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Feras Jeong Feras****@blue-*****
2007年 9月 21日 (金) 19:36:26 JST

R_umor N,e+w+s+: 

On-co'logy M e d,. I-n_c..  (OT+C: ON.CO) a C-ancer Tre,atme.nt Solu+_tions G_roup is s'a*i,d to h a+v.e 
experie*n'ced o*v*e+r a 1,000% inc*re-ase in rev,enu+es f-o,r t-h-e fisca.l 3_r+d quar+ter endin,g J_u'l y+, 

2-0+0-7 co.+mpared w*i_t-h t+h_e pr.ior y'e,a r whi-le fis cal fo-urth quart+er res+ults f*o'r 2_0+0-7 a,r+e on

t'rack to exce-ed t+h_i+s year’_s th,ird qua-rter resul ts. 

O*N+C,O addit.ion_ally pla+ns to inc,reas.e servic.e o,ffer+ings w+hich a.r.e cu*rren'tly u nderw,ay. 

Don’+t w-a,i.t f,o_r t.h-e n_e w+s to c o m-e o.u+t a,n+d l+o_s.e t'h.e oppor.tunit-y to g*e,t in fr-ont of the
g eneral investi,-ng publi_c.  Oncolo.'gy M,e d is in a multi*billio.n d_ollar i+ndus-try w-h*e,r'e 

t h,e,y a,r*e g'aining m.arket shar'e r+apidly. 

C,a-l-l y,o.u r b.roker n-o*w f,o r O*N_C.O+. 

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