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Darcy Ladd adami****@chrop*****
2006年 2月 3日 (金) 18:15:28 JST

OTC.BB Market Release

Legendary Palace Theme Park Pushes DKDY Up The Market, Price Up 240% Since Dec And 
Volume UP 13% today.

Symbol:  DKDY
Short:  $2.35 - 2.55
INDICATOR:  str0ng buy


For several weeks we have been keeping you up to date on D K D Y's steady growth from 
$0.65 last month to $1.60 by close Today.

The market interest in DKDY continues to grow as information about the theme park and 
its upcoming events, pushing the stock to new hights daily.

About the park

1974 brought the discovery of the world famous Terricaota Warriors and Horses and the 
uncovering of the Qin Dynasty's greatest achievements. This site has been China's most 
visited landmark and draws nearly $350 Million anually.

After having visited the relics and sites of the "Natural History Museum", The Museum of 
Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses; praised as "the eighth major miracle of the world; the 
Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty, the 3000 year old 
Banpo Village Remains, and the Forest of Stone Steles, tourists will now be taken back in 
time to a nightly banquet and dance show held in the palace lobby of the legandary E-Pang 
Palace capable of holding 10,000 visiters which is in the middle of the park.

These nightly banquets are expected to double the yearly visitors to the park and increase 
revenues by $3.4 million annually.

There is no wonder this stock has been taking off, as they draw closer to the new evening 
programs to go in place in early April. 

Put your buy in for first thing in the morning and take advantage of this upward moving 

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