Elana Krahler
2007年 8月 14日 (火) 03:08:38 JST
H+u_g'e N-e w*s To Imp act C,Y'T'V Ch-ina YouT*V C o_r'p'. Symb*ol: C.Y'T,V We h_a-v+e a lready s-e'e-n CYTV.'s ma.rket impac-t befo're c'limbin,g to o,v+e-r $2.0*0 w i_t,h n'e.w*s . P-ress Release,: Chin-a Y_ouTV's C'nBoo W+e_b S+i't_e Ran+ks N,o*.,1 on Micr osof-t L-i*v-e Sea'rch E_ngine CnB oo T'raffic Inc*rea-ses 4*9*% O'v+e-r T+w+o Mon,ths R_e'a,d t+h.e new,s, t,hink ab*out t h*e imp_act, and j*u.m_p on t,h.i,s fi rst t+hing Tom.-orrow m'or+ning! $0._42 is a g i.f+t at t_h*i+s price._ .... Do y_o*u_r hom. ework a'n-d w-atch t'h,i.s tr-ade Mo.nday mornin*g. What'+s wors*e is t+h'i.s is a.l+l my f_ault. T'h-e B a+n.d stretc.he_d o-u-t nor*thw*ard beh,ind th'em, hors'e a,n.d f*o.o+t ben-eath a risi-ng t*a+i'l of d-ust, banne-rs f,lying b'u_t d'rums silent*, ac ross l,o,w h'ills cove-red w-i*t-h spars,e scru_b a,n*d s.cattere_d thi-ckets_. There_'s t+h,e s-mell of vine+gar., a-n_d t h*e f-i,r,e on y,o,u.r h*a*n_d at t,h e e.n d of t,h.e l+o n g r+o-a_d g'o'e_s o-u*t.. Sinc e t,h e microproce'sso'r is t'h+e de.+stination of t,h-e r-eset, we c.an't d.epend on it as p*a+r_t of t_h+e r'eset p_a*t_h*. A*n+y appli cation_, l*i'k_e Gene+'ric, t'h.a t ca*lls i_t+s o-w+n loc*al funct io-n m_u+s't h a-v*e a stack,.