[cocomonar-dev] it is good to have fa

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Freidet vulgu****@monkm*****
2009年 8月 25日 (火) 05:20:16 JST

F the world, and yet considers himself infinitely superior to me a young
man in the prime of life, with a good constitution and happy prospects,
it makes me turn away to hide a smile." By this time we had left the
river and the meadows far behind us, and were passing through a thick
wood. The road was narrow and very broken, and Fleetfoot was obliged to
pick his way carefully. "Why does the Englishman live in this
out-of-the-way place, if he is so fond of city life?" said Miss Laura.
"I don't know," said Mr. Harry. "Father is afraid that he has committed
some misdeed, and is in hiding; but we say nothing about it. We have not
seen him for some weeks, and to tell the truth, this trip is as much to
see what has become of him, as to make a demand upon him for the money.
As he lives alone, he might lie there ill, and no one would know
anything about it. The last time that we knew of his coming to the
village was to draw quite a sum of money from the bank. It annoyed
father, for he said he might take some of it to pay his debts. I think
his relatives in England supply him with funds. Here we are at t

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