.
-***** <BeastMaster>
---- BeastMaster ---
-    Beastmasters are in tune with the minds of the creatures of the
-    world of Hengband.  They are very good at riding, and have enough
-    fighting ability.  They use monsters which summoned or dominated
-    by him as his hands and feet.  Beastmasters can cast trump magic,
-    and very good at summoning spell, but they can not summon
-    non-living creatures.  Charisma determines a Beastmaster's spell
-    casting ability.
-    Beastmasters use Trump magic to make good use of their monster
-    domination and riding abilities.  They are very good at summoning
-    living creatures, and they learn summoning spells quicker than
-    Mages.  However, they cannot summon non-living creatures.  They
-    have two class powers - 'Dominate a Living Thing' and 'Dominate
-    Living Things'.
-***** <Sorcerer>
---- Sorcerer ---
-    Sorcerers are the all-around best magicians, being able to cast
-    any spell from most magic realms without having to learn it.  On
-    the downside, they are the worst fighters in the dungeon, being
-    unable to use any weapon but a Wizardstaff.
-    Sorcerers can cast any spell from any spellbooks of all nine magic
-    realms with 'Master' proficiency level without having to learn it.
-    They have a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana from
-    wands, staves or rods.
-***** <Archer>
---- Archer ---
-    Archers are to bows what warriors are to melee.  They are the best
-    class around with any bow, crossbow, or sling.  They need a lot of
-    ammunition, but will learn how to make it from junk found in the
-    dungeon.  An archer is better than a warrior at stealth,
-    perception, searching and magical devices.
-    Archers have a class power - 'Create Ammo' - which creates stones
-    or shots from pile of rubble, and arrows and crossbow bolts from
-    bones.
-***** <Magic-Eater>
---- Magic-Eater ---
-    Magic-Eaters can absorb magic devices, and use these magics as
-    their spells.  They are middling-poor at fighting.  A
-    Magic-Eater's prime statistic is intelligence.
-    Magic-Eaters can absorb the energy of wands, staffs, and rods, and
-    can then use these magics as if they were carrying all of these
-    absorbed devices.  Mana and changes of absorbed devices are
-    regenerated naturally by a Magic-Eater's power, and speed of
-    regeneration is influenced by their intelligence.  They have a
-    class power - 'Absorb Magic' - which is used to absorb magic
-    devices.
-***** <Bard>
---- Bard ---
-    Bards are something like traditional musicians.  Their magical
-    attacks are sound-based, and last as long as the Bard has mana.
-    Although a bard cannot sing two or more songs at the same time, he
-    or she does have the advantage that many songs affect all areas in
-    sight.  A bard's prime statistic is charisma.
-    The songs are found in four songbooks, of which two are sold in
-    town.  There is a special feature of music; many songs continue to
-    be sung until either the Bard chooses to stop, or he runs out of
-    the energy required to sing that type of song.  Bards have a class
-    power - 'Stop Singing'.
-***** <Red-Mage>
---- Red-Mage ---
-    Red Mages are similar to Warrior-Mage; they are decent fighters
-    and spellcasters.  Red-Mages can use almost all spells from lower
-    rank spellbooks of all realms, but they cannot cast spells from
-    higher rank spellbooks, and they are extremely slow learners in
-    them.  They are not bad at using magical devices and magic
-    resistance, but are bad at other skills.  A red-mage's prime
-    statistic is intelligence.
-    Red-Mages can use almost all spells from lower rank spellbooks of
-    all realms: first and second spellbooks of all realms and third
-    and fourth Arcane spellbooks, without having to learn it, but they
-    cannot cast spells from higher rank spellbooks; third and fourth
-    spellbooks for all realms other than Arcane.  Since they use all
-    realms at once, they have large penalties in the mana costs,
-    minimum levels, and failure rates of spells.  They have a class
-    power - 'Double Magic' - which allows them to cast two spells at
-    once.
-***** <Samurai>
---- Samurai ---
-    Samurai, masters of the art of the blade, are the next strongest
-    fighters after Warriors, and can use various special combat
-    techniques.  Samurai are not good at most other skills, and many
-    magical devices may be too difficult for them to use.  Wisdom
-    determines a Samurai's ability to use the special combat
-    techniques available to him.
-    Samurai use the art of the blade called Kendo (or Bugei).  Books
-    of Kendo are similar to spellbooks, but Samurai don't need to
-    carry them around; the books are needed only when they study new
-    combat techniques.  Samurai need a weapon wielded to use the
-    techniques of Kendo, and most techniques will add powerful special
-    properties to their blows; such as flaming, poisoning, vampiric,
-    etc...  Their maximum spellpoints don't depend on their level but
-    solely on wisdom, and they can use the class power 'Concentration'
-    to temporarily increase SP beyond its usual maximum value.  They
-    have one more class power - 'Assume a Posture'.  They can choose
-    different forms of posture in different situations.
-***** <ForceTrainer>
---- ForceTrainer ---
-    A ForceTrainer is a master of the spiritual Force.  They prefer
-    fighting with neither weapon nor armor.  They are not as good
-    fighters as are Monks, but they can use both magic and the
-    spiritual Force.  Wielding weapons or wearing heavy armor disturbs
-    use of the Force.  Wisdom is a ForceTrainer's primary stat.
-    ForceTrainer use both spellbook magic and the special spiritual
-    power called the Force.  They can select a realm from Life,
-    Nature, Craft, Death, and Crusade.  To use The Force, you select
-    it just as if it were spellbook 'w'; which means you need to press
-    'm' and then 'w' to select the Force.  The most important spell of
-    the Force is 'Improve Force'; each time a ForceTrainer activates
-    it, their Force power becomes more powerful, and their attack
-    power in bare-handed melee fighting is increased temporarily.  The
-    strengthened Force can be released at one stroke when a
-    ForceTrainer activates some other Force spell, typically an attack
-    spell.  They have a class power - 'Clear Mind' - which allows them
-    to rapidly regenerate their mana.
-***** <Blue-Mage>
---- Blue-Mage ---
-    A Blue-Mage is a spell caster that must live by his wits, as he
-    cannot hope to simply hack his way through the dungeon like a
-    warrior.  A major difference between the Mage and the Blue-Mage is
-    the method of learning spells: Blue-Mages may learn spells from
-    monsters.  A Blue-Mage's prime statistic is Intelligence as this
-    determines his spell casting ability.
-    A Blue-Mage can learn and cast monster ranged attacks, spells, or
-    summons as their own spells; this technique is called Blue magic.
-    Unlike Imitators, Blue-Mages remember their spells permanently,
-    but they must get hit by a monster's spell while their class power
-    'Learning' is active to learn spells.  Because of this
-    requirement, they do not learn spells, like healing, that affect
-    the monster itself.
-***** <Cavalry>
---- Cavalry ---
-    Cavalry ride on horses into battle.  Although they cannot cast
-    spells, they are proud of their overwhelming offensive strength on
-    horseback.  They are good at shooting.  At high levels, they learn
-    to forcibly saddle and tame wild monsters.  Since they take pride
-    in the body and the soul, they don't use magical devices well.
-    Like Warriors and Archers, the cavalry don't use magic.  Since
-    they are very good at riding, they have a class power - 'Rodeo' -
-    which allows them to forcibly saddle and tame wild monsters.
-***** <Berserker>
---- Berserker ---
-    A Berserker is a fearful fighter indeed, immune to fear and
-    paralysis.  At high levels, Berserkers can reflect bolt spells
-    with their tough flesh.  Furthermore, they can fight without
-    weapons, can remove cursed equipment by force, and can even use
-    their special combat techniques when surrounded by an anti-magic
-    barrier.  Berserkers, however, cannot use any magical devices or
-    read any scrolls, and are hopeless at all non-combat skills.
-    Since Berserker Spectres are quite easy to *win* with, their 
-    scores are lowered.
-    Berserkers use a unique system of techniques called 'Rage'.  They
-    gain more techniques as they gain levels.  They use no magic:
-    indeed, they cannot use any magic devices or activate any
-    artifacts, and cannot read scrolls.  To offset these great
-    disadvantages, Berserkers are allowed to have an important class
-    power - 'Recall'.
-***** <Weaponsmith>
---- Weaponsmith ---
-    A Weaponsmith can improve weapons and armors for him or herself.
-    They are good at fighting, and they have potential ability to
-    become even better than Warriors using improved equipments.  They
-    cannot cast spells, and are poor at skills such as stealth or
-    magic defense.
-    A Weaponsmith extract the essences of special effects from weapons
-    or armors which have various special abilities, and can add these
-    essences to another weapon or armor.  Normally, each equipment can
-    be improved only once, but they can remove a previously added
-    essence from improved equipment to improve it with another
-    essence.  To-hit, to-damage bonus, and AC can be improved freely
-    up to a maximum value depending on level.  Weaponsmiths have a
-    class power - 'Judgment' - which allows them to identify (later
-    *identify*) weapons and armor.
-***** <Mirror-Master>
---- Mirror-Master ---
-    Mirror-Masters are spell casters; like other mages, they must live
-    by their wits.  They can create magical mirrors, and employ them
-    in the casting of Mirror-Magic spells.  Intelligence determines a
-    Mirror-Master's spell casting ability.
-    Mirror-Masters gain more spells and each spell becomes more
-    powerful as they gain levels.  They can use their spells even when
-    blinded.  For Mirror-Masters, the arrangement of mirrors is very
-    important: Some attack spells reflect from mirrors, and some other
-    spells are effective only against monsters standing on a mirror.
-    A Mirror-Master standing on a mirror has greater ability and, for
-    example, can perform quick teleports.  The maximum number of
-    magical Mirrors which can be controlled simultaneously depends on
-    the level, and breaking unnecessary mirrors is important work for
-    them.  They have two class powers - 'Break Mirrors', which breaks
-    all mirrors in current dungeon level and 'Mirror Concentration',
-    which allows them to rapidly regenerate their mana on a mirror.
-***** <Ninja>
---- Ninja ---
-    A Ninja is a fearful assassin lurking in darkness.  He or she can
-    navigate effectively with no light source, catch enemies unawares,
-    and kill with a single blow.  Ninjas can use Ninjutsu, and are
-    good at locating hidden traps and doors, disarming traps and
-    picking locks.  Since heavy armors, heavy weapons, or shields will
-    restrict their motion greatly, they prefer light clothes, and
-    become faster and more stealthy as they gain levels.  A Ninja
-    knows no fear and, at high level, becomes almost immune to poison
-    and able to see invisible things.  Dexterity determines a Ninja's
-    ability to use Ninjutsu.
-    A Ninja can use Ninjutsu for lurking and surprise attacks.  They
-    gain more Ninjutsu techniques as they gain levels.  They have a
-    class power - 'Quick Walk' - which makes their walking speed
-    extremely fast.
-***** <Sniper>
---- Sniper ---
-    Snipers are specialists in marksmanship, but not like archers who 
-    fire off arrow after arrow in swift succession.  They don't just
-    increase accuracy and power of shots by concentration, they can use
-    fearsome archery techniques.  
-    What they require is powerful bows or crossbows, good quality 
-    ammunition and the fortitude to bear up without flinching under 
-    any situation.  
-    Snipers know their enemies well and can shoot them from the shadows.
-    They have no time for magic.
-***** <ThePersonalities>
-=== The Personality ===
-There are twelve different personality that you can choose from in
-Hengband.  Each personality has various strengths and weaknesses and
-its own adjustments to a character's stats and abilities.
-***** <Ordinary>
---- Ordinary ---
-    "Ordinary" is a personality with no special skills or talents,
-    with unmodified stats and skills.
-***** <Mighty>
---- Mighty ---
-    "Mighty" raises your physical stats and skills, but reduces stats
-    and skills which influence magic.  It makes your stats suitable
-    for a warrior.  Also it directly influences your hit-points and
-    spell fail rate.
-***** <Shrewd>
---- Shrewd ---
-    "Shrewd" reduces your physical stats, and raises your intelligence
-    and magical skills.  It makes your stats suitable for a mage.
-    Also it directly influences your hit-points and spell fail rate.
-***** <Pious>
---- Pious ---
-    "Pious" deepens your faith in your God.  It makes your physical
-    ability average, and your stats suitable for priest.
-***** <Nimble>
---- Nimble ---
-    "Nimble" renders you highly skilled comparatively well, but
-    reduces your physical ability.
-***** <Fearless>
---- Fearless ---
-    "Fearless" raises both your melee and magical ability.  Stats such
-    as magic defense and constitution are reduced.  Also it has a
-    direct bad influence on your hit-points.
-***** <Combat>
---- Combat ---
-    "Combat" gives you comparatively high melee and shooting
-    abilities, and average constitution.  Other skills such as
-    stealth, magic defense, and magical devices are weakened.  All
-    "Combat" people have great respect for the legendary "Combat
-    Echizen". (See "Death Crimson" / Ecole Software Corp.)
-***** <Lazy>
---- Lazy ---
-    A "Lazy" person has no good stats and can do no action well.  Also
-    it has a direct bad influence on your spell fail rate.
-***** <Sexy>
---- Sexy ---
-    "Sexy" rises all of your abilities, but your haughty attitude will
-    aggravate all monsters.  Only females can choose this personality.
-***** <Lucky>
---- Lucky ---
-    A "Lucky" man has poor stats, equivalent to a "Lazy" person.
-    Mysteriously, however, he can do all things well.  Only males can
-    choose this personality.
-***** <Patient>
---- Patient ---
-    A "Patient" person does things carefully.  Patient people have
-    high constitution, and high resilience, but poor abilities in most
-    other skills.  Also it directly influences your hit-points.
-***** <Munchkin>
---- Munchkin ---
-    "munchkin" is a personality for beginners.  It raises all your
-    stats and skills.  With this personality, you can win the game
-    easily, but gain little honor in doing so.
-***** <StatBonusTable>
-=== Stat Bonus Tables ===
-Each of the races, classes, and personalities has certain
-modifications to their starting statistics an experience penalty. The
-experience penalty is designed to 'balance' the races with better
-starting statistics and abilities by requiring them to earn more
-experience before advancing a level.
---- Table 1 - Race Statistic Bonus Table ---
-               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice Exp Penalty
-Human          +0   +0   +0   +0   +0   +0      10        +0%
-Half-Elf       -1   +1   +1   +1   -1   +1      9         +10%
-Elf            -1   +2   +0   +1   -2   +2      8         +20%
-Hobbit         -2   +1   +1   +3   +2   +1      7         +10%
-Gnome          -1   +2   +0   +2   +1   -1      8         +20%
-Dwarf          +2   -2   +2   -2   +2   -1      11        +25%
-Half-Orc       +2   -1   +0   +0   +1   -2      10        +10%
-Half-Troll     +4   -4   -1   -3   +3   -3      12        +25%
-Amberite       +1   +2   +2   +2   +3   +2      10        +125%
-High-Elf       +1   +3   -1   +3   +1   +3      10        +100%
-Barbarian      +3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +0      11        +20%
-Half-Ogre      +3   -2   +0   -1   +3   -2      12        +45%
-Half-Giant     +4   -2   -2   -2   +3   -2      13        +60%
-Half-Titan     +5   +1   +2   -2   +3   +1      14        +155%
-Cyclops        +4   -3   -2   -3   +4   -3      13        +50%
-Yeek           -2   +1   +1   +1   -2   -4      7         +0%
-Klackon        +2   -1   -1   +1   +2   -1      12        +90%
-Kobold         +1   -1   +0   +1   +0   -2      9         +25%
-Nibelung       +1   -1   +2   +0   +2   -2      11        +70%
-Dark-Elf       -1   +3   +2   +2   -2   +1      9         +50%
-Draconian      +2   +1   +1   +1   +2   -1      11        +120%
-Mindflayer     -3   +4   +4   +0   -2   -3      9         +40%
-Imp            +0   -1   -1   +1   +2   -1      10        +15%
-Golem          +4   -5   -5   -2   +4   -2      12        +100%
-Skeleton       +0   +1   -2   +0   +1   -2      10        +45%
-Zombie         +2   -6   -6   +1   +4   -3      13        +50%
-Vampire        +3   +3   -1   -1   +1   +2      11        +100%
-Spectre        -5   +4   -1   +2   +0   -3      7         +110%
-Sprite         -4   +3   +3   +3   -2   +2      7         +45%
-Beastman       +2   -2   -1   -1   +2   -2      11        +40%
-Ent            +2   +0   +2   -3   +2   +0      12        +40%
-Archon         +2   +0   +4   +1   +2   +3      11        +135%
-Balrog         +4   +2   -10  +2   +3   -5      12        +150%
-Dunadan        +1   +2   +2   +2   +3   +2      10        +80%
-Shadow-Fairy   -2   +2   +2   +1   -1   +0      7         +20%
-Kutar          +0   -1   -1   +1   +2   +3      11        +40%
-Android        +4   -5   -5   +0   +4   -2      13        +100%
---- Table 2 - Class Statistic Bonus Table ---
-               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice  Exp Penalty
-Warrior        +4   -2   -2   +2   +2   -1      +9         +0%
-Mage           -4   +3   +0   +1   -2   +1      +0         +30%
-Priest         -1   -3   +3   -1   +0   +2      +2         +20%
-Rogue          +2   +1   -2   +3   +1   -1      +6         +25%
-Ranger         +2   +2   +0   +1   +1   +1      +4         +40%
-Paladin        +3   -3   +1   +0   +2   +2      +6         +35%
-Warrior-Mage   +2   +2   +0   +1   +0   +1      +4         +40%
-Chaos-Warrior  +2   +1   -1   +0   +2   -2      +6         +25%
-Monk           +2   -1   +1   +3   +2   +1      +6         +30%
-Mindcrafter    -1   +0   +3   -1   -1   +2      +2         +25%
-High-Mage      -4   +4   +0   +0   -2   +1      +0         +30%
-Tourist        -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1      +0         -30%
-Imitator       +0   +1   -1   +2   +0   +1      +5         +10%
-BeastMaster    +1   -1   -1   +1   +0   +2      +3         +20%
-Sorcerer       -5   +6   -2   +2   +0   -2      +4         +60%
-Archer         +2   -1   -1   +2   +1   +0      +6         +10%
-Magic-Eater    -1   +2   +1   +2   -2   +1      +3         +30%
-Bard           -2   +1   +2   -1   -2   +4      +2         +40%
-Red-Mage       +2   +2   -1   +1   +0   -1      +4         +40%
-Samurai        +3   -2   +1   +2   +1   +0      +6         +30%
-ForceTrainer   +0   -1   +3   +2   +1   +1      +2         +35%
-Blue-Mage      -4   +4   -1   +1   -2   -1      +2         +30%
-Cavalry        +2   -2   -2   +2   +2   +0      +5         +20%
-Berserker      +8   -20  -20  +4   +4   -5      +11        +60%
-Weaponsmith    +3   -1   -1   +1   +0   -1      +6         +30%
-Mirror-Master  -2   +3   +1   -1   -2   +1      +2         +30%
-Ninja          +0   -1   -1   +3   +2   -1      +2         +20%
-Sniper         +2   -1   -1   +2   +1   +0      +2         +20%
---- Table 3 - Personality Statistic Bonus Table ---
-               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice
-Ordinary       +0   +0   +0   +0   +0   +0      +0 
-Mighty         +2   -2   -1   +0   +1   +0      +1 
-Shrewd         -2   +2   +0   +1   -1   -1      -1 
-Pious          +0   -1   +2   -1   +0   +1      +0 
-Nimble         -1   +1   -1   +2   -1   -1      +0 
-Fearless       +2   +1   +1   -1   -1   +0      -1 
-Combat         +1   -1   -2   +2   +0   +1      +0 
-Lazy           -2   -2   -2   -2   -2   -2      -1 
-Sexy           +1   +1   +1   +1   +1   +3      +0 
-Lucky          -2   -2   -2   -2   -2   +2      +0 
-Patient        -1   -1   +1   -2   +2   +0      +1 
-Munchkin       +10  +10  +10  +10  +10  +10     +15
-***** <SkillBonusTable>
-=== Ability Tables ===
-Each of the races, classes, and personalities has certain
-modifications to their starting abilities. Players may also receive an
-additional level-based bonus to certain skills which is based on their
-class. For example mages improve their magical device skill more
-rapidly than warriors. As noted above, some skills will not improve
-unless magically enhanced.
---- Table 4 - Race Skill Bonus Table ---
-               Dsrm  Dvce  Save  Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee Bows  Infra
-Human          +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +10   +0    +0    None
-Half-Elf       +2    +3    +2    +1    +6    +11   -1    +5    20 feet
-Elf            +5    +6    +4    +2    +8    +12   -5    +15   30 feet
-Hobbit         +15   +12   +10   +5    +12   +15   -10   +20   40 feet
-Gnome          +10   +8    +7    +3    +6    +13   -8    +12   40 feet
-Dwarf          +2    +7    +6    -1    +7    +10   +15   +0    50 feet
-Half-Orc       -3    -3    -2    -1    +0    +7    +12   -5    30 feet
-Half-Troll     -5    -8    -5    -2    -1    +5    +20   -10   30 feet
-Amberite       +4    +5    +3    +2    +3    +13   +15   +10   None
-High-Elf       +4    +13   +12   +4    +3    +14   +10   +25   40 feet
-Barbarian      -2    -10   +2    -1    +1    +7    +12   +10   None
-Half-Ogre      -3    -5    -3    -2    -1    +5    +20   +0    30 feet
-Half-Giant     -6    -8    -3    -2    -1    +5    +25   +5    30 feet
-Half-Titan     -5    +5    +1    -2    +1    +8    +25   +0    None
-Cyclops        -4    -5    -3    -2    -2    +5    +20   +12   10 feet
-Yeek           +2    +4    +6    +3    +5    +15   -5    -5    20 feet
-Klackon        +10   +5    +3    +0    -1    +10   +5    +5    20 feet
-Kobold         -2    -3    -1    -1    +1    +8    +10   -8    30 feet
-Nibelung       +3    +5    +6    +1    +5    +10   +9    +0    50 feet
-Dark-Elf       +5    +10   +12   +3    +8    +12   -5    +10   50 feet
-Draconian      -2    +5    +2    +0    +1    +10   +5    +5    20 feet
-Mindflayer     +10   +15   +9    +2    +5    +12   -10   -5    40 feet
-Imp            -3    +2    -1    +1    -1    +10   +5    -5    30 feet
-Golem          -5    -5    +6    -1    -1    +8    +20   +0    40 feet
-Skeleton       -5    +0    +3    -1    -1    +8    +10   +0    20 feet
-Zombie         -5    -5    +5    -1    -1    +5    +15   +0    20 feet
-Vampire        +4    +8    +6    +4    +1    +8    +5    +0    50 feet
-Spectre        +10   +15   +12   +5    +5    +14   -15   -5    50 feet
-Sprite         +10   +8    +6    +4    +10   +10   -12   +0    40 feet
-Beastman       -5    -2    -1    -1    -1    +5    +12   +5    None
-Ent            -5    +2    +5    -1    +0    +9    +15   -5    None
-Archon         +0    +12   +8    +2    +2    +11   +10   +10   30 feet
-Balrog         -3    +12   +15   -2    +1    +8    +20   +0    50 feet
-Dunadan        +4    +5    +3    +2    +3    +13   +15   +10   None
-Shadow-Fairy   +7    +8    +0    +6    +12   +15   -10   -5    40 feet
-Kutar          -2    +5    +5    +5    -2    +6    +0    -5    None
-Android        +0    -5    +0    -2    +3    +14   +20   +10   None
---- Table 5 - Class Skill Bonus Table ---
-               Dsrm   Dvce   Save   Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee  Bows
-Warrior        25+12  18+7   31+10   1    14     2    70+30  55+30
-Mage           30+7   40+15  38+11   3    16    20    34+6   20+7 
-Priest         25+7   35+11  40+12   2    16     8    48+13  35+11
-Rogue          45+15  37+12  36+10   5    32    24    60+21  66+18
-Ranger         30+8   37+11  36+10   3    24    16    56+18  72+28
-Paladin        20+7   24+10  34+11   1    12     2    68+21  40+18
-Warrior-Mage   30+7   35+10  36+10   2    18    16    50+15  25+11
-Chaos-Warrior  20+7   25+11  34+10   1    14    12    65+20  40+17
-Monk           45+15  34+11  36+10   5    32    24    64+18  60+18
-Mindcrafter    30+10  33+11  38+10   3    22    16    50+14  40+18
-High-Mage      30+7   40+15  38+11   3    16    20    34+6   20+7 
-Tourist        15+5   18+7   28+9    1    12     2    40+11  20+11
-Imitator       25+7   30+10  36+10   2    18    16    60+18  50+20
-BeastMaster    20+7   25+10  32+10   2    18    16    52+14  63+25
-Sorcerer       30+7   48+18  75+13   2    12    22     0+0    0+0 
-Archer         38+12  24+10  35+10   4    24    16    56+18  82+36
-Magic-Eater    25+7   42+16  36+10   2    20    16    48+13  35+11
-Bard           20+8   33+13  34+11  -5    16    20    34+10  20+8 
-Red-Mage       20+7   34+11  34+11   1    16    10    56+18  25+11
-Samurai        25+12  18+7   32+10   2    16     6    70+23  40+18
-ForceTrainer   30+10  34+11  38+11   4    32    24    50+14  40+15
-Blue-Mage      30+7   40+16  36+11   3    20    16    40+6   25+7 
-Cavalry        20+10  18+7   32+10   1    16    10    60+22  66+26
-Berserker      -inf   -inf   -inf   -inf  -inf  -inf  120+50 -inf
-Weaponsmith    30+10  28+10  28+10   1    20    10    60+21  45+15
-Mirror-Master  30+10  33+11  40+12   3    14    16    34+6   30+10
-Ninja          45+15  24+10  36+10   8    48    32    70+25  66+18
-Sniper         25+12  24+10  28+10   5    32    18    35+12  72+28
-For character classes, there are two figures: the first figure is the
-base level of the ability, while the second figure is the bonus that
-the character gains to this skill every ten levels. So, to find out
-the total skill value of any character's skills, add the "race" value
-to the "class" value, and then the bonus once for every ten levels
-that the character has.
---- Table 6 - Personality Skill Bonus Table ---
-               Dsrm  Dvce  Save  Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee Bows
-Ordinary       +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0 
-Mighty         -5    -5    -3    -1    -2    -2    +10   +0 
-Shrewd         +3    +8    +2    +0    -2    +5    -8    -5 
-Pious          -5    +2    +4    -1    +3    -2    -3    -6 
-Nimble         +7    +2    -1    +1    +5    +5    +0    +10
-Fearless       -5    +5    -2    +0    +2    -2    +10   +10
-Combat         -2    -3    -3    +0    -1    +2    +5    +5 
-Lazy           -5    -5    -3    -1    -4    -2    -8    -8 
-Sexy           +10   +5    +3    +0    +4    +2    +10   +10
-Lucky          +10   +7    +3    +2    +10   +8    +15   +15
-Patient        -5    -3    +3    +1    +0    -3    -6    -6 
-Munchkin       +20   +40   +30   +10   +40   +40   +80   +80
-For character personalities, each figure has two meanings; base level
-of the ability and the bonus that the character gains to this skill at
-the 50th level.
-Updated    : Hengband 1.7.2
+=== Races, Classes and Personalities ===
+This file describes about the races, classes and personalities
+available in Hengband; racial, class, personality tables are provided
+at the bottom.
+***** <TheRaces>
+=== The Races ===
+There are thirty seven different races that you can choose from in
+Hengband.  Each race has various strengths and weaknesses and its own
+adjustments to a character's stats and abilities.  Many races also
+have intrinsic abilities and powers.  Their racial powers can be used
+by the racial/class power command ("U"/"O").
+***** <Human>
+--- Human ---
+    The human is the base character.  All other races are compared to
+    them.  Humans can choose any class and are average at
+    everything.  Humans tend to go up levels faster than most other
+    races because of their shorter life spans.  No racial adjustments
+    or intrinsics occur to characters choosing human.
+***** <Half-Elf>
+--- Half-Elf ---
+    Half-elves tend to be smarter and faster than humans, but not as
+    strong.  Half-elves are slightly better at searching, disarming,
+    saving throws, stealth, bows, and magic, but they are not as good
+    at hand weapons.  Half-elves may choose any class and do not
+    receive any intrinsic abilities.
+***** <Elf>
+--- Elf ---
+    Elves are better magicians then humans, but not as good at
+    fighting.  They tend to be smarter and faster than either humans
+    or half-elves and also have better wisdom.  Elves are better at
+    searching, disarming, perception, stealth, bows, and magic, but
+    they are not as good at hand weapons.  They resist light effects
+    intrinsically.
+***** <Hobbit>
+--- Hobbits ---
+    Hobbits, or Halflings, are very good at bows, throwing, and have
+    good saving throws.  They also are very good at searching,
+    disarming, perception, and stealth; so they make excellent rogues,
+    but prefer to be called burglars.  They are much weaker than
+    humans, and no good at melee fighting.  Halflings have fair
+    infravision, so they can detect warm creatures at a distance.
+    They have a strong hold on their life force, and are thus
+    intrinsically resistant to life draining.
+***** <Gnome>
+--- Gnome ---
+    Gnomes are smaller than dwarves but larger than Halflings.  They,
+    like the hobbits, live in the earth in burrow-like homes.  Gnomes
+    make excellent mages, and have very good saving throws.  They are
+    good at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth.  They have
+    lower strength than humans so they are not very good at fighting
+    with hand weapons.  Gnomes have fair infra-vision, so they can
+    detect warm-blooded creatures at a distance.  Gnomes are
+    intrinsically protected against paralysis.
+***** <Dwarf>
+--- Dwarf ---
+    Dwarves are the headstrong miners and fighters of legend.  Dwarves
+    tend to be stronger and tougher but slower and less intelligent
+    than humans.  Because they are so headstrong and are somewhat
+    wise, they resist spells which are cast on them.  They are very
+    good at searching, perception, fighting, and bows.  Dwarves have a
+    miserable stealth.  They can never be blinded.
+***** <Half-Orc>
+--- Half-Orc ---
+    Half-orcs make excellent warriors, but are terrible at magic.
+    They are as bad as dwarves at stealth, and horrible at searching,
+    disarming, and perception.  Half-orcs are quite ugly, and tend to
+    pay more for goods in town.  Because of their preference to living
+    underground to on the surface, half-orcs resist darkness attacks.
+***** <Half-Troll>
+--- Half-Troll ---
+    Half-Trolls are incredibly strong, and have more hit points than
+    most other races.  They are also very stupid and slow.  They are
+    bad at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth.  They are so
+    ugly that a Half-Orc grimaces in their presence.  They also happen
+    to be fun to run...  Half-trolls always have their strength
+    sustained.  At higher levels, Half-Trolls regenerate wounds
+    automatically, and if he or her is warrior slowly.
+***** <Amberite>
+--- Amberites ---
+    The Amberites are a reputedly immortal race, who are endowed with
+    numerous advantages in addition to their longevity.  They are very
+    tough and their constitution cannot be reduced, and their ability
+    to heal wounds far surpasses that of any other race.  Having seen
+    virtually everything, very little is new to them, and they gain
+    levels much slower than the other races.
+***** <High-Elf>
+--- High-Elf ---
+    High-elves are a race of immortal beings dating from the beginning
+    of time.  They are masters of all skills, and are strong and
+    intelligent, although their wisdom is sometimes suspect.
+    High-elves begin their lives able to see the unseen, and resist
+    light effects just like regular elves.  However, there are few
+    things that they have not seen already, and experience is very
+    hard for them to gain.
+***** <Barbarian>
+--- Barbarian ---
+    Barbarians are hardy men of the north.  They are fierce in combat,
+    and their wrath is feared throughout the world.  Combat is their
+    life: they feel no fear, and they learn to enter battle frenzy at
+    will even sooner than half-trolls.  Barbarians are, however,
+    suspicious of magic, which makes magic devices fairly hard for
+    them to use.
+***** <Half-Ogre>
+--- Half-Ogre ---
+    Half-Ogres are like Half-Orcs, only more so.  They are big, bad,
+    and stupid.  For warriors, they have all the necessary attributes,
+    and they can even become wizards: after all, they are related to
+    Ogre Magi, from whom they have learned the skill of setting
+    trapped runes once their level is high enough.  Like Half-Orcs,
+    they resist darkness, and like Half-Trolls, they have their
+    strength sustained.
+***** <Half-Giant>
+--- Half-Giant ---
+    Half-Giants limited intelligence makes it difficult for them to
+    become full spellcasters, but with their huge strength they make
+    excellent warriors.  Their thick skin makes them resistant to
+    shards, and like Half-Ogres and Half-Trolls, they have their
+    strength sustained.
+***** <Half-Titan>
+--- Half-Titan ---
+    Half-mortal descendants of the mighty titans, these immensely
+    powerful creatures put almost any other race to shame.  They may
+    lack the fascinating special powers of certain other races, but
+    their enhanced attributes more than make up for that.  They learn
+    to estimate the strengths of their foes, and their love for law
+    and order makes them resistant to the effects of Chaos.
+***** <Cyclops>
+--- Cyclops ---
+    With but one eye, a Cyclops can see more than many with two eyes.
+    They are headstrong, and loud noises bother them very little.
+    They are not quite qualified for the magic using professions, but
+    as a certain Mr.  Ulysses can testify, their accuracy with thrown
+    rocks can be deadly...
+***** <Yeek>
+--- Yeek ---
+    Yeeks are among the most pathetic creatures.  Fortunately, their
+    horrible screams can scare away less confident foes, and their
+    skin becomes more and more resistant to acid, as they gain
+    experience.  But having said that, even a mediocre monster can
+    wipe the proverbial floor with an unwary Yeek.
+***** <Klackon>
+--- Klackon ---
+    Klackons are bizarre semi-intelligent ant-like insectoid
+    creatures.  They make great fighters, but their mental abilities
+    are severely limited.  Obedient and well-ordered, they can never
+    be confused.  They are also very nimble, and become faster as they
+    advance levels.  They are also very acidic, inherently resisting
+    acid, and capable of spitting acid at higher levels.
+***** <Kobold>
+--- Kobold ---
+    Kobolds are a weak goblin race.  They love poisoned weapons, and
+    can learn to throw poisoned darts (of which they carry an
+    unlimited supply).  They are also inherently resistant to poison,
+    although they are not one of the more powerful races.
+***** <Nibelung>
+--- Nibelung ---
+    The hated and persecuted race of nocturnal dwarves, these
+    cave-dwellers are not much bothered by darkness.  Their natural
+    inclination to magical items has made them immune to effects which
+    could drain away magical energy.
+***** <Dark-Elf>
+--- Dark Elf ---
+    Another dark, cave-dwelling race, likewise unhampered by darkness
+    attacks, the Dark Elves have a long tradition and knowledge of
+    magic.  They have an inherent magic missile attack available to
+    them at a low level.  With their keen sight, they also learn to
+    see invisible things as their relatives High-Elves do, but at a
+    higher level.
+***** <Draconian>
+--- Draconian ---
+    A humanoid race with dragon-like attributes.  As they advance
+    levels, they gain new elemental resistances (up to Poison
+    Resistance), and they also have a breath weapon, which becomes
+    more powerful with experience.  The exact type of the breath
+    weapon depends on the Draconian's class and level.  With their
+    wings, they can easily escape any pit trap unharmed.
+***** <Mindflayer>
+--- Mind Flayer ---
+    A secretive and mysterious ancient race.  Their civilization may
+    well be older than any other on our planet, and their intelligence
+    and wisdom are naturally sustained, and are so great that they
+    enable Mind Flayers to become more powerful spellcasters than any
+    other race, even if their physical attributes are a good deal less
+    admirable.  As they advance levels, they gain the powers of See
+    Invisible and Telepathy.
+***** <Imp>
+--- Imp ---
+    A demon-creature from the nether-world, naturally resistant to
+    fire attacks, and capable of learning fire bolt and fire ball
+    attacks.  They are little loved by other races, but can perform
+    fairly well in most professions.  As they advance levels, they
+    gain the powers of See Invisible.
+***** <Golem>
+--- Golem ---
+    A Golem is an artificial creature, built from a lifeless raw
+    material like clay, and awakened to life.  They are nearly
+    mindless, making them useless for professions which rely on magic,
+    but as warriors they are very tough.  They are resistant to
+    poison, they can see invisible things, and move freely.  At higher
+    levels, they also become resistant to attacks which threaten to
+    drain away their life force.  Golems gain very little nutrition
+    from ordinary food, but can absorb mana from staves and wands as
+    their power source.  Golems also gain a natural armor class bonus
+    from their tough body.
+***** <Skeleton>
+--- Skeleton ---
+    There are two types of skeletons: the ordinary, warrior-like
+    skeletons, and the spell-using skeletons, which are also called
+    liches.  As undead beings, skeletons need to worry very little
+    about poison or attacks that can drain life.  They do not really
+    use eyes for perceiving things, and are thus not fooled by
+    invisibility.  Their bones are resistant to sharp shrapnel, and
+    they will quickly become resistant to cold.  Although the magical
+    effects of these will affect the skeleton even without entering
+    the skeleton's (non-existent) belly, the potion or food itself
+    will fall through the skeleton's jaws, giving no nutritional
+    benefit.  They can absorb mana from staves and wands as their
+    energy source.
+***** <Zombie>
+--- Zombie ---
+    Much like Skeletons, Zombies too are undead horrors: they are
+    resistant to life-draining attacks, and can learn to restore their
+    life-force.  Like skeletons, they become resistant to cold-based
+    attacks (actually earlier than skeletons), resist poison and can
+    see invisible.  While still vulnerable to cuts (unlike skeletons),
+    Zombies are resistant to Nether.  Like Golems, they gain very
+    little nutrition from the food of mortals, but can absorb mana
+    from staves and wands as their energy source.
+***** <Vampire>
+--- Vampire ---
+    One of the mightier undead creatures, the Vampire is an
+    awe-inspiring sight.  Yet this dread creature has a serious
+    weakness: the bright rays of sun are its bane, and it will need to
+    flee the surface to the deep recesses of earth until the sun
+    finally sets.  Darkness, on the other hand, only makes the Vampire
+    stronger.  As undead, the Vampire has a firm hold on its life
+    force, and resists nether attacks.  The Vampire also resists cold
+    and poison based attacks.  It is, however, susceptible to its
+    perpetual hunger for fresh blood, which can only be satiated by
+    sucking the blood from a nearby monster.
+***** <Spectre>
+--- Spectre ---
+    Another powerful undead creature: the Spectre is a ghastly
+    apparition, surrounded by an unearthly green glow.  They exist
+    only partially on our plane of existence: half-corporeal, they can
+    pass through walls, although the density of the wall will hurt
+    them in the process of doing this.  As undead, they have a firm
+    hold on their life force, see invisible, and resist poison and
+    cold.  They also resist nether.  At higher levels they develop
+    telepathic abilities.  Spectres make superb spellcasters, but
+    their physical form is very weak.  They gain very little nutrition
+    from the food of mortals, but can absorb mana from staves and
+    wands as their energy source.
+***** <Sprite>
+--- Sprite ---
+    One of the several fairy races, Sprites are very small.  They have
+    tiny wings and can fly over traps that may open up beneath them.
+    They enjoy sunlight intensely, and need worry little about light
+    based attacks.  Although physically among the weakest races,
+    Sprites are very talented in magic, and can become highly skilled
+    wizards.  Sprites have the special power of spraying Sleeping
+    Dust, and at higher levels they learn to fly faster.
+***** <Beastman>
+--- Beastman ---
+    "This race is a blasphemous abomination produced by Chaos.  It is
+    not an independent race but rather a humanoid creature, most often
+    a human, twisted by the Chaos, or a nightmarish crossbreed of a
+    human and a beast.  All Beastmen are accustomed to Chaos so much
+    that they are untroubled by confusion and sound, although raw
+    logrus can still have effects on them.  Beastmen revel in chaos,
+    as it twists them more and more.  Beastmen are subject to
+    mutations: when they have been created, they receive a random
+    mutation.  After that, every time they advance a level they have a
+    small chance of gaining yet another mutation.
+***** <Ent>
+--- Ent ---
+    The Ents are a powerful race dating from the beginning of the
+    world, oldest of all animals or plants who inhabit Arda.  Spirits
+    of the land, they were summoned to guard the forests of
+    Middle-earth.  Being much like trees they are very clumsy but
+    strong, and very susceptible to fire.  They gain very little
+    nutrition from the food of mortals, but they can absorb water from
+    potions as their nutrition.
+***** <Archon>
+--- Archon ---
+    Archons are a higher class of angels.  They are good at all
+    skills, and are strong, wise, and are a favorite with any people.
+    They are able to see the unseen, and their wings allow them to
+    safely fly over traps and other dangerous places.  However,
+    belonging to a higher plane as they do, the experiences of this
+    world do not leave a strong impression on them and they gain
+    levels slowly.
+***** <Balrog>
+--- Balrog ---
+    Balrogs are a higher class of demons.  They are strong,
+    intelligent and tough.  They do not believe in gods, and are not
+    suitable for priest at all.  Balrog are resistant to fire and
+    nether, and have a firm hold on their life force.  They also
+    eventually learn to see invisible things.  They are good at almost
+    all skills except stealth.  They gain very little nutrition from
+    the food of mortals, and need human corpses as sacrifices to
+    regain their vitality.
+***** <Dunadan>
+--- Dunadan ---
+    Dunedain are a race of hardy men from the West.  This elder race
+    surpasses human abilities in every field, especially constitution.
+    However, being men of the world, very little is new to them, and
+    levels are very hard for them to gain.  Their constitution cannot
+    be reduced.
+***** <Shadow-Fairy>
+--- Shadow Fairy ---
+    Shadow Fairies are one of the several fairy races.  They have
+    wings, and can fly over traps that may open up beneath them.
+    Shadow Fairies must beware of sunlight, as they are vulnerable to
+    bright light.  They are physically weak, but have advantages in
+    using magic and are amazingly stealthy.  Shadow Fairies have a
+    wonderful advantage in that they never aggravate monsters (If
+    their equipment normally aggravates monsters, they only suffer a
+    penalty to stealth, but if they aggravate by their personality
+    itself, the advantage will be lost).
+***** <Kutar>
+--- Kutar ---
+    A Kutar is an expressionless animal-like living creature.  The
+    word 'kuta' means 'absentmindedly' or 'vacantly'.  Their
+    absentmindedness hurts their searching and perception skills, but
+    renders them incapable of being confused.  Their unearthly
+    calmness and serenity make them among the most stealthy of any
+    race.  Kutars, although expressionless, are beautiful and so have
+    a high charisma.  Members of this race can learn to expand their
+    body horizontally.  This increases armour class, but renders them
+    vulnerable to magical attacks.
+***** <Android>
+--- Android ---
+    An android is a artificial creation with a body of machinery.
+    They are poor at spell casting, but they make excellent warriors.
+    They don't acquire experience like other races, but rather gain in
+    power as they attach new equipment to their frame.  Rings,
+    amulets, and lights do not influence growth.  Androids are
+    resistant to poison, can move freely, and are immune to
+    life-draining attacks.  Moreover, because of their hard metallic
+    bodies, they get a bonus to AC.  Androids have electronic circuits
+    throughout their body and must beware of electric shocks.  They
+    gain very little nutrition from the food of mortals, but they can
+    use flasks of oil as their energy source.
+***** <TheClasses>
+=== The Classes ===
+There are twenty seven different classes that you can choose from in
+Hengband.  Each class has various strengths and weaknesses and its own
+adjustments to a character's stats and abilities.  Many classes also
+have intrinsic abilities and powers.  These are often linked to the
+character's experience level and only become available later in the
+game.  Their class powers can be used by the racial/class power
+***** <Warrior>
+--- Warrior ---
+    A Warrior is a hack-and-slash character, who solves most of his
+    problems by cutting them to pieces, but will occasionally fall
+    back on the help of a magical device.  Unfortunately, many
+    high-level devices may be forever beyond their use.
+    Warriors cast no spells.  They hate magic.  In fact, they even
+    gain experience for destroying high level spellbooks.  They have a
+    class power - 'Sword Dancing' - which allows them to conduct a
+    melee attack in six random directions.
+***** <Mage>
+--- Mage ---
+    A Mage is a spell caster that must live by his wits as he cannot
+    hope to simply hack his way through the dungeon like a warrior.
+    In addition to his spellbooks, a Mage should carry a range of
+    magical devices to help him in his endeavors which he can master
+    far more easily than anyone else.  A Mage's prime statistic is
+    Intelligence as this determines his spell casting ability.
+    Mages have the least restrictions in choosing and learning spells.
+    They can freely choose any two realms when a character is created.
+    Their natural inclination makes Life magic fairly hard to learn.
+    Otherwise, a mage tends to learn and cast all the spells in his or
+    her realms better than any other character.  The ability to choose
+    second realm of magic has a special meaning in Hengband; only
+    second realm can be changed in the middle of the game.  You can
+    change second realm by studying ("G") from a spellbook of new
+    realm.  They have a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana
+    from wands, staves or rods.
+***** <Priest>
+--- Priest ---
+    A Priest is a character devoted to serving a higher power.  They
+    explore the dungeon in the service of their God.  Since Priests
+    receive new prayers as gifts from their patron deity, they cannot
+    choose which ones they will learn.  Priests are familiar with
+    magical devices which they believe act as foci for divine
+    intervention in the natural order of things.  A priest wielding an
+    edged weapon will be so uncomfortable with it that his fighting
+    ability.  A Priest's primary stat is Wisdom since this determine
+    his success at praying to his deity.
+    Priest can select from Life, Death, Daemon, or Crusade as a first
+    realm, and choose second realm almost freely.  But pairs of a good
+    magic and an evil magic from these four realms are not allowed.
+    Priests can learn all spells in the selected realms, even if not
+    as efficiently as mages.  However, when learning spells, priests
+    cannot voluntarily decide which spells to study: they are rewarded
+    with new prayers by their patron deities, with no money-back
+    satisfaction guarantee.  Priests which select Life realm or
+    Crusade realm have a class power - 'Bless Weapon' - which blesses
+    any edged weapon to be suitable for priests to wield.  Every
+    priest which select Death realm or Daemon realm have a class power
+    - 'Evocation' - which damages, scares and banish all monsters in
+    sight.
+***** <Rogue>
+--- Rogue ---
+    A Rogue is a character that prefers to live by his cunning, but is
+    capable of fighting his way out of a tight spot.  Rogues are good
+    at locating hidden traps and doors and are the masters of
+    disarming traps and picking locks.  A rogue has a high stealth
+    allowing him to sneak around many creatures without having to
+    fight, or to get in a telling first blow.  A rogue may also
+    backstab a fleeing monster.  Intelligence determines a Rogue's
+    spell casting ability.
+    Rogues can select one realm from Sorcery, Death, Trump, Arcane, or
+    Craft.  All Rogues have certain limitations on which spells they
+    can learn, and they do not learn new spells very quickly.  They
+    have a class power - 'Hit and Away' - which allows them to attack
+    in melee and teleport away from there at once.
+***** <Ranger>
+--- Ranger ---
+    A Ranger is a combination of a warrior and a mage who has
+    developed a special affinity for the natural world around him.  He
+    is a good fighter and also good about a missile weapon such as a
+    bow.  A ranger has a good stealth, good perception, good
+    searching, a good saving throw and is good with magical devices.
+    Intelligence determines a Ranger's spell casting ability.
+    All rangers are trained in Nature magic, and all Nature spells are
+    available to them.  They even learn these spells almost as fast as
+    mages.  They can also select a secondary realm (from Sorcery,
+    Chaos, Death, Trump, Arcane, and Daemon), but they are slow
+    learners here, and may find themselves unable to learn some of the
+    highest level spells.  They have a class power - 'Probe Monster' -
+    which allows them to know a monster's HP, speed, and experience
+    required to evolve.
+***** <Paladin>
+--- Paladin ---
+    A Paladin is a combination of a warrior and a priest.  Paladins
+    are very good fighters, but not very good at missile weapons.  A
+    paladin lacks much in the way of abilities.  He is poor at
+    stealth, perception, searching, and magical devices but has a
+    decent saving throw due to his divine alliance.  Wisdom determines
+    a Paladin's success at praying to his deity.
+    Paladins can select a realm from Crusade and Death.  Like priests,
+    they cannot select which prayers to learn, but are rewarded with
+    new prayers by their deities.  They can learn all spells, but not
+    as fast as priests.  They detest paganism so strongly that they
+    will even gain experience for destroying high-level pagan spell-
+    books: 'pagan' means Life or Crusade spellbooks for a Death
+    Paladin and all spellbooks other than Life and Crusade for a
+    Crusade Paladin.  Depending on their realm, they have a class
+    power - 'Holy Lance' or 'Hell Lance'.
+***** <Warrior-Mage>
+--- Warrior-Mage ---
+    A Warrior-Mage is precisely what the name suggests: a cross
+    between the warrior and mage classes.  While their brothers, the
+    rangers, specialize in Nature magic and survival skills, true
+    Warrior-Mages attempt to reach the best of both worlds.  As
+    warriors they are much superior to the usual Mage class.
+    Intelligence determines a Warrior-Mage's spell casting ability.
+    Warrior-mages begin the game with Arcane magic, and they can
+    freely select another realm of magic.  Although they do not gain
+    new spells as fast as regular mages, they will eventually learn
+    every spell in both realms, thus making them a very competitive
+    choice for players who appreciate Arcane magic.  They have two
+    class powers - 'Convert HP to SP' and 'Convert SP to HP' - which
+    allow them to heal HP using mana or gain mana using HP.
+***** <Chaos-Warrior>
+--- Chaos-Warrior ---
+    Chaos Warriors are the feared servants of the terrible Demon Lords
+    of Chaos.  Every Chaos Warrior has a Patron Demon and, when
+    gaining a level, may receive a reward from his Patron.  He might
+    be healed or polymorphed, his stats could be increased, or he
+    might be rewarded with an awesome weapon.  On the other hand, the
+    Patrons might surround him with monsters, drain his stats or wreck
+    his equipment or they might simply ignore him.  The Demon Lords of
+    Chaos are chaotic and unpredictable indeed.  The exact type of
+    reward depends on both the Patron Demon (different Demons give
+    different rewards) and chance.
+    Chaos Warriors can select a realm from Chaos and Daemon.  They are
+    not interested in any other form of magic.  They can learn every
+    spell.  They have a class power - 'Confusing Light' - which stuns,
+    confuses, and scares all monsters in sight.
+***** <Monk>
+--- Monk ---
+    The Monk character class is very different from all other classes.
+    Their training in martial arts makes them much more powerful with
+    no armor or weapons.  To gain the resistances necessary for
+    survival a monk may need to wear some kind of armor, but if the
+    armor he wears is too heavy, it will severely disturb his martial
+    arts maneuvers.  As the monk advances levels, new, powerful forms
+    of attack become available.  Their defensive capabilities increase
+    likewise, but if armour is being worn, this effect decreases.
+    Wisdom determines a Monk's spell casting ability.
+    The different sects of monks are devoted to different areas of
+    magic.  They select a realm from Life, Nature, Craft, and Death.
+    They will eventually learn all prayers in the discipline of their
+    choice.  They have two class powers - 'Assume a Posture' and
+    'Double Attack'.  They can choose different forms of postures in
+    different situations, and use powerful combinations of attacks for
+    the finishing blow.
+***** <Mindcrafter>
+--- Mindcrafter ---
+    The Mindcrafter is a unique class that uses the powers of the mind
+    instead of magic.  These powers are unique to Mindcrafters, and
+    vary from simple extrasensory powers to mental domination of
+    others.  Since these powers are developed by the practice of
+    certain disciplines, a Mindcrafter requires no spellbooks to use
+    them.  The available powers are simply determined by the
+    character's level.  Wisdom determines a Mindcrafter's ability to
+    use mind powers,
+    Mindcrafters gain new mindcrafting powers and their existing ones
+    become stronger as they gain levels.  They can use their power
+    even when blinded.  They have a class power - 'Clear Mind' - which
+    allows them to rapidly regenerate their mana.
+***** <High-Mage>
+--- High-Mage ---
+    High-mages are mages who specialize in one particular field of
+    magic and learn it very well - much better than the ordinary mage.
+    A high mage's prime statistic is intelligence as this determines
+    his spell casting ability.
+    For the price of giving up a second realm of magic, High-mages
+    gain substantial benefits in the mana costs, minimum levels, and
+    failure rates of the spells in their speciality realm.  They have
+    a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana from wands,
+    staves, or rods.
+    And then, only High-Mages are able to cast Hex spells.
+***** <Tourist>
+--- Tourist ---
+    Tourists have visited this world for the purpose of sightseeing.
+    Their fighting skills is bad, and they cannot cast powerful
+    spells.  They are the most difficult class to win the game with.
+    Intelligence determines a tourist's spell casting ability.
+    Tourists are always seeing more of the world to add to their stock
+    of information; no other class can compete with their
+    identification skills.  They have two class powers - 'Take a
+    Photograph' and 'Identify True'.  Their magic is based on Arcane,
+    and - aside from identify - is very weak indeed.
+***** <Imitator>
+--- Imitator ---
+    Imitators have enough fighting skills to survive, but rely on
+    their unique technique - 'Imitation' - which imitates monster
+    spells/techniques include whose damage/duration value.  Dexterity
+    determines general imitation ability, but a stat related to the
+    specific action is often also taken into account.
+    To use imitation, Imitators must see monster's spell at first.
+    When monsters in view use spells, they are added to a temporary
+    spell list which the imitator can choose among.  Spells should be
+    imitated quickly, because timing and situation are everything.  An
+    imitator can only repeat a spell once each time he observes it.
+    They only have a small long-term memory for spells, which ranges
+    from one to three, depending on their level.  When they memorize
+    more spells than this, they will forget the oldest spell in the
+    list.  They have a class power - 'Double Revenge' - which allows
+    them to imitate spells at double damage or duration.
+***** <BeastMaster>
+--- BeastMaster ---
+    Beastmasters are in tune with the minds of the creatures of the
+    world of Hengband.  They are very good at riding, and have enough
+    fighting ability.  They use monsters which summoned or dominated
+    by him as his hands and feet.  Beastmasters can cast trump magic,
+    and very good at summoning spell, but they can not summon
+    non-living creatures.  Charisma determines a Beastmaster's spell
+    casting ability.
+    Beastmasters use Trump magic to make good use of their monster
+    domination and riding abilities.  They are very good at summoning
+    living creatures, and they learn summoning spells quicker than
+    Mages.  However, they cannot summon non-living creatures.  They
+    have two class powers - 'Dominate a Living Thing' and 'Dominate
+    Living Things'.
+***** <Sorcerer>
+--- Sorcerer ---
+    Sorcerers are the all-around best magicians, being able to cast
+    any spell from most magic realms without having to learn it.  On
+    the downside, they are the worst fighters in the dungeon, being
+    unable to use any weapon but a Wizardstaff.
+    Sorcerers can cast any spell from any spellbooks of all nine magic
+    realms with 'Master' proficiency level without having to learn it.
+    They have a class power - 'Eat Magic' - which absorbs mana from
+    wands, staves or rods.
+***** <Archer>
+--- Archer ---
+    Archers are to bows what warriors are to melee.  They are the best
+    class around with any bow, crossbow, or sling.  They need a lot of
+    ammunition, but will learn how to make it from junk found in the
+    dungeon.  An archer is better than a warrior at stealth,
+    perception, searching and magical devices.
+    Archers have a class power - 'Create Ammo' - which creates stones
+    or shots from pile of rubble, and arrows and crossbow bolts from
+    bones.
+***** <Magic-Eater>
+--- Magic-Eater ---
+    Magic-Eaters can absorb magic devices, and use these magics as
+    their spells.  They are middling-poor at fighting.  A
+    Magic-Eater's prime statistic is intelligence.
+    Magic-Eaters can absorb the energy of wands, staffs, and rods, and
+    can then use these magics as if they were carrying all of these
+    absorbed devices.  Mana and changes of absorbed devices are
+    regenerated naturally by a Magic-Eater's power, and speed of
+    regeneration is influenced by their intelligence.  They have a
+    class power - 'Absorb Magic' - which is used to absorb magic
+    devices.
+***** <Bard>
+--- Bard ---
+    Bards are something like traditional musicians.  Their magical
+    attacks are sound-based, and last as long as the Bard has mana.
+    Although a bard cannot sing two or more songs at the same time, he
+    or she does have the advantage that many songs affect all areas in
+    sight.  A bard's prime statistic is charisma.
+    The songs are found in four songbooks, of which two are sold in
+    town.  There is a special feature of music; many songs continue to
+    be sung until either the Bard chooses to stop, or he runs out of
+    the energy required to sing that type of song.  Bards have a class
+    power - 'Stop Singing'.
+***** <Red-Mage>
+--- Red-Mage ---
+    Red Mages are similar to Warrior-Mage; they are decent fighters
+    and spellcasters.  Red-Mages can use almost all spells from lower
+    rank spellbooks of all realms, but they cannot cast spells from
+    higher rank spellbooks, and they are extremely slow learners in
+    them.  They are not bad at using magical devices and magic
+    resistance, but are bad at other skills.  A red-mage's prime
+    statistic is intelligence.
+    Red-Mages can use almost all spells from lower rank spellbooks of
+    all realms: first and second spellbooks of all realms and third
+    and fourth Arcane spellbooks, without having to learn it, but they
+    cannot cast spells from higher rank spellbooks; third and fourth
+    spellbooks for all realms other than Arcane.  Since they use all
+    realms at once, they have large penalties in the mana costs,
+    minimum levels, and failure rates of spells.  They have a class
+    power - 'Double Magic' - which allows them to cast two spells at
+    once.
+***** <Samurai>
+--- Samurai ---
+    Samurai, masters of the art of the blade, are the next strongest
+    fighters after Warriors, and can use various special combat
+    techniques.  Samurai are not good at most other skills, and many
+    magical devices may be too difficult for them to use.  Wisdom
+    determines a Samurai's ability to use the special combat
+    techniques available to him.
+    Samurai use the art of the blade called Kendo (or Bugei).  Books
+    of Kendo are similar to spellbooks, but Samurai don't need to
+    carry them around; the books are needed only when they study new
+    combat techniques.  Samurai need a weapon wielded to use the
+    techniques of Kendo, and most techniques will add powerful special
+    properties to their blows; such as flaming, poisoning, vampiric,
+    etc...  Their maximum spellpoints don't depend on their level but
+    solely on wisdom, and they can use the class power 'Concentration'
+    to temporarily increase SP beyond its usual maximum value.  They
+    have one more class power - 'Assume a Posture'.  They can choose
+    different forms of posture in different situations.
+***** <ForceTrainer>
+--- ForceTrainer ---
+    A ForceTrainer is a master of the spiritual Force.  They prefer
+    fighting with neither weapon nor armor.  They are not as good
+    fighters as are Monks, but they can use both magic and the
+    spiritual Force.  Wielding weapons or wearing heavy armor disturbs
+    use of the Force.  Wisdom is a ForceTrainer's primary stat.
+    ForceTrainer use both spellbook magic and the special spiritual
+    power called the Force.  They can select a realm from Life,
+    Nature, Craft, Death, and Crusade.  To use The Force, you select
+    it just as if it were spellbook 'w'; which means you need to press
+    'm' and then 'w' to select the Force.  The most important spell of
+    the Force is 'Improve Force'; each time a ForceTrainer activates
+    it, their Force power becomes more powerful, and their attack
+    power in bare-handed melee fighting is increased temporarily.  The
+    strengthened Force can be released at one stroke when a
+    ForceTrainer activates some other Force spell, typically an attack
+    spell.  They have a class power - 'Clear Mind' - which allows them
+    to rapidly regenerate their mana.
+***** <Blue-Mage>
+--- Blue-Mage ---
+    A Blue-Mage is a spell caster that must live by his wits, as he
+    cannot hope to simply hack his way through the dungeon like a
+    warrior.  A major difference between the Mage and the Blue-Mage is
+    the method of learning spells: Blue-Mages may learn spells from
+    monsters.  A Blue-Mage's prime statistic is Intelligence as this
+    determines his spell casting ability.
+    A Blue-Mage can learn and cast monster ranged attacks, spells, or
+    summons as their own spells; this technique is called Blue magic.
+    Unlike Imitators, Blue-Mages remember their spells permanently,
+    but they must get hit by a monster's spell while their class power
+    'Learning' is active to learn spells.  Because of this
+    requirement, they do not learn spells, like healing, that affect
+    the monster itself.
+***** <Cavalry>
+--- Cavalry ---
+    Cavalry ride on horses into battle.  Although they cannot cast
+    spells, they are proud of their overwhelming offensive strength on
+    horseback.  They are good at shooting.  At high levels, they learn
+    to forcibly saddle and tame wild monsters.  Since they take pride
+    in the body and the soul, they don't use magical devices well.
+    Like Warriors and Archers, the cavalry don't use magic.  Since
+    they are very good at riding, they have a class power - 'Rodeo' -
+    which allows them to forcibly saddle and tame wild monsters.
+***** <Berserker>
+--- Berserker ---
+    A Berserker is a fearful fighter indeed, immune to fear and
+    paralysis.  At high levels, Berserkers can reflect bolt spells
+    with their tough flesh.  Furthermore, they can fight without
+    weapons, can remove cursed equipment by force, and can even use
+    their special combat techniques when surrounded by an anti-magic
+    barrier.  Berserkers, however, cannot use any magical devices or
+    read any scrolls, and are hopeless at all non-combat skills.
+    Since Berserker Spectres are quite easy to *win* with, their 
+    scores are lowered.
+    Berserkers use a unique system of techniques called 'Rage'.  They
+    gain more techniques as they gain levels.  They use no magic:
+    indeed, they cannot use any magic devices or activate any
+    artifacts, and cannot read scrolls.  To offset these great
+    disadvantages, Berserkers are allowed to have an important class
+    power - 'Recall'.
+***** <Weaponsmith>
+--- Weaponsmith ---
+    A Weaponsmith can improve weapons and armors for him or herself.
+    They are good at fighting, and they have potential ability to
+    become even better than Warriors using improved equipments.  They
+    cannot cast spells, and are poor at skills such as stealth or
+    magic defense.
+    A Weaponsmith extract the essences of special effects from weapons
+    or armors which have various special abilities, and can add these
+    essences to another weapon or armor.  Normally, each equipment can
+    be improved only once, but they can remove a previously added
+    essence from improved equipment to improve it with another
+    essence.  To-hit, to-damage bonus, and AC can be improved freely
+    up to a maximum value depending on level.  Weaponsmiths have a
+    class power - 'Judgment' - which allows them to identify (later
+    *identify*) weapons and armor.
+***** <Mirror-Master>
+--- Mirror-Master ---
+    Mirror-Masters are spell casters; like other mages, they must live
+    by their wits.  They can create magical mirrors, and employ them
+    in the casting of Mirror-Magic spells.  Intelligence determines a
+    Mirror-Master's spell casting ability.
+    Mirror-Masters gain more spells and each spell becomes more
+    powerful as they gain levels.  They can use their spells even when
+    blinded.  For Mirror-Masters, the arrangement of mirrors is very
+    important: Some attack spells reflect from mirrors, and some other
+    spells are effective only against monsters standing on a mirror.
+    A Mirror-Master standing on a mirror has greater ability and, for
+    example, can perform quick teleports.  The maximum number of
+    magical Mirrors which can be controlled simultaneously depends on
+    the level, and breaking unnecessary mirrors is important work for
+    them.  They have two class powers - 'Break Mirrors', which breaks
+    all mirrors in current dungeon level and 'Mirror Concentration',
+    which allows them to rapidly regenerate their mana on a mirror.
+***** <Ninja>
+--- Ninja ---
+    A Ninja is a fearful assassin lurking in darkness.  He or she can
+    navigate effectively with no light source, catch enemies unawares,
+    and kill with a single blow.  Ninjas can use Ninjutsu, and are
+    good at locating hidden traps and doors, disarming traps and
+    picking locks.  Since heavy armors, heavy weapons, or shields will
+    restrict their motion greatly, they prefer light clothes, and
+    become faster and more stealthy as they gain levels.  A Ninja
+    knows no fear and, at high level, becomes almost immune to poison
+    and able to see invisible things.  Dexterity determines a Ninja's
+    ability to use Ninjutsu.
+    A Ninja can use Ninjutsu for lurking and surprise attacks.  They
+    gain more Ninjutsu techniques as they gain levels.  They have a
+    class power - 'Quick Walk' - which makes their walking speed
+    extremely fast.
+***** <Sniper>
+--- Sniper ---
+    Snipers are specialists in marksmanship, but not like archers who 
+    fire off arrow after arrow in swift succession.  They don't just
+    increase accuracy and power of shots by concentration, they can use
+    fearsome archery techniques.  
+    What they require is powerful bows or crossbows, good quality 
+    ammunition and the fortitude to bear up without flinching under 
+    any situation.  
+    Snipers know their enemies well and can shoot them from the shadows.
+    They have no time for magic.
+***** <ThePersonalities>
+=== The Personality ===
+There are twelve different personality that you can choose from in
+Hengband.  Each personality has various strengths and weaknesses and
+its own adjustments to a character's stats and abilities.
+***** <Ordinary>
+--- Ordinary ---
+    "Ordinary" is a personality with no special skills or talents,
+    with unmodified stats and skills.
+***** <Mighty>
+--- Mighty ---
+    "Mighty" raises your physical stats and skills, but reduces stats
+    and skills which influence magic.  It makes your stats suitable
+    for a warrior.  Also it directly influences your hit-points and
+    spell fail rate.
+***** <Shrewd>
+--- Shrewd ---
+    "Shrewd" reduces your physical stats, and raises your intelligence
+    and magical skills.  It makes your stats suitable for a mage.
+    Also it directly influences your hit-points and spell fail rate.
+***** <Pious>
+--- Pious ---
+    "Pious" deepens your faith in your God.  It makes your physical
+    ability average, and your stats suitable for priest.
+***** <Nimble>
+--- Nimble ---
+    "Nimble" renders you highly skilled comparatively well, but
+    reduces your physical ability.
+***** <Fearless>
+--- Fearless ---
+    "Fearless" raises both your melee and magical ability.  Stats such
+    as magic defense and constitution are reduced.  Also it has a
+    direct bad influence on your hit-points.
+***** <Combat>
+--- Combat ---
+    "Combat" gives you comparatively high melee and shooting
+    abilities, and average constitution.  Other skills such as
+    stealth, magic defense, and magical devices are weakened.  All
+    "Combat" people have great respect for the legendary "Combat
+    Echizen". (See "Death Crimson" / Ecole Software Corp.)
+***** <Lazy>
+--- Lazy ---
+    A "Lazy" person has no good stats and can do no action well.  Also
+    it has a direct bad influence on your spell fail rate.
+***** <Sexy>
+--- Sexy ---
+    "Sexy" rises all of your abilities, but your haughty attitude will
+    aggravate all monsters.  Only females can choose this personality.
+***** <Lucky>
+--- Lucky ---
+    A "Lucky" man has poor stats, equivalent to a "Lazy" person.
+    Mysteriously, however, he can do all things well.  Only males can
+    choose this personality.
+***** <Patient>
+--- Patient ---
+    A "Patient" person does things carefully.  Patient people have
+    high constitution, and high resilience, but poor abilities in most
+    other skills.  Also it directly influences your hit-points.
+***** <Munchkin>
+--- Munchkin ---
+    "munchkin" is a personality for beginners.  It raises all your
+    stats and skills.  With this personality, you can win the game
+    easily, but gain little honor in doing so.
+***** <StatBonusTable>
+=== Stat Bonus Tables ===
+Each of the races, classes, and personalities has certain
+modifications to their starting statistics an experience penalty. The
+experience penalty is designed to 'balance' the races with better
+starting statistics and abilities by requiring them to earn more
+experience before advancing a level.
+--- Table 1 - Race Statistic Bonus Table ---
+               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice Exp Penalty
+Human          +0   +0   +0   +0   +0   +0      10        +0%
+Half-Elf       -1   +1   +1   +1   -1   +1      9         +10%
+Elf            -1   +2   +0   +1   -2   +2      8         +20%
+Hobbit         -2   +1   +1   +3   +2   +1      7         +10%
+Gnome          -1   +2   +0   +2   +1   -1      8         +20%
+Dwarf          +2   -2   +2   -2   +2   -1      11        +25%
+Half-Orc       +2   -1   +0   +0   +1   -2      10        +10%
+Half-Troll     +4   -4   -1   -3   +3   -3      12        +25%
+Amberite       +1   +2   +2   +2   +3   +2      10        +125%
+High-Elf       +1   +3   -1   +3   +1   +3      10        +100%
+Barbarian      +3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +0      11        +20%
+Half-Ogre      +3   -2   +0   -1   +3   -2      12        +45%
+Half-Giant     +4   -2   -2   -2   +3   -2      13        +60%
+Half-Titan     +5   +1   +2   -2   +3   +1      14        +155%
+Cyclops        +4   -3   -2   -3   +4   -3      13        +50%
+Yeek           -2   +1   +1   +1   -2   -4      7         +0%
+Klackon        +2   -1   -1   +1   +2   -1      12        +90%
+Kobold         +1   -1   +0   +1   +0   -2      9         +25%
+Nibelung       +1   -1   +2   +0   +2   -2      11        +70%
+Dark-Elf       -1   +3   +2   +2   -2   +1      9         +50%
+Draconian      +2   +1   +1   +1   +2   -1      11        +120%
+Mindflayer     -3   +4   +4   +0   -2   -3      9         +40%
+Imp            +0   -1   -1   +1   +2   -1      10        +15%
+Golem          +4   -5   -5   -2   +4   -2      12        +100%
+Skeleton       +0   +1   -2   +0   +1   -2      10        +45%
+Zombie         +2   -6   -6   +1   +4   -3      13        +50%
+Vampire        +3   +3   -1   -1   +1   +2      11        +100%
+Spectre        -5   +4   -1   +2   +0   -3      7         +110%
+Sprite         -4   +3   +3   +3   -2   +2      7         +45%
+Beastman       +2   -2   -1   -1   +2   -2      11        +40%
+Ent            +2   +0   +2   -3   +2   +0      12        +40%
+Archon         +2   +0   +4   +1   +2   +3      11        +135%
+Balrog         +4   +2   -10  +2   +3   -5      12        +150%
+Dunadan        +1   +2   +2   +2   +3   +2      10        +80%
+Shadow-Fairy   -2   +2   +2   +1   -1   +0      7         +20%
+Kutar          +0   -1   -1   +1   +2   +3      11        +40%
+Android        +4   -5   -5   +0   +4   -2      13        +100%
+--- Table 2 - Class Statistic Bonus Table ---
+               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice  Exp Penalty
+Warrior        +4   -2   -2   +2   +2   -1      +9         +0%
+Mage           -4   +3   +0   +1   -2   +1      +0         +30%
+Priest         -1   -3   +3   -1   +0   +2      +2         +20%
+Rogue          +2   +1   -2   +3   +1   -1      +6         +25%
+Ranger         +2   +2   +0   +1   +1   +1      +4         +40%
+Paladin        +3   -3   +1   +0   +2   +2      +6         +35%
+Warrior-Mage   +2   +2   +0   +1   +0   +1      +4         +40%
+Chaos-Warrior  +2   +1   -1   +0   +2   -2      +6         +25%
+Monk           +2   -1   +1   +3   +2   +1      +6         +30%
+Mindcrafter    -1   +0   +3   -1   -1   +2      +2         +25%
+High-Mage      -4   +4   +0   +0   -2   +1      +0         +30%
+Tourist        -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1      +0         -30%
+Imitator       +0   +1   -1   +2   +0   +1      +5         +10%
+BeastMaster    +1   -1   -1   +1   +0   +2      +3         +20%
+Sorcerer       -5   +6   -2   +2   +0   -2      +4         +60%
+Archer         +2   -1   -1   +2   +1   +0      +6         +10%
+Magic-Eater    -1   +2   +1   +2   -2   +1      +3         +30%
+Bard           -2   +1   +2   -1   -2   +4      +2         +40%
+Red-Mage       +2   +2   -1   +1   +0   -1      +4         +40%
+Samurai        +3   -2   +1   +2   +1   +0      +6         +30%
+ForceTrainer   +0   -1   +3   +2   +1   +1      +2         +35%
+Blue-Mage      -4   +4   -1   +1   -2   -1      +2         +30%
+Cavalry        +2   -2   -2   +2   +2   +0      +5         +20%
+Berserker      +8   -20  -20  +4   +4   -5      +11        +60%
+Weaponsmith    +3   -1   -1   +1   +0   -1      +6         +30%
+Mirror-Master  -2   +3   +1   -1   -2   +1      +2         +30%
+Ninja          +0   -1   -1   +3   +2   -1      +2         +20%
+Sniper         +2   -1   -1   +2   +1   +0      +2         +20%
+--- Table 3 - Personality Statistic Bonus Table ---
+               STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON  CHR  Hit Dice
+Ordinary       +0   +0   +0   +0   +0   +0      +0 
+Mighty         +2   -2   -1   +0   +1   +0      +1 
+Shrewd         -2   +2   +0   +1   -1   -1      -1 
+Pious          +0   -1   +2   -1   +0   +1      +0 
+Nimble         -1   +1   -1   +2   -1   -1      +0 
+Fearless       +2   +1   +1   -1   -1   +0      -1 
+Combat         +1   -1   -2   +2   +0   +1      +0 
+Lazy           -2   -2   -2   -2   -2   -2      -1 
+Sexy           +1   +1   +1   +1   +1   +3      +0 
+Lucky          -2   -2   -2   -2   -2   +2      +0 
+Patient        -1   -1   +1   -2   +2   +0      +1 
+Munchkin       +10  +10  +10  +10  +10  +10     +15
+***** <SkillBonusTable>
+=== Ability Tables ===
+Each of the races, classes, and personalities has certain
+modifications to their starting abilities. Players may also receive an
+additional level-based bonus to certain skills which is based on their
+class. For example mages improve their magical device skill more
+rapidly than warriors. As noted above, some skills will not improve
+unless magically enhanced.
+--- Table 4 - Race Skill Bonus Table ---
+               Dsrm  Dvce  Save  Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee Bows  Infra
+Human          +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +10   +0    +0    None
+Half-Elf       +2    +3    +2    +1    +6    +11   -1    +5    20 feet
+Elf            +5    +6    +4    +2    +8    +12   -5    +15   30 feet
+Hobbit         +15   +12   +10   +5    +12   +15   -10   +20   40 feet
+Gnome          +10   +8    +7    +3    +6    +13   -8    +12   40 feet
+Dwarf          +2    +7    +6    -1    +7    +10   +15   +0    50 feet
+Half-Orc       -3    -3    -2    -1    +0    +7    +12   -5    30 feet
+Half-Troll     -5    -8    -5    -2    -1    +5    +20   -10   30 feet
+Amberite       +4    +5    +3    +2    +3    +13   +15   +10   None
+High-Elf       +4    +13   +12   +4    +3    +14   +10   +25   40 feet
+Barbarian      -2    -10   +2    -1    +1    +7    +12   +10   None
+Half-Ogre      -3    -5    -3    -2    -1    +5    +20   +0    30 feet
+Half-Giant     -6    -8    -3    -2    -1    +5    +25   +5    30 feet
+Half-Titan     -5    +5    +1    -2    +1    +8    +25   +0    None
+Cyclops        -4    -5    -3    -2    -2    +5    +20   +12   10 feet
+Yeek           +2    +4    +6    +3    +5    +15   -5    -5    20 feet
+Klackon        +10   +5    +3    +0    -1    +10   +5    +5    20 feet
+Kobold         -2    -3    -1    -1    +1    +8    +10   -8    30 feet
+Nibelung       +3    +5    +6    +1    +5    +10   +9    +0    50 feet
+Dark-Elf       +5    +10   +12   +3    +8    +12   -5    +10   50 feet
+Draconian      -2    +5    +2    +0    +1    +10   +5    +5    20 feet
+Mindflayer     +10   +15   +9    +2    +5    +12   -10   -5    40 feet
+Imp            -3    +2    -1    +1    -1    +10   +5    -5    30 feet
+Golem          -5    -5    +6    -1    -1    +8    +20   +0    40 feet
+Skeleton       -5    +0    +3    -1    -1    +8    +10   +0    20 feet
+Zombie         -5    -5    +5    -1    -1    +5    +15   +0    20 feet
+Vampire        +4    +8    +6    +4    +1    +8    +5    +0    50 feet
+Spectre        +10   +15   +12   +5    +5    +14   -15   -5    50 feet
+Sprite         +10   +8    +6    +4    +10   +10   -12   +0    40 feet
+Beastman       -5    -2    -1    -1    -1    +5    +12   +5    None
+Ent            -5    +2    +5    -1    +0    +9    +15   -5    None
+Archon         +0    +12   +8    +2    +2    +11   +10   +10   30 feet
+Balrog         -3    +12   +15   -2    +1    +8    +20   +0    50 feet
+Dunadan        +4    +5    +3    +2    +3    +13   +15   +10   None
+Shadow-Fairy   +7    +8    +0    +6    +12   +15   -10   -5    40 feet
+Kutar          -2    +5    +5    +5    -2    +6    +0    -5    None
+Android        +0    -5    +0    -2    +3    +14   +20   +10   None
+--- Table 5 - Class Skill Bonus Table ---
+               Dsrm   Dvce   Save   Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee  Bows
+Warrior        25+12  18+7   31+10   1    14     2    70+30  55+30
+Mage           30+7   40+15  38+11   3    16    20    34+6   20+7 
+Priest         25+7   35+11  40+12   2    16     8    48+13  35+11
+Rogue          45+15  37+12  36+10   5    32    24    60+21  66+18
+Ranger         30+8   37+11  36+10   3    24    16    56+18  72+28
+Paladin        20+7   24+10  34+11   1    12     2    68+21  40+18
+Warrior-Mage   30+7   35+10  36+10   2    18    16    50+15  25+11
+Chaos-Warrior  20+7   25+11  34+10   1    14    12    65+20  40+17
+Monk           45+15  34+11  36+10   5    32    24    64+18  60+18
+Mindcrafter    30+10  33+11  38+10   3    22    16    50+14  40+18
+High-Mage      30+7   40+15  38+11   3    16    20    34+6   20+7 
+Tourist        15+5   18+7   28+9    1    12     2    40+11  20+11
+Imitator       25+7   30+10  36+10   2    18    16    60+18  50+20
+BeastMaster    20+7   25+10  32+10   2    18    16    52+14  63+25
+Sorcerer       30+7   48+18  75+13   2    12    22     0+0    0+0 
+Archer         38+12  24+10  35+10   4    24    16    56+18  82+36
+Magic-Eater    25+7   42+16  36+10   2    20    16    48+13  35+11
+Bard           20+8   33+13  34+11  -5    16    20    34+10  20+8 
+Red-Mage       20+7   34+11  34+11   1    16    10    56+18  25+11
+Samurai        25+12  18+7   32+10   2    16     6    70+23  40+18
+ForceTrainer   30+10  34+11  38+11   4    32    24    50+14  40+15
+Blue-Mage      30+7   40+16  36+11   3    20    16    40+6   25+7 
+Cavalry        20+10  18+7   32+10   1    16    10    60+22  66+26
+Berserker      -inf   -inf   -inf   -inf  -inf  -inf  120+50 -inf
+Weaponsmith    30+10  28+10  28+10   1    20    10    60+21  45+15
+Mirror-Master  30+10  33+11  40+12   3    14    16    34+6   30+10
+Ninja          45+15  24+10  36+10   8    48    32    70+25  66+18
+Sniper         25+12  24+10  28+10   5    32    18    35+12  72+28
+For character classes, there are two figures: the first figure is the
+base level of the ability, while the second figure is the bonus that
+the character gains to this skill every ten levels. So, to find out
+the total skill value of any character's skills, add the "race" value
+to the "class" value, and then the bonus once for every ten levels
+that the character has.
+--- Table 6 - Personality Skill Bonus Table ---
+               Dsrm  Dvce  Save  Stlh  Srch  Prcp  Melee Bows
+Ordinary       +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0 
+Mighty         -5    -5    -3    -1    -2    -2    +10   +0 
+Shrewd         +3    +8    +2    +0    -2    +5    -8    -5 
+Pious          -5    +2    +4    -1    +3    -2    -3    -6 
+Nimble         +7    +2    -1    +1    +5    +5    +0    +10
+Fearless       -5    +5    -2    +0    +2    -2    +10   +10
+Combat         -2    -3    -3    +0    -1    +2    +5    +5 
+Lazy           -5    -5    -3    -1    -4    -2    -8    -8 
+Sexy           +10   +5    +3    +0    +4    +2    +10   +10
+Lucky          +10   +7    +3    +2    +10   +8    +15   +15
+Patient        -5    -3    +3    +1    +0    -3    -6    -6 
+Munchkin       +20   +40   +30   +10   +40   +40   +80   +80
+For character personalities, each figure has two meanings; base level
+of the ability and the bonus that the character gains to this skill at
+the 50th level.
+Updated    : Hengband 1.7.2

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-=== The Hengband Newbie Guide ===
-Note: This guide has been adapted from The Angband Newbie Guide by
-Chris Weisiger and has undergone certain revisions to conform more
-closely to Hengband.
-=== Basic Training ===
-When you load the game, select "Start a new character." Go through the
-step-by-step instructions for picking a gender, race, and class. For
-your first time, we recommend choosing a Golem Warrior. Avoid the
-spellcaster types; they're much more difficult to play. If you want
-basic information about races and classes, go to the on-line help
-(type "?") and read "Character Attributes". You should probably read
-most of the help files here; the commands list is especially important
-to someone new to Hengband.
-After naming your character, you'll start in the town. The various
-numbers represent stores, where you can buy new equipment and sell
-stuff you've found in the dungeon. The little ">" is a staircase, the
-entrance to the dungeon.  Stand on the entrance to the dungeon, and
-type ">", and you enters into the dungeon, and then type "<", and you
-return to the surface.
-Next, type "<" again on the surface. If there are no hostile monsters
-near you, you will enters the Global Map mode which displays all the
-world of Hengband. Type ">" to return from global map mode to normal
-map mode.
-If you want to know what a specific symbol stands for, type "/", and
-then the symbol. For instance, if you're wondering what all the t's
-are, type "/t", and the game will tell you that these are
-townspeople. You can also "l"ook at an item, feature, or
-monster. While looking, pressing space or enter will cycle through the
-different "interesting" things in view. There is also a full map
-function: type "M". It will bring up a map of the entire area (just a
-single screen in the case of the town, but useful later on in the
-dungeon). Finally, if you type "L", you can scroll the (full-zoom) map
-around the dungeon. In general, you can use "M" to find areas that
-look interesting and "L" to look at them in detail.
-Take a look around the town, but avoid the Mean-Looking Mercenaries and
-Battle-Scarred Veterans; they can kill you fairly easily. A note on
-shop #7; it's the black market, where very powerful items are sold for
-an absolutely ridiculous price. Any good item can show up in this store
-(barring standard artifacts), so look here for those items that don't
-show up in other stores.
-Be sure to visit shops #1 and #2, the General Store and Armory,
-respectively. At the General Store, buy a cloak and a Brass Lantern,
-and a flask of oil or two. Sell your torches. At the Armory, buy some
-of the light armor. Suggested: Hard Leather Boots, a Leather Cap,
-Leather Gloves. If a Small Leather Shield is on sale and you can afford
-it, buy it.
-This should have cleaned out your money. However, if it hasn't, it is
-strongly recommended that you go to the Alchemist's shop (#5) and
-purchase a scroll of Phase Door. If you get surrounded by monsters,
-read it, and you'll be teleported a short distance away.
-Of course, it's possible that these items will not be available in the
-stores. The stores will "refresh" themselves every 1000 turns, getting
-rid of old items and buying new ones. If you ever find that there's
-something you need which the stores don't currently have, you can wait
-a while for the stores to refresh.
-Hengband's not actually all that difficult to learn to play. You should
-get the hang of it fairly quickly.
-From here on we'll be giving detailed dungeon survival information.
-Some of it is intuitive, and some of it you aren't likely to find out
-without a lot of deaths first. If you want to experience the painful
-learning process in all it's glory, don't read further. If, however,
-you're sick and tired of dying, read ahead.
-=== On weapons and multiple blows ===
-Most characters will start the game being able to get two blows per
-round with their weapon when attacking.  Whether or not you get more
-blows than this later in the game will be determined by your class, 
-your weapon weight, your Strength, and your Dexterity. Check your
-Character display (type "C"). Somewhere on this page, there is a number
-that is your number of blows/round.
-Multiple blows become very important later in the dungeon since the
-more times you hit, the more damage your weapon does (obviously).
-=== On important magical items ===
-You might think that you can get by without magical items. If so,
-you're bound for an interesting, but short, stay in the dungeon. It'll
-probably be one-way, too.
---- Teleportation Items ---
-The most important items have be those of teleportation. There are many
-basic types:
-Phase Door
-     teleports you up to 10 squares away. Useful for the Shoot 'n Scoot
-     maneuver; more on this later.
-     teleports you across the dungeon, sometimes landing you in more
-     trouble than you started in. Better than certain death, though.
-Teleport Away
-     teleports a monster (or several monsters) away from you. Safer
-     than Teleport, but you might not be able to get them all in one
-     strike.
-Teleport Level
-     moves you up or down one level. If the level you're on is full of
-     dangerous monsters and you need to teleport, this could be your
-     ticket to safety.
-     this powerful spell removes everything (including artifacts!)
-     from the area around you, blasting the surroundings and causing
-     rock to fall from the ceiling. If you're ever in deep trouble,
-     this is the safest way to escape.
---- Healing Items ---
-The second most important items are those of healing. Healing, in this
-case, covers Cure Light/Serious/Critical Wounds, Healing, *Healing*,
-and Life Potions, from weakest to strongest.
-Cure Light Wounds
-     restores 2d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness and berserk.
-Cure Serious Wounds
-     restores 4d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion and
-     berserk.
-Cure Critical Wounds
-     restores 6d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
-     stun, poison and berserk.
-     restores 50 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
-     stun, poison and hallucination.
-     restores 300 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
-     stun, poison and berserk.
-     restores 1200 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
-     stun, poison and berserk.
-Potions of Life
-     restores 5000 hitpoints (about 5 times more than you'll ever
-     have), restores all drained stats and experience, and removes all
-     bad effects except hunger. These are very rare; save them in your
-     home for a dangerous fight.
---- Items for Identifying Objects ---
-There are various methods of Identify which you *need*. Identify comes
-in the form of scrolls, Staffs of Perception, Rods of Perception, the
-spell Identify, and the prayer Perception. These will tell you any
-magical properties of the item, like magical bonuses to hit and to
-damage, and magical bonuses to stats. It also tells you if the item is
-cursed. It tells you what a wand/rod/staff/potion/scroll/mushroom/etc.
-does, and this is very important. There are nasty potions deep in the
-dungeon that you *do not* want to drink! Sometimes, the descriptions of
-the items are a little obscure; things like Staves of Holiness and
-Power, Mushrooms of Unhealth, and others. You may have to experiment a
-bit to determine their powers. 
-There is also an advanced form of Identify, called *Identify*. This is
-available primarily as a Scroll of *Identify* but certain magic realms
-contain a similar spell although it may be called something different.
-In addition, some towns may provide a shop offering *identify* as a
-service. Identifying an item by one of these means tells you every
-single property of the item, like whether or not it lets you see
-invisible monsters, sustains stats, gives you regeneration, and so on.
-You should only use *identify* on artifacts and certain powerful
-ego-items some of which may have random abilities which can only be
-discovered by this method. 
---- Items for Lighting the Dungeon ---
-Notes on lighting: You can't do much without light. You won't be able
-to see most monsters, cast spells or read scrolls, or, in general, see
-the dungeon. You should carry a light source of which torches and brass
-lanterns are the most common and this will light up the area which is
-immediately around you. There are items which will light up the
-dungeon, but only parts of it. Any item/spell of Light or Illumination
-will light up the room you are standing it (or part of the corridor). A
-potion of Enlightenment/the prayer Clairvoyance will light up the
-entire level.
---- Word of Recall ---
-Finally, the most useful magical item in general is a Scroll of
-Word-of-Recall (often abbreviated WoR). When you are in the town and
-read it, you are teleported to the lowest level you have been to in the
-dungeon. When read in the dungeon, you are teleported to the town. The
-activation takes place about 50 turns after reading the scroll, so it's
-not a perfect escape method.
-=== On Resistances ====
-There are many different kinds of attacks in Hengband, generally
-falling under physical, magical, and breath attacks. They can all cause
-specialized kinds of damage, which can kill a character if he/she does
-not have resistance to that attack. The majority of attack types have a
-corresponding resistance. These resistances include: acid, electricity,
-fire, and cold (often collectively referred to as "low" or "elemental"
-resists) and poison, light, dark, shards, confusion, sound, nether,
-nexus, chaos, disenchantment, blindness and fear (often collectively
-referred to as "high" resists). Two other abilities - free action, and
-hold life, can be considered as resists in some sense since they
-provide resistance to paralyzing/slowing attacks and to experience
-draining attacks respectively.
-Resistances can be provided by certain items and also may be part of
-your racial characteristics. There are certain types of items that
-provide all four elemental resistances. These include Defender weapons,
-Robes of Permanence, armors/shields of Resistance, armor of Elvenkind,
-and Helms/Crowns of the Magi. Many artifacts also provide some or all
-of the basic resistances, and also perhaps one or two "high"
-Resistances generally chop off a significant amount of damage, ranging
-from 1/5 to 2/3. Also, it is possible to doubly resist the basic four
-resistances and poison. When you doubly resist these, damage is chopped
-to 1/9. Double resistance is NOT having two permanent sources of the
-same resist! Double resistance is having both a permanent source and a
-temporary source. Multiple permanent sources do nothing for you.
-Resistances are vital to survival in the dungeon. For instance, the
-most powerful of fire dragons, the Great Hell Wyrm, can breath fire
-(big surprise). Unresisted, the damage caused is 1600 HPs worth; more
-than enough to kill the mightiest of warriors (if he's lucky, a warrior
-might top out at about 1200 HPs at level 50). However, if you have fire
-resistance, this is chopped to 1/3-533 damage. If you doubly resist the
-breath, the damage is a paltry 178 HP.
-=== On Important Depths ===
-There are certain depths in the dungeon beyond which it is important to
-have a certain resist or attribute. The depths given here are
-guidelines, and should not be taken literally. However, if you decide
-to go past the depth without the attribute, be very careful and don't
-complain if you get the dreaded "It breathes -more- You are dead"
-20 (1000'): Free Action, See Invisible, Fire resistance
-25 (1250'): Basic four Resistances
-30 (1500'): Confusion Res, Blindness Res(Magician only), (Nexus Res)
-35 (1750'): Poison Resistance, Blindness Resistance (for all)
-40 (2000'): Nether Res, Chaos Res, (Darkness Res; sometimes)
-50 (2500'): Hold Life, Telepathy
-60 (3000'): Permanent Speed of +10 or greater
-70 (3500'): Permanent Speed of +15 or greater, Shard Res, Darkness Res
-90 (4500'): Permanent Speed of +25 or greater
-99 (4950'): As much as you can get. Sustains, Speed, every resistance, 
-Notes: If you have high infravision, you can probably hold off on See
-Invisible for a few levels. Not very many, however; Ghosts start
-showing up soon, and they're cold-blooded.
-Without Free Action you are very dead. Some monsters have a melee
-paralyzation attack, which can keep you immobile until death. Also,
-monsters start getting the paralyze spell about here. Nothing is more
-aggravating than watching a puny monster slowly kill your character as
-you watch, helpless.
-Confusion and Blindness resistance are vital. If you have these, you
-can rely on scrolls of Teleportation to get you out of any situation.
-Before this, you need Staves of Teleportation which can be activated
-when blinded or confused, although with a decent failure rate. Scrolls
-are fail-safe.
-Poison Resistance is necessary because two monsters, Ancient
-Multi-Hued Dragons, and Drolems, start showing up at about depth. Both
-of these monsters breath poison for huge amounts of damage (700 and
-800 points, respectively). Moreover Poison Resistance is necessary
-to prevent fearful side effect of Toxic waste.
-Hold Life is very nice, but not important. If you can't get it, carry
-lots of Potions of Restore Life Levels.
-Chaos Resistance is *vital* since it not only does significant damage
-but can also have nasty side effects like causing hallucinations or
-mutating your character.
-Nether Resistance is also very important since there are a fairly large
-number of monsters with attacks of this type and because it can do
-significant damage.
-=== On Secret Doors ===
-Throughout the dungeon, many doors are hidden from view. To find them,
-use the (S)earch command, which toggles on and off the Searching mode.
-However, it is often difficult enough just knowing where to search.
-Usually, situations like this will have secret doors (walls containing
-secret doors are marked by *s):
-#*###  ###'###  ####*#    ###*###
-*@...  ..'@'..  ..@'.*    ..'@...
-#*###  ###*###  ####'#    #######
-In general, if you see a door by itself in a corridor, there are
-usually others nearby. If you find a corner in a corridor with two
-doors, look for more. Intersections often have some secret doors.
-Finally, secret doors will never be in a situation where you have to
-move diagonally to open them. The dead-end situation (the first one)
-usually does have a secret door, but not always. If you search for a
-while and don't find anything, just give up and move on. Sometimes a
-dead end will occur near the end of a map, where there is no room to
-have a continuing corridor, and so no secret door is generated.
-=== On the Maximize/Preserve modes ===
-These are selected on or off at character creation, and cannot be
-changed after that.
-Maximize mode: with Maximize mode off, your statistics max out at
-18/100, without outside magical effects, like a Ring of Strength. When
-Maximize mode is on, where your stats max out at is determined by your
-race and class. For instance, any Mage has -5 to Strength. A Human
-Mage's strength (Humans have no racial stat differences), therefore,
-could max out at 18/50, instead of 18/100. However, Mages also have +3
-to Intelligence. A Human Mage's Intelligence would max out at 18/130.
-When Maximize mode is off, it is possible to achieve higher starting
-stats for characters; a Gnomish Mage might be able to start with 18/80
-Intelligence. However, since your stats can't reach as high levels,
-the end game is harder than with Maximize mode on.
-Preserve mode: with Preserve mode off, if a level is created with an
-artifact on it, and you don't get that artifact, it is gone forever.
-When Preserve mode is on, you always can find the artifact again unless
-you have already identified it and then leave it behind. However, in
-preserve mode you lose the "special" level feeling (more below). 
-=== On Level Feelings ===
-When you enter a level, you receive a feeling giving you a vague idea
-how good the level is. In general, the more scary the feeling sounds,
-the better the items on the level, and the more difficult the monsters.
-Each unusual item or monster bumps up the rating of the level a bit. An
-item or monster is considered unusual if it is out of depth [normally
-occurs at a lower depth; for instance, a Longsword has a base level of
-20, and would be considered unusual anywhere above that level (although
-not below it)]. Items can be out of depth without necessarily being
-anything special; a normal, non-magical katana could provoke a high
-level feeling at low depths, because it is so unusual. Also, pits
-(large rooms filled with a single type of monster) and vaults (dense,
-dangerous rooms with many out of depth monsters and items) can cause
-high level feelings. There is also a Special feeling, available only to
-players with Preserve mode off, which tells the player that there is an
-artifact on the level (most of the time. Sometimes, especially in the
-earlier levels, a monster pit or a vault will often trigger a special
-feeling). Also, if you have not spent enough time on the previous level
-before entering the new one, you get the feeling "Looks like any other
-level" which gives you no information whatsoever.
-=== On weapons and armor ===
-Your equipment will always carry around little numbers that tell you
-how effective it is. Armors take this form:
-A Robe (+x,+y) [a,+b] (+c)
-Weapons take this form:
-A Long Sword (XdY) (+x,+y) [+b] (+c)
-When unidentified, armors will show just this:
-A Robe [a]
-Weapons will show this:
-A Long Sword (XdY)
-(+x,+y). This is the item's magical bonuses to your to-hit and
-to-damage bonus respectively. These are added to whatever other
-bonuses you have when you attack. Some armors have similar bonuses to
-your to-hit and to-damage, but they are mostly artifacts, the
-exceptions being Gloves/Gauntlets/Cesti of Slaying and Power. Many
-body armors have a small negative number before the base armor bonus
-(see below); this is a penalty to your skill (the armor is so heavy
-that you have trouble moving around in it). However, this penalty is
-small enough for all but the youngest of characters to ignore.
-Rings of Combat or Skill have a single (+y) or (+x). When worn, they
-affect your to-damage and to-hit bonus in melee battle respectively.
-[a,+b]. This is the item's base armor class and magical bonus to
-armor. The higher, the better. While theoretically, a weapon could
-provide a base armor bonus, none of them do, and only a few weapons
-have a magical bonus to armor.
-Rings of Protection have a single [+b], which increases your AC. They
-are also practically worthless; the valuable ring slot is almost
-certainly better off being used for something else.
-(+c). This is the item's magical bonus to other statistics: Strength,
-Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, Speed,
-Stealth, Searching, Infravision, Attacks, and Tunneling. Not on every
-item, it is generally a good reason to choose the item. [Note that it
-does not affect every stat in this list! Most items that have a +c only
-affect one or two of these stats. Some items affect more (A Weapon of
-Westernesse affects Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution)].
-As a side note for the above: Hengband follows the parenthesis for any
-item. If you see a number in brackets, like this: [b], it is a bonus to
-AC. If it is in parenthesis, like this: (+x), it is either a bonus to a
-stat or to hit/damage (and which should normally be obvious by the name
-of the item). For instance, a Holy Avenger (a powerful ego-item), looks
-like this:
-A Mace (Holy Avenger) (2d4) (+7, +5) [+4] (+1)
-Thus, it rolls 2 four-sided dice when attacking, has +7 bonus to hit
-and +5 bonus to damage, increases your AC by 4, and increases a stat
-(In this case Wisdom) by 1.
-XdY. This is the weapon's base damage. When you successfully hit a
-monster, X number of Y-sided dice are rolled. This number represents
-the amount of damage you do to the monster before magical bonuses, 
-slays, brands, criticals, etc are applied. A Longsword, for example,
-rolls 2 five-sided dice (2d5) when you hit a monster.
-Ammunition, as well as having the normal weapon information, also 
-shows how much damage they will do per shot and per round.  This
-information will only be displayed if you have the proper shooting
-weapon.  (Your melee weapon's average damage is displayed on the info-
-screen.)  The format of this is:
-An arrow (1d5) (+0, +0) (26/26)
-The first number is the average damage per shot, and the second is
-average damage per round.  The two numbers can differ because the
-shooting weapons have different energy requirements per shot (unlike
-melee weapons.)
-=== On Slays ===
-Many weapons you find in the dungeon are considered to be particularly
-deadly against a type of creature. These qualities are collectively
-known as slays. They double, triple, or multiply by five *the damage
-done by the damage dice*. They DO NOT affect bonuses to damage. Thus,
-while slays may play an important part in the early game (especially if
-you find a weapon of Slay Orc), in the later part of the game, where
-magical bonuses to damage all but take over combat, slays play a very
-minor role. The rundown on slays:
-     Slay (or *Slay*) Evil: x2 damage dice against evil monsters
-     Slay (or *Slay*) Animal, Undead, Demon, Giant, Dragon: x2 damage
-       dice against the relevant monster type
-The brands ("of Melting", "of Burning", "of Freezing", "of Shocking",
-and "of Poisoning") all do x2 damage dice to those monsters not
-resistant to the relevant element. There is also a "(Vampiric)" brand
-which will suck life from your foes and heal you at the same time and
-a "(Chaotic)" brand which can cause some unexpected results when using
-=== On the Monster Memory ===
-In many other games, you are required to take notes on monster's
-weaknesses, strengths, spells, et cetera. Hengband takes care of this
-for you, with the handy Monster Memory. Every time you find out
-something new about a monster, like that it can breathe fire, this is
-added to your knowledge of the monster. To look over this knowledge,
-type /, then the symbol of the monster. You may have to scroll through
-other monster memories to get to the one you're looking for. [Note: you
-can set a window to display the monster memory at the preferences
-screen (see below). This window will then automatically update as you
-fight monsters].
-In the unpleasant event of your character's death, you can create a new
-character using your old character's file (instead of simply creating a
-new character, open the dead character's savefile, and the Creating a
-Character section will come up). This new character will have all of
-the old one's monster memories, and some special text for the monster
-that killed him.
-=== On the Colors of Monsters ===
-You can often determine some information about a monster based solely
-on it's color. This would be the color it is described as, like "a
-White Dragon," not the color of it's image on the screen (you can't
-rely on a white "p" to be a cold based monster! It will probably be a
-paladin or some such). In general, White monsters are cold-based, Red
-are fire-based, Blue are electrical, Black is acidic, and Yellow/Green
-are poisonous. A Multi-Hued monster is all of these.
-=== On the Preferences ===
-The preferences screen is reached by typing "=". It contains many
-different preferences that make Hengband more enjoyable. There are a few
-that I would recommend. Turn both stacking options ON. This maximizes
-your treasure collection. Turn the Low Hitpoint Warning ON, and place
-the warning percent at about 50%. You'll see the effects of this
-whenever you start to die :). The Delay Factor determines how long it
-takes for special effects to "move;" that is: balls exploding, bolts
-moving, missile weapons flying, et cetera. This is machine dependant;
-I usually set mine at about 3 or 4. The Window Flags screen allows you
-to set various windows (assuming your platform supports them) to show
-certain things. Using this, you can set some windows to always show
-monster memory, your character's inventory and/or equipment, a dungeon
-map, and others.
-=== On Death ===
-Death in Hengband is permanent. Saving in Hengband is meant only to let
-you pick up where you left off; if you die, your savefile is marked.
-The next time you try to use the savefile, you will get the new
-character dialogue. Ancestors of dead characters will retain their
-monster memory and preferences. Many people here have characters like
-"Yuppy XIV"; people die very often in Hengband.
-Some people make backup savefiles; if their character dies, they simply
-load the older character, and pick up where they left off. They lose
-what happened after making the backup, but they're alive. However, this
-is considered cheating of the highest degree. The only really legal
-reason to use savefile abuse ("savefile scumming") is if your computer
-crashed or some other external problem killed your character.
-There is an option in the Cheating menu in the preferences which
-allows you to cheat death. However, like all the other cheating
-options, it invalidates your high-score and makes it impossible to
-truly win the game. It also sets your Social Status to zero, so
-everyone knows what a scumbag you are.
-=== On Hengband Time ===
-If there is one feature of Hengband that tends to confuse people
-(especially veterans of other *band), it is how the speed system in
-Hengband works. 
-As in other variants, the energy you and monsters get each turn depends 
-on speed.  Unlike in other variants, this value is only an average; be 
-watchful for opportunities to get a double move on monsters, and be 
-aware that they can do the same to you!  This rule change has a lot of 
-consequences; playing the game will teach them to you...
-Apart from this, things are pretty familiar.  The amount of energy you 
-can gain each game turn is 10 for an average-speed player or monster, 
-can be almost 50 for very fast ones, and most actions you take cost 100 
-energy to perform.  The biggest exception is weapons of Extra Shots; 
-firing one of these takes less energy, making monsters appear to move 
-in slow motion.  
-Be aware that speeds increases above about +28 to +35 are much less useful.
-=== Advanced techniques for killing monsters ===
-     Not recommended in Hengband:  monsters move at irregular speeds.
-Shoot'n Scoot.
-     Requires a large room, Phase Door, and some type of missile
-     weapon. Stand at one end of the room, your enemy at the other.
-     Fire your missile weapon at him until he gets close, and then
-     Phase Door. Fire again, until he gets close, and repeat. By the
-     time you run out of ammunition, he should be dead or weak enough
-     for you to finish him HTH (Hand to Hand).
-Wail'n Bail.
-     Requires Teleport items. Fight the monster until you're almost
-     dead, teleport out, find him, and resume fighting. This is
-     dangerous, because you could teleport right next to some nasty
-     that will kill you. Also, it is not generally useful for killing
-     unique monsters, as they regenerate damage very quickly, and by
-     the time you find them again, they may have healed the damage you 
-     did to them.
-The Anti-Summoning Corridor.
-     Required a little time to set up. This can be done just about
-     anywhere. Dig a twisting corridor into the rock, and station
-     yourself at one end of it. When your opponent arrives, he won't be
-     able to summon any monsters next to you. This is a very important
-     technique for fighting many higher-end monsters which very quickly
-     bring in a horde of other monsters.
-Original   : Chris Weisiger (TANG version 1.6.2)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
+=== The Hengband Newbie Guide ===
+Note: This guide has been adapted from The Angband Newbie Guide by
+Chris Weisiger and has undergone certain revisions to conform more
+closely to Hengband.
+=== Basic Training ===
+When you load the game, select "Start a new character." Go through the
+step-by-step instructions for picking a gender, race, and class. For
+your first time, we recommend choosing a Golem Warrior. Avoid the
+spellcaster types; they're much more difficult to play. If you want
+basic information about races and classes, go to the on-line help
+(type "?") and read "Character Attributes". You should probably read
+most of the help files here; the commands list is especially important
+to someone new to Hengband.
+After naming your character, you'll start in the town. The various
+numbers represent stores, where you can buy new equipment and sell
+stuff you've found in the dungeon. The little ">" is a staircase, the
+entrance to the dungeon.  Stand on the entrance to the dungeon, and
+type ">", and you enters into the dungeon, and then type "<", and you
+return to the surface.
+Next, type "<" again on the surface. If there are no hostile monsters
+near you, you will enters the Global Map mode which displays all the
+world of Hengband. Type ">" to return from global map mode to normal
+map mode.
+If you want to know what a specific symbol stands for, type "/", and
+then the symbol. For instance, if you're wondering what all the t's
+are, type "/t", and the game will tell you that these are
+townspeople. You can also "l"ook at an item, feature, or
+monster. While looking, pressing space or enter will cycle through the
+different "interesting" things in view. There is also a full map
+function: type "M". It will bring up a map of the entire area (just a
+single screen in the case of the town, but useful later on in the
+dungeon). Finally, if you type "L", you can scroll the (full-zoom) map
+around the dungeon. In general, you can use "M" to find areas that
+look interesting and "L" to look at them in detail.
+Take a look around the town, but avoid the Mean-Looking Mercenaries and
+Battle-Scarred Veterans; they can kill you fairly easily. A note on
+shop #7; it's the black market, where very powerful items are sold for
+an absolutely ridiculous price. Any good item can show up in this store
+(barring standard artifacts), so look here for those items that don't
+show up in other stores.
+Be sure to visit shops #1 and #2, the General Store and Armory,
+respectively. At the General Store, buy a cloak and a Brass Lantern,
+and a flask of oil or two. Sell your torches. At the Armory, buy some
+of the light armor. Suggested: Hard Leather Boots, a Leather Cap,
+Leather Gloves. If a Small Leather Shield is on sale and you can afford
+it, buy it.
+This should have cleaned out your money. However, if it hasn't, it is
+strongly recommended that you go to the Alchemist's shop (#5) and
+purchase a scroll of Phase Door. If you get surrounded by monsters,
+read it, and you'll be teleported a short distance away.
+Of course, it's possible that these items will not be available in the
+stores. The stores will "refresh" themselves every 1000 turns, getting
+rid of old items and buying new ones. If you ever find that there's
+something you need which the stores don't currently have, you can wait
+a while for the stores to refresh.
+Hengband's not actually all that difficult to learn to play. You should
+get the hang of it fairly quickly.
+From here on we'll be giving detailed dungeon survival information.
+Some of it is intuitive, and some of it you aren't likely to find out
+without a lot of deaths first. If you want to experience the painful
+learning process in all it's glory, don't read further. If, however,
+you're sick and tired of dying, read ahead.
+=== On weapons and multiple blows ===
+Most characters will start the game being able to get two blows per
+round with their weapon when attacking.  Whether or not you get more
+blows than this later in the game will be determined by your class, 
+your weapon weight, your Strength, and your Dexterity. Check your
+Character display (type "C"). Somewhere on this page, there is a number
+that is your number of blows/round.
+Multiple blows become very important later in the dungeon since the
+more times you hit, the more damage your weapon does (obviously).
+=== On important magical items ===
+You might think that you can get by without magical items. If so,
+you're bound for an interesting, but short, stay in the dungeon. It'll
+probably be one-way, too.
+--- Teleportation Items ---
+The most important items have be those of teleportation. There are many
+basic types:
+Phase Door
+     teleports you up to 10 squares away. Useful for the Shoot 'n Scoot
+     maneuver; more on this later.
+     teleports you across the dungeon, sometimes landing you in more
+     trouble than you started in. Better than certain death, though.
+Teleport Away
+     teleports a monster (or several monsters) away from you. Safer
+     than Teleport, but you might not be able to get them all in one
+     strike.
+Teleport Level
+     moves you up or down one level. If the level you're on is full of
+     dangerous monsters and you need to teleport, this could be your
+     ticket to safety.
+     this powerful spell removes everything (including artifacts!)
+     from the area around you, blasting the surroundings and causing
+     rock to fall from the ceiling. If you're ever in deep trouble,
+     this is the safest way to escape.
+--- Healing Items ---
+The second most important items are those of healing. Healing, in this
+case, covers Cure Light/Serious/Critical Wounds, Healing, *Healing*,
+and Life Potions, from weakest to strongest.
+Cure Light Wounds
+     restores 2d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness and berserk.
+Cure Serious Wounds
+     restores 4d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion and
+     berserk.
+Cure Critical Wounds
+     restores 6d8 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
+     stun, poison and berserk.
+     restores 50 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
+     stun, poison and hallucination.
+     restores 300 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
+     stun, poison and berserk.
+     restores 1200 hitpoints and removes cuts, blindness, confusion,
+     stun, poison and berserk.
+Potions of Life
+     restores 5000 hitpoints (about 5 times more than you'll ever
+     have), restores all drained stats and experience, and removes all
+     bad effects except hunger. These are very rare; save them in your
+     home for a dangerous fight.
+--- Items for Identifying Objects ---
+There are various methods of Identify which you *need*. Identify comes
+in the form of scrolls, Staffs of Perception, Rods of Perception, the
+spell Identify, and the prayer Perception. These will tell you any
+magical properties of the item, like magical bonuses to hit and to
+damage, and magical bonuses to stats. It also tells you if the item is
+cursed. It tells you what a wand/rod/staff/potion/scroll/mushroom/etc.
+does, and this is very important. There are nasty potions deep in the
+dungeon that you *do not* want to drink! Sometimes, the descriptions of
+the items are a little obscure; things like Staves of Holiness and
+Power, Mushrooms of Unhealth, and others. You may have to experiment a
+bit to determine their powers. 
+There is also an advanced form of Identify, called *Identify*. This is
+available primarily as a Scroll of *Identify* but certain magic realms
+contain a similar spell although it may be called something different.
+In addition, some towns may provide a shop offering *identify* as a
+service. Identifying an item by one of these means tells you every
+single property of the item, like whether or not it lets you see
+invisible monsters, sustains stats, gives you regeneration, and so on.
+You should only use *identify* on artifacts and certain powerful
+ego-items some of which may have random abilities which can only be
+discovered by this method. 
+--- Items for Lighting the Dungeon ---
+Notes on lighting: You can't do much without light. You won't be able
+to see most monsters, cast spells or read scrolls, or, in general, see
+the dungeon. You should carry a light source of which torches and brass
+lanterns are the most common and this will light up the area which is
+immediately around you. There are items which will light up the
+dungeon, but only parts of it. Any item/spell of Light or Illumination
+will light up the room you are standing it (or part of the corridor). A
+potion of Enlightenment/the prayer Clairvoyance will light up the
+entire level.
+--- Word of Recall ---
+Finally, the most useful magical item in general is a Scroll of
+Word-of-Recall (often abbreviated WoR). When you are in the town and
+read it, you are teleported to the lowest level you have been to in the
+dungeon. When read in the dungeon, you are teleported to the town. The
+activation takes place about 50 turns after reading the scroll, so it's
+not a perfect escape method.
+=== On Resistances ====
+There are many different kinds of attacks in Hengband, generally
+falling under physical, magical, and breath attacks. They can all cause
+specialized kinds of damage, which can kill a character if he/she does
+not have resistance to that attack. The majority of attack types have a
+corresponding resistance. These resistances include: acid, electricity,
+fire, and cold (often collectively referred to as "low" or "elemental"
+resists) and poison, light, dark, shards, confusion, sound, nether,
+nexus, chaos, disenchantment, blindness and fear (often collectively
+referred to as "high" resists). Two other abilities - free action, and
+hold life, can be considered as resists in some sense since they
+provide resistance to paralyzing/slowing attacks and to experience
+draining attacks respectively.
+Resistances can be provided by certain items and also may be part of
+your racial characteristics. There are certain types of items that
+provide all four elemental resistances. These include Defender weapons,
+Robes of Permanence, armors/shields of Resistance, armor of Elvenkind,
+and Helms/Crowns of the Magi. Many artifacts also provide some or all
+of the basic resistances, and also perhaps one or two "high"
+Resistances generally chop off a significant amount of damage, ranging
+from 1/5 to 2/3. Also, it is possible to doubly resist the basic four
+resistances and poison. When you doubly resist these, damage is chopped
+to 1/9. Double resistance is NOT having two permanent sources of the
+same resist! Double resistance is having both a permanent source and a
+temporary source. Multiple permanent sources do nothing for you.
+Resistances are vital to survival in the dungeon. For instance, the
+most powerful of fire dragons, the Great Hell Wyrm, can breath fire
+(big surprise). Unresisted, the damage caused is 1600 HPs worth; more
+than enough to kill the mightiest of warriors (if he's lucky, a warrior
+might top out at about 1200 HPs at level 50). However, if you have fire
+resistance, this is chopped to 1/3-533 damage. If you doubly resist the
+breath, the damage is a paltry 178 HP.
+=== On Important Depths ===
+There are certain depths in the dungeon beyond which it is important to
+have a certain resist or attribute. The depths given here are
+guidelines, and should not be taken literally. However, if you decide
+to go past the depth without the attribute, be very careful and don't
+complain if you get the dreaded "It breathes -more- You are dead"
+20 (1000'): Free Action, See Invisible, Fire resistance
+25 (1250'): Basic four Resistances
+30 (1500'): Confusion Res, Blindness Res(Magician only), (Nexus Res)
+35 (1750'): Poison Resistance, Blindness Resistance (for all)
+40 (2000'): Nether Res, Chaos Res, (Darkness Res; sometimes)
+50 (2500'): Hold Life, Telepathy
+60 (3000'): Permanent Speed of +10 or greater
+70 (3500'): Permanent Speed of +15 or greater, Shard Res, Darkness Res
+90 (4500'): Permanent Speed of +25 or greater
+99 (4950'): As much as you can get. Sustains, Speed, every resistance, 
+Notes: If you have high infravision, you can probably hold off on See
+Invisible for a few levels. Not very many, however; Ghosts start
+showing up soon, and they're cold-blooded.
+Without Free Action you are very dead. Some monsters have a melee
+paralyzation attack, which can keep you immobile until death. Also,
+monsters start getting the paralyze spell about here. Nothing is more
+aggravating than watching a puny monster slowly kill your character as
+you watch, helpless.
+Confusion and Blindness resistance are vital. If you have these, you
+can rely on scrolls of Teleportation to get you out of any situation.
+Before this, you need Staves of Teleportation which can be activated
+when blinded or confused, although with a decent failure rate. Scrolls
+are fail-safe.
+Poison Resistance is necessary because two monsters, Ancient
+Multi-Hued Dragons, and Drolems, start showing up at about depth. Both
+of these monsters breath poison for huge amounts of damage (700 and
+800 points, respectively). Moreover Poison Resistance is necessary
+to prevent fearful side effect of Toxic waste.
+Hold Life is very nice, but not important. If you can't get it, carry
+lots of Potions of Restore Life Levels.
+Chaos Resistance is *vital* since it not only does significant damage
+but can also have nasty side effects like causing hallucinations or
+mutating your character.
+Nether Resistance is also very important since there are a fairly large
+number of monsters with attacks of this type and because it can do
+significant damage.
+=== On Secret Doors ===
+Throughout the dungeon, many doors are hidden from view. To find them,
+use the (S)earch command, which toggles on and off the Searching mode.
+However, it is often difficult enough just knowing where to search.
+Usually, situations like this will have secret doors (walls containing
+secret doors are marked by *s):
+#*###  ###'###  ####*#    ###*###
+*@...  ..'@'..  ..@'.*    ..'@...
+#*###  ###*###  ####'#    #######
+In general, if you see a door by itself in a corridor, there are
+usually others nearby. If you find a corner in a corridor with two
+doors, look for more. Intersections often have some secret doors.
+Finally, secret doors will never be in a situation where you have to
+move diagonally to open them. The dead-end situation (the first one)
+usually does have a secret door, but not always. If you search for a
+while and don't find anything, just give up and move on. Sometimes a
+dead end will occur near the end of a map, where there is no room to
+have a continuing corridor, and so no secret door is generated.
+=== On the Maximize/Preserve modes ===
+These are selected on or off at character creation, and cannot be
+changed after that.
+Maximize mode: with Maximize mode off, your statistics max out at
+18/100, without outside magical effects, like a Ring of Strength. When
+Maximize mode is on, where your stats max out at is determined by your
+race and class. For instance, any Mage has -5 to Strength. A Human
+Mage's strength (Humans have no racial stat differences), therefore,
+could max out at 18/50, instead of 18/100. However, Mages also have +3
+to Intelligence. A Human Mage's Intelligence would max out at 18/130.
+When Maximize mode is off, it is possible to achieve higher starting
+stats for characters; a Gnomish Mage might be able to start with 18/80
+Intelligence. However, since your stats can't reach as high levels,
+the end game is harder than with Maximize mode on.
+Preserve mode: with Preserve mode off, if a level is created with an
+artifact on it, and you don't get that artifact, it is gone forever.
+When Preserve mode is on, you always can find the artifact again unless
+you have already identified it and then leave it behind. However, in
+preserve mode you lose the "special" level feeling (more below). 
+=== On Level Feelings ===
+When you enter a level, you receive a feeling giving you a vague idea
+how good the level is. In general, the more scary the feeling sounds,
+the better the items on the level, and the more difficult the monsters.
+Each unusual item or monster bumps up the rating of the level a bit. An
+item or monster is considered unusual if it is out of depth [normally
+occurs at a lower depth; for instance, a Longsword has a base level of
+20, and would be considered unusual anywhere above that level (although
+not below it)]. Items can be out of depth without necessarily being
+anything special; a normal, non-magical katana could provoke a high
+level feeling at low depths, because it is so unusual. Also, pits
+(large rooms filled with a single type of monster) and vaults (dense,
+dangerous rooms with many out of depth monsters and items) can cause
+high level feelings. There is also a Special feeling, available only to
+players with Preserve mode off, which tells the player that there is an
+artifact on the level (most of the time. Sometimes, especially in the
+earlier levels, a monster pit or a vault will often trigger a special
+feeling). Also, if you have not spent enough time on the previous level
+before entering the new one, you get the feeling "Looks like any other
+level" which gives you no information whatsoever.
+=== On weapons and armor ===
+Your equipment will always carry around little numbers that tell you
+how effective it is. Armors take this form:
+A Robe (+x,+y) [a,+b] (+c)
+Weapons take this form:
+A Long Sword (XdY) (+x,+y) [+b] (+c)
+When unidentified, armors will show just this:
+A Robe [a]
+Weapons will show this:
+A Long Sword (XdY)
+(+x,+y). This is the item's magical bonuses to your to-hit and
+to-damage bonus respectively. These are added to whatever other
+bonuses you have when you attack. Some armors have similar bonuses to
+your to-hit and to-damage, but they are mostly artifacts, the
+exceptions being Gloves/Gauntlets/Cesti of Slaying and Power. Many
+body armors have a small negative number before the base armor bonus
+(see below); this is a penalty to your skill (the armor is so heavy
+that you have trouble moving around in it). However, this penalty is
+small enough for all but the youngest of characters to ignore.
+Rings of Combat or Skill have a single (+y) or (+x). When worn, they
+affect your to-damage and to-hit bonus in melee battle respectively.
+[a,+b]. This is the item's base armor class and magical bonus to
+armor. The higher, the better. While theoretically, a weapon could
+provide a base armor bonus, none of them do, and only a few weapons
+have a magical bonus to armor.
+Rings of Protection have a single [+b], which increases your AC. They
+are also practically worthless; the valuable ring slot is almost
+certainly better off being used for something else.
+(+c). This is the item's magical bonus to other statistics: Strength,
+Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, Speed,
+Stealth, Searching, Infravision, Attacks, and Tunneling. Not on every
+item, it is generally a good reason to choose the item. [Note that it
+does not affect every stat in this list! Most items that have a +c only
+affect one or two of these stats. Some items affect more (A Weapon of
+Westernesse affects Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution)].
+As a side note for the above: Hengband follows the parenthesis for any
+item. If you see a number in brackets, like this: [b], it is a bonus to
+AC. If it is in parenthesis, like this: (+x), it is either a bonus to a
+stat or to hit/damage (and which should normally be obvious by the name
+of the item). For instance, a Holy Avenger (a powerful ego-item), looks
+like this:
+A Mace (Holy Avenger) (2d4) (+7, +5) [+4] (+1)
+Thus, it rolls 2 four-sided dice when attacking, has +7 bonus to hit
+and +5 bonus to damage, increases your AC by 4, and increases a stat
+(In this case Wisdom) by 1.
+XdY. This is the weapon's base damage. When you successfully hit a
+monster, X number of Y-sided dice are rolled. This number represents
+the amount of damage you do to the monster before magical bonuses, 
+slays, brands, criticals, etc are applied. A Longsword, for example,
+rolls 2 five-sided dice (2d5) when you hit a monster.
+Ammunition, as well as having the normal weapon information, also 
+shows how much damage they will do per shot and per round.  This
+information will only be displayed if you have the proper shooting
+weapon.  (Your melee weapon's average damage is displayed on the info-
+screen.)  The format of this is:
+An arrow (1d5) (+0, +0) (26/26)
+The first number is the average damage per shot, and the second is
+average damage per round.  The two numbers can differ because the
+shooting weapons have different energy requirements per shot (unlike
+melee weapons.)
+=== On Slays ===
+Many weapons you find in the dungeon are considered to be particularly
+deadly against a type of creature. These qualities are collectively
+known as slays. They double, triple, or multiply by five *the damage
+done by the damage dice*. They DO NOT affect bonuses to damage. Thus,
+while slays may play an important part in the early game (especially if
+you find a weapon of Slay Orc), in the later part of the game, where
+magical bonuses to damage all but take over combat, slays play a very
+minor role. The rundown on slays:
+     Slay (or *Slay*) Evil: x2 damage dice against evil monsters
+     Slay (or *Slay*) Animal, Undead, Demon, Giant, Dragon: x2 damage
+       dice against the relevant monster type
+The brands ("of Melting", "of Burning", "of Freezing", "of Shocking",
+and "of Poisoning") all do x2 damage dice to those monsters not
+resistant to the relevant element. There is also a "(Vampiric)" brand
+which will suck life from your foes and heal you at the same time and
+a "(Chaotic)" brand which can cause some unexpected results when using
+=== On the Monster Memory ===
+In many other games, you are required to take notes on monster's
+weaknesses, strengths, spells, et cetera. Hengband takes care of this
+for you, with the handy Monster Memory. Every time you find out
+something new about a monster, like that it can breathe fire, this is
+added to your knowledge of the monster. To look over this knowledge,
+type /, then the symbol of the monster. You may have to scroll through
+other monster memories to get to the one you're looking for. [Note: you
+can set a window to display the monster memory at the preferences
+screen (see below). This window will then automatically update as you
+fight monsters].
+In the unpleasant event of your character's death, you can create a new
+character using your old character's file (instead of simply creating a
+new character, open the dead character's savefile, and the Creating a
+Character section will come up). This new character will have all of
+the old one's monster memories, and some special text for the monster
+that killed him.
+=== On the Colors of Monsters ===
+You can often determine some information about a monster based solely
+on it's color. This would be the color it is described as, like "a
+White Dragon," not the color of it's image on the screen (you can't
+rely on a white "p" to be a cold based monster! It will probably be a
+paladin or some such). In general, White monsters are cold-based, Red
+are fire-based, Blue are electrical, Black is acidic, and Yellow/Green
+are poisonous. A Multi-Hued monster is all of these.
+=== On the Preferences ===
+The preferences screen is reached by typing "=". It contains many
+different preferences that make Hengband more enjoyable. There are a few
+that I would recommend. Turn both stacking options ON. This maximizes
+your treasure collection. Turn the Low Hitpoint Warning ON, and place
+the warning percent at about 50%. You'll see the effects of this
+whenever you start to die :). The Delay Factor determines how long it
+takes for special effects to "move;" that is: balls exploding, bolts
+moving, missile weapons flying, et cetera. This is machine dependant;
+I usually set mine at about 3 or 4. The Window Flags screen allows you
+to set various windows (assuming your platform supports them) to show
+certain things. Using this, you can set some windows to always show
+monster memory, your character's inventory and/or equipment, a dungeon
+map, and others.
+=== On Death ===
+Death in Hengband is permanent. Saving in Hengband is meant only to let
+you pick up where you left off; if you die, your savefile is marked.
+The next time you try to use the savefile, you will get the new
+character dialogue. Ancestors of dead characters will retain their
+monster memory and preferences. Many people here have characters like
+"Yuppy XIV"; people die very often in Hengband.
+Some people make backup savefiles; if their character dies, they simply
+load the older character, and pick up where they left off. They lose
+what happened after making the backup, but they're alive. However, this
+is considered cheating of the highest degree. The only really legal
+reason to use savefile abuse ("savefile scumming") is if your computer
+crashed or some other external problem killed your character.
+There is an option in the Cheating menu in the preferences which
+allows you to cheat death. However, like all the other cheating
+options, it invalidates your high-score and makes it impossible to
+truly win the game. It also sets your Social Status to zero, so
+everyone knows what a scumbag you are.
+=== On Hengband Time ===
+If there is one feature of Hengband that tends to confuse people
+(especially veterans of other *band), it is how the speed system in
+Hengband works. 
+As in other variants, the energy you and monsters get each turn depends 
+on speed.  Unlike in other variants, this value is only an average; be 
+watchful for opportunities to get a double move on monsters, and be 
+aware that they can do the same to you!  This rule change has a lot of 
+consequences; playing the game will teach them to you...
+Apart from this, things are pretty familiar.  The amount of energy you 
+can gain each game turn is 10 for an average-speed player or monster, 
+can be almost 50 for very fast ones, and most actions you take cost 100 
+energy to perform.  The biggest exception is weapons of Extra Shots; 
+firing one of these takes less energy, making monsters appear to move 
+in slow motion.  
+Be aware that speeds increases above about +28 to +35 are much less useful.
+=== Advanced techniques for killing monsters ===
+     Not recommended in Hengband:  monsters move at irregular speeds.
+Shoot'n Scoot.
+     Requires a large room, Phase Door, and some type of missile
+     weapon. Stand at one end of the room, your enemy at the other.
+     Fire your missile weapon at him until he gets close, and then
+     Phase Door. Fire again, until he gets close, and repeat. By the
+     time you run out of ammunition, he should be dead or weak enough
+     for you to finish him HTH (Hand to Hand).
+Wail'n Bail.
+     Requires Teleport items. Fight the monster until you're almost
+     dead, teleport out, find him, and resume fighting. This is
+     dangerous, because you could teleport right next to some nasty
+     that will kill you. Also, it is not generally useful for killing
+     unique monsters, as they regenerate damage very quickly, and by
+     the time you find them again, they may have healed the damage you 
+     did to them.
+The Anti-Summoning Corridor.
+     Required a little time to set up. This can be done just about
+     anywhere. Dig a twisting corridor into the rock, and station
+     yourself at one end of it. When your opponent arrives, he won't be
+     able to summon any monsters next to you. This is a very important
+     technique for fighting many higher-end monsters which very quickly
+     bring in a horde of other monsters.
+Original   : Chris Weisiger (TANG version 1.6.2)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11

Modified: trunk/lib/help/town.hlp
--- trunk/lib/help/town.hlp	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/town.hlp	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-The Town and Wilderness.
-Please choose one of the following online help files:
-    (a) The Town and Wilderness            (town.txt)
-    (b) Town and Wilderness Symbols        (town.txt#MapSymbols)
-    (c) The Town Level                     (town.txt#TownLevel)
-    (d) The Standard Town                  (town.txt#StandardTown)
-    (e) The 'Lite' Town                    (town.txt#LiteTown)
-    (f) The 'Vanilla' Town                 (town.txt#VanillaTown)
-    (g) Townspeople                        (town.txt#Townspeople)
-    (h) Shopping in Town                   (town.txt#Shopping)
-    (i) Bartering                          (town.txt#Bartering)
-    (j) Object Pricing                     (town.txt#ObjectPricing)
-    (k) List of Shops                      (town.txt#TheShops)
-    (l) Special Buildings                  (town.txt#Buildings)
-    (m) Fixed Quests                       (town.txt#FixedQuests)
-    (?) Help System Commands               (helpinfo.txt)
-***** [a] town.txt
-***** [b] town.txt#MapSymbols
-***** [c] town.txt#TownLevel
-***** [d] town.txt#StandardTown
-***** [e] town.txt#LiteTown
-***** [f] town.txt#VanillaTown
-***** [g] town.txt#Townspeople
-***** [h] town.txt#Shopping
-***** [i] town.txt#Bartering
-***** [j] town.txt#ObjectPricing
-***** [k] town.txt#TheShops
-***** [l] town.txt#Buildings
-***** [m] town.txt#FixedQuests
+The Town and Wilderness.
+Please choose one of the following online help files:
+    (a) The Town and Wilderness            (town.txt)
+    (b) Town and Wilderness Symbols        (town.txt#MapSymbols)
+    (c) The Town Level                     (town.txt#TownLevel)
+    (d) The Standard Town                  (town.txt#StandardTown)
+    (e) The 'Lite' Town                    (town.txt#LiteTown)
+    (f) The 'Vanilla' Town                 (town.txt#VanillaTown)
+    (g) Townspeople                        (town.txt#Townspeople)
+    (h) Shopping in Town                   (town.txt#Shopping)
+    (i) Bartering                          (town.txt#Bartering)
+    (j) Object Pricing                     (town.txt#ObjectPricing)
+    (k) List of Shops                      (town.txt#TheShops)
+    (l) Special Buildings                  (town.txt#Buildings)
+    (m) Fixed Quests                       (town.txt#FixedQuests)
+    (?) Help System Commands               (helpinfo.txt)
+***** [a] town.txt
+***** [b] town.txt#MapSymbols
+***** [c] town.txt#TownLevel
+***** [d] town.txt#StandardTown
+***** [e] town.txt#LiteTown
+***** [f] town.txt#VanillaTown
+***** [g] town.txt#Townspeople
+***** [h] town.txt#Shopping
+***** [i] town.txt#Bartering
+***** [j] town.txt#ObjectPricing
+***** [k] town.txt#TheShops
+***** [l] town.txt#Buildings
+***** [m] town.txt#FixedQuests

Modified: trunk/lib/help/town.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/town.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/town.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,372 +1,372 @@
-=== The Town and Wilderness ===
-After you have created your character, you will begin your Hengband
-adventure in the town called Outpost. Symbols appearing on your screen
-will represent the walls, floor, objects, features, and creatures
-lurking about. In order to direct your character through his
-adventure, you will enter single character commands (see command.txt
-We recommend that you go to the Yeek cave next to your starting
-position in the town of Outpost.  Although the King of Yeeks at the
-lowest level is a fierce enemy, the rest of the cave should be fairly
-safe.  Once you complete this dungeon, you will be strong enough to
-leave Outpost in search of greater adventures. Carry lots of food and
-fuel, for the journey can be a long one.
---- The Global Map ( Press the '<' at first! ) ---
-Since this world is very large, it is convenient to go into global map
-mode by pressing the '<' key, and then return to local map mode by '>'
-key when you are at the destination.  When in the wilderness, stay in
-safe grids such as roads or plains; seas and lava fields are best
-avoided for a while.
-Many towns and dungeons await you; good ones to explore early on
-include the orc caves and the Labyrinth.  To the northeast of the town
-of Morivant, near the center of the map, is the dread dungeon of
-Angband.  It is home to the Serpent of Chaos, whom you must kill in
-order to win the game.
-***** <MapSymbols>
-=== Town and Wilderness Symbols ===
-Symbols on your map can be broken down into three categories: terrain
-features such as walls, floor and doors, and trees, water and lava;
-objects which can be picked up such as treasure, weapons, magical
-devices, etc; and creatures which may or may not move about, but are
-mostly harmful to your character's well being. Symbols specific to the
-town and wilderness are shown below. Note that many creatures and
-objects from the dungeon may also appear in town and you should also
-review the comprehensive listing of all the various symbols which can
-be found in the dungeon section (see dungeon.txt#MapSymbols [c]).
-  Terrain                             Shops     
-  -------                             -----
-  # (Green)        A Tree             1   Entrance to General Store
-  ~ (Light Blue)   Shallow Water      2   Entrance to Armory
-  ~ (Dark Blue)    Deep Water         3   Entrance to Weapon Smith
-  ~ (Orange)       Shallow Lava       4   Entrance to Temple
-  ~ (Red)          Deep Lava          5   Entrance to Alchemy Shop
-  ^ (Brown)        Mountains          6   Entrance to Magic Shop
-  . (White)        Floor / Road       7   Entrance to the Black Market
-  . (Brown)        Dirt               8   Entrance to your Home
-  . (Green)        Grass              9   Entrance to Bookstore
-  > (White)        Dungeon Entrance   0   Entrance to the Museum
-  > (Yellow)       Quest Entrance
-  < (Yellow)       Quest Exit
-Note that trees, water (deep and shallow) and lava (deep and shallow)
-may also appear in the dungeon.
-***** <TownLevel>
-=== The Town Level ===
-The town level is where you will begin your adventure. The first time
-you are in town it will be daytime (unless you are playing an undead
-race who start at night), but note that the sun rises and falls as time
-passes and if you enter the town at night, the town will be dark.
-Fortunately, the various shops and the other special buildings are open
-on a 24-hour basis.
-The world of Hengband includes five towns separated by a wilderness
-and many dungeons. Fixed quests (see below [d]) could be begun by
-entering certain buildings in the towns.
-While most people welcome this large world, they are not for everyone
-and consequently, there are three possible town options in Hengband -
-the 'Standard' town(s), the 'Lite' town and the 'Vanilla' town. The
-default is the standard town and the lite town and the vanilla town
-options can be selected by pressing '=' during character
-generation. (see option.txt#Birth [e])
-Your choice of town is fixed for the duration of your character's
-life and will be the new default for future characters created with
-that savefile. This of course may be changed by again pressing '='
-during the creation of your next character.
-***** <StandardTown>
---- The 'Standard' Town ---
-The 'standard' town consists of a 97x62 square world. Each square
-(actually a rectangle) is the size of a standard Hengband dungeon
-level and contains themed wilderness terrain (mountainous areas,
-oceans, plains, etc). There are several towns located in various parts
-of the world and each town is situated in its own wilderness square.
-The wilderness is not uninhabited and can be dangerous indeed for the
-unwary. As a general rule, the further your character gets from
-civilization the more cautious he or she should be.
-Since this world is very large, it is convenient to go into global map
-mode by pressing the '<' key, and then return to local map mode by '>'
-key when you are at the destination. In the global map, however, you
-might suddenly get assault from monsters. In such situation, you cannot
-run away using the '<' key, you might go to the border of the screen
-to run away.
-Each of the towns contains the standard nine shops where you can
-purchase your supplies for your trips into the dungeon and sell the
-items you have collected. There are also special buildings offering
-services for a fee. The services available and the prices charged may
-vary from town to town so it can be worth hunting around for the best
-Selection of the standard option also allows the creation of the
-buildings from which the various fixed quests begin.
-***** <LiteTown>
---- The 'Lite' Town ---
-The 'Lite' town option creates a 1x1 wilderness square containing a
-single town. This town contains the nine standard shops, the special
-buildings and access to a limited wilderness. The fixed quests are
-also available. This option is intended to be used by players who want
-to take advantage of the special buildings and fixed quests but don't
-want the large wilderness and by players who need a smaller wilderness
-for computer efficiency reasons.
-***** <VanillaTown>
---- The 'Vanilla' Town ---
-The vanilla town consists of the nine standard shops only and an
-impenetrable wall which surrounds the town. There is no other
-embellishments. The special buildings and the fixed quests are
-unavailable if you select this option as is the wilderness.
-***** <Townspeople>
-=== Townspeople ===
-The town contains many different kinds of people. There are the street
-urchins, young children who will mob an adventurer for money, and seem
-to come out of the woodwork when excited. Blubbering idiots are a
-constant annoyance, but not harmful. Public drunks wander about the
-town singing, and are of no threat to anyone. Sneaky rogues who work
-for the black market are always greedily eyeing your backpack for
-potential new 'purchases'... And finally, what town would be complete
-without a swarm of half drunk warriors, who take offense or become
-annoyed just for the fun of it.
-Most of the townspeople should be avoided by the largest possible
-distance when you wander from store to store. Fights will break out,
-though, so be prepared. Since your character grew up in this world of
-intrigue, no experience is awarded for killing the town inhabitants,
-though you may acquire treasure.
-One word of warning however, occasionally a creature who normally
-would inhabit only the wilderness and dungeons may wander into the
-town. These should generally be handled with much more caution
-than the ordinary townspeople.
-***** <Shopping>
-=== Shopping in Town ===
-Your character will begin his adventure with some basic supplies, and
-some extra gold with which to purchase more supplies at the town
-stores. You may enter any open store and barter with the owner for
-items you can afford by simply moving onto the entrance, which is
-represented by a number from 1 to 9.
-Once inside a store, you will see the name and race of the store owner,
-the name of the store, the maximum amount of cash that the store owner
-will pay for any one item, and the store inventory, listed along with
-tentative prices, which will become "fixed" (at the "final offer")
-should you ever manage to haggle a store owner down to his final offer
-(see below [f]).
-You will also see an (incomplete) list of available commands. Note that
-many of the commands which work in the dungeon work in the stores as
-well, but some do not, especially those which involve "using" objects.
-Stores do not always have everything in stock. As the game progresses,
-they may get new items so check from time to time. Also, if you sell
-them an item, it may get sold to a customer while you are adventuring,
-so don't always expect to be able to get back everything you have sold.
-Note that the inventory of a store will not change while you are in
-town, even if you save the game and return. You must spend time in the
-dungeon if you wish the store owner to clear out his stock and acquire
-new items. If you have a lot of spare gold, you can purchase every item
-in a store, which will induce the store owner to bring out new stock,
-and perhaps even retire.
-Store owners will not buy harmful or useless items. If an object is
-unidentified, they will pay you some base price for it. Once they have
-bought it they will immediately identify the object. If it is a good
-object, they will add it to their inventory. If it was a bad bargain,
-they simply throw the item away. In any case, you may receive some
-knowledge of the item if another is encountered.
-***** <Bartering>
---- Bartering ---
-When bartering, you enter prices you will pay (or accept) for some
-object. You can either enter the absolute amount, or precede a number
-with a plus or minus sign to give a positive or negative increment on
-your previous offer. But be warned that the owners can easily be
-insulted, and may even throw you out for a while if you insult them too
-If you consistently bargain well in a store, that is, you reach the
-final offer much more often than not, then the store owner will
-eventually recognize that you are a superb haggler, and will go
-directly to the final offer instead of haggling with you. Items which
-cost less than 10 gold pieces do not count, as haggling well with these
-items is usually either very easy or almost impossible. The more
-expensive the item is, the less likely the store owner is to assume
-that you are a good haggler.
-Note that you may disable haggling with a software option, though this
-will inflict a 10% "sales tax" on all purchases for which the store
-owner would have required you to haggle. (See option.txt for details).
-***** <ObjectPricing>
----- Object Pricing ---
-Each store owner has three primary attributes: the maximum amount they
-will pay for an object, their race and how greedy they are. Each of
-these affects how much a store owner will charge for an object and how
-much they are prepared to pay for something. Only the first two
-attributes can be known by the player. The final factors affecting
-pricing are the race and charisma of the player.
-Each object has a base value which is contained in the game's source
-code. This value is modified based on the store owner's greed (greedy
-store owners charge more and will pay less), your charisma (charismatic
-players pay less and can charge more) and whether or not the shopkeeper
-is friendly to your race (dwarves dislike elves so a dwarf shopkeeper
-will charge an elf player more and pay less for items the player is
-Finally, when selling objects, the cap on the store owner's purse is
-applied so that even a favored race with a high charisma can not sell
-an item for more than that amount. This cap applies only to single
-items so it is possible to sell a stack of similar items for more than
-the cap on the store owner's purse.
-***** <TheShops>
-=== List of Shops ===
-The General Store ("1")
-     The General Store sells foods, drinks, some clothing, torches,
-     lamps, oil, shovels, picks, and spikes. All of these items and
-     some others can be sold back to the General store for money.
-The Armory ("2")
-     The Armory is where the town's armor is fashioned. All sorts of
-     protective gear may be bought and sold here.
-The Weaponsmith's Shop ("3")
-     The Weaponsmith's Shop is where the town's weapons are fashioned.
-     Hand and missile weapons may be purchased and sold here, along
-     with arrows, bolts, and shots.
-The Temple ("4")
-     The Temple deals in healing and restoration potions, as well as
-     bless scrolls, word of recall scrolls, some approved priestly
-     weapons, as well as books of Life magic for priests and paladins.
-The Alchemy shop ("5")
-     The Alchemy Shop deals in all types of potions and scrolls.
-The Magic User's Shop ("6")
-     The Magic User's Shop deals in all sorts of rings, wands, amulets,
-     and staves, as well as some magic books.
-The Black Market ("7")
-     The Black Market will sell and buy anything at extortionate
-     prices. However, it occasionally has VERY good items in it. The
-     shopkeepers are not known for their tolerance...
-Your Home ("8")
-     This is your house where you can store objects that you cannot
-     carry on your travels, or will need at a later date.
-The Bookstore ("9")
-     The Bookstore deals in all sorts of magical books. You can
-     purchase and sell spellbooks for the spellcasters here.
-The Museum ("0")
-     This is a place where you can donate any item to display. Use it
-     when you find interesting but needless items and you want to
-     leave it in memory.
-***** <Buildings>
-=== Special Buildings ===
-In addition to the shops, the Standard and Lite town options will cause
-special buildings to be generated. The buildings vary from town to town
-significantly both in terms of their name and the services they offer.
-Each town contains an Inn where the player may obtain food (assuming
-food does them any good) and rest for the night. Each town also
-contains a building which houses the local ruler.
-In addition to the inn and the ruler's house or castle, other buildings
-might include libraries where you can research objects and monsters,
-guilds for the various classes and magic realms, gambling dens and
-casinos, temples, healers and more. Note that some buildings such as
-guilds may offer preferential prices to members of their guild or offer
-services which are only available to their guild. Some building owners
-may offer preferential treatment to their own race or to a group of
-***** <FixedQuests>
-=== Fixed Quests ===
-At least one building in each town available in the Standard and Lite
-towns will offer the player the opportunity to undertake a quest. Such
-quests typically fall under the following categories: kill a certain
-number of a certain type of monster (for example kill 10 orcs), kill
-all the monsters in the quest level, retrieve a certain object, and
-escape from the quest level.
-When you request a quest, you will be given a brief description of the
-quest and your objective and also an indication of its danger level (a
-number which represents the dungeon level equivalence of the quest).
-Note that the danger indication can be somewhat misleading since the
-fixed nature of the quests allows you to apply tactics learned through
-several attempts to the same situation often making successive attempts
-easier. It also allows the quest designers to set up some particularly
-nasty ambushes!
-Once you have accepted a quest an quest entrance will appear and you
-may enter the quest level. Note that you do not have to enter the quest
-at that time and can delay entering until much later in the game should
-you wish. Many of the quests only allow you to attempt them once per
-game and you should therefore not enter them until you are confident in
-your ability to succeed.
-Whether you complete a quest or fail it, upon leaving the quest level
-return to the person who assigned the quest and report. If you were
-successful you may receive a reward which will normally be waiting
-for you outside the building when you leave however the rewards may
-take other forms. If you failed, you will receive a damning review of
-your performance. Note that you may not request another quest from that
-person until you have collected your reward or reported your failure.
-Note: You can not use Genocide, Mass Genocide and *Destruction* in a
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
-***** Begin Hyperlinks
-***** [b] command.txt
-***** [c] dungeon.txt#MapSymbols
-***** [d] town.txt#FixedQuests
-***** [e] option.txt#Birth
-***** [f] town.txt#Bartering
+=== The Town and Wilderness ===
+After you have created your character, you will begin your Hengband
+adventure in the town called Outpost. Symbols appearing on your screen
+will represent the walls, floor, objects, features, and creatures
+lurking about. In order to direct your character through his
+adventure, you will enter single character commands (see command.txt
+We recommend that you go to the Yeek cave next to your starting
+position in the town of Outpost.  Although the King of Yeeks at the
+lowest level is a fierce enemy, the rest of the cave should be fairly
+safe.  Once you complete this dungeon, you will be strong enough to
+leave Outpost in search of greater adventures. Carry lots of food and
+fuel, for the journey can be a long one.
+--- The Global Map ( Press the '<' at first! ) ---
+Since this world is very large, it is convenient to go into global map
+mode by pressing the '<' key, and then return to local map mode by '>'
+key when you are at the destination.  When in the wilderness, stay in
+safe grids such as roads or plains; seas and lava fields are best
+avoided for a while.
+Many towns and dungeons await you; good ones to explore early on
+include the orc caves and the Labyrinth.  To the northeast of the town
+of Morivant, near the center of the map, is the dread dungeon of
+Angband.  It is home to the Serpent of Chaos, whom you must kill in
+order to win the game.
+***** <MapSymbols>
+=== Town and Wilderness Symbols ===
+Symbols on your map can be broken down into three categories: terrain
+features such as walls, floor and doors, and trees, water and lava;
+objects which can be picked up such as treasure, weapons, magical
+devices, etc; and creatures which may or may not move about, but are
+mostly harmful to your character's well being. Symbols specific to the
+town and wilderness are shown below. Note that many creatures and
+objects from the dungeon may also appear in town and you should also
+review the comprehensive listing of all the various symbols which can
+be found in the dungeon section (see dungeon.txt#MapSymbols [c]).
+  Terrain                             Shops     
+  -------                             -----
+  # (Green)        A Tree             1   Entrance to General Store
+  ~ (Light Blue)   Shallow Water      2   Entrance to Armory
+  ~ (Dark Blue)    Deep Water         3   Entrance to Weapon Smith
+  ~ (Orange)       Shallow Lava       4   Entrance to Temple
+  ~ (Red)          Deep Lava          5   Entrance to Alchemy Shop
+  ^ (Brown)        Mountains          6   Entrance to Magic Shop
+  . (White)        Floor / Road       7   Entrance to the Black Market
+  . (Brown)        Dirt               8   Entrance to your Home
+  . (Green)        Grass              9   Entrance to Bookstore
+  > (White)        Dungeon Entrance   0   Entrance to the Museum
+  > (Yellow)       Quest Entrance
+  < (Yellow)       Quest Exit
+Note that trees, water (deep and shallow) and lava (deep and shallow)
+may also appear in the dungeon.
+***** <TownLevel>
+=== The Town Level ===
+The town level is where you will begin your adventure. The first time
+you are in town it will be daytime (unless you are playing an undead
+race who start at night), but note that the sun rises and falls as time
+passes and if you enter the town at night, the town will be dark.
+Fortunately, the various shops and the other special buildings are open
+on a 24-hour basis.
+The world of Hengband includes five towns separated by a wilderness
+and many dungeons. Fixed quests (see below [d]) could be begun by
+entering certain buildings in the towns.
+While most people welcome this large world, they are not for everyone
+and consequently, there are three possible town options in Hengband -
+the 'Standard' town(s), the 'Lite' town and the 'Vanilla' town. The
+default is the standard town and the lite town and the vanilla town
+options can be selected by pressing '=' during character
+generation. (see option.txt#Birth [e])
+Your choice of town is fixed for the duration of your character's
+life and will be the new default for future characters created with
+that savefile. This of course may be changed by again pressing '='
+during the creation of your next character.
+***** <StandardTown>
+--- The 'Standard' Town ---
+The 'standard' town consists of a 97x62 square world. Each square
+(actually a rectangle) is the size of a standard Hengband dungeon
+level and contains themed wilderness terrain (mountainous areas,
+oceans, plains, etc). There are several towns located in various parts
+of the world and each town is situated in its own wilderness square.
+The wilderness is not uninhabited and can be dangerous indeed for the
+unwary. As a general rule, the further your character gets from
+civilization the more cautious he or she should be.
+Since this world is very large, it is convenient to go into global map
+mode by pressing the '<' key, and then return to local map mode by '>'
+key when you are at the destination. In the global map, however, you
+might suddenly get assault from monsters. In such situation, you cannot
+run away using the '<' key, you might go to the border of the screen
+to run away.
+Each of the towns contains the standard nine shops where you can
+purchase your supplies for your trips into the dungeon and sell the
+items you have collected. There are also special buildings offering
+services for a fee. The services available and the prices charged may
+vary from town to town so it can be worth hunting around for the best
+Selection of the standard option also allows the creation of the
+buildings from which the various fixed quests begin.
+***** <LiteTown>
+--- The 'Lite' Town ---
+The 'Lite' town option creates a 1x1 wilderness square containing a
+single town. This town contains the nine standard shops, the special
+buildings and access to a limited wilderness. The fixed quests are
+also available. This option is intended to be used by players who want
+to take advantage of the special buildings and fixed quests but don't
+want the large wilderness and by players who need a smaller wilderness
+for computer efficiency reasons.
+***** <VanillaTown>
+--- The 'Vanilla' Town ---
+The vanilla town consists of the nine standard shops only and an
+impenetrable wall which surrounds the town. There is no other
+embellishments. The special buildings and the fixed quests are
+unavailable if you select this option as is the wilderness.
+***** <Townspeople>
+=== Townspeople ===
+The town contains many different kinds of people. There are the street
+urchins, young children who will mob an adventurer for money, and seem
+to come out of the woodwork when excited. Blubbering idiots are a
+constant annoyance, but not harmful. Public drunks wander about the
+town singing, and are of no threat to anyone. Sneaky rogues who work
+for the black market are always greedily eyeing your backpack for
+potential new 'purchases'... And finally, what town would be complete
+without a swarm of half drunk warriors, who take offense or become
+annoyed just for the fun of it.
+Most of the townspeople should be avoided by the largest possible
+distance when you wander from store to store. Fights will break out,
+though, so be prepared. Since your character grew up in this world of
+intrigue, no experience is awarded for killing the town inhabitants,
+though you may acquire treasure.
+One word of warning however, occasionally a creature who normally
+would inhabit only the wilderness and dungeons may wander into the
+town. These should generally be handled with much more caution
+than the ordinary townspeople.
+***** <Shopping>
+=== Shopping in Town ===
+Your character will begin his adventure with some basic supplies, and
+some extra gold with which to purchase more supplies at the town
+stores. You may enter any open store and barter with the owner for
+items you can afford by simply moving onto the entrance, which is
+represented by a number from 1 to 9.
+Once inside a store, you will see the name and race of the store owner,
+the name of the store, the maximum amount of cash that the store owner
+will pay for any one item, and the store inventory, listed along with
+tentative prices, which will become "fixed" (at the "final offer")
+should you ever manage to haggle a store owner down to his final offer
+(see below [f]).
+You will also see an (incomplete) list of available commands. Note that
+many of the commands which work in the dungeon work in the stores as
+well, but some do not, especially those which involve "using" objects.
+Stores do not always have everything in stock. As the game progresses,
+they may get new items so check from time to time. Also, if you sell
+them an item, it may get sold to a customer while you are adventuring,
+so don't always expect to be able to get back everything you have sold.
+Note that the inventory of a store will not change while you are in
+town, even if you save the game and return. You must spend time in the
+dungeon if you wish the store owner to clear out his stock and acquire
+new items. If you have a lot of spare gold, you can purchase every item
+in a store, which will induce the store owner to bring out new stock,
+and perhaps even retire.
+Store owners will not buy harmful or useless items. If an object is
+unidentified, they will pay you some base price for it. Once they have
+bought it they will immediately identify the object. If it is a good
+object, they will add it to their inventory. If it was a bad bargain,
+they simply throw the item away. In any case, you may receive some
+knowledge of the item if another is encountered.
+***** <Bartering>
+--- Bartering ---
+When bartering, you enter prices you will pay (or accept) for some
+object. You can either enter the absolute amount, or precede a number
+with a plus or minus sign to give a positive or negative increment on
+your previous offer. But be warned that the owners can easily be
+insulted, and may even throw you out for a while if you insult them too
+If you consistently bargain well in a store, that is, you reach the
+final offer much more often than not, then the store owner will
+eventually recognize that you are a superb haggler, and will go
+directly to the final offer instead of haggling with you. Items which
+cost less than 10 gold pieces do not count, as haggling well with these
+items is usually either very easy or almost impossible. The more
+expensive the item is, the less likely the store owner is to assume
+that you are a good haggler.
+Note that you may disable haggling with a software option, though this
+will inflict a 10% "sales tax" on all purchases for which the store
+owner would have required you to haggle. (See option.txt for details).
+***** <ObjectPricing>
+---- Object Pricing ---
+Each store owner has three primary attributes: the maximum amount they
+will pay for an object, their race and how greedy they are. Each of
+these affects how much a store owner will charge for an object and how
+much they are prepared to pay for something. Only the first two
+attributes can be known by the player. The final factors affecting
+pricing are the race and charisma of the player.
+Each object has a base value which is contained in the game's source
+code. This value is modified based on the store owner's greed (greedy
+store owners charge more and will pay less), your charisma (charismatic
+players pay less and can charge more) and whether or not the shopkeeper
+is friendly to your race (dwarves dislike elves so a dwarf shopkeeper
+will charge an elf player more and pay less for items the player is
+Finally, when selling objects, the cap on the store owner's purse is
+applied so that even a favored race with a high charisma can not sell
+an item for more than that amount. This cap applies only to single
+items so it is possible to sell a stack of similar items for more than
+the cap on the store owner's purse.
+***** <TheShops>
+=== List of Shops ===
+The General Store ("1")
+     The General Store sells foods, drinks, some clothing, torches,
+     lamps, oil, shovels, picks, and spikes. All of these items and
+     some others can be sold back to the General store for money.
+The Armory ("2")
+     The Armory is where the town's armor is fashioned. All sorts of
+     protective gear may be bought and sold here.
+The Weaponsmith's Shop ("3")
+     The Weaponsmith's Shop is where the town's weapons are fashioned.
+     Hand and missile weapons may be purchased and sold here, along
+     with arrows, bolts, and shots.
+The Temple ("4")
+     The Temple deals in healing and restoration potions, as well as
+     bless scrolls, word of recall scrolls, some approved priestly
+     weapons, as well as books of Life magic for priests and paladins.
+The Alchemy shop ("5")
+     The Alchemy Shop deals in all types of potions and scrolls.
+The Magic User's Shop ("6")
+     The Magic User's Shop deals in all sorts of rings, wands, amulets,
+     and staves, as well as some magic books.
+The Black Market ("7")
+     The Black Market will sell and buy anything at extortionate
+     prices. However, it occasionally has VERY good items in it. The
+     shopkeepers are not known for their tolerance...
+Your Home ("8")
+     This is your house where you can store objects that you cannot
+     carry on your travels, or will need at a later date.
+The Bookstore ("9")
+     The Bookstore deals in all sorts of magical books. You can
+     purchase and sell spellbooks for the spellcasters here.
+The Museum ("0")
+     This is a place where you can donate any item to display. Use it
+     when you find interesting but needless items and you want to
+     leave it in memory.
+***** <Buildings>
+=== Special Buildings ===
+In addition to the shops, the Standard and Lite town options will cause
+special buildings to be generated. The buildings vary from town to town
+significantly both in terms of their name and the services they offer.
+Each town contains an Inn where the player may obtain food (assuming
+food does them any good) and rest for the night. Each town also
+contains a building which houses the local ruler.
+In addition to the inn and the ruler's house or castle, other buildings
+might include libraries where you can research objects and monsters,
+guilds for the various classes and magic realms, gambling dens and
+casinos, temples, healers and more. Note that some buildings such as
+guilds may offer preferential prices to members of their guild or offer
+services which are only available to their guild. Some building owners
+may offer preferential treatment to their own race or to a group of
+***** <FixedQuests>
+=== Fixed Quests ===
+At least one building in each town available in the Standard and Lite
+towns will offer the player the opportunity to undertake a quest. Such
+quests typically fall under the following categories: kill a certain
+number of a certain type of monster (for example kill 10 orcs), kill
+all the monsters in the quest level, retrieve a certain object, and
+escape from the quest level.
+When you request a quest, you will be given a brief description of the
+quest and your objective and also an indication of its danger level (a
+number which represents the dungeon level equivalence of the quest).
+Note that the danger indication can be somewhat misleading since the
+fixed nature of the quests allows you to apply tactics learned through
+several attempts to the same situation often making successive attempts
+easier. It also allows the quest designers to set up some particularly
+nasty ambushes!
+Once you have accepted a quest an quest entrance will appear and you
+may enter the quest level. Note that you do not have to enter the quest
+at that time and can delay entering until much later in the game should
+you wish. Many of the quests only allow you to attempt them once per
+game and you should therefore not enter them until you are confident in
+your ability to succeed.
+Whether you complete a quest or fail it, upon leaving the quest level
+return to the person who assigned the quest and report. If you were
+successful you may receive a reward which will normally be waiting
+for you outside the building when you leave however the rewards may
+take other forms. If you failed, you will receive a damning review of
+your performance. Note that you may not request another quest from that
+person until you have collected your reward or reported your failure.
+Note: You can not use Genocide, Mass Genocide and *Destruction* in a
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.0.11
+***** Begin Hyperlinks
+***** [b] command.txt
+***** [c] dungeon.txt#MapSymbols
+***** [d] town.txt#FixedQuests
+***** [e] option.txt#Birth
+***** [f] town.txt#Bartering

Modified: trunk/lib/help/version.txt
--- trunk/lib/help/version.txt	2011-04-09 15:32:18 UTC (rev 3)
+++ trunk/lib/help/version.txt	2011-04-09 15:50:23 UTC (rev 4)
@@ -1,1203 +1,1203 @@
-=== History of Hengband ===
-Jan. 9th, 2004  hengband 1.6.0 (New stable branch) released.
- This is a bug-fix version of 1.5.4, and 
- the first version of the new stable branch (1.6.x) .
-- Activation of the Wizardstaff of Gandalf was changed.
-- Activation of the Charmed Pendant was changed.
-- "share gold" in thievs guild was abolished.
-- Hunter's office make no difference between two races of the same name.
-- Mirrors will disappear when you move to other floor.
-- Various bug fixes:
-  "./configure --with-setgid=games" didn't work.
-  Strange behavior for inscriptions such as {@ud}.
-  Sanity blast each time you used save command.
-  Quest rewards in lite_town were older.
-  The game crashed at cure mutation service when you are a Lucky.
-  The rarely crashed when a unique vanished from a saved floor.
-  When a monster threw another monster, the player caused damage.
-  Many typo, screen update failures, wrong descriptions etc.
-- All changes for 1.4.5 are also included in 1.6.0 .
-Jan. 9th, 2004  hengband 1.4.5 (Old stable branch) released.
- This is the final version of old stable branch (1.4.x),
- and is the final version without the saved floor.
-- Avoid displaying unimportant descriptions when *identified* an object.
-- Enabled use of sound.cfg on Windows. (Thanks to KoKa)
-- Mimicing monsters '+','%','{' didn't appear in monster knowledge menu.
-- Various bug fixes:
-  Samurai couldn't use Boomerang tech in Arena.
-  A monster in Capture Ball sometimes disenchanted and changed.
-  Random teleport in Monster Arena cause infinite loop.
-  Charging Magic Whistles were stacked, and charge was reset.
-  Surplus {special} fake inscription on identified artifact.
-  Some items in the Race career list in character dump were missing.
-  Warrior of the Dawn couldn't reproduced in forests.
-  Cursed weapon in left hand was able to move to right hand.
-  Summon Pet sometimes failed.
-  Stop time was cancelled when any monster die.
-  Miscount of Silver Angels.
-  Renamed "A Set of Gloves of Dragon" to "A Set of Dragon Gloves".
-  Sometimes pets mistakenly breathed on the player.
-  Sometimes normal breath pierce walls.
-  The Minotaur of the Labyrinth should be summond by final boss.
-  Many typo, screen update failures, wrong descriptions etc.
-Aug. 12th, 2003  hengband 1.5.4 (Development branch) released.
-- New artifatct amulets.
-- Special inscription {@ma},{@0} etc. on equip/floor lists are allowed.
-- Tags, "a)" etc., are always effected by above inscription.
-- 'x' mark of view_unsafe_grids will be cleared by disarming spell.
-- Various bug fixes:
-  Pval didn't effect on values of normal objects.
-  Proficiency of missile weapons were not increased.
-- All changes for 1.4.4 are also included in 1.5.4.
-Aug. 12th, 2003  hengband 1.4.4 (Stable branch) released.
-- Various bug fixes:
-  Hidden doors were not hidden on tile graphics mode.
-  'Stop singing' didn't take time. (It should take 1/10 turn.)
-  Repeat didn't work correctly for Forcetrainers when blinded.
-Jul. 20th, 2003  hengband 1.5.3 (Development branch) released.
-- Improved Warning ability a bit.
-- Some English text were corrected. (thanks to an choco)
-- Various bug fixes:
-  Crash after every auto-save.
-  view_unsafe_grids allowed to see trails in the Maze.
-  Repeat didn't work correctly for Forcetrainers when blinded.
-- All changes for 1.4.3 are also included in 1.5.3.
-Jul. 20th, 2003  hengband 1.4.3 (Stable branch) released.
-- Various bug fixes:
-  Experience gain for killing monsters was zero.
-  When using manual_haggle, selling items didn't work.
-  Mana point was not updated correctly after Clear Mind.
-Jul. 10th, 2003  hengband 1.5.2 (Development branch) released.
-- Random artifacts get more 'Construction point' for Android.
-- Hunter's office gives items as prize now.
-- Probing gives all monster recall infomations.
-- Crowns of telepathy get many low ESPs when high one is 'nonliving'.
-- Warning ability is more accurate now.
-- Some monsters have 'dark light' now.
-- The Armageddon trap is less dangerous now.
-- Duration check of temporal effects on monsters is changed of timing.
-- And stealth of the player will get effected by their speed.
-- STUPID monsters try to cast spells in anti-magic cave.
-- Score penalty for Amberite Berserkers no longer applied.
-- Shapechanger will really change shape on tile graphics mode.
-- "Colour out of space" is same letter as terrain type under foot. 
-- Parmanent walls at boundaries mimics normal terrains in dungeon.
-- Enhanced view_unsafe_grids option; 'x' will be cleared when walked over.
-- 'Cure mutation' service will always succeed.
-- Special inscription like {@ma} can be used in all commands now.
-- [Y/n] check on character generation accept all keys except N and ESC.
-- You can set Character history using template file at birth now.
-- Character dump now displays Blue-magics.
-- Character dump now displays full details of lost fight on Arena.
-- Tidyed up Quest list display.
-- Added 'Dark elven pit'
-- Copy&Paste using mouse on X11 port. (from sCthangband)
-- Various bug fixes:
-  Strange behaviors after using save command (^S).
-  '@' displayed at wrong position when trap door activated.
-  Duplicate unique monster while player is dominating one as their pet.
-  Inconsistent message about the effect of the jewel.
-  Incomplete update for sub-windows.  etc...
-- All changes for 1.4.2 are also included in 1.5.2.
-Jul. 10th, 2003  hengband 1.4.2 (Stable branch) released.
-- Cancelling of Racial/Class power no longer takes energy.
-- The algorism for breath shape is changed.
-- Various bug fixes:
-  Samurai was not able to 'Assume a Posture' when they have pets.
-  Buggy behavior of Teleportaion while mounting on a Lord of Change.
-  Inven/Equip sub-window displayed gerbages when resized.
-  Wrong monster name in playrecord file at the Arena.
-  Sorcerer and Red-Mage didn't get cost bonuses from Proficiency.
-  'Rush Attack' was able to pass over the Pattern.
-  Collected display update for "Fingolfin's Challenge" song.
-  Overflaw of item's value in store.
-  Songs were not really stopped while global map.
-  Date/time went wrong when player race is changed.
-  'Rodeo' sometimes failed to fail and behaved as succeed.
-  Collected font on WinNT/2000/XP.
-  Pets sometimes involved the player in their spell by mistake.
-  Wrong value of ego ring of resist time.
-  Salt Water didn't have effect on living.
-  Two rare bugs on decision for Quest completion.
-  Charge overflaw for stack of rods.
-  Clones of unique monster sometimes changed to real unique.
-  Bug on adding essence on a equippment with negative pval.
-  Collected update for monster light.  etc...
-  Dec. 24th, 2002  hengband 1.5.1 (Development branch) released.
-- Added visual editor in lists of known objects and etc... (Unangband)
-- Clairaudience spell of Bard doesn't detect walls with treasure.
-- Various bug fixes;
-  Monsters on saved floors awake, Error handling while save,
-  Monster data is broken while save and then crash,
-  Shaft takes you to wrong levels.
-- All changes for 1.4.1 are also included in 1.5.1.
-  Dec. 24th, 2002  hengband 1.4.1 (Stable branch) released.
-- Elvish waybread fully satisfies mortals.  (from OAngband)
-- General store sell Elvish waybread.
-- Salt water don't effect undead etc...
-- Description of weapons/armour from OAngband.
-- Added disturb when objects with inscription {!!} is recharged.
-- Improved display of tiles at knowledge command, etc., on Bigtile mode
-- Various bug fixes;
- Vault with no entrance,  Crash at (a) of info command,
- Arena while Wraithform,  Activation of smith's equip,
- Foods while mimiccing,  Kind of monsters at the Mountain,
- Broken name of the Staff,  Random teleport in monster arena.
-  Dec. 9th, 2002  hengband 1.5.0 (Development branch) released.
-Implemented 'Saved Floors':
-- You can climb back the same stairs to get back to the same floor.
-- But different stairs will always take you to different floors.
-- All saved floors will be cleared when your reached to the surface.
-- Changed effects of Level teleport, trap door and stair creation.
-  (Each effect takes you to the floor right above or right under.)
-- Remove two options; dungeon_stairs and confirm_stairs
-- Add a new option 'confirm_quest' which warns about one-way stairs.
-- Increased number of walls with treasure.
-- Implemented walls with hidden treasure.
-- Removed detect treasure effect from the Detection spell.
-  Dec. 9th, 2002  hengband 1.4.0 (Stable branch) released.
-- Removed scrolls of satisfy hunger and that class power of Berserkers.
-  Androids can quaff flasks of oil.
-  Barlogs can sacrifice corpses with symbol 't','p', or 'h' using the Eat command.
-  Golems, Zombies, Skeletons, and Spectors can Eat charges of wands and staves.
-  Ents can get nutritions from water in any potions.
-- Added lists of known monsters/objects from Eyangband.
-- Shift + direction keys will move cursor quickly in the look command.
-- Tuned interface to list stack of items in the look command with easy_floor.
-- Added new service of buildings in town which evaluate effects of your AC.
-- Added disturb_high: disturb whenever high-level monster moves
-- Added allow_debug_opts: allow use of debug/cheat options
-- Changed 'munchkin_death' into a cheat option 'cheat_save'.
-- Removed terrain_streams and stupid_monsters.
-- Fixed typos and grammar errors on English. (Thanks to John Mikula)
-- Fix various bugs:
-  Too many items break savefile.  Crash at boundary of wilderness.
-  Stop time at forest of global map.  Hidden door at Deep Water.
-  A floor mimiccing wall.  Warding True.  Disintegration on runes.
-  Absence of new traps.  Confused Blue-mage.  Quickness of Mirror-magic.
-  Resurrection of Amberites.  Multiple Chameleon King.
-  Buffer-overflow breaks macro.
-  Oct. 31st, 2002  hengband 1.3.1 (Development branch) released.
-- Added a new menu 'Keep on top' for subwindows of Windows version
-- Auto-Inscription-For-Resistances, {%}, will work dynamically.
-- Weak pseud-identified inscription for enchanted objects is now
-  {uncursed} instead of {good}.
-- New trapped rooms: Piranha trap and Armageddon trap.
-- Keep background terrain under Rune of Protection and Rune of Explosion.
-- Fixed the bug that trapped pit is isolated within walls.
-- Removed little boy and fat man.
-- New unique; Sheer Heart Attack, the Bomb Hand
-- Changed configure.in so that acconfig.h is no longer needed.
-- All changes from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2.
-  Oct. 31st, 2002  hengband 1.2.2 (Stable branch) released.
-- The Cloning Pits now includes Borshin.
-- Description of *identified* Light source of darkness now include
-  effects on light radius as numerical value.
-- Fixed bug that radius of light source couldn't reach to zero however
-  many darkness items are equipped, when the player has fiery aura.
-- Fixed many bugs(rod of percention, Royal Crypt, etc...)
-  Sep. 9th, 2002  hengband 1.2.1 (Stable branch) released.
-- Added description about license of Hengband; 'jlicense.txt'.
-  (jlicense.txt is Japanese only for now)
-- Increased AC of the ego Ring of Protection (Extra Armor) by 7.
-- Fixed some bug on monster's AI.
-- Fixed bug that cause crash when specific chest trap triggerd.
-- Fixed wrong display of the Tower quest in quest information command.
-- Fixed bug that fail rates of the imitation differed from the value
-  displayed in a spell list.
-- Changed the Walken to be drop items.
-- Fixed some memory leak and overruns and underruns memory allocation.
-- Fixed some other bug.
-  Aug. 28th, 2002  hengband 1.3.0 (Development branch) released.
-- Added a new room type; trapped monster pit.
-- Added object flags of various ESPs. (from Unangband and ToME)
-- Every slay flags now have corresponding *slay* flags.
-- The 'C' command display ESPs, Slays and 'other' flags on a new page.
-- Now Weaponsmiths can attach ESPs and *slay*s on equipments.
-- Inserted new-lines after first two paragraphs of monster-recall.
-- 'Experience' of Andoroid is now displayed as construction point.
-- Counting of play time will stop within the auto-picker editor.
-- Wrote quest information in character dump file.
-- Apply auto-destroy just after using Psychometry.
-- Added new command letter ';' of auto-picker/destroyer which forces
-  the game to ask if you want to pick the item up. (Thanks to Kieron)
-- The '?' key shows you contextual help while option setting and
-  character making.(from Eyangband)
-  Aug. 28th, 2002  hengband 1.2.0 (Stable branch) released.
-- Fixed many bugs
-- Splited version tree into two branch;
-   development version: 1.3.x and stable version: 1.2.x.
-- Introduced save-file-version which is independent from actual
-  version number of the game.
-- Placed Thorondor at level 50 of the Mountain dungeon as a master.
-- Strengthened all greater eagles very much.
-- Added new options: destroy_feeling and destroy_identify which
-  control whether auto-destroy will be applied just after pseudo
-  identify or identify.
-- Moved manual_haggle option into birth option from game option.
-- A mirror made by mirror-master will change back to original terrain
-  when the mirror is broken.
-- Added description of every spells of Magic-eater.
-- Area of Darkness spell was changed back to same as 1.1.0RC2.
-- You can use '(' and ')' key as first or last item on item selection.
-- Changed message text at climbing up to surface level.
-- Halved experience of drujs.
-- Added more descriptions of personalities on help file and character
-  making screen.
-Modifications for auto-picker/destroyer editor:
-- Added descriptions about function of {%} and {%all}.
-- Added search commands '/', 'n', 'N' on the editor.
-- New commands '~', '!', ';', '(' which repeatedly add or remove
-  corresponding command letter.
-- The game no longer creates pickpref-<player's name>.prf when
-  pickpref.prf is already exist.
-- Do auto-save the game at starting the editor.
-  Jun. 15th, 2002  hengband 1.1.0 released.
-- Changed behavior of light area.
-- Various bug fixes and tuning.
-  Jun. 2nd, 2002  hengband 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1 released.
-- Splited Life realm into two and new spells added; New 'Life' realm
-  and New 'Crusade' realm.
-- Speed system modified; multiple-moves got fewer at early stage.
-- Vi-like in-game editor(the _ key) of Auto-picker/destroyer
-  preference.
-- Character background can be edited by player at birth.
-- Auto-destoy/Auto-inscription is now performed just after identify
-  objects (like auto-squelch).
-- Indicators of temporal effects(status bar) are now have variable
-  size and position.
-- new option view_unsafe_grids from Unangband; Unkown grids that have
-  not beed trap detecteted are marked with gray 'x'.
-- new option disturb_trap_detect from Oangband; disturbs you when
-  player is running out of trap-detected area.
-- new option alert_trap_detect; alerts you with message when the
-  player is moving out of the trap-detected area.
-- Ninja can now throw(v) Iron Spikes in the Arena.
-- Known monster level is displayed together with monster name in look
-  command.
-- The game loads only either pickpref-<name>.prf or pickpref.prf, not
-  both.
-- Fake inscriptions({cursed} {empty} etc..) are not hidden under real
-  inscriptions.
-- A stack of more than 23 objects on floor can be listed when
-  easy_floor is on; you can scroll the list with the enter key.
-- Expanded limit radius of light from player's light source.
-- Downstairs don't become 'very long stairs' when ironman_downward is
-  on.
-- Added Essence of Slay human and Essence of Warning for Weaponsmith.
-- Added new monsters.
-- Default color of permanent walls is now Light Umber.
-- Added a few new tiles.
-- Some bugs fixed.
-  Apl. 6th, 2002  hengband 1.0.11 released.
-- The on-line help files is translated to English
-- Warning ability of an object can be canceled by its inscription {$}.
-- The terrain feature of brake changed '#' -> ':' 
-- Format of the mon-info.spo is revised
-- HUMAN flag for monsters and SLAY_HUMAN flag for weapons
-- 'Muramasa' and 'Chainsword' are modified and have SLAY_HUMAN now.
-- The cause of death is written in character dump.
-- Paralyzation status is written in the text of the cause of death.
-- Cursed items have various random unpleasant effects.
-- Bigtile graphics mode, each tile have double width and become a square.
-- Bigscreen from OAngband
-- Correct cause of death when hallucination
-- Savefile name longer then 8 letters can be used. (For Windows)
-- Normal magic items have descriptions when *identified*
-- Some bugs fixed.
-  Mar. 6th, 2002  hengband 1.0.10 released.
-- New artifact, ego-ammo and vault.
-- Class power of Red-Mage is more useful.
-- Force Trainer becomes more and more powerful in melee when
-  they use 'Improve Force'. 
-- Monster AI is a bit improved.
-- The Serpent of Chaos summons guardians of each dungeons.
-- Random artifact names list was expanded.
-- Iron Spikes has (dmg per shot/dmg per turn) display.
-- Automatically tidy up bundles of ammo to 99 ammo and the rest.
-- Interact with visual command takes ^N ^A ^C.
-- Support 16x16 tile. Selected by extra option -- -a on X11.
-- 8x8 tile supports lighting effects.
-- Screen shot is supported in graphics mode.
-- Support in MPW environment of Macintosh.
-  Jan.30th, 2002  hengband 1.0.9 revision 1 released.
-- Fixed one more bug which cause crash (English version only).
-  Jan.27th, 2002  hengband 1.0.9 released.
-- New character making screen
-- New character information 'C' screen
-- Range and accuracy of crossbow are changed.
-- Rod of Pesticide was changed.
-- The score server now holds colored screenshots at dying and winning.
-  screenshots will be placed at:
-  'http://www.kmc.gr.jp/~habu/local/hengscore-en/screens/'.
-  But links on the webpage to the screenshots are not yet available.
-- Limited support of 8x8 tile graphics.
-- Hengband online help in *Japanese*. 
-  (sadly English version of online help is not yet available)
-- Rune of explosion no longer has anti-summoning effects.
-- Rune of protection no longer has perfect
-  anti-summoning effects. Sea of runes are no longer
-  perfect. But this change has a good side effect:
-  monsters can waste its time to try summoning.
-- Identify spell now shows only unidentified items in the list.
-- Difficulty to activate random artifact is changed.
-  Dec.31th, 2001  hengband 108fix2 revision 1 released.
-- 'fix2' is japanese bug fixed version but this bug was 
-  not effect on English version.
-- The 'interact with knowledge' command changed. 
-  You can get display of lines of auto picker/destroyer.
-  Dec.31th, 2001  hengband 108fix1 version 3 released.
-- Auto macro dump and other auto dump is now 
-  more useful. Old dump lines will be deleted 
-  before appending new dump.
-- A minor typo and a minor bug fixed.
-  Dec.30th, 2001  hengband 108fix1 version 2 released.
-- All remained japanese messages are found and fixed, 
-  using a exclusive C program.
-- You can now define macros in the 'pickpref.prf'.
-  Dec.29th, 2001  hengband 108fix1 released.
-- This is a bug fixed japanese version, and almost 
-- same as 108eng3, but a few more bugs are fixed.
-  Dec.25th, 2001  hengband 108eng2(stable) and 108eng3(test version) released.
--  108eng2: fixed some typo. ']' key now can be used as macro key.
--  108eng3: macro trigger is displayed in more suitable way;
-     such that \[F1] or \[control-shift-alt-HOME]. 
-     And you can use alt-key plus alphabet-key as macro 
-     key on Windows now; \[alt-A] or \[shift-alt-B].
-  Dec.24th, 2001  hengband 108eng1: makefile.bcc was not work. now fixed.
-  Dec.24th, 2001  hengband 1.0.8 released. This is a new Japanese version. 
-The source can be used to compile English version too.
-- The address of the world score server is changed.
-- Makefiles was changed again.
-- New item: Magic Whistle.
-- Ninja had been a bit weakened. 
-- can study known spells using 'G' command for more proficiency.
-- Some minor bugs was fixed.
-- Yet another japanese massage was translated.
-  Dec.17th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english beta4 released.
-- Yet another remained japanese messages are now translated.
-- Changed some option info texts and names again.
-- Inventory lists of Home and Museum in the character dump is fixed.
-- Some bugs related groo and Metal Babble is fixed.
-  Dec.11th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english beta3 released.
-- fixed a compile error. English info message of artifacts added.
-- changed some info text and name of options.
-  Dec. 9th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english beta2 released.
-- fixed a terrible bug,
-- items in the home was not saved when more than 24 items stored.
-- Binary for Macintosh (ppc, osX) is now available.
-  Dec. 8th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english beta released.
-- Many mistakes of English messages, and bugs are fixed.
-  Dec. 5th, 2001  1.0.7fix2 english alpha2 released.
-- fixed some mistakes of archives. 
-  Dec. 4th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english alpha version released.
-=== The main differences of Hengband 1.0.7 from ZAngband2.2.8  ===
-- World score server: You can register scores and character dumps.
-- Player can write last words when died, which is displayed in the 
-  character dump registered to the score server.
-- Menu interface: return key activates the main menu which include almost 
-  all commands. So beginners don't need to memorize all commands.
-- Player can ride on some pet monsters, horses, dragons etc.
-- Player can wield two weapons at once or wield a weapon with two-handed.
-- Player have proficiency levels of each weapons and spells, like Nethack.
-- Player can change second magic realm. All previous realm's spell will 
-  be lost. There is a limit in the total of studying spells.
-- New classes:
-   Tourist : they can poorly cast arcane spells. difficult to survive.
-   Imitator : imitate spells or abilities which monsters have just used.
-   BeastMaster : dominate or summon monsters and ride on these.
-   Sorcerer : cast spells of all magic realms. But physically hopeless.
-   Archer : a warrior specialized in missile weapon. can create ammo.
-   Magic-Eater : absorb wands, staffs and rods to use it as magic spell.
-   Bard : sing songs. like Harper of PernAngband.
-   Red-Mage : dual-class, can cast all lower rank spells of all realms.
-   Samurai : use Samurai Arts which include various special attack.
-   ForceTrainer : use the spiritual Force. prefer to be bare-hand
-   Blue-Mage : study monster's spells. use these as his own spell.
-   Cavalry : a warrior specialized in riding.
-   Berserker : powerful warrior. but cannot use magic items except potions.
-   Weaponsmith : extract essences from items. use it to improve equipment.
-   Mirror-Master : create magical mirror. use its fantastic power.
-   Ninja : act without lights, attack monsters with possible insta kill.
-- New races:
-   Ent, Archon, Balrog, Dunadan, Shadow-Fairy, Kutar, Android
-- Player's Personality:
-   At the character making, you can choose Personality, which include 
-   Ordinary, Mighty, Shrewd, Pious, Nimble, Fearless, Combat, Lazy, 
-   Sexy, Lucky, Patient, and Munchkin.
-- New magic realms: Craft magic, Daemon magic
-   Other magic realms also exist for new classes' exclusive use.
-   Existing realms are modified.
-- Class powers: class specific powers, like the racial one.
-- Pernangband-like large wilderness map and many different dungeons, 
-  including Maze, Volcano, R'lyeh, Anti-magic cave, Anti-melee cave, 
-  Chameleon cave, Dark cave, Hell, Heaven, etc.
-- The amount of energy which player and monsters take in each turn are 
-  randomized, which makes pillar-dancing impossible, and produces 
-  danger of possible sudden death.
-- Monsters can breath or cast spells to a place adjacent to player.
-- A monster which was attacked in the last turn can move and cast spells 
-  even if the attacker is not in the line of sight. 
-  So a Quylthulg pit is no more an easy source of experience.
-- The path shape of bolt spells is same as the path of missile weapons.
-- New abilities of monsters
-  - Dispel magic spell: dispels all magic of player, including 
-    Globe of Invulnerability. And many deeper unique monsters, 
-    including Serpent of Chaos, wisely cast dispel magic spell.
-  - Psycho spear: beam spell which penetrate Globe of Invulnerability.
-  - Stop the Time: A few monsters can cast it...
-  - blow with drain mana: some monster cause damage at SP with its blow.
-- Higher level monsters can resist genocide.
-- Even artifacts will be removed by *destruction*.
-- Player can name his pets, and can take pets over to any place.
-- Pet monsters will not turn against player when attacked by player.
-- Monsters killed by player's pets don't drop items.
-- Player and monsters cannot summon monsters of opposite alignment.
-- New items:
-  - Capture Ball, capture a monster to make pets, or carry a pet.
-  - Wizardstaff and Ring of Mana, decrease mana consumption of spells.
-  - ring of warning, warn before dangerous move.
-    and many other new items...
-- Many new artifacts and new monsters.
-- Random Quest monster is always unique, and one-time only.
-- Ego rings and Ego amulets.
-- Names of random artifacts will reflect it's ability.
-  A weapon which has fire brand, fire resistance, and fiery aura is 
-  more likely named 'Fire Bland' or like that.
-- When player level advances, stats increase sometimes. Instead,
-  stat gaining potion is much rarer.
-- Players start with more HP and more SP, early stage is not very hard.
-- Home is expanded to 20 pages. and all 4 Homes in 4 towns is same.
-- New building Museum: Give as many items as you like for memorial.
-- New building Hunter's office: They offer prize for wanted monsters.
-- New casino game Poker : It's real poker.
-- New casino game Monster Arena : You bets to one of four monsters. 
-    They battle each other and you win when your monster wins.
-- Auto picker: write item names on a file named 'pickpref.prf', then 
-  these items will be automatically picked up or destroyed and even 
-  automatically inscribed.
-=== Zangband History and Information ===
-Versions 1.0 - 2.1.0c
-The seeds of Zangband lie in an obsolete and long ago vanished PC
-variant (somewhat misleadingly) dubbed Angband--. The variant was
-written by a hopeless Angband addict (previously Moria veteran and
-winner) who got bored with the standard monsters and wanted to
-introduce some new monsters. Angband-- was based on the PC Angband 1.31
-sources, and it was set in Roger Zelazny's 'Amber' universe.
-Later this individual got a better computer and learned to code, and 
-produced the PC Zangband, and most Angband-- monsters survived into
-PC Zangband 1.0. PC Zangband 1.0 was the first PC Angband to introduce
-(simple, font-based) graphics, which were also used in the graphical
-PC Angband 1.40. 
-Yet this individual was still not cured of his addiction... his almost
-as strong addiction to the Civilization style fantasy strategy game 
-'Master of Magic' inspired him to write a new magic system. The current
-version of Zangband (2.*) incorporates this magic system, as well as
-the best features from Angband-- and PC Zangband 1.0. It is based on
-the Angband 2.8.1 sources (by Ben Harrison), and is therefore portable
-to other systems (unlike the earlier versions which were for dos-pc's
-Incidentally, this person (me, Topi Ylinen) also thought that the 
-standard Angband monsters were too easy, which led him to introduce
-such monsters as Death swords, Cyberdemons and Great wyrms of power...
-Versions 2.1.0d - present
-ZAngband 2.1.0c was Topi's last version, he has got a job and and
-doesn't have enough time anymore to continue work on ZAngband.
-He asked for a new maintainer and I was the one to take over the task.
-May I introduce myself, my name is Robert Ruehlmann, I'm the creator
-of the graphical Angband versions for DOS and webmaster of
-"Thangorodrim - The Angband Page" ("http://www.thangorodrim.net").
-Special thanks
-The newer versions of Zangband might not have come into existence
-without the significant help from these excellent Angband programmers.
-Topi would like to thank:
-        Ben Harrison, for obvious reasons.
-        Greg Wooledge, who pointed out a bug in the dos compiler,
-        which was preventing Topi's progress with the first 2.* version
-        of Zangband and for various patches.
-        Julian Lighton, who must have sent Topi more ideas, patches,
-        and bug reports, than all the others toghether.
-        Robert Ruehlmann, whose nice new main-dos.c enables SVGA
-        graphics and even windows in ms-dos.
-        Paul Sexton, who is responsible for about 50% of the new code
-        in 2.1.0.
-Robert would also like to thank:
-        Heino Vander Sanden, who created the quest-code and
-        Dean Anderson, whose patch showed me the quickest way to
-        implement the quests.
-        Adam Bolt, who created the new ZAngband tiles.
-        Scott Bigham, for the S-Lang patch.
-        Jeff Duprey for the new mutations.      
-        John Duffin and Leigh Silas Hanrihan for the new items.
-        Marten Woxberg for many new ideas.
-        Ken Wigle for allowing me to include his town and quest code.
-        Tim Baker for many patches and bugfixes and for ZAngbandTk.
-        Chris Weisiger for many new vault layouts.
-        Juergen Neitzel for countless new rumors.
-        Topi Ylinen, Mark Howson, Adam Horowitz, Oscar Nelson and
-        all the other regular members of the #angband chat channel
-        for giving me lots of new ideas and being good friends.
-        Benny S. Hofmann, Aram Harrow, Greg Harvey, Keldon Jones,
-        Graham Murray, Remco Gerlich, Tim Baker, Oscar Nelson,
-        Adam Horowitz, David A. Henry, "Strikes", Chris Hadgis,
-        David Howdon, Jenni Henzel, Stephen Lee, Gwidon S. Naskrent,
-        Eric Wright, Bob Martin, Jeff Coleburn, Ethan Sicotte,
-        Brandon Walker, Kelly Trinh, Brian Graham, James W. Sager III,
-        John Holton, Larry Bassel, Markus Linnala, Musus Umbra,
-        Mike Hommel, Christopher Stranczek, Werner Baer, Andreas Koch,
-        Jon Boehnker, Jason Willoughby, David Paoletti and many others
-        for bugreports, patches, bugfixes, and ideas.
-=== Brief Version History (of standard Angband) ===
-First came "VMS Moria", by Robert Alan Koeneke (1985).
-Then came "Umoria" (Unix Moria), by James E. Wilson (1989).
-In 1990, Alex Cutler and Andy Astrand, with the help of other students
-at the University of Warwick, created Angband 1.0, based on the
-existing code for Umoria 5.2.1. They wanted to expand the game, keeping
-or even strengthening the grounding in Tolkien lore, while adding more
-monsters and items, including unique monsters and artifact items, plus
-activation, pseudo-sensing, level feelings, and special dungeon rooms.
-Over time, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, Charles Teague, and others, worked
-on the source, releasing a copy known as "Angband 2.4.frog_knows" at
-some point, which ran only on Unix systems, but which was ported by
-various people to various other systems.
-Then Charles Swiger (cs4w+****@andre*****) attempted to clean up the
-mess, resulting in several versions, starting sometime around November,
-1993, with Angband 2.5.1 (more or less) and leading up to Angband 2.6.2
-in late 1994. Several people ported (the primarily Unix/NeXT centered)
-Angband 2.6.1 to other platforms, including Keith Randall, who made a
-Macintosh port that added support for color usage. Some of the changes
-during this period were based on suggestions from the "net", PC Angband
-1.40, UMoria 5.5, and some of the Angband "variations", such as
-Finally, I (Ben Harrison) took over in late 1994 when Charles Swiger
-left. Initially my intention was simply to clean up what had become,
-after ten years, a rather unholy mess, but the deeper I delved into the
-code, the more it became apparent that drastic changes were needed, so,
-starting with MacAngband 2.6.1, I began a more or less total rewrite,
-resulting, eventually, in Angband 2.7.0, released around January first,
-Angband 2.7.0 was a very clean (but very buggy) rewrite that, among
-other things, allowed extremely simple porting to multiple platforms,
-starting with Unix and Macintosh, and by the time most of the bugs were
-cleaned up, in Angband 2.7.2, including X11, and various IBM machines.
-Angband 2.7.4 was released to the "ftp.cis.ksu.edu" site, and quickly
-gained acceptance, perhaps helped by the OS2 and Windows and Amiga and
-Linux ports. Angband 2.7.5 and 2.7.6 added important capabilities such
-as macros and user pref files, and continued to clean up the source.
-Angband 2.7.8 was designed to supply another "stable" version that we
-can all give to our friends, with new "help files" and "spoiler files"
-for the "online help", plus a variety of minor tweaks and some new
-features. Angband 2.7.9 optimized a few things, and tweaked a few other
-things, and cleaned up a few other things, and introduced a few minor
-semantic changes.
-It is very hard to pin down, along the way from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0, and
-thence to 2.7.8, exactly what was added exactly when. Most of these
-steps involved so many changes as to make "diff files" not very useful,
-since often the diff files were as long as the code itself. Most of the
-changes, with the notable exception of the creation of the new
-"main-xxx.c" files for the various new platforms, and a few other
-exceptions generally noted in the source, were written by myself,
-either spontaneously, or, more commonly, as the result of a suggestion
-or comment by an Angband player. So if you have any problems with
-anything that you do not recognize from older versions, you can blame
-them on me. And if you like the new features and such, you can send me
-a brief little "thank you" email (to benh****@phial*****) or something...
-The Official Angband Home Page ("http://www.phial.com/")
-was created along with Angband 2.7.9 to serve as an up to date
-description of any bugs found in various versions, and to list all of
-the people whose email addresses I kept having to look up.
-=== Some of the changes from Angband 2.6.1 to Angband 2.7.9 ===
-The most important modification was a massive "code level cleanup" that
-made all of my other modifications much simpler and safer. This cleanup
-was so massive that in many places the code is no longer recognizable,
-for example, via "diff -r", often because it was rewritten from
-The second most important modification was the design of a generic
-"term.c" package, which allows Angband to be ported to a new machine
-with as few as 50 lines of code. Angband 2.7.9 thus runs without
-modification on many machines, including Macintosh, PowerMac, Unix/X11,
-Unix/Curses, Amiga, Windows, OS2-386, DOS-386, and even DOS-286.
-It would be difficult to list all of the changes between Angband 2.6.1
-and Angband 2.7.9, because many of them were made in passing during the
-massive code level cleanup. Many of the changes are invisible to the
-user, but still provide increased simplicity and efficiency, and
-decreased code size, or make other more visable changes possible. For
-example, the new "project()" code that handles all bolts, beams, and
-balls, the new "update_view()" code that simplifies line of sight
-computation, or the new "generate()" code that builds new levels in the
-dungeon. Many changes have been made to increase efficiency, including
-the new "process_monsters()" and "update_monsters()" functions, and
-the new "objdes()" and "lite_spot()" routines. The generic "Term"
-package yielded efficient screen updates, and enabled the efficient use
-of "color".
-But anyway, here are a few things that come to mind, in no particular
-order, and with very little time or effort. Somehow I managed to put
-off updating this file to the very end, and it will just have to do for
-now. The recent changes (and bug fixes) can be found at the Official
-Angband Home Page.
-     color
-     macros
-     keymaps
-     user pref files
-     generic feature array, with template file
-     generic object array, with template file
-     generic artifact array, with template file
-     generic ego-item array, with template file
-     generic monster array, with template fils
-     generic vault array, with template file
-     binary image files for the template files
-     special stat effect tables
-     a special table of spells
-     a special table of options
-     inventory tagging
-     inventory restrictions
-     using objects off the floor
-     various new runtime options
-     the new "destroy" command
-     the new "examine" command
-     the new "note" command
-     the new "dump screen" command
-     the new "load screen" command
-     the new "un-inscribe" command
-     the new "change visuals" command
-     the new "change colors" command
-     the new "change macros" command
-     the new "save game" command
-     the new "fire" vs "throw" commands
-     rearranged equipment slots
-     a standard bow slot
-     an extra inventory slot
-     an underlying keyset
-     refueling torches
-     better monster memory
-     nicer targeting mode
-     object stacking
-     the recall window
-     the choice window
-     the mirror window
-     new high score code
-     special lighting effects
-     intelligent monsters
-     new monster flags
-     text formatting code
-     much cleaner store code
-     generic spell projections
-     scrolls of *identify*
-     maximize mode
-     preserve mode
-     new inscription code
-     new message recall code
-     new spell and prayer code
-     massive cleanup of effects code
-     new object allocation routines
-     powerful (but simple) on line help
-     robust savefile cheat preventers
-     new official cheating options
-     new blindness code
-     new hallucination code
-     optimized object description code
-     new keypress input routines
-     actual object discounts
-     fractional (asymptotic) speed
-     postponing updates/redraws
-     run-time price determination
-     better wizard commands
-     the automatic player
-     launchers of extra shots
-     elemental ignore flags
-     new ego-item types
-     new player ghost creation
-     no more sliding objects
-     no more sliding monsters
-     new object flags
-     new chest trap code
-     regularized the artifact code
-     regularized the ego-item code
-     new monster abilities
-     new monster spell attacks
-     some new store owners
-     run-time skill computation
-     player kills vs ancestor kills
-     better room illumination code
-     better group monster code
-     table access through pointers
-     more redefinable constants
-     slightly new screen layout
-     extreme code cleaning
-     extreme optimizations
-=== A Note from the Maintainer (of standard Angband) ===
-Welcome to Angband 2.7.9v6.
-My name is Ben Harrison, and I have been the maintainer of Angband
-since November, 1994, when the previous maintainer, Charles Swiger
-(who developed Angband 2.5.1 through 2.6.2), got a real job. Starting
-with Angband 2.7.0, and continuing through the current version (2.7.9),
-I have been responsible for a number of major improvements to the basic
-Angband game, some of them obvious to the casual user and others hidden
-below the surface, but no less significant. The most significant
-improvement has been a total rewrite of large portions of the code,
-which, after ten years of modifications by various people, had begun to
-resemble a rotting death mold. Also significant was the design of a
-generic "term.c" package, which has allowed Angband to be easily ported
-to Macintosh, Amiga, X11, Windows, and basically every system in
-existance (including a beta-version for DOS-286).
-In addition, I have added lots of new commands, features, and
-functionalities, most of which appear to have been accepted by most
-people as a good idea (TM).
-It is extremely easy to port Angband 2.7.9 to a new system. If you
-cannot find a version that will compile on your machine, you can
-usually make one by writing a single file of about one hundred lines of
-C code.
-Angband 2.7.8 was intended to be a nice, clean, stable version, so we
-can all give copies to our friends. Unfortunately, it contained a few
-minor bugs. The *enchant* armor/weapon scrolls were "swapped". The game
-starts to look funny if too many objects accumulate on the floor. The
-"Q" command (commit suicide) does not work. You may not be able to load
-older savefiles. Some special dungeon levels may take a long time to
-generate. Good drops can include cursed rings of speed. But you can see
-that none of these are "fatal", so Angband 2.7.8 remains for now the
-most "official" version.
-Angband 2.7.9v1 through Angband 2.7.9v6 are intended as "transition"
-versions leading up to the release of Angband 2.8.0. Angband 2.8.0 will
-include many extensive changes from Angband 2.7.8, see the web page for
-more information.
-Most of these changes have been completed, and include things like
-cleaning up some internal code issues, optimizing the code (again),
-extending the functionality of some existing commands (such as target
-and look, which now handle directional motion), tweaking various
-aspects of the program, most notably in the introduction of new
-symbols and colors for various monsters, and in the use of a more
-regular set of RGB values for the various color codes, etc. Again, see
-the web page for a complete list.
-Angband 2.8.0 will introduce a version independent savefile format,
-along with a new terrain feature concept, and the ability to allow
-multiple objects in the same cave grid. It may or may not separate the
-"unique" monsters from the "normal" monsters, perhaps introducing some
-new "normal" monsters, such as "skeleton lord" or "giant boar" or
-"master mage".
-You can email compliments, complaints, bug reports, and presents to
-me ("benh****@voice*****"), and you can post interesting experiences,
-general questions, compilation questions and code suggestions to the
-newsgroup ("rec.games.roguelike.angband").
-You can obtain the latest source and pre-compiled executables from
-various places, try "ftp://ftp.cis.ksu.edu/pub/Games/Angband/Angband-2.7.x"
-and the developer site at "ftp://export.andrew.cmu.edu/angband". You
-will need to enter the appropriate sub-directory, such as "Source" or
-You should visit "http://www.voicenet.com/~benh/Angband/" (the
-Official Angband Home Page) and "http://www.paranoia.com/~jth/angband.html"
-(the Unofficial Angband Home Page), for more up to date information.
-You may freely distribute the game, and its source, though you are
-bound not only by the existing copyright notice from 1984, but also
-whatever restrictions may be present on various other pieces of the
-code, including the fact that any source written by me is technically
-automatically placed under copyright and may thus not be used for
-commercial purposes.
-The basic help files supplied with this game are more or less up to
-date, but when in doubt, the source (or the newsgroup) is the place to
-turn for advice. Or attempt to figure it out by experimentation, this
-is sometimes the most fun. In particular, see "commands.txt" for
-information on the available commands, some of which have been recently
-added or changed, and "options.txt", which describe how to customize
-several aspects of the game to suit your preferences.
-The documentation is very easy to modify and update, so you may want to
-check in to the ftp site occasionally to see if there are any new help
-files (or spoiler files) for you to acquire. Note that the spoiler
-files are not distributed with the source since they are so huge, but
-you can obtain them from various places as with the source and
-executables. New spoiler files may be placed in the "lib/help" or
-"lib/info" directories, to allow access via the "online help" system.
-Remember to tell all your friends about how much you like Angband...
-Happy adventuring!
-+++ Ben +++
-=== A Posting from the Original Author ===
-From: koene****@ionet***** (Robert Alan Koeneke)
-Newsgroups: rec.games.roguelike.angband,rec.games.roguelike.moria
-Subject: Early history of Moria
-Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 04:20:51 GMT
-I had some email show up asking about the origin of Moria, and its
-relation to Rogue.  So I thought I would just post some text on the
-early days of Moria.
-First of all, yes, I really am the Robert Koeneke who wrote the first
-Moria.  I had a lot of mail accusing me of pulling their leg and
-such.  I just recently connected to Internet (yes, I work for a
-company in the dark ages where Internet is concerned) and 
-was real surprised to find Moria in the news groups...  Angband was an
-even bigger surprise, since I have never seen it.  I probably spoke to
-its originator though...  I have given permission to lots of people
-through the years to enhance, modify, or whatever as long as they
-freely distributed the results.  I have always been a proponent of
-sharing games, not selling them.
-Around 1980 or 81 I was enrolled in engineering courses at the
-University of Oklahoma.  The engineering lab ran on a PDP 1170 under
-an early version of UNIX.  I was always good at computers, so it was
-natural for me to get to know the system administrators.  They invited
-me one night to stay and play some games, an early startrek game, The
-Colossal Cave Adventure (later just 'Adventure'), and late one night,
-a new dungeon game called 'Rogue'.
-So yes, I was exposed to Rogue before Moria was even a gleam in my
-eye.  In fact, Rogue was directly responsible for millions of hours of
-play time wasted on Moria and its descendents...
-Soon after playing Rogue (and man, was I HOOKED), I got a job in a
-different department as a student assistant in computers.  I worked on
-one of the early VAX 11/780's running VMS, and no games were available
-for it at that time.  The engineering lab got a real geek of an
-administrator who thought the only purpose of a computer was WORK!
-Imagine...  Soooo, no more games, and no more rogue!
-This was intolerable!  So I decided to write my own rogue game, Moria
-Beta 1.0.  I had three languages available on my VMS system.  Fortran
-IV, PASCAL V1.?, and BASIC.  Since most of the game was string
-manipulation, I wrote the first attempt at Moria in VMS BASIC, and it
-looked a LOT like Rogue, at least what I could remember of it.  Then I
-began getting ideas of how to improve it, how it should work
-differently, and I pretty much didn't touch it for about a year.
-Around 1983, two things happened that caused Moria to be born in its
-recognizable form.  I was engaged to be married, and the only cure for
-THAT is to work so hard you can't think about it; and I was enrolled
-for fall to take an operating systems class in PASCAL.
-So, I investigated the new version of VMS PASCAL and found out it had
-a new feature.  Variable length strings!  Wow...
-That summer I finished Moria 1.0 in VMS PASCAL.  I learned more about
-data structures, optimization, and just plain programming that summer
-then in all of my years in school.  I soon drew a crowd of devoted
-Moria players...  All at OU.
-I asked Jimmey Todd, a good friend of mine, to write a better
-character generator for the game, and so the skills and history were
-born.  Jimmey helped out on many of the functions in the game as well.
-This would have been about Moria 2.0
-In the following two years, I listened a lot to my players and kept
-making enhancements to the game to fix problems, to challenge them,
-and to keep them going.  If anyone managed to win, I immediately found
-out how, and 'enhanced' the game to make it harder.  I once vowed it
-was 'unbeatable', and a week later a friend of mine beat it!  His
-character, 'Iggy', was placed into the game as 'The Evil Iggy', and
-immortalized...  And of course, I went in and plugged up the trick he
-used to win...
-Around 1985 I started sending out source to other universities.  Just
-before a OU / Texas football clash, I was asked to send a copy to the
-University of Texas...  I couldn't resist...  I modified it so that
-the begger on the town level was 'An OU football fan' and they moved
-at maximum rate.  They also multiplied at maximum rate...  So the
-first step you took and woke one up, it crossed the floor increasing
-to hundreds of them and pounded you into oblivion...  I soon received
-a call and provided instructions on how to 'de-enhance' the game!
-Around 1986 - 87 I released Moria 4.7, my last official release.  I
-was working on a Moria 5.0 when I left OU to go to work for American
-Airlines (and yes, I still work there).  Moria 5.0 was a complete
-rewrite, and contained many neat enhancements, features, you name it.
-It had water, streams, lakes, pools, with water monsters.  It had
-'mysterious orbs' which could be carried like torches for light but
-also gave off magical aura's (like protection from fire, or aggravate
-monster...).  It had new weapons and treasures...  I left it with the
-student assistants at OU to be finished, but I guess it soon died on
-the vine.  As far as I know, that source was lost...
-I gave permission to anyone who asked to work on the game.  Several
-people asked if they could convert it to 'C', and I said fine as long
-as a complete credit history was maintained, and that it could NEVER
-be sold, only given.  So I guess one or more of them succeeded in
-their efforts to rewrite it in 'C'.
-I have since received thousands of letters from all over the world
-from players telling about their exploits, and from administrators
-cursing the day I was born...  I received mail from behind the iron
-curtain (while it was still standing) talking about the game on VAX's
-(which supposedly couldn't be there due to export laws).  I used to
-have a map with pins for every letter I received, but I gave up on
-I am very happy to learn my creation keeps on going...  I plan to
-download it and Angband and play them...  Maybe something has been
-added that will surprise me!  That would be nice...  I never got to
-play Moria and be surprised...
-Robert Alan Koeneke
-=== Previous Versions (outdated) ===
-                          VMS Moria Version 4.8
-Version 0.1  : 03/25/83
-Version 1.0  : 05/01/84
-Version 2.0  : 07/10/84
-Version 3.0  : 11/20/84
-Version 4.0  : 01/20/85
-Modules :
-     V1.0  Dungeon Generator      - RAK
-           Character Generator    - RAK & JWT
-           Moria Module           - RAK
-           Miscellaneous          - RAK & JWT
-     V2.0  Town Level & Misc      - RAK
-     V3.0  Internal Help & Misc   - RAK
-     V4.0  Source Release Version - RAK
-Robert Alan Koeneke               Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.
-Student/University of Oklahoma    Student/University of Oklahoma
-                        Umoria Version 5.2 (formerly UNIX Moria)
-Version 4.83 :  5/14/87
-Version 4.85 : 10/26/87
-Version 4.87 :  5/27/88
-Version 5.0  :  11/2/89
-Version 5.2  :   5/9/90
-James E. Wilson, U.C. Berkeley
-                 wilso****@ernie*****
-                 ...!ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson
-Other contributors:
-D. G. Kneller         - MSDOS Moria port
-Christopher J. Stuart - recall, options, inventory, and running code
-Curtis McCauley       - Macintosh Moria port
-Stephen A. Jacobs     - Atari ST Moria port
-William Setzer        - object naming code
-David J. Grabiner     - numerous bug reports, and consistency checking
-Dan Bernstein         - UNIX hangup signal fix, many bug fixes
-and many others...
-Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
-  This software may be copied and distributed for educational,
-  research, and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright
-  and statement are included in all such copies.
-Umoria Version 5.2, patch level 1
-Angband Version 2.0  Alex Cutler, Andy Astrand, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, 
-                     Charles Teague.
-Angband Version 2.4   :  5/09/93
-Angband Version 2.5   : 12/05/93 Charles Swiger.
-Angband Version 2.6   :  9/04/94
-Angband Version 2.7   :  1/1/95  Ben Harrison
-Original   : (??)
-Updated    : (??)
-Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
-Updated    : Hengband 1.5.3
+=== History of Hengband ===
+Jan. 9th, 2004  hengband 1.6.0 (New stable branch) released.
+ This is a bug-fix version of 1.5.4, and 
+ the first version of the new stable branch (1.6.x) .
+- Activation of the Wizardstaff of Gandalf was changed.
+- Activation of the Charmed Pendant was changed.
+- "share gold" in thievs guild was abolished.
+- Hunter's office make no difference between two races of the same name.
+- Mirrors will disappear when you move to other floor.
+- Various bug fixes:
+  "./configure --with-setgid=games" didn't work.
+  Strange behavior for inscriptions such as {@ud}.
+  Sanity blast each time you used save command.
+  Quest rewards in lite_town were older.
+  The game crashed at cure mutation service when you are a Lucky.
+  The rarely crashed when a unique vanished from a saved floor.
+  When a monster threw another monster, the player caused damage.
+  Many typo, screen update failures, wrong descriptions etc.
+- All changes for 1.4.5 are also included in 1.6.0 .
+Jan. 9th, 2004  hengband 1.4.5 (Old stable branch) released.
+ This is the final version of old stable branch (1.4.x),
+ and is the final version without the saved floor.
+- Avoid displaying unimportant descriptions when *identified* an object.
+- Enabled use of sound.cfg on Windows. (Thanks to KoKa)
+- Mimicing monsters '+','%','{' didn't appear in monster knowledge menu.
+- Various bug fixes:
+  Samurai couldn't use Boomerang tech in Arena.
+  A monster in Capture Ball sometimes disenchanted and changed.
+  Random teleport in Monster Arena cause infinite loop.
+  Charging Magic Whistles were stacked, and charge was reset.
+  Surplus {special} fake inscription on identified artifact.
+  Some items in the Race career list in character dump were missing.
+  Warrior of the Dawn couldn't reproduced in forests.
+  Cursed weapon in left hand was able to move to right hand.
+  Summon Pet sometimes failed.
+  Stop time was cancelled when any monster die.
+  Miscount of Silver Angels.
+  Renamed "A Set of Gloves of Dragon" to "A Set of Dragon Gloves".
+  Sometimes pets mistakenly breathed on the player.
+  Sometimes normal breath pierce walls.
+  The Minotaur of the Labyrinth should be summond by final boss.
+  Many typo, screen update failures, wrong descriptions etc.
+Aug. 12th, 2003  hengband 1.5.4 (Development branch) released.
+- New artifatct amulets.
+- Special inscription {@ma},{@0} etc. on equip/floor lists are allowed.
+- Tags, "a)" etc., are always effected by above inscription.
+- 'x' mark of view_unsafe_grids will be cleared by disarming spell.
+- Various bug fixes:
+  Pval didn't effect on values of normal objects.
+  Proficiency of missile weapons were not increased.
+- All changes for 1.4.4 are also included in 1.5.4.
+Aug. 12th, 2003  hengband 1.4.4 (Stable branch) released.
+- Various bug fixes:
+  Hidden doors were not hidden on tile graphics mode.
+  'Stop singing' didn't take time. (It should take 1/10 turn.)
+  Repeat didn't work correctly for Forcetrainers when blinded.
+Jul. 20th, 2003  hengband 1.5.3 (Development branch) released.
+- Improved Warning ability a bit.
+- Some English text were corrected. (thanks to an choco)
+- Various bug fixes:
+  Crash after every auto-save.
+  view_unsafe_grids allowed to see trails in the Maze.
+  Repeat didn't work correctly for Forcetrainers when blinded.
+- All changes for 1.4.3 are also included in 1.5.3.
+Jul. 20th, 2003  hengband 1.4.3 (Stable branch) released.
+- Various bug fixes:
+  Experience gain for killing monsters was zero.
+  When using manual_haggle, selling items didn't work.
+  Mana point was not updated correctly after Clear Mind.
+Jul. 10th, 2003  hengband 1.5.2 (Development branch) released.
+- Random artifacts get more 'Construction point' for Android.
+- Hunter's office gives items as prize now.
+- Probing gives all monster recall infomations.
+- Crowns of telepathy get many low ESPs when high one is 'nonliving'.
+- Warning ability is more accurate now.
+- Some monsters have 'dark light' now.
+- The Armageddon trap is less dangerous now.
+- Duration check of temporal effects on monsters is changed of timing.
+- And stealth of the player will get effected by their speed.
+- STUPID monsters try to cast spells in anti-magic cave.
+- Score penalty for Amberite Berserkers no longer applied.
+- Shapechanger will really change shape on tile graphics mode.
+- "Colour out of space" is same letter as terrain type under foot. 
+- Parmanent walls at boundaries mimics normal terrains in dungeon.
+- Enhanced view_unsafe_grids option; 'x' will be cleared when walked over.
+- 'Cure mutation' service will always succeed.
+- Special inscription like {@ma} can be used in all commands now.
+- [Y/n] check on character generation accept all keys except N and ESC.
+- You can set Character history using template file at birth now.
+- Character dump now displays Blue-magics.
+- Character dump now displays full details of lost fight on Arena.
+- Tidyed up Quest list display.
+- Added 'Dark elven pit'
+- Copy&Paste using mouse on X11 port. (from sCthangband)
+- Various bug fixes:
+  Strange behaviors after using save command (^S).
+  '@' displayed at wrong position when trap door activated.
+  Duplicate unique monster while player is dominating one as their pet.
+  Inconsistent message about the effect of the jewel.
+  Incomplete update for sub-windows.  etc...
+- All changes for 1.4.2 are also included in 1.5.2.
+Jul. 10th, 2003  hengband 1.4.2 (Stable branch) released.
+- Cancelling of Racial/Class power no longer takes energy.
+- The algorism for breath shape is changed.
+- Various bug fixes:
+  Samurai was not able to 'Assume a Posture' when they have pets.
+  Buggy behavior of Teleportaion while mounting on a Lord of Change.
+  Inven/Equip sub-window displayed gerbages when resized.
+  Wrong monster name in playrecord file at the Arena.
+  Sorcerer and Red-Mage didn't get cost bonuses from Proficiency.
+  'Rush Attack' was able to pass over the Pattern.
+  Collected display update for "Fingolfin's Challenge" song.
+  Overflaw of item's value in store.
+  Songs were not really stopped while global map.
+  Date/time went wrong when player race is changed.
+  'Rodeo' sometimes failed to fail and behaved as succeed.
+  Collected font on WinNT/2000/XP.
+  Pets sometimes involved the player in their spell by mistake.
+  Wrong value of ego ring of resist time.
+  Salt Water didn't have effect on living.
+  Two rare bugs on decision for Quest completion.
+  Charge overflaw for stack of rods.
+  Clones of unique monster sometimes changed to real unique.
+  Bug on adding essence on a equippment with negative pval.
+  Collected update for monster light.  etc...
+  Dec. 24th, 2002  hengband 1.5.1 (Development branch) released.
+- Added visual editor in lists of known objects and etc... (Unangband)
+- Clairaudience spell of Bard doesn't detect walls with treasure.
+- Various bug fixes;
+  Monsters on saved floors awake, Error handling while save,
+  Monster data is broken while save and then crash,
+  Shaft takes you to wrong levels.
+- All changes for 1.4.1 are also included in 1.5.1.
+  Dec. 24th, 2002  hengband 1.4.1 (Stable branch) released.
+- Elvish waybread fully satisfies mortals.  (from OAngband)
+- General store sell Elvish waybread.
+- Salt water don't effect undead etc...
+- Description of weapons/armour from OAngband.
+- Added disturb when objects with inscription {!!} is recharged.
+- Improved display of tiles at knowledge command, etc., on Bigtile mode
+- Various bug fixes;
+ Vault with no entrance,  Crash at (a) of info command,
+ Arena while Wraithform,  Activation of smith's equip,
+ Foods while mimiccing,  Kind of monsters at the Mountain,
+ Broken name of the Staff,  Random teleport in monster arena.
+  Dec. 9th, 2002  hengband 1.5.0 (Development branch) released.
+Implemented 'Saved Floors':
+- You can climb back the same stairs to get back to the same floor.
+- But different stairs will always take you to different floors.
+- All saved floors will be cleared when your reached to the surface.
+- Changed effects of Level teleport, trap door and stair creation.
+  (Each effect takes you to the floor right above or right under.)
+- Remove two options; dungeon_stairs and confirm_stairs
+- Add a new option 'confirm_quest' which warns about one-way stairs.
+- Increased number of walls with treasure.
+- Implemented walls with hidden treasure.
+- Removed detect treasure effect from the Detection spell.
+  Dec. 9th, 2002  hengband 1.4.0 (Stable branch) released.
+- Removed scrolls of satisfy hunger and that class power of Berserkers.
+  Androids can quaff flasks of oil.
+  Barlogs can sacrifice corpses with symbol 't','p', or 'h' using the Eat command.
+  Golems, Zombies, Skeletons, and Spectors can Eat charges of wands and staves.
+  Ents can get nutritions from water in any potions.
+- Added lists of known monsters/objects from Eyangband.
+- Shift + direction keys will move cursor quickly in the look command.
+- Tuned interface to list stack of items in the look command with easy_floor.
+- Added new service of buildings in town which evaluate effects of your AC.
+- Added disturb_high: disturb whenever high-level monster moves
+- Added allow_debug_opts: allow use of debug/cheat options
+- Changed 'munchkin_death' into a cheat option 'cheat_save'.
+- Removed terrain_streams and stupid_monsters.
+- Fixed typos and grammar errors on English. (Thanks to John Mikula)
+- Fix various bugs:
+  Too many items break savefile.  Crash at boundary of wilderness.
+  Stop time at forest of global map.  Hidden door at Deep Water.
+  A floor mimiccing wall.  Warding True.  Disintegration on runes.
+  Absence of new traps.  Confused Blue-mage.  Quickness of Mirror-magic.
+  Resurrection of Amberites.  Multiple Chameleon King.
+  Buffer-overflow breaks macro.
+  Oct. 31st, 2002  hengband 1.3.1 (Development branch) released.
+- Added a new menu 'Keep on top' for subwindows of Windows version
+- Auto-Inscription-For-Resistances, {%}, will work dynamically.
+- Weak pseud-identified inscription for enchanted objects is now
+  {uncursed} instead of {good}.
+- New trapped rooms: Piranha trap and Armageddon trap.
+- Keep background terrain under Rune of Protection and Rune of Explosion.
+- Fixed the bug that trapped pit is isolated within walls.
+- Removed little boy and fat man.
+- New unique; Sheer Heart Attack, the Bomb Hand
+- Changed configure.in so that acconfig.h is no longer needed.
+- All changes from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2.
+  Oct. 31st, 2002  hengband 1.2.2 (Stable branch) released.
+- The Cloning Pits now includes Borshin.
+- Description of *identified* Light source of darkness now include
+  effects on light radius as numerical value.
+- Fixed bug that radius of light source couldn't reach to zero however
+  many darkness items are equipped, when the player has fiery aura.
+- Fixed many bugs(rod of percention, Royal Crypt, etc...)
+  Sep. 9th, 2002  hengband 1.2.1 (Stable branch) released.
+- Added description about license of Hengband; 'jlicense.txt'.
+  (jlicense.txt is Japanese only for now)
+- Increased AC of the ego Ring of Protection (Extra Armor) by 7.
+- Fixed some bug on monster's AI.
+- Fixed bug that cause crash when specific chest trap triggerd.
+- Fixed wrong display of the Tower quest in quest information command.
+- Fixed bug that fail rates of the imitation differed from the value
+  displayed in a spell list.
+- Changed the Walken to be drop items.
+- Fixed some memory leak and overruns and underruns memory allocation.
+- Fixed some other bug.
+  Aug. 28th, 2002  hengband 1.3.0 (Development branch) released.
+- Added a new room type; trapped monster pit.
+- Added object flags of various ESPs. (from Unangband and ToME)
+- Every slay flags now have corresponding *slay* flags.
+- The 'C' command display ESPs, Slays and 'other' flags on a new page.
+- Now Weaponsmiths can attach ESPs and *slay*s on equipments.
+- Inserted new-lines after first two paragraphs of monster-recall.
+- 'Experience' of Andoroid is now displayed as construction point.
+- Counting of play time will stop within the auto-picker editor.
+- Wrote quest information in character dump file.
+- Apply auto-destroy just after using Psychometry.
+- Added new command letter ';' of auto-picker/destroyer which forces
+  the game to ask if you want to pick the item up. (Thanks to Kieron)
+- The '?' key shows you contextual help while option setting and
+  character making.(from Eyangband)
+  Aug. 28th, 2002  hengband 1.2.0 (Stable branch) released.
+- Fixed many bugs
+- Splited version tree into two branch;
+   development version: 1.3.x and stable version: 1.2.x.
+- Introduced save-file-version which is independent from actual
+  version number of the game.
+- Placed Thorondor at level 50 of the Mountain dungeon as a master.
+- Strengthened all greater eagles very much.
+- Added new options: destroy_feeling and destroy_identify which
+  control whether auto-destroy will be applied just after pseudo
+  identify or identify.
+- Moved manual_haggle option into birth option from game option.
+- A mirror made by mirror-master will change back to original terrain
+  when the mirror is broken.
+- Added description of every spells of Magic-eater.
+- Area of Darkness spell was changed back to same as 1.1.0RC2.
+- You can use '(' and ')' key as first or last item on item selection.
+- Changed message text at climbing up to surface level.
+- Halved experience of drujs.
+- Added more descriptions of personalities on help file and character
+  making screen.
+Modifications for auto-picker/destroyer editor:
+- Added descriptions about function of {%} and {%all}.
+- Added search commands '/', 'n', 'N' on the editor.
+- New commands '~', '!', ';', '(' which repeatedly add or remove
+  corresponding command letter.
+- The game no longer creates pickpref-<player's name>.prf when
+  pickpref.prf is already exist.
+- Do auto-save the game at starting the editor.
+  Jun. 15th, 2002  hengband 1.1.0 released.
+- Changed behavior of light area.
+- Various bug fixes and tuning.
+  Jun. 2nd, 2002  hengband 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1 released.
+- Splited Life realm into two and new spells added; New 'Life' realm
+  and New 'Crusade' realm.
+- Speed system modified; multiple-moves got fewer at early stage.
+- Vi-like in-game editor(the _ key) of Auto-picker/destroyer
+  preference.
+- Character background can be edited by player at birth.
+- Auto-destoy/Auto-inscription is now performed just after identify
+  objects (like auto-squelch).
+- Indicators of temporal effects(status bar) are now have variable
+  size and position.
+- new option view_unsafe_grids from Unangband; Unkown grids that have
+  not beed trap detecteted are marked with gray 'x'.
+- new option disturb_trap_detect from Oangband; disturbs you when
+  player is running out of trap-detected area.
+- new option alert_trap_detect; alerts you with message when the
+  player is moving out of the trap-detected area.
+- Ninja can now throw(v) Iron Spikes in the Arena.
+- Known monster level is displayed together with monster name in look
+  command.
+- The game loads only either pickpref-<name>.prf or pickpref.prf, not
+  both.
+- Fake inscriptions({cursed} {empty} etc..) are not hidden under real
+  inscriptions.
+- A stack of more than 23 objects on floor can be listed when
+  easy_floor is on; you can scroll the list with the enter key.
+- Expanded limit radius of light from player's light source.
+- Downstairs don't become 'very long stairs' when ironman_downward is
+  on.
+- Added Essence of Slay human and Essence of Warning for Weaponsmith.
+- Added new monsters.
+- Default color of permanent walls is now Light Umber.
+- Added a few new tiles.
+- Some bugs fixed.
+  Apl. 6th, 2002  hengband 1.0.11 released.
+- The on-line help files is translated to English
+- Warning ability of an object can be canceled by its inscription {$}.
+- The terrain feature of brake changed '#' -> ':' 
+- Format of the mon-info.spo is revised
+- HUMAN flag for monsters and SLAY_HUMAN flag for weapons
+- 'Muramasa' and 'Chainsword' are modified and have SLAY_HUMAN now.
+- The cause of death is written in character dump.
+- Paralyzation status is written in the text of the cause of death.
+- Cursed items have various random unpleasant effects.
+- Bigtile graphics mode, each tile have double width and become a square.
+- Bigscreen from OAngband
+- Correct cause of death when hallucination
+- Savefile name longer then 8 letters can be used. (For Windows)
+- Normal magic items have descriptions when *identified*
+- Some bugs fixed.
+  Mar. 6th, 2002  hengband 1.0.10 released.
+- New artifact, ego-ammo and vault.
+- Class power of Red-Mage is more useful.
+- Force Trainer becomes more and more powerful in melee when
+  they use 'Improve Force'. 
+- Monster AI is a bit improved.
+- The Serpent of Chaos summons guardians of each dungeons.
+- Random artifact names list was expanded.
+- Iron Spikes has (dmg per shot/dmg per turn) display.
+- Automatically tidy up bundles of ammo to 99 ammo and the rest.
+- Interact with visual command takes ^N ^A ^C.
+- Support 16x16 tile. Selected by extra option -- -a on X11.
+- 8x8 tile supports lighting effects.
+- Screen shot is supported in graphics mode.
+- Support in MPW environment of Macintosh.
+  Jan.30th, 2002  hengband 1.0.9 revision 1 released.
+- Fixed one more bug which cause crash (English version only).
+  Jan.27th, 2002  hengband 1.0.9 released.
+- New character making screen
+- New character information 'C' screen
+- Range and accuracy of crossbow are changed.
+- Rod of Pesticide was changed.
+- The score server now holds colored screenshots at dying and winning.
+  screenshots will be placed at:
+  'http://www.kmc.gr.jp/~habu/local/hengscore-en/screens/'.
+  But links on the webpage to the screenshots are not yet available.
+- Limited support of 8x8 tile graphics.
+- Hengband online help in *Japanese*. 
+  (sadly English version of online help is not yet available)
+- Rune of explosion no longer has anti-summoning effects.
+- Rune of protection no longer has perfect
+  anti-summoning effects. Sea of runes are no longer
+  perfect. But this change has a good side effect:
+  monsters can waste its time to try summoning.
+- Identify spell now shows only unidentified items in the list.
+- Difficulty to activate random artifact is changed.
+  Dec.31th, 2001  hengband 108fix2 revision 1 released.
+- 'fix2' is japanese bug fixed version but this bug was 
+  not effect on English version.
+- The 'interact with knowledge' command changed. 
+  You can get display of lines of auto picker/destroyer.
+  Dec.31th, 2001  hengband 108fix1 version 3 released.
+- Auto macro dump and other auto dump is now 
+  more useful. Old dump lines will be deleted 
+  before appending new dump.
+- A minor typo and a minor bug fixed.
+  Dec.30th, 2001  hengband 108fix1 version 2 released.
+- All remained japanese messages are found and fixed, 
+  using a exclusive C program.
+- You can now define macros in the 'pickpref.prf'.
+  Dec.29th, 2001  hengband 108fix1 released.
+- This is a bug fixed japanese version, and almost 
+- same as 108eng3, but a few more bugs are fixed.
+  Dec.25th, 2001  hengband 108eng2(stable) and 108eng3(test version) released.
+-  108eng2: fixed some typo. ']' key now can be used as macro key.
+-  108eng3: macro trigger is displayed in more suitable way;
+     such that \[F1] or \[control-shift-alt-HOME]. 
+     And you can use alt-key plus alphabet-key as macro 
+     key on Windows now; \[alt-A] or \[shift-alt-B].
+  Dec.24th, 2001  hengband 108eng1: makefile.bcc was not work. now fixed.
+  Dec.24th, 2001  hengband 1.0.8 released. This is a new Japanese version. 
+The source can be used to compile English version too.
+- The address of the world score server is changed.
+- Makefiles was changed again.
+- New item: Magic Whistle.
+- Ninja had been a bit weakened. 
+- can study known spells using 'G' command for more proficiency.
+- Some minor bugs was fixed.
+- Yet another japanese massage was translated.
+  Dec.17th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english beta4 released.
+- Yet another remained japanese messages are now translated.
+- Changed some option info texts and names again.
+- Inventory lists of Home and Museum in the character dump is fixed.
+- Some bugs related groo and Metal Babble is fixed.
+  Dec.11th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english beta3 released.
+- fixed a compile error. English info message of artifacts added.
+- changed some info text and name of options.
+  Dec. 9th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english beta2 released.
+- fixed a terrible bug,
+- items in the home was not saved when more than 24 items stored.
+- Binary for Macintosh (ppc, osX) is now available.
+  Dec. 8th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english beta released.
+- Many mistakes of English messages, and bugs are fixed.
+  Dec. 5th, 2001  1.0.7fix2 english alpha2 released.
+- fixed some mistakes of archives. 
+  Dec. 4th, 2001  hengband 1.0.7fix2 english alpha version released.
+=== The main differences of Hengband 1.0.7 from ZAngband2.2.8  ===
+- World score server: You can register scores and character dumps.
+- Player can write last words when died, which is displayed in the 
+  character dump registered to the score server.
+- Menu interface: return key activates the main menu which include almost 
+  all commands. So beginners don't need to memorize all commands.
+- Player can ride on some pet monsters, horses, dragons etc.
+- Player can wield two weapons at once or wield a weapon with two-handed.
+- Player have proficiency levels of each weapons and spells, like Nethack.
+- Player can change second magic realm. All previous realm's spell will 
+  be lost. There is a limit in the total of studying spells.
+- New classes:
+   Tourist : they can poorly cast arcane spells. difficult to survive.
+   Imitator : imitate spells or abilities which monsters have just used.
+   BeastMaster : dominate or summon monsters and ride on these.
+   Sorcerer : cast spells of all magic realms. But physically hopeless.
+   Archer : a warrior specialized in missile weapon. can create ammo.
+   Magic-Eater : absorb wands, staffs and rods to use it as magic spell.
+   Bard : sing songs. like Harper of PernAngband.
+   Red-Mage : dual-class, can cast all lower rank spells of all realms.
+   Samurai : use Samurai Arts which include various special attack.
+   ForceTrainer : use the spiritual Force. prefer to be bare-hand
+   Blue-Mage : study monster's spells. use these as his own spell.
+   Cavalry : a warrior specialized in riding.
+   Berserker : powerful warrior. but cannot use magic items except potions.
+   Weaponsmith : extract essences from items. use it to improve equipment.
+   Mirror-Master : create magical mirror. use its fantastic power.
+   Ninja : act without lights, attack monsters with possible insta kill.
+- New races:
+   Ent, Archon, Balrog, Dunadan, Shadow-Fairy, Kutar, Android
+- Player's Personality:
+   At the character making, you can choose Personality, which include 
+   Ordinary, Mighty, Shrewd, Pious, Nimble, Fearless, Combat, Lazy, 
+   Sexy, Lucky, Patient, and Munchkin.
+- New magic realms: Craft magic, Daemon magic
+   Other magic realms also exist for new classes' exclusive use.
+   Existing realms are modified.
+- Class powers: class specific powers, like the racial one.
+- Pernangband-like large wilderness map and many different dungeons, 
+  including Maze, Volcano, R'lyeh, Anti-magic cave, Anti-melee cave, 
+  Chameleon cave, Dark cave, Hell, Heaven, etc.
+- The amount of energy which player and monsters take in each turn are 
+  randomized, which makes pillar-dancing impossible, and produces 
+  danger of possible sudden death.
+- Monsters can breath or cast spells to a place adjacent to player.
+- A monster which was attacked in the last turn can move and cast spells 
+  even if the attacker is not in the line of sight. 
+  So a Quylthulg pit is no more an easy source of experience.
+- The path shape of bolt spells is same as the path of missile weapons.
+- New abilities of monsters
+  - Dispel magic spell: dispels all magic of player, including 
+    Globe of Invulnerability. And many deeper unique monsters, 
+    including Serpent of Chaos, wisely cast dispel magic spell.
+  - Psycho spear: beam spell which penetrate Globe of Invulnerability.
+  - Stop the Time: A few monsters can cast it...
+  - blow with drain mana: some monster cause damage at SP with its blow.
+- Higher level monsters can resist genocide.
+- Even artifacts will be removed by *destruction*.
+- Player can name his pets, and can take pets over to any place.
+- Pet monsters will not turn against player when attacked by player.
+- Monsters killed by player's pets don't drop items.
+- Player and monsters cannot summon monsters of opposite alignment.
+- New items:
+  - Capture Ball, capture a monster to make pets, or carry a pet.
+  - Wizardstaff and Ring of Mana, decrease mana consumption of spells.
+  - ring of warning, warn before dangerous move.
+    and many other new items...
+- Many new artifacts and new monsters.
+- Random Quest monster is always unique, and one-time only.
+- Ego rings and Ego amulets.
+- Names of random artifacts will reflect it's ability.
+  A weapon which has fire brand, fire resistance, and fiery aura is 
+  more likely named 'Fire Bland' or like that.
+- When player level advances, stats increase sometimes. Instead,
+  stat gaining potion is much rarer.
+- Players start with more HP and more SP, early stage is not very hard.
+- Home is expanded to 20 pages. and all 4 Homes in 4 towns is same.
+- New building Museum: Give as many items as you like for memorial.
+- New building Hunter's office: They offer prize for wanted monsters.
+- New casino game Poker : It's real poker.
+- New casino game Monster Arena : You bets to one of four monsters. 
+    They battle each other and you win when your monster wins.
+- Auto picker: write item names on a file named 'pickpref.prf', then 
+  these items will be automatically picked up or destroyed and even 
+  automatically inscribed.
+=== Zangband History and Information ===
+Versions 1.0 - 2.1.0c
+The seeds of Zangband lie in an obsolete and long ago vanished PC
+variant (somewhat misleadingly) dubbed Angband--. The variant was
+written by a hopeless Angband addict (previously Moria veteran and
+winner) who got bored with the standard monsters and wanted to
+introduce some new monsters. Angband-- was based on the PC Angband 1.31
+sources, and it was set in Roger Zelazny's 'Amber' universe.
+Later this individual got a better computer and learned to code, and 
+produced the PC Zangband, and most Angband-- monsters survived into
+PC Zangband 1.0. PC Zangband 1.0 was the first PC Angband to introduce
+(simple, font-based) graphics, which were also used in the graphical
+PC Angband 1.40. 
+Yet this individual was still not cured of his addiction... his almost
+as strong addiction to the Civilization style fantasy strategy game 
+'Master of Magic' inspired him to write a new magic system. The current
+version of Zangband (2.*) incorporates this magic system, as well as
+the best features from Angband-- and PC Zangband 1.0. It is based on
+the Angband 2.8.1 sources (by Ben Harrison), and is therefore portable
+to other systems (unlike the earlier versions which were for dos-pc's
+Incidentally, this person (me, Topi Ylinen) also thought that the 
+standard Angband monsters were too easy, which led him to introduce
+such monsters as Death swords, Cyberdemons and Great wyrms of power...
+Versions 2.1.0d - present
+ZAngband 2.1.0c was Topi's last version, he has got a job and and
+doesn't have enough time anymore to continue work on ZAngband.
+He asked for a new maintainer and I was the one to take over the task.
+May I introduce myself, my name is Robert Ruehlmann, I'm the creator
+of the graphical Angband versions for DOS and webmaster of
+"Thangorodrim - The Angband Page" ("http://www.thangorodrim.net").
+Special thanks
+The newer versions of Zangband might not have come into existence
+without the significant help from these excellent Angband programmers.
+Topi would like to thank:
+        Ben Harrison, for obvious reasons.
+        Greg Wooledge, who pointed out a bug in the dos compiler,
+        which was preventing Topi's progress with the first 2.* version
+        of Zangband and for various patches.
+        Julian Lighton, who must have sent Topi more ideas, patches,
+        and bug reports, than all the others toghether.
+        Robert Ruehlmann, whose nice new main-dos.c enables SVGA
+        graphics and even windows in ms-dos.
+        Paul Sexton, who is responsible for about 50% of the new code
+        in 2.1.0.
+Robert would also like to thank:
+        Heino Vander Sanden, who created the quest-code and
+        Dean Anderson, whose patch showed me the quickest way to
+        implement the quests.
+        Adam Bolt, who created the new ZAngband tiles.
+        Scott Bigham, for the S-Lang patch.
+        Jeff Duprey for the new mutations.      
+        John Duffin and Leigh Silas Hanrihan for the new items.
+        Marten Woxberg for many new ideas.
+        Ken Wigle for allowing me to include his town and quest code.
+        Tim Baker for many patches and bugfixes and for ZAngbandTk.
+        Chris Weisiger for many new vault layouts.
+        Juergen Neitzel for countless new rumors.
+        Topi Ylinen, Mark Howson, Adam Horowitz, Oscar Nelson and
+        all the other regular members of the #angband chat channel
+        for giving me lots of new ideas and being good friends.
+        Benny S. Hofmann, Aram Harrow, Greg Harvey, Keldon Jones,
+        Graham Murray, Remco Gerlich, Tim Baker, Oscar Nelson,
+        Adam Horowitz, David A. Henry, "Strikes", Chris Hadgis,
+        David Howdon, Jenni Henzel, Stephen Lee, Gwidon S. Naskrent,
+        Eric Wright, Bob Martin, Jeff Coleburn, Ethan Sicotte,
+        Brandon Walker, Kelly Trinh, Brian Graham, James W. Sager III,
+        John Holton, Larry Bassel, Markus Linnala, Musus Umbra,
+        Mike Hommel, Christopher Stranczek, Werner Baer, Andreas Koch,
+        Jon Boehnker, Jason Willoughby, David Paoletti and many others
+        for bugreports, patches, bugfixes, and ideas.
+=== Brief Version History (of standard Angband) ===
+First came "VMS Moria", by Robert Alan Koeneke (1985).
+Then came "Umoria" (Unix Moria), by James E. Wilson (1989).
+In 1990, Alex Cutler and Andy Astrand, with the help of other students
+at the University of Warwick, created Angband 1.0, based on the
+existing code for Umoria 5.2.1. They wanted to expand the game, keeping
+or even strengthening the grounding in Tolkien lore, while adding more
+monsters and items, including unique monsters and artifact items, plus
+activation, pseudo-sensing, level feelings, and special dungeon rooms.
+Over time, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, Charles Teague, and others, worked
+on the source, releasing a copy known as "Angband 2.4.frog_knows" at
+some point, which ran only on Unix systems, but which was ported by
+various people to various other systems.
+Then Charles Swiger (cs4w+****@andre*****) attempted to clean up the
+mess, resulting in several versions, starting sometime around November,
+1993, with Angband 2.5.1 (more or less) and leading up to Angband 2.6.2
+in late 1994. Several people ported (the primarily Unix/NeXT centered)
+Angband 2.6.1 to other platforms, including Keith Randall, who made a
+Macintosh port that added support for color usage. Some of the changes
+during this period were based on suggestions from the "net", PC Angband
+1.40, UMoria 5.5, and some of the Angband "variations", such as
+Finally, I (Ben Harrison) took over in late 1994 when Charles Swiger
+left. Initially my intention was simply to clean up what had become,
+after ten years, a rather unholy mess, but the deeper I delved into the
+code, the more it became apparent that drastic changes were needed, so,
+starting with MacAngband 2.6.1, I began a more or less total rewrite,
+resulting, eventually, in Angband 2.7.0, released around January first,
+Angband 2.7.0 was a very clean (but very buggy) rewrite that, among
+other things, allowed extremely simple porting to multiple platforms,
+starting with Unix and Macintosh, and by the time most of the bugs were
+cleaned up, in Angband 2.7.2, including X11, and various IBM machines.
+Angband 2.7.4 was released to the "ftp.cis.ksu.edu" site, and quickly
+gained acceptance, perhaps helped by the OS2 and Windows and Amiga and
+Linux ports. Angband 2.7.5 and 2.7.6 added important capabilities such
+as macros and user pref files, and continued to clean up the source.
+Angband 2.7.8 was designed to supply another "stable" version that we
+can all give to our friends, with new "help files" and "spoiler files"
+for the "online help", plus a variety of minor tweaks and some new
+features. Angband 2.7.9 optimized a few things, and tweaked a few other
+things, and cleaned up a few other things, and introduced a few minor
+semantic changes.
+It is very hard to pin down, along the way from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0, and
+thence to 2.7.8, exactly what was added exactly when. Most of these
+steps involved so many changes as to make "diff files" not very useful,
+since often the diff files were as long as the code itself. Most of the
+changes, with the notable exception of the creation of the new
+"main-xxx.c" files for the various new platforms, and a few other
+exceptions generally noted in the source, were written by myself,
+either spontaneously, or, more commonly, as the result of a suggestion
+or comment by an Angband player. So if you have any problems with
+anything that you do not recognize from older versions, you can blame
+them on me. And if you like the new features and such, you can send me
+a brief little "thank you" email (to benh****@phial*****) or something...
+The Official Angband Home Page ("http://www.phial.com/")
+was created along with Angband 2.7.9 to serve as an up to date
+description of any bugs found in various versions, and to list all of
+the people whose email addresses I kept having to look up.
+=== Some of the changes from Angband 2.6.1 to Angband 2.7.9 ===
+The most important modification was a massive "code level cleanup" that
+made all of my other modifications much simpler and safer. This cleanup
+was so massive that in many places the code is no longer recognizable,
+for example, via "diff -r", often because it was rewritten from
+The second most important modification was the design of a generic
+"term.c" package, which allows Angband to be ported to a new machine
+with as few as 50 lines of code. Angband 2.7.9 thus runs without
+modification on many machines, including Macintosh, PowerMac, Unix/X11,
+Unix/Curses, Amiga, Windows, OS2-386, DOS-386, and even DOS-286.
+It would be difficult to list all of the changes between Angband 2.6.1
+and Angband 2.7.9, because many of them were made in passing during the
+massive code level cleanup. Many of the changes are invisible to the
+user, but still provide increased simplicity and efficiency, and
+decreased code size, or make other more visable changes possible. For
+example, the new "project()" code that handles all bolts, beams, and
+balls, the new "update_view()" code that simplifies line of sight
+computation, or the new "generate()" code that builds new levels in the
+dungeon. Many changes have been made to increase efficiency, including
+the new "process_monsters()" and "update_monsters()" functions, and
+the new "objdes()" and "lite_spot()" routines. The generic "Term"
+package yielded efficient screen updates, and enabled the efficient use
+of "color".
+But anyway, here are a few things that come to mind, in no particular
+order, and with very little time or effort. Somehow I managed to put
+off updating this file to the very end, and it will just have to do for
+now. The recent changes (and bug fixes) can be found at the Official
+Angband Home Page.
+     color
+     macros
+     keymaps
+     user pref files
+     generic feature array, with template file
+     generic object array, with template file
+     generic artifact array, with template file
+     generic ego-item array, with template file
+     generic monster array, with template fils
+     generic vault array, with template file
+     binary image files for the template files
+     special stat effect tables
+     a special table of spells
+     a special table of options
+     inventory tagging
+     inventory restrictions
+     using objects off the floor
+     various new runtime options
+     the new "destroy" command
+     the new "examine" command
+     the new "note" command
+     the new "dump screen" command
+     the new "load screen" command
+     the new "un-inscribe" command
+     the new "change visuals" command
+     the new "change colors" command
+     the new "change macros" command
+     the new "save game" command
+     the new "fire" vs "throw" commands
+     rearranged equipment slots
+     a standard bow slot
+     an extra inventory slot
+     an underlying keyset
+     refueling torches
+     better monster memory
+     nicer targeting mode
+     object stacking
+     the recall window
+     the choice window
+     the mirror window
+     new high score code
+     special lighting effects
+     intelligent monsters
+     new monster flags
+     text formatting code
+     much cleaner store code
+     generic spell projections
+     scrolls of *identify*
+     maximize mode
+     preserve mode
+     new inscription code
+     new message recall code
+     new spell and prayer code
+     massive cleanup of effects code
+     new object allocation routines
+     powerful (but simple) on line help
+     robust savefile cheat preventers
+     new official cheating options
+     new blindness code
+     new hallucination code
+     optimized object description code
+     new keypress input routines
+     actual object discounts
+     fractional (asymptotic) speed
+     postponing updates/redraws
+     run-time price determination
+     better wizard commands
+     the automatic player
+     launchers of extra shots
+     elemental ignore flags
+     new ego-item types
+     new player ghost creation
+     no more sliding objects
+     no more sliding monsters
+     new object flags
+     new chest trap code
+     regularized the artifact code
+     regularized the ego-item code
+     new monster abilities
+     new monster spell attacks
+     some new store owners
+     run-time skill computation
+     player kills vs ancestor kills
+     better room illumination code
+     better group monster code
+     table access through pointers
+     more redefinable constants
+     slightly new screen layout
+     extreme code cleaning
+     extreme optimizations
+=== A Note from the Maintainer (of standard Angband) ===
+Welcome to Angband 2.7.9v6.
+My name is Ben Harrison, and I have been the maintainer of Angband
+since November, 1994, when the previous maintainer, Charles Swiger
+(who developed Angband 2.5.1 through 2.6.2), got a real job. Starting
+with Angband 2.7.0, and continuing through the current version (2.7.9),
+I have been responsible for a number of major improvements to the basic
+Angband game, some of them obvious to the casual user and others hidden
+below the surface, but no less significant. The most significant
+improvement has been a total rewrite of large portions of the code,
+which, after ten years of modifications by various people, had begun to
+resemble a rotting death mold. Also significant was the design of a
+generic "term.c" package, which has allowed Angband to be easily ported
+to Macintosh, Amiga, X11, Windows, and basically every system in
+existance (including a beta-version for DOS-286).
+In addition, I have added lots of new commands, features, and
+functionalities, most of which appear to have been accepted by most
+people as a good idea (TM).
+It is extremely easy to port Angband 2.7.9 to a new system. If you
+cannot find a version that will compile on your machine, you can
+usually make one by writing a single file of about one hundred lines of
+C code.
+Angband 2.7.8 was intended to be a nice, clean, stable version, so we
+can all give copies to our friends. Unfortunately, it contained a few
+minor bugs. The *enchant* armor/weapon scrolls were "swapped". The game
+starts to look funny if too many objects accumulate on the floor. The
+"Q" command (commit suicide) does not work. You may not be able to load
+older savefiles. Some special dungeon levels may take a long time to
+generate. Good drops can include cursed rings of speed. But you can see
+that none of these are "fatal", so Angband 2.7.8 remains for now the
+most "official" version.
+Angband 2.7.9v1 through Angband 2.7.9v6 are intended as "transition"
+versions leading up to the release of Angband 2.8.0. Angband 2.8.0 will
+include many extensive changes from Angband 2.7.8, see the web page for
+more information.
+Most of these changes have been completed, and include things like
+cleaning up some internal code issues, optimizing the code (again),
+extending the functionality of some existing commands (such as target
+and look, which now handle directional motion), tweaking various
+aspects of the program, most notably in the introduction of new
+symbols and colors for various monsters, and in the use of a more
+regular set of RGB values for the various color codes, etc. Again, see
+the web page for a complete list.
+Angband 2.8.0 will introduce a version independent savefile format,
+along with a new terrain feature concept, and the ability to allow
+multiple objects in the same cave grid. It may or may not separate the
+"unique" monsters from the "normal" monsters, perhaps introducing some
+new "normal" monsters, such as "skeleton lord" or "giant boar" or
+"master mage".
+You can email compliments, complaints, bug reports, and presents to
+me ("benh****@voice*****"), and you can post interesting experiences,
+general questions, compilation questions and code suggestions to the
+newsgroup ("rec.games.roguelike.angband").
+You can obtain the latest source and pre-compiled executables from
+various places, try "ftp://ftp.cis.ksu.edu/pub/Games/Angband/Angband-2.7.x"
+and the developer site at "ftp://export.andrew.cmu.edu/angband". You
+will need to enter the appropriate sub-directory, such as "Source" or
+You should visit "http://www.voicenet.com/~benh/Angband/" (the
+Official Angband Home Page) and "http://www.paranoia.com/~jth/angband.html"
+(the Unofficial Angband Home Page), for more up to date information.
+You may freely distribute the game, and its source, though you are
+bound not only by the existing copyright notice from 1984, but also
+whatever restrictions may be present on various other pieces of the
+code, including the fact that any source written by me is technically
+automatically placed under copyright and may thus not be used for
+commercial purposes.
+The basic help files supplied with this game are more or less up to
+date, but when in doubt, the source (or the newsgroup) is the place to
+turn for advice. Or attempt to figure it out by experimentation, this
+is sometimes the most fun. In particular, see "commands.txt" for
+information on the available commands, some of which have been recently
+added or changed, and "options.txt", which describe how to customize
+several aspects of the game to suit your preferences.
+The documentation is very easy to modify and update, so you may want to
+check in to the ftp site occasionally to see if there are any new help
+files (or spoiler files) for you to acquire. Note that the spoiler
+files are not distributed with the source since they are so huge, but
+you can obtain them from various places as with the source and
+executables. New spoiler files may be placed in the "lib/help" or
+"lib/info" directories, to allow access via the "online help" system.
+Remember to tell all your friends about how much you like Angband...
+Happy adventuring!
++++ Ben +++
+=== A Posting from the Original Author ===
+From: koene****@ionet***** (Robert Alan Koeneke)
+Newsgroups: rec.games.roguelike.angband,rec.games.roguelike.moria
+Subject: Early history of Moria
+Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 04:20:51 GMT
+I had some email show up asking about the origin of Moria, and its
+relation to Rogue.  So I thought I would just post some text on the
+early days of Moria.
+First of all, yes, I really am the Robert Koeneke who wrote the first
+Moria.  I had a lot of mail accusing me of pulling their leg and
+such.  I just recently connected to Internet (yes, I work for a
+company in the dark ages where Internet is concerned) and 
+was real surprised to find Moria in the news groups...  Angband was an
+even bigger surprise, since I have never seen it.  I probably spoke to
+its originator though...  I have given permission to lots of people
+through the years to enhance, modify, or whatever as long as they
+freely distributed the results.  I have always been a proponent of
+sharing games, not selling them.
+Around 1980 or 81 I was enrolled in engineering courses at the
+University of Oklahoma.  The engineering lab ran on a PDP 1170 under
+an early version of UNIX.  I was always good at computers, so it was
+natural for me to get to know the system administrators.  They invited
+me one night to stay and play some games, an early startrek game, The
+Colossal Cave Adventure (later just 'Adventure'), and late one night,
+a new dungeon game called 'Rogue'.
+So yes, I was exposed to Rogue before Moria was even a gleam in my
+eye.  In fact, Rogue was directly responsible for millions of hours of
+play time wasted on Moria and its descendents...
+Soon after playing Rogue (and man, was I HOOKED), I got a job in a
+different department as a student assistant in computers.  I worked on
+one of the early VAX 11/780's running VMS, and no games were available
+for it at that time.  The engineering lab got a real geek of an
+administrator who thought the only purpose of a computer was WORK!
+Imagine...  Soooo, no more games, and no more rogue!
+This was intolerable!  So I decided to write my own rogue game, Moria
+Beta 1.0.  I had three languages available on my VMS system.  Fortran
+IV, PASCAL V1.?, and BASIC.  Since most of the game was string
+manipulation, I wrote the first attempt at Moria in VMS BASIC, and it
+looked a LOT like Rogue, at least what I could remember of it.  Then I
+began getting ideas of how to improve it, how it should work
+differently, and I pretty much didn't touch it for about a year.
+Around 1983, two things happened that caused Moria to be born in its
+recognizable form.  I was engaged to be married, and the only cure for
+THAT is to work so hard you can't think about it; and I was enrolled
+for fall to take an operating systems class in PASCAL.
+So, I investigated the new version of VMS PASCAL and found out it had
+a new feature.  Variable length strings!  Wow...
+That summer I finished Moria 1.0 in VMS PASCAL.  I learned more about
+data structures, optimization, and just plain programming that summer
+then in all of my years in school.  I soon drew a crowd of devoted
+Moria players...  All at OU.
+I asked Jimmey Todd, a good friend of mine, to write a better
+character generator for the game, and so the skills and history were
+born.  Jimmey helped out on many of the functions in the game as well.
+This would have been about Moria 2.0
+In the following two years, I listened a lot to my players and kept
+making enhancements to the game to fix problems, to challenge them,
+and to keep them going.  If anyone managed to win, I immediately found
+out how, and 'enhanced' the game to make it harder.  I once vowed it
+was 'unbeatable', and a week later a friend of mine beat it!  His
+character, 'Iggy', was placed into the game as 'The Evil Iggy', and
+immortalized...  And of course, I went in and plugged up the trick he
+used to win...
+Around 1985 I started sending out source to other universities.  Just
+before a OU / Texas football clash, I was asked to send a copy to the
+University of Texas...  I couldn't resist...  I modified it so that
+the begger on the town level was 'An OU football fan' and they moved
+at maximum rate.  They also multiplied at maximum rate...  So the
+first step you took and woke one up, it crossed the floor increasing
+to hundreds of them and pounded you into oblivion...  I soon received
+a call and provided instructions on how to 'de-enhance' the game!
+Around 1986 - 87 I released Moria 4.7, my last official release.  I
+was working on a Moria 5.0 when I left OU to go to work for American
+Airlines (and yes, I still work there).  Moria 5.0 was a complete
+rewrite, and contained many neat enhancements, features, you name it.
+It had water, streams, lakes, pools, with water monsters.  It had
+'mysterious orbs' which could be carried like torches for light but
+also gave off magical aura's (like protection from fire, or aggravate
+monster...).  It had new weapons and treasures...  I left it with the
+student assistants at OU to be finished, but I guess it soon died on
+the vine.  As far as I know, that source was lost...
+I gave permission to anyone who asked to work on the game.  Several
+people asked if they could convert it to 'C', and I said fine as long
+as a complete credit history was maintained, and that it could NEVER
+be sold, only given.  So I guess one or more of them succeeded in
+their efforts to rewrite it in 'C'.
+I have since received thousands of letters from all over the world
+from players telling about their exploits, and from administrators
+cursing the day I was born...  I received mail from behind the iron
+curtain (while it was still standing) talking about the game on VAX's
+(which supposedly couldn't be there due to export laws).  I used to
+have a map with pins for every letter I received, but I gave up on
+I am very happy to learn my creation keeps on going...  I plan to
+download it and Angband and play them...  Maybe something has been
+added that will surprise me!  That would be nice...  I never got to
+play Moria and be surprised...
+Robert Alan Koeneke
+=== Previous Versions (outdated) ===
+                          VMS Moria Version 4.8
+Version 0.1  : 03/25/83
+Version 1.0  : 05/01/84
+Version 2.0  : 07/10/84
+Version 3.0  : 11/20/84
+Version 4.0  : 01/20/85
+Modules :
+     V1.0  Dungeon Generator      - RAK
+           Character Generator    - RAK & JWT
+           Moria Module           - RAK
+           Miscellaneous          - RAK & JWT
+     V2.0  Town Level & Misc      - RAK
+     V3.0  Internal Help & Misc   - RAK
+     V4.0  Source Release Version - RAK
+Robert Alan Koeneke               Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.
+Student/University of Oklahoma    Student/University of Oklahoma
+                        Umoria Version 5.2 (formerly UNIX Moria)
+Version 4.83 :  5/14/87
+Version 4.85 : 10/26/87
+Version 4.87 :  5/27/88
+Version 5.0  :  11/2/89
+Version 5.2  :   5/9/90
+James E. Wilson, U.C. Berkeley
+                 wilso****@ernie*****
+                 ...!ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson
+Other contributors:
+D. G. Kneller         - MSDOS Moria port
+Christopher J. Stuart - recall, options, inventory, and running code
+Curtis McCauley       - Macintosh Moria port
+Stephen A. Jacobs     - Atari ST Moria port
+William Setzer        - object naming code
+David J. Grabiner     - numerous bug reports, and consistency checking
+Dan Bernstein         - UNIX hangup signal fix, many bug fixes
+and many others...
+Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Keoneke
+  This software may be copied and distributed for educational,
+  research, and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright
+  and statement are included in all such copies.
+Umoria Version 5.2, patch level 1
+Angband Version 2.0  Alex Cutler, Andy Astrand, Sean Marsh, Geoff Hill, 
+                     Charles Teague.
+Angband Version 2.4   :  5/09/93
+Angband Version 2.5   : 12/05/93 Charles Swiger.
+Angband Version 2.6   :  9/04/94
+Angband Version 2.7   :  1/1/95  Ben Harrison
+Original   : (??)
+Updated    : (??)
+Updated    : Zangband DevTeam
+Updated    : Hengband 1.5.3

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